mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 20:21:57 +00:00
Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/Github_private/Input_UnifyProcessMovement'
This commit is contained in:
14 changed files with 218 additions and 488 deletions
@ -102,6 +102,7 @@ struct GameInterface : ::GameInterface
void SetTileProps(int til, int surf, int vox, int shade) override;
fixed_t playerHorizMin() override { return IntToFixed(-80); }
fixed_t playerHorizMax() override { return IntToFixed(220); }
int playerKeyMove() override { return 1024; }
GameStats getStats() override;
@ -30,128 +30,10 @@ Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
static const double gTurnSpeed = 92.;
static InputPacket gInput;
static double turnHeldTime;
MAXFVEL = 2048,
MAXSVEL = 2048,
void UpdatePlayerSpriteAngle(PLAYER* pPlayer);
// handles movement
static void processMovement(ControlInfo* const hidInput)
double const scaleAdjust = InputScale();
int const run = !!(gInput.actions & SB_RUN);
int const keyMove = (1 + run) << 10;
InputPacket input = {};
if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Strafe))
input.svel -= xs_CRoundToInt((hidInput->mousex * 32.) + (scaleAdjust * (hidInput->dyaw * keyMove)));
input.q16avel += FloatToFixed(hidInput->mousex + (scaleAdjust * hidInput->dyaw));
if (!(gInput.actions & SB_AIMMODE))
input.q16horz += FloatToFixed(hidInput->mousey);
input.fvel -= xs_CRoundToInt(hidInput->mousey * 64.);
if (!in_mouseflip)
input.q16horz = -input.q16horz;
input.q16horz -= FloatToFixed(scaleAdjust * hidInput->dpitch);
input.svel -= xs_CRoundToInt(scaleAdjust * (hidInput->dx * keyMove));
input.fvel -= xs_CRoundToInt(scaleAdjust * (hidInput->dz * keyMove));
if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Strafe))
if (gInput.svel < keyMove && gInput.svel > -keyMove)
if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Turn_Left))
input.svel += keyMove;
if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Turn_Right))
input.svel -= keyMove;
if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Turn_Left))
turnHeldTime += scaleAdjust * kTicsPerFrame;
input.q16avel -= FloatToFixed(scaleAdjust * (min(12. * turnHeldTime, gTurnSpeed) / 4.));
else if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Turn_Right))
turnHeldTime += scaleAdjust * kTicsPerFrame;
input.q16avel += FloatToFixed(scaleAdjust * (min(12. * turnHeldTime, gTurnSpeed) / 4.));
turnHeldTime = 0;
if (run && turnHeldTime > 24.)
input.q16avel <<= 1;
if (abs(gInput.fvel) < keyMove)
if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Move_Forward))
input.fvel += keyMove;
if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Move_Backward))
input.fvel -= keyMove;
if (abs(gInput.svel) < keyMove)
if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Strafe_Left))
input.svel += keyMove;
if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Strafe_Right))
input.svel -= keyMove;
if (!cl_syncinput && gamestate == GS_LEVEL)
PLAYER* pPlayer = &gPlayer[myconnectindex];
// Perform unsynchronised angle/horizon if not dead.
if (gView->pXSprite->health != 0)
applylook(&pPlayer->q16ang, &pPlayer->q16look_ang, &pPlayer->q16rotscrnang, &pPlayer->spin, input.q16avel, &pPlayer->input.actions, scaleAdjust, pPlayer->posture != 0);
sethorizon(&pPlayer->q16horiz, input.q16horz, &pPlayer->input.actions, scaleAdjust);
playerProcessHelpers(&pPlayer->q16ang, &pPlayer->angAdjust, &pPlayer->angTarget, &pPlayer->q16horiz, &pPlayer->horizAdjust, &pPlayer->horizTarget, scaleAdjust);
gInput.fvel = clamp(gInput.fvel + input.fvel, -MAXFVEL, MAXFVEL);
gInput.svel = clamp(gInput.svel + input.svel, -MAXSVEL, MAXSVEL);
gInput.q16avel += input.q16avel;
gInput.q16horz = clamp(gInput.q16horz + input.q16horz, -IntToFixed(MAXHORIZVEL), IntToFixed(MAXHORIZVEL));
void GameInterface::GetInput(InputPacket* packet, ControlInfo* const hidInput)
if (paused || M_Active())
@ -160,8 +42,26 @@ void GameInterface::GetInput(InputPacket* packet, ControlInfo* const hidInput)
double const scaleAdjust = InputScale();
InputPacket input {};
ApplyGlobalInput(gInput, hidInput);
processMovement(&input, &gInput, hidInput, true, scaleAdjust);
if (!cl_syncinput && gamestate == GS_LEVEL)
PLAYER* pPlayer = &gPlayer[myconnectindex];
// Perform unsynchronised angle/horizon if not dead.
if (gView->pXSprite->health != 0)
applylook(&pPlayer->q16ang, &pPlayer->q16look_ang, &pPlayer->q16rotscrnang, &pPlayer->spin, input.q16avel, &pPlayer->input.actions, scaleAdjust, pPlayer->posture != 0);
sethorizon(&pPlayer->q16horiz, input.q16horz, &pPlayer->input.actions, scaleAdjust);
playerProcessHelpers(&pPlayer->q16ang, &pPlayer->angAdjust, &pPlayer->angTarget, &pPlayer->q16horiz, &pPlayer->horizAdjust, &pPlayer->horizTarget, scaleAdjust);
if (packet)
@ -179,7 +79,6 @@ void GameInterface::GetInput(InputPacket* packet, ControlInfo* const hidInput)
void GameInterface::clearlocalinputstate()
gInput = {};
turnHeldTime = 0;
@ -1488,6 +1488,131 @@ fixed_t getincangleq16(fixed_t a, fixed_t na)
// Player's movement function, called from game's ticker or from gi->GetInput() as required.
void processMovement(InputPacket* currInput, InputPacket* inputBuffer, ControlInfo* const hidInput, bool const allowstrafe, double const scaleAdjust, int const turnscale, short const drink_amt)
// set up variables
bool const mouseaim = !(inputBuffer->actions & SB_AIMMODE);
int const running = !!(inputBuffer->actions & SB_RUN);
int const keymove = gi->playerKeyMove() << running;
int const mousevelscale = g_gameType & GAMEFLAG_BLOOD ? 32 : 4;
int const cntrlvelscale = g_gameType & GAMEFLAG_PSEXHUMED ? 8 : 1;
// process mouse and initial controller input.
if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Strafe) && allowstrafe)
currInput->svel -= xs_CRoundToInt((hidInput->mousex * mousevelscale) + (scaleAdjust * hidInput->dyaw * keymove));
currInput->q16avel += FloatToFixed(hidInput->mousex + (scaleAdjust * hidInput->dyaw));
if (mouseaim)
currInput->q16horz -= FloatToFixed(hidInput->mousey);
currInput->fvel -= xs_CRoundToInt(hidInput->mousey * mousevelscale * 2);
if (in_mouseflip)
currInput->q16horz = -currInput->q16horz;
// process remaining controller input.
currInput->q16horz -= FloatToFixed(scaleAdjust * hidInput->dpitch);
currInput->svel -= xs_CRoundToInt(scaleAdjust * (hidInput->dx * keymove * cntrlvelscale));
currInput->fvel -= xs_CRoundToInt(scaleAdjust * (hidInput->dz * keymove * cntrlvelscale));
// process keyboard turning keys.
if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Strafe) && allowstrafe)
if (abs(inputBuffer->svel) < keymove)
if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Turn_Left))
currInput->svel += keymove;
if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Turn_Right))
currInput->svel -= keymove;
static double turnheldtime;
int const turnheldamt = 120 / GameTicRate;
double const turboturntime = 590. / GameTicRate;
double turnamount = ((running ? 1735. : 867.5) / GameTicRate) * turnscale;
double preambleturn = turnamount / 3.;
// allow Exhumed to use its legacy values given the drastic difference from the other games.
if ((g_gameType & GAMEFLAG_PSEXHUMED) && cl_exhumedoldturn)
turnamount = running ? 12 : 8;
preambleturn = turnamount;
if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Turn_Left) || (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Strafe_Left) && !allowstrafe))
turnheldtime += scaleAdjust * turnheldamt;
currInput->q16avel -= FloatToFixed(scaleAdjust * (turnheldtime >= turboturntime ? turnamount : preambleturn));
else if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Turn_Right) || (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Strafe_Right) && !allowstrafe))
turnheldtime += scaleAdjust * turnheldamt;
currInput->q16avel += FloatToFixed(scaleAdjust * (turnheldtime >= turboturntime ? turnamount : preambleturn));
turnheldtime = 0;
// process keyboard forward/side velocity keys.
if (abs(inputBuffer->svel) < keymove)
if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Strafe_Left) && allowstrafe)
currInput->svel += keymove;
if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Strafe_Right) && allowstrafe)
currInput->svel -= keymove;
if (abs(inputBuffer->fvel) < keymove)
if (isRR() && drink_amt >= 66 && drink_amt <= 87)
if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Move_Forward))
currInput->fvel += keymove;
if (drink_amt & 1)
currInput->svel += keymove;
currInput->svel -= keymove;
if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Move_Backward))
currInput->fvel -= keymove;
if (drink_amt & 1)
currInput->svel -= keymove;
currInput->svel += keymove;
if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Move_Forward))
currInput->fvel += keymove;
if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Move_Backward))
currInput->fvel -= keymove;
// add collected input to game's local input accumulation packet.
inputBuffer->fvel = clamp(inputBuffer->fvel + currInput->fvel, -keymove, keymove);
inputBuffer->svel = clamp(inputBuffer->svel + currInput->svel, -keymove, keymove);
inputBuffer->q16avel += currInput->q16avel;
inputBuffer->q16horz += currInput->q16horz;
// Player's horizon function, called from game's ticker or from gi->GetInput() as required.
@ -67,6 +67,7 @@ void CompleteLevel(MapRecord* map);
int getincangle(int c, int n);
fixed_t getincangleq16(fixed_t c, fixed_t n);
void processMovement(InputPacket* currInput, InputPacket* inputBuffer, ControlInfo* const hidInput, bool const allowstrafe, double const scaleAdjust, int const turnscale = 1, short const drink_amt = 0);
void sethorizon(fixed_t* q16horiz, fixed_t const q16horz, ESyncBits* actions, double const scaleAdjust);
void applylook(fixed_t* q16ang, fixed_t* q16look_ang, fixed_t* q16rotscrnang, fixed_t* spin, fixed_t const q16avel, ESyncBits* actions, double const scaleAdjust, bool const crouching);
void playerAddAngle(fixed_t* q16ang, double* helper, double adjustment);
@ -82,6 +82,7 @@ CVARD(Bool, cl_dukefixrpgrecoil, false, CVAR_ARCHIVE, "soften recoil of Duke 3D'
CVARD(Bool, cl_smoothsway, false, CVAR_ARCHIVE, "move SW weapon left and right smoothly while bobbing")
CVARD(Bool, cl_showmagamt, false, CVAR_ARCHIVE, "show the amount of rounds left in the magazine of your weapon on the modern HUD")
CVARD(Bool, cl_nomeleeblur, false, CVAR_ARCHIVE, "enable/disable blur effect with melee weapons in SW")
CVARD(Bool, cl_exhumedoldturn, false, CVAR_ARCHIVE, "enable/disable legacy turning speed for Powerslave/Exhumed")
CUSTOM_CVARD(Int, cl_crosshairscale, 50, CVAR_ARCHIVE, "changes the size of the crosshair")
if (self < 1) self = 1;
@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ EXTERN_CVAR(Bool, cl_dukefixrpgrecoil)
EXTERN_CVAR(Bool, cl_smoothsway)
EXTERN_CVAR(Bool, cl_showmagamt)
EXTERN_CVAR(Bool, cl_nomeleeblur)
EXTERN_CVAR(Bool, cl_exhumedoldturn)
EXTERN_CVAR(Bool, demorec_seeds_cvar)
EXTERN_CVAR(Bool, demoplay_diffs)
@ -110,6 +110,7 @@ struct GameInterface
virtual void SetTileProps(int tile, int surf, int vox, int shade) {}
virtual fixed_t playerHorizMin() { return IntToFixed(-99); }
virtual fixed_t playerHorizMax() { return IntToFixed(299); }
virtual int playerKeyMove() { return 0; }
virtual FString statFPS()
@ -188,10 +188,10 @@ ControlInfo CONTROL_GetInput()
hidInput.dyaw += -joyaxes[JOYAXIS_Yaw] * 45.f;
hidInput.dyaw += -joyaxes[JOYAXIS_Yaw] * (1350.f / GameTicRate);
hidInput.dx += -joyaxes[JOYAXIS_Side] * 0.75f;
hidInput.dz += -joyaxes[JOYAXIS_Forward] * 0.75f;
hidInput.dpitch += -joyaxes[JOYAXIS_Pitch] * 22.5f;
hidInput.dpitch += -joyaxes[JOYAXIS_Pitch] * (675.f / GameTicRate);
return hidInput;
@ -263,6 +263,7 @@ struct GameInterface : ::GameInterface
bool DrawAutomapPlayer(int x, int y, int z, int a) override;
fixed_t playerHorizMin() override { return IntToFixed(-50); }
fixed_t playerHorizMax() override { return IntToFixed(250); }
int playerKeyMove() override { return 6; }
::GameStats getStats() override;
@ -94,115 +94,6 @@ void CheckKeys2()
static void processMovement(ControlInfo* const hidInput, double const scaleAdjust)
// JBF: Run key behaviour is selectable
int const playerRunning = !!(localInput.actions & SB_RUN);
int const turnAmount = playerRunning ? 12 : 8;
int const keyMove = playerRunning ? 12 : 6;
bool const mouseaim = !(localInput.actions & SB_AIMMODE);
InputPacket tempinput {};
if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Strafe))
tempinput.svel -= xs_CRoundToInt((hidInput->mousex * 32.) + (scaleAdjust * (hidInput->dyaw * keyMove)));
tempinput.q16avel += FloatToFixed(hidInput->mousex + (scaleAdjust * hidInput->dyaw));
if (mouseaim)
tempinput.q16horz += FloatToFixed(hidInput->mousey);
tempinput.fvel -= xs_CRoundToInt(hidInput->mousey * 8.);
if (!in_mouseflip)
tempinput.q16horz = -tempinput.q16horz;
tempinput.q16horz -= FloatToFixed(scaleAdjust * hidInput->dpitch);
tempinput.svel -= xs_CRoundToInt(scaleAdjust * (hidInput->dx * keyMove));
tempinput.fvel -= xs_CRoundToInt(scaleAdjust * (hidInput->dz * keyMove));
if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Strafe))
if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Turn_Left))
tempinput.svel -= -keyMove;
if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Turn_Right))
tempinput.svel -= keyMove;
if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Turn_Left))
turn -= 2;
if (turn < -turnAmount)
turn = -turnAmount;
else if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Turn_Right))
turn += 2;
if (turn > turnAmount)
turn = turnAmount;
if (turn < 0)
if (turn > 0)
turn = 0;
if (turn > 0)
if (turn < 0)
turn = 0;
//if ((counter++) % 4 == 0) // what was this for???
tempinput.q16avel += FloatToFixed(scaleAdjust * (turn * 2));
if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Strafe_Left))
tempinput.svel += keyMove;
if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Strafe_Right))
tempinput.svel += -keyMove;
if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Move_Forward))
tempinput.fvel += keyMove;
if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Move_Backward))
tempinput.fvel += -keyMove;
localInput.fvel = clamp(localInput.fvel + tempinput.fvel, -12, 12);
localInput.svel = clamp(localInput.svel + tempinput.svel, -12, 12);
localInput.q16avel += tempinput.q16avel;
localInput.q16horz += tempinput.q16horz;
if (!cl_syncinput)
Player* pPlayer = &PlayerList[nLocalPlayer];
if (!nFreeze)
applylook(&pPlayer->q16angle, &pPlayer->q16look_ang, &pPlayer->q16rotscrnang, &pPlayer->spin, tempinput.q16avel, &sPlayerInput[nLocalPlayer].actions, scaleAdjust, eyelevel[nLocalPlayer] > -14080);
sethorizon(&pPlayer->q16horiz, tempinput.q16horz, &sPlayerInput[nLocalPlayer].actions, scaleAdjust);
void GameInterface::GetInput(InputPacket* packet, ControlInfo* const hidInput)
if (paused || M_Active())
@ -219,18 +110,36 @@ void GameInterface::GetInput(InputPacket* packet, ControlInfo* const hidInput)
double const scaleAdjust = InputScale();
Player* pPlayer = &PlayerList[nLocalPlayer];
playerProcessHelpers(&pPlayer->q16angle, &pPlayer->angAdjust, &pPlayer->angTarget, &pPlayer->q16horiz, &pPlayer->horizAdjust, &pPlayer->horizTarget, scaleAdjust);
InputPacket input {};
if (PlayerList[nLocalPlayer].nHealth == 0)
lPlayerYVel = 0;
lPlayerXVel = 0;
processMovement(&input, &localInput, hidInput, true, scaleAdjust);
processMovement(hidInput, scaleAdjust);
if (packet) *packet = localInput;
if (!cl_syncinput)
Player* pPlayer = &PlayerList[nLocalPlayer];
if (!nFreeze)
applylook(&pPlayer->q16angle, &pPlayer->q16look_ang, &pPlayer->q16rotscrnang, &pPlayer->spin, input.q16avel, &sPlayerInput[nLocalPlayer].actions, scaleAdjust, eyelevel[nLocalPlayer] > -14080);
sethorizon(&pPlayer->q16horiz, input.q16horz, &sPlayerInput[nLocalPlayer].actions, scaleAdjust);
playerProcessHelpers(&pPlayer->q16angle, &pPlayer->angAdjust, &pPlayer->angTarget, &pPlayer->q16horiz, &pPlayer->horizAdjust, &pPlayer->horizTarget, scaleAdjust);
if (packet)
*packet = localInput;
@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ struct GameInterface : public ::GameInterface
void NewGame(MapRecord* map, int skill) override;
void LevelCompleted(MapRecord* map, int skill) override;
bool DrawAutomapPlayer(int x, int y, int z, int a) override;
int playerKeyMove() override { return 40; }
@ -580,112 +580,6 @@ int getticssincelastupdate()
return tics;
// handles movement
static void processMovement(player_struct *p, InputPacket &input, ControlInfo* const hidInput, double scaleFactor)
bool mouseaim = !(loc.actions & SB_AIMMODE);
// JBF: Run key behaviour is selectable
int running = !!(loc.actions & SB_RUN);
int turnamount = NORMALTURN << running;
int keymove = NORMALKEYMOVE << running;
if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Strafe))
input.svel -= hidInput->mousex * 4.f + scaleFactor * hidInput->dyaw * keymove;
input.q16avel += FloatToFixed(hidInput->mousex + scaleFactor * hidInput->dyaw);
if (mouseaim)
input.q16horz += FloatToFixed(hidInput->mousey);
input.fvel -= hidInput->mousey * 8.f;
if (!in_mouseflip) input.q16horz = -input.q16horz;
input.q16horz -= FloatToFixed(scaleFactor * (hidInput->dpitch));
input.svel -= scaleFactor * (hidInput->dx * keymove);
input.fvel -= scaleFactor * (hidInput->dz * keymove);
if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Strafe))
if (!loc.svel)
if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Turn_Left))
input.svel = keymove;
if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Turn_Right))
input.svel = -keymove;
int tics = getticssincelastupdate();
if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Turn_Left))
turnheldtime += tics;
input.q16avel -= FloatToFixed(2 * scaleFactor * (turnheldtime >= TURBOTURNTIME ? turnamount : PREAMBLETURN));
else if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Turn_Right))
turnheldtime += tics;
input.q16avel += FloatToFixed(2 * scaleFactor * (turnheldtime >= TURBOTURNTIME ? turnamount : PREAMBLETURN));
turnheldtime = 0;
lastcontroltime = 0;
if (abs(loc.svel) < keymove)
if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Strafe_Left))
input.svel += keymove;
if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Strafe_Right))
input.svel += -keymove;
if (abs(loc.fvel) < keymove)
if (isRR() && p->drink_amt >= 66 && p->drink_amt <= 87)
if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Move_Forward))
input.fvel += keymove;
if (p->drink_amt & 1)
input.svel += keymove;
input.svel -= keymove;
if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Move_Backward))
input.fvel += -keymove;
if (p->drink_amt & 1)
input.svel -= keymove;
input.svel += keymove;
if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Move_Forward))
input.fvel += keymove;
if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Move_Backward))
input.fvel += -keymove;
// split out for readability
@ -952,7 +846,8 @@ static void FinalizeInput(int playerNum, InputPacket& input, bool vehicle)
if (p->on_crane < 0 && p->newowner == -1)
loc.q16avel = clamp(loc.q16avel + input.q16avel, IntToFixed(-MAXANGVEL), IntToFixed(MAXANGVEL));
// input.q16avel already added to loc in processMovement()
loc.q16avel = clamp(loc.q16avel, IntToFixed(-MAXANGVEL), IntToFixed(MAXANGVEL));
if (!cl_syncinput && input.q16avel)
p->one_eighty_count = 0;
@ -965,7 +860,8 @@ static void FinalizeInput(int playerNum, InputPacket& input, bool vehicle)
if (p->newowner == -1 && !(p->sync.actions & SB_CENTERVIEW))
loc.q16horz = clamp(loc.q16horz + input.q16horz, IntToFixed(-MAXHORIZVEL), IntToFixed(MAXHORIZVEL));
// input.q16horz already added to loc in processMovement()
loc.q16horz = clamp(loc.q16horz, IntToFixed(-MAXHORIZVEL), IntToFixed(MAXHORIZVEL));
@ -974,22 +870,23 @@ static void FinalizeInput(int playerNum, InputPacket& input, bool vehicle)
// main input handler routine
// External entry point
static void GetInputInternal(InputPacket &locInput, ControlInfo* const hidInput)
void GameInterface::GetInput(InputPacket* packet, ControlInfo* const hidInput)
auto const p = &ps[myconnectindex];
if (paused)
loc = {};
auto const p = &ps[myconnectindex];
if (numplayers == 1)
@ -1013,7 +910,7 @@ static void GetInputInternal(InputPacket &locInput, ControlInfo* const hidInput)
processInputBits(p, hidInput);
processMovement(p, input, hidInput, scaleAdjust);
processMovement(&input, &loc, hidInput, true, scaleAdjust, 1, p->drink_amt);
FinalizeInput(myconnectindex, input, false);
@ -1031,17 +928,7 @@ static void GetInputInternal(InputPacket &locInput, ControlInfo* const hidInput)
playerProcessHelpers(&p->q16ang, &p->angAdjust, &p->angTarget, &p->q16horiz, &p->horizAdjust, &p->horizTarget, scaleAdjust);
// External entry point
void GameInterface::GetInput(InputPacket* packet, ControlInfo* const hidInput)
GetInputInternal(loc, hidInput);
if (packet)
auto const pPlayer = &ps[myconnectindex];
@ -2213,6 +2213,7 @@ struct GameInterface : ::GameInterface
void NextLevel(MapRecord *map, int skill) override;
void NewGame(MapRecord *map, int skill) override;
bool DrawAutomapPlayer(int x, int y, int z, int a) override;
int playerKeyMove() override { return 35; }
GameStats getStats() override;
@ -78,17 +78,16 @@ enum
static void processInputBits(PLAYERp const pp, ControlInfo* const hidInput, bool* mouseaim)
static void processInputBits(PLAYERp const pp, ControlInfo* const hidInput)
ApplyGlobalInput(loc, hidInput);
*mouseaim = !(loc.actions & SB_AIMMODE);
if (!CommEnabled)
// Go back to the source to set this - the old code here was catastrophically bad.
// this needs to be fixed properly - as it is this can never be compatible with demo playback.
if (mouseaim)
if (!(loc.actions & SB_AIMMODE))
SET(Player[myconnectindex].Flags, PF_MOUSE_AIMING_ON);
RESET(Player[myconnectindex].Flags, PF_MOUSE_AIMING_ON);
@ -193,129 +192,6 @@ static void processWeapon(PLAYERp const pp)
// handles movement
static void processMovement(PLAYERp const pp, ControlInfo* const hidInput, bool const mouseaim)
double const scaleAdjust = InputScale();
bool const strafeKey = buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Strafe) && !pp->sop;
int32_t turnamount, keymove;
int32_t fvel = 0, svel = 0;
fixed_t q16avel = 0, q16horz = 0;
if (loc.actions & SB_RUN)
turnamount = pp->sop_control ? RUNTURN * 3 : RUNTURN;
keymove = NORMALKEYMOVE << 1;
turnamount = pp->sop_control ? NORMALTURN * 3 : NORMALTURN;
if (strafeKey)
svel -= xs_CRoundToInt((hidInput->mousex * 4.) + (scaleAdjust * (hidInput->dyaw * keymove)));
q16avel += FloatToFixed(hidInput->mousex + (scaleAdjust * hidInput->dyaw));
if (mouseaim)
q16horz -= FloatToFixed(hidInput->mousey);
fvel -= xs_CRoundToInt(hidInput->mousey * 8.);
if (in_mouseflip)
q16horz = -q16horz;
q16horz -= FloatToFixed(scaleAdjust * hidInput->dpitch);
svel -= xs_CRoundToInt(scaleAdjust * (hidInput->dx * keymove));
fvel -= xs_CRoundToInt(scaleAdjust * (hidInput->dz * keymove));
if (strafeKey)
if (abs(svel) < keymove)
if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Turn_Left))
svel += keymove;
if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Turn_Right))
svel -= keymove;
if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Turn_Left) || (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Strafe_Left) && pp->sop))
turnheldtime += synctics;
q16avel -= FloatToFixed(scaleAdjust * (turnheldtime >= TURBOTURNTIME ? turnamount : PREAMBLETURN));
else if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Turn_Right) || (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Strafe_Right) && pp->sop))
turnheldtime += synctics;
q16avel += FloatToFixed(scaleAdjust * (turnheldtime >= TURBOTURNTIME ? turnamount : PREAMBLETURN));
turnheldtime = 0;
if (abs(loc.svel) < keymove)
if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Strafe_Left) && !pp->sop)
svel += keymove;
if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Strafe_Right) && !pp->sop)
svel -= keymove;
if (abs(loc.fvel) < keymove)
if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Move_Forward))
fvel += keymove;
if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Move_Backward))
fvel -= keymove;
if (!cl_syncinput)
if (TEST(pp->Flags2, PF2_INPUT_CAN_AIM))
DoPlayerHorizon(pp, q16horz, scaleAdjust);
DoPlayerTurn(pp, q16avel, scaleAdjust);
DoPlayerTurnVehicle(pp, q16avel, pp->posz + Z(10), labs(pp->posz + Z(10) - pp->sop->floor_loz));
DoPlayerTurnTurret(pp, q16avel);
playerProcessHelpers(&pp->q16ang, &pp->angAdjust, &pp->angTarget, &pp->q16horiz, &pp->horizAdjust, &pp->horizTarget, scaleAdjust);
loc.fvel = clamp(loc.fvel + fvel, -MAXFVEL, MAXFVEL);
loc.svel = clamp(loc.svel + svel, -MAXSVEL, MAXSVEL);
loc.q16avel = clamp(loc.q16avel + q16avel, -IntToFixed(MAXANGVEL), IntToFixed(MAXANGVEL));
loc.q16horz = clamp(loc.q16horz + q16horz, -IntToFixed(MAXHORIZVEL), IntToFixed(MAXHORIZVEL));
void GameInterface::GetInput(InputPacket *packet, ControlInfo* const hidInput)
if (paused || M_Active())
@ -324,13 +200,39 @@ void GameInterface::GetInput(InputPacket *packet, ControlInfo* const hidInput)
double const scaleAdjust = InputScale();
InputPacket input {};
PLAYERp pp = &Player[myconnectindex];
bool mouseaim;
processInputBits(pp, hidInput, &mouseaim);
processMovement(pp, hidInput, mouseaim);
processInputBits(pp, hidInput);
processMovement(&input, &loc, hidInput, true, scaleAdjust, pp->sop_control ? 3 : 1);
if (!cl_syncinput)
if (TEST(pp->Flags2, PF2_INPUT_CAN_AIM))
DoPlayerHorizon(pp, input.q16horz, scaleAdjust);
DoPlayerTurn(pp, input.q16avel, scaleAdjust);
DoPlayerTurnVehicle(pp, input.q16avel, pp->posz + Z(10), labs(pp->posz + Z(10) - pp->sop->floor_loz));
DoPlayerTurnTurret(pp, input.q16avel);
playerProcessHelpers(&pp->q16ang, &pp->angAdjust, &pp->angTarget, &pp->q16horiz, &pp->horizAdjust, &pp->horizTarget, scaleAdjust);
if (packet)
auto const ang = FixedToInt(pp->q16ang);
Reference in a new issue