mirror of
synced 2025-03-01 06:31:13 +00:00
Fixes crash in 2d map drawing where sector[-1] was accessed; added commands a2xy and ah2xyz to m32script, coded 2d preview of swinging and sliding doors; added "samprate" setting to configuration, useful if the default one gives jittering/echoey audio
git-svn-id: https://svn.eduke32.com/eduke32@1697 1a8010ca-5511-0410-912e-c29ae57300e0
This commit is contained in:
14 changed files with 671 additions and 336 deletions
@ -88,6 +88,10 @@ extern void ExtEditWallData(int16_t wallnum);
extern void ExtEditSpriteData(int16_t spritenum);
extern const char *ExtGetSectorType(int32_t lotag);
extern void showsectordata(int16_t sectnum, int16_t small);
extern void showwalldata(int16_t wallnum, int16_t small);
extern void showspritedata(int16_t spritenum, int16_t small);
extern int32_t circlewall;
int32_t loadsetup(const char *fn); // from config.c
@ -208,9 +208,6 @@ int32_t fillsector(int16_t sectnum, char fillcolor);
int16_t whitelinescan(int16_t dalinehighlight);
void printcoords16(int32_t posxe, int32_t posye, int16_t ange);
void copysector(int16_t soursector, int16_t destsector, int16_t deststartwall, char copystat);
void showsectordata(int16_t sectnum);
void showwalldata(int16_t wallnum);
void showspritedata(int16_t spritenum);
int32_t drawtilescreen(int32_t pictopleft, int32_t picbox);
void overheadeditor(void);
static int32_t getlinehighlight(int32_t xplc, int32_t yplc, int32_t line);
@ -6119,18 +6116,16 @@ void copysector(int16_t soursector, int16_t destsector, int16_t deststartwall, c
Bsprintf(snotbuf, fmt, ## __VA_ARGS__); \
printext16(8+col*200, ydim/*-(row*96)*/-STATUS2DSIZ+Yofs, color, -1, snotbuf, 0);
void showsectordata(int16_t sectnum)
void showsectordata(int16_t sectnum, int16_t small)
sectortype *sec;
char snotbuf[80];
int32_t col=0; //,row = 0;
int32_t mode = (sectnum & 16384);
int32_t color = mode?whitecol:editorcolors[11];
int32_t color = small ? whitecol : editorcolors[11];
sectnum &= ~16384;
sec = §or[sectnum];
if (mode)
if (small)
_printmessage16("^10Sector %d %s ^O(F7 to edit)", sectnum, ExtGetSectorCaption(sectnum));
@ -6169,19 +6164,17 @@ void showsectordata(int16_t sectnum)
DOPRINT(96, "Palookup number: %d", sec->floorpal);
void showwalldata(int16_t wallnum)
void showwalldata(int16_t wallnum, int16_t small)
walltype *wal;
int32_t sec;
char snotbuf[80];
int32_t col=0; //, row = 0;
int32_t mode = (wallnum & 16384);
int32_t color = mode?whitecol:editorcolors[11];
int32_t color = small ? whitecol : editorcolors[11];
wallnum &= ~16384;
wal = &wall[wallnum];
if (mode)
if (small)
_printmessage16("^10Wall %d %s ^O(F8 to edit)", wallnum, ExtGetWallCaption(wallnum));
@ -6209,30 +6202,28 @@ void showwalldata(int16_t wallnum)
DOPRINT(48-(mode?16:0), "nextsector: %d", wal->nextsector);
DOPRINT(56-(mode?16:0), "nextwall: %d", wal->nextwall);
DOPRINT(48-(small?16:0), "nextsector: %d", wal->nextsector);
DOPRINT(56-(small?16:0), "nextwall: %d", wal->nextwall);
DOPRINT(72-(mode?16:0), "Extra: %d", wal->extra);
DOPRINT(72-(small?16:0), "Extra: %d", wal->extra);
// TX 20050102 I'm not sure what unit dist<<4 is supposed to be, but dist itself is correct in terms of game coordinates as one would expect
DOPRINT(96-(mode?16:0), "Wall length: %d", wallength(wallnum));
DOPRINT(96-(small?16:0), "Wall length: %d", wallength(wallnum));
sec = sectorofwall(wallnum);
DOPRINT(104-(mode?16:0), "Pixel height: %d", (sector[sec].floorz-sector[sec].ceilingz)>>8);
DOPRINT(104-(small?16:0), "Pixel height: %d", (sector[sec].floorz-sector[sec].ceilingz)>>8);
void showspritedata(int16_t spritenum)
void showspritedata(int16_t spritenum, int16_t small)
spritetype *spr;
char snotbuf[80];
int32_t col=0; //, row = 0;
int32_t mode = (spritenum & 16384);
int32_t color = mode?whitecol:editorcolors[11];
int32_t color = small ? whitecol : editorcolors[11];
spritenum &= ~16384;
spr = &sprite[spritenum];
if (mode)
if (small)
_printmessage16("^10Sprite %d %s ^O(F8 to edit)",spritenum, ExtGetSpriteCaption(spritenum));
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ extern double msens;
extern int32_t editorgridextent, grid, autogrid;
static int32_t default_grid=3;
extern int32_t graphicsmode;
extern int32_t AmbienceToggle;
extern int32_t AmbienceToggle, MixRate;
extern int32_t ParentalLock;
@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ int32_t loadsetup(const char *fn)
if (readconfig(fp, "ydim2d", val, VL) > 0) ydim2d = Batoi(val);
if (readconfig(fp, "xdim3d", val, VL) > 0) xdimgame = Batoi(val);
if (readconfig(fp, "ydim3d", val, VL) > 0) ydimgame = Batoi(val);
if (readconfig(fp, "samplerate", val, VL) > 0) option[7] = (Batoi(val) & 0x0f) << 4;
// if (readconfig(fp, "samplerate", val, VL) > 0) option[7] = (Batoi(val) & 0x0f) << 4;
if (readconfig(fp, "music", val, VL) > 0) { if (Batoi(val) != 0) option[2] = 1; else option[2] = 0; }
if (readconfig(fp, "mouse", val, VL) > 0) { if (Batoi(val) != 0) option[3] = 1; else option[3] = 0; }
if (readconfig(fp, "bpp", val, VL) > 0) bppgame = Batoi(val);
@ -241,6 +241,7 @@ int32_t loadsetup(const char *fn)
if (readconfig(fp, "graphicsmode", val, VL) > 0)
graphicsmode = min(max(Batoi(val),0),2);
if (readconfig(fp, "samplerate", val, VL) > 0) MixRate = min(max(8000, Batoi(val)), 48000);
if (readconfig(fp, "ambiencetoggle", val, VL) > 0) AmbienceToggle = Batoi(val);
if (readconfig(fp, "parlock", val, VL) > 0) ParentalLock = Batoi(val);
@ -422,7 +423,10 @@ int32_t writesetup(const char *fn)
"showambiencesounds = %d\n"
"; 2D mode display type (0:classic, 1:textured, 2:textured/animated)\n"
"graphicsmode = %d\n\n"
"graphicsmode = %d\n"
"; Sample rate in Hz\n"
"samplerate = %d\n"
"; Ambient sounds in 3D mode (0:off, 1:on)\n"
"ambiencetoggle = %d\n"
"parlock = %d\n"
@ -503,8 +507,8 @@ int32_t writesetup(const char *fn)
option[3], msens, unrealedlook, pk_uedaccel, quickmapcycling,
MixRate,AmbienceToggle,ParentalLock, !!m32_osd_tryscript,
#if 1
keys[0], keys[1], keys[2], keys[3], keys[4], keys[5],
keys[6], keys[7], keys[8], keys[9], keys[10], keys[11],
@ -11086,7 +11086,7 @@ void draw2dscreen(int32_t posxe, int32_t posye, int16_t ange, int32_t zoome, int
if (i == linehighlight || ((linehighlight >= 0) && (i == wall[linehighlight].nextwall)))
if (totalclock & 16) col -= (2<<2);
else if (showfirstwall && (sector[searchsector].wallptr == i || sector[searchsector].wallptr == wall[i].nextwall))
else if (showfirstwall && searchsector>=0 && (sector[searchsector].wallptr == i || sector[searchsector].wallptr == wall[i].nextwall))
col = 14;
if (i == linehighlight) if (totalclock & 16) col -= (2<<2);
@ -6,10 +6,13 @@
5. 3D mode tile selector refrence
6. Sector effector reference
7. Sector tag reference
8. Long SE reference
9. Colors
The purpose of mouse in 2D mode is pointing, selecting, moving object in a map.
The purpose of mouse in 2D mode is pointing, selecting and
moving objects in a map.
Every time mouse is pointing at one of these:
^3Every time mouse is pointing at one of these:
1. Nothing
2. Sector
3. Sector and wall
@ -20,115 +23,112 @@ Every time mouse is pointing at one of these:
Some commands work differently depending on the currently selected object.
Press ALT to work with a wall or sprite instead of any adjacent sectors.
^14RSHIFT^O select vertex/sprites
^14RALT^O select sectors
^14WHEEL^O zoom
^14WHEEL+ALT^O move camera and zoom
^14LEFT BUTTON^O drag sectors/vertex/sprites
^14RIGHT BUTTON^O move camera
^14RIGHT MIDDLE^O move camera
^14RSHIFT^O Select vertex/sprites
^14RALT^O Select sectors
^14WHEEL^O Zoom
^14WHEEL+ALT^O Move camera and zoom
^14LEFT BUTTON^O Drag sectors/vertex/sprites
^14RIGHT BUTTON^O Move camera
^14RIGHT MIDDLE^O Move camera
LSHIFT show coordinates
F1 show help
F9 show the Sector Tags help
M set extra of sector
M+ALT set extra of wall/sprite
/ Reset panning, size and flags to defaults
/+SHIFT make square - set xrepeat to yrepeat
LSHIFT Show coordinates
F1 Show help
F9 Show the Sector Tags help
M Set extra of sector
M+ALT Set extra of wall/sprite
/ Reset panning, size and flags to defaults
/+SHIFT Make square - set xrepeat to yrepeat
KP_4 scaling sprite horizontally
KP_6 scaling sprite horizontally
KP_2 scaling sprite vertically
KP_8 scaling sprite vertically
+KP_5 speed up
KP_4 Scaling sprite horizontally
KP_6 Scaling sprite horizontally
KP_2 Scaling sprite vertically
KP_8 Scaling sprite vertically
+KP_5 Speed up
R cycle sprite alignment
' S set sprite size
' F function menu
F7+ALT search sector lotag
F8+ALT search wall/sprite lotag
[ search backward
] search forward
G cycle grid size
G+SHIFT cycle grid size backward
' L set sprite/wall coordinates
' 3 cycle modes of showing object's name
' 7 swap lotag and hitag of wall/sprite
' J goto X,Y
R Cycle sprite alignment
' S Set sprite size
' F Function menu
F7+ALT Search sector lotag
F8+ALT Search wall/sprite lotag
[ Search backward
] Search forward
G Cycle grid size
G+SHIFT Cycle grid size backward
' L Set sprite/wall coordinates
' 3 Cycle modes of showing object's name
' 7 Swap lotag and hitag of wall/sprite
' J Goto X,Y
X flip selected sectors in x
Y flip selected sectors in y
X+ALT mirror selected sectors in x
Y+ALT mirror selected sectors in y
X Flip selected sectors in x
Y Flip selected sectors in y
X+ALT Mirror selected sectors in x
Y+ALT Mirror selected sectors in y
F12 screenshot
F12+SHIFT inverted screenshot
F12 Screenshot
F12+SHIFT Inverted screenshot
B toggle blocking
B+SHIFT toggle one-sided blocking for a wall
F+ALT set the first wall of a sector
O ornament sprite flat onto wall
B Toggle blocking
B+SHIFT Toggle one-sided blocking for a wall
F+ALT Set the first wall of a sector
O Ornament sprite flat onto wall
, rotate sprite/selected sectors
. rotate sprite/selected sectors
< slowly rotate sprite/selected sectors
> slowly rotate sprite/selected sectors
, Rotate sprite/selected sectors
. Rotate sprite/selected sectors
< Slowly rotate sprite/selected sectors
> Slowly rotate sprite/selected sectors
SCROLL LOCK set starting position
F5 show item count
F6 show actor count
F6 show Sector Effector help when pointed at sprite
F7 edit sector data
F8 edit wall/sprite data
SCROLL LOCK Set starting position
F5 Show item count
F6 Show actor count
F6 Show Sector Effector help when pointed at sprite
F7 Edit sector data
F8 Edit wall/sprite data
T set sector lotag
T+ALT set wall/sprite lotag
T+CTRL toggle show tags
T Set sector lotag
T+ALT Set wall/sprite lotag
T+CTRL Toggle show tags
H set sector hitag
H+ALT set wall/sprite hitag
H+CTRL toggle hitscan sensitivity
H+CTRL+SHIFT toggle hitscan sensitivity
H Set sector hitag
H+ALT Set wall/sprite hitag
H+CTRL Toggle hitscan sensitivity
P set sector palette
E set sprite status list
TAB show sector data
TAB+CTRL show wall/sprite data
TAB+ALT show wall/sprite data (The Windows cool switch may trigger when used.)
P Set sector palette
E Set sprite status list
TAB Show sector data
TAB+SHIFT Show wall/sprite data
TAB+CTRL Show wall/sprite data
LCTRL+RSHIFT select all walls of the current sector
(point at a wall and, holding CTRL, press SHIFT)
LCTRL+RSHIFT Select all walls of the current sector
(point at a wall and, holding CTRL, press SHIFT)
A zoom in
Z zoom out
L toggle grid lock
J join sectors
S insert sprite
pressing a key from 1 to 0 on the upper row before pressing S will make the
inserted sprite's picnum be 1 to 10, respectively
S+ALT make inner sector
C duplicate sectors/sprites
C start circle attached to a wall
KP_+ increase amount of walls in circle
KP_- decrease amount of walls in circle
SPACE start/end drawing of sector, end drawing of circle
LENTER check all pointers for the current sector
LSHIFT+LCTRL+LENTER check ALL pointers (manual attempt to recover map)
BACKSPACE remove the last wall during drawing sector
DEL delete sprite
DEL+CTRL delete sector
INS duplicate sectors/sprites
INS start circle attached to a wall
INS add vertex to wall
RENETER switch to 3D mode
ESC menu
A Zoom in
Z Zoom out
L Toggle grid lock
J Join sectors
S Insert sprite (see samples/tiles.cfg for customization)
S+ALT Make inner sector
C Duplicate sectors/sprites
C Start circle attached to a wall
KP_+ Increase amount of walls in circle
KP_- Decrease amount of walls in circle
SPACE Start/end drawing of sector, end drawing of circle
LENTER Check all pointers for the current sector
LSHIFT+LCTRL+LENTER Check ALL pointers (manual attempt to recover map)
BACKSPACE Remove the last wall during drawing sector
DEL Delete sprite
DEL+CTRL Delete sector
INS Duplicate sectors/sprites
INS Start circle attached to a wall
INS Add vertex to wall
RENTER Switch to 3D mode
ESC Menu
' A toggle autosave (every 3 minutes)
' N toggle clipping
S+CTRL save map
L+CTRL load map
' A Toggle autosave (every 3 minutes)
' N Toggle clipping
S+CTRL Save map
L+CTRL Load map
The mouse pointer always points at one of these objects:
^3The mouse pointer always points at one of these objects:
1. wall
2. ceiling of sector
3. floor of sector
@ -136,203 +136,203 @@ The mouse pointer always points at one of these objects:
5. masked wall (non-transparent or semi-transparent wall between sectors)
It's important to understand this concept.
Some commands work differently depending on the "current object",the object
the mouse points at.
Some commands work differently depending on the "current object",
the object the mouse points at.
Some commands only manipulate the "current object", but other commands
manipulate the sprites and sectors which are "selected" in 2D mode.
Other commands work globally.
Mouse buttons:
^14LEFT^O lock the current object. The current object won't
^3Mouse buttons:
^14LEFT^O Lock the current object. The current object won't
change as long as the button is pressed.
^14LEFT+MIDDLE^O toggle mouselook
^14WHEEL^O change shade/visibility
^14LEFT+WHEEL^O change tile
^14RIGHT+WHEEL^O move object up/down
^14LEFT+MIDDLE^O Toggle mouselook
^14WHEEL^O Change shade/visibility
^14LEFT+WHEEL^O Change tile
^14RIGHT+WHEEL^O Move object up/down
Additionally, there is now UnrealEd-style mouse navigation in 3D mode (toggle
it with ^14F5^O), with the following bindings:
Additionally, there is UnrealEd-style mouse navigation in 3D mode
(toggle it with ^14F5^O) with the following bindings:
^14RIGHT^O mouselook
^14LEFT^O x: turning, y: move forward/back
^14LEFT+RIGHT^O x: strafe left/right, y: move up/down
^14MIDDLE^O y: move in viewing direction
The console variable 'pk_uedaccel' changes the speed of navigation
exponentially (valid values are 0-5).
The console variable 'pk_uedaccel' changes the speed
of navigation exponentially (valid values are 0-5).
^14LEFT+ALT^O move object up/down
^14LEFT+SHIFT^O pan ceiling/floor/wall
^14LEFT+SHIFT^O move sprite in horizontal plane
^14LEFT+CTRL^O scale wall texture or size of sprite
^14LEFT+CTRL^O change slope of sector
^14LEFT+ALT^O Move object up/down
^14LEFT+SHIFT^O Pan ceiling/floor/wall
^14LEFT+SHIFT^O Move sprite in horizontal plane
^14LEFT+CTRL^O Scale wall texture or size of sprite
^14LEFT+CTRL^O Change slope of sector
UP move forward
DOWN move backward
LEFT+RCTRL move left
RIGHT+RCTRL move right
A move up
Z move down
F4+ALT toggle showing the first wall
+LSHIFT speed up movements
UP Move forward
DOWN Move backward
LEFT+RCTRL Move left
RIGHT+RCTRL Move right
A Move up
Z Move down
F4+ALT Toggle showing the first wall
+LSHIFT Speed up movements
LEFT turn left
RIGHT turn right
A+CTRL look down
Z+CTRL lood up
LEFT Turn left
RIGHT Turn right
A+CTRL Look down
Z+CTRL Look up
' V set sector visibility
; V set sector visibility on all selected sectors
V choose tile
3 toggle "sector over sector".
F3 toggle mouselook
' BACKSPACE clear all flags for wall/sprite
' P paste palette to all selected sectors
; P paste palette to all selected sectors & sprites
DEL delete sprite
F6 toggle automatic Sector Effector help
F7 toggle automatic sector tag help
' V Set sector visibility
; V Set sector visibility on all selected sectors
V Choose tile
3 Toggle "sector over sector".
F3 Toggle mouselook
' BACKSPACE Clear all flags for wall/sprite
' P Paste palette to all selected sectors
; P Paste palette to all selected sectors & sprites
DEL Delete sprite
F6 Toggle automatic Sector Effector help
F7 Toggle automatic sector tag help
, rotate sprite
. rotate sprite
< slowly rotate sprite
> slowly rotate sprite
. search & fix panning of the wall to the right
, Rotate sprite
. Rotate sprite
< Slowly rotate sprite
> Slowly rotate sprite
. Search & fix panning of the wall to the right
' L change the coordinates of the current object
CAPS LOCK cycle zmode
' Z cycle zmode
' M set the extra of the current object
1 toggle one-sided flag of sprite/wall
2 toggle bottom wall swapping
O set top or bottom orientation of wall
O ornament sprite flat onto wall
M toggle masked wall
H toggle hitscan sensitivity
H+SHIFT toggle one side hitscan sensitivity for the wall
' H set hitag of the current object
' L Change the coordinates of the current object
CAPS LOCK Cycle zmode
' Z Cycle zmode
' M Set the extra of the current object
1 Toggle one-sided flag of sprite/wall
2 Toggle bottom wall swapping
O Set top or bottom orientation of wall
O Ornament sprite flat onto wall
M Toggle masked wall
H Toggle hitscan sensitivity
H+SHIFT Toggle one side hitscan sensitivity for the wall
' H Set hitag of the current object
KP_MINUS darkens shade of individual sector/wall/sprite or selected sectors
KP_MINUS+ALT decreases visibility of sector or selected sectors
KP_MINUS+ALT+SHIFT slowly decreases visibility of sector or selected sectors
KP_MINUS+ALT+CTRL decreases global visibility
KP_PLUS lightens shade individual sector/wall/sprite or selected sectors
KP_PLUS+ALT increases visibility of sector or selected sectors
KP_PLUS+ALT+SHIFT slowly increases visibility of sector or selected sectors
KP_PLUS+ALT+CTRL increases global visibility
Note: ALT,CTRL, SHIFT are modifiers so they work with mouse too.
KP_MINUS Darkens shade of individual sector/wall/sprite or selected sectors
KP_MINUS+ALT Decreases visibility of sector or selected sectors
KP_MINUS+ALT+SHIFT Slowly decreases visibility of sector or selected sectors
KP_MINUS+ALT+CTRL Decreases global visibility
KP_PLUS Lightens shade individual sector/wall/sprite or selected sectors
KP_PLUS+ALT Increases visibility of sector or selected sectors
KP_PLUS+ALT+SHIFT Slowly increases visibility of sector or selected sectors
KP_PLUS+ALT+CTRL Increases global visibility
^3Note: ALT, CTRL, SHIFT are modifiers so they work with mouse too.
PLUS/MINUS cycle tile
E toggle sector texture expansion
R toggle sector texture relativity alignment
R cycle sprite aligment between: wall aligned, floor aligned, view aligned
' R toggle framerate
F flip the current object
F+ALT set the first wall of sector
+/- Cycle tile
E Toggle sector texture expansion
R Toggle sector texture relativity alignment
R Cycle sprite aligment between: wall aligned, floor aligned, view aligned
'R Toggle framerate
F Flip the current object
F+ALT Set the first wall of sector
PAGE UP move selected sprites or sectors up
PAGE DN move selected sprites or sectors down
PAGE UP+CTRL move selected sprites to ceiling
PAGE DN+CTRL move selected sprites to floor
+CTRL speed up movement
+END slow down movement
+HOME slow down movement even more
Note: CTRL, HOME, END are modifiers, so they work with the mouse too.
PAGE UP Move selected sprites or sectors up
PAGE DN Move selected sprites or sectors down
PAGE UP+CTRL Move selected sprites to ceiling
PAGE DN+CTRL Move selected sprites to floor
+CTRL Speed up movement
+END Slow down movement
+HOME Slow down movement even more
^3Note: CTRL, HOME, END are modifiers, so they work with the mouse too.
' D cycle skill level
' X toggle sprite shade preview
' W toggle sprite display
' Y toggle purple background
' C copy shade from the clipboard to all objects in the map which are the same
tile as the tile of the object in the clipboard. It works separately for
sectors/walls/sprites depending on the current object.
' T set lotag
' H set hitag
' S set shade
F2 toggle clipboard preview
TAB copy to the clipboard
F1 toggle help
G set picnum
B toggle blocking
B+SHIFT toggle one side blocking for the wall
T cycles translucence for sprites/masked walls
' D Cycle skill level
' X Toggle sprite shade preview
' W Toggle sprite display
' Y Toggle purple background
' C Copy shade from the clipboard to all objects in the map which are the same
tile as the tile of the object in the clipboard. It works separately for
sectors/walls/sprites depending on the current object.
' T Set lotag
' H Set hitag
' S Set shade
F2 Toggle clipboard preview
TAB Copy to the clipboard
F1 Toggle help
G Set picnum
B Toggle blocking
B+SHIFT Toggle one side blocking for the wall
T Cycles translucence for sprites/masked walls
LENTER+CTRL+SHIFT autoshade wall
' LENTER paste picnum only
LENTER+SHIFT paste shade and palette onto the current object
LENTER+CTRL paste picnum, shading, and palette onto the current object
LENTER paste all properties onto the current object
LENTER+CTRL+SHIFT Autoshade wall
' LENTER Paste picnum only
LENTER+SHIFT Paste shade and palette onto the current object
LENTER+CTRL Paste picnum, shading, and palette onto the current object
LENTER Paste all properties onto the current object
' A toggle autosave. The interval is configurable in the .cfg.
(by default: every 3 minutes)
' A Toggle autosave. The interval is configurable in the .cfg.
(by default: every 3 minutes)
' N toggle clipping for the camera
N+CTRL toggle clipping for sprites
' N Toggle clipping for the camera
N+CTRL Toggle clipping for sprites
S+CTRL save map
L+CTRL load map
S+CTRL Save map
L+CTRL Load map
ESC quit
F11 brightness
F12 screenshot
F12+SHIFT inverted screenshot
F9 reload and activate maphacks
F10 disable maphacks
ESC Quit
F11 Brightness
F12 Screenshot
F12+SHIFT Inverted screenshot
F9 Reload and activate maphacks
F10 Disable maphacks
C toggle center sprite (cstat 128)
ALT+C replace all tiles in the map with the clipboard
C Toggle center sprite (cstat 128)
ALT+C Replace all tiles in the map with the clipboard
[ increases slope quickly
[+RSHIFT increases slope with medium speed
[+LSHIFT increases slope slowly
[+ALT align slope to the floor of an adjoining sector
] decreases slope quickly
]+RSHIFT decreases slope with medium speed
]+LSHIFT decreases slope slowly
]+ALT align slope to the ceiling of an adjoining sector
[ Increases slope quickly
[+RSHIFT Increases slope with medium speed
[+LSHIFT Increases slope slowly
[+ALT Align slope to the floor of an adjoining sector
] Decreases slope quickly
]+RSHIFT Decreases slope with medium speed
]+LSHIFT Decreases slope slowly
]+ALT Align slope to the ceiling of an adjoining sector
KP_4 pan floor/ceiling horizontally
KP_6 pan floor/ceiling horizontally
KP_2 pan floor/ceiling vertically
KP_8 pan floor/ceiling vertically
KP_4 scale wall/sprite horizontally
KP_6 scale wall/sprite horizontally
KP_2 scale wall/sprite vertically
KP_8 scale wall/sprite vertically
+SHIFT force panning (for walls)
+KP_5 increase speed
KP_4 Pan floor/ceiling horizontally
KP_6 Pan floor/ceiling horizontally
KP_2 Pan floor/ceiling vertically
KP_8 Pan floor/ceiling vertically
KP_4 Scale wall/sprite horizontally
KP_6 Scale wall/sprite horizontally
KP_2 Scale wall/sprite vertically
KP_8 Scale wall/sprite vertically
+SHIFT Force panning (for walls)
+KP_5 Increase speed
/ Reset panning, size and flags to defaults
/+SHIFT make square - set xrepeat to yrepeat
/ Reset panning, size and flags to defaults
/+SHIFT Make square - set xrepeat to yrepeat
P enable/disable parallax
P+CTRL change parallax type (only in 8-bit classic renderer)
P+ALT change palette of sector/wall/sprite
D+ALT adjust clipping distance of the sprite
T translucence for sprites/masked walls
S insert sprite
KP_ENTER switch to 2D mode
P Enable/disable parallax
P+CTRL Change parallax type (only in 8-bit classic renderer)
P+ALT Change palette of sector/wall/sprite
D+ALT Adjust clipping distance of the sprite
T Translucence for sprites/masked walls
S Insert sprite
KP_ENTER Switch to 2D mode
After pressing V in 3D mode, the editor enters tile browsing.
KP_/ zoom in
KP_* zoom out
KP_/ Zoom in
KP_* Zoom out
G go to specified tile
U go to start of user defined art (3584)
A go to start of Atomic edition's art (4096)
E go to start of extended art (6144, 9216)
G Go to specified tile
U Go to start of user defined art (3584)
A Go to start of Atomic edition's art (4096)
E Go to start of extended art (6144, 9216)
V select from all tiles
T select from pre-defined tileset (tiles.cfg)
Z tile zoom
ESC cancel
ENTER accept
V Select from all tiles
T Select from pre-defined tileset (tiles.cfg)
Z Tile zoom
ESC Cancel
ENTER Accept
LEFT select
WHEEL scroll
RIGHT smooth scrolling
LEFT select
WHEEL scroll
RIGHT smooth scrolling
0 : Rotating Sector
1 : Pivot Sprite for SE 0
@ -391,3 +391,170 @@ RIGHT smooth scrolling
32767 : Secret Room
65534 : End Of Level with Message
65535 : End Of Level
SE1: pivot
Ang: up--clockwise, down--counterclockwise
SE0: a sector to rotate
Hi = SE1 Hi
In quake sector, modeled as after the quake, insert additionally:
In other sector:
SE33: scraps
Light is wall:
2-way, blockable?
Light is ceiling:
sector Hi=X
SE 3 in affected sector:
sectors/walls: when off
SE: when on
Hi: random blink num. ^0(research!)
sectors/walls: when off
SE: when on
^3SE 5: ?
^3SE 6/14: SUBWAY
subway sectors:
Hi=unique per train
Ang: direction of first movement
starting with Lo=0, ascending
Hi=1: train stops here
Hi=X link
^3SE 8: UP OPEN DOOR LIGHTS (with ST 20)
SE 8 also in door sector
Hi=X links with other SE8 sprites
sectors/walls: when closed
SE: when open
Hi=1 means exclude this wall from changing shade
analogous SE 8
^3SE 10: ?
Ang: up--clockwise, down--counterclockwise
Hi: link doors to be opened simulataneously
^3SE 12: LIGHT SWITCH (preview with 'X)
sectors/walls: when off
SE: when on
Lo=delay ^0(>0? game ticks?)
In all sectors with SEENINEs:
SE 13: Hi=X
other SEENINEs:
Ang: opposite of direction of first movement
2*Lo: how far (BUILD units)
Shade: darker on SE of starting sector
Top floor sector Hi=1
Hi: units moved per activation (min: 1024?)
up--floor affected
down--ceiling affected
0: start at floor/ceiling height
not 0: start at SE height
[switch] & ACTIVATOR ^0(in same sector as SE?):
Ang: direction
Hi = SE Hi = [switch] Lo
Lo: how far (BUILD units)
^3SE 21: DROP FLOOR (ST 28)
up: drop ceiling
down: drop floor
z: end z ^0(())
z: start z ^0(())
Lo: rate ^0(units?)
Lo = [switch] Lo
Ang: direction
z: starting z
piston travels between ceiling z and floor z
Hi: radius (BUILD units?)
Hi = tile #4890 Hi
^3^0SE 29: WAVES
^0 (...)
^0 Hi: start height (min. height?)
^0 GPSPEED Lo: start height (?) (phase?)
^0 Based on MAP EDITING FAQ v1.3 BY JONAH BISHOP and code research
Foreground colors:
^0,15 0 ^1,0 1 ^2 2 ^3 3 ^4 4 ^5 5 ^6 6 ^7 7
^8 8 ^9 9 ^10 10^11 11^12 12^13 13^14 14^15 15
Background colors:
^15,0 0 ^0,1 1 ^0,2 2 ^0,3 3 ^0,4 4 ^0,5 5 ^0,6 6 ^0,7 7
^0,8 8 ^0,9 9 ^0,10 10^0,11 11^0,12 12^0,13 13^0,14 14^0,15 15
@ -20,6 +20,9 @@ define MAXSPECULARFACTOR 1000
define SPOWERSTEPS 100
// settings for various drawing enhancements
////////// END USER SETTINGS //////////
@ -73,7 +76,11 @@ definequote 25 WALL[%d].NEXTSECTOR=%d out of range: numsectors=%d!!!
define PRSCALE 1000
define MAXSPECULAR 100000
gamearray ar 128
define TMPARLEN 128
gamearray ar TMPARLEN
gamearray xx TMPARLEN
gamearray yy TMPARLEN
gamearray parm 8
// prints out maphack light definitions based on SE lights in map
@ -369,6 +376,12 @@ defstate fiddlewithlights
// state testkeyavail
state fiddlewithlights
// rotate highlighted sprites around selected (closest to mouse) sprite
// global parameter: dang
defstate rotselspr
@ -408,10 +421,6 @@ onevent EVENT_PREKEYS2D
// state testkeyavail
state fiddlewithlights
defstate setas
set j dayx
@ -424,15 +433,14 @@ onevent EVENT_ENTER3DMODE
state setas
defstate cmp_by_lotag // comparator subroutine for sorting
set RETURN sprite[SV2].lotag
sub RETURN sprite[SV1].lotag
ifl cursectnum 0 return
// connect LOCATORS in a sector by lines
defstate connectlocators
// connect LOCATORS in a sector with lines
getarraysize ar tmp
set j 0
for i spritesofsector cursectnum
@ -455,7 +463,9 @@ onevent EVENT_DRAW2DSCREEN
set k i, add k 1, set k ar[k]
drawline16b sprite[j].x sprite[j].y sprite[k].x sprite[k].y drawcol
defstate draw_prlightprojections
////////// polymer light 2d projections //////////
var c d h r x2 y2 oldpat
@ -523,8 +533,104 @@ onevent EVENT_DRAW2DSCREEN
set drawlinepat oldpat
defstate previewdoors2d
// preview swinging and sliding doors in 2d mode
var valid sect lo
var i j w numw ang trange dx dy
set valid 0
set sect searchsector
ifge sect 0
set lo sector[sect].lotag
ife lo 23 set valid 1
else ife lo 25 set valid 1
ife valid 1
set valid 0
for i spritesofsector sect
ife .lotag 11 ife lo 23 set valid 1 // swinging door
ife .lotag 15 ife lo 25 set valid 1 // slide door
ife valid 1 { set j i, break }
ife valid 1
seti j
else return
ife .lotag 15
set trange 256
for i spritesofsector sect
ifactor GPSPEED { set trange .lotag, break }
mul trange 2 // now equals distance of sliding door to travel
set i 0
for w loopofwall sector[sect].wallptr
ifge i TMPARLEN break
set xx[i] wall[w].x
set yy[i] wall[w].y
add i 1
set xx[i] xx[0]
set yy[i] yy[0]
add i 1
set numw i
ife .lotag 11
ifg .ang 1024 set ang -512 else set ang 512
for i range numw
rotatepoint .x .y xx[i] yy[i] ang xx[i] yy[i]
else // if .lotag 15
set ang .ang, add ang 1024
a2xy ang dx dy
mulscale dx trange dx 14
mulscale dy trange dy 14
for i range numw
add xx[i] dx
add yy[i] dy
set drawlinepat 0x33333333
sub numw 1
for i range numw
set j i, add j 1
drawline16b xx[i] yy[i] xx[j] yy[j] PREVIEW_DRAW_COLOR
set drawlinepat 0xffffffff
ifge cursectnum 0
state connectlocators
state draw_prlightprojections
state previewdoors2d
// LOCATORS auto-incrementer
set k I
@ -703,6 +809,7 @@ onevent EVENT_ANALYZESPRITES
state tduplin
onevent EVENT_KEYS3D
var l m
@ -6684,13 +6684,26 @@ static void Keys2d(void)
if (keystatus[KEYSC_TAB]) //TAB
if (cursectornum >= 0)
if (eitherSHIFT || eitherCTRL)
if (pointhighlight >= 16384)
showspritedata(pointhighlight&16383, 0);
else if (linehighlight >= 0 && ((bstatus&1) || sectorofwall(linehighlight)==cursectornum))
showwalldata(linehighlight, 0);
else if (cursectornum >= 0)
showsectordata(cursectornum, 0);
else if (!(keystatus[KEYSC_F5]|keystatus[KEYSC_F6]|keystatus[KEYSC_F7]|keystatus[KEYSC_F8]))
else if (!(keystatus[KEYSC_F5]|keystatus[KEYSC_F6]|keystatus[KEYSC_F7]|keystatus[KEYSC_F8]) && !eitherSHIFT)
static int32_t counter = 0;
static int32_t omx = 0, omy = 0;
@ -6721,15 +6734,15 @@ static void Keys2d(void)
if (pointhighlight >= 16384)
i = pointhighlight-16384;
showspritedata(i, 1);
if (sprite[i].picnum==SECTOREFFECTOR)
_printmessage16("^10%s", SectorEffectorText(i));
else if (linehighlight >= 0 && ((bstatus&1) || sectorofwall(linehighlight)==cursectornum))
showwalldata(linehighlight, 1);
else if (cursectornum >= 0)
showsectordata(cursectornum, 1);
if (totalclock < lastpm16time + 120*2)
@ -6845,7 +6858,7 @@ static void Keys2d(void)
Bsprintf(tempbuf,"Sector %d Extra: ",i);
sector[i].extra = getnumber16(tempbuf,sector[i].extra,BTAG_MAX,1);
// clearmidstatbar16();
// showsectordata((int16_t)i);
// showsectordata(i, 0);
// break;
@ -9864,7 +9877,7 @@ static void EditSectorData(int16_t sectnum)
disptext[dispwidth] = 0;
showsectordata(sectnum, 0);
while (keystatus[KEYSC_ESC] == 0)
@ -10096,7 +10109,7 @@ static void EditWallData(int16_t wallnum)
disptext[dispwidth] = 0;
showwalldata(wallnum, 0);
while (keystatus[KEYSC_ESC] == 0)
@ -10201,7 +10214,7 @@ static void EditWallData(int16_t wallnum)
if (editval)
editval = 0;
//showwalldata(wallnum, 0);
//// printmessage16("");
@ -10227,7 +10240,7 @@ static void EditSpriteData(int16_t spritenum)
disptext[dispwidth] = 0;
// clearmidstatbar16();
showspritedata(spritenum, 0);
while (keystatus[KEYSC_ESC] == 0)
@ -10633,7 +10646,7 @@ static void GenericSpriteSearch()
for (k=0; k<80; k++) disptext[k] = 0;
// disptext[dispwidth[col]] = 0;
// showspritedata(spritenum);
// showspritedata(spritenum, 0);
wallsprite = 2;
while (keystatus[KEYSC_ESC] == 0)
@ -11,10 +11,10 @@ INC=include
include ../../$(EROOT)/Makefile.shared
ifneq (0,$(RELEASE))
# Debugging disabled
# Debugging disabled
debug=-fomit-frame-pointer -funswitch-loops -O$(OPTLEVEL)
# Debugging enabled
# Debugging enabled
debug=-ggdb -O0 -DDEBUGGINGAIDS
@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ ifneq (0,$(DEBUGANYWAY))
CFLAGS=$(debug) -W -Wall -Wimplicit -Werror-implicit-function-declaration \
-funsigned-char -fno-strict-aliasing -DNO_GCC_BUILTINS -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 \
-fjump-tables -fno-stack-protector
-funsigned-char -fno-strict-aliasing -DNO_GCC_BUILTINS -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 \
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ $(OBJECTS): $(OBJ)/%.o: $(SRC)/%.c $(INC)/enet/*.h
-mkdir -p $(OBJ)
if $(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $@; then $(COMPILE_OK); else $(COMPILE_FAILED); fi
ifeq ($(PRETTY_OUTPUT),1)
@ -7,13 +7,15 @@ RELEASE?=1
DXROOT ?= c:/sdks/directx/dx8
include ../../$(EROOT)/Makefile.shared
ifneq (0,$(RELEASE))
# Debugging disabled
# Debugging disabled
debug=-fomit-frame-pointer -funswitch-loops -O$(OPTLEVEL)
# Debugging enabled
# Debugging enabled
debug=-ggdb -O0 -DDEBUGGINGAIDS
@ -22,8 +24,8 @@ ifneq (0,$(DEBUGANYWAY))
CFLAGS=$(debug) -W -Wall -Wimplicit -Werror-implicit-function-declaration \
-funsigned-char -fno-strict-aliasing -DNO_GCC_BUILTINS -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 \
-fjump-tables -fno-stack-protector
-funsigned-char -fno-strict-aliasing -DNO_GCC_BUILTINS -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 \
@ -37,7 +39,7 @@ OBJECTS=$(OBJ)/drivers.o \
CPPFLAGS+= -Ithird-party/mingw32/include
CPPFLAGS+= -I$(DXROOT)/include -Ithird-party/mingw32/include
OBJECTS+= $(OBJ)/driver_directsound.o
@ -55,7 +57,7 @@ $(OBJECTS): $(OBJ)/%.o: $(SRC)/%.c
-mkdir -p $(OBJ)
if $(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $@; then $(COMPILE_OK); else $(COMPILE_FAILED); fi
ifeq ($(PRETTY_OUTPUT),1)
@ -246,6 +246,8 @@ const char *keyw[] =
"for", // *
@ -1720,18 +1722,17 @@ static int32_t C_ParseCommand(void)
return 1;
cs.currentStateOfs = (g_scriptPtr-script);
j = hash_find(&h_states, tlabel);
if (j>=0) // only redefining
cs.currentStateIdx = j;
cs.currentStateOfs = (g_scriptPtr-script);
Bsprintf(g_szCurrentBlockName, "%s", statesinfo[j].name);
else // new state definition
cs.currentStateIdx = j = g_stateCount;
cs.currentStateOfs = (g_scriptPtr-script);
if (g_stateCount >= statesinfo_allocsize)
@ -1745,12 +1746,13 @@ static int32_t C_ParseCommand(void)
Bmemcpy(statesinfo[j].name, tlabel, MAXLABELLEN);
statesinfo[j].numlocals = 0;
Bsprintf(g_szCurrentBlockName, "%s", tlabel);
Bstrcpy(statesinfo[j].name, tlabel);
hash_add(&h_states, tlabel, j, 0);
statesinfo[j].numlocals = 0;
Bsprintf(g_szCurrentBlockName, "%s", statesinfo[j].name);
return 0;
@ -1953,6 +1955,7 @@ static int32_t C_ParseCommand(void)
aEventNumLocals[j] = 0;
cs.parsingEventOfs = g_scriptPtr-script;
//Bsprintf(g_szBuf,"Adding Event for %d at %lX",j, g_parsingEventPtr); AddLog(g_szBuf);
if (j<0 || j >= MAXEVENTS)
initprintf("%s:%d: error: invalid event ID.\n",g_szScriptFileName,g_lineNumber);
@ -2523,6 +2526,8 @@ repeatcase:
uint16_t *numlocals = (cs.currentStateIdx >= 0) ?
&statesinfo[cs.currentStateIdx].numlocals : &aEventNumLocals[cs.currentEvent];
//OSD_Printf("s%d,e%d: array `%s', numlocals of `%s' is %d.\n", cs.currentStateIdx, cs.currentEvent,
// tlabel, g_szCurrentBlockName, (int32_t)*numlocals);
if (((int32_t)(*numlocals))+asize > M32_MAX_LOCALS)
C_CUSTOMERROR("too much local storage required (max: %d gamevar equivalents).", M32_MAX_LOCALS);
@ -2810,6 +2815,16 @@ repeatcase:
return 0;
case CON_A2XY:
C_GetManyVarsType(GV_WRITABLE, 2);
return 0;
case CON_AH2XYZ:
C_GetManyVarsType(GV_WRITABLE, 3);
return 0;
case CON_FOR: // special-purpose iteration
ofstype offset;
@ -332,6 +332,8 @@ enum ScriptKeywords_t
@ -248,6 +248,7 @@ static int32_t X_DoSort(const int32_t *lv, const int32_t *rv)
return g_iReturnVar;
// in interactive execution, allow the current sprite index to be the aimed-at sprite (in 3d mode)
if ((vm.g_i < 0 || vm.g_i>=MAXSPRITES) && \
(vm.g_st!=0 || searchstat!=3 || (vm.g_i=searchwall, vm.g_sp=&sprite[vm.g_i], 0))) \
@ -973,6 +974,40 @@ skip_check:
case CON_A2XY:
case CON_AH2XYZ:
int32_t ang=Gv_GetVarX(*insptr++), horiz=(tw==CON_A2XY)?100:Gv_GetVarX(*insptr++);
int32_t xvar=*insptr++, yvar=*insptr++;
int32_t x = sintable[(ang+512)&2047];
int32_t y = sintable[ang&2047];
if (tw==CON_AH2XYZ)
int32_t zvar=*insptr++, z=0;
horiz -= 100;
if (horiz)
int32_t veclen = ksqrt(200*200 + horiz*horiz);
int32_t dacos = divscale14(200, veclen);
x = mulscale14(x, dacos);
y = mulscale14(y, dacos);
z = divscale14(horiz, veclen);
Gv_SetVarX(zvar, z);
Gv_SetVarX(xvar, x);
Gv_SetVarX(yvar, y);
@ -2736,11 +2771,12 @@ dodefault:
// ifaimingsprite and -wall also work in 2d mode, but you must "and" with 16383 yourself
VM_DoConditional(AIMING_AT_SPRITE || pointhighlight>=16384);
VM_DoConditional(AIMING_AT_WALL_OR_MASK || linehighlight>=0);
@ -143,9 +143,6 @@ extern intptr_t frameplace;
static int32_t acurpalette=0;
extern void showsectordata(int16_t sectnum);
extern void showwalldata(int16_t wallnum);
extern void showspritedata(int16_t spritenum);
extern int32_t checksectorpointer(int16_t i, int16_t sectnum);
extern double msens;
@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ static char SM32_havesound = 0;
char SoundToggle = 1;
int32_t NumVoices = 32;
int32_t MixRate = 44100;
int32_t backflag,g_numEnvSoundsPlaying;
@ -75,12 +76,8 @@ int32_t S_SoundStartup(void)
void *initdata = 0;
// TODO: read config
int32_t FXVolume=220, /*NumVoices=32,*/ NumChannels=2, NumBits=16, MixRate, ReverseStereo=0;
#if defined(_WIN32)
MixRate = 44100;
MixRate = 44100;
int32_t FXVolume=220, /*NumVoices=32,*/ NumChannels=2, NumBits=16, ReverseStereo=0;
fxdevicetype = ASS_AutoDetect;
#ifdef WIN32
Reference in a new issue