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synced 2025-03-15 13:10:44 +00:00
Build tools/arttool: Port commit f874a10ef136f4de3c9a9cccf3eacd886bae0d2d from JFBuild: improved with info dumping and tile export
git-svn-id: https://svn.eduke32.com/eduke32@5416 1a8010ca-5511-0410-912e-c29ae57300e0
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 444 additions and 51 deletions
@ -131,6 +131,9 @@ void usage()
Bprintf("Copyright (C) 2008 Jonathon Fowler <jf@jonof.id.au>\n");
Bprintf("Released under the Artistic License 2.0\n");
Bprintf(" arttool info [tilenum]\n");
Bprintf(" Display information about a specific tile, or all if none is specified\n");
Bprintf(" arttool create [options]\n");
Bprintf(" -f <filenum> Selects which numbered ART file to create (default 0)\n");
Bprintf(" -o <offset> Specifies the first tile in the file (default 0)\n");
@ -148,6 +151,9 @@ void usage()
Bprintf(" arttool rmtile <tilenum>\n");
Bprintf(" Removes a tile from the 'tilesXXX.art' set\n");
Bprintf(" arttool exporttile <tilenum>\n");
Bprintf(" Exports a tile from the 'tilesXXX.art' set to a PCX file\n");
Bprintf(" arttool tileprop [options] <tilenum>\n");
Bprintf(" -x <pixels> X-centre\n");
Bprintf(" -y <pixels> Y-centre\n");
@ -166,6 +172,7 @@ private:
short * tilesizx_;
short * tilesizy_;
int * picanm_;
int datastartoffset_;
// for removing or replacing tile data
int markprelength_, markskiplength_, markpostlength_;
@ -248,13 +255,17 @@ private:
for (i = 0; i < ntiles; ++i) {
picanm_[i] = readLong(infile);
datastartoffset_ = Bftell(infile);
ARTFile(Bstring filename)
ARTFile(Bstring const & filename)
: filename_(filename), localtilestart_(0), localtileend_(-1),
tilesizx_(0), tilesizy_(0), picanm_(0),
tilesizx_(0), tilesizy_(0), picanm_(0), datastartoffset_(0),
markprelength_(0), markskiplength_(0), markpostlength_(0),
insert_(0), insertlen_(0)
@ -280,6 +291,7 @@ public:
tilesizx_ = new short[ntiles];
tilesizy_ = new short[ntiles];
picanm_ = new int[ntiles];
datastartoffset_ = 0;
memset(tilesizx_, 0, sizeof(short)*ntiles);
memset(tilesizy_, 0, sizeof(short)*ntiles);
@ -347,6 +359,18 @@ public:
insertlen_ = replacelen;
void getTileSize(int tile, int& x, int &y)
if (tile < localtilestart_ || tile > localtileend_) {
x = y = -1;
tile -= localtilestart_;
x = tilesizx_[tile];
y = tilesizy_[tile];
void setTileSize(int tile, int x, int y)
if (tile < localtilestart_ || tile > localtileend_) {
@ -380,6 +404,26 @@ public:
picanm_[tile] |= ((int)((unsigned char)y) << 16);
int getXOfs(int tile)
if (tile < localtilestart_ || tile > localtileend_) {
return 0;
tile -= localtilestart_;
return (picanm_[tile] >> 8) & 255;
int getYOfs(int tile)
if (tile < localtilestart_ || tile > localtileend_) {
return 0;
tile -= localtilestart_;
return (picanm_[tile] >> 16) & 255;
void setAnimType(int tile, int type)
if (tile < localtilestart_ || tile > localtileend_) {
@ -391,6 +435,16 @@ public:
picanm_[tile] |= ((int)(type&3) << 6);
int getAnimType(int tile)
if (tile < localtilestart_ || tile > localtileend_) {
return 0;
tile -= localtilestart_;
return (picanm_[tile] >> 6) & 3;
void setAnimFrames(int tile, int frames)
if (tile < localtilestart_ || tile > localtileend_) {
@ -402,6 +456,16 @@ public:
picanm_[tile] |= ((int)(frames&63));
int getAnimFrames(int tile)
if (tile < localtilestart_ || tile > localtileend_) {
return 0;
tile -= localtilestart_;
return picanm_[tile] & 63;
void setAnimSpeed(int tile, int speed)
if (tile < localtilestart_ || tile > localtileend_) {
@ -413,6 +477,16 @@ public:
picanm_[tile] |= ((int)(speed&15) << 24);
int getAnimSpeed(int tile)
if (tile < localtilestart_ || tile > localtileend_) {
return 0;
tile -= localtilestart_;
return (picanm_[tile] >> 24) & 15;
int write()
BFILE *outfile = tmpfile();
@ -496,62 +570,197 @@ public:
return 0;
char * readTile(int tile, int& bytes)
bytes = -1;
if (tile < localtilestart_ || tile > localtileend_) {
return 0;
tile -= localtilestart_;
if (tilesizx_[tile] == 0 || tilesizy_[tile] == 0) {
bytes = 0;
return 0;
BFILE *infile = Bfopen(filename_(),"rb");
if (infile == NULL) {
return 0;
} else {
// skip to the start of the existing ART data
Bfseek(infile, datastartoffset_, SEEK_SET);
bytes = tilesizx_[tile] * tilesizy_[tile];
char * data = new char[bytes];
for (int i = 0; i < tile; i++) {
Bfseek(infile, tilesizx_[i] * tilesizy_[i], SEEK_CUR);
if (Bfread(data, bytes, 1, infile) != 1) {
delete [] data;
data = 0;
return data;
* Decodes a PCX file directly to BUILD's column-major pixel order
* @param data the raw file data
* @param datalen the length of the raw file data
* @param imgdata receives a pointer to the decoded image data
* @param imgdataw receives the decoded image width
* @param imgdatah receives the decoded image height
* @return 0 on success, 1 if the format is invalid
int loadimage_pcx(unsigned char * data, int datalen ATTRIBUTE((unused)), char ** imgdata, int& imgdataw, int& imgdatah)
if (data[0] != 10 ||
data[1] != 5 ||
data[2] != 1 ||
data[3] != 8 ||
data[64] != 0 ||
data[65] != 1) {
return 1;
class PCX {
static int writebyte(unsigned char colour, unsigned char count, BFILE *ofs)
if (!count) return 0;
if (count == 1 && (colour & 0xc0) != 0xc0) {
Bfputc(colour, ofs);
return 1;
} else {
Bfputc(0xc0 | count, ofs);
Bfputc(colour, ofs);
return 2;
int bpl = data[66] + ((int)data[67] << 8);
int x, y, repeat, colour;
unsigned char *wptr, *rptr;
static void writeline(unsigned char *buf, int bytes, int step, BFILE *ofs)
unsigned char ths, last;
int srcIndex;
unsigned char runCount;
imgdataw = (data[8] + ((int)data[9] << 8)) - (data[4] + ((int)data[5] << 8)) + 1;
imgdatah = (data[10] + ((int)data[11] << 8)) - (data[6] + ((int)data[7] << 8)) + 1;
runCount = 1;
last = *buf;
*imgdata = new char [imgdataw * imgdatah];
rptr = data + 128;
for (y = 0; y < imgdatah; y++) {
wptr = (unsigned char *) (*imgdata + y);
x = 0;
do {
repeat = *(rptr++);
if ((repeat & 192) == 192) {
colour = *(rptr++);
repeat = repeat & 63;
} else {
colour = repeat;
repeat = 1;
for (; repeat > 0; repeat--, x++) {
if (x < imgdataw) {
*wptr = (unsigned char) colour;
wptr += imgdatah; // next column
for (srcIndex=1; srcIndex<bytes; srcIndex++) {
buf += step;
ths = *buf;
if (ths == last) {
if (runCount == 63) {
writebyte(last, runCount, ofs);
runCount = 0;
} else {
if (runCount)
writebyte(last, runCount, ofs);
last = ths;
runCount = 1;
} while (x < bpl);
if (runCount) writebyte(last, runCount, ofs);
if (bytes&1) writebyte(0, 1, ofs);
return 0;
* Decodes a PCX file to BUILD's column-major pixel order
* @param data the raw file data
* @param datalen the length of the raw file data
* @param imgdata receives a pointer to the decoded image data
* @param imgdataw receives the decoded image width
* @param imgdatah receives the decoded image height
* @return 0 on success, 1 if the format is invalid
static int decode(unsigned char * data, int datalen, char ** imgdata, int& imgdataw, int& imgdatah)
if (datalen < 128 ||
data[0] != 10 ||
data[1] != 5 ||
data[2] != 1 ||
data[3] != 8 ||
data[64] != 0 ||
data[65] != 1) {
return 1;
int bpl = data[66] + ((int)data[67] << 8);
int x, y, repeat, colour;
unsigned char *wptr;
int roff;
imgdataw = (data[8] + ((int)data[9] << 8)) - (data[4] + ((int)data[5] << 8)) + 1;
imgdatah = (data[10] + ((int)data[11] << 8)) - (data[6] + ((int)data[7] << 8)) + 1;
*imgdata = new char [imgdataw * imgdatah];
roff = 128;
for (y = 0; y < imgdatah; y++) {
wptr = (unsigned char *) (*imgdata + y);
x = 0;
do {
if (EDUKE32_PREDICT_FALSE(roff >= datalen))
return 1;
repeat = *(data + roff++);
if ((repeat & 192) == 192) {
if (EDUKE32_PREDICT_FALSE(roff >= datalen))
return 1;
colour = *(data + roff++);
repeat = repeat & 63;
} else {
colour = repeat;
repeat = 1;
for (; repeat > 0; repeat--, x++) {
if (x < imgdataw) {
*wptr = (unsigned char) colour;
wptr += imgdatah; // next column
} while (x < bpl);
return 0;
* Writes a PCX file from data in BUILD's column-major pixel order
* @param ofs the output file stream
* @param imgdata a pointer to the image data
* @param imgdataw the image width
* @param imgdatah the image height
* @param palette the image palette, 256*3 bytes
* @return 0 on success
static int write(BFILE *ofs, unsigned char * imgdata, int imgdataw, int imgdatah, unsigned char * palette)
unsigned char head[128];
int bpl = imgdataw + (imgdataw&1);
head[0] = 10;
head[1] = 5;
head[2] = 1;
head[3] = 8;
head[8] = (imgdataw-1) & 0xff;
head[9] = ((imgdataw-1) >> 8) & 0xff;
head[10] = (imgdatah-1) & 0xff;
head[11] = ((imgdatah-1) >> 8) & 0xff;
head[12] = 72; head[13] = 0;
head[14] = 72; head[15] = 0;
head[65] = 1; // 8-bit
head[66] = bpl & 0xff;
head[67] = (bpl >> 8) & 0xff;
head[68] = 1;
Bfwrite(head, sizeof(head), 1, ofs);
for (int i = 0; i < imgdatah; i++) {
writeline(imgdata + i, imgdataw, imgdatah, ofs);
Bfputc(12, ofs);
Bfwrite(palette, 768, 1, ofs);
return 0;
* Loads a tile from a picture file into memory
@ -561,7 +770,7 @@ int loadimage_pcx(unsigned char * data, int datalen ATTRIBUTE((unused)), char **
* @param imgdatah receives the decoded image height
* @return 0 on success
int loadimage(Bstring filename, char ** imgdata, int& imgdataw, int& imgdatah)
int loadimage(Bstring const & filename, char ** imgdata, int& imgdataw, int& imgdatah)
BFILE *infile = Bfopen(filename(),"rb");
unsigned char * data = 0;
@ -580,13 +789,53 @@ int loadimage(Bstring filename, char ** imgdata, int& imgdataw, int& imgdatah)
Bfread(data, 1, datalen, infile);
err = loadimage_pcx(data, datalen, imgdata, imgdataw, imgdatah);
err = PCX::decode(data, datalen, imgdata, imgdataw, imgdatah);
delete [] data;
return err;
* Saves a tile from memory to disk, taking the palette from palette.dat
* @param filename the filename
* @param imgdata a pointer to the image data
* @param imgdataw the image width
* @param imgdatah the image height
* @return 0 on success
int saveimage(Bstring const & filename, char * imgdata, int imgdataw, int imgdatah)
BFILE *outfile = Bfopen(filename(), "wb");
BFILE *palfile = Bfopen("palette.dat", "rb");
unsigned char palette[768];
if (palfile != NULL) {
Bfread(palette, 768, 1, palfile);
for (int i=0; i<256*3; i++) {
palette[i] <<= 2;
} else {
Bfprintf(stderr, "warning: palette.dat could not be loaded\n");
for (int i=0; i<256; i++) {
palette[i*3+0] = i;
palette[i*3+1] = i;
palette[i*3+2] = i;
if (outfile == NULL) {
return 1;
PCX::write(outfile, (unsigned char *)imgdata, imgdataw, imgdatah, palette);
return 0;
class Operation {
Bstring makefilename(int n)
@ -647,6 +896,80 @@ public:
virtual Result perform() = 0;
class InfoOp : public Operation {
int tilenum_;
void outputInfo(ARTFile& art, int tile)
Bprintf(" Tile %i: ", tile);
int w, h;
art.getTileSize(tile, w, h);
Bprintf("%ix%i ", w, h);
Bprintf("Xofs: %i, ", art.getXOfs(tile));
Bprintf("Yofs: %i, ", art.getYOfs(tile));
Bprintf("AnimType: %i, ", art.getAnimType(tile));
Bprintf("AnimFrames: %i, ", art.getAnimFrames(tile));
Bprintf("AnimSpeed: %i\n", art.getAnimSpeed(tile));
InfoOp() : tilenum_(-1) { }
virtual Result setOption(const Bstring &opt ATTRIBUTE((unused)), const Bstring &value ATTRIBUTE((unused)))
virtual Result setParameter(const int &number, const Bstring &value)
switch (number) {
case 0:
tilenum_ = atoi(value());
return ERR_NO_ERROR;
virtual Result perform()
int filenum = 0, tile;
for (filenum = 0; filenum < 1000; filenum++) {
Bstring filename = makefilename(filenum);
ARTFile art(filename);
if (art.getNumTiles() == 0) {
// no file exists, so give up
if (tilenum_ < 0) {
return ERR_NO_ERROR;
if (tilenum_ >= 0) {
if (tilenum_ > art.getLastTile()) {
// Not in this file.
} else {
Bprintf("File %s\n", filename());
outputInfo(art, tilenum_);
return ERR_NO_ERROR;
} else {
Bprintf("File %s\n", filename());
for (tile = art.getFirstTile(); tile <= art.getLastTile(); tile++) {
outputInfo(art, tile);
class CreateOp : public Operation {
@ -860,6 +1183,72 @@ public:
class ExportTileOp : public Operation {
int tilenum_;
ExportTileOp() : tilenum_(-1) { }
virtual Result setOption(const Bstring &opt ATTRIBUTE((unused)), const Bstring &value ATTRIBUTE((unused)))
virtual Result setParameter(const int &number, const Bstring &value)
switch (number) {
case 0:
tilenum_ = atoi(value());
return ERR_NO_ERROR;
virtual Result perform()
int filenum = 0;
Bstring filename("tile0000.pcx");
filename[4] = '0' + (tilenum_ / 1000) % 10;
filename[5] = '0' + (tilenum_ / 100) % 10;
filename[6] = '0' + (tilenum_ / 10) % 10;
filename[7] = '0' + (tilenum_) % 10;
// open art files until we find the one that encompasses the range we need
// and when we find it, export it
for (filenum = 0; filenum < 1000; filenum++) {
ARTFile art(makefilename(filenum));
if (art.getNumTiles() == 0) {
// no file exists, so give up
if (tilenum_ >= art.getFirstTile() && tilenum_ <= art.getLastTile()) {
int bytes, w, h;
char * data = art.readTile(tilenum_, bytes);
art.getTileSize(tilenum_, w, h);
if (bytes == 0) {
return ERR_NO_ERROR;
switch (saveimage(filename, data, w, h)) {
case 0: break; // win
default: return ERR_INVALID_IMAGE;
delete [] data;
return ERR_NO_ERROR;
class TilePropOp : public Operation {
int xofs_, yofs_;
@ -981,12 +1370,16 @@ int main(int argc, char ** argv)
Bstring value;
// create the option handler object according to the first param
if (opt == "create") {
if (opt == "info") {
oper = new InfoOp;
} else if (opt == "create") {
oper = new CreateOp;
} else if (opt == "addtile") {
oper = new AddTileOp;
} else if (opt == "rmtile") {
oper = new RmTileOp;
} else if (opt == "exporttile") {
oper = new ExportTileOp;
} else if (opt == "tileprop") {
oper = new TilePropOp;
} else {
Reference in a new issue