mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 02:21:41 +00:00
- the menu code is clean.
This commit is contained in:
7 changed files with 79 additions and 83 deletions
@ -71,7 +71,8 @@ struct GameInterface
virtual void StartGame(FNewGameStartup& gs) {}
virtual FSavegameInfo GetSaveSig() { return { "", 0, 0}; }
virtual bool DrawSpecialScreen(const DVector2 &origin, int tilenum) { return false; }
virtual void DrawCenteredTextScreen(const DVector2& origin, const char* text, int position, bool withbg = true) {}
virtual void DrawCenteredTextScreen(const DVector2& origin, const char* text, int position, bool withbg = true);
virtual double SmallFontScale() { return 1; }
virtual void DrawMenuCaption(const DVector2& origin, const char* text) {}
virtual bool SaveGame(FSaveGameNode*) { return false; }
virtual bool LoadGame(FSaveGameNode*) { return false; }
@ -46,6 +46,28 @@
extern FSaveGameNode *quickSaveSlot;
void GameInterface::DrawCenteredTextScreen(const DVector2& origin, const char* text, int position, bool bg)
double scale = SmallFontScale();
int formatwidth = int(320 / scale);
auto lines = V_BreakLines(SmallFont, formatwidth, text, true);
auto fheight = bg? 10 : SmallFont->GetHeight()* scale; // Fixme: Get spacing for text pages from elsewhere.
if (!bg)
auto totaltextheight = lines.Size() * fheight;
position -= totaltextheight / 2;
double y = origin.Y + position;
for (auto& line : lines)
double x = origin.X + 160 - line.Width * scale * 0.5;
DrawText(twod, SmallFont, CR_UNTRANSLATED, x, y, line.Text, DTA_FullscreenScale, 3, DTA_VirtualWidth, 320, DTA_VirtualHeight, 200, DTA_ScaleX, scale, DTA_ScaleY, scale, TAG_DONE);
y += fheight;
class DMessageBoxMenu : public DMenu
using Super = DMenu;
@ -202,10 +224,10 @@ void DMessageBoxMenu::Drawer()
y += fontheight;
mMouseY = y;
DrawText(twod, NewSmallFont,
DrawText(twod, SmallFont,
messageSelection == 0 ? OptionSettings.mFontColorSelection : OptionSettings.mFontColor,
160, y, GStrings["TXT_YES"], DTA_Clean, true, TAG_DONE);
DrawText(twod, NewSmallFont,
DrawText(twod, SmallFont,
messageSelection == 1 ? OptionSettings.mFontColorSelection : OptionSettings.mFontColor,
160, y + fontheight + 1, GStrings["TXT_NO"], DTA_Clean, true, TAG_DONE);
@ -213,7 +235,7 @@ void DMessageBoxMenu::Drawer()
if (((DMenu::MenuTime >> 2) % 8) < 6)
DrawText(twod, NewSmallFont, OptionSettings.mFontColorSelection,
DrawText(twod, SmallFont, OptionSettings.mFontColorSelection,
(150 - 160) * CleanXfac + screen->GetWidth() / 2,
(y + (fontheight + 1) * messageSelection - 100 + fontheight / 2 - 5) * CleanYfac + screen->GetHeight() / 2,
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ set( PCH_SOURCES
@ -37,7 +38,6 @@ set( PCH_SOURCES
@ -56,7 +56,10 @@ void InitFonts_d()
auto tile = tileGetTexture(STARTALPHANUM + i);
if (tile && tile->isValid() && tile->GetTexelWidth() > 0 && tile->GetTexelHeight() > 0)
fontdata.Insert('!' + i, tile);
SmallFont = new ::FFont("SmallFont", nullptr, "defsmallfont", 0, 0, 0, -1, 5, false, false, false, &fontdata);
@ -57,7 +57,10 @@ void InitFonts_r()
auto tile = tileGetTexture(STARTALPHANUM + i);
if (tile && tile->isValid() && tile->GetTexelWidth() > 0 && tile->GetTexelHeight() > 0)
fontdata.Insert('!' + i, tile);
SmallFont = new ::FFont("SmallFont", nullptr, "defsmallfont", 0, 0, 0, -1, 10, false, false, false, &fontdata);
@ -1,11 +1,14 @@
Copyright (C) 2016 EDuke32 developers and contributors
Copyright (C) 2019 Christoph Oelckers
Copyright (C) 1996, 2003 - 3D Realms Entertainment
Copyright (C) 2020 - Christoph Oelckers
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
as published by the Free Software Foundation.
This file is part of Enhanced Duke Nukem 3D version 1.5 - Atomic Edition
Duke Nukem 3D is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
@ -15,15 +18,16 @@ See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
Original Source: 1996 - Todd Replogle
Prepared for public release: 03/21/2003 - Charlie Wiederhold, 3D Realms
#include "ns.h" // Must come before everything else!
#include "cheats.h"
#include "compat.h"
#include "demo.h"
#include "duke3d.h"
#include "menus.h"
@ -51,7 +55,7 @@ BEGIN_DUKE_NS
static void Menu_DrawBackground(const DVector2 &origin)
DrawTexture(twod, tileGetTexture(TILE_MENUSCREEN), origin.X + 160, origin.Y + 100, DTA_FullscreenScale, 3, DTA_VirtualWidth, 320, DTA_VirtualHeight, 200, DTA_Color, 0xff808080, TAG_DONE);
DrawTexture(twod, tileGetTexture(TILE_MENUSCREEN), origin.X + 160, origin.Y + 100, DTA_FullscreenScale, 3, DTA_VirtualWidth, 320, DTA_VirtualHeight, 200, DTA_Color, 0xff808080, DTA_CenterOffset, true, TAG_DONE);
@ -91,7 +95,7 @@ protected:
int y_lower = y_upper + mDesc->mYbotton;
int y = 0;
int spacing = 0;
int const height = 15; // cannot take value from the font because it would be inconsistent
const int height = 15; // cannot take value from the font because it would be inconsistent
int totalheight = 0, numvalidentries = mDesc->mItems.Size();
@ -105,7 +109,6 @@ protected:
if (mDesc->mSpacing <= 0) spacing = std::max(0, (y_lower - y_upper - totalheight) / (numvalidentries > 1 ? numvalidentries - 1 : 1));
if (spacing <= 0) spacing = mDesc->mSpacing;
// totalHeight calculating pass
int totalHeight;
for (unsigned e = 0; e < mDesc->mItems.Size(); ++e)
@ -137,19 +140,24 @@ class DukeMainMenu : public DukeListMenu
void PreDraw() override
double x = origin.X + 160;
if (RRRA)
rotatesprite_fs(int(origin.X * 65536) + ((160 - 5) << 16), int(origin.Y * 65536) + ((57) << 16), 16592L, 0, TILE_THREEDEE, 0, 0, 10);
DrawTexture(twod, tileGetTexture(TILE_THREEDEE), x-5, origin.Y+57, DTA_FullscreenScale, 3, DTA_VirtualWidth, 320, DTA_VirtualHeight, 200, DTA_ScaleX, 0.253, DTA_ScaleY, 0.253, DTA_CenterOffset, true, TAG_DONE);
else if (isRR())
rotatesprite_fs(int(origin.X * 65536) + ((160 + 5) << 16), int(origin.Y * 65536) + ((24) << 16), 23592L, 0, TILE_INGAMEDUKETHREEDEE, 0, 0, 10);
DrawTexture(twod, tileGetTexture(TILE_INGAMEDUKETHREEDEE), x+5, origin.Y + 24, DTA_FullscreenScale, 3, DTA_VirtualWidth, 320, DTA_VirtualHeight, 200, DTA_ScaleX, 0.36, DTA_ScaleY, 0.36, DTA_CenterOffset, true, TAG_DONE);
rotatesprite_fs(int(origin.X * 65536) + (160<<16), int(origin.Y * 65536) + ((28)<<16), 65536L,0,TILE_INGAMEDUKETHREEDEE,0,0,10);
if (PLUTOPAK) // JBF 20030804
rotatesprite_fs(int(origin.X * 65536) + ((160+100)<<16), int(origin.Y * 65536) + (36<<16), 65536L,0,TILE_PLUTOPAKSPRITE+2,(sintable[((int32_t) totalclock<<4)&2047]>>11),0,2+8);
DrawTexture(twod, tileGetTexture(TILE_INGAMEDUKETHREEDEE), x, origin.Y + 29, DTA_FullscreenScale, 3, DTA_VirtualWidth, 320, DTA_VirtualHeight, 200, DTA_CenterOffset, true, TAG_DONE);
int light = 224 + 31 * sin(int(totalclock) / 40.);
PalEntry pe(255, light, light, light);
DrawTexture(twod, tileGetTexture(TILE_PLUTOPAKSPRITE + 2), x + 100, origin.Y + 36, DTA_FullscreenScale, 3, DTA_VirtualWidth, 320, DTA_VirtualHeight, 200, DTA_Color, pe, DTA_CenterOffset, true, TAG_DONE);
@ -292,27 +300,10 @@ void GameInterface::StartGame(FNewGameStartup& gs)
if (!DEER)
static const short sounds_r[] = { 427, 428, 196, 195, 197 };
if (gs.Skill >=0 && gs.Skill <= 5) skillsound = isRR()? sounds_r[gs.Skill] : sounds_d[gs.Skill];
switch (gs.Skill)
case 0:
skillsound = isRR() ? 427 : JIBBED_ACTOR6;
case 1:
skillsound = isRR() ? 428 : BONUS_SPEECH1;
case 2:
skillsound = isRR() ? 196 : DUKE_GETWEAPON2;
case 3:
skillsound = isRR() ? 195 : JIBBED_ACTOR5;
case 4:
skillsound = isRR() ? 197 : JIBBED_ACTOR5; // Does not exist in DN3D.
ud.m_player_skill = gs.Skill + 1;
if (menu_sounds && skillsound >= 0 && SoundEnabled())
@ -327,15 +318,6 @@ void GameInterface::StartGame(FNewGameStartup& gs)
ud.m_respawn_monsters = (gs.Skill == 3);
ud.m_volume_number = gs.Episode;
m_level_number = gs.Level;
ud.m_player_skill = 1;
ud.m_respawn_monsters = 0;
ud.m_volume_number = 0;
m_level_number = gs.Episode;
g_player[myconnectindex].ps->dhat61f = gs.Skill;
ud.m_monsters_off = ud.monsters_off = 0;
ud.m_respawn_items = 0;
@ -367,29 +349,14 @@ void GameInterface::DrawMenuCaption(const DVector2& origin, const char* text)
void GameInterface::DrawCenteredTextScreen(const DVector2 &origin, const char *text, int position, bool bg)
if (bg) Menu_DrawBackground(origin);
else if (!isRR())
// Only used for the confirmation screen.
int lines = 1;
for (int i = 0; text[i]; i++) if (text[i] == '\n') lines++;
int height = lines * SmallFont->GetHeight();
position -= height >> 17;
if (!isRR()) Menu_DrawCursor(160, 130, 1, false);
Menu_DrawCursor(160, 130, 1, false);
G_ScreenText(MF_Bluefont.tilenum, int((origin.X + 160) * 65536), int((origin.Y + position) * 65536), MF_Bluefont.zoom, 0, 0, text, 0, MF_Bluefont.pal,
2 | 8 | 16 | ROTATESPRITE_FULL16, 0, MF_Bluefont.emptychar.x, MF_Bluefont.emptychar.y, MF_Bluefont.between.x, MF_Bluefont.between.y,
MF_Bluefont.textflags | TEXT_XCENTER, 0, 0, xdim - 1, ydim - 1);
::GameInterface::DrawCenteredTextScreen(origin, text, position, bg);
void GameInterface::DrawPlayerSprite(const DVector2& origin, bool onteam)
if (isRR())
rotatesprite_fs(int(origin.X * 65536) + (260<<16), int(origin.Y * 65536) + ((24+(tilesiz[TILE_APLAYER].y>>2))<<16), 24576L,0,3845+36-((((8-((int32_t) totalclock>>4)))&7)*5),0,onteam ? G_GetTeamPalette(playerteam) : G_CheckPlayerColor(playercolor),10);
rotatesprite_fs(int(origin.X * 65536) + (260<<16), int(origin.Y * 65536) + ((24+(tilesiz[TILE_APLAYER].y>>1))<<16), 49152L,0,1441-((((4-((int32_t) totalclock>>4)))&3)*5),0,onteam ? G_GetTeamPalette(playerteam) : G_CheckPlayerColor(playercolor),10);
void GameInterface::QuitToTitle()
g_player[myconnectindex].ps->gm = MODE_DEMO;
@ -212,10 +212,10 @@ struct GameInterface : ::GameInterface
void StartGame(FNewGameStartup& gs) override;
FSavegameInfo GetSaveSig() override;
void DrawCenteredTextScreen(const DVector2& origin, const char* text, int position, bool bg) override;
double SmallFontScale() override { return isRR() ? 0.5 : 1.; }
void DrawMenuCaption(const DVector2& origin, const char* text) override;
bool SaveGame(FSaveGameNode*) override;
bool LoadGame(FSaveGameNode*) override;
void DrawPlayerSprite(const DVector2& origin, bool onteam) override;
void QuitToTitle() override;
FString GetCoordString() override;
int GetStringTile(int font, const char* t, int f) override;
Reference in a new issue