mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 07:21:05 +00:00
- ported Exhumed's map to the ScreenJob interface.
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 340 additions and 334 deletions
@ -472,7 +472,8 @@ public:
auto& job = jobs[index];
auto now = I_nsTime();
bool skiprequest = inputState.CheckAllInput();
bool processed = job.job->ProcessInput();
bool skiprequest = inputState.CheckAllInput() && !processed;
if (startTime == -1) startTime = now;
if (M_Active())
@ -26,6 +26,11 @@ public:
DScreenJob(int fade = 0, float fadet = 250.f) : fadestyle(fade), fadetime(fadet) {}
virtual bool ProcessInput()
return false;
void SetClock(int64_t nsnow)
@ -163,17 +163,17 @@ void InitFonts()
void DrawAbs(int tile, double x, double y)
void DrawAbs(int tile, double x, double y, int shade = 0)
DrawTexture(twod, tileGetTexture(tile), x, y, DTA_FullscreenScale, FSMode_ScaleToFit43, DTA_VirtualWidth, 320, DTA_VirtualHeight, 200, DTA_TopLeft, true, TAG_DONE);
DrawTexture(twod, tileGetTexture(tile), x, y, DTA_FullscreenScale, FSMode_ScaleToFit43, DTA_VirtualWidth, 320, DTA_VirtualHeight, 200, DTA_TopLeft, true, DTA_Color, shadeToLight(shade), TAG_DONE);
void DrawRel(int tile, double x, double y)
void DrawRel(int tile, double x, double y, int shade = 0)
// This is slightly different than what the backend does here, but critical for some graphics.
int offx = (tileWidth(tile) >> 1) + tileLeftOffset(tile);
int offy = (tileHeight(tile) >> 1) + tileTopOffset(tile);
DrawAbs(tile, x - offx, y - offy);
DrawAbs(tile, x - offx, y - offy, shade);
@ -561,4 +561,323 @@ void DoTitle(CompletionFunc completion)
// pre-level map display
static const int8_t MapLevelOffsets[] = { 0, 50, 10, 20, 0, 45, -20, 20, 5, 0, -10, 10, 30, -20, 0, 20, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
short nTile;
short xOffs;
short yOffs;
// 22 bytes
struct MapNamePlaque
short xPos;
short yPos;
static const MapNamePlaque mapNamePlaques[] = {
{ 100, 170, kTile3376, 0, 0, kTile3377, 0, 0, kTile3411, 18, 6 },
{ 230, 10, kTile3378, 0, 0, kTile3379, 0, 0, kTile3414, 18, 6 }, // DENDUR (level 2)
{ 180, 125, kTile3380, 0, 0, kTile3381, 0, 0, kTile3417, 18, 6 }, // Kalabash
{ 10, 95, kTile3382, 0, 0, kTile3383, 0, 0, kTile3420, 18, 6 },
{ 210, 160, kTile3384, 0, 0, kTile3385, 0, 0, kTile3423, 18, 6 },
{ 10, 110, kTile3371, 0, 0, kTile3386, 0, 0, kTile3426, 18, 6 },
{ 10, 50, kTile3387, 0, 0, kTile3388, 0, 0, kTile3429, 18, 6 },
{ 140, 0, kTile3389, 0, 0, kTile3390, 0, 0, kTile3432, 18, 6 },
{ 30, 20, kTile3391, 0, 0, kTile3392, 0, 0, kTile3435, 18, 6 },
{ 200, 150, kTile3409, 0, 0, kTile3410, 0, 0, kTile3418, 20, 4 },
{ 145, 170, kTile3393, 0, 0, kTile3394, 0, 0, kTile3438, 18, 6 },
{ 80, 80, kTile3395, 0, 0, kTile3396, 0, 0, kTile3441, 18, 6 },
{ 15, 0, kTile3397, 0, 0, kTile3398, 0, 0, kTile3444, 18, 5 },
{ 220, 35, kTile3399, 0, 0, kTile3400, 0, 0, kTile3447, 18, 6 },
{ 190, 40, kTile3401, 0, 0, kTile3402, 0, 0, kTile3450, 18, 6 },
{ 20, 130, kTile3403, 0, 0, kTile3404, 0, 0, kTile3453, 19, 6 },
{ 220, 160, kTile3405, 0, 0, kTile3406, 0, 0, kTile3456, 18, 6 },
{ 20, 10, kTile3407, 0, 0, kTile3408, 0, 0, kTile3459, 18, 6 },
{ 200, 10, kTile3412, 0, 0, kTile3413, 0, 0, kTile3419, 18, 5 },
{ 20, 10, kTile3415, 0, 0, kTile3416, 0, 0, kTile3421, 19, 4 }
// 3 different types of fire, each with 4 frames
static const TILEFRAMEDEF FireTiles[3][4] = {
{{ kTile3484,0,3 },{ kTile3485,0,0 },{ kTile3486,0,3 },{ kTile3487,0,0 }},
{{ kTile3488,1,0 },{ kTile3489,1,0 },{ kTile3490,0,1 },{ kTile3491,1,1 }},
{{ kTile3492,1,2 },{ kTile3493,1,0 },{ kTile3494,1,2 },{ kTile3495,1,0 }}
struct Fire
short nFireType;
short xPos;
short yPos;
// 20 bytes
struct MapFire
short nFires;
Fire fires[3];
level 1 - 3 fires
level 2 - 3 fires
level 3 - 1 fire
static const MapFire MapLevelFires[] = {
3, {{0, 107, 95}, {1, 58, 140}, {2, 28, 38}},
3, {{2, 240, 0}, {0, 237, 32}, {1, 200, 30}},
2, {{2, 250, 57}, {0, 250, 43}, {2, 200, 70}},
2, {{1, 82, 59}, {2, 84, 16}, {0, 10, 95}},
2, {{2, 237, 50}, {1, 215, 42}, {1, 210, 50}},
3, {{0, 40, 7}, {1, 75, 6}, {2, 100, 10}},
3, {{0, 58, 61}, {1, 85, 80}, {2, 111, 63}},
3, {{0, 260, 65}, {1, 228, 0}, {2, 259, 15}},
2, {{0, 81, 38}, {2, 58, 38}, {2, 30, 20}},
3, {{0, 259, 49}, {1, 248, 76}, {2, 290, 65}},
3, {{2, 227, 66}, {0, 224, 98}, {1, 277, 30}},
2, {{0, 100, 10}, {2, 48, 76}, {2, 80, 80}},
3, {{0, 17, 2}, {1, 29, 49}, {2, 53, 28}},
3, {{0, 266, 42}, {1, 283, 99}, {2, 243, 108}},
2, {{0, 238, 19}, {2, 240, 92}, {2, 190, 40}},
2, {{0, 27, 0}, {1, 70, 40}, {0, 20, 130}},
3, {{0, 275, 65}, {1, 235, 8}, {2, 274, 6}},
3, {{0, 75, 45}, {1, 152, 105}, {2, 24, 68}},
3, {{0, 290, 25}, {1, 225, 63}, {2, 260, 110}},
0, {{1, 20, 10}, {1, 20, 10}, {1, 20, 10}}
static int gLevelNew; // this is needed to get the chosen level out of the map screen class
class DMapScreen : public DScreenJob
int i;
int x = 0;
int var_2C = 0;
int nIdleSeconds = 0;
int startTime = 0;
int runtimer = 0;
int curYPos, destYPos;
int nLevel, nLevelNew, nLevelBest;
DMapScreen(int nLevel_, int nLevelNew_, int nLevelBest_) : DScreenJob(fadein|fadeout), nLevel(nLevel_), nLevelNew(nLevelNew_), nLevelBest(nLevelBest_)
curYPos = MapLevelOffsets[nLevel] + (200 * (nLevel / 2));
destYPos = MapLevelOffsets[nLevelNew] + (200 * (nLevelNew / 2));
if (curYPos < destYPos) {
var_2C = 2;
if (curYPos > destYPos) {
var_2C = -2;
// Trim smoke in widescreen
#if 0
vec2_t mapwinxy1 = windowxy1, mapwinxy2 = windowxy2;
int32_t width = mapwinxy2.x - mapwinxy1.x + 1, height = mapwinxy2.y - mapwinxy1.y + 1;
if (3 * width > 4 * height)
mapwinxy1.x += (width - 4 * height / 3) / 2;
mapwinxy2.x -= (width - 4 * height / 3) / 2;
int Frame(uint64_t clock, bool skiprequest) override
int totalclock = int(clock * 120 / 1'000'000'000);
if ((totalclock - startTime) / kTimerTicks)
startTime = totalclock;
int tileY = curYPos;
// Draw the background screens
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
DrawAbs(kTile3353 + i, x, tileY);
tileY -= 200;
// for each level - drawing the 'level completed' on-fire smoke markers
for (i = 0; i < kMap20; i++)
int screenY = (i >> 1) * -200;
if (nLevelBest >= i) // check if the player has finished this level
for (int j = 0; j < MapLevelFires[i].nFires; j++)
int nFireFrame = (((int)totalclock >> 4) & 3);
assert(nFireFrame >= 0 && nFireFrame < 4);
int nFireType = MapLevelFires[i].fires[j].nFireType;
assert(nFireType >= 0 && nFireType < 3);
int nTile = FireTiles[nFireType][nFireFrame].nTile;
int smokeX = MapLevelFires[i].fires[j].xPos + FireTiles[nFireType][nFireFrame].xOffs;
int smokeY = MapLevelFires[i].fires[j].yPos + FireTiles[nFireType][nFireFrame].yOffs + curYPos + screenY;
// Use rotatesprite to trim smoke in widescreen
DrawAbs(nTile, smokeX, smokeY);
// Todo: mask out the sides of the screen if the background is not widescreen.
int t = ((((int)totalclock & 16) >> 4));
int nTile = mapNamePlaques[i].tiles[t].nTile;
int nameX = mapNamePlaques[i].xPos + mapNamePlaques[i].tiles[t].xOffs;
int nameY = mapNamePlaques[i].yPos + mapNamePlaques[i].tiles[t].yOffs + curYPos + screenY;
// Draw level name plaque
DrawAbs(nTile, nameX, nameY);
int8_t shade = 96;
if (nLevelNew == i)
shade = (Sin(16 * (int)totalclock) + 31) >> 8;
else if (nLevelBest >= i)
shade = 31;
int textY = mapNamePlaques[i].yPos + mapNamePlaques[i].text.yOffs + curYPos + screenY;
int textX = mapNamePlaques[i].xPos + mapNamePlaques[i].text.xOffs;
nTile = mapNamePlaques[i].text.nTile;
// draw the text, alternating between red and black
DrawAbs(nTile, textX, textY, shade);
if (curYPos != destYPos)
// scroll the map every couple of ms
if (totalclock - runtimer >= (kTimerTicks / 32)) {
curYPos += var_2C;
runtimer = (int)totalclock;
if (inputState.CheckAllInput())
if (var_2C < 8) {
var_2C *= 2;
if (curYPos > destYPos&& var_2C > 0) {
curYPos = destYPos;
if (curYPos < destYPos && var_2C < 0) {
curYPos = destYPos;
nIdleSeconds = 0;
gLevelNew = nLevelNew;
return skiprequest? -1 : nIdleSeconds < 12? 1 : 0;
bool ProcessInput() override
if (inputState.GetKeyStatus(sc_UpArrow))
if (curYPos == destYPos && nLevelNew <= nLevelBest)
assert(nLevelNew < 20);
destYPos = MapLevelOffsets[nLevelNew] + (200 * (nLevelNew / 2));
if (curYPos <= destYPos) {
var_2C = 2;
else {
var_2C = -2;
nIdleSeconds = 0;
return true;
if (inputState.GetKeyStatus(sc_DownArrow))
if (curYPos == destYPos && nLevelNew > 0)
assert(nLevelNew >= 0);
destYPos = MapLevelOffsets[nLevelNew] + (200 * (nLevelNew / 2));
if (curYPos <= destYPos) {
var_2C = 2;
else {
var_2C = -2;
nIdleSeconds = 0;
return true;
return false;
void menu_DrawTheMap(int nLevel, int nLevelNew, int nLevelBest, std::function<void(int)> completion)
if (nLevel > kMap20 || nLevelNew > kMap20) // max single player levels
nLevelBest = kMap20;
if (nLevel < 1) nLevel = 1;
if (nLevelNew < 1) nLevelNew = nLevel;
auto mycompletion = [=](bool)
// 0-offset the level numbers
gLevelNew = nLevelNew;
JobDesc job = { Create<DMapScreen>(nLevel-1, nLevelNew-1, nLevelBest-1) };
RunScreenJob(&job, 1, mycompletion);
@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "raze_sound.h"
#include "menu.h"
#include "v_2ddrawer.h"
#include "gamestate.h"
#include <string>
#include <assert.h>
@ -106,20 +107,6 @@ unsigned int menu_RandomBit2()
return result;
int menu_RandomLong2()
int randLong = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++)
int val = menu_RandomBit2();
randLong *= 2;
randLong |= val;
return randLong;
void InitEnergyTile()
memset(energytile, 96, sizeof(energytile));
@ -287,319 +274,6 @@ void DoEnergyTile()
int8_t MapLevelOffsets[] = { 0, 50, 10, 20, 0, 45, -20, 20, 5, 0, -10, 10, 30, -20, 0, 20, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
short nTile;
short xOffs;
short yOffs;
// 22 bytes
struct MapNamePlaque
short xPos;
short yPos;
MapNamePlaque mapNamePlaques[] = {
{ 100, 170, kTile3376, 0, 0, kTile3377, 0, 0, kTile3411, 18, 6 },
{ 230, 10, kTile3378, 0, 0, kTile3379, 0, 0, kTile3414, 18, 6 }, // DENDUR (level 2)
{ 180, 125, kTile3380, 0, 0, kTile3381, 0, 0, kTile3417, 18, 6 }, // Kalabash
{ 10, 95, kTile3382, 0, 0, kTile3383, 0, 0, kTile3420, 18, 6 },
{ 210, 160, kTile3384, 0, 0, kTile3385, 0, 0, kTile3423, 18, 6 },
{ 10, 110, kTile3371, 0, 0, kTile3386, 0, 0, kTile3426, 18, 6 },
{ 10, 50, kTile3387, 0, 0, kTile3388, 0, 0, kTile3429, 18, 6 },
{ 140, 0, kTile3389, 0, 0, kTile3390, 0, 0, kTile3432, 18, 6 },
{ 30, 20, kTile3391, 0, 0, kTile3392, 0, 0, kTile3435, 18, 6 },
{ 200, 150, kTile3409, 0, 0, kTile3410, 0, 0, kTile3418, 20, 4 },
{ 145, 170, kTile3393, 0, 0, kTile3394, 0, 0, kTile3438, 18, 6 },
{ 80, 80, kTile3395, 0, 0, kTile3396, 0, 0, kTile3441, 18, 6 },
{ 15, 0, kTile3397, 0, 0, kTile3398, 0, 0, kTile3444, 18, 5 },
{ 220, 35, kTile3399, 0, 0, kTile3400, 0, 0, kTile3447, 18, 6 },
{ 190, 40, kTile3401, 0, 0, kTile3402, 0, 0, kTile3450, 18, 6 },
{ 20, 130, kTile3403, 0, 0, kTile3404, 0, 0, kTile3453, 19, 6 },
{ 220, 160, kTile3405, 0, 0, kTile3406, 0, 0, kTile3456, 18, 6 },
{ 20, 10, kTile3407, 0, 0, kTile3408, 0, 0, kTile3459, 18, 6 },
{ 200, 10, kTile3412, 0, 0, kTile3413, 0, 0, kTile3419, 18, 5 },
{ 20, 10, kTile3415, 0, 0, kTile3416, 0, 0, kTile3421, 19, 4 }
// 3 different types of fire, each with 4 frames
TILEFRAMEDEF FireTiles[3][4] = {
{{ kTile3484,0,3 },{ kTile3485,0,0 },{ kTile3486,0,3 },{ kTile3487,0,0 }},
{{ kTile3488,1,0 },{ kTile3489,1,0 },{ kTile3490,0,1 },{ kTile3491,1,1 }},
{{ kTile3492,1,2 },{ kTile3493,1,0 },{ kTile3494,1,2 },{ kTile3495,1,0 }}
struct Fire
short nFireType;
short xPos;
short yPos;
// 20 bytes
struct MapFire
short nFires;
Fire fires[3];
level 1 - 3 fires
level 2 - 3 fires
level 3 - 1 fire
MapFire MapLevelFires[] = {
3, {{0, 107, 95}, {1, 58, 140}, {2, 28, 38}},
3, {{2, 240, 0}, {0, 237, 32}, {1, 200, 30}},
2, {{2, 250, 57}, {0, 250, 43}, {2, 200, 70}},
2, {{1, 82, 59}, {2, 84, 16}, {0, 10, 95}},
2, {{2, 237, 50}, {1, 215, 42}, {1, 210, 50}},
3, {{0, 40, 7}, {1, 75, 6}, {2, 100, 10}},
3, {{0, 58, 61}, {1, 85, 80}, {2, 111, 63}},
3, {{0, 260, 65}, {1, 228, 0}, {2, 259, 15}},
2, {{0, 81, 38}, {2, 58, 38}, {2, 30, 20}},
3, {{0, 259, 49}, {1, 248, 76}, {2, 290, 65}},
3, {{2, 227, 66}, {0, 224, 98}, {1, 277, 30}},
2, {{0, 100, 10}, {2, 48, 76}, {2, 80, 80}},
3, {{0, 17, 2}, {1, 29, 49}, {2, 53, 28}},
3, {{0, 266, 42}, {1, 283, 99}, {2, 243, 108}},
2, {{0, 238, 19}, {2, 240, 92}, {2, 190, 40}},
2, {{0, 27, 0}, {1, 70, 40}, {0, 20, 130}},
3, {{0, 275, 65}, {1, 235, 8}, {2, 274, 6}},
3, {{0, 75, 45}, {1, 152, 105}, {2, 24, 68}},
3, {{0, 290, 25}, {1, 225, 63}, {2, 260, 110}},
0, {{1, 20, 10}, {1, 20, 10}, {1, 20, 10}}
int menu_DrawTheMap(int nLevel, int nLevelNew, int nLevelBest)
int i;
int x = 0;
int var_2C = 0;
int nIdleSeconds = 0;
int bFadeDone = false;
int startTime = (int)totalclock;
videoSetViewableArea(0, 0, xdim - 1, ydim - 1);
// 0-offset the level numbers
if (nLevel >= kMap20) { // max single player levels
return -1;
if (nLevelNew >= kMap20) {
return -1;
if (nLevel < 0) {
nLevel = 0;
if (nLevelNew < 0) {
nLevelNew = nLevel;
int curYPos = MapLevelOffsets[nLevel] + (200 * (nLevel / 2));
int destYPos = MapLevelOffsets[nLevelNew] + (200 * (nLevelNew / 2));
if (curYPos < destYPos) {
var_2C = 2;
if (curYPos > destYPos) {
var_2C = -2;
int runtimer = (int)totalclock;
// Trim smoke in widescreen
vec2_t mapwinxy1 = windowxy1, mapwinxy2 = windowxy2;
int32_t width = mapwinxy2.x - mapwinxy1.x + 1, height = mapwinxy2.y - mapwinxy1.y + 1;
if (3 * width > 4 * height)
mapwinxy1.x += (width - 4 * height / 3) / 2;
mapwinxy2.x -= (width - 4 * height / 3) / 2;
// User has 12 seconds to do something on the map screen before loading the current level
while (nIdleSeconds < 12)
if (((int)totalclock - startTime) / kTimerTicks)
startTime = (int)totalclock;
int tileY = curYPos;
// Draw the background screens
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
overwritesprite(x, tileY, kTile3353 + i, 0, 2, kPalNormal);
tileY -= 200;
// for each level - drawing the 'level completed' on-fire smoke markers
for (i = 0; i < kMap20; i++)
int screenY = (i >> 1) * -200;
if (nLevelBest >= i) // check if the player has finished this level
for (int j = 0; j < MapLevelFires[i].nFires; j++)
int nFireFrame = (((int)totalclock >> 4) & 3);
assert(nFireFrame >= 0 && nFireFrame < 4);
int nFireType = MapLevelFires[i].fires[j].nFireType;
assert(nFireType >= 0 && nFireType < 3);
int nTile = FireTiles[nFireType][nFireFrame].nTile;
int smokeX = MapLevelFires[i].fires[j].xPos + FireTiles[nFireType][nFireFrame].xOffs;
int smokeY = MapLevelFires[i].fires[j].yPos + FireTiles[nFireType][nFireFrame].yOffs + curYPos + screenY;
// Use rotatesprite to trim smoke in widescreen
rotatesprite(smokeX << 16, smokeY << 16, 65536L, 0,
nTile, 0, kPalNormal, 16 + 2, mapwinxy1.x, mapwinxy1.y, mapwinxy2.x, mapwinxy2.y);
// overwritesprite(smokeX, smokeY, nTile, 0, 2, kPalNormal);
int t = ((((int)totalclock & 16) >> 4));
int nTile = mapNamePlaques[i].tiles[t].nTile;
int nameX = mapNamePlaques[i].xPos + mapNamePlaques[i].tiles[t].xOffs;
int nameY = mapNamePlaques[i].yPos + mapNamePlaques[i].tiles[t].yOffs + curYPos + screenY;
// Draw level name plaque
overwritesprite(nameX, nameY, nTile, 0, 2, kPalNormal);
int8_t shade = 96;
if (nLevelNew == i)
shade = (Sin(16 * (int)totalclock) + 31) >> 8;
else if (nLevelBest >= i)
shade = 31;
int textY = mapNamePlaques[i].yPos + mapNamePlaques[i].text.yOffs + curYPos + screenY;
int textX = mapNamePlaques[i].xPos + mapNamePlaques[i].text.xOffs;
nTile = mapNamePlaques[i].text.nTile;
// draw the text, alternating between red and black
overwritesprite(textX, textY, nTile, shade, 2, kPalNormal);
if (!bFadeDone)
bFadeDone = true;
if (curYPos == destYPos)
if (inputState.GetKeyStatus(sc_UpArrow))
if (nLevelNew <= nLevelBest)
assert(nLevelNew < 20);
destYPos = MapLevelOffsets[nLevelNew] + (200 * (nLevelNew / 2));
if (curYPos <= destYPos) {
var_2C = 2;
else {
var_2C = -2;
nIdleSeconds = 0;
if (inputState.GetKeyStatus(sc_DownArrow))
if (nLevelNew > 0)
assert(nLevelNew >= 0);
destYPos = MapLevelOffsets[nLevelNew] + (200 * (nLevelNew / 2));
if (curYPos <= destYPos) {
var_2C = 2;
else {
var_2C = -2;
nIdleSeconds = 0;
if (inputState.CheckAllInput())
return nLevelNew + 1;
// scroll the map every couple of ms
if (totalclock - runtimer >= (kTimerTicks / 32)) {
curYPos += var_2C;
runtimer = (int)totalclock;
if (inputState.CheckAllInput())
if (var_2C < 8) {
var_2C *= 2;
if (curYPos > destYPos&& var_2C > 0) {
curYPos = destYPos;
if (curYPos < destYPos && var_2C < 0) {
curYPos = destYPos;
nIdleSeconds = 0;
return nLevelNew + 1;
int menu_NewGameMenu()
@ -1083,6 +757,8 @@ void CheckBeforeScene(int nLevel)
int SyncScreenJob();
int showmap(short nLevel, short nLevelNew, short nLevelBest)
@ -1094,7 +770,12 @@ int showmap(short nLevel, short nLevelNew, short nLevelBest)
int selectedLevel = menu_DrawTheMap(nLevel, nLevelNew, nLevelBest);
int selectedLevel;
menu_DrawTheMap(nLevel, nLevelNew, nLevelBest, [&](int lev){
gamestate = GS_LEVEL;
selectedLevel = lev;
if (selectedLevel == 11) {
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ void menu_GameLoad2(FILE *fp, bool bIsDemo = false);
void menu_GameSave2(FILE *fp);
void menu_GameSave(int nSaveSlot);
int menu_DrawTheMap(int nLevel, int param_B, int param_C);
void menu_DrawTheMap(int nLevel, int nLevelNew, int nLevelBest, std::function<void(int)> completion);
void DoEnergyTile();
Reference in a new issue