mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 20:21:57 +00:00
- removed all automap code from SW and the flat drawer from the backend.
This should have been the last parts of automap code. Now on to rebuild this thing in a cleaner fashion...
This commit is contained in:
10 changed files with 4 additions and 895 deletions
@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
#include "gamestate.h"
#include "inputstate.h"
#include "printf.h"
#include "gamecontrol.h"
# include "mdsprite.h"
@ -1777,371 +1778,6 @@ killsprite:
void FillPolygon(int* rx1, int* ry1, int* xb1, int32_t npoints, int picnum, int palette, int shade, int props, const FVector2& xtex, const FVector2& ytex, const FVector2& otex,
int clipx1, int clipy1, int clipx2, int clipy2)
//Convert int32_t to float (in-place)
TArray<FVector4> points(npoints, true);
using Point = std::pair<float, float>;
std::vector<std::vector<Point>> polygon;
std::vector<Point>* curPoly;
curPoly = &polygon.back();
for (bssize_t i = 0; i < npoints; ++i)
auto X = ((float)rx1[i]) * (1.0f / 4096.f);
auto Y = ((float)ry1[i]) * (1.0f / 4096.f);
curPoly->push_back(std::make_pair(X, Y));
if (xb1[i] < i && i < npoints - 1)
polygon.resize(polygon.size() + 1);
curPoly = &polygon.back();
// Now make sure that the outer boundary is the first polygon by picking a point that's as much to the outside as possible.
int outer = 0;
float minx = FLT_MAX;
float miny = FLT_MAX;
for (size_t a = 0; a < polygon.size(); a++)
for (auto& pt : polygon[a])
if (pt.first < minx || (pt.first == minx && pt.second < miny))
minx = pt.first;
miny = pt.second;
outer = a;
if (outer != 0) std::swap(polygon[0], polygon[outer]);
auto indices = mapbox::earcut(polygon);
int p = 0;
for (size_t a = 0; a < polygon.size(); a++)
for (auto& pt : polygon[a])
FVector4 point = { pt.first, pt.second, float(pt.first * xtex.X + pt.second * ytex.X + otex.X), float(pt.first * xtex.Y + pt.second * ytex.Y + otex.Y) };
points[p++] = point;
int maskprops = (props >> 7) & DAMETH_MASKPROPS;
FRenderStyle rs = LegacyRenderStyles[STYLE_Translucent];
double alpha = 1.;
if (maskprops > DAMETH_MASK)
rs = GetRenderStyle(0, maskprops == DAMETH_TRANS2);
alpha = GetAlphaFromBlend(maskprops, 0);
int translation = TRANSLATION(Translation_Remap + curbasepal, palette);
int light = clamp(scale((numshades - shade), 255, numshades), 0, 255);
PalEntry pe = PalEntry(uint8_t(alpha*255), light, light, light);
twod->AddPoly(tileGetTexture(picnum), points.Data(), points.Size(), indices.data(), indices.size(), translation, pe, rs, clipx1, clipy1, clipx2, clipy2);
void drawlinergb(int32_t x1, int32_t y1, int32_t x2, int32_t y2, PalEntry p)
twod->AddLine(x1 / 4096.f, y1 / 4096.f, x2 / 4096.f, y2 / 4096.f, windowxy1.x, windowxy1.y, windowxy2.x, windowxy2.y, p);
void drawlinergb(int32_t x1, int32_t y1, int32_t x2, int32_t y2, palette_t p)
drawlinergb(x1, y1, x2, y2, PalEntry(p.r, p.g, p.b));
void renderDrawLine(int32_t x1, int32_t y1, int32_t x2, int32_t y2, uint8_t col)
drawlinergb(x1, y1, x2, y2, GPalette.BaseColors[GPalette.Remap[col]]);
#include "build.h"
#include "../src/engine_priv.h"
// fillpolygon (internal)
static void renderFillPolygon(int32_t npoints)
// fix for bad next-point (xb1) values...
for (int z = 0; z < npoints; z++)
if ((unsigned)xb1[z] >= (unsigned)npoints)
xb1[z] = 0;
FVector2 xtex, ytex, otex;
int x1 = mulscale16(globalx1, xyaspect);
int y2 = mulscale16(globaly2, xyaspect);
xtex.X = ((float)asm1) * (1.f / 4294967296.f);
xtex.Y = ((float)asm2) * (1.f / 4294967296.f);
ytex.X = ((float)x1) * (1.f / 4294967296.f);
ytex.Y = ((float)y2) * (-1.f / 4294967296.f);
otex.X = (fxdim * xtex.X + fydim * ytex.X) * -0.5f + fglobalposx * (1.f / 4294967296.f);
otex.Y = (fxdim * xtex.Y + fydim * ytex.Y) * -0.5f - fglobalposy * (1.f / 4294967296.f);
FillPolygon(rx1, ry1, xb1, npoints, globalpicnum, globalpal, globalshade, globalorientation, xtex, ytex, otex, windowxy1.x, windowxy1.y, windowxy2.x, windowxy2.y);
// drawmapview
void renderDrawMapView(int32_t dax, int32_t day, int32_t zoome, int16_t ang)
int32_t i, j, k, l;
int32_t x, y;
int32_t s, ox, oy;
int32_t const oyxaspect = yxaspect, oviewingrange = viewingrange;
renderSetAspect(65536, divscale16((320*5)/8, 200));
Bmemset(gotsector, 0, sizeof(gotsector));
vec2_t const c1 = { (windowxy1.x<<12), (windowxy1.y<<12) };
vec2_t const c2 = { ((windowxy2.x+1)<<12)-1, ((windowxy2.y+1)<<12)-1 };
zoome <<= 8;
vec2_t const bakgvect = { divscale28(sintable[(1536 - ang) & 2047], zoome),
divscale28(sintable[(2048 - ang) & 2047], zoome) };
vec2_t const vect = { mulscale8(sintable[(2048 - ang) & 2047], zoome), mulscale8(sintable[(1536 - ang) & 2047], zoome) };
vec2_t const vect2 = { mulscale16(vect.x, yxaspect), mulscale16(vect.y, yxaspect) };
int32_t sortnum = 0;
usectorptr_t sec;
for (s=0,sec=(usectorptr_t)§or[s]; s<numsectors; s++,sec++)
if (gFullMap || show2dsector[s])
int32_t npoints = 0; i = 0;
int32_t startwall = sec->wallptr;
j = startwall; l = 0;
uwallptr_t wal;
int32_t w;
for (w=sec->wallnum,wal=(uwallptr_t)&wall[startwall]; w>0; w--,wal++,j++)
k = lastwall(j);
if ((k > j) && (npoints > 0)) { xb1[npoints-1] = l; l = npoints; } //overwrite point2
//wall[k].x wal->x wall[wal->point2].x
//wall[k].y wal->y wall[wal->point2].y
if (!dmulscale1(wal->x-wall[k].x,wall[wal->point2].y-wal->y,-(wal->y-wall[k].y),wall[wal->point2].x-wal->x)) continue;
ox = wal->x - dax; oy = wal->y - day;
x = dmulscale16(ox,vect.x,-oy,vect.y) + (xdim<<11);
y = dmulscale16(oy,vect2.x,ox,vect2.y) + (ydim<<11);
i |= getclipmask(x-c1.x,c2.x-x,y-c1.y,c2.y-y);
rx1[npoints] = x;
ry1[npoints] = y;
xb1[npoints] = npoints+1;
if (npoints > 0) xb1[npoints-1] = l; //overwrite point2
vec2_t bak = { rx1[0], mulscale16(ry1[0]-(ydim<<11),xyaspect)+(ydim<<11) };
//Collect floor sprites to draw
for (i=headspritesect[s]; i>=0; i=nextspritesect[i])
if (sprite[i].cstat & 32768)
if ((sprite[i].cstat & 48) == 32)
if ((sprite[i].cstat & (64 + 8)) == (64 + 8))
tsprite[sortnum++].owner = i;
gotsector[s>>3] |= pow2char[s&7];
globalorientation = (int32_t)sec->floorstat;
if ((globalorientation&1) != 0) continue;
globalpal = sec->floorpal;
globalpicnum = sec->floorpicnum;
if ((unsigned)globalpicnum >= (unsigned)MAXTILES) globalpicnum = 0;
tileUpdatePicnum(&globalpicnum, s);
if ((tilesiz[globalpicnum].x <= 0) || (tilesiz[globalpicnum].y <= 0)) continue;
globalshade = max(min<int>(sec->floorshade, numshades - 1), 0);
if ((globalorientation&64) == 0)
set_globalpos(dax, day, globalposz);
globalx1 = bakgvect.x; globaly1 = bakgvect.y;
globalx2 = bakgvect.x; globaly2 = bakgvect.y;
ox = wall[wall[startwall].point2].x - wall[startwall].x;
oy = wall[wall[startwall].point2].y - wall[startwall].y;
i = nsqrtasm(uhypsq(ox,oy)); if (i == 0) continue;
i = 1048576/i;
globalx1 = mulscale10(dmulscale10(ox,bakgvect.x,oy,bakgvect.y),i);
globaly1 = mulscale10(dmulscale10(ox,bakgvect.y,-oy,bakgvect.x),i);
ox = (bak.x>>4)-(xdim<<7); oy = (bak.y>>4)-(ydim<<7);
globalposx = dmulscale28(-oy, globalx1, -ox, globaly1);
globalposy = dmulscale28(-ox, globalx1, oy, globaly1);
globalx2 = -globalx1;
globaly2 = -globaly1;
int32_t const daslope = sector[s].floorheinum;
i = nsqrtasm(daslope*daslope+16777216);
set_globalpos(globalposx, mulscale12(globalposy,i), globalposz);
globalx2 = mulscale12(globalx2,i);
globaly2 = mulscale12(globaly2,i);
if ((globalorientation&0x4) > 0)
i = globalposx; globalposx = -globalposy; globalposy = -i;
i = globalx2; globalx2 = globaly1; globaly1 = i;
i = globalx1; globalx1 = -globaly2; globaly2 = -i;
if ((globalorientation&0x10) > 0) globalx1 = -globalx1, globaly1 = -globaly1, globalposx = -globalposx;
if ((globalorientation&0x20) > 0) globalx2 = -globalx2, globaly2 = -globaly2, globalposy = -globalposy;
asm1 = (globaly1<<globalxshift);
asm2 = (globalx2<<globalyshift);
globalx1 <<= globalxshift;
globaly2 <<= globalyshift;
set_globalpos(((int64_t) globalposx<<(20+globalxshift))+(((uint32_t) sec->floorxpanning)<<24),
((int64_t) globalposy<<(20+globalyshift))-(((uint32_t) sec->floorypanning)<<24),
//Sort sprite list
int32_t gap = 1;
while (gap < sortnum) gap = (gap << 1) + 1;
for (gap>>=1; gap>0; gap>>=1)
for (i=0; i<sortnum-gap; i++)
for (j=i; j>=0; j-=gap)
if (sprite[tsprite[j].owner].z <= sprite[tsprite[j+gap].owner].z) break;
for (s=sortnum-1; s>=0; s--)
auto const spr = (uspritetype * )&sprite[tsprite[s].owner];
if ((spr->cstat&48) == 32)
const int32_t xspan = tilesiz[spr->picnum].x;
int32_t npoints = 0;
vec2_t v1 = { spr->x, spr->y }, v2, v3, v4;
get_floorspr_points(spr, 0, 0, &v1.x, &v2.x, &v3.x, &v4.x,
&v1.y, &v2.y, &v3.y, &v4.y);
xb1[0] = 1; xb1[1] = 2; xb1[2] = 3; xb1[3] = 0;
npoints = 4;
i = 0;
ox = v1.x - dax; oy = v1.y - day;
x = dmulscale16(ox,vect.x,-oy,vect.y) + (xdim<<11);
y = dmulscale16(oy,vect2.x,ox,vect2.y) + (ydim<<11);
i |= getclipmask(x-c1.x,c2.x-x,y-c1.y,c2.y-y);
rx1[0] = x; ry1[0] = y;
ox = v2.x - dax; oy = v2.y - day;
x = dmulscale16(ox,vect.x,-oy,vect.y) + (xdim<<11);
y = dmulscale16(oy,vect2.x,ox,vect2.y) + (ydim<<11);
i |= getclipmask(x-c1.x,c2.x-x,y-c1.y,c2.y-y);
rx1[1] = x; ry1[1] = y;
ox = v3.x - dax; oy = v3.y - day;
x = dmulscale16(ox,vect.x,-oy,vect.y) + (xdim<<11);
y = dmulscale16(oy,vect2.x,ox,vect2.y) + (ydim<<11);
i |= getclipmask(x-c1.x,c2.x-x,y-c1.y,c2.y-y);
rx1[2] = x; ry1[2] = y;
x = rx1[0]+rx1[2]-rx1[1];
y = ry1[0]+ry1[2]-ry1[1];
i |= getclipmask(x-c1.x,c2.x-x,y-c1.y,c2.y-y);
rx1[3] = x; ry1[3] = y;
vec2_t bak = { rx1[0], mulscale16(ry1[0] - (ydim << 11), xyaspect) + (ydim << 11) };
globalpicnum = spr->picnum;
globalpal = spr->pal; // GL needs this, software doesn't
if ((unsigned)globalpicnum >= (unsigned)MAXTILES) globalpicnum = 0;
tileUpdatePicnum(&globalpicnum, s);
if ((tilesiz[globalpicnum].x <= 0) || (tilesiz[globalpicnum].y <= 0)) continue;
if ((sector[spr->sectnum].ceilingstat&1) > 0)
globalshade = ((int32_t)sector[spr->sectnum].ceilingshade);
globalshade = ((int32_t)sector[spr->sectnum].floorshade);
globalshade = max(min(globalshade+spr->shade+6,numshades-1),0);
//relative alignment stuff
ox = v2.x-v1.x; oy = v2.y-v1.y;
i = ox*ox+oy*oy; if (i == 0) continue; i = 65536*16384 / i;
globalx1 = mulscale10(dmulscale10(ox,bakgvect.x,oy,bakgvect.y),i);
globaly1 = mulscale10(dmulscale10(ox,bakgvect.y,-oy,bakgvect.x),i);
ox = v1.y-v4.y; oy = v4.x-v1.x;
i = ox*ox+oy*oy; if (i == 0) continue; i = 65536 * 16384 / i;
globalx2 = mulscale10(dmulscale10(ox,bakgvect.x,oy,bakgvect.y),i);
globaly2 = mulscale10(dmulscale10(ox,bakgvect.y,-oy,bakgvect.x),i);
ox = widthBits(globalpicnum);
oy = heightBits(globalpicnum);
if ((1 << ox) != xspan)
globalx1 = mulscale(globalx1,xspan,ox);
globaly1 = mulscale(globaly1,xspan,ox);
bak.x = (bak.x>>4)-(xdim<<7); bak.y = (bak.y>>4)-(ydim<<7);
globalposx = dmulscale28(-bak.y,globalx1,-bak.x,globaly1);
globalposy = dmulscale28(bak.x,globalx2,-bak.y,globaly2);
if ((spr->cstat&0x4) > 0) globalx1 = -globalx1, globaly1 = -globaly1, globalposx = -globalposx;
asm1 = (globaly1<<2); globalx1 <<= 2; globalposx <<= (20+2);
asm2 = (globalx2<<2); globaly2 <<= 2; globalposy <<= (20+2);
set_globalpos(globalposx, globalposy, globalposz);
// so polymost can get the translucency. ignored in software mode:
globalorientation = ((spr->cstat&2)<<7) | ((spr->cstat&512)>>2);
renderSetAspect(oviewingrange, oyxaspect);
//////////////////// LOADING AND SAVING ROUTINES ////////////////////
static FORCE_INLINE int32_t have_maptext(void)
@ -2151,10 +1787,7 @@ static FORCE_INLINE int32_t have_maptext(void)
static void enginePrepareLoadBoard(FileReader & fr, vec3_t *dapos, int16_t *daang, int16_t *dacursectnum)
Bmemset(show2dsprite, 0, sizeof(show2dsprite));
Bmemset(show2dwall, 0, sizeof(show2dwall));
@ -486,11 +486,6 @@ void SaveEngineState()
fw->Write(&pskybits_override, sizeof(pskybits_override));
fw->Write(show2dwall, sizeof(show2dwall));
fw->Write(show2dsprite, sizeof(show2dsprite));
fw->Write(&show2dsector, sizeof(show2dsector));
fw->Write(&Numsprites, sizeof(Numsprites));
fw->Write(spriteext, sizeof(spriteext_t) * MAXSPRITES);
@ -549,11 +544,6 @@ void LoadEngineState()
fr.Read(&pskybits_override, sizeof(pskybits_override));
fr.Read(show2dwall, sizeof(show2dwall));
fr.Read(show2dsprite, sizeof(show2dsprite));
fr.Read(&show2dsector, sizeof(show2dsector));
fr.Read(&Numsprites, sizeof(Numsprites));
fr.Read(spriteext, sizeof(spriteext_t) * MAXSPRITES);
fr.Read(wallext, sizeof(wallext_t) * MAXWALLS);
@ -205,7 +205,6 @@ void OffBoat(player_struct *pl);
void drawstatusbar_d(int snum);
void drawstatusbar_r(int snum);
void drawoverheadmap(int cposx, int cposy, int czoom, int cang);
void cameratext(int i);
void dobonus(int bonusonly, const CompletionFunc& completion);
void dobonus_d(int bonusonly, const CompletionFunc& completion);
@ -26,7 +26,6 @@ set( PCH_SOURCES
@ -1788,33 +1788,10 @@ drawscreen(PLAYERp pp, double smoothratio)
i = pp->cursectnum;
if (i >= 0)
walltype *wal = &wall[sector[i].wallptr];
for (j=sector[i].wallnum; j>0; j--,wal++)
i = wal->nextsector;
if (i < 0) continue;
if (wal->cstat&0x0071) continue;
uint16_t const nextwall = wal->nextwall;
if (nextwall < MAXWALLS && wall[nextwall].cstat&0x0071) continue;
if (sector[i].lotag == 32767) continue;
if (sector[i].ceilingz >= sector[i].floorz) continue;
if ((automapMode != am_off) && pp == Player+myconnectindex)
if (automapFollow)
tx = Follow_posx;
ty = Follow_posy;
for (j = 0; j < MAXSPRITES; j++)
// Don't show sprites tagged with 257
@ -1827,16 +1804,7 @@ drawscreen(PLAYERp pp, double smoothratio)
if (automapMode == am_full)
// only clear the actual window.
twod->AddColorOnlyQuad(windowxy1.x, windowxy1.y, (windowxy2.x + 1) - windowxy1.x, (windowxy2.y + 1) - windowxy1.y, 0xff000000);
renderDrawMapView(tx, ty, zoom*2, FixedToInt(tq16ang));
// Draw the line map on top of texture 2d map or just stand alone
drawoverheadmap(tx, ty, zoom*2, FixedToInt(tq16ang));
DrawOverheadMap(tx, ty, FixedToInt(tq16ang));
for (j = 0; j < MAXSPRITES; j++)
@ -1872,8 +1840,6 @@ drawscreen(PLAYERp pp, double smoothratio)
zoom = GetAutomapZoom(zoom);
restoreinterpolations(); // Stick at end of drawscreen
short_restoreinterpolations(); // Stick at end of drawscreen
if (cl_sointerpolation)
@ -106,7 +106,6 @@ SWBOOL SavegameLoaded = false;
SWBOOL FinishedLevel = false;
short screenpeek = 0;
void drawoverheadmap(int cposx, int cposy, int czoom, short cang);
SWBOOL PreCaching = TRUE;
int GodMode = false;
short Skill = 2;
@ -266,7 +265,6 @@ void InitLevelGlobals(void)
ChopTics = 0;
automapMode = am_off;
zoom = 768 / 2;
PlayerGravity = 24;
wait_active_check_offset = 0;
PlaxCeilGlobZadjust = PlaxFloorGlobZadjust = Z(500);
@ -2052,8 +2052,6 @@ extern char keys[];
extern short screenpeek;
extern int zoom;
extern int16_t StatDamageList[STAT_DAMAGE_LIST_SIZE];
@ -2086,7 +2084,6 @@ int BunnyHatch2(short Weapon); // bunny.c
int DoSkullBeginDeath(int16_t SpriteNum); // skull.c
void TerminateLevel(void); // game.c
void drawoverheadmap(int cposx,int cposy,int czoom,short cang); // game.c
void DrawMenuLevelScreen(void); // game.c
void DebugWriteString(char *string); // game.c
@ -107,12 +107,6 @@ static void getinput(InputPacket *loc)
if (paused)
// If in 2D follow mode, scroll around using glob vars
// Tried calling this in domovethings, but key response it too poor, skips key presses
// Note: this get called only during follow mode
if (automapFollow && automapMode != am_off && pp == Player + myconnectindex && !Prediction)
MoveScrollMode2D(Player + myconnectindex);
// !JIM! Added M_Active() so that you don't move at all while using menus
if (M_Active() || (automapFollow && automapMode != am_off))
@ -1,378 +0,0 @@
Copyright (C) 1997, 2005 - 3D Realms Entertainment
This file is part of Shadow Warrior version 1.2
Shadow Warrior is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
Original Source: 1997 - Frank Maddin and Jim Norwood
Prepared for public release: 03/28/2005 - Charlie Wiederhold, 3D Realms
#include "ns.h"
#include "build.h"
#include "game.h"
#include "menus.h"
#include "network.h"
#include "pal.h"
#include "v_draw.h"
extern SWBOOL mapcheat;
MAP_ENEMY = (RED + 10),
void drawoverheadmap(int cposx, int cposy, int czoom, short cang)
int i, j, k, l, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4, ox, oy, xoff, yoff;
int dax, day, cosang, sinang, xspan, yspan, sprx, spry;
int xrepeat, yrepeat, z1, z2, startwall, endwall, tilenum, daang;
int xvect, yvect, xvect2, yvect2;
char col;
walltype *wal, *wal2;
spritetype *spr;
short p;
static int pspr_ndx[8]= {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
SWBOOL sprisplayer = FALSE;
short txt_x, txt_y;
int32_t tmpydim = (xdim * 5) / 8;
renderSetAspect(65536, divscale16(tmpydim * 320, xdim * 200));
xvect = sintable[(2048 - cang) & 2047] * czoom;
yvect = sintable[(1536 - cang) & 2047] * czoom;
xvect2 = mulscale16(xvect, yxaspect);
yvect2 = mulscale16(yvect, yxaspect);
// Draw red lines
for (i = 0; i < numsectors; i++)
startwall = sector[i].wallptr;
endwall = sector[i].wallptr + sector[i].wallnum - 1;
z1 = sector[i].ceilingz;
z2 = sector[i].floorz;
for (j = startwall, wal = &wall[startwall]; j <= endwall; j++, wal++)
k = wal->nextwall;
if ((unsigned)k >= MAXWALLS)
if (!mapcheat)
if ((show2dwall[j >> 3] & (1 << (j & 7))) == 0)
if ((k > j) && ((show2dwall[k >> 3] & (1 << (k & 7))) > 0))
if (sector[wal->nextsector].ceilingz == z1)
if (sector[wal->nextsector].floorz == z2)
if (((wal->cstat | wall[wal->nextwall].cstat) & (16 + 32)) == 0)
col = 152;
if (automapMode == am_full)
if (sector[i].floorz != sector[i].ceilingz)
if (sector[wal->nextsector].floorz != sector[wal->nextsector].ceilingz)
if (((wal->cstat | wall[wal->nextwall].cstat) & (16 + 32)) == 0)
if (sector[i].floorz == sector[wal->nextsector].floorz)
if (sector[i].floorpicnum != sector[wal->nextsector].floorpicnum)
if (sector[i].floorshade != sector[wal->nextsector].floorshade)
col = 12; // 1=white / 31=black / 44=green / 56=pink / 128=yellow / 210=blue / 248=orange / 255=purple
ox = wal->x - cposx;
oy = wal->y - cposy;
x1 = mulscale16(ox, xvect) - mulscale16(oy, yvect);
y1 = mulscale16(oy, xvect2) + mulscale16(ox, yvect2);
wal2 = &wall[wal->point2];
ox = wal2->x - cposx;
oy = wal2->y - cposy;
x2 = mulscale16(ox, xvect) - mulscale16(oy, yvect);
y2 = mulscale16(oy, xvect2) + mulscale16(ox, yvect2);
renderDrawLine(x1 + (xdim << 11), y1 + (ydim << 11), x2 + (xdim << 11), y2 + (ydim << 11), col);
// Draw sprites
k = Player[screenpeek].PlayerSprite;
for (i = 0; i < numsectors; i++)
for (j = headspritesect[i]; j >= 0; j = nextspritesect[j])
for (p=connecthead; p >= 0; p=connectpoint2[p])
if (Player[p].PlayerSprite == j)
if (sprite[Player[p].PlayerSprite].xvel > 16)
pspr_ndx[myconnectindex] = ((PlayClock >> 4)&3);
sprisplayer = TRUE;
if (mapcheat || (show2dsprite[j >> 3] & (1 << (j & 7))) > 0)
spr = &sprite[j];
col = 56; // 1=white / 31=black / 44=green / 56=pink / 128=yellow / 210=blue / 248=orange / 255=purple
if ((spr->cstat & 1) > 0)
col = 248;
if (j == k)
col = 31;
sprx = spr->x;
spry = spr->y;
k = spr->statnum;
if ((k >= 1) && (k <= 8) && (k != 2)) // Interpolate moving
sprx = sprite[j].x;
spry = sprite[j].y;
switch (spr->cstat & 48)
case 0: // Regular sprite
if (Player[p].PlayerSprite == j)
ox = sprx - cposx;
oy = spry - cposy;
x1 = mulscale16(ox, xvect) - mulscale16(oy, yvect);
y1 = mulscale16(oy, xvect2) + mulscale16(ox, yvect2);
if (automapMode == am_overlay && (gNet.MultiGameType != MULTI_GAME_COMMBAT || j == Player[screenpeek].PlayerSprite))
ox = (sintable[(spr->ang + 512) & 2047] >> 7);
oy = (sintable[(spr->ang) & 2047] >> 7);
x2 = mulscale16(ox, xvect) - mulscale16(oy, yvect);
y2 = mulscale16(oy, xvect) + mulscale16(ox, yvect);
if (j == Player[screenpeek].PlayerSprite)
x2 = 0L;
y2 = -(czoom << 5);
x3 = mulscale16(x2, yxaspect);
y3 = mulscale16(y2, yxaspect);
renderDrawLine(x1 - x2 + (xdim << 11), y1 - y3 + (ydim << 11),
x1 + x2 + (xdim << 11), y1 + y3 + (ydim << 11), col);
renderDrawLine(x1 - y2 + (xdim << 11), y1 + x3 + (ydim << 11),
x1 + x2 + (xdim << 11), y1 + y3 + (ydim << 11), col);
renderDrawLine(x1 + y2 + (xdim << 11), y1 - x3 + (ydim << 11),
x1 + x2 + (xdim << 11), y1 + y3 + (ydim << 11), col);
if (((gotsector[i >> 3] & (1 << (i & 7))) > 0) && (czoom > 192))
daang = (spr->ang - cang) & 2047;
if (j == Player[screenpeek].PlayerSprite)
x1 = 0;
//y1 = (yxaspect << 2);
y1 = 0;
daang = 0;
// Special case tiles
if (spr->picnum == 3123) break;
int spnum = -1;
if (sprisplayer)
if (gNet.MultiGameType != MULTI_GAME_COMMBAT || j == Player[screenpeek].PlayerSprite)
spnum = 1196 + pspr_ndx[myconnectindex];
else spnum = spr->picnum;
double xd = ((x1 << 4) + (xdim << 15)) / 65536.;
double yd = ((y1 << 4) + (ydim << 15)) / 65536.;
double sc = mulscale16(czoom * (spr->yrepeat), yxaspect) / 65536.;
if (spnum >= 0)
DrawTexture(twod, tileGetTexture(5407, true), xd, yd, DTA_FullscreenScale, FSMode_Fit320x200,
DTA_CenterOffsetRel, true, DTA_TranslationIndex, TRANSLATION(Translation_Remap, spr->pal), DTA_Color, shadeToLight(spr->shade),
DTA_Alpha, (spr->cstat & 2) ? 0.33 : 1., TAG_DONE);
case 16: // Rotated sprite
x1 = sprx;
y1 = spry;
tilenum = spr->picnum;
xoff = (int)tileLeftOffset(tilenum) + (int)spr->xoffset;
if ((spr->cstat & 4) > 0)
xoff = -xoff;
k = spr->ang;
l = spr->xrepeat;
dax = sintable[k & 2047] * l;
day = sintable[(k + 1536) & 2047] * l;
l = tilesiz[tilenum].x;
k = (l >> 1) + xoff;
x1 -= mulscale16(dax, k);
x2 = x1 + mulscale16(dax, l);
y1 -= mulscale16(day, k);
y2 = y1 + mulscale16(day, l);
ox = x1 - cposx;
oy = y1 - cposy;
x1 = mulscale16(ox, xvect) - mulscale16(oy, yvect);
y1 = mulscale16(oy, xvect2) + mulscale16(ox, yvect2);
ox = x2 - cposx;
oy = y2 - cposy;
x2 = mulscale16(ox, xvect) - mulscale16(oy, yvect);
y2 = mulscale16(oy, xvect2) + mulscale16(ox, yvect2);
renderDrawLine(x1 + (xdim << 11), y1 + (ydim << 11),
x2 + (xdim << 11), y2 + (ydim << 11), col);
case 32: // Floor sprite
if (automapMode == am_overlay)
tilenum = spr->picnum;
xoff = (int)tileLeftOffset(tilenum) + (int)spr->xoffset;
yoff = (int)tileTopOffset(tilenum) + (int)spr->yoffset;
if ((spr->cstat & 4) > 0)
xoff = -xoff;
if ((spr->cstat & 8) > 0)
yoff = -yoff;
k = spr->ang;
cosang = sintable[(k + 512) & 2047];
sinang = sintable[k];
xspan = tilesiz[tilenum].x;
xrepeat = spr->xrepeat;
yspan = tilesiz[tilenum].y;
yrepeat = spr->yrepeat;
dax = ((xspan >> 1) + xoff) * xrepeat;
day = ((yspan >> 1) + yoff) * yrepeat;
x1 = sprx + mulscale16(sinang, dax) + mulscale16(cosang, day);
y1 = spry + mulscale16(sinang, day) - mulscale16(cosang, dax);
l = xspan * xrepeat;
x2 = x1 - mulscale16(sinang, l);
y2 = y1 + mulscale16(cosang, l);
l = yspan * yrepeat;
k = -mulscale16(cosang, l);
x3 = x2 + k;
x4 = x1 + k;
k = -mulscale16(sinang, l);
y3 = y2 + k;
y4 = y1 + k;
ox = x1 - cposx;
oy = y1 - cposy;
x1 = mulscale16(ox, xvect) - mulscale16(oy, yvect);
y1 = mulscale16(oy, xvect2) + mulscale16(ox, yvect2);
ox = x2 - cposx;
oy = y2 - cposy;
x2 = mulscale16(ox, xvect) - mulscale16(oy, yvect);
y2 = mulscale16(oy, xvect2) + mulscale16(ox, yvect2);
ox = x3 - cposx;
oy = y3 - cposy;
x3 = mulscale16(ox, xvect) - mulscale16(oy, yvect);
y3 = mulscale16(oy, xvect2) + mulscale16(ox, yvect2);
ox = x4 - cposx;
oy = y4 - cposy;
x4 = mulscale16(ox, xvect) - mulscale16(oy, yvect);
y4 = mulscale16(oy, xvect2) + mulscale16(ox, yvect2);
renderDrawLine(x1 + (xdim << 11), y1 + (ydim << 11),
x2 + (xdim << 11), y2 + (ydim << 11), col);
renderDrawLine(x2 + (xdim << 11), y2 + (ydim << 11),
x3 + (xdim << 11), y3 + (ydim << 11), col);
renderDrawLine(x3 + (xdim << 11), y3 + (ydim << 11),
x4 + (xdim << 11), y4 + (ydim << 11), col);
renderDrawLine(x4 + (xdim << 11), y4 + (ydim << 11),
x1 + (xdim << 11), y1 + (ydim << 11), col);
// Draw white lines
for (i = 0; i < numsectors; i++)
startwall = sector[i].wallptr;
endwall = sector[i].wallptr + sector[i].wallnum - 1;
for (j = startwall, wal = &wall[startwall]; j <= endwall; j++, wal++)
if ((uint16_t)wal->nextwall < MAXWALLS)
if (!mapcheat && (show2dwall[j >> 3] & (1 << (j & 7))) == 0)
if (!tileGetTexture(wal->picnum)->isValid()) continue;
ox = wal->x - cposx;
oy = wal->y - cposy;
x1 = mulscale16(ox, xvect) - mulscale16(oy, yvect);
y1 = mulscale16(oy, xvect2) + mulscale16(ox, yvect2);
wal2 = &wall[wal->point2];
ox = wal2->x - cposx;
oy = wal2->y - cposy;
x2 = mulscale16(ox, xvect) - mulscale16(oy, yvect);
y2 = mulscale16(oy, xvect2) + mulscale16(ox, yvect2);
renderDrawLine(x1 + (xdim << 11), y1 + (ydim << 11), x2 + (xdim << 11), y2 + (ydim << 11), 24);
@ -126,7 +126,6 @@ extern SWBOOL DebugOperate;
//unsigned char synctics, lastsynctics;
int zoom;
int ChopTics;
@ -2434,94 +2433,6 @@ void PlayerCheckValidMove(PLAYERp pp)
MoveScrollMode2D(PLAYERp pp)
#define TURBOTURNTIME (120/8)
#define NORMALTURN (12+6)
#define RUNTURN (28)
#define MAXANGVEL 100
ControlInfo scrl_input;
int32_t keymove;
int32_t momx, momy;
static int mfvel=0, mfsvel=0;
mfsvel = mfvel = 0;
if (M_Active())
if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Strafe))
mfsvel -= scrl_input.dyaw / 4;
mfsvel -= scrl_input.dx / 4;
mfvel = -scrl_input.dz /4;
if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Turn_Left))
mfsvel -= -keymove;
if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Turn_Right))
mfsvel -= keymove;
if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Strafe_Left))
mfsvel += keymove;
if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Strafe_Right))
mfsvel += -keymove;
if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Move_Forward))
mfvel += keymove;
if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Move_Backward))
mfvel += -keymove;
if (mfvel < -MAXVEL)
mfvel = -MAXVEL;
if (mfvel > MAXVEL)
mfvel = MAXVEL;
if (mfsvel < -MAXSVEL)
mfsvel = -MAXSVEL;
if (mfsvel > MAXSVEL)
mfsvel = MAXSVEL;
momx = mulscale9(mfvel, sintable[NORM_ANGLE(FixedToInt(pp->q16ang) + 512)]);
momy = mulscale9(mfvel, sintable[NORM_ANGLE(FixedToInt(pp->q16ang))]);
momx += mulscale9(mfsvel, sintable[NORM_ANGLE(FixedToInt(pp->q16ang))]);
momy += mulscale9(mfsvel, sintable[NORM_ANGLE(FixedToInt(pp->q16ang) + 1536)]);
//mfvel = momx;
//mfsvel = momy;
Follow_posx += momx;
Follow_posy += momy;
Follow_posx = max(Follow_posx, x_min_bound);
Follow_posy = max(Follow_posy, y_min_bound);
Follow_posx = min(Follow_posx, x_max_bound);
Follow_posy = min(Follow_posy, y_max_bound);
void PlayerSectorBound(PLAYERp pp, int amt)
if (pp->cursectnum < 9)
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