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synced 2025-03-06 16:51:08 +00:00
Lunatic: document vector types, add forgotten warning icon.
git-svn-id: https://svn.eduke32.com/eduke32@3895 1a8010ca-5511-0410-912e-c29ae57300e0
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@ -29,7 +29,8 @@ more broadly and accessibly in the {PiL}[Programming in Lua] books.
Because Lunatic is implemented using {LuaJIT}[LuaJIT], a just-in-time compiler
for the Lua language, some {LuaJIText}[extensions] to the core language are
automatically available. They may be used if no compatibility with Rio Lua 5.1
is desired.
is desired.footnote:[Not all extensions from LuaJIT are available, since some
like the FFI are targeted at C programmers rather than scripting coders.]
NOTE: The length operator (`#`) for table arguments should be taken to be
defined by the http://www.lua.org/manual/5.2/manual.html#3.4.6[stricter wording
@ -139,13 +140,21 @@ that base name suffixed with `.lua` in the EDuke32 search path (virtual file
system, GRP, ZIP). Using directory separators directly is not allowed.
The loaded module is protected so that write accesses to its table yield
errors. Unlike Lua, our `module` does not return *true* when a module is
++require++d that has not yet finished loading (that is, the inclusion chain
errors. Unlike in Lua, our `require` does not return *true* when a module is
requested that has not yet finished loading (that is, the inclusion chain
contains a loop). Instead, an error is raised.
Issuing `require` for ```end_gamevars`'' has a special meaning that is described
below. A `require` for ```CON.DEFS`'' returns a table mapping labels ++define++d from
CON to their values, except for `NO`.
Lunatic's `require` allows passing additional arguments to the module to load.
On the module side, they can be obtained by examining the vararg expression
``++\...++'' at file scope. Given a definition of `args` as `{...}`, its
first element `args[1]` would contain `modname` and the following entries the
values passed in addition to `require`. This feature is useful for
parametrizing a module: for example, it could provide a way alter the starting
tile number of an actor it defines.
Issuing `require` for ```end_gamevars`'' has a special meaning that is
described below. A `require` for ```CON.DEFS`'' returns a table mapping labels
++define++d from CON to their values, except for `NO`.
==== The `module()` function
@ -160,13 +169,21 @@ one call to `module`, which (if there is one) *must* be called at file scope.
Lunatic has a special mechanism to mark variables that represent persistent
state and whose values should be stored in savegames. If such variables are
desired, they must be initialized between the `module` call in a Lua file and a
closing `require("end_gamevars")`. These variables may also be *`local`*.
closing `require("end_gamevars")`.footnote:[The reason that the initialization
has to happen between the `module` and the `require('end_gamevars')` is that on
savegame loading, gamevars are restored from the latter.] These variables may
also be *`local`*.
CAUTION: A game variable must contain a non-nil value at any time. Otherwise,
the behavior is undefined.
Game variables may take on only values of types that Lunatic knows how to
serialize into savegames. These are the following:
// TODO: when are they restored, example
* booleans, numbers, and strings
* tables, but with restrictions on their contents and topology described below (TODO)
* custom Lunatic types that are labeled _serializeable_ in their documentation
// [icon="icons/din_w_collapse.png"]
// TODO: example?
// TODO: the rest
@ -332,6 +349,7 @@ number from --2^_B_--1^ to 2^_B_--1^--1. +
* A member of unsigned integer type and bit width _B_ can contain any whole
number from 0 to 2^_B_^--1.
* If an assignment to a member having signed integer type is made, the
``right-hand side'' value must be a number in the closed interval
@ -457,7 +475,7 @@ will label a sector reference.
`cf.picnum` (read-only)::
The tile number of the ceiling or floor.
[[cf_stat]] _`u16`_ `cf.stat`, _`bitfield`_ `cf.statbits`::
[[cf_stat]] _`u16`_ `cf.stat`, {nbsp} _`bitfield`_ `cf.statbits`::
A bit field holding various flags about how the ceiling or floor shoud be
displayed, how collision detection should be handled, etc.
The <<sector_STAT,`sector.STAT`>>
@ -468,7 +486,7 @@ If `cf.stat` has bit `sector.STAT.SLOPE` set, the tangent of the slope angle
multiplied by 4096. Positive values make the ceiling or floor slope towards
the floor, negative ones slope upward.
_`i32`_ `cf.z`::
[[cf_z]] _`i32`_ `cf.z`::
The BUILD z coordinate (scaled by 16 compared to the x and y directions) of the
pivoting line of the ceiling or floor.
@ -511,6 +529,7 @@ These name single bits:
===== `wall`
Accessible from `0` to `gv.numwalls-1`. Each element has the following
@ -518,6 +537,10 @@ members:
`x`, `y`::
The 2D coordinates or this wall point. Should not be set directly.
`z` (read-only)::
Always yields `0`. The primary purpose of this field is to make wall references
permissible as arguments to <<vector_types,`xmath` vector>> operations.
`point2` (read-only)::
The index of the second wall point.
@ -530,7 +553,7 @@ For walls constrained by TROR extension, the upper and lower neighbor walls,
respectively. Any of them may be `-1`, meaning that the wall is not attached to
a neighbor in this direction.
[[wall_cstat]] _`u16`_ `cstat`, _`bitfield`_ `cstatbits`::
[[wall_cstat]] _`u16`_ `cstat`, {nbsp} _`bitfield`_ `cstatbits`::
A bit field holding various flags about how the wall shoud be
displayed, how collision detection should be handled, etc.
The <<wall_CSTAT,`wall.CSTAT`>>
@ -604,7 +627,7 @@ _`i16`_ `ang`::
TODO (make set_ang() out of that which always ANDs with 2047?)
[[sprite_cstat]] _`u16`_ `cstat`, _`bitfield`_ `cstatbits`::
[[sprite_cstat]] _`u16`_ `cstat`, {nbsp} _`bitfield`_ `cstatbits`::
A bit field holding various flags about how the sprite shoud be
displayed, how collision detection should be handled, etc.
The <<sprite_CSTAT,`sprite.CSTAT`>>
@ -682,10 +705,11 @@ Allows to manually change the status number of the sprite with index `i` to
===== `sprite` overridden operators
Returns an `xmath.vec3` object that is the position of this sprite, diminished
by `zofs` in the z direction. Because in BUILD, z coordinates increase toward
the floor, the `^` can be thought of as ``raise the sprite by `zofs` units''.
[[sprite_power]] `spr^zofs`::
Returns an <<vector_types,`xmath.ivec3`>> object that contains the position of
this sprite, diminished by `zofs` in the z direction. Because in BUILD, z
coordinates increase toward the floor, the `^` can be thought of as ``raise the
sprite by `zofs` units''.
===== `sprite` static data
@ -823,11 +847,15 @@ input arguments: `func(aci, pli, dist)`.
* `aci`: the sprite number of the actor invoking `func`
* `pli`: the index of the player that is nearest to this actor
* `dist`: the 3D Manhattan distance
footnote:[The Manhattan distance between points _p_~1~=(x~1~, y~1~, z~1~) and
_p_~2~=(x~2~, y~2~, z~2~) is defined as abs(x~2~ -- x~1~) + abs(y~2~ -- y~1~)
+ abs(z~2~ -- z~1~).]
footnoteref:[mhdist_def,The Manhattan distance between points
_p_~1~=(x~1~, y~1~, z~1~) and _p_~2~=(x~2~, y~2~, z~2~) is
defined as abs(x~2~ -- x~1~) + abs(y~2~ -- y~1~) + abs(z~2~ -- z~1~).]
between actor `aci` and player `pli`
// NOTE: , is the comma; the footnote would be truncated at it otherwise.
// For a related issue, see
// http://www.methods.co.nz/asciidoc/faq.html#_why_am_i_having_trouble_getting_nested_macros_to_work
Additionally, `gameactor` accepts optional input arguments. They can be
specifyed positionally by following `tilenum`, or be given as values to string
keys of the argument table. Each such input argument may be provided in at most
@ -835,10 +863,9 @@ one of these two forms. Furthermore, `func` may be provided as value to the
key `'func'` as well.
`[2] flags`::
A number that controls both certain aspects of the `gameactor` call as well as
the run-time behavior of the actor itself. A couple of the latter type are
listed in <<actor_FLAGS,`actor.FLAGS`>>, abbreviated `AF` in the following.
the run-time behavior of the actor itself. A couple of bits for the latter type
are listed in <<actor_FLAGS,`actor.FLAGS`>>, abbreviated `AF` in the following.
These values describe the ``type'' of the actor: `AF.enemy`, `AF.enemystayput`
and `AF.rotfixed`. Except for `enemystayput`, they name single bits
@ -926,4 +953,119 @@ out e.g. trigonometrical calculations, there is a need for convenient
interoperability between the two ``worlds''.
Another purpose of the `xmath` module is to provide _vector_ types that allow
writing concise and clear code involving geometrical calculations.
writing concise and clear code involving geometrical calculations. There are
two types, both containing three components (`x`, `y` and `z`), but differing
in their numeric type. For the most part, `vec3` should be used, whose
components are Lua numbers, i.e. floating point. The other type, `ivec3`, is
part of some game structures, and consequently uses 32-bit integers for its
components. With minor differences, the `vec3` and `ivec3` types share the same
operations and methods.
The types `xmath.vec3` and `xmath.ivec3`
The constructors of the vector types can be called in several ways. In the
following, they are only described for `vec3`. The conventions for `ivec3` are
completely analogous, but since their creation involves a number type
conversion, the rules about <<int_assignment,assignment to integer types>>
`v = xmath.vec3([x [, y [, z]]])`::
Create a 3-element vector `v` by passing the `x`, `y` and `z` components
separately. Trailing components can be omitted, in which case they are
initialized to 0.
`v = xmath.vec3(t)`::
Create a 3-element vector `v` by passing `t`, which can be any variable
indexable with the strings `x`, `y` and `z` (and yielding numbers for these
lookups). For example, `t` can be another (`i`)`vec3`, a `sprite` or even
<<wall,`wall`>> reference, as each of them can be indexed with these three
Since the vector types are compound objects, they are always passed around by
reference. For example, consider executing
v = xmath.vec3(0, 1)
w = v
w.y = 2
After this code, the expression `v.x` yields `2` instead of `v`'s initial value
===== Operations for `vec3` and `ivec3`
In the following, `v` denotes a `vec3` or `ivec3` object reference while `t`
denotes any object indexable with `x`, `y` and `z`. Note that for binary
operations, Lua looks for overridden operators in the left operand first and
the right one next. So, where `t` appears on the left hand side of an
arithmetic expression, it is assumed that `t`'s type does not overload the
corresponding operation or provides the same semantics. Arithmetic operations
always return a (reference to a) new `vec3` object, even if any or both of the
operands have `ivec3` type.
`v + t`, {nbsp} `t + v`::
Returns a new `vec3` object whose components are the sum of the respective
components of `v` and `t`.
`v - t`, {nbsp} `t - v`::
Returns a new `vec3` object whose components are the difference of the
respective components of `v` and `t` (in the first case) or `t` and `v` (in the
second case).
Returns a new `vec3` object with the components of `v` negated.
`a*v`, {nbsp} `v*a`::
For a scalar number `a`, returns a new `vec3` object whose components are the
product of those of `v`, and `a`.
For a scalar number `a`, returns a new `vec3` object whose components are those
of `v` divided by `a`.
Returns an object of the same type as `v` and with the same components, except
that `v.z` is diminished by `zofs`. Also see the <<sprite_power,power
operation>> for `sprite` objects.
Returns a string representation of `v` for display purposes: ```vec3`'' or
```ivec3`'', followed by the components of `v` in parentheses.
===== Methods for `vec3` and `ivec3`
Returns the Euclidean length of `v` in three dimensions.
Returns the squared Euclidean length of `v` in three dimensions.
Returns the Euclidean length of `v`, taking only the `x` and `y` components
into account.
Returns the squared Euclidean length of `v`, taking only the `x` and `y`
components into account.
Returns the length of `v` calculated using the Manhattan distance
footnoteref:[mhdist_def] in three dimensions between the origin and the
Returns a new `ivec3` object with the same components as `v`, but converted
<<int_assignment,to integers>>.
Returns a new vector of the same type as `v` which has the same `x` and `y`
components as `v`, but the `z` element divided by 16 (if `v` is a `vec3`) or
arithmetically right-shifted by 4 (if `v` is an
`ivec3`).footnote:[Right-shifting by 4 can be seen as a division by 16, but
with rounding towards negative infinity.] Also see the description of the
ceiling/floor <<cf_z,`z` member>>.
Returns a new vector of the same type as `v` which has the same `x` and `y`
components as `v`, but the `z` element multiplied with 16.
@ -34,3 +34,11 @@ onevent EVENT_JUMP
money 5
paper 3
// Speed up sector effects a little 8-)
gamevar ra_temp 0 0
eventloadactor GPSPEED
getactor[THISACTOR].lotag ra_temp
mulvar ra_temp 4
setactor[THISACTOR].lotag ra_temp
Reference in a new issue