mirror of
synced 2025-02-24 20:31:34 +00:00
Polymost: Clean up formatting of parallax sky code and comments, in part so that the floor and ceiling sections are line-for-line consistent. DONT_BUILD.
git-svn-id: https://svn.eduke32.com/eduke32@5417 1a8010ca-5511-0410-912e-c29ae57300e0
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 353 additions and 280 deletions
@ -2631,6 +2631,8 @@ static void polymost_drawalls(int32_t const bunch)
float const cy1 = ((float)(cz-globalposz))*ryp1 + ghoriz, fy1 = ((float)(fz-globalposz))*ryp1 + ghoriz;
// Floor
globalpicnum = sec->floorpicnum;
globalshade = sec->floorshade;
globalpal = sec->floorpal;
@ -2658,7 +2660,7 @@ static void polymost_drawalls(int32_t const bunch)
else if ((nextsectnum < 0) || (!(sector[nextsectnum].floorstat&1)))
//Parallaxing sky... hacked for Ken's mountain texture; paper-sky only :/
//Parallaxing sky... hacked for Ken's mountain texture
if (!nofog) calc_and_apply_fog_factor(sec->floorpicnum, sec->floorshade, sec->visibility, sec->floorpal, 0.005f);
//Use clamping for tiled sky textures
@ -2666,14 +2668,15 @@ static void polymost_drawalls(int32_t const bunch)
if (dapskyoff[i] != dapskyoff[i-1])
{ skyclamphack = r_parallaxskyclamping; break; }
if (bpp == 8 || !usehightile || !hicfindskybox(globalpicnum, globalpal))
if (!usehightile || !hicfindskybox(globalpicnum, globalpal))
float const dd = fxdimen*.0000001f; //Adjust sky depth based on screen size!
float vv[2];
float t = (float)((1<<(picsiz[globalpicnum]&15))<<dapskybits);
vv[1] = dd*((float)xdimscale*fviewingrange) * (1.f/(65536.f*65536.f));
vv[0] = dd*((float) ((tilesiz[globalpicnum].y>>1)+parallaxyoffs_override/*+g_psky.yoffs*/)) - vv[1]*ghoriz;
vv[0] = dd*((float)((tilesiz[globalpicnum].y>>1)+parallaxyoffs_override/*+g_psky.yoffs*/)) - vv[1]*ghoriz;
int i = (1<<(picsiz[globalpicnum]>>4)); if (i != tilesiz[globalpicnum].y) i += i;
vec3f_t o;
//Hack to draw black rectangle below sky when looking down...
xtex.d = xtex.u = xtex.v = 0;
@ -2686,10 +2689,10 @@ static void polymost_drawalls(int32_t const bunch)
otex.u = 0;
otex.v = (float)(tilesiz[globalpicnum].y - 1) * otex.d;
vec3f_t o;
o.y = ((float)tilesiz[globalpicnum].y*dd-vv[0])/vv[1];
if ((o.y > fy0) && (o.y > fy1)) polymost_domost(x0,o.y,x1,o.y);
if ((o.y > fy0) && (o.y > fy1))
else if ((o.y > fy0) != (o.y > fy1))
// fy0 fy1
@ -2698,13 +2701,19 @@ static void polymost_drawalls(int32_t const bunch)
// \ /
// fy1 fy0
o.x = (o.y-fy0)*(x1-x0)/(fy1-fy0) + x0;
if (o.y > fy0) { polymost_domost(x0,o.y,o.x,o.y); polymost_domost(o.x,o.y,x1,fy1); }
else { polymost_domost(x0,fy0,o.x,o.y); polymost_domost(o.x,o.y,x1,o.y); }
if (o.y > fy0)
else polymost_domost(x0,fy0,x1,fy1);
if (r_parallaxskypanning)
vv[0] += dd*((float)sec->floorypanning)*((float)i)*(1.f/256.f);
xtex.d = xtex.v = 0;
ytex.d = ytex.u = 0;
@ -2712,7 +2721,7 @@ static void polymost_drawalls(int32_t const bunch)
xtex.u = otex.d * (t * (float)((uint64_t)(xdimscale * yxaspect) * viewingrange)) *
(1.f / (16384.0 * 65536.0 * 65536.0 * 5.0 * 1024.0));
ytex.v = vv[1];
otex.v = vv[0];
otex.v = r_parallaxskypanning ? vv[0] + dd*(float)sec->floorypanning*(float)i*(1.f/256.f) : vv[0];
i = globalpicnum;
float const r = (fy1-fy0)/(x1-x0); //slope of line
@ -2731,8 +2740,6 @@ static void polymost_drawalls(int32_t const bunch)
pow2xsplit = 0; polymost_domost(o.x,(o.x-x0)*r+fy0,fx,(fx-x0)*r+fy0); //flor
while (i >= 0);
// g_nodraw = 0;
else //NOTE: code copied from ceiling code... lots of duplicated stuff :/
@ -2756,260 +2763,6 @@ static void polymost_drawalls(int32_t const bunch)
vec2f_t const oskyp0 = skyp0;
//Clip to close parallel-screen plane
if (skyp0.y < SCISDIST)
if (skyp1.y < SCISDIST) continue;
sky_t0 = (SCISDIST-skyp0.y)/(skyp1.y-skyp0.y); skyp0.x = (skyp1.x-skyp0.x)*sky_t0+skyp0.x; skyp0.y = SCISDIST;
else { sky_t0 = 0.f; }
if (skyp1.y < SCISDIST)
sky_t1 = (SCISDIST-oskyp0.y)/(skyp1.y-oskyp0.y); skyp1.x = (skyp1.x-oskyp0.x)*sky_t1+oskyp0.x; skyp1.y = SCISDIST;
else { sky_t1 = 1.f; }
sky_ryp0 = 1.f/skyp0.y; sky_ryp1 = 1.f/skyp1.y;
//Generate screen coordinates for front side of wall
sky_x0 = ghalfx*skyp0.x*sky_ryp0 + ghalfx;
sky_x1 = ghalfx*skyp1.x*sky_ryp1 + ghalfx;
if ((sky_x1 <= sky_x0) || (sky_x0 >= x1) || (x0 >= sky_x1)) continue;
sky_ryp0 *= gyxscale; sky_ryp1 *= gyxscale;
sky_cy0 = -8192.f*sky_ryp0 + ghoriz;
sky_fy0 = 8192.f*sky_ryp0 + ghoriz;
sky_cy1 = -8192.f*sky_ryp1 + ghoriz;
sky_fy1 = 8192.f*sky_ryp1 + ghoriz;
sky_ox0 = sky_x0; sky_ox1 = sky_x1;
//Make sure: x0<=_x0<_x1<=_x1
float nfy[2] = { fy0, fy1 };
if (sky_x0 < x0)
float const t = (x0-sky_x0)/(sky_x1-sky_x0);
sky_cy0 += (sky_cy1-sky_cy0)*t;
sky_fy0 += (sky_fy1-sky_fy0)*t;
sky_x0 = x0;
else if (sky_x0 > x0) nfy[0] += (sky_x0-x0)*(fy1-fy0)/(x1-x0);
if (sky_x1 > x1)
float const t = (x1-sky_x1)/(sky_x1-sky_x0);
sky_cy1 += (sky_cy1-sky_cy0)*t;
sky_fy1 += (sky_fy1-sky_fy0)*t;
sky_x1 = x1;
else if (sky_x1 < x1) nfy[1] += (sky_x1-x1)*(fy1-fy0)/(x1-x0);
// (skybox floor)
// (skybox wall)
// (skybox ceiling)
//ceiling of skybox
float const ft[4] = { 512 / 16, 512 / -16, fcosglobalang * (1.f / 2147483648.f),
fsinglobalang * (1.f / 2147483648.f) };
xtex.d = 0;
ytex.d = gxyaspect*(1.f/4194304.f);
otex.d = -ghoriz*ytex.d;
xtex.u = (double)ft[3]*fviewingrange*(-1.0/65536.0);
xtex.v = (double)ft[2]*fviewingrange*(-1.0/65536.0);
ytex.u = ft[0]*ytex.d; ytex.v = ft[1]*ytex.d;
otex.u = ft[0]*otex.d; otex.v = ft[1]*otex.d;
otex.u += (ft[2]-xtex.u)*ghalfx;
otex.v -= (ft[3]+xtex.v)*ghalfx;
xtex.v = -xtex.v; ytex.v = -ytex.v; otex.v = -otex.v; //y-flip skybox floor
drawingskybox = 6; //ceiling/5th texture/index 4 of skybox
if ((sky_fy0 > nfy[0]) && (sky_fy1 > nfy[1])) polymost_domost(sky_x0,sky_fy0,sky_x1,sky_fy1);
else if ((sky_fy0 > nfy[0]) != (sky_fy1 > nfy[1]))
//(ox,oy) is intersection of: (_x0,_cy0)-(_x1,_cy1)
// (_x0,nfy0)-(_x1,nfy1)
float const t = (sky_fy0-nfy[0])/(nfy[1]-nfy[0]-sky_fy1+sky_fy0);
vec2f_t const o = { sky_x0 + (sky_x1 - sky_x0) * t, sky_fy0 + (sky_fy1 - sky_fy0) * t };
if (nfy[0] > sky_fy0)
polymost_domost(sky_x0, nfy[0], o.x, o.y);
polymost_domost(o.x, o.y, sky_x1, sky_fy1);
else { polymost_domost(sky_x0,sky_fy0,o.x,o.y); polymost_domost(o.x,o.y,sky_x1,nfy[1]); }
else polymost_domost(sky_x0,nfy[0],sky_x1,nfy[1]);
//wall of skybox
drawingskybox = i+1; //i+1th texture/index i of skybox
xtex.d = (sky_ryp0-sky_ryp1)*gxyaspect*(1.f/512.f) / (sky_ox0-sky_ox1);
ytex.d = 0;
otex.d = sky_ryp0*gxyaspect*(1.f/512.f) - xtex.d*sky_ox0;
xtex.u = (sky_t0*sky_ryp0 - sky_t1*sky_ryp1)*gxyaspect*(64.f/512.f) / (sky_ox0-sky_ox1);
otex.u = sky_t0*sky_ryp0*gxyaspect*(64.f/512.f) - xtex.u*sky_ox0;
ytex.u = 0;
sky_t0 = -8192.f*sky_ryp0 + ghoriz;
sky_t1 = -8192.f*sky_ryp1 + ghoriz;
float const t = ((xtex.d*sky_ox0 + otex.d)*8.f) / ((sky_ox1-sky_ox0) * sky_ryp0 * 2048.f);
xtex.v = (sky_t0-sky_t1)*t;
ytex.v = (sky_ox1-sky_ox0)*t;
otex.v = -xtex.v*sky_ox0 - ytex.v*sky_t0;
if ((sky_cy0 > nfy[0]) && (sky_cy1 > nfy[1])) polymost_domost(sky_x0,sky_cy0,sky_x1,sky_cy1);
else if ((sky_cy0 > nfy[0]) != (sky_cy1 > nfy[1]))
//(ox,oy) is intersection of: (_x0,_fy0)-(_x1,_fy1)
// (_x0,nfy0)-(_x1,nfy1)
float const t = (sky_cy0-nfy[0])/(nfy[1]-nfy[0]-sky_cy1+sky_cy0);
vec2f_t const o = { sky_x0 + (sky_x1 - sky_x0) * t, sky_cy0 + (sky_cy1 - sky_cy0) * t };
if (nfy[0] > sky_cy0) { polymost_domost(sky_x0,nfy[0],o.x,o.y); polymost_domost(o.x,o.y,sky_x1,sky_cy1); }
else { polymost_domost(sky_x0,sky_cy0,o.x,o.y); polymost_domost(o.x,o.y,sky_x1,nfy[1]); }
else polymost_domost(sky_x0,nfy[0],sky_x1,nfy[1]);
//Floor of skybox
drawingskybox = 5; //floor/6th texture/index 5 of skybox
float const ft[4] = { 512 / 16, -512 / -16, fcosglobalang * (1.f / 2147483648.f),
fsinglobalang * (1.f / 2147483648.f) };
xtex.d = 0;
ytex.d = gxyaspect*(-1.f/4194304.f);
otex.d = -ghoriz*ytex.d;
xtex.u = ft[3]*((double)viewingrange)*(-1.0/65536.0);
xtex.v = ft[2]*((double)viewingrange)*(-1.0/65536.0);
ytex.u = ft[0]*ytex.d; ytex.v = ft[1]*ytex.d;
otex.u = ft[0]*otex.d; otex.v = ft[1]*otex.d;
otex.u += (ft[2]-xtex.u)*ghalfx;
otex.v -= (ft[3]+xtex.v)*ghalfx;
skyclamphack = 0;
drawingskybox = 0;
skyclamphack = 0;
if (!nofog)
globalpicnum = sec->ceilingpicnum; globalshade = sec->ceilingshade; globalpal = (int32_t)((uint8_t)sec->ceilingpal);
globalorientation = sec->ceilingstat;
globvis = globalcisibility;
if (sector[sectnum].visibility != 0) globvis = mulscale4(globvis, (uint8_t)(sector[sectnum].visibility+16));
DO_TILE_ANIM(globalpicnum, sectnum);
dapskyoff = getpsky(globalpicnum, NULL, &dapskybits);
global_cf_fogpal = sec->fogpal;
global_cf_shade = sec->ceilingshade, global_cf_pal = sec->ceilingpal; global_cf_z = sec->ceilingz; // REFACT
global_cf_xpanning = sec->ceilingxpanning; global_cf_ypanning = sec->ceilingypanning, global_cf_heinum = sec->ceilingheinum;
global_getzofslope_func = &getceilzofslope;
if (!(globalorientation&1))
if (globalposz >= sec->ceilingz || yax_getbunch(sectnum, YAX_CEILING) < 0 || yax_getnextwall(wallnum, YAX_CEILING) >= 0)
polymost_internal_nonparallaxed(n0, n1, ryp0, ryp1, x0, x1, cy0, cy1, sectnum);
else if ((nextsectnum < 0) || (!(sector[nextsectnum].ceilingstat&1)))
if (!nofog) calc_and_apply_fog_factor(sec->ceilingpicnum, sec->ceilingshade, sec->visibility, sec->ceilingpal, 0.005f);
//Use clamping for tiled sky textures
for (int i=(1<<dapskybits)-1; i>0; i--)
if (dapskyoff[i] != dapskyoff[i-1])
{ skyclamphack = r_parallaxskyclamping; break; }
if (bpp == 8 || !usehightile || !hicfindskybox(globalpicnum, globalpal))
float const dd = fxdimen*.0000001f; //Adjust sky depth based on screen size!
float vv[2];
float t = (float)((1<<(picsiz[globalpicnum]&15))<<dapskybits);
vv[1] = dd*((float)xdimscale*fviewingrange) * (1.f/(65536.f*65536.f));
vv[0] = dd*((float)((tilesiz[globalpicnum].y>>1)+parallaxyoffs_override/*+g_psky.yoffs*/)) - vv[1]*ghoriz;
int i = (1<<(picsiz[globalpicnum]>>4)); if (i != tilesiz[globalpicnum].y) i += i;
//Hack to draw black rectangle below sky when looking down...
xtex.d = xtex.u = xtex.v = 0;
ytex.d = gxyaspect * (1.f / -262144.f);
otex.d = -ghoriz * ytex.d;
ytex.u = ytex.v = 0;
otex.u = otex.v = 0;
vec3f_t o;
o.y = -vv[0]/vv[1];
if ((o.y < cy0) && (o.y < cy1)) polymost_domost(x1,o.y,x0,o.y);
else if ((o.y < cy0) != (o.y < cy1))
/* cy1 cy0
// / \
//oy---------- oy---------
// / \
// cy0 cy1
o.x = (o.y-cy0)*(x1-x0)/(cy1-cy0) + x0;
if (o.y < cy0) { polymost_domost(o.x,o.y,x0,o.y); polymost_domost(x1,cy1,o.x,o.y); }
else { polymost_domost(o.x,o.y,x0,cy0); polymost_domost(x1,o.y,o.x,o.y); }
else polymost_domost(x1,cy1,x0,cy0);
if (r_parallaxskypanning)
vv[0] += dd*(float)sec->ceilingypanning*(float)i*(1.f/256.f);
xtex.d = 0; ytex.d = 0; otex.d = dd;
xtex.u = otex.d *
(t * (float) ((uint64_t)(xdimscale * yxaspect) * viewingrange)) * (1.f/(16384.0*65536.0*65536.0*5.0*1024.0));
ytex.u = 0; //guo calculated later
xtex.v = 0; ytex.v = vv[1]; otex.v = vv[0];
i = globalpicnum;
float const r = (cy1-cy0)/(x1-x0); //slope of line
o.y = fviewingrange/(ghalfx*256.f); o.z = 1.f/o.y;
int y = ((((int32_t)((x0-ghalfx)*o.y))+globalang)>>(11-dapskybits));
float fx = x0;
globalpicnum = dapskyoff[y&((1<<dapskybits)-1)]+i;
otex.u = otex.d*(t*((float)(globalang-(y<<(11-dapskybits)))) * (1.f/2048.f) + (float)((r_parallaxskypanning)?sec->ceilingxpanning:0)) - xtex.u*ghalfx;
o.x = fx; fx = ((float)((y<<(11-dapskybits))-globalang))*o.z+ghalfx;
if (fx > x1) { fx = x1; i = -1; }
pow2xsplit = 0; polymost_domost(fx,(fx-x0)*r+cy0,o.x,(o.x-x0)*r+cy0); //ceil
while (i >= 0);
// g_nodraw = 0;
//Skybox code for parallax ceiling!
float sky_t0, sky_t1; // _nx0, _ny0, _nx1, _ny1;
float sky_ryp0, sky_ryp1, sky_x0, sky_x1, sky_cy0, sky_fy0, sky_cy1, sky_fy1, sky_ox0, sky_ox1;
static vec2f_t const skywal[4] = { { -512, -512 }, { 512, -512 }, { 512, 512 }, { -512, 512 } };
pow2xsplit = 0;
skyclamphack = 1;
for (int i=0; i<4; i++)
walpos = skywal[i&3];
vec2f_t skyp0 = { walpos.y * gcosang - walpos.x * gsinang,
walpos.x * gcosang2 + walpos.y * gsinang2 };
walpos = skywal[(i + 1) & 3];
vec2f_t skyp1 = { walpos.y * gcosang - walpos.x * gsinang,
walpos.x * gcosang2 + walpos.y * gsinang2 };
vec2f_t const oskyp0 = skyp0;
//Clip to close parallel-screen plane
if (skyp0.y < SCISDIST)
@ -3040,7 +2793,299 @@ static void polymost_drawalls(int32_t const bunch)
sky_ox0 = sky_x0; sky_ox1 = sky_x1;
//Make sure: x0<=_x0<_x1<=_x1
//Make sure: x0<=_x0<_x1<=x1
float nfy[2] = { fy0, fy1 };
if (sky_x0 < x0)
float const t = (x0-sky_x0)/(sky_x1-sky_x0);
sky_cy0 += (sky_cy1-sky_cy0)*t;
sky_fy0 += (sky_fy1-sky_fy0)*t;
sky_x0 = x0;
else if (sky_x0 > x0) nfy[0] += (sky_x0-x0)*(fy1-fy0)/(x1-x0);
if (sky_x1 > x1)
float const t = (x1-sky_x1)/(sky_x1-sky_x0);
sky_cy1 += (sky_cy1-sky_cy0)*t;
sky_fy1 += (sky_fy1-sky_fy0)*t;
sky_x1 = x1;
else if (sky_x1 < x1) nfy[1] += (sky_x1-x1)*(fy1-fy0)/(x1-x0);
// (skybox floor)
// (skybox wall)
// (skybox ceiling)
//floor of skybox
drawingskybox = 6; //floor/6th texture/index 5 of skybox
float const ft[4] = { 512 / 16, 512 / -16, fcosglobalang * (1.f / 2147483648.f),
fsinglobalang * (1.f / 2147483648.f) };
xtex.d = 0;
ytex.d = gxyaspect*(1.f/4194304.f);
otex.d = -ghoriz*ytex.d;
xtex.u = ft[3]*fviewingrange*(-1.0/65536.0);
xtex.v = ft[2]*fviewingrange*(-1.0/65536.0);
ytex.u = ft[0]*ytex.d; ytex.v = ft[1]*ytex.d;
otex.u = ft[0]*otex.d; otex.v = ft[1]*otex.d;
otex.u += (ft[2]-xtex.u)*ghalfx;
otex.v -= (ft[3]+xtex.v)*ghalfx;
xtex.v = -xtex.v; ytex.v = -ytex.v; otex.v = -otex.v; //y-flip skybox floor
if ((sky_fy0 > nfy[0]) && (sky_fy1 > nfy[1]))
else if ((sky_fy0 > nfy[0]) != (sky_fy1 > nfy[1]))
//(ox,oy) is intersection of: (_x0,_fy0)-(_x1,_fy1)
// (_x0,nfy0)-(_x1,nfy1)
float const t = (sky_fy0-nfy[0])/(nfy[1]-nfy[0]-sky_fy1+sky_fy0);
vec2f_t const o = { sky_x0 + (sky_x1-sky_x0)*t, sky_fy0 + (sky_fy1-sky_fy0)*t };
if (nfy[0] > sky_fy0)
//wall of skybox
drawingskybox = i+1; //i+1th texture/index i of skybox
xtex.d = (sky_ryp0-sky_ryp1)*gxyaspect*(1.f/512.f) / (sky_ox0-sky_ox1);
ytex.d = 0;
otex.d = sky_ryp0*gxyaspect*(1.f/512.f) - xtex.d*sky_ox0;
xtex.u = (sky_t0*sky_ryp0 - sky_t1*sky_ryp1)*gxyaspect*(64.f/512.f) / (sky_ox0-sky_ox1);
otex.u = sky_t0*sky_ryp0*gxyaspect*(64.f/512.f) - xtex.u*sky_ox0;
ytex.u = 0;
sky_t0 = -8192.f*sky_ryp0 + ghoriz;
sky_t1 = -8192.f*sky_ryp1 + ghoriz;
float const t = ((xtex.d*sky_ox0 + otex.d)*8.f) / ((sky_ox1-sky_ox0) * sky_ryp0 * 2048.f);
xtex.v = (sky_t0-sky_t1)*t;
ytex.v = (sky_ox1-sky_ox0)*t;
otex.v = -xtex.v*sky_ox0 - ytex.v*sky_t0;
if ((sky_cy0 > nfy[0]) && (sky_cy1 > nfy[1]))
else if ((sky_cy0 > nfy[0]) != (sky_cy1 > nfy[1]))
//(ox,oy) is intersection of: (_x0,_fy0)-(_x1,_fy1)
// (_x0,nfy0)-(_x1,nfy1)
float const t = (sky_cy0-nfy[0])/(nfy[1]-nfy[0]-sky_cy1+sky_cy0);
vec2f_t const o = { sky_x0 + (sky_x1 - sky_x0) * t, sky_cy0 + (sky_cy1 - sky_cy0) * t };
if (nfy[0] > sky_cy0)
//Ceiling of skybox
drawingskybox = 5; //ceiling/5th texture/index 4 of skybox
float const ft[4] = { 512 / 16, -512 / -16, fcosglobalang * (1.f / 2147483648.f),
fsinglobalang * (1.f / 2147483648.f) };
xtex.d = 0;
ytex.d = gxyaspect*(-1.f/4194304.f);
otex.d = -ghoriz*ytex.d;
xtex.u = ft[3]*fviewingrange*(-1.0/65536.0);
xtex.v = ft[2]*fviewingrange*(-1.0/65536.0);
ytex.u = ft[0]*ytex.d; ytex.v = ft[1]*ytex.d;
otex.u = ft[0]*otex.d; otex.v = ft[1]*otex.d;
otex.u += (ft[2]-xtex.u)*ghalfx;
otex.v -= (ft[3]+xtex.v)*ghalfx;
skyclamphack = 0;
drawingskybox = 0;
skyclamphack = 0;
if (!nofog)
// Ceiling
globalpicnum = sec->ceilingpicnum;
globalshade = sec->ceilingshade;
globalpal = sec->ceilingpal;
globalorientation = sec->ceilingstat;
globvis = (sector[sectnum].visibility != 0) ?
mulscale4(globalcisibility, (uint8_t)(sector[sectnum].visibility + 16)) :
DO_TILE_ANIM(globalpicnum, sectnum);
dapskyoff = getpsky(globalpicnum, NULL, &dapskybits);
global_cf_fogpal = sec->fogpal;
global_cf_shade = sec->ceilingshade, global_cf_pal = sec->ceilingpal; global_cf_z = sec->ceilingz; // REFACT
global_cf_xpanning = sec->ceilingxpanning; global_cf_ypanning = sec->ceilingypanning, global_cf_heinum = sec->ceilingheinum;
global_getzofslope_func = &getceilzofslope;
if (!(globalorientation&1))
if (globalposz >= sec->ceilingz || yax_getbunch(sectnum, YAX_CEILING) < 0 || yax_getnextwall(wallnum, YAX_CEILING) >= 0)
polymost_internal_nonparallaxed(n0, n1, ryp0, ryp1, x0, x1, cy0, cy1, sectnum);
else if ((nextsectnum < 0) || (!(sector[nextsectnum].ceilingstat&1)))
//Parallaxing sky... hacked for Ken's mountain texture
if (!nofog) calc_and_apply_fog_factor(sec->ceilingpicnum, sec->ceilingshade, sec->visibility, sec->ceilingpal, 0.005f);
//Use clamping for tiled sky textures
for (int i=(1<<dapskybits)-1; i>0; i--)
if (dapskyoff[i] != dapskyoff[i-1])
{ skyclamphack = r_parallaxskyclamping; break; }
if (!usehightile || !hicfindskybox(globalpicnum, globalpal))
float const dd = fxdimen*.0000001f; //Adjust sky depth based on screen size!
float vv[2];
float t = (float)((1<<(picsiz[globalpicnum]&15))<<dapskybits);
vv[1] = dd*((float)xdimscale*fviewingrange) * (1.f/(65536.f*65536.f));
vv[0] = dd*((float)((tilesiz[globalpicnum].y>>1)+parallaxyoffs_override/*+g_psky.yoffs*/)) - vv[1]*ghoriz;
int i = (1<<(picsiz[globalpicnum]>>4)); if (i != tilesiz[globalpicnum].y) i += i;
vec3f_t o;
//Hack to draw color rectangle above sky when looking up...
xtex.d = xtex.u = xtex.v = 0;
ytex.d = gxyaspect * (1.f / -262144.f);
ytex.u = 0;
ytex.v = 0;
otex.d = -ghoriz * ytex.d;
otex.u = 0;
otex.v = 0;
o.y = -vv[0]/vv[1];
if ((o.y < cy0) && (o.y < cy1))
else if ((o.y < cy0) != (o.y < cy1))
/* cy1 cy0
// / \
//oy---------- oy---------
// / \
// cy0 cy1 */
o.x = (o.y-cy0)*(x1-x0)/(cy1-cy0) + x0;
if (o.y < cy0)
xtex.d = xtex.v = 0;
ytex.d = ytex.u = 0;
otex.d = dd;
xtex.u = otex.d * (t * (float)((uint64_t)(xdimscale * yxaspect) * viewingrange)) *
(1.f / (16384.0 * 65536.0 * 65536.0 * 5.0 * 1024.0));
ytex.v = vv[1];
otex.v = r_parallaxskypanning ? vv[0] + dd*(float)sec->ceilingypanning*(float)i*(1.f/256.f) : vv[0];
i = globalpicnum;
float const r = (cy1-cy0)/(x1-x0); //slope of line
o.y = fviewingrange/(ghalfx*256.f); o.z = 1.f/o.y;
int y = ((((int32_t)((x0-ghalfx)*o.y))+globalang)>>(11-dapskybits));
float fx = x0;
globalpicnum = dapskyoff[y&((1<<dapskybits)-1)]+i;
otex.u = otex.d*(t*((float)(globalang-(y<<(11-dapskybits)))) * (1.f/2048.f) + (float)((r_parallaxskypanning)?sec->ceilingxpanning:0)) - xtex.u*ghalfx;
o.x = fx; fx = ((float)((y<<(11-dapskybits))-globalang))*o.z+ghalfx;
if (fx > x1) { fx = x1; i = -1; }
pow2xsplit = 0; polymost_domost(fx,(fx-x0)*r+cy0,o.x,(o.x-x0)*r+cy0); //ceil
while (i >= 0);
//Skybox code for parallax ceiling!
float sky_t0, sky_t1; // _nx0, _ny0, _nx1, _ny1;
float sky_ryp0, sky_ryp1, sky_x0, sky_x1, sky_cy0, sky_fy0, sky_cy1, sky_fy1, sky_ox0, sky_ox1;
static vec2f_t const skywal[4] = { { -512, -512 }, { 512, -512 }, { 512, 512 }, { -512, 512 } };
pow2xsplit = 0;
skyclamphack = 1;
for (int i=0; i<4; i++)
walpos = skywal[i&3];
vec2f_t skyp0 = { walpos.y * gcosang - walpos.x * gsinang,
walpos.x * gcosang2 + walpos.y * gsinang2 };
walpos = skywal[(i + 1) & 3];
vec2f_t skyp1 = { walpos.y * gcosang - walpos.x * gsinang,
walpos.x * gcosang2 + walpos.y * gsinang2 };
vec2f_t const oskyp0 = skyp0;
//Clip to close parallel-screen plane
if (skyp0.y < SCISDIST)
if (skyp1.y < SCISDIST) continue;
sky_t0 = (SCISDIST-skyp0.y)/(skyp1.y-skyp0.y); skyp0.x = (skyp1.x-skyp0.x)*sky_t0+skyp0.x; skyp0.y = SCISDIST;
else { sky_t0 = 0.f; }
if (skyp1.y < SCISDIST)
sky_t1 = (SCISDIST-oskyp0.y)/(skyp1.y-oskyp0.y); skyp1.x = (skyp1.x-oskyp0.x)*sky_t1+oskyp0.x; skyp1.y = SCISDIST;
else { sky_t1 = 1.f; }
sky_ryp0 = 1.f/skyp0.y; sky_ryp1 = 1.f/skyp1.y;
//Generate screen coordinates for front side of wall
sky_x0 = ghalfx*skyp0.x*sky_ryp0 + ghalfx;
sky_x1 = ghalfx*skyp1.x*sky_ryp1 + ghalfx;
if ((sky_x1 <= sky_x0) || (sky_x0 >= x1) || (x0 >= sky_x1)) continue;
sky_ryp0 *= gyxscale; sky_ryp1 *= gyxscale;
sky_cy0 = -8192.f*sky_ryp0 + ghoriz;
sky_fy0 = 8192.f*sky_ryp0 + ghoriz;
sky_cy1 = -8192.f*sky_ryp1 + ghoriz;
sky_fy1 = 8192.f*sky_ryp1 + ghoriz;
sky_ox0 = sky_x0; sky_ox1 = sky_x1;
//Make sure: x0<=_x0<_x1<=x1
float ncy[2] = { cy0, cy1 };
if (sky_x0 < x0)
@ -3051,6 +3096,7 @@ static void polymost_drawalls(int32_t const bunch)
sky_x0 = x0;
else if (sky_x0 > x0) ncy[0] += (sky_x0-x0)*(cy1-cy0)/(x1-x0);
if (sky_x1 > x1)
float const t = (x1-sky_x1)/(sky_x1-sky_x0);
@ -3071,26 +3117,39 @@ static void polymost_drawalls(int32_t const bunch)
drawingskybox = 5; //ceiling/5th texture/index 4 of skybox
float const ft[4] = { 512 / 16, -512 / -16, fcosglobalang * (1.f / 2147483648.f),
fsinglobalang * (1.f / 2147483648.f) };
xtex.d = 0;
ytex.d = gxyaspect*(-1.f/4194304.f);
otex.d = -ghoriz*ytex.d;
xtex.u = (double)ft[3]*fviewingrange*(-1.0/65536.0);
xtex.v = (double)ft[2]*fviewingrange*(-1.0/65536.0);
xtex.u = ft[3]*fviewingrange*(-1.0/65536.0);
xtex.v = ft[2]*fviewingrange*(-1.0/65536.0);
ytex.u = ft[0]*ytex.d; ytex.v = ft[1]*ytex.d;
otex.u = ft[0]*otex.d; otex.v = ft[1]*otex.d;
otex.u += (ft[2]-xtex.u)*ghalfx;
otex.v -= (ft[3]+xtex.v)*ghalfx;
if ((sky_cy0 < ncy[0]) && (sky_cy1 < ncy[1])) polymost_domost(sky_x1,sky_cy1,sky_x0,sky_cy0);
if ((sky_cy0 < ncy[0]) && (sky_cy1 < ncy[1]))
else if ((sky_cy0 < ncy[0]) != (sky_cy1 < ncy[1]))
//(ox,oy) is intersection of: (_x0,_cy0)-(_x1,_cy1)
// (_x0,ncy0)-(_x1,ncy1)
float const t = (sky_cy0-ncy[0])/(ncy[1]-ncy[0]-sky_cy1+sky_cy0);
vec2f_t const o = { sky_x0 + (sky_x1-sky_x0)*t, sky_cy0 + (sky_cy1-sky_cy0)*t };
if (ncy[0] < sky_cy0) { polymost_domost(o.x,o.y,sky_x0,ncy[0]); polymost_domost(sky_x1,sky_cy1,o.x,o.y); }
else { polymost_domost(o.x,o.y,sky_x0,sky_cy0); polymost_domost(sky_x1,ncy[1],o.x,o.y); }
if (ncy[0] < sky_cy0)
else polymost_domost(sky_x1,ncy[1],sky_x0,ncy[0]);
//wall of skybox
drawingskybox = i+1; //i+1th texture/index i of skybox
@ -3106,23 +3165,35 @@ static void polymost_drawalls(int32_t const bunch)
xtex.v = (sky_t0-sky_t1)*t;
ytex.v = (sky_ox1-sky_ox0)*t;
otex.v = -xtex.v*sky_ox0 - ytex.v*sky_t0;
if ((sky_fy0 < ncy[0]) && (sky_fy1 < ncy[1])) polymost_domost(sky_x1,sky_fy1,sky_x0,sky_fy0);
if ((sky_fy0 < ncy[0]) && (sky_fy1 < ncy[1]))
else if ((sky_fy0 < ncy[0]) != (sky_fy1 < ncy[1]))
//(ox,oy) is intersection of: (_x0,_fy0)-(_x1,_fy1)
// (_x0,ncy0)-(_x1,ncy1)
float const t = (sky_fy0-ncy[0])/(ncy[1]-ncy[0]-sky_fy1+sky_fy0);
vec2f_t const o = { sky_x0 + (sky_x1 - sky_x0) * t, sky_fy0 + (sky_fy1 - sky_fy0) * t };
if (ncy[0] < sky_fy0) { polymost_domost(o.x,o.y,sky_x0,ncy[0]); polymost_domost(sky_x1,sky_fy1,o.x,o.y); }
else { polymost_domost(o.x,o.y,sky_x0,sky_fy0); polymost_domost(sky_x1,ncy[1],o.x,o.y); }
if (ncy[0] < sky_fy0)
else polymost_domost(sky_x1,ncy[1],sky_x0,ncy[0]);
//Floor of skybox
drawingskybox = 6; //floor/6th texture/index 5 of skybox
float const ft[4] = { 512 / 16, 512 / -16, fcosglobalang * (1.f / 2147483648.f),
fsinglobalang * (1.f / 2147483648.f) };
xtex.d = 0;
ytex.d = gxyaspect*(1.f/4194304.f);
otex.d = -ghoriz*ytex.d;
@ -3144,6 +3215,8 @@ static void polymost_drawalls(int32_t const bunch)
// Wall
xtex.d = (ryp0-ryp1)*gxyaspect / (x0-x1);
ytex.d = 0;
otex.d = ryp0*gxyaspect - xtex.d*x0;
Reference in a new issue