diff --git a/source/games/duke/src/gameexec.cpp b/source/games/duke/src/gameexec.cpp
index 70fad42ed..a63c88f4f 100644
--- a/source/games/duke/src/gameexec.cpp
+++ b/source/games/duke/src/gameexec.cpp
@@ -950,7 +950,59 @@ int parse(void)
 			// I am not convinced this is even remotely smart to be executed from here...
-			P_ResetPlayer(g_p);
+			pickrandomspot(g_p);
+			g_sp->x = hittype[g_i].bposx = ps[g_p].bobposx = ps[g_p].oposx = ps[g_p].posx;
+			g_sp->y = hittype[g_i].bposy = ps[g_p].bobposy = ps[g_p].oposy = ps[g_p].posy;
+			g_sp->z = hittype[g_i].bposy = ps[g_p].oposz = ps[g_p].posz;
+			updatesector(ps[g_p].posx, ps[g_p].posy, &ps[g_p].cursectnum);
+			setsprite(ps[g_p].i, ps[g_p].posx, ps[g_p].posy, ps[g_p].posz + PHEIGHT);
+			g_sp->cstat = 257;
+			g_sp->shade = -12;
+			g_sp->clipdist = 64;
+			g_sp->xrepeat = 42;
+			g_sp->yrepeat = 36;
+			g_sp->owner = g_i;
+			g_sp->xoffset = 0;
+			g_sp->pal = ps[g_p].palookup;
+			ps[g_p].last_extra = g_sp->extra = max_player_health;
+			ps[g_p].wantweaponfire = -1;
+			ps[g_p].sethoriz(100);
+			ps[g_p].on_crane = -1;
+			ps[g_p].frag_ps = g_p;
+			ps[g_p].sethorizoff(0);
+			ps[g_p].opyoff = 0;
+			ps[g_p].wackedbyactor = -1;
+			ps[g_p].shield_amount = max_armour_amount;
+			ps[g_p].dead_flag = 0;
+			ps[g_p].pals.f = 0;
+			ps[g_p].footprintcount = 0;
+			ps[g_p].weapreccnt = 0;
+			ps[g_p].fta = 0;
+			ps[g_p].ftq = 0;
+			ps[g_p].posxv = ps[g_p].posyv = 0;
+			if (!isRR()) ps[g_p].rotscrnang = 0;
+			ps[g_p].falling_counter = 0;
+			hittype[g_i].extra = -1;
+			hittype[g_i].owner = g_i;
+			hittype[g_i].cgg = 0;
+			hittype[g_i].movflag = 0;
+			hittype[g_i].tempang = 0;
+			hittype[g_i].actorstayput = -1;
+			hittype[g_i].dispicnum = 0;
+			hittype[g_i].owner = ps[g_p].i;
+			hittype[g_i].temp_data[4] = 0;
+			resetinventory(g_p);
+			resetweapons(g_p);
+			ps[g_p].movement_lock = 0;
+			//cameradist = 0;
+			//cameraclock = totalclock;
diff --git a/source/games/duke/src/premap.cpp b/source/games/duke/src/premap.cpp
index ec7b8cdae..2dfb48d4d 100644
--- a/source/games/duke/src/premap.cpp
+++ b/source/games/duke/src/premap.cpp
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ BEGIN_DUKE_NS
-void pickrandomspot(short snum)
+void pickrandomspot(int snum)
     struct player_struct *p;
     short i;
diff --git a/source/games/duke/src/premap.h b/source/games/duke/src/premap.h
index d1c5ead83..fe1c0e332 100644
--- a/source/games/duke/src/premap.h
+++ b/source/games/duke/src/premap.h
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ void G_CacheMapData(void);
 void G_NewGame(int volumeNum, int levelNum, int skillNum);
 void G_ResetTimers(uint8_t keepgtics);
 void G_UpdateScreenArea(void);
-void P_RandomSpawnPoint(int playerNum);
+void pickrandomspot(int playerNum);
 void resetinventory(int playerNum);
 void P_ResetPlayer(int playerNum);
 void resetplayerstats(int playerNum);
diff --git a/source/games/duke/src/zz_premap.cpp b/source/games/duke/src/zz_premap.cpp
index 392618464..5ca19b2fa 100644
--- a/source/games/duke/src/zz_premap.cpp
+++ b/source/games/duke/src/zz_premap.cpp
@@ -199,118 +199,11 @@ void G_UpdateScreenArea(void)
     pus = NUMPAGES;
-void P_RandomSpawnPoint(int playerNum)
-    DukePlayer_t *const pPlayer = g_player[playerNum].ps;
-    int32_t i = playerNum;
-    if ((g_netServer || ud.multimode > 1) && !(g_gametypeFlags[ud.coop] & GAMETYPE_FIXEDRESPAWN))
-    {
-        i = krand2() % numplayersprites;
-        if (g_gametypeFlags[ud.coop] & GAMETYPE_TDMSPAWN)
-        {
-            uint32_t pdist = -1;
-            for (bssize_t j=0; j<ud.multimode; j++)
-            {
-                if (j != playerNum && g_player[j].ps->team == pPlayer->team && sprite[g_player[j].ps->i].extra > 0)
-                {
-                    for (bssize_t k=0; k<numplayersprites; k++)
-                    {
-                        uint32_t dist = FindDistance2D(g_player[j].ps->pos.x - g_playerSpawnPoints[k].pos.x,
-                                              g_player[j].ps->pos.y - g_playerSpawnPoints[k].pos.y);
-                        if (dist < pdist)
-                            i = k, pdist = dist;
-                    }
-                    break;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    pPlayer->pos        = g_playerSpawnPoints[i].pos;
-    pPlayer->opos       = pPlayer->pos;
-    pPlayer->bobpos     = *(vec2_t *)&pPlayer->pos;
-    pPlayer->q16ang       = fix16_from_int(g_playerSpawnPoints[i].ang);
-    pPlayer->cursectnum = g_playerSpawnPoints[i].sect;
-    sprite[pPlayer->i].cstat = 1 + 256;
 static inline void P_ResetTintFade(DukePlayer_t *const pPlayer)
     pPlayer->pals.f = 0;
-void P_ResetPlayer(int playerNum)
-    DukePlayer_t *const pPlayer = g_player[playerNum].ps;
-    spritetype *const   pSprite = &sprite[pPlayer->i];
-    vec3_t              tmpvect = pPlayer->pos;
-    tmpvect.z += PHEIGHT;
-    P_RandomSpawnPoint(playerNum);
-    pPlayer->opos          = pPlayer->pos;
-    pPlayer->bobpos        = *(vec2_t *)&pPlayer->pos;
-    actor[pPlayer->i].bpos = pPlayer->pos;
-    *(vec3_t *)pSprite     = pPlayer->pos;
-    updatesector(pPlayer->pos.x, pPlayer->pos.y, &pPlayer->cursectnum);
-    setsprite(pPlayer->i, &tmpvect);
-    pSprite->cstat    = 257;
-    pSprite->shade    = -12;
-    pSprite->clipdist = RR ? 32 : 64;
-    pSprite->xrepeat  = RR ? 24 : 42;
-    pSprite->yrepeat  = RR ? 17 : 36;
-    pSprite->owner    = pPlayer->i;
-    pSprite->xoffset  = 0;
-    pSprite->pal      = pPlayer->palookup;
-    pPlayer->last_extra = pSprite->extra = max_player_health;
-    pPlayer->wantweaponfire         = -1;
-    pPlayer->q16horiz                  = F16(100);
-    pPlayer->on_crane               = -1;
-    pPlayer->frag_ps                = playerNum;
-    pPlayer->q16horizoff               = 0;
-    pPlayer->opyoff                 = 0;
-    pPlayer->wackedbyactor          = -1;
-    pPlayer->inv_amount[GET_SHIELD] = max_armour_amount;
-    pPlayer->dead_flag              = 0;
-    pPlayer->footprintcount         = 0;
-    pPlayer->weapreccnt             = 0;
-    pPlayer->fta                    = 0;
-    pPlayer->ftq                    = 0;
-    pPlayer->vel.x = pPlayer->vel.y = 0;
-    if (!RR) pPlayer->rotscrnang             = 0;
-    pPlayer->runspeed               = dukefriction;
-    pPlayer->falling_counter        = 0;
-    P_ResetTintFade(pPlayer);
-    actor[pPlayer->i].extra        = -1;
-    actor[pPlayer->i].owner        = pPlayer->i;
-    actor[pPlayer->i].cgg          = 0;
-    actor[pPlayer->i].movflag      = 0;
-    actor[pPlayer->i].tempang      = 0;
-    actor[pPlayer->i].actorstayput = -1;
-    actor[pPlayer->i].dispicnum    = 0;
-    actor[pPlayer->i].owner        = pPlayer->i;
-    actor[pPlayer->i].t_data[4]    = 0;
-    resetinventory(playerNum);
-    resetweapons(playerNum);
-    //pPlayer->reloading     = 0;
-    pPlayer->movement_lock = 0;
 static inline int G_CheckExitSprite(int spriteNum) { return ((uint16_t)sprite[spriteNum].lotag == UINT16_MAX && (sprite[spriteNum].cstat & 16)); }