mirror of
synced 2025-03-06 00:31:07 +00:00
- implemented proper scaling support for the notify display - both the classic and advanced variant.
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 37 additions and 41 deletions
@ -231,14 +231,8 @@ int GetUIScale(F2DDrawer* drawer, int altval);
int GetConScale(F2DDrawer* drawer, int altval);
EXTERN_CVAR(Int, uiscale);
EXTERN_CVAR(Int, con_scaletext);
EXTERN_CVAR(Int, con_scale);
inline int active_con_scaletext(F2DDrawer* drawer, bool newconfont = false)
return newconfont ? GetConScale(drawer, con_scaletext) : GetUIScale(drawer, con_scaletext);
inline int active_con_scale(F2DDrawer *drawer)
return GetConScale(drawer, con_scale);
@ -137,12 +137,14 @@ static char *work = NULL;
static int worklen = 0;
CVAR(Float, con_notifytime, 3.f, CVAR_ARCHIVE)
CUSTOM_CVAR(Float, con_notifyscale, 1, CVAR_ARCHIVE)
if (self < 0.36f) self = 0.36f;
if (self > 1) self = 1;
CVAR(Bool, con_centernotify, false, CVAR_ARCHIVE)
CVAR(Bool, con_notify_advanced, false, CVAR_ARCHIVE)
CUSTOM_CVAR(Int, con_scaletext, 2, CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG) // Scale notify text at high resolutions?
if (self < 0) self = 0;
CVAR(Bool, con_pulsetext, false, CVAR_ARCHIVE)
CUSTOM_CVAR(Int, con_scale, 0, CVAR_ARCHIVE)
@ -794,19 +796,22 @@ void FNotifyBuffer::AddString(int printlevel, FString source)
con_notifylines == 0)
width = screen->GetWidth() / active_con_scaletext(twod, generic_ui);
auto screenratio = ActiveRatio(screen->GetWidth(), screen->GetHeight());
FFont* font = generic_ui ? NewSmallFont : SmallFont ? SmallFont : AlternativeSmallFont;
if (font == nullptr) return; // Without an initialized font we cannot handle the message (this is for those which come here before the font system is ready.)
double fontscale = (generic_ui? 0.7 : NotifyFontScale) * con_notifyscale;
width = int(320 * (screenratio / 1.333) / fontscale);
if (AddType == APPENDLINE && Text.Size() > 0 && Text[Text.Size() - 1].PrintLevel == printlevel)
FString str = Text[Text.Size() - 1].Text + source;
lines = V_BreakLines (font, width * NotifyFontScale, str);
lines = V_BreakLines (font, width, str);
lines = V_BreakLines (font, width * NotifyFontScale, source);
lines = V_BreakLines (font, width, source);
if (AddType == APPENDLINE)
AddType = NEWLINE;
@ -1094,7 +1099,8 @@ void FNotifyBuffer::DrawNative()
int line = (g_gameType & GAMEFLAG_BLOOD)? Top : (g_gameType & GAMEFLAG_SW) ? 40 : font->GetDisplacement();
bool canskip = (g_gameType & GAMEFLAG_BLOOD);
int lineadv = font->GetHeight();
double scale = 1 / (NotifyFontScale * con_notifyscale);
int lineadv = font->GetHeight() / NotifyFontScale;
for (unsigned i = topline; i < Text.Size(); ++i)
@ -1116,16 +1122,14 @@ void FNotifyBuffer::DrawNative()
DrawText(twod, font, CR_UNTRANSLATED, 0, line, notify.Text,
DTA_FullscreenScale, FSMode_ScaleToHeight,
DTA_VirtualWidth, 320, DTA_VirtualHeight, 200, DTA_KeepRatio, true,
DTA_VirtualWidthF, 320 * scale, DTA_VirtualHeightF, 200 * scale, DTA_KeepRatio, true,
DTA_Alpha, alpha, TAG_DONE);
int fac = isRR() ? 2 : 1;
DrawText(twod, font, CR_UNTRANSLATED, 160 * fac - font->StringWidth(notify.Text) / 2, line, notify.Text,
DrawText(twod, font, CR_UNTRANSLATED, 160 * scale - font->StringWidth(notify.Text) / 2, line, notify.Text,
DTA_FullscreenScale, FSMode_ScaleToHeight,
DTA_VirtualWidth, 320 * fac, DTA_VirtualHeight, 200 * fac,
DTA_VirtualWidthF, 320 * scale, DTA_VirtualHeightF, 200 * scale,
DTA_Alpha, alpha, TAG_DONE);
line += lineadv;
@ -1155,13 +1159,15 @@ void FNotifyBuffer::Draw()
bool center = (con_centernotify != 0.f);
int color;
FFont* font = generic_ui ? NewSmallFont : SmallFont? SmallFont : AlternativeSmallFont;
int line = Top + font->GetDisplacement() / NotifyFontScale;
bool canskip = true;
int lineadv = font->GetHeight () / NotifyFontScale;
FFont* font = generic_ui ? NewSmallFont : SmallFont? SmallFont : AlternativeSmallFont;
double nfscale = (generic_ui? 0.7 : NotifyFontScale);
double scale = 1 / ( * con_notifyscale);
int line = Top + font->GetDisplacement() / nfscale;
int lineadv = font->GetHeight () / nfscale;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < Text.Size(); ++ i)
@ -1184,20 +1190,19 @@ void FNotifyBuffer::Draw()
color = PrintColors[notify.PrintLevel];
int scale = active_con_scaletext(twod, generic_ui);
if (!center)
DrawText(twod, font, color, 0, line * NotifyFontScale, notify.Text,
DTA_VirtualWidth, twod->GetWidth() / scale * NotifyFontScale,
DTA_VirtualHeight, twod->GetHeight() / scale * NotifyFontScale,
DTA_FullscreenScale, FSMode_ScaleToHeight,
DTA_VirtualWidthF, 320. * scale,
DTA_VirtualHeightF, 200. * scale,
DTA_KeepRatio, true,
DTA_Alpha, alpha, TAG_DONE);
DrawText(twod, font, color, (twod->GetWidth() * NotifyFontScale -
font->StringWidth (notify.Text) * scale) / 2 / scale,
DrawText(twod, font, color, 160 * scale - font->StringWidth (notify.Text) / 2.,
line, notify.Text,
DTA_VirtualWidth, twod->GetWidth() / scale * NotifyFontScale,
DTA_VirtualHeight, twod->GetHeight() / scale * NotifyFontScale,
DTA_KeepRatio, true,
DTA_FullscreenScale, FSMode_ScaleToHeight,
DTA_VirtualWidthF, 320. * scale,
DTA_VirtualHeightF, 200. * scale,
DTA_Alpha, alpha, TAG_DONE);
line += lineadv;
canskip = false;
@ -44,13 +44,11 @@ enum
EXTERN_CVAR (Int, con_scaletext)
EXTERN_CVAR (Bool, sb_cooperative_enable)
EXTERN_CVAR (Bool, sb_deathmatch_enable)
EXTERN_CVAR (Bool, sb_teamdeathmatch_enable)
int active_con_scaletext();
int active_con_scale();
// Public data
@ -243,7 +241,7 @@ void CT_Drawer (void)
y = -displayfont->GetHeight()-2;
scalex = 1;
int scale = active_con_scaletext(drawer);
int scale = active_con_scale(drawer);
int screen_width = twod->GetWidth() / scale;
int screen_height= twod->GetHeight() / scale;
#if 0 // stuff for later
@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ void SECRET_SetMapName(const char *filename, const char *_maptitle)
void SECRET_Trigger(int num)
if (secret_notify) Printf("Secret #%d found\n", num);
if (secret_notify) Printf(PRINT_NONOTIFY, "Secret #%d found\n", num);
if (discovered_secrets.Find(num) == discovered_secrets.Size())
@ -75,7 +75,6 @@ EXTERN_CVAR (Bool, am_showsecrets)
EXTERN_CVAR (Bool, am_showtime)
EXTERN_CVAR (Bool, am_showtotaltime)
EXTERN_CVAR (Bool, noisedebug)
EXTERN_CVAR (Int, con_scaletext)
EXTERN_CVAR(Bool, vid_fps)
EXTERN_CVAR(Bool, inter_subtitles)
CVAR(Bool, log_vgafont, false, CVAR_ARCHIVE)
@ -1024,10 +1024,10 @@ OptionMenu "HUDOptions" //protected
Slider "$DSPLYMNU_SCREENSIZE", "hud_size", 0.0, 9.0, 1.0, -1
Slider "$DSPLYMNU_SBSCALE", "hud_scale", 36, 100, 0.04, 2
Slider "$DSPLYMNU_SBSCALE", "hud_scale", 0.36, 1.0, 0.04, 2
StaticText ""
Option "$DSPLYMNU_LEVELSTATS", "hud_stats", "OnOff"
Slider "$DSPLYMNU_STATSCALE", "hud_statscale", 36, 100, 0.04, 2
Slider "$DSPLYMNU_STATSCALE", "hud_statscale", 0.36, 1.0, 0.04, 2
//Slider "$DSPLYMNU_TEXTSCALE", "hud_textscale", 100, 400, 20, 2
@ -1036,7 +1036,7 @@ OptionMenu "HUDOptions" //protected
Option "$DSPLYMNU_MESSAGEDISP", "con_notify_advanced", "HudMessageStyle"
Option "$MSGMNU_CENTERMESSAGES", "con_centernotify", "OnOff", "con_notify_advanced"
Option "$MSGMNU_PULSEMESSAGES", "con_pulsetext", "OnOff", "con_notify_advanced"
Slider "$MSGMNU_MESSAGESCALE", "con_scaletext", 0.0, 8.0, 1.0, 1
Slider "$MSGMNU_MESSAGESCALE", "con_notifyscale", 0.36, 1.0, 0.04, 2
StaticText ""
Option "$DSPLYMNU_CROSSHAIR", "cl_crosshair", OnOff
Reference in a new issue