mirror of
synced 2025-03-17 14:10:45 +00:00
- updated the earcut.hpp triangulator.
The old one wasn't triangulating the bathroom sector in DUKEDC2 properly, the bug got fixed upstream in the mean time.
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 61 additions and 20 deletions
@ -82,6 +82,7 @@ private:
template <typename Polygon> Node* eliminateHoles(const Polygon& points, Node* outerNode);
void eliminateHole(Node* hole, Node* outerNode);
Node* findHoleBridge(Node* hole, Node* outerNode);
bool sectorContainsSector(const Node* m, const Node* p);
void indexCurve(Node* start);
Node* sortLinked(Node* list);
int32_t zOrder(const double x_, const double y_);
@ -91,6 +92,8 @@ private:
double area(const Node* p, const Node* q, const Node* r) const;
bool equals(const Node* p1, const Node* p2);
bool intersects(const Node* p1, const Node* q1, const Node* p2, const Node* q2);
bool onSegment(const Node* p, const Node* q, const Node* r);
int sign(double val);
bool intersectsPolygon(const Node* a, const Node* b);
bool locallyInside(const Node* a, const Node* b);
bool middleInside(const Node* a, const Node* b);
@ -116,16 +119,18 @@ private:
template <typename... Args>
T* construct(Args&&... args) {
if (currentIndex >= blockSize) {
currentBlock = alloc.allocate(blockSize);
currentBlock = alloc_traits::allocate(alloc, blockSize);
currentIndex = 0;
T* object = ¤tBlock[currentIndex++];
alloc.construct(object, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
alloc_traits::construct(alloc, object, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
return object;
void reset(std::size_t newBlockSize) {
for (auto allocation : allocations) alloc.deallocate(allocation, blockSize);
for (auto allocation : allocations) {
alloc_traits::deallocate(alloc, allocation, blockSize);
blockSize = std::max<std::size_t>(1, newBlockSize);
currentBlock = nullptr;
@ -138,6 +143,7 @@ private:
std::size_t blockSize = 1;
std::vector<T*> allocations;
Alloc alloc;
typedef typename std::allocator_traits<Alloc> alloc_traits;
ObjectPool<Node> nodes;
@ -165,7 +171,7 @@ void Earcut<N>::operator()(const Polygon& points) {
indices.reserve(len + points[0].size());
Node* outerNode = linkedList(points[0], true);
if (!outerNode) return;
if (!outerNode || outerNode->prev == outerNode->next) return;
if (points.size() > 1) outerNode = eliminateHoles(points, outerNode);
@ -244,8 +250,7 @@ Earcut<N>::filterPoints(Node* start, Node* end) {
do {
again = false;
if (!p->steiner && (equals(p, p->next) /*|| area(p->prev, p, p->next) == 0*/))
if (!p->steiner && (equals(p, p->next) || area(p->prev, p, p->next) == 0)) {
p = end = p->prev;
@ -304,7 +309,7 @@ void Earcut<N>::earcutLinked(Node* ear, int pass) {
// if this didn't work, try curing all small self-intersections locally
else if (pass == 1) {
ear = cureLocalIntersections(ear);
ear = cureLocalIntersections(filterPoints(ear));
earcutLinked(ear, 2);
// as a last resort, try splitting the remaining polygon into two
@ -401,7 +406,7 @@ Earcut<N>::cureLocalIntersections(Node* start) {
p = p->next;
} while (p != start);
return p;
return filterPoints(p);
// try splitting polygon into two and triangulate them independently
@ -464,6 +469,9 @@ void Earcut<N>::eliminateHole(Node* hole, Node* outerNode) {
outerNode = findHoleBridge(hole, outerNode);
if (outerNode) {
Node* b = splitPolygon(outerNode, hole);
// filter out colinear points around cuts
filterPoints(outerNode, outerNode->next);
filterPoints(b, b->next);
@ -497,7 +505,7 @@ Earcut<N>::findHoleBridge(Node* hole, Node* outerNode) {
if (!m) return 0;
if (hx == qx) return m->prev;
if (hx == qx) return m; // hole touches outer segment; pick leftmost endpoint
// look for points inside the triangle of hole Vertex, segment intersection and endpoint;
// if there are no points found, we have a valid connection;
@ -507,28 +515,35 @@ Earcut<N>::findHoleBridge(Node* hole, Node* outerNode) {
double tanMin = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
double tanCur = 0;
p = m->next;
p = m;
double mx = m->x;
double my = m->y;
while (p != stop) {
do {
if (hx >= p->x && p->x >= mx && hx != p->x &&
pointInTriangle(hy < my ? hx : qx, hy, mx, my, hy < my ? qx : hx, hy, p->x, p->y)) {
tanCur = std::abs(hy - p->y) / (hx - p->x); // tangential
if ((tanCur < tanMin || (tanCur == tanMin && p->x > m->x)) && locallyInside(p, hole)) {
if (locallyInside(p, hole) &&
(tanCur < tanMin || (tanCur == tanMin && (p->x > m->x || sectorContainsSector(m, p))))) {
m = p;
tanMin = tanCur;
p = p->next;
} while (p != stop);
return m;
// whether sector in vertex m contains sector in vertex p in the same coordinates
template <typename N>
bool Earcut<N>::sectorContainsSector(const Node* m, const Node* p) {
return area(m->prev, m, p->prev) < 0 && area(p->next, m, m->next) < 0;
// interlink polygon nodes in z-order
template <typename N>
void Earcut<N>::indexCurve(Node* start) {
@ -644,7 +659,8 @@ Earcut<N>::getLeftmost(Node* start) {
Node* p = start;
Node* leftmost = start;
do {
if (p->x < leftmost->x) leftmost = p;
if (p->x < leftmost->x || (p->x == leftmost->x && p->y < leftmost->y))
leftmost = p;
p = p->next;
} while (p != start);
@ -662,8 +678,10 @@ bool Earcut<N>::pointInTriangle(double ax, double ay, double bx, double by, doub
// check if a diagonal between two polygon nodes is valid (lies in polygon interior)
template <typename N>
bool Earcut<N>::isValidDiagonal(Node* a, Node* b) {
return a->next->i != b->i && a->prev->i != b->i && !intersectsPolygon(a, b) &&
locallyInside(a, b) && locallyInside(b, a) && middleInside(a, b);
return a->next->i != b->i && a->prev->i != b->i && !intersectsPolygon(a, b) && // dones't intersect other edges
((locallyInside(a, b) && locallyInside(b, a) && middleInside(a, b) && // locally visible
(area(a->prev, a, b->prev) != 0.0 || area(a, b->prev, b) != 0.0)) || // does not create opposite-facing sectors
(equals(a, b) && area(a->prev, a, a->next) > 0 && area(b->prev, b, b->next) > 0)); // special zero-length case
// signed area of a triangle
@ -681,10 +699,33 @@ bool Earcut<N>::equals(const Node* p1, const Node* p2) {
// check if two segments intersect
template <typename N>
bool Earcut<N>::intersects(const Node* p1, const Node* q1, const Node* p2, const Node* q2) {
if ((equals(p1, q1) && equals(p2, q2)) ||
(equals(p1, q2) && equals(p2, q1))) return true;
return (area(p1, q1, p2) > 0) != (area(p1, q1, q2) > 0) &&
(area(p2, q2, p1) > 0) != (area(p2, q2, q1) > 0);
int o1 = sign(area(p1, q1, p2));
int o2 = sign(area(p1, q1, q2));
int o3 = sign(area(p2, q2, p1));
int o4 = sign(area(p2, q2, q1));
if (o1 != o2 && o3 != o4) return true; // general case
if (o1 == 0 && onSegment(p1, p2, q1)) return true; // p1, q1 and p2 are collinear and p2 lies on p1q1
if (o2 == 0 && onSegment(p1, q2, q1)) return true; // p1, q1 and q2 are collinear and q2 lies on p1q1
if (o3 == 0 && onSegment(p2, p1, q2)) return true; // p2, q2 and p1 are collinear and p1 lies on p2q2
if (o4 == 0 && onSegment(p2, q1, q2)) return true; // p2, q2 and q1 are collinear and q1 lies on p2q2
return false;
// for collinear points p, q, r, check if point q lies on segment pr
template <typename N>
bool Earcut<N>::onSegment(const Node* p, const Node* q, const Node* r) {
return q->x <= std::max<double>(p->x, r->x) &&
q->x >= std::min<double>(p->x, r->x) &&
q->y <= std::max<double>(p->y, r->y) &&
q->y >= std::min<double>(p->y, r->y);
template <typename N>
int Earcut<N>::sign(double val) {
return (0.0 < val) - (val < 0.0);
// check if a polygon diagonal intersects any polygon segments
Reference in a new issue