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synced 2025-03-08 17:50:58 +00:00
* Join-bunch functionality in 2d mode ('J'). When applied to two adjacent extended floors with different bunchnums, this makes them equal so that their sectors can be joined in a next step if their ceiling bunchnums are equal. The two floors also must be non-sloped and at the same height.
* slightly tweaked status line, now also displaying the number of bunches * fix a couple of issues unearthed by valgrind and a TROR nextwall corruption when joining sectors git-svn-id: https://svn.eduke32.com/eduke32@1930 1a8010ca-5511-0410-912e-c29ae57300e0
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 154 additions and 74 deletions
@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ static int32_t currentlist=0;
static int32_t fillist[640];
// used for fillsector and point selection in side-view mode:
static int32_t tempxyar[MAXWALLS][2] ATTRIBUTE((aligned(8)));
static int32_t tempxyar[MAXWALLS][2];
static int32_t mousx, mousy;
int16_t prefixtiles[10] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 };
@ -2503,6 +2503,20 @@ static int32_t hl_all_bunch_sectors_p()
static int32_t find_nextwall(int32_t sectnum, int32_t sectnum2)
int32_t j, startwall, endwall;
if (sectnum<0 || sectnum2<0)
return -1;
for (WALLS_OF_SECTOR(sectnum, j))
if (wall[j].nextsector == sectnum2)
return j;
return -1;
void overheadeditor(void)
char buffer[80], ch;
@ -3709,51 +3723,7 @@ end_yax: ;
if (wall[i].cstat&(1<<14))
show2dwall[i>>3] |= (1<<(i&7));
#if 0
if (m32_sideview && numwalls>0 && !onlySprites)
int64_t curcoord;
int32_t begwall=0, mustselect=0;
// also select walls that would be dragged but
// maybe were missed
for (i=0; i<numwalls; i++)
tempxyar[i][0] = i;
qsort(tempxyar, numwalls, sizeof(tempxyar[0]), compare_wall_coords);
i = 0;
k = tempxyar[i][0]; // the actual wallnum...
curcoord = *(int64_t *)&wall[k].x;
while (i<numwalls)
//OSD_Printf("%5d: wall %5d: %8d,%8d\n", i, k, wall[k].x, wall[k].y);
mustselect |= (show2dwall[k>>3]&(1<<(k&7)));
if (i==numwalls || ((k=tempxyar[i][0]), (*(int64_t *)&wall[k].x != curcoord)))
if (mustselect)
// select all from begwall to i-1
for (j=begwall; j<i; j++)
//OSD_Printf("sel %5d: wall %5d: %8d,%8d\n", j, tempxyar[j][0],
//wall[tempxyar[j][0]].x, wall[tempxyar[j][0]].y);
show2dwall[tempxyar[j][0]>>3] |= (1<<(tempxyar[j][0]&7));
mustselect = 0;
if (i==numwalls)
begwall = i;
curcoord = *(int64_t *)&wall[tempxyar[i][0]].x;
for (i=0; i<MAXSPRITES; i++)
if (sprite[i].statnum == MAXSTATUS)
@ -4963,9 +4933,10 @@ end_point_dragging:
int16_t joink;
int32_t joink, s1to0wall;
int16_t cb0,fb0, cb1,fb1;
int16_t jbn[2][2]; // [join index][c/f]
int32_t uneqbn; // unequal bunchnums (bitmap): 1:above, 2:below
joinsector[1] = -1;
@ -4975,23 +4946,18 @@ end_point_dragging:
if (inside_editor_curpos(i) == 1)
startwall = sector[i].wallptr;
endwall = startwall + sector[i].wallnum;
for (j=startwall; j<endwall; j++)
if (wall[j].nextsector == joinsector[0])
s1to0wall = find_nextwall(i, joinsector[0]);
joinsector[1] = i;
yax_getbunches(joinsector[0], &cb0, &fb0);
yax_getbunches(joinsector[1], &cb1, &fb1);
for (k=0; k<2; k++)
yax_getbunches(joinsector[k], &jbn[k][YAX_CEILING], &jbn[k][YAX_FLOOR]);
// pressing J into the same sector is the same as saying 'no'
// v----------------v
if (j == endwall && i != joinsector[0])
if (s1to0wall == -1 && i != joinsector[0])
if (cb0>=0 || fb0>=0 || cb1>=0 || fb1>=0)
if (jbn[0][0]>=0 || jbn[0][1]>=0 || jbn[1][0]>=0 || jbn[1][1]>=0)
message("Joining non-adjacent extended sectors not allowed!");
joinsector[0] = joinsector[1] = -1;
@ -5008,9 +4974,95 @@ end_point_dragging:
if (cb0!=cb1 || fb0!=fb1)
uneqbn = (jbn[0][YAX_CEILING]!=jbn[1][YAX_CEILING]) |
if (uneqbn)
message("Joining of extended sectors with different bunches not allowed!");
const int32_t cf=YAX_FLOOR;
int32_t whybad=0, jsynw[2];
if (uneqbn == 1)
message("Can't join two sectors with different ceiling bunchnums."
" To make them equal, join their upper neighbor's floors.");
printmessage16("Can't join two sectors with different ceiling bunchnums. See OSD");
joinsector[0] = joinsector[1] = -1;
goto end_join_sectors;
// both must be extended
if (jbn[0][cf]<0 || jbn[1][cf]<0)
uneqbn &= ~(1<<cf), whybad|=1;
// if any sloped, can't join
if ((SECTORFLD(joinsector[0],stat, cf)&2) || (SECTORFLD(joinsector[1],stat, cf)&2))
uneqbn &= ~(1<<cf), whybad|=2;
// if on unequal heights, can't join either
if (SECTORFLD(joinsector[0],z, cf) != SECTORFLD(joinsector[1],z, cf))
uneqbn &= ~(1<<cf), whybad|=4;
// check whether the lower neighbors have a red-wall link to each other
jsynw[1] = yax_getnextwall(s1to0wall, cf);
jsynw[0] = yax_getnextwall(wall[s1to0wall].nextwall, cf);
if (jsynw[0]<0 || jsynw[1]<0) // this shouldn't happen
uneqbn &= ~(1<<cf), whybad|=8;
else if (wall[jsynw[1]].nextwall != jsynw[0])
if (find_nextwall(sectorofwall(jsynw[1]), sectorofwall(jsynw[0])) < 0)
uneqbn &= ~(1<<cf), whybad|=16;
if ((uneqbn&2)==0)
if (whybad&1)
message("Can't make floor bunchnums equal: both floors must be extended");
else if (whybad&2)
message("Can't make floor bunchnums equal: both floors must be non-sloped");
else if (whybad&4)
message("Can't make floor bunchnums equal: both floors must have equal height");
else if (whybad&8)
message("Can't make floor bunchnums equal: INTERNAL ERROR");
else if (whybad&16)
message("Can't make floor bunchnums equal: lower neighbors must be linked");
int32_t vcf, newbn, ynw;
// we're good to go for making floor bunchnums equal
for (SECTORS_OF_BUNCH(jbn[1][cf], YAX_FLOOR, k))
yax_setbunch(k, YAX_FLOOR, jbn[0][cf]);
for (SECTORS_OF_BUNCH(jbn[1][cf], YAX_CEILING, k))
yax_setbunch(k, YAX_CEILING, jbn[0][cf]);
// now we can iterate the sectors with the new bunchnums
newbn = yax_getbunch(joinsector[0], cf);
// clear all yax-nextwall links on walls that are inside the bunch
for (vcf=0; vcf<2; vcf++)
for (SECTORS_OF_BUNCH(newbn, vcf, k))
for (WALLS_OF_SECTOR(k, m))
ynw = yax_getnextwall(m, vcf);
if (ynw < 0 || wall[m].nextsector < 0)
if (yax_getbunch(wall[m].nextsector, vcf) == newbn)
yax_setnextwall(ynw, !vcf, -1);
yax_setnextwall(m, vcf, -1);
// shouldn't be needed again for the editor, but can't harm either:
printmessage16("Made sector %d and %d floor bunchnums equal",
joinsector[0], joinsector[1]);
asksave = 1;
joinsector[0] = joinsector[1] = -1;
goto end_join_sectors;
@ -5127,9 +5179,16 @@ end_point_dragging:
numwalls = newnumwalls;
newnumwalls = -1;
// clean out nextwall links for deletesector
for (k=0; k<2; k++)
for (WALLS_OF_SECTOR(joinsector[k], j))
wall[j].nextwall = wall[j].nextsector = -1;
yax_setnextwall(j, YAX_CEILING, -1);
yax_setnextwall(j, YAX_FLOOR, -1);
if (joinsector[0] < joinsector[1])
@ -7452,9 +7511,12 @@ static void clearministatbar16(void)
CLEARLINES2D(i, ydim-i, 0);
Bsprintf(tempbuf, "Mapster32 %s", ExtGetVer());
printext16(xdim2d-(Bstrlen(tempbuf)<<3)-3, ydim2d-STATUS2DSIZ2+10, editorcolors[4],-1, tempbuf, 0);
printext16(xdim2d-(Bstrlen(tempbuf)<<3)-2, ydim2d-STATUS2DSIZ2+9, editorcolors[12],-1, tempbuf, 0);
if (xdim >= 800)
Bsprintf(tempbuf, "Mapster32 %s", ExtGetVer());
printext16(xdim2d-(Bstrlen(tempbuf)<<3)-3, ydim2d-STATUS2DSIZ2+10, editorcolors[4],-1, tempbuf, 0);
printext16(xdim2d-(Bstrlen(tempbuf)<<3)-2, ydim2d-STATUS2DSIZ2+9, editorcolors[12],-1, tempbuf, 0);
@ -8673,11 +8735,29 @@ void printcoords16(int32_t posxe, int32_t posye, int16_t ange)
if (highlightcnt<=0 && highlightsectorcnt<=0)
Bsprintf(snotbuf,"%d/%d %s. %d/%d walls %d/%d spri.",
numyaxbunches>0 ? "SECT":"sect",
m = Bsprintf(snotbuf,"%d/%d %s. %d",
numyaxbunches>0 ? "SEC":"sec", numwalls);
if (numyaxbunches > 0)
if (xdim >= 800)
Bsprintf(&snotbuf[m], "/%d wal. %d/16k spr. %d/256 bn.",
MAXWALLSV8, numsprites, numyaxbunches);
Bsprintf(&snotbuf[m], " wal. %d spr. %d/256 bn.",
numsprites, numyaxbunches);
if (xdim >= 800)
Bsprintf(&snotbuf[m], "/%d wal. %d/%d spr.",
v8?MAXWALLSV8:MAXWALLSV7, numsprites,
Bsprintf(&snotbuf[m], "/%dk wal. %d/%dk spr.",
(v8?MAXWALLSV8:MAXWALLSV7)/1000, numsprites,
@ -8693,7 +8773,7 @@ void printcoords16(int32_t posxe, int32_t posye, int16_t ange)
snotbuf[0] = 0;
v8 = 1;
v8 = 1; // yellow color
m = xdim/8 - 264/8;
@ -7538,7 +7538,7 @@ int32_t preinitengine(void)
tsprite = tsprite_s;
spriteext = spriteext_s;
spritesmooth = spritesmooth_s;
state_compress = (qlz_state_compress *) Bmalloc(sizeof(qlz_state_compress) + sizeof(qlz_state_decompress));
state_compress = (qlz_state_compress *) Bcalloc(sizeof(qlz_state_compress) + sizeof(qlz_state_decompress), 1);
state_decompress = (qlz_state_decompress *)((int8_t *)(state_compress) + sizeof(qlz_state_compress));
@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ static int32_t floor_over_floor;
static int32_t g_fillCurSector = 0;
static char g_modDir[BMAX_PATH];
char defsfilename[BMAX_PATH] = "duke3d.def";
// static char *startwin_labeltext = "Starting Mapster32...";
static char *setupfilename = "mapster32.cfg";
@ -5004,8 +5005,8 @@ static void Keys3d(void)
int32_t notextended = 1;
if (yax_getbunch(searchsector, AIMING_AT_FLOOR) >= 0)
xp = yp = notextended = 0;
Bsprintf(lines[num++],"Panning: %d, %d%s", xp, yp, notextended?"":" *");
notextended = 0;
Bsprintf(lines[num++],"Panning: %d%s, %d", xp, notextended?"":"*", yp);
Bsprintf(lines[num++],"Panning: %d, %d", xp, yp);
@ -10280,7 +10281,8 @@ int32_t ExtInit(void)
initprintf("Using '%s' as definitions file\n", g_defNamePtr);
if (g_skipDefaultDefs == 0)
Bstrcpy(g_defNamePtr, defsfilename); // it MAY have changed, with NAM/WWII GI
if (g_defNamePtr != defsfilename)
Bstrcpy(g_defNamePtr, defsfilename); // it MAY have changed, with NAM/WWII GI
// the defs are actually loaded in app_main in build.c
@ -26,8 +26,6 @@ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
// #define VULGARITY
char defsfilename[BMAX_PATH] = "duke3d.def";
#define COLOR_RED 248
#define COLOR_WHITE 31
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