@ -2742,7 +2742,7 @@ static void actNapalmMove(DBloodActor* actor)
if (pXSprite->data4 > 1)
GibSprite(pSprite, GIBTYPE_5, NULL, NULL);
GibSprite(pSprite, GIBTYPE_5, nullptr, nullptr);
int spawnparam[2];
spawnparam[0] = pXSprite->data4 >> 1;
spawnparam[1] = pXSprite->data4 - spawnparam[0];
@ -2880,7 +2880,7 @@ static DBloodActor* actDropFlag(DBloodActor* actor, int nType)
auto act2 = actDropItem(actor, nType);
if (act2 && gGameOptions.nGameType == 3)
evPost(act2->s().index, 3, 1800, kCallbackReturnFlag);
evPost(act2, 1800, kCallbackReturnFlag);
return act2;
@ -2949,7 +2949,7 @@ static bool actKillModernDude(DBloodActor* actor, DAMAGE_TYPE damageType)
auto pXSprite = &actor->x();
GENDUDEEXTRA* pExtra = genDudeExtra(pSprite);
if (pXSprite->txID <= 0 || getNextIncarnation(pXSprite) == NULL)
if (pXSprite->txID <= 0 || getNextIncarnation(pXSprite) == nullptr)
if (pExtra->weaponType == kGenDudeWeaponKamikaze && Chance(0x4000) && damageType != DAMAGE_TYPE_5 && damageType != DAMAGE_TYPE_4)
@ -3280,7 +3280,7 @@ static void zombieAxeNormalDeath(DBloodActor* actor, int nSeq)
else if (nSeq == 1 && Chance(0x4000))
seqSpawn(dudeInfo[nType].seqStartID + 7, actor, nDudeToGibClient1);
evPost(pSprite->index, 3, 0, kCallbackFXZombieSpurt);
evPost(actor, 0, kCallbackFXZombieSpurt);
sfxPlay3DSound(pSprite, 362, -1, 0);
actor->x().data1 = 35;
actor->x().data2 = 5;
@ -3308,7 +3308,7 @@ static void burningCultistDeath(DBloodActor* actor, int nSeq)
if (Chance(0x8000))
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
GibSprite(pSprite, GIBTYPE_7, NULL, NULL);
GibSprite(pSprite, GIBTYPE_7, nullptr, nullptr);
seqSpawn(dudeInfo[nType].seqStartID + 16 - Random(1), actor, nDudeToGibClient1);
@ -3454,7 +3454,7 @@ void actKillDude(DBloodActor* killerActor, DBloodActor* actor, DAMAGE_TYPE damag
if (pSprite->type != kDudeCultistBeast)
trTriggerSprite(pSprite->index, pXSprite, kCmdOff);
trTriggerSprite(actor, kCmdOff);
pSprite->flags |= 7;
checkAddFrag(killerActor, actor);
@ -3735,7 +3735,7 @@ static int actDamageThing(DBloodActor* source, DBloodActor* actor, int damage, D
case kModernThingEnemyLifeLeech:
GibSprite(pSprite, GIBTYPE_14, NULL, NULL);
GibSprite(pSprite, GIBTYPE_14, nullptr, nullptr);
pXSprite->data1 = pXSprite->data2 = pXSprite->data3 = pXSprite->DudeLockout = 0;
pXSprite->stateTimer = pXSprite->data4 = pXSprite->isTriggered = 0;
@ -3751,7 +3751,7 @@ static int actDamageThing(DBloodActor* source, DBloodActor* actor, int damage, D
trTriggerSprite(pSprite->index, pXSprite, kCmdOff);
trTriggerSprite(actor, kCmdOff);
switch (pSprite->type)
@ -3772,7 +3772,7 @@ static int actDamageThing(DBloodActor* source, DBloodActor* actor, int damage, D
case kThingFluorescent:
seqSpawn(12, 3, pSprite->extra, -1);
GibSprite(pSprite, GIBTYPE_6, NULL, NULL);
GibSprite(pSprite, GIBTYPE_6, nullptr, nullptr);
case kThingSpiderWeb:
@ -3781,14 +3781,14 @@ static int actDamageThing(DBloodActor* source, DBloodActor* actor, int damage, D
case kThingMetalGrate:
seqSpawn(21, 3, pSprite->extra, -1);
GibSprite(pSprite, GIBTYPE_4, NULL, NULL);
GibSprite(pSprite, GIBTYPE_4, nullptr, nullptr);
case kThingFlammableTree:
switch (pXSprite->data1)
case -1:
GibSprite(pSprite, GIBTYPE_14, NULL, NULL);
GibSprite(pSprite, GIBTYPE_14, nullptr, nullptr);
sfxPlay3DSound(pSprite->x, pSprite->y, pSprite->z, 312, pSprite->sectnum);
actPostSprite(actor, kStatFree);
@ -3828,7 +3828,7 @@ int actDamageSprite(DBloodActor* source, DBloodActor* actor, DAMAGE_TYPE damageT
if (source == nullptr) source = actor;
PLAYER* pSourcePlayer = NULL;
PLAYER* pSourcePlayer = nullptr;
if (source->IsPlayerActor()) pSourcePlayer = &gPlayer[source->s().type - kDudePlayer1];
if (!gGameOptions.bFriendlyFire && IsTargetTeammate(pSourcePlayer, pSprite)) return 0;
@ -3845,364 +3845,322 @@ int actDamageSprite(DBloodActor* source, DBloodActor* actor, DAMAGE_TYPE damageT
return damage >> 4;
// this was condensed to the parts actually in use.
void actHitcodeToData(int a1, HITINFO* pHitInfo, DBloodActor** pActor, walltype** a7)
assert(pHitInfo != nullptr);
int nSprite = -1;
int nWall = -1;
walltype* pWall = nullptr;
switch (a1)
case 3:
case 5:
nSprite = pHitInfo->hitsprite;
case 0:
case 4:
nWall = pHitInfo->hitwall;
if (nWall >= 0 && nWall < kMaxWalls) pWall = &wall[nWall];
if (pActor) *pActor = nSprite == -1 ? nullptr : &bloodActors[nSprite];
if (a7) *a7 = pWall;
void actHitcodeToData(int a1, HITINFO *pHitInfo, int *a3, spritetype **a4, XSPRITE **a5, int *a6, walltype **a7, XWALL **a8, int *a9, sectortype **a10, XSECTOR **a11)
static void actImpactMissile(DBloodActor* missileActor, int hitCode)
assert(pHitInfo != NULL);
int nSprite = -1;
spritetype *pSprite = NULL;
int nWall = -1;
walltype *pWall = NULL;
int nSector = -1;
sectortype *pSector = NULL;
switch (a1)
case 3:
case 5:
nSprite = pHitInfo->hitsprite;
assert(nSprite >= 0 && nSprite < kMaxSprites);
pSprite = &sprite[nSprite];
if (pSprite->extra > 0)
pXSprite = &xsprite[pSprite->extra];
case 0:
case 4:
nWall = pHitInfo->hitwall;
assert(nWall >= 0 && nWall < kMaxWalls);
pWall = &wall[nWall];
if (pWall->extra > 0)
pXWall = &xwall[pWall->extra];
case 1:
case 2:
case 6:
nSector = pHitInfo->hitsect;
assert(nSector >= 0 && nSector < kMaxSectors);
pSector = §or[nSector];
if (pSector->extra > 0)
pXSector = &xsector[pSector->extra];
if (a3)
*a3 = nSprite;
if (a4)
*a4 = pSprite;
if (a5)
*a5 = pXSprite;
if (a6)
*a6 = nWall;
if (a7)
*a7 = pWall;
if (a8)
*a8 = pXWall;
if (a9)
*a9 = nSector;
if (a10)
*a10 = pSector;
if (a11)
*a11 = pXSector;
auto pMissile = &missileActor->s();
XSPRITE* pXMissile = &missileActor->x();
auto missileOwner = missileActor->GetOwner();
void actImpactMissile(spritetype *pMissile, int hitCode)
int nXMissile = pMissile->extra;
assert(nXMissile > 0 && nXMissile < kMaxXSprites);
XSPRITE *pXMissile = &xsprite[pMissile->extra];
int nSpriteHit = -1; int nWallHit = -1; int nSectorHit = -1;
spritetype *pSpriteHit = NULL; XSPRITE *pXSpriteHit = NULL;
walltype *pWallHit = NULL; XWALL *pXWallHit = NULL;
sectortype *pSectorHit = NULL; XSECTOR *pXSectorHit = NULL;
DBloodActor* actorHit = nullptr;
walltype* pWallHit = nullptr;
actHitcodeToData(hitCode, &gHitInfo, &nSpriteHit, &pSpriteHit, &pXSpriteHit, &nWallHit, &pWallHit, &pXWallHit, &nSectorHit, &pSectorHit, &pXSectorHit);
const THINGINFO *pThingInfo = NULL; DUDEINFO *pDudeInfo = NULL;
actHitcodeToData(hitCode, &gHitInfo, &actorHit, &pWallHit);
spritetype* pSpriteHit = actorHit ? &actorHit->s() : nullptr;
XSPRITE* pXSpriteHit = actorHit && actorHit->hasX() ? &actorHit->x() : nullptr;
if (hitCode == 3 && pSpriteHit) {
switch (pSpriteHit->statnum) {
case kStatThing:
pThingInfo = &thingInfo[pSpriteHit->type - kThingBase];
case kStatDude:
pDudeInfo = getDudeInfo(pSpriteHit->type);
switch (pMissile->type) {
case kMissileLifeLeechRegular:
if (hitCode == 3 && pSpriteHit && (pThingInfo || pDudeInfo)) {
int nOwner = pMissile->owner;
DAMAGE_TYPE rand1 = (DAMAGE_TYPE)Random(7);
int rand2 = (7 + Random(7)) << 4;
int nDamage = actDamageSprite(nOwner, pSpriteHit, rand1, rand2);
if ((pThingInfo && pThingInfo->dmgControl[DAMAGE_TYPE_1] != 0) || (pDudeInfo && pDudeInfo->damageVal[DAMAGE_TYPE_1] != 0))
actBurnSprite(pMissile->owner, pXSpriteHit, 360);
const THINGINFO* pThingInfo = nullptr;
DUDEINFO* pDudeInfo = nullptr;
// by NoOne: make Life Leech heal user, just like it was in 1.0x versions
if (gGameOptions.weaponsV10x && !VanillaMode() && !DemoRecordStatus() && pDudeInfo != NULL) {
spritetype* pSource = &sprite[nOwner];
XSPRITE* pXSource = (pSource->extra >= 0) ? &xsprite[pSource->extra] : NULL;
if (hitCode == 3 && pSpriteHit)
switch (pSpriteHit->statnum)
case kStatThing:
pThingInfo = &thingInfo[pSpriteHit->type - kThingBase];
case kStatDude:
pDudeInfo = getDudeInfo(pSpriteHit->type);
switch (pMissile->type)
case kMissileLifeLeechRegular:
if (hitCode == 3 && pSpriteHit && (pThingInfo || pDudeInfo))
DAMAGE_TYPE rand1 = (DAMAGE_TYPE)Random(7);
int rand2 = (7 + Random(7)) << 4;
int nDamage = actDamageSprite(missileOwner, actorHit, rand1, rand2);
if (IsDudeSprite(pSource) && pXSource != NULL && pXSource->health != 0)
if ((pThingInfo && pThingInfo->dmgControl[DAMAGE_TYPE_1] != 0) || (pDudeInfo && pDudeInfo->damageVal[DAMAGE_TYPE_1] != 0))
actBurnSprite(missileActor->GetOwner(), actorHit, 360);
actHealDude(pXSource, nDamage >> 2, getDudeInfo(pSource->type)->startHealth);
if (pMissile->extra > 0) {
actPostSprite(pMissile->index, kStatDecoration);
if (pMissile->ang == 1024) sfxPlay3DSound(pMissile, 307, -1, 0);
pMissile->type = kSpriteDecoration;
seqSpawn(9, 3, pMissile->extra, -1);
} else {
actPostSprite(pMissile->index, kStatFree);
// by NoOne: make Life Leech heal user, just like it was in 1.0x versions
if (gGameOptions.weaponsV10x && !VanillaMode() && !DemoRecordStatus() && pDudeInfo != nullptr)
if (missileOwner->IsDudeActor() && missileOwner->hasX() && missileOwner->x().health != 0)
actHealDude(missileOwner, nDamage >> 2, getDudeInfo(missileOwner->s().type)->startHealth);
case kMissileTeslaAlt:
teslaHit(pMissile, hitCode);
switch (hitCode) {
case 0:
case 4:
if (pWallHit) {
spritetype* pFX = gFX.fxSpawn(FX_52, pMissile->sectnum, pMissile->x, pMissile->y, pMissile->z, 0);
if (pFX) pFX->ang = (GetWallAngle(nWallHit) + 512) & 2047;
GibSprite(pMissile, GIBTYPE_24, NULL, NULL);
actPostSprite(pMissile->index, kStatFree);
case kMissilePukeGreen:
seqKill(3, nXMissile);
if (hitCode == 3 && pSpriteHit && (pThingInfo || pDudeInfo))
int nOwner = pMissile->owner;
int nDamage = (15+Random(7))<<4;
actDamageSprite(nOwner, pSpriteHit, DAMAGE_TYPE_2, nDamage);
actPostSprite(pMissile->index, kStatFree);
case kMissileArcGargoyle:
sfxKill3DSound(pMissile, -1, -1);
sfxPlay3DSound(pMissile->x, pMissile->y, pMissile->z, 306, pMissile->sectnum);
GibSprite(pMissile, GIBTYPE_6, NULL, NULL);
if (hitCode == 3 && pSpriteHit && (pThingInfo || pDudeInfo))
int nOwner = pMissile->owner;
int nDamage = (25+Random(20))<<4;
actDamageSprite(nOwner, pSpriteHit, DAMAGE_TYPE_5, nDamage);
actPostSprite(pMissile->index, kStatFree);
case kMissileLifeLeechAltNormal:
case kMissileLifeLeechAltSmall:
sfxKill3DSound(pMissile, -1, -1);
sfxPlay3DSound(pMissile->x, pMissile->y, pMissile->z, 306, pMissile->sectnum);
if (hitCode == 3 && pSpriteHit && (pThingInfo || pDudeInfo)) {
int nOwner = pMissile->owner;
int nDmgMul = (pMissile->type == kMissileLifeLeechAltSmall) ? 6 : 3;
int nDamage = (nDmgMul+Random(nDmgMul))<<4;
actDamageSprite(nOwner, pSpriteHit, DAMAGE_TYPE_5, nDamage);
actPostSprite(pMissile->index, kStatFree);
case kMissileFireball:
case kMissileFireballNapam:
if (hitCode == 3 && pSpriteHit && (pThingInfo || pDudeInfo))
if (pThingInfo && pSpriteHit->type == kThingTNTBarrel && pXSpriteHit->burnTime == 0)
evPost(nSpriteHit, 3, 0, kCallbackFXFlameLick);
int nOwner = pMissile->owner;
int nDamage = (50+Random(50))<<4;
actDamageSprite(nOwner, pSpriteHit, DAMAGE_TYPE_2, nDamage);
case kMissileFlareAlt:
sfxKill3DSound(pMissile, -1, -1);
case kMissileFlareRegular:
sfxKill3DSound(pMissile, -1, -1);
if ((hitCode == 3 && pSpriteHit) && (pThingInfo || pDudeInfo)) {
int nOwner = pMissile->owner;
if ((pThingInfo && pThingInfo->dmgControl[DAMAGE_TYPE_1] != 0) || (pDudeInfo && pDudeInfo->damageVal[DAMAGE_TYPE_1] != 0)) {
if (pThingInfo && pSpriteHit->type == kThingTNTBarrel && pXSpriteHit->burnTime == 0)
evPost(nSpriteHit, 3, 0, kCallbackFXFlameLick);
actBurnSprite(pMissile->owner, pXSpriteHit, 480);
actRadiusDamage(&bloodActors[nOwner], pMissile->x, pMissile->y, pMissile->z, pMissile->sectnum, 16, 20, 10, DAMAGE_TYPE_2, 6, 480);
if (pMissile->extra > 0)
actPostSprite(missileActor, kStatDecoration);
if (pMissile->ang == 1024) sfxPlay3DSound(pMissile, 307, -1, 0);
pMissile->type = kSpriteDecoration;
seqSpawn(9, missileActor, -1);
actPostSprite(pMissile->index, kStatFree);
// by NoOne: allow additional bullet damage for Flare Gun
if (gGameOptions.weaponsV10x && !VanillaMode() && !DemoRecordStatus()) {
int nDamage = (20 + Random(10)) << 4;
actDamageSprite(nOwner, pSpriteHit, DAMAGE_TYPE_2, nDamage);
} else {
int nDamage = (20+Random(10))<<4;
actDamageSprite(nOwner, pSpriteHit, DAMAGE_TYPE_2, nDamage);
if (surfType[pSpriteHit->picnum] == kSurfFlesh) {
pMissile->picnum = 2123;
pXMissile->target = nSpriteHit;
pXMissile->targetZ = pMissile->z-pSpriteHit->z;
pXMissile->goalAng = getangle(pMissile->x-pSpriteHit->x, pMissile->y-pSpriteHit->y)-pSpriteHit->ang;
pXMissile->state = 1;
actPostSprite(pMissile->index, kStatFlare);
pMissile->cstat &= ~257;
GibSprite(pMissile, GIBTYPE_17, NULL, NULL);
actPostSprite(pMissile->index, kStatFree);
case kMissileFlameSpray:
case kMissileFlameHound:
if (hitCode == 3)
int nObject = gHitInfo.hitsprite;
assert(nObject >= 0 && nObject < kMaxSprites);
spritetype *pObject = &sprite[nObject];
if (pObject->extra > 0)
XSPRITE *pXObject = &xsprite[pObject->extra];
if ((pObject->statnum == kStatThing || pObject->statnum == kStatDude) && pXObject->burnTime == 0)
evPost(nObject, 3, 0, kCallbackFXFlameLick);
int nOwner = pMissile->owner;
actBurnSprite(pMissile->owner, pXObject, (4+gGameOptions.nDifficulty)<<2);
actDamageSprite(nOwner, pObject, DAMAGE_TYPE_1, 8);
case kMissileFireballCerberus:
if (hitCode == 3)
int nObject = gHitInfo.hitsprite;
assert(nObject >= 0 && nObject < kMaxSprites);
spritetype *pObject = &sprite[nObject];
if (pObject->extra > 0)
XSPRITE *pXObject = &xsprite[pObject->extra];
if ((pObject->statnum == kStatThing || pObject->statnum == kStatDude) && pXObject->burnTime == 0)
evPost(nObject, 3, 0, kCallbackFXFlameLick);
int nOwner = pMissile->owner;
actBurnSprite(pMissile->owner, pXObject, (4+gGameOptions.nDifficulty)<<2);
actDamageSprite(nOwner, pObject, DAMAGE_TYPE_1, 8);
int nDamage = (25+Random(10))<<4;
actDamageSprite(nOwner, pObject, DAMAGE_TYPE_2, nDamage);
case kMissileFireballTchernobog:
if (hitCode == 3)
int nObject = gHitInfo.hitsprite;
assert(nObject >= 0 && nObject < kMaxSprites);
spritetype *pObject = &sprite[nObject];
if (pObject->extra > 0)
XSPRITE *pXObject = &xsprite[pObject->extra];
if ((pObject->statnum == kStatThing || pObject->statnum == kStatDude) && pXObject->burnTime == 0)
evPost(nObject, 3, 0, kCallbackFXFlameLick);
int nOwner = pMissile->owner;
actBurnSprite(pMissile->owner, pXObject, 32);
actDamageSprite(nOwner, pObject, DAMAGE_TYPE_5, 12);
int nDamage = (25+Random(10))<<4;
actDamageSprite(nOwner, pObject, DAMAGE_TYPE_2, nDamage);
case kMissileEctoSkull:
sfxKill3DSound(pMissile, -1, -1);
sfxPlay3DSound(pMissile->x, pMissile->y, pMissile->z, 522, pMissile->sectnum);
actPostSprite(pMissile->index, kStatDebris);
seqSpawn(20, 3, pMissile->extra, -1);
if (hitCode == 3)
int nObject = gHitInfo.hitsprite;
assert(nObject >= 0 && nObject < kMaxSprites);
spritetype *pObject = &sprite[nObject];
if (pObject->statnum == kStatDude)
int nOwner = pMissile->owner;
int nDamage = (25+Random(10))<<4;
actDamageSprite(nOwner, pObject, DAMAGE_TYPE_5, nDamage);
case kMissileButcherKnife:
actPostSprite(pMissile->index, kStatDebris);
pMissile->cstat &= ~16;
pMissile->type = kSpriteDecoration;
seqSpawn(20, 3, pMissile->extra, -1);
if (hitCode == 3)
int nObject = gHitInfo.hitsprite;
assert(nObject >= 0 && nObject < kMaxSprites);
spritetype *pObject = &sprite[nObject];
if (pObject->statnum == kStatDude)
int nOwner = pMissile->owner;
int nDamage = (10+Random(10))<<4;
actDamageSprite(nOwner, pObject, DAMAGE_TYPE_5, nDamage);
spritetype *pOwner = &sprite[nOwner];
XSPRITE *pXOwner = &xsprite[pOwner->extra];
int nType = pOwner->type-kDudeBase;
if (pXOwner->health > 0)
actHealDude(pXOwner, 10, getDudeInfo(nType+kDudeBase)->startHealth);
case kMissileTeslaRegular:
sfxKill3DSound(pMissile, -1, -1);
sfxPlay3DSound(pMissile->x, pMissile->y, pMissile->z, 518, pMissile->sectnum);
GibSprite(pMissile, (hitCode == 2) ? GIBTYPE_23 : GIBTYPE_22, NULL, NULL);
evKill(pMissile->index, 3);
seqKill(3, nXMissile);
actPostSprite(pMissile->index, kStatFree);
if (hitCode == 3)
int nObject = gHitInfo.hitsprite;
assert(nObject >= 0 && nObject < kMaxSprites);
spritetype *pObject = &sprite[nObject];
int nOwner = pMissile->owner;
int nDamage = (15+Random(10))<<4;
actDamageSprite(nOwner, pObject, DAMAGE_TYPE_6, nDamage);
seqKill(3, nXMissile);
actPostSprite(pMissile->index, kStatFree);
if (hitCode == 3)
int nObject = gHitInfo.hitsprite;
assert(nObject >= 0 && nObject < kMaxSprites);
spritetype *pObject = &sprite[nObject];
int nOwner = pMissile->owner;
int nDamage = (10+Random(10))<<4;
actDamageSprite(nOwner, pObject, DAMAGE_TYPE_0, nDamage);
if (gModernMap && pXSpriteHit && pXSpriteHit->state != pXSpriteHit->restState && pXSpriteHit->Impact)
trTriggerSprite(nSpriteHit, pXSpriteHit, kCmdSpriteImpact);
pMissile->cstat &= ~257;
case kMissileTeslaAlt:
teslaHit(pMissile, hitCode);
switch (hitCode)
case 0:
case 4:
if (pWallHit)
spritetype* pFX = gFX.fxSpawn(FX_52, pMissile->sectnum, pMissile->x, pMissile->y, pMissile->z, 0);
if (pFX) pFX->ang = (GetWallAngle(pWallHit) + 512) & 2047;
GibSprite(pMissile, GIBTYPE_24, NULL, NULL);
actPostSprite(missileActor, kStatFree);
case kMissilePukeGreen:
if (hitCode == 3 && pSpriteHit && (pThingInfo || pDudeInfo))
int nOwner = pMissile->owner;
int nDamage = (15 + Random(7)) << 4;
actDamageSprite(nOwner, pSpriteHit, DAMAGE_TYPE_2, nDamage);
actPostSprite(missileActor, kStatFree);
case kMissileArcGargoyle:
sfxKill3DSound(pMissile, -1, -1);
sfxPlay3DSound(pMissile->x, pMissile->y, pMissile->z, 306, pMissile->sectnum);
GibSprite(pMissile, GIBTYPE_6, NULL, NULL);
if (hitCode == 3 && pSpriteHit && (pThingInfo || pDudeInfo))
int nDamage = (25 + Random(20)) << 4;
actDamageSprite(missileOwner, actorHit, DAMAGE_TYPE_5, nDamage);
actPostSprite(missileActor, kStatFree);
case kMissileLifeLeechAltNormal:
case kMissileLifeLeechAltSmall:
sfxKill3DSound(pMissile, -1, -1);
sfxPlay3DSound(pMissile->x, pMissile->y, pMissile->z, 306, pMissile->sectnum);
if (hitCode == 3 && pSpriteHit && (pThingInfo || pDudeInfo))
int nDmgMul = (pMissile->type == kMissileLifeLeechAltSmall) ? 6 : 3;
int nDamage = (nDmgMul + Random(nDmgMul)) << 4;
actDamageSprite(missileOwner, actorHit, DAMAGE_TYPE_5, nDamage);
actPostSprite(missileActor, kStatFree);
case kMissileFireball:
case kMissileFireballNapam:
if (hitCode == 3 && pSpriteHit && (pThingInfo || pDudeInfo))
if (pThingInfo && pSpriteHit->type == kThingTNTBarrel && actorHit->x().burnTime == 0)
evPost(actorHit, 0, kCallbackFXFlameLick);
int nDamage = (50 + Random(50)) << 4;
actDamageSprite(missileOwner, actorHit, DAMAGE_TYPE_2, nDamage);
case kMissileFlareAlt:
sfxKill3DSound(pMissile, -1, -1);
case kMissileFlareRegular:
sfxKill3DSound(pMissile, -1, -1);
if ((hitCode == 3 && pSpriteHit) && (pThingInfo || pDudeInfo))
if ((pThingInfo && pThingInfo->dmgControl[DAMAGE_TYPE_1] != 0) || (pDudeInfo && pDudeInfo->damageVal[DAMAGE_TYPE_1] != 0))
if (pThingInfo && pSpriteHit->type == kThingTNTBarrel && actorHit->x().burnTime == 0)
evPost(actorHit, 0, kCallbackFXFlameLick);
actBurnSprite(missileOwner, actorHit, 480);
actRadiusDamage(missileOwner, pMissile->x, pMissile->y, pMissile->z, pMissile->sectnum, 16, 20, 10, DAMAGE_TYPE_2, 6, 480);
// by NoOne: allow additional bullet damage for Flare Gun
if (gGameOptions.weaponsV10x && !VanillaMode() && !DemoRecordStatus())
int nDamage = (20 + Random(10)) << 4;
actDamageSprite(missileOwner, actorHit, DAMAGE_TYPE_2, nDamage);
int nDamage = (20 + Random(10)) << 4;
actDamageSprite(missileOwner, actorHit, DAMAGE_TYPE_2, nDamage);
if (surfType[pSpriteHit->picnum] == kSurfFlesh)
pMissile->picnum = 2123;
pXMissile->targetZ = pMissile->z - pSpriteHit->z;
pXMissile->goalAng = getangle(pMissile->x - pSpriteHit->x, pMissile->y - pSpriteHit->y) - pSpriteHit->ang;
pXMissile->state = 1;
actPostSprite(pMissile->index, kStatFlare);
pMissile->cstat &= ~257;
GibSprite(pMissile, GIBTYPE_17, NULL, NULL);
actPostSprite(missileActor, kStatFree);
case kMissileFlameSpray:
case kMissileFlameHound:
if (hitCode == 3 && actorHit && actorHit->hasX())
if ((pSpriteHit->statnum == kStatThing || pSpriteHit->statnum == kStatDude) && pXSpriteHit->burnTime == 0)
evPost(actorHit, 0, kCallbackFXFlameLick);
actBurnSprite(missileOwner, actorHit, (4 + gGameOptions.nDifficulty) << 2);
actDamageSprite(missileOwner, actorHit, DAMAGE_TYPE_1, 8);
case kMissileFireballCerberus:
if (hitCode == 3 && actorHit && actorHit->hasX())
if ((pSpriteHit->statnum == kStatThing || pSpriteHit->statnum == kStatDude) && pXSpriteHit->burnTime == 0)
evPost(actorHit, 0, kCallbackFXFlameLick);
actBurnSprite(missileOwner, actorHit, (4 + gGameOptions.nDifficulty) << 2);
actDamageSprite(missileOwner, actorHit, DAMAGE_TYPE_1, 8);
int nDamage = (25 + Random(10)) << 4;
actDamageSprite(missileOwner, actorHit, DAMAGE_TYPE_2, nDamage);
case kMissileFireballTchernobog:
if (hitCode == 3 && actorHit && actorHit->hasX())
if ((pSpriteHit->statnum == kStatThing || pSpriteHit->statnum == kStatDude) && pXSpriteHit->burnTime == 0)
evPost(actorHit, 0, kCallbackFXFlameLick);
actBurnSprite(missileOwner, actorHit, 32);
actDamageSprite(missileOwner, actorHit, DAMAGE_TYPE_5, 12);
int nDamage = (25 + Random(10)) << 4;
actDamageSprite(missileOwner, actorHit, DAMAGE_TYPE_2, nDamage);
case kMissileEctoSkull:
sfxKill3DSound(pMissile, -1, -1);
sfxPlay3DSound(pMissile->x, pMissile->y, pMissile->z, 522, pMissile->sectnum);
actPostSprite(pMissile->index, kStatDebris);
seqSpawn(20, 3, pMissile->extra, -1);
if (hitCode == 3 && actorHit && actorHit->hasX())
if (pSpriteHit->statnum == kStatDude)
int nDamage = (25 + Random(10)) << 4;
actDamageSprite(missileOwner, actorHit, DAMAGE_TYPE_5, nDamage);
case kMissileButcherKnife:
actPostSprite(missileActor, kStatDebris);
pMissile->cstat &= ~16;
pMissile->type = kSpriteDecoration;
seqSpawn(20, 3, pMissile->extra, -1);
if (hitCode == 3 && actorHit && actorHit->hasX())
if (pSpriteHit->statnum == kStatDude)
int nDamage = (10 + Random(10)) << 4;
actDamageSprite(missileOwner, actorHit, DAMAGE_TYPE_5, nDamage);
int nType = missileOwner->s().type - kDudeBase;
if (missileOwner->x().health > 0)
actHealDude(missileOwner, 10, getDudeInfo(nType + kDudeBase)->startHealth);
case kMissileTeslaRegular:
sfxKill3DSound(pMissile, -1, -1);
sfxPlay3DSound(pMissile->x, pMissile->y, pMissile->z, 518, pMissile->sectnum);
GibSprite(pMissile, (hitCode == 2) ? GIBTYPE_23 : GIBTYPE_22, NULL, NULL);
actPostSprite(missileActor, kStatFree);
if (hitCode == 3 && actorHit)
int nDamage = (15 + Random(10)) << 4;
actDamageSprite(missileOwner, actorHit, DAMAGE_TYPE_6, nDamage);
actPostSprite(missileActor, kStatFree);
if (hitCode == 3 && actorHit)
int nDamage = (10 + Random(10)) << 4;
actDamageSprite(missileOwner, actorHit, DAMAGE_TYPE_0, nDamage);
if (gModernMap && pXSpriteHit && pXSpriteHit->state != pXSpriteHit->restState && pXSpriteHit->Impact)
trTriggerSprite(actorHit, kCmdSpriteImpact);
pMissile->cstat &= ~257;
void actKickObject(spritetype *pSprite1, spritetype *pSprite2)
@ -4825,7 +4783,7 @@ void MoveDude(spritetype *pSprite)
HITINFO hitInfo = gHitInfo;
gHitInfo.hitsprite = nSprite;
actImpactMissile(pHitSprite, 3);
actImpactMissile(&bloodActors[nHitSprite], 3);
gHitInfo = hitInfo;
@ -5893,7 +5851,7 @@ void actProcessSprites(void)
viewBackupSpriteLoc(nSprite, pSprite);
int hit = MoveMissile(pSprite);
if (hit >= 0)
actImpactMissile(pSprite, hit);
actImpactMissile(&bloodActors[pSprite->index], hit);
while ((nSprite = it.NextIndex()) >= 0)
@ -6597,7 +6555,7 @@ spritetype* actFireMissile(spritetype *pSprite, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5,
if (v4)
actImpactMissile(pMissile, hit);
actImpactMissile(&bloodActors[pMissile->index], hit);
pMissile = NULL;
return pMissile;