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synced 2025-03-16 21:50:45 +00:00
4-step Iterative parallax mapping, parallaxscale and parallaxbias DEF tokens for normal maps, support for floating-point cvars, pr_overrideparallax cvar to fine-tune the scale and bias settings.
git-svn-id: https://svn.eduke32.com/eduke32@1284 1a8010ca-5511-0410-912e-c29ae57300e0
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 93 additions and 24 deletions
@ -40,6 +40,9 @@ extern int32_t pr_verbosity;
extern int32_t pr_wireframe;
extern int32_t pr_vbos;
extern int32_t pr_gpusmoothing;
extern int32_t pr_overrideparallax;
extern float pr_parallaxscale;
extern float pr_parallaxbias;
extern int32_t glerror;
@ -70,6 +73,7 @@ typedef struct s_prmaterial {
GLsizei nextframedatastride;
GLuint normalmap;
GLfloat normalbias[2];
GLuint diffusemap;
GLfloat diffusescale[2];
@ -102,6 +106,7 @@ typedef struct s_prrograminfo {
GLint attrib_N;
GLint uniform_eyePosition;
GLint uniform_normalMap;
GLint uniform_normalBias;
GLint uniform_diffuseMap;
GLint uniform_diffuseScale;
@ -247,8 +247,8 @@ static tokenlist texturetokens_pal[] =
{ "alphacut", T_ALPHACUT },
{ "detailscale", T_XSCALE }, { "scale", T_XSCALE }, { "xscale", T_XSCALE }, { "intensity", T_XSCALE },
{ "yscale", T_YSCALE },
{ "specpower", T_SPECPOWER },
{ "specfactor", T_SPECFACTOR },
{ "specpower", T_SPECPOWER }, { "parallaxscale", T_SPECPOWER },
{ "specfactor", T_SPECFACTOR }, { "parallaxbias", T_SPECFACTOR },
{ "nocompress", T_NOCOMPRESS },
{ "nodownsize", T_NODOWNSIZE },
@ -13,6 +13,9 @@ int32_t pr_wireframe = 0;
int32_t pr_vbos = 2;
int32_t pr_mirrordepth = 1;
int32_t pr_gpusmoothing = 1;
int32_t pr_overrideparallax = 0;
float pr_parallaxscale = 0.5f;
float pr_parallaxbias = 0.5f;
int32_t glerror;
@ -193,18 +196,33 @@ _prprogrambit prprogrambits[PR_BIT_COUNT] = {
"attribute vec3 B;\n"
"attribute vec3 N;\n"
"uniform vec3 eyePosition;\n"
"varying vec3 tangentSpaceEyeVec;\n"
// vert_prog
" TBN = transpose(mat3(T, B, N));\n"
" eyePos = eyePosition;\n"
" tangentSpaceEyeVec = eyePosition - vec3(curVertex);\n"
" tangentSpaceEyeVec = TBN * tangentSpaceEyeVec;\n"
" isNormalMapped = 1;\n"
// frag_def
"uniform sampler2D normalMap;\n"
"uniform vec2 normalBias;\n"
"varying vec3 tangentSpaceEyeVec;\n"
// frag_prog
" normalTexel = texture2D(normalMap, gl_TexCoord[0].st);\n"
" vec4 normalStep;\n"
" float biasedHeight;\n"
" eyeVec = normalize(tangentSpaceEyeVec);\n"
" for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {\n"
" normalStep = texture2D(normalMap, commonTexCoord.st);\n"
" biasedHeight = normalStep.a * normalBias.x - normalBias.y;\n"
" commonTexCoord += (biasedHeight - commonTexCoord.z) * normalStep.z * eyeVec;\n"
" }\n"
" normalTexel = texture2D(normalMap, commonTexCoord.st);\n"
" isNormalMapped = 1;\n"
@ -221,7 +239,7 @@ _prprogrambit prprogrambits[PR_BIT_COUNT] = {
"uniform sampler2D diffuseMap;\n"
// frag_prog
" diffuseTexel = texture2D(diffuseMap, gl_TexCoord[0].st);\n"
" diffuseTexel = texture2D(diffuseMap, commonTexCoord.st);\n"
" if (isLightingPass == 0)\n"
" result *= diffuseTexel;\n"
@ -232,13 +250,18 @@ _prprogrambit prprogrambits[PR_BIT_COUNT] = {
"uniform vec2 detailScale;\n"
// vert_prog
" gl_TexCoord[texCoord++] = vec4(detailScale, 1.0, 1.0) * gl_MultiTexCoord0;\n"
" if (isNormalMapped == 0)\n"
" gl_TexCoord[texCoord++] = vec4(detailScale, 1.0, 1.0) * gl_MultiTexCoord0;\n"
// frag_def
"uniform sampler2D detailMap;\n"
"uniform vec2 detailScale;\n"
// frag_prog
" result *= texture2D(detailMap, gl_TexCoord[texCoord++].st);\n"
" if (isNormalMapped == 0)\n"
" result *= texture2D(detailMap, gl_TexCoord[texCoord++].st);\n"
" else\n"
" result *= texture2D(detailMap, commonTexCoord.st * detailScale);\n"
" result.rgb *= 2.0;\n"
@ -266,7 +289,7 @@ _prprogrambit prprogrambits[PR_BIT_COUNT] = {
"uniform sampler2D specMap;\n"
// frag_prog
" specTexel = texture2D(specMap, gl_TexCoord[0].st);\n"
" specTexel = texture2D(specMap, commonTexCoord.st);\n"
@ -315,7 +338,7 @@ _prprogrambit prprogrambits[PR_BIT_COUNT] = {
// frag_prog
" vec4 glowTexel;\n"
" glowTexel = texture2D(glowMap, gl_TexCoord[0].st);\n"
" glowTexel = texture2D(glowMap, commonTexCoord.st);\n"
" result = vec4((result.rgb * (1.0 - glowTexel.a)) + (glowTexel.rgb * glowTexel.a), result.a);\n"
@ -368,8 +391,6 @@ _prprogrambit prprogrambits[PR_BIT_COUNT] = {
" if (isNormalMapped == 1) {\n"
" tangentSpaceLightVector = gl_LightSource[0].specular.rgb - vec3(curVertex);\n"
" tangentSpaceLightVector = TBN * tangentSpaceLightVector;\n"
" eyeVector = eyePos - vec3(curVertex);\n"
" eyeVector = TBN * eyeVector;\n"
" } else\n"
" vertexNormal = normalize(gl_NormalMatrix * curNormal);\n"
@ -406,13 +427,15 @@ _prprogrambit prprogrambits[PR_BIT_COUNT] = {
" }\n"
" if (isNormalMapped == 1) {\n"
" E = eyeVec;\n"
" N = normalize(2.0 * (normalTexel.rgb - 0.5));\n"
" L = normalize(tangentSpaceLightVector);\n"
" } else\n"
" } else {\n"
" E = normalize(eyeVector);\n"
" N = normalize(vertexNormal);\n"
" }\n"
" NdotL = max(dot(N, L), 0.0);\n"
" E = normalize(eyeVector);\n"
" R = reflect(-L, N);\n"
" lightDiffuse = diffuseTexel.a * gl_Color.a * diffuseTexel.rgb * shadowResult *\n"
@ -432,7 +455,6 @@ _prprogrambit prprogrambits[PR_BIT_COUNT] = {
" vec4 curVertex = gl_Vertex;\n"
" vec3 curNormal = gl_Normal;\n"
" int isNormalMapped = 0;\n"
" vec3 eyePos;\n"
" mat3 TBN;\n"
" gl_TexCoord[0] = gl_MultiTexCoord0;\n"
@ -443,6 +465,7 @@ _prprogrambit prprogrambits[PR_BIT_COUNT] = {
// frag_def
"void main(void)\n"
" vec3 commonTexCoord = vec3(gl_TexCoord[0].st, 0.0);\n"
" int texCoord = 1;\n"
" vec4 result = vec4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);\n"
" vec4 diffuseTexel = vec4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);\n"
@ -450,6 +473,7 @@ _prprogrambit prprogrambits[PR_BIT_COUNT] = {
" vec4 normalTexel;\n"
" int isLightingPass = 0;\n"
" int isNormalMapped = 0;\n"
" vec3 eyeVec;\n"
" int isSpotLight = 0;\n"
" vec3 spotVector;\n"
" vec2 spotCosRadius;\n"
@ -3063,6 +3087,7 @@ static void polymer_getscratchmaterial(_prmaterial* material)
material->nextframedatastride = 0;
material->normalmap = 0;
material->normalbias[0] = material->normalbias[1] = 0.0f;
material->diffusemap = 0;
material->diffusescale[0] = material->diffusescale[1] = 1.0f;
@ -3100,8 +3125,11 @@ static void polymer_getbuildmaterial(_prmaterial* material, int16_t tile
glowpth = NULL;
glowpth = gltexcache(tilenum, 100, 0);
if (glowpth && glowpth->hicr && (glowpth->hicr->palnum == 100))
if (glowpth && glowpth->hicr && (glowpth->hicr->palnum == 100)) {
material->normalmap = glowpth->glpic;
material->normalbias[0] = glowpth->hicr->specpower;
material->normalbias[1] = glowpth->hicr->specfactor;
@ -3132,13 +3160,6 @@ static void polymer_getbuildmaterial(_prmaterial* material, int16_t tile
material->detailscale[0] = detailpth->hicr->xscale;
material->detailscale[1] = detailpth->hicr->yscale;
// scale by the diffuse map scale if there's one defined
if (pth->hicr)
material->detailscale[0] *= material->diffusescale[0];
material->detailscale[1] *= material->diffusescale[1];
@ -3289,7 +3310,7 @@ static int32_t polymer_bindmaterial(_prmaterial material, char* lights, int
if (programbits & prprogrambits[PR_BIT_NORMAL_MAP].bit)
float pos[3];
float pos[3], bias[2];
pos[0] = globalposy;
pos[1] = -(float)(globalposz) / 16.0f;
@ -3300,6 +3321,12 @@ static int32_t polymer_bindmaterial(_prmaterial material, char* lights, int
bglUniform3fvARB(prprograms[programbits].uniform_eyePosition, 1, pos);
bglUniform1iARB(prprograms[programbits].uniform_normalMap, texunit);
if (pr_overrideparallax) {
bias[0] = pr_parallaxscale;
bias[1] = pr_parallaxbias;
bglUniform2fvARB(prprograms[programbits].uniform_normalBias, 1, bias);
} else
bglUniform2fvARB(prprograms[programbits].uniform_normalBias, 1, material.normalbias);
@ -3319,11 +3346,23 @@ static int32_t polymer_bindmaterial(_prmaterial material, char* lights, int
if (programbits & prprogrambits[PR_BIT_DIFFUSE_DETAIL_MAP].bit)
float scale[2];
// scale by the diffuse map scale if we're not doing normal mapping
if (!(programbits & prprogrambits[PR_BIT_NORMAL_MAP].bit))
scale[0] = material.diffusescale[0] * material.detailscale[0];
scale[1] = material.diffusescale[1] * material.detailscale[1];
} else {
scale[0] = material.detailscale[0];
scale[1] = material.detailscale[1];
bglActiveTextureARB(texunit + GL_TEXTURE0_ARB);
bglBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, material.detailmap);
bglUniform1iARB(prprograms[programbits].uniform_detailMap, texunit);
bglUniform2fvARB(prprograms[programbits].uniform_detailScale, 1, material.detailscale);
bglUniform2fvARB(prprograms[programbits].uniform_detailScale, 1, scale);
@ -3572,6 +3611,7 @@ static void polymer_compileprogram(int32_t programbits)
prprograms[programbits].attrib_N = bglGetAttribLocationARB(program, "N");
prprograms[programbits].uniform_eyePosition = bglGetUniformLocationARB(program, "eyePosition");
prprograms[programbits].uniform_normalMap = bglGetUniformLocationARB(program, "normalMap");
prprograms[programbits].uniform_normalBias = bglGetUniformLocationARB(program, "normalBias");
@ -765,6 +765,9 @@ cvar_t cvars[] =
{ "pr_wireframe", "pr_wireframe: toggles wireframe mode", (void*)&pr_wireframe, CVAR_INT, 0, 0, 1 },
{ "pr_vbos", "pr_vbos: contols Vertex Buffer Object usage. 0: no VBOs. 1: VBOs for map data. 2: VBOs for model data.", (void*)&pr_vbos, CVAR_INT, 0, 0, 2 },
{ "pr_gpusmoothing", "pr_gpusmoothing: toggles model animation interpolation", (void*)&pr_gpusmoothing, CVAR_INT, 0, 0, 1 },
{ "pr_overrideparallax", "pr_overrideparallax: overrides parallax mapping scale and bias values with values from the pr_parallaxscale and pr_parallaxbias cvars; use it to fine-tune DEF tokens", (void*)&pr_overrideparallax, CVAR_BOOL, 0, 0, 1 },
{ "pr_parallaxscale", "pr_parallaxscale: overriden parallax mapping offset scale", (void*)&pr_parallaxscale, CVAR_FLOAT, 0, -10, 10 },
{ "pr_parallaxbias", "pr_parallaxbias: overriden parallax mapping offset bias", (void*)&pr_parallaxbias, CVAR_FLOAT, 0, -10, 10 },
{ "r_drawweapon", "r_drawweapon: enable/disable weapon drawing", (void*)&ud.drawweapon, CVAR_INT, 0, 0, 2 },
@ -802,6 +805,26 @@ static int32_t osdcmd_cvar_set(const osdfuncparm_t *parm)
switch (cvars[i].type&0x7f)
float val;
if (showval)
OSD_Printf("\"%s\" is \"%f\"\n%s\n",cvars[i].name,*(float*)cvars[i].var,(char*)cvars[i].helpstr);
return OSDCMD_OK;
sscanf(parm->parms[0], "%f", &val);
if (val < cvars[i].min || val > cvars[i].max)
OSD_Printf("%s value out of range\n",cvars[i].name);
return OSDCMD_OK;
*(float*)cvars[i].var = val;
OSD_Printf("%s %f",cvars[i].name,val);
case CVAR_INT:
@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ extern float r_ambientlight,r_ambientlightrecip;
enum cvartypes
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