mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 15:31:11 +00:00
Animation, interpolation, fixed cliplanes, fixed map switching.
git-svn-id: https://svn.eduke32.com/eduke32@313 1a8010ca-5511-0410-912e-c29ae57300e0
This commit is contained in:
7 changed files with 97 additions and 24 deletions
@ -202,7 +202,9 @@ EXTERN short prevspritesect[MAXSPRITES], prevspritestat[MAXSPRITES];
EXTERN short nextspritesect[MAXSPRITES], nextspritestat[MAXSPRITES];
EXTERN short tilesizx[MAXTILES], tilesizy[MAXTILES];
EXTERN char picsiz[MAXTILES];
EXTERN char walock[MAXTILES];
EXTERN long pow2long[32];
EXTERN long numtiles, picanm[MAXTILES], waloff[MAXTILES];
//These variables are for auto-mapping with the draw2dscreen function.
@ -438,7 +440,7 @@ typedef struct s_equation {
float a, b, c;
} _equation;
typedef struct s_point2d {
long x, y;
float x, y;
} _point2d;
_equation equation(long x1, long y1, long x2, long y2);
int sameside(_equation* eq, _point2d* p1, _point2d* p2);
@ -471,6 +473,8 @@ void setrollangle(long rolla);
// clamping is for sprites, repeating is for walls
void invalidatetile(short tilenume, long pal, long how);
long animateoffs(short tilenum, short fakevar);
void setpolymost2dview(void); // sets up GL for 2D drawing
long polymost_drawtilescreen(long tilex, long tiley, long wallnum, long dimen);
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ void polymer_drawwall(short wallnum);
// HSR
void polymer_extractfrustum(void);
int polymer_portalinfrustum(short wallnum);
void polymer_addcliplane(_equation clip, _equation left, _equation right, long refx, long refy);
void polymer_addcliplane(_equation clip, _equation left, _equation right, float refx, float refy);
int polymer_wallincliplanes(short wallnum);
#endif // !_polymer_h_
@ -1251,7 +1251,7 @@ static void prepwall(long z, walltype *wal)
// animateoffs (internal)
static long animateoffs(short tilenum, short fakevar)
long animateoffs(short tilenum, short fakevar)
long i, k, offs;
@ -5808,7 +5808,7 @@ _equation equation(long x1, long y1, long x2, long y2)
if ((x2 - x1) != 0)
ret.a = (float)(y2 - y1)/(x2 - x1);
ret.a = (float)(y2 - y1)/(float)(x2 - x1);
ret.b = -1;
ret.c = (y1 - (ret.a * x1));
@ -7630,6 +7630,11 @@ void loadtile(short tilenume)
} else Bmemset((char *)waloff[tilenume],0,dasiz);
void checktile(short tilenume)
if (!waloff[tilenume])
// allocatepermanenttile
@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ void polymer_drawrooms(long daposx, long daposy, long daposz, sho
cliplanecount = 0;
if (updatesectors)
if ((updatesectors) || 1)
i = 0;
while (i < numsectors)
@ -209,8 +209,8 @@ void polymer_drawrooms(long daposx, long daposy, long daposz, sho
polymer_addcliplane(equation(wal->x, wal->y, wall[wal->point2].x, wall[wal->point2].y),
equation(daposx, daposy, wal->x, wal->y),
equation(daposx, daposy, wall[wal->point2].x, wall[wal->point2].y),
(daposx + wal->x + wall[wal->point2].x) / 3,
(daposy + wal->y + wall[wal->point2].y) / 3);
(float)(daposx + wal->x + wall[wal->point2].x) / 3.0f,
(float)(daposy + wal->y + wall[wal->point2].y) / 3.0f);
@ -242,10 +242,12 @@ void polymer_rotatesprite(long sx, long sy, long z, short a, shor
void polymer_drawmaskwall(long damaskwallcnt)
OSD_Printf("PR : Masked wall %i...\n", damaskwallcnt);
void polymer_drawsprite(long snum)
OSD_Printf("PR : Sprite %i...\n", snum);
@ -359,6 +361,11 @@ int polymer_updatesector(short sectnum)
curypanning = sec->ceilingypanning;
if (picanm[curpicnum]&192) curpicnum += animateoffs(curpicnum,sectnum);
if (!waloff[curpicnum])
tex = (curstat & 64) ? ((wal->x - wall[sec->wallptr].x) * secangsin) + ((-wal->y - -wall[sec->wallptr].y) * secangcos) : wal->x;
tey = (curstat & 64) ? ((wal->x - wall[sec->wallptr].x) * secangcos) - ((wall[sec->wallptr].y - wal->y) * secangsin) : -wal->y;
@ -394,7 +401,12 @@ int polymer_updatesector(short sectnum)
curpicnum = sec->ceilingpicnum;
curglpic = &s->ceilglpic;
if (picanm[curpicnum]&192) curpicnum += animateoffs(curpicnum,sectnum);
if (!waloff[curpicnum])
curbuffer[0] = curbuffer[1] = curbuffer[2] = ((float)(numpalookups-min(max(curstat,0),numpalookups)))/((float)numpalookups);
curbuffer[3] = 1.0f;
@ -598,13 +610,14 @@ int polymer_initwall(short wallnum)
void polymer_updatewall(short wallnum)
short nwallnum, nnwallnum;
short nwallnum, nnwallnum, curpicnum;
walltype *wal;
sectortype *sec, *nsec;
_prwall *w;
_prsector *s, *ns;
pthtyp* pth;
long xref[2], yref, xdif, ydif, dist, ypancoef;
long xref[2], yref, xdif, ydif, dist;
float ypancoef;
int i;
wal = &wall[wallnum];
@ -638,7 +651,14 @@ void polymer_updatewall(short wallnum)
memcpy(&w->wallbuffer[10], &s->ceilbuffer[(wal->point2 - sec->wallptr) * 5], sizeof(GLfloat) * 3);
memcpy(&w->wallbuffer[15], &s->ceilbuffer[(wallnum - sec->wallptr) * 5], sizeof(GLfloat) * 3);
pth = gltexcache(wal->picnum, wal->pal, 0);
curpicnum = wal->picnum;
if (picanm[curpicnum]&192) curpicnum += animateoffs(curpicnum,wallnum+16384);
if (!waloff[curpicnum])
pth = gltexcache(curpicnum, wal->pal, 0);
w->wallglpic = pth ? pth->glpic : 0;
if (pth && (pth->flags & 2) && (pth->palnum != wal->pal)) {
@ -652,7 +672,15 @@ void polymer_updatewall(short wallnum)
yref = sec->ceilingz;
ypancoef = (int)(256.0f / tilesizy[wal->picnum]);
if (wal->ypanning)
ypancoef = (float)(pow2long[picsiz[curpicnum] >> 4]);
if (ypancoef < tilesizy[curpicnum])
ypancoef *= 2;
ypancoef *= (float)(wal->ypanning) / (256.0f * (float)(tilesizy[curpicnum]));
ypancoef = 0;
i = 0;
while (i < 4)
@ -661,8 +689,8 @@ void polymer_updatewall(short wallnum)
ydif = xref[1] - w->wallbuffer[(i * 5)];
dist = ((xdif * xdif) + (ydif * ydif)) != 0;
w->wallbuffer[(i * 5) + 3] = ((dist * 8.0f * wal->xrepeat) + wal->xpanning) / (float)(tilesizx[wal->picnum]);
w->wallbuffer[(i * 5) + 4] = (-(float)(yref + w->wallbuffer[(i * 5) + 1]) / ((tilesizy[wal->picnum] * 2048.0f) / (float)(wal->yrepeat))) + ((float)(wal->ypanning) / (float)(ypancoef * tilesizy[wal->picnum]));
w->wallbuffer[(i * 5) + 3] = ((dist * 8.0f * wal->xrepeat) + wal->xpanning) / (float)(tilesizx[curpicnum]);
w->wallbuffer[(i * 5) + 4] = (-(float)(yref + w->wallbuffer[(i * 5) + 1]) / ((tilesizy[curpicnum] * 2048.0f) / (float)(wal->yrepeat))) + ypancoef;
if (wal->cstat & 256) w->wallbuffer[(i * 5) + 4] = -w->wallbuffer[(i * 5) + 4];
@ -687,7 +715,17 @@ void polymer_updatewall(short wallnum)
memcpy(&w->wallbuffer[10], &ns->floorbuffer[(nwallnum - nsec->wallptr) * 5], sizeof(GLfloat) * 3);
memcpy(&w->wallbuffer[15], &ns->floorbuffer[(nnwallnum - nsec->wallptr) * 5], sizeof(GLfloat) * 3);
pth = gltexcache(wal->picnum, wal->pal, 0);
if (wal->cstat & 2)
curpicnum = wall[nwallnum].picnum;
curpicnum = wal->picnum;
if (picanm[curpicnum]&192) curpicnum += animateoffs(curpicnum,wallnum+16384);
if (!waloff[curpicnum])
pth = gltexcache(curpicnum, wal->pal, 0);
w->wallglpic = pth ? pth->glpic : 0;
if (pth && (pth->flags & 2) && (pth->palnum != wal->pal)) {
@ -701,7 +739,15 @@ void polymer_updatewall(short wallnum)
yref = nsec->floorz;
ypancoef = (int)(256.0f / tilesizy[wal->picnum]);
if (wal->ypanning)
ypancoef = (float)(pow2long[picsiz[curpicnum] >> 4]);
if (ypancoef < tilesizy[curpicnum])
ypancoef *= 2;
ypancoef *= (float)(wal->ypanning) / (256.0f * (float)(tilesizy[curpicnum]));
ypancoef = 0;
i = 0;
while (i < 4)
@ -710,8 +756,8 @@ void polymer_updatewall(short wallnum)
ydif = xref[1] - w->wallbuffer[(i * 5)];
dist = ((xdif * xdif) + (ydif * ydif)) != 0;
w->wallbuffer[(i * 5) + 3] = ((dist * 8.0f * wal->xrepeat) + wal->xpanning) / (float)(tilesizx[wal->picnum]);
w->wallbuffer[(i * 5) + 4] = (-(float)(yref + w->wallbuffer[(i * 5) + 1]) / ((tilesizy[wal->picnum] * 2048.0f) / (float)(wal->yrepeat))) + ((float)(wal->ypanning) / (float)(ypancoef * tilesizy[wal->picnum]));
w->wallbuffer[(i * 5) + 3] = ((dist * 8.0f * wal->xrepeat) + wal->xpanning) / (float)(tilesizx[curpicnum]);
w->wallbuffer[(i * 5) + 4] = (-(float)(yref + w->wallbuffer[(i * 5) + 1]) / ((tilesizy[curpicnum] * 2048.0f) / (float)(wal->yrepeat))) + ypancoef;
if (wal->cstat & 256) w->wallbuffer[(i * 5) + 4] = -w->wallbuffer[(i * 5) + 4];
@ -734,7 +780,17 @@ void polymer_updatewall(short wallnum)
memcpy(&w->overbuffer[10], &s->ceilbuffer[(wal->point2 - sec->wallptr) * 5], sizeof(GLfloat) * 3);
memcpy(&w->overbuffer[15], &s->ceilbuffer[(wallnum - sec->wallptr) * 5], sizeof(GLfloat) * 3);
pth = gltexcache((wal->overpicnum) ? wal->overpicnum : wal->picnum, wal->pal, 0);
if ((wal->cstat & 16) || (wal->overpicnum == 0))
curpicnum = wal->picnum;
curpicnum = wal->picnum;
if (picanm[curpicnum]&192) curpicnum += animateoffs(curpicnum,wallnum+16384);
if (!waloff[curpicnum])
pth = gltexcache(curpicnum, wal->pal, 0);
w->overglpic = pth ? pth->glpic : 0;
memcpy(w->overcolor, w->wallcolor, sizeof(GLfloat) * 4);
@ -750,7 +806,15 @@ void polymer_updatewall(short wallnum)
yref = nsec->ceilingz;
ypancoef = (int)(256.0f / tilesizy[wal->picnum]);
if (wal->ypanning)
ypancoef = (float)(pow2long[picsiz[curpicnum] >> 4]);
if (ypancoef < tilesizy[curpicnum])
ypancoef *= 2;
ypancoef *= (float)(wal->ypanning) / (256.0f * (float)(tilesizy[curpicnum]));
ypancoef = 0;
i = 0;
while (i < 4)
@ -759,8 +823,8 @@ void polymer_updatewall(short wallnum)
ydif = xref[1] - w->overbuffer[(i * 5)];
dist = ((xdif * xdif) + (ydif * ydif)) != 0;
w->overbuffer[(i * 5) + 3] = ((dist * 8.0f * wal->xrepeat) + wal->xpanning) / (float)(tilesizx[wal->picnum]);
w->overbuffer[(i * 5) + 4] = (-(float)(yref + w->overbuffer[(i * 5) + 1]) / ((tilesizy[wal->picnum] * 2048.0f) / (float)(wal->yrepeat))) + ((float)(wal->ypanning) / (float)(ypancoef * tilesizy[wal->picnum]));
w->overbuffer[(i * 5) + 3] = ((dist * 8.0f * wal->xrepeat) + wal->xpanning) / (float)(tilesizx[curpicnum]);
w->overbuffer[(i * 5) + 4] = (-(float)(yref + w->overbuffer[(i * 5) + 1]) / ((tilesizy[curpicnum] * 2048.0f) / (float)(wal->yrepeat))) + ypancoef;
if (wal->cstat & 256) w->overbuffer[(i * 5) + 4] = -w->overbuffer[(i * 5) + 4];
@ -866,7 +930,7 @@ int polymer_portalinfrustum(short wallnum)
return (1);
void polymer_addcliplane(_equation clip, _equation left, _equation right, long refx, long refy)
void polymer_addcliplane(_equation clip, _equation left, _equation right, float refx, float refy)
if (cliplanecount == maxcliplanecount)
cliplanes = realloc(cliplanes, sizeof(_cliplane) * ++maxcliplanecount);
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ Low priority:
static long animateoffs(short tilenum, short fakevar);
long animateoffs(short tilenum, short fakevar);
long rendmode = 0;
long usemodels=1, usehightile=1;
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
duke3d_h=$(EINC)/build.h $(EINC)/pragmas.h $(EINC)/compat.h $(EINC)/cache1d.h $(EINC)/baselayer.h $(SRC)/jmact/types.h $(SRC)/jmact/file_lib.h $(SRC)/jmact/util_lib.h $(SRC)/jmact/keyboard.h $(SRC)/jmact/control.h $(INC)/develop.h $(INC)/gamedefs.h $(INC)/function.h $(INC)/config.h $(INC)/sounds.h $(INC)/rts.h $(INC)/_rts.h $(INC)/soundefs.h $(SRC)/jaudiolib/fx_man.h $(SRC)/jaudiolib/music.h $(INC)/namesdyn.h $(INC)/funct.h $(INC)/duke3d.h $(EINC)/mmulti.h
duke3d_h=$(EINC)/build.h $(EINC)/polymer.h $(EINC)/pragmas.h $(EINC)/compat.h $(EINC)/cache1d.h $(EINC)/baselayer.h $(SRC)/jmact/types.h $(SRC)/jmact/file_lib.h $(SRC)/jmact/util_lib.h $(SRC)/jmact/keyboard.h $(SRC)/jmact/control.h $(INC)/develop.h $(INC)/gamedefs.h $(INC)/function.h $(INC)/config.h $(INC)/sounds.h $(INC)/rts.h $(INC)/_rts.h $(INC)/soundefs.h $(SRC)/jaudiolib/fx_man.h $(SRC)/jaudiolib/music.h $(INC)/namesdyn.h $(INC)/funct.h $(INC)/duke3d.h $(EINC)/mmulti.h
$(OBJ)/game.$o: $(SRC)/*.c $(SRC)/jmact/scriplib.h $(duke3d_h) $(INC)/osdfuncs.h $(INC)/osdcmds.h $(INC)/grpscan.h
Binary file not shown.
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