mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 02:50:54 +00:00
- replaced all sector iterators in actors.cpp.
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 147 additions and 148 deletions
@ -661,10 +661,10 @@ void movecrane(int i, int crane)
if (t[0] == 0) //Waiting to check the sector
int j = headspritesect[t[1]];
while (j >= 0)
SectIterator it(t[1]);
int j;
while ((j = it.NextIndex()) >= 0)
int nextj = nextspritesect[j];
switch (sprite[j].statnum)
@ -676,7 +676,6 @@ void movecrane(int i, int crane)
j = nextj;
@ -739,8 +738,9 @@ void movecrane(int i, int crane)
int j = headspritesect[t[1]];
while (j >= 0)
SectIterator it(t[1]);
int j;
while ((j = it.NextIndex()) >= 0)
switch (sprite[j].statnum)
@ -749,7 +749,6 @@ void movecrane(int i, int crane)
s->owner = j;
j = nextspritesect[j];
@ -998,12 +997,14 @@ void movemasterswitch(int i, int spectype1, int spectype2)
operatesectors(s->sectnum, i);
int j = headspritesect[s->sectnum];
while (j >= 0)
SectIterator it(s->sectnum);
int j;
while ((j = it.NextIndex()) >= 0)
if (sprite[j].statnum == 3)
auto sj = &sprite[j];
if (sj->statnum == 3)
switch (sprite[j].lotag)
switch (sj->lotag)
case SE_21_DROP_FLOOR:
@ -1017,14 +1018,13 @@ void movemasterswitch(int i, int spectype1, int spectype2)
else if (sprite[j].statnum == 6)
else if (sj->statnum == 6)
if (sprite[j].picnum == spectype1 || sprite[j].picnum == spectype2) // SEENINE and OOZFILTER
if (sj->picnum == spectype1 || sj->picnum == spectype2) // SEENINE and OOZFILTER
sprite[j].shade = -31;
sj->shade = -31;
j = nextspritesect[j];
@ -1929,20 +1929,19 @@ void reactor(int i, int REACTOR, int REACTOR2, int REACTORBURNT, int REACTOR2BUR
case 7:
case 10:
case 15:
j = headspritesect[sect];
while (j >= 0)
SectIterator it(sect);
while ((j = it.NextIndex()) >= 0)
int l = nextspritesect[j];
if (j != i)
j = l;
for (x = 0; x < 16; x++)
@ -2899,27 +2898,27 @@ void handle_se14(int i, bool checkstat, int RPG, int JIBS6)
j = headspritesect[s->sectnum];
while (j >= 0)
SectIterator it(s->sectnum);
while ((j = it.NextIndex()) >= 0)
if (sprite[j].statnum != 10 && sector[sprite[j].sectnum].lotag != 2 && sprite[j].picnum != SECTOREFFECTOR && sprite[j].picnum != LOCATORS)
auto sj = &sprite[j];
if (sj->statnum != 10 && sector[sj->sectnum].lotag != 2 && sj->picnum != SECTOREFFECTOR && sj->picnum != LOCATORS)
rotatepoint(s->x, s->y,
sprite[j].x, sprite[j].y, q,
&sprite[j].x, &sprite[j].y);
sj->x, sj->y, q,
&sj->x, &sj->y);
sprite[j].x += m;
sprite[j].y += x;
sj->x += m;
sj->y += x;
sprite[j].ang += q;
sj->ang += q;
if (numplayers > 1)
hittype[j].bposx = sprite[j].x;
hittype[j].bposy = sprite[j].y;
hittype[j].bposx = sj->x;
hittype[j].bposy = sj->y;
j = nextspritesect[j];
@ -3017,15 +3016,16 @@ void handle_se30(int i, int JIBS6)
t[4] = 0;
fi.operateforcefields(i, s->hitag);
int j = headspritesect[s->sectnum];
while (j >= 0)
SectIterator it(s->sectnum);
int j;
while ((j = it.NextIndex()) >= 0)
if (sprite[j].picnum != SECTOREFFECTOR && sprite[j].picnum != LOCATORS)
auto sj = &sprite[j];
if (sj->picnum != SECTOREFFECTOR && sj->picnum != LOCATORS)
hittype[j].bposx = sprite[j].x;
hittype[j].bposy = sprite[j].y;
hittype[j].bposx = sj->x;
hittype[j].bposy = sj->y;
j = nextspritesect[j];
@ -3130,17 +3130,17 @@ void handle_se30(int i, int JIBS6)
j = headspritesect[sprite[sprite[i].owner].sectnum];
while (j >= 0)
SectIterator it(sprite[sprite[i].owner].sectnum);
while ((j = it.NextIndex()) >= 0)
l = nextspritesect[j];
if (sprite[j].statnum == 1 && badguy(&sprite[j]) && sprite[j].picnum != SECTOREFFECTOR && sprite[j].picnum != LOCATORS)
auto sj = &sprite[j];
if (sj->statnum == 1 && badguy(&sprite[j]) && sj->picnum != SECTOREFFECTOR && sj->picnum != LOCATORS)
// if(sprite[j].sectnum != s->sectnum)
// if(sj->sectnum != s->sectnum)
short k = sprite[j].sectnum;
updatesector(sprite[j].x, sprite[j].y, &k);
if (sprite[j].extra >= 0 && k == s->sectnum)
short k = sj->sectnum;
updatesector(sj->x, sj->y, &k);
if (sj->extra >= 0 && k == s->sectnum)
fi.gutsdir(&sprite[j], JIBS6, 24, myconnectindex);
S_PlayActorSound(SQUISHED, j);
@ -3149,7 +3149,6 @@ void handle_se30(int i, int JIBS6)
j = l;
@ -3216,18 +3215,17 @@ void handle_se02(int i)
ps[p].bobposy += x;
int j = headspritesect[s->sectnum];
while (j >= 0)
SectIterator it(s->sectnum);
int j;
while ((j = it.NextIndex()) >= 0)
int nextj = nextspritesect[j];
if (sprite[j].picnum != SECTOREFFECTOR)
auto sj = &sprite[j];
if (sj->picnum != SECTOREFFECTOR)
sprite[j].x += m;
sprite[j].y += x;
setsprite(j, sprite[j].x, sprite[j].y, sprite[j].z);
sj->x += m;
sj->y += x;
setsprite(j, sj->x, sj->y, sj->z);
j = nextj;
setsprite(i, s->x, s->y, s->z);
@ -3338,17 +3336,16 @@ void handle_se04(int i)
j = headspritesect[sprite[i].sectnum];
while (j >= 0)
SectIterator it(s->sectnum);
while ((j = it.NextIndex()) >= 0)
if (sprite[j].cstat & 16)
auto sj = &sprite[j];
if (sj->cstat & 16)
if (sc->ceilingstat & 1)
sprite[j].shade = sc->ceilingshade;
else sprite[j].shade = sc->floorshade;
sj->shade = sc->ceilingshade;
else sj->shade = sc->floorshade;
j = nextspritesect[j];
if (t[4])
@ -3684,17 +3681,17 @@ void handle_se12(int i, int planeonly)
sc->ceilingshade = t[2];
t[0] = 0;
int j = headspritesect[sprite[i].sectnum];
while (j >= 0)
SectIterator it(s->sectnum);
int j;
while ((j = it.NextIndex()) >= 0)
if (sprite[j].cstat & 16)
auto sj = &sprite[j];
if (sj->cstat & 16)
if (sc->ceilingstat & 1)
sprite[j].shade = sc->ceilingshade;
else sprite[j].shade = sc->floorshade;
sj->shade = sc->ceilingshade;
else sj->shade = sc->floorshade;
j = nextspritesect[j];
if (t[3] == 1)
@ -3725,16 +3722,17 @@ void handle_se12(int i, int planeonly)
else t[0] = 2;
int j = headspritesect[sprite[i].sectnum];
while (j >= 0)
SectIterator it(s->sectnum);
int j;
while ((j = it.NextIndex()) >= 0)
if (sprite[j].cstat & 16)
auto sj = &sprite[j];
if (sj->cstat & 16)
if (sc->ceilingstat & 1)
sprite[j].shade = sc->ceilingshade;
else sprite[j].shade = sc->floorshade;
sj->shade = sc->ceilingshade;
else sj->shade = sc->floorshade;
j = nextspritesect[j];
@ -3881,12 +3879,13 @@ void handle_se16(int i, int REACTOR, int REACTOR2)
//If there isn't, then kill this sectoreffector
int j = headspritesect[s->sectnum];
while (j >= 0)
SectIterator it(s->sectnum);
int j;
while ((j = it.NextIndex()) >= 0)
if (sprite[j].picnum == REACTOR || sprite[j].picnum == REACTOR2)
auto sj = &sprite[j];
if (sj->picnum == REACTOR || sj->picnum == REACTOR2)
j = nextspritesect[j];
if (j == -1)
@ -3922,12 +3921,14 @@ void handle_se17(int i)
sc->ceilingz += q;
sc->floorz += q;
int j = headspritesect[s->sectnum];
while (j >= 0)
SectIterator it(s->sectnum);
int j;
while ((j = it.NextIndex()) >= 0)
if (sprite[j].statnum == 10 && sprite[j].owner >= 0)
auto sj = &sprite[j];
if (sj->statnum == 10 && sj->owner >= 0)
int p = sprite[j].yvel;
int p = sj->yvel;
if (numplayers < 2)
ps[p].oposz = ps[p].posz;
ps[p].posz += q;
@ -3936,16 +3937,14 @@ void handle_se17(int i)
if (numplayers > 1)
ps[p].oposz = ps[p].posz;
if (sprite[j].statnum != 3)
if (sj->statnum != 3)
hittype[j].bposz = sprite[j].z;
sprite[j].z += q;
hittype[j].bposz = sj->z;
sj->z += q;
hittype[j].floorz = sc->floorz;
hittype[j].ceilingz = sc->ceilingz;
j = nextspritesect[j];
if (t[0]) //If in motion
@ -3979,54 +3978,54 @@ void handle_se17(int i)
if (j == -1) return;
int k = headspritesect[s->sectnum];
while (k >= 0)
SectIterator its(s->sectnum);
int k;
while ((k = its.NextIndex()) >= 0)
int nextk = nextspritesect[k];
if (sprite[k].statnum == 10 && sprite[k].owner >= 0)
auto sk = &sprite[k];
auto htk = &hittype[k];
if (sk->statnum == 10 && sk->owner >= 0)
int p = sprite[k].yvel;
int p = sk->yvel;
ps[p].posx += sprite[j].x - s->x;
ps[p].posy += sprite[j].y - s->y;
ps[p].posz = sector[sprite[j].sectnum].floorz - (sc->floorz - ps[p].posz);
hittype[k].floorz = sector[sprite[j].sectnum].floorz;
hittype[k].ceilingz = sector[sprite[j].sectnum].ceilingz;
htk->floorz = sector[sprite[j].sectnum].floorz;
htk->ceilingz = sector[sprite[j].sectnum].ceilingz;
ps[p].bobposx = ps[p].oposx = ps[p].posx;
ps[p].bobposy = ps[p].oposy = ps[p].posy;
ps[p].oposz = ps[p].posz;
ps[p].truefz = hittype[k].floorz;
ps[p].truecz = hittype[k].ceilingz;
ps[p].truefz = htk->floorz;
ps[p].truecz = htk->ceilingz;
ps[p].bobcounter = 0;
changespritesect(k, sprite[j].sectnum);
ps[p].cursectnum = sprite[j].sectnum;
else if (sprite[k].statnum != 3)
else if (sk->statnum != 3)
sprite[k].x +=
sk->x +=
sprite[j].x - s->x;
sprite[k].y +=
sk->y +=
sprite[j].y - s->y;
sprite[k].z = sector[sprite[j].sectnum].floorz -
(sc->floorz - sprite[k].z);
sk->z = sector[sprite[j].sectnum].floorz -
(sc->floorz - sk->z);
hittype[k].bposx = sprite[k].x;
hittype[k].bposy = sprite[k].y;
hittype[k].bposz = sprite[k].z;
htk->bposx = sk->x;
htk->bposy = sk->y;
htk->bposz = sk->z;
changespritesect(k, sprite[j].sectnum);
setsprite(k, sprite[k].x, sprite[k].y, sprite[k].z);
setsprite(k, sk->x, sk->y, sk->z);
hittype[k].floorz = sector[sprite[j].sectnum].floorz;
hittype[k].ceilingz = sector[sprite[j].sectnum].ceilingz;
htk->floorz = sector[sprite[j].sectnum].floorz;
htk->ceilingz = sector[sprite[j].sectnum].ceilingz;
k = nextk;
@ -4064,18 +4063,19 @@ void handle_se18(int i, bool morecheck)
sc->floorz += sc->extra;
if (morecheck)
int j = headspritesect[s->sectnum];
while (j >= 0)
SectIterator it(s->sectnum);
int j;
while ((j = it.NextIndex()) >= 0)
if (sprite[j].picnum == TILE_APLAYER && sprite[j].owner >= 0)
if (ps[sprite[j].yvel].on_ground == 1)
ps[sprite[j].yvel].posz += sc->extra;
if (sprite[j].zvel == 0 && sprite[j].statnum != STAT_EFFECTOR && sprite[j].statnum != STAT_PROJECTILE)
auto sj = &sprite[j];
if (sj->picnum == TILE_APLAYER && sj->owner >= 0)
if (ps[sj->yvel].on_ground == 1)
ps[sj->yvel].posz += sc->extra;
if (sj->zvel == 0 && sj->statnum != STAT_EFFECTOR && sj->statnum != STAT_PROJECTILE)
hittype[j].bposz = sprite[j].z += sc->extra;
hittype[j].bposz = sj->z += sc->extra;
hittype[j].floorz = sc->floorz;
j = nextspritesect[j];
if (sc->floorz >= t[1])
@ -4103,18 +4103,19 @@ void handle_se18(int i, bool morecheck)
sc->floorz -= sc->extra;
if (morecheck)
int j = headspritesect[s->sectnum];
while (j >= 0)
SectIterator it(s->sectnum);
int j;
while ((j = it.NextIndex()) >= 0)
if (sprite[j].picnum == TILE_APLAYER && sprite[j].owner >= 0)
if (ps[sprite[j].yvel].on_ground == 1)
ps[sprite[j].yvel].posz -= sc->extra;
if (sprite[j].zvel == 0 && sprite[j].statnum != STAT_EFFECTOR && sprite[j].statnum != STAT_PROJECTILE)
auto sj = &sprite[j];
if (sj->picnum == TILE_APLAYER && sj->owner >= 0)
if (ps[sj->yvel].on_ground == 1)
ps[sj->yvel].posz -= sc->extra;
if (sj->zvel == 0 && sj->statnum != STAT_EFFECTOR && sj->statnum != STAT_PROJECTILE)
hittype[j].bposz = sprite[j].z -= sc->extra;
hittype[j].bposz = sj->z -= sc->extra;
hittype[j].floorz = sc->floorz;
j = nextspritesect[j];
if (sc->floorz <= s->z)
@ -4280,21 +4281,20 @@ void handle_se20(int i)
int j = headspritesect[s->sectnum];
while (j >= 0)
SectIterator it(s->sectnum);
int j;
while ((j = it.NextIndex()) >= 0)
int nextj = nextspritesect[j];
if (sprite[j].statnum != 3 && sprite[j].zvel == 0)
auto sj = &sprite[j];
if (sj->statnum != 3 && sj->zvel == 0)
sprite[j].x += x;
sprite[j].y += l;
setsprite(j, sprite[j].x, sprite[j].y, sprite[j].z);
if (sector[sprite[j].sectnum].floorstat & 2)
if (sprite[j].statnum == 2)
sj->x += x;
sj->y += l;
setsprite(j, sj->x, sj->y, sj->z);
if (sector[sj->sectnum].floorstat & 2)
if (sj->statnum == 2)
j = nextj;
dragpoint((short)t[1], wall[t[1]].x + x, wall[t[1]].y + l);
@ -4408,22 +4408,21 @@ void handle_se26(int i)
sc->floorz += s->zvel;
j = headspritesect[s->sectnum];
while (j >= 0)
SectIterator it(s->sectnum);
while ((j = it.NextIndex()) >= 0)
int nextj = nextspritesect[j];
if (sprite[j].statnum != 3 && sprite[j].statnum != 10)
auto sj = &sprite[j];
if (sj->statnum != 3 && sj->statnum != 10)
hittype[j].bposx = sprite[j].x;
hittype[j].bposy = sprite[j].y;
hittype[j].bposx = sj->x;
hittype[j].bposy = sj->y;
sprite[j].x += l;
sprite[j].y += x;
sj->x += l;
sj->y += x;
sprite[j].z += s->zvel;
setsprite(j, sprite[j].x, sprite[j].y, sprite[j].z);
sj->z += s->zvel;
setsprite(j, sj->x, sj->y, sj->z);
j = nextj;
for (int p = connecthead; p >= 0; p = connectpoint2[p])
Reference in a new issue