mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 04:30:43 +00:00
- Blood merge
# Conflicts: # source/build/include/polymost.h # source/build/src/build.cpp # source/build/src/engine.cpp # source/build/src/polymost.cpp # source/build/src/voxmodel.cpp
This commit is contained in:
19 changed files with 602 additions and 57 deletions
@ -143,6 +143,14 @@ char CONSTEXPR const g_keyAsciiTable[128] = {
0 , 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
char CONSTEXPR const g_keyAsciiTableShift[128] = {
0 , 0, '!', '@', '#', '$', '%', '^', '&', '*', '(', ')', '_', '+', 0, 0, 'Q', 'W', 'E', 'R', 'T', 'Y', 'U', 'I', 'O', 'P',
'{', '}', 0, 0, 'A', 'S', 'D', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'J', 'K', 'L', ':', '"', '~', 0, '|', 'Z', 'X', 'C', 'V', 'B', 'N', 'M', '<',
'>', '?', 0, '*', 0, 32, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '7', '8', '9', '-', '4', '5', '6',
'+', '1', '2', '3', '0', '.', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0 , 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
extern char keystatus[NUMKEYS];
extern char g_keyFIFO[KEYFIFOSIZ];
extern char g_keyAsciiFIFO[KEYFIFOSIZ];
@ -218,6 +226,7 @@ void joySetCallback(void (*callback)(int32_t,int32_t));
const char *keyGetName(int32_t num);
const char *joyGetName(int32_t what, int32_t num); // what: 0=axis, 1=button, 2=hat
char keyGetScan(void);
char keyGetChar(void);
#define keyBufferWaiting() (g_keyAsciiPos != g_keyAsciiEnd)
@ -232,6 +241,7 @@ static FORCE_INLINE void keyBufferInsert(char code)
g_keyAsciiEnd = ((g_keyAsciiEnd+1)&(KEYFIFOSIZ-1));
void keyFlushScans(void);
void keyFlushChars(void);
void mouseInit(void);
@ -239,6 +249,7 @@ void mouseUninit(void);
int32_t mouseReadAbs(vec2_t *pResult, vec2_t const *pInput);
void mouseGrabInput(bool grab);
void mouseLockToWindow(char a);
void mouseMoveToCenter(void);
int32_t mouseReadButtons(void);
void mouseReadPos(int32_t *x, int32_t *y);
@ -50,6 +50,8 @@ enum rendmode_t {
#define MAXWALLSV7 8192
#define MAXSPRITESV7 4096
#define MAXVOXMIPS 5
#if !defined GEKKO && !defined __OPENDINGUX__
@ -106,7 +108,7 @@ enum rendmode_t {
#define MAXSTATUS 1024
#define MAXPLAYERS 16
// Maximum number of component tiles in a multi-psky:
#define MAXUNIQHUDID 256 //Extra slots so HUD models can store animation state without messing game sprites
@ -845,6 +847,7 @@ typedef struct {
uint8_t num; // animate number
int8_t xofs, yofs;
uint8_t sf; // anim. speed and flags
uint8_t extra;
} picanm_t;
EXTERN picanm_t picanm[MAXTILES];
typedef struct { int16_t newtile; int16_t owner; } rottile_t;
@ -1069,7 +1072,7 @@ void tileSetSize(int32_t picnum, int16_t dasizx, int16_t dasizy);
int32_t artReadHeader(buildvfs_kfd fil, char const *fn, artheader_t *local);
int32_t artReadHeaderFromBuffer(uint8_t const *buf, artheader_t *local);
int32_t artCheckUnitFileHeader(uint8_t const *buf, int32_t length);
void tileConvertAnimFormat(int32_t picnum);
void tileConvertAnimFormat(int32_t const picnum, int32_t const picanmdisk);
void artReadManifest(buildvfs_kfd fil, artheader_t const *local);
void artPreloadFile(buildvfs_kfd fil, artheader_t const *local);
int32_t artLoadFiles(const char *filename, int32_t askedsize);
@ -1079,6 +1082,7 @@ bool tileLoad(int16_t tilenume);
void tileLoadData(int16_t tilenume, int32_t dasiz, char *buffer);
int32_t tileCRC(int16_t tileNum);
void artConvertRGB(palette_t *pic, uint8_t const *buf, int32_t bufsizx, int32_t sizx, int32_t sizy);
void tileUpdatePicSiz(int32_t picnum);
int32_t qloadkvx(int32_t voxindex, const char *filename);
void vox_undefine(int32_t const);
@ -1100,7 +1104,10 @@ void renderSetTarget(int16_t tilenume, int32_t xsiz, int32_t ysiz);
void renderRestoreTarget(void);
void renderPrepareMirror(int32_t dax, int32_t day, fix16_t daang, int16_t dawall,
int32_t *tposx, int32_t *tposy, fix16_t *tang);
void renderPrepareMirrorOld(int32_t dax, int32_t day, int32_t daz, fix16_t daang, fix16_t dahoriz,
int16_t dawall, int16_t dasector, int32_t *tposx, int32_t *tposy, fix16_t *tang);
void renderCompleteMirror(void);
void renderCompleteMirrorOld(void);
int32_t renderDrawRoomsQ16(int32_t daposx, int32_t daposy, int32_t daposz, fix16_t daang, fix16_t dahoriz, int16_t dacursectnum);
@ -1155,6 +1162,7 @@ void bfirst_search_try(int16_t * const list, uint8_t * const bitmap, int32_t * c
void getzrange(const vec3_t *pos, int16_t sectnum, int32_t *ceilz, int32_t *ceilhit, int32_t *florz,
int32_t *florhit, int32_t walldist, uint32_t cliptype) ATTRIBUTE((nonnull(1,3,4,5,6)));
extern vec2_t hitscangoal;
int32_t hitscan(const vec3_t *sv, int16_t sectnum, int32_t vx, int32_t vy, int32_t vz,
hitdata_t *hitinfo, uint32_t cliptype) ATTRIBUTE((nonnull(1,6)));
void neartag(int32_t xs, int32_t ys, int32_t zs, int16_t sectnum, int16_t ange,
@ -1164,6 +1172,10 @@ void neartag(int32_t xs, int32_t ys, int32_t zs, int16_t sectnum, int16_t ange
int32_t cansee(int32_t x1, int32_t y1, int32_t z1, int16_t sect1,
int32_t x2, int32_t y2, int32_t z2, int16_t sect2);
void updatesector(int32_t const x, int32_t const y, int16_t * const sectnum) ATTRIBUTE((nonnull(3)));
inline void updatesectorbreadth(int32_t const x, int32_t const y, int16_t *sectnum) ATTRIBUTE((nonnull(3)))
updatesector(x, y, sectnum);
void updatesectorexclude(int32_t const x, int32_t const y, int16_t * const sectnum,
const uint8_t * const excludesectbitmap) ATTRIBUTE((nonnull(3,4)));
void updatesectorz(int32_t const x, int32_t const y, int32_t const z, int16_t * const sectnum) ATTRIBUTE((nonnull(4)));
@ -1375,6 +1387,10 @@ extern int32_t r_downsize;
extern int32_t r_downsizevar;
extern int32_t mdtims, omdtims;
extern int32_t glrendmode;
extern int32_t r_rortexture;
extern int32_t r_rortexturerange;
extern int32_t r_rorphase;
void hicinit(void);
@ -1552,6 +1568,25 @@ extern int32_t rintersect(int32_t x1, int32_t y1, int32_t z1,
int32_t x3, int32_t y3, int32_t x4, int32_t y4,
int32_t *intx, int32_t *inty, int32_t *intz);
extern int32_t(*animateoffs_replace)(int const tilenum, int fakevar);
extern void(*paletteLoadFromDisk_replace)(void);
extern int32_t(*getpalookup_replace)(int32_t davis, int32_t dashade);
extern void(*initspritelists_replace)(void);
extern int32_t(*insertsprite_replace)(int16_t sectnum, int16_t statnum);
extern int32_t(*deletesprite_replace)(int16_t spritenum);
extern int32_t(*changespritesect_replace)(int16_t spritenum, int16_t newsectnum);
extern int32_t(*changespritestat_replace)(int16_t spritenum, int16_t newstatnum);
extern void(*loadvoxel_replace)(int32_t voxel);
extern void(*PolymostProcessVoxels_Callback)(void);
extern int32_t automapping;
extern int32_t bloodhack;
extern int32_t blooddemohack;
extern intptr_t voxoff[MAXVOXELS][MAXVOXMIPS]; // used in KenBuild
extern int8_t voxreserve[(MAXVOXELS+7)>>3];
#ifdef __cplusplus
@ -165,8 +165,17 @@ typedef struct
StructTracker(Sprite, uint8_t) xrepeat, yrepeat;
StructTracker(Sprite, int8_t) xoffset, yoffset;
StructTracker(Sprite, int16_t) sectnum, statnum;
StructTracker(Sprite, int16_t) ang, owner, xvel, yvel, zvel;
StructTracker(Sprite, int16_t) lotag, hitag;
StructTracker(Sprite, int16_t) ang, owner;
union {
StructTracker(Sprite, int16_t) xvel;
StructTracker(Sprite, int16_t) index;
StructTracker(Sprite, int16_t) yvel, zvel;
union {
StructTracker(Sprite, int16_t) lotag;
StructTracker(Sprite, int16_t) type;
StructTracker(Sprite, int16_t) hitag;
StructTracker(Sprite, int16_t) extra;
} StructName(spritetypev7);
@ -96,10 +96,12 @@ int32_t findfrompath(const char *fn, char **where);
buildvfs_kfd openfrompath(const char *fn, int32_t flags, int32_t mode);
buildvfs_FILE fopenfrompath(const char *fn, const char *mode);
extern char g_modDir[BMAX_PATH];
extern int32_t numgroupfiles;
int initgroupfile(const char *filename);
void uninitgroupfile(void);
buildvfs_kfd kopen4load(const char *filename, char searchfirst); // searchfirst: 0 = anywhere, 1 = first group, 2 = any group
buildvfs_kfd kopen4loadfrommod(const char *filename, char searchfirst);
int32_t kread(buildvfs_kfd handle, void *buffer, int32_t leng);
#define kread_and_test(handle, buffer, leng) EDUKE32_PREDICT_FALSE(kread((handle), (buffer), (leng)) != (leng))
int32_t klseek(buildvfs_kfd handle, int32_t offset, int32_t whence);
@ -145,6 +147,7 @@ typedef struct _CACHE1D_FIND_REC {
int32_t type, source;
struct _CACHE1D_FIND_REC *next, *prev, *usera, *userb;
int32_t klistaddentry(CACHE1D_FIND_REC **rec, const char *name, int32_t type, int32_t source);
void klistfree(CACHE1D_FIND_REC *rec);
CACHE1D_FIND_REC *klistpath(const char *path, const char *mask, int32_t type);
@ -221,6 +221,7 @@ EXTERN voxmodel_t *voxmodels[MAXVOXELS];
void voxfree(voxmodel_t *m);
voxmodel_t *voxload(const char *filnam);
voxmodel_t *loadkvxfrombuf(const char *buffer, int32_t length);
int32_t polymost_voxdraw(voxmodel_t *m, tspriteptr_t const tspr);
int md3postload_polymer(md3model_t* m);
@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ extern palette_t curpalette[256], curpalettefaded[256], palfadergb;
extern char palfadedelta;
extern void fullscreen_tint_gl(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b, uint8_t f);
extern void fullscreen_tint_gl_blood(void);
extern void videoFadeToBlack(int32_t moreopaquep);
void paletteMakeLookupTable(int32_t palnum, const char *remapbuf, uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b, char noFloorPal);
void paletteSetColorTable(int32_t id, uint8_t const *table);
@ -60,6 +61,9 @@ int32_t paletteSetLookupTable(int32_t palnum, const uint8_t *shtab);
void paletteFreeLookupTable(int32_t palnum);
void videoSetPalette(char dabrightness, uint8_t dapalid, uint8_t flags);
void videoFadePalette(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b, uint8_t offset);
void videoTintBlood(int32_t r, int32_t g, int32_t b);
extern int32_t realmaxshade;
extern float frealmaxshade;
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
#include "baselayer.h" // glinfo
#include "glad/glad.h"
#include "hightile.h"
#include "mdsprite.h"
void Polymost_CacheHitList(uint8_t* hash);
@ -87,6 +88,7 @@ extern uint8_t alphahackarray[MAXTILES];
extern int32_t r_usenewshading;
extern int32_t r_npotwallmode;
extern int32_t r_brightnesshack;
extern int32_t polymostcenterhoriz;
extern int16_t globalpicnum;
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ int32_t SDL_WaitEventTimeout(SDL_Event *event, int32_t timeout);
} \
#define SDL_CHECKMODE(w, h) ((w < MAXXDIM) && (h < MAXYDIM) && (w >= MINXDIM) && (h >= MINYDIM) && (((float)w/(float)h) >= 1.3f))
#define SDL_CHECKMODE(w, h) ((w < MAXXDIM) && (h < MAXYDIM) && (w >= MINXDIM) && (h >= MINYDIM) && (((float)w/(float)h) >= 1.2f))
#define SDL_CHECKFSMODES(w, h) \
if (w == 0 && h == 0) \
@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ char inputdevices = 0;
char keystatus[NUMKEYS];
char g_keyAsciiFIFO[KEYFIFOSIZ];
uint8_t g_keyFIFOpos;
uint8_t g_keyFIFOend;
uint8_t g_keyAsciiPos;
uint8_t g_keyAsciiEnd;
@ -49,6 +50,23 @@ void keySetState(int32_t key, int32_t state)
char keyGetScan(void)
if (g_keyFIFOpos == g_keyFIFOend)
return 0;
char const c = g_keyFIFO[g_keyFIFOpos];
g_keyFIFOpos = ((g_keyFIFOpos + 2) & (KEYFIFOSIZ - 1));
return c;
void keyFlushScans(void)
g_keyFIFOpos = g_keyFIFOend = 0;
// character-based input functions
@ -1092,6 +1092,22 @@ int32_t kopen4load(const char *filename, char searchfirst)
return h;
char g_modDir[BMAX_PATH] = "/";
int32_t kopen4loadfrommod(const char *fileName, char searchfirst)
int kFile = -1;
if (g_modDir[0] != '/' || g_modDir[1] != 0)
static char staticFileName[BMAX_PATH];
Bsnprintf(staticFileName, sizeof(staticFileName), "%s/%s", g_modDir, fileName);
kFile = kopen4load(staticFileName, searchfirst);
return (kFile < 0) ? kopen4load(fileName, searchfirst) : kFile;
int32_t kread_internal(int32_t handle, void *buffer, int32_t leng, const uint8_t *arraygrp, const intptr_t *arrayhan, int32_t *arraypos)
int32_t filenum = arrayhan[handle];
@ -1275,7 +1291,7 @@ static void kclose_grp(int32_t handle)
static int32_t klistaddentry(CACHE1D_FIND_REC **rec, const char *name, int32_t type, int32_t source)
int32_t klistaddentry(CACHE1D_FIND_REC **rec, const char *name, int32_t type, int32_t source)
CACHE1D_FIND_REC *r = NULL, *attach = NULL;
@ -121,6 +121,7 @@ enum scripttoken_t
@ -402,6 +403,8 @@ static int32_t defsparser(scriptfile *script)
{ "undefpalookuprange", T_UNDEFPALOOKUPRANGE },
{ "undefblendtablerange", T_UNDEFBLENDTABLERANGE },
{ "shadefactor", T_SHADEFACTOR },
{ "rffdefineid", T_RFFDEFINEID }, // dummy
while (1)
@ -1306,6 +1309,9 @@ static int32_t defsparser(scriptfile *script)
if (EDUKE32_PREDICT_FALSE(scriptfile_getstring(script,&fn)))
break; //voxel filename
while (nextvoxid < MAXVOXELS && (voxreserve[nextvoxid>>3]&(1<<(nextvoxid&7))))
initprintf("Maximum number of voxels (%d) already defined.\n", MAXVOXELS);
@ -1838,6 +1844,9 @@ static int32_t defsparser(scriptfile *script)
if (EDUKE32_PREDICT_FALSE(scriptfile_getstring(script,&fn)))
break; //voxel filename
while (nextvoxid < MAXVOXELS && (voxreserve[nextvoxid>>3]&(1<<(nextvoxid&7))))
initprintf("Maximum number of voxels (%d) already defined.\n", MAXVOXELS);
@ -3634,6 +3643,21 @@ static int32_t defsparser(scriptfile *script)
paletteloaded &= ~PALETTE_TRANSLUC;
char *dummy;
int dummy2;
if (scriptfile_getstring(script, &dummy))
if (scriptfile_getstring(script, &dummy))
if (scriptfile_getnumber(script, &dummy2))
if (scriptfile_getstring(script, &dummy))
initprintf("Unknown token.\n"); break;
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ uint8_t globalr = 255, globalg = 255, globalb = 255;
int16_t pskybits_override = -1;
//void loadvoxel(int32_t voxindex) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMATER(voxindex); }
void (*loadvoxel_replace)(int32_t voxindex) = NULL;
int16_t tiletovox[MAXTILES];
int32_t usevoxels = 1;
@ -111,12 +111,12 @@ int32_t novoxmips = 1;
#define MAXXSIZ 256
#define MAXYSIZ 256
#define MAXZSIZ 255
#define MAXVOXMIPS 5
# define DISTRECIPSIZ (65536+256)
# define DISTRECIPSIZ 131072
int8_t voxreserve[(MAXVOXELS+7)>>3];
intptr_t voxoff[MAXVOXELS][MAXVOXMIPS]; // used in KenBuild
static char voxlock[MAXVOXELS][MAXVOXMIPS];
int32_t voxscale[MAXVOXELS];
@ -341,6 +341,8 @@ static FORCE_INLINE int32_t yax_islockededge(int32_t line, int32_t cf)
//// bunch getters/setters
int16_t yax_getbunch(int16_t i, int16_t cf)
if (bloodhack)
return -1;
if (editstatus==0)
return yax_bunchnum[i][cf];
@ -417,6 +419,8 @@ void yax_setbunches(int16_t i, int16_t cb, int16_t fb)
//// nextwall getters/setters
int16_t yax_getnextwall(int16_t wal, int16_t cf)
if (bloodhack)
return -1;
if (editstatus==0)
return yax_nextwall[wal][cf];
@ -1646,7 +1650,14 @@ static inline int findUnusedTile(void)
static void classicScanSector(int16_t startsectnum)
if (startsectnum < 0)
if (automapping)
show2dsector[startsectnum>>3] |= pow2char[startsectnum&7];
sectorborder[0] = startsectnum;
int32_t sectorbordercnt = 1;
@ -2299,8 +2310,14 @@ static void prepwall(int32_t z, uwallptr_t wal)
// animateoffs (internal)
int32_t animateoffs(int const tilenum)
int32_t (*animateoffs_replace)(int const tilenum, int fakevar) = NULL;
int32_t animateoffs(int const tilenum, int fakevar)
if (animateoffs_replace)
return animateoffs_replace(tilenum, fakevar);
int const animnum = picanm[tilenum].num;
if (animnum <= 0)
@ -4829,6 +4846,10 @@ static void classicDrawSprite(int32_t snum)
cstat |= 512;
cstat &= ~512;
// Blood's transparency table is inverted
if (bloodhack)
cstat ^= 512;
tspr->cstat = cstat;
@ -5728,14 +5749,15 @@ draw_as_face_sprite:
if (lwall[x] < swall[x]) break;
if (x == rx) return;
if (loadvoxel_replace)
for (i=0; i<MAXVOXMIPS; i++)
if (!voxoff[vtilenum][i])
const int32_t *const longptr = (int32_t *)voxoff[vtilenum][0];
if (longptr == NULL)
@ -7144,7 +7166,11 @@ static void dosetaspect(void)
radarang2[i] = (int16_t)((radarang[k]+j)>>6);
if (xdimen != oxdimen && voxoff[0][0])
if (xdimen != oxdimen
&& voxoff[0][0]
if (distrecip == NULL)
distrecip = (uint32_t *)Xaligned_alloc(16, DISTRECIPSIZ * sizeof(uint32_t));
@ -7342,8 +7368,11 @@ LISTFN_STATIC void do_deletespritestat(int16_t deleteme)
// insertsprite
int32_t(*insertsprite_replace)(int16_t sectnum, int16_t statnum) = NULL;
int32_t insertsprite(int16_t sectnum, int16_t statnum)
if (insertsprite_replace)
return insertsprite_replace(sectnum, statnum);
// TODO: guard against bad sectnum?
int32_t const newspritenum = insertspritestat(statnum);
@ -7362,8 +7391,11 @@ int32_t insertsprite(int16_t sectnum, int16_t statnum)
// deletesprite
int32_t (*deletesprite_replace)(int16_t spritenum) = NULL;
int32_t deletesprite(int16_t spritenum)
if (deletesprite_replace)
return deletesprite_replace(spritenum);
Bassert((sprite[spritenum].statnum == MAXSTATUS)
== (sprite[spritenum].sectnum == MAXSECTORS));
@ -7395,8 +7427,11 @@ int32_t deletesprite(int16_t spritenum)
// changespritesect
int32_t (*changespritesect_replace)(int16_t spritenum, int16_t newsectnum) = NULL;
int32_t changespritesect(int16_t spritenum, int16_t newsectnum)
if (changespritesect_replace)
return changespritesect_replace(spritenum, newsectnum);
// XXX: NOTE: MAXSECTORS is allowed
if ((newsectnum < 0 || newsectnum > MAXSECTORS) || (sprite[spritenum].sectnum == MAXSECTORS))
return -1;
@ -7413,8 +7448,11 @@ int32_t changespritesect(int16_t spritenum, int16_t newsectnum)
// changespritestat
int32_t (*changespritestat_replace)(int16_t spritenum, int16_t newstatnum) = NULL;
int32_t changespritestat(int16_t spritenum, int16_t newstatnum)
if (changespritestat_replace)
return changespritestat_replace(spritenum, newstatnum);
// XXX: NOTE: MAXSTATUS is allowed
if ((newstatnum < 0 || newstatnum > MAXSTATUS) || (sprite[spritenum].statnum == MAXSTATUS))
return -1; // can't set the statnum of a sprite not in the world
@ -7919,8 +7957,14 @@ void engineUnInit(void)
// initspritelists
void (*initspritelists_replace)(void) = NULL;
void initspritelists(void)
if (initspritelists_replace)
int32_t i;
// initial list state for statnum lists:
@ -8542,7 +8586,7 @@ killsprite:
if (tspriteptr[k]->x == tspriteptr[l]->x &&
tspriteptr[k]->y == tspriteptr[l]->y &&
(tspriteptr[k]->cstat & 48) == (tspriteptr[l]->cstat & 48) &&
tspriteptr[k]->owner < tspriteptr[l]->owner)
(bloodhack ? tspriteptr[k]->statnum < tspriteptr[l]->statnum : tspriteptr[k]->owner < tspriteptr[l]->owner))
swapptr(&tspriteptr[k], &tspriteptr[l]);
vec3_t tv3 = spritesxyz[k];
@ -8688,7 +8732,11 @@ killsprite:
get_wallspr_points((uspriteptr_t)tspr, &xx[0], &xx[1], &yy[0], &yy[1]);
if ((tspr->cstat & 48) == 0)
if ((tspr->cstat & 48) != 16)
tspriteptr[i]->ang = oang;
@ -9960,6 +10008,7 @@ static void videoAllocateBuffers(void)
void (*PolymostProcessVoxels_Callback)(void) = NULL;
static void PolymostProcessVoxels(void)
if (!g_haveVoxels)
@ -11696,6 +11745,46 @@ void renderPrepareMirror(int32_t dax, int32_t day, fix16_t daang, int16_t dawall
inpreparemirror = 1;
static int32_t mirthoriz, mirbakdaz;
static int16_t mirbakdasector;
void renderPrepareMirrorOld(int32_t dax, int32_t day, int32_t daz, fix16_t daang, fix16_t dahoriz,
int16_t dawall, int16_t dasector, int32_t *tposx, int32_t *tposy, fix16_t *tang)
mirrorrender = 1;
const int32_t x = wall[dawall].x, dx = wall[wall[dawall].point2].x-x;
const int32_t y = wall[dawall].y, dy = wall[wall[dawall].point2].y-y;
const int32_t j = dx*dx + dy*dy;
if (j == 0)
int i = ((dax-x)*dx + (day-y)*dy)<<1;
*tposx = (x<<1) + scale(dx,i,j) - dax;
*tposy = (y<<1) + scale(dy,i,j) - day;
*tang = (fix16_from_int(getangle(dx, dy) << 1) - daang) & 0x7FFFFFF;
if (videoGetRenderMode() != REND_CLASSIC)
inpreparemirror = 1;
mirbakdaz = daz; mirbakdasector = dasector;
if ((daz > sector[dasector].ceilingz) && (daz < sector[dasector].floorz))
//Draw pink pixels on horizon to get mirror l&r bounds.
mirthoriz = scale(dahoriz - fix16_from_int(100), windowxy2.x - windowxy1.x, fix16_from_int(320)) + ((windowxy1.y + windowxy2.y) >> 1);
if ((daz << 1) > sector[dasector].ceilingz + sector[dasector].floorz)
mirthoriz--; else mirthoriz++;
mirthoriz = min(max(mirthoriz, windowxy1.y), windowxy2.y);
clearbufbyte((char*)frameplace + ylookup[mirthoriz] + windowxy1.x, windowxy2.x - windowxy1.x + 1, 0xffffffff);
// completemirror
@ -11755,6 +11844,47 @@ void renderCompleteMirror(void)
void renderCompleteMirrorOld(void)
mirrorrender = 0;
if (videoGetRenderMode() != REND_CLASSIC)
int32_t x1, y1, x2, y2, dy;
char *ptr;
//Get pink pixels on horizon to get mirror l&r bounds.
x1 = 0; x2 = windowxy2.x - windowxy1.x;
if ((mirbakdaz > sector[mirbakdasector].ceilingz) && (mirbakdaz < sector[mirbakdasector].floorz))
ptr = (char *)frameplace + ylookup[mirthoriz] + windowxy1.x;
while ((ptr[x1] == 255) && (x2 >= x1)) x1++;
while ((ptr[x2] == 255) && (x2 >= x1)) x2--;
if (x1 > 0) x1--;
if (x2 < windowxy2.x - windowxy1.x) x2++;
x2 |= 3;
if (x2 > windowxy2.x - windowxy1.x) x2 = windowxy2.x - windowxy1.x;
if (x2 >= x1) //Flip window x-wise
ptr = (char *)frameplace + ylookup[windowxy1.y] + windowxy1.x;
y1 = windowxy2.x - windowxy1.x - x2; x2 -= x1; y2 = x2 + 1;
for (dy = windowxy2.y - windowxy1.y; dy >= 0; dy--)
copybufbyte(&ptr[x1 + 1], &tempbuf[0], y2);
tempbuf[x2] = tempbuf[x2 - 1];
copybufreverse(&tempbuf[x2], &ptr[y1], y2);
ptr += ylookup[1];
// sectorofwall
@ -270,11 +270,18 @@ int32_t wallfront(int32_t l1, int32_t l2);
void set_globalang(fix16_t const ang);
int32_t animateoffs(int tilenum);
#define DO_TILE_ANIM(Picnum, Fakevar) do { \
if (picanm[Picnum].sf&PICANM_ANIMTYPE_MASK) Picnum += animateoffs(Picnum); \
if ((((Fakevar) & 16384) == 16384) && (globalorientation & CSTAT_WALL_ROTATE_90) && rottile[Picnum].newtile != -1) Picnum = rottile[Picnum].newtile; \
} while (0)
int32_t animateoffs(int tilenum, int fakevar);
template <class inttype>
inline void DO_TILE_ANIM(inttype &Picnum, int Fakevar)
if (picanm[Picnum].sf&PICANM_ANIMTYPE_MASK) Picnum += animateoffs(Picnum);
Picnum += animateoffs(Picnum, Fakevar);
if (((Fakevar & 16384) == 16384) && (globalorientation & CSTAT_WALL_ROTATE_90) && rottile[Picnum].newtile != -1) Picnum = rottile[Picnum].newtile;
static FORCE_INLINE int32_t bad_tspr(tspriteptr_t tspr)
@ -288,6 +295,8 @@ static FORCE_INLINE int32_t bad_tspr(tspriteptr_t tspr)
static FORCE_INLINE int32_t getpalookup(int32_t davis, int32_t dashade)
if (getpalookup_replace)
return getpalookup_replace(davis, dashade);
return min(max(dashade + (davis >> 8), 0), numshades - 1);
@ -79,6 +79,50 @@ void fullscreen_tint_gl(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b, uint8_t f)
int32_t tint_blood_r = 0, tint_blood_g = 0, tint_blood_b = 0;
void fullscreen_tint_gl_blood(void)
if (!(tint_blood_r|tint_blood_g|tint_blood_b))
glBlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ONE);
glColor4ub(max(tint_blood_r, 0), max(tint_blood_g, 0), max(tint_blood_b, 0), 255);
glVertex2f(-2.5f, 1.f);
glVertex2f(2.5f, 1.f);
glVertex2f(.0f, -2.5f);
glColor4ub(max(-tint_blood_r, 0), max(-tint_blood_g, 0), max(-tint_blood_b, 0), 255);
glVertex2f(-2.5f, 1.f);
glVertex2f(2.5f, 1.f);
glVertex2f(.0f, -2.5f);
void videoFadeToBlack(int32_t moreopaquep)
@ -142,6 +186,8 @@ static void alloc_palookup(int32_t pal)
static void maybe_alloc_palookup(int32_t palnum);
void (*paletteLoadFromDisk_replace)(void) = NULL;
// loadpalette (internal)
@ -155,7 +201,12 @@ void paletteLoadFromDisk(void)
x = defaultglblend;
buildvfs_kfd fil;
if (paletteLoadFromDisk_replace)
if ((fil = kopen4load("palette.dat", 0)) == buildvfs_kfd_invalid)
@ -841,3 +892,12 @@ void videoFadePalette(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b, uint8_t offset)
g_lastpalettesum = lastpalettesum = newpalettesum;
void videoTintBlood(int32_t r, int32_t g, int32_t b)
tint_blood_r = r;
tint_blood_g = g;
tint_blood_b = b;
@ -52,11 +52,13 @@ int32_t r_enablepolymost2 = 0;
int32_t r_pogoDebug = 0;
int32_t r_usenewshading = 4;
int32_t r_npotwallmode = 2;
int32_t polymostcenterhoriz = 100;
static float gviewxrange;
static float ghoriz;
static float ghoriz, ghoriz2;
static float ghorizcorrect;
double gxyaspect;
float gyxscale, ghalfx, grhalfxdown10, grhalfxdown10x;
float gyxscale, ghalfx, grhalfxdown10, grhalfxdown10x, ghalfy;
float gcosang, gsinang, gcosang2, gsinang2;
float gchang, gshang, gctang, gstang, gvisibility;
float gtang = 0.f;
@ -97,6 +99,7 @@ int32_t gltexmiplevel = 0; // discards this many mipmap levels
int32_t glprojectionhacks = 1;
static FHardwareTexture *polymosttext = 0;
int32_t glrendmode = REND_POLYMOST;
int32_t r_shadeinterpolate = 1;
// This variable, and 'shadeforfullbrightpass' control the drawing of
// fullbright tiles. Also see 'fullbrightloadingpass'.
@ -111,6 +114,12 @@ int32_t r_downsize = 0;
int32_t r_downsizevar = -1;
int32_t r_brightnesshack = 0;
int32_t r_rortexture = 0;
int32_t r_rortexturerange = 0;
int32_t r_rorphase = 0;
int32_t r_yshearing = 0;
// used for fogcalc
static float fogresult, fogresult2;
coltypef fogcol, fogtable[MAXPALOOKUPS];
@ -185,6 +194,8 @@ static float polymost1RotMatrix[16] = { 1.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f,
0.f, 1.f, 0.f, 0.f,
0.f, 0.f, 1.f, 0.f,
0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f };
static GLint polymost1ShadeInterpolateLoc = -1;
static float polymost1ShadeInterpolate = 1.f;
static inline float float_trans(uint32_t maskprops, uint8_t blend)
@ -279,7 +290,7 @@ void gltexapplyprops(void)
float glox1, gloy1, glox2, gloy2, gloyxscale, gloxyaspect;
float glox1, gloy1, glox2, gloy2, gloyxscale, gloxyaspect, glohoriz2, glohorizcorrect, glotang;
//Use this for both initialization and uninitialization of OpenGL.
static int32_t gltexcacnum = -1;
@ -496,6 +507,7 @@ static void polymost_setCurrentShaderProgram(uint32_t programID)
polymost1NPOTEmulationXOffsetLoc = glGetUniformLocation(polymost1CurrentShaderProgramID, "u_npotEmulationXOffset");
polymost1BrightnessLoc = glGetUniformLocation(polymost1CurrentShaderProgramID, "u_brightness");
polymost1RotMatrixLoc = glGetUniformLocation(polymost1CurrentShaderProgramID, "u_rotMatrix");
polymost1ShadeInterpolateLoc = glGetUniformLocation(polymost1CurrentShaderProgramID, "u_shadeInterpolate");
//set the uniforms to the current values
glUniform4f(polymost1TexturePosSizeLoc, polymost1TexturePosSize.x, polymost1TexturePosSize.y, polymost1TexturePosSize.z, polymost1TexturePosSize.w);
@ -515,6 +527,7 @@ static void polymost_setCurrentShaderProgram(uint32_t programID)
glUniform1f(polymost1NPOTEmulationXOffsetLoc, polymost1NPOTEmulationXOffset);
glUniform1f(polymost1BrightnessLoc, polymost1Brightness);
glUniformMatrix4fv(polymost1RotMatrixLoc, 1, false, polymost1RotMatrix);
glUniform1f(polymost1ShadeInterpolateLoc, polymost1ShadeInterpolate);
void polymost_setTexturePosSize(vec4f_t const &texturePosSize)
@ -663,8 +676,14 @@ void polymost_npotEmulation(char npotEmulation, float factor, float xOffset)
glUniform1f(polymost1NPOTEmulationXOffsetLoc, polymost1NPOTEmulationXOffset);
void polymost_setBrightness(int brightness)
void polymost_shadeInterpolate(int32_t shadeInterpolate)
if (currentShaderProgramID != polymost1CurrentShaderProgramID || shadeInterpolate == polymost1ShadeInterpolate)
polymost1ShadeInterpolate = shadeInterpolate;
glUniform1f(polymost1ShadeInterpolateLoc, polymost1ShadeInterpolate);
void polymost_setBrightness(int brightness){
if (currentShaderProgramID == polymost1CurrentShaderProgramID)
polymost1Brightness = 8.f / (brightness+8.f);
@ -866,6 +885,7 @@ void polymost_glinit()
uniform float u_npotEmulationFactor;\n\
uniform float u_npotEmulationXOffset;\n\
uniform float u_brightness;\n\
uniform float u_shadeInterpolate;\n\
varying vec4 v_color;\n\
varying float v_distance;\n\
@ -894,10 +914,15 @@ void polymost_glinit()
texCoord = clamp(u_texturePosSize.zw*texCoord, u_halfTexelSize, u_texturePosSize.zw-u_halfTexelSize);\n\
vec4 color = texture2D(s_texture, u_texturePosSize.xy+texCoord);\n\
float shade = clamp(floor(u_shade+u_visFactor*v_distance), c_zero, u_numShades-c_one)/u_numShades;\n\
float colorIndex = texture2D(s_palswap, u_palswapPos+u_palswapSize*vec2(color.r, shade)).r;\n\
float shade = clamp((u_shade+u_visFactor*v_distance), c_zero, u_numShades-c_one);\n\
float shadeFrac = mod(shade, c_one);\n\
float colorIndex = texture2D(s_palswap, u_palswapPos+u_palswapSize*vec2(color.r, floor(shade)/u_numShades)).r;\n\
colorIndex = c_basepalOffset + c_basepalScale*colorIndex;\n\
vec4 palettedColor = texture2D(s_palette, vec2(colorIndex, c_zero));\n\
colorIndex = texture2D(s_palswap, u_palswapPos+u_palswapSize*vec2(color.r, (floor(shade)+c_one)/u_numShades)).r;\n\
colorIndex = c_basepalOffset + c_basepalScale*colorIndex;\n\
vec4 palettedColorNext = texture2D(s_palette, vec2(colorIndex, c_zero));\n\
palettedColor.rgb = mix(palettedColor.rgb, palettedColorNext.rgb, shadeFrac*u_shadeInterpolate);\n\
float fullbright = mix(u_usePalette*palettedColor.a, c_zero, u_useColorOnly);\n\
palettedColor.a = c_one-floor(color.r);\n\
color = mix(color, palettedColor, u_usePalette);\n\
@ -953,6 +978,7 @@ void polymost_glinit()
uniform float u_npotEmulationFactor;\n\
uniform float u_npotEmulationXOffset;\n\
uniform float u_brightness;\n\
uniform float u_shadeInterpolate;\n\
uniform float u_useDetailMapping;\n\
uniform float u_useGlowMapping;\n\
@ -984,10 +1010,15 @@ void polymost_glinit()
texCoord = clamp(u_texturePosSize.zw*texCoord, u_halfTexelSize, u_texturePosSize.zw-u_halfTexelSize);\n\
vec4 color = texture2D(s_texture, u_texturePosSize.xy+texCoord);\n\
float shade = clamp(floor(u_shade+u_visFactor*v_distance), c_zero, u_numShades-c_one)/u_numShades;\n\
float colorIndex = texture2D(s_palswap, u_palswapPos+u_palswapSize*vec2(color.r, shade)).r;\n\
float shade = clamp((u_shade+u_visFactor*v_distance), c_zero, u_numShades-c_one);\n\
float shadeFrac = mod(shade, c_one);\n\
float colorIndex = texture2D(s_palswap, u_palswapPos+u_palswapSize*vec2(color.r, floor(shade)/u_numShades)).r;\n\
colorIndex = c_basepalOffset + c_basepalScale*colorIndex;\n\
vec4 palettedColor = texture2D(s_palette, vec2(colorIndex, c_zero));\n\
colorIndex = texture2D(s_palswap, u_palswapPos+u_palswapSize*vec2(color.r, (floor(shade)+c_one)/u_numShades)).r;\n\
colorIndex = c_basepalOffset + c_basepalScale*colorIndex;\n\
vec4 palettedColorNext = texture2D(s_palette, vec2(colorIndex, c_zero));\n\
palettedColor.rgb = mix(palettedColor.rgb, palettedColorNext.rgb, shadeFrac*u_shadeInterpolate);\n\
float fullbright = mix(u_usePalette*palettedColor.a, c_zero, u_useColorOnly);\n\
palettedColor.a = c_one-floor(color.r);\n\
color = mix(color, palettedColor, u_usePalette);\n\
@ -1256,7 +1287,7 @@ void calc_and_apply_fog_factor(int32_t shade, int32_t vis, int32_t pal, float fa
static float get_projhack_ratio(void)
if (glprojectionhacks)
if (glprojectionhacks && !r_yshearing)
float const projhack_zoom = 1.4f *
// adjust for the FOV, increasing the FOV reduces the zenith glitch
@ -1303,7 +1334,7 @@ static void resizeglcheck(void)
if ((glox1 != windowxy1.x) || (gloy1 != windowxy1.y) || (glox2 != windowxy2.x) || (gloy2 != windowxy2.y) || (gloxyaspect != gxyaspect) || (gloyxscale != gyxscale))
if ((glox1 != windowxy1.x) || (gloy1 != windowxy1.y) || (glox2 != windowxy2.x) || (gloy2 != windowxy2.y) || (gloxyaspect != gxyaspect) || (gloyxscale != gyxscale) || (glohoriz2 != ghoriz2) || (glohorizcorrect != ghorizcorrect) || (glotang != gtang))
const int32_t ourxdimen = (windowxy2.x-windowxy1.x+1);
float ratio = get_projhack_ratio();
@ -1327,9 +1358,14 @@ static void resizeglcheck(void)
gloxyaspect = gxyaspect;
gloyxscale = gyxscale;
glohoriz2 = ghoriz2;
glohorizcorrect = ghorizcorrect;
glotang = gtang;
m[0][0] = 1.f;
m[1][1] = fxdimen / (fydimen * ratio);
m[2][0] = 2.f * ghoriz2 * gstang / fxdimen;
m[2][1] = 2.f * (ghoriz2 * gctang + ghorizcorrect) / fydimen;
m[2][2] = (farclip + nearclip) / (farclip - nearclip);
m[2][3] = 1.f;
m[3][2] = -(2.f * farclip * nearclip) / (farclip - nearclip);
@ -2576,7 +2612,7 @@ do
//update verts
(o.x - ghalfx) * r * grhalfxdown10x,
(ghoriz - o.y) * r * grhalfxdown10,
(ghalfy - o.y) * r * grhalfxdown10,
r * (1.f / 1024.f));
@ -2600,7 +2636,7 @@ do
//update verts
(px[i] - ghalfx) * r * grhalfxdown10x,
(ghoriz - py[i]) * r * grhalfxdown10,
(ghalfy - py[i]) * r * grhalfxdown10,
r * (1.f / 1024.f));
@ -4180,15 +4216,25 @@ static void polymost_drawalls(int32_t const bunch)
DO_TILE_ANIM(globalpicnum, sectnum);
int32_t dapskybits, dapyoffs, daptileyscale;
int8_t const * dapskyoff = getpsky(globalpicnum, NULL, &dapskybits, &dapyoffs, &daptileyscale);
int32_t dapyscale, dapskybits, dapyoffs, daptileyscale;
int8_t const * dapskyoff = getpsky(globalpicnum, &dapyscale, &dapskybits, &dapyoffs, &daptileyscale);
global_cf_fogpal = sec->fogpal;
global_cf_shade = sec->floorshade, global_cf_pal = sec->floorpal; global_cf_z = sec->floorz; // REFACT
global_cf_xpanning = sec->floorxpanning; global_cf_ypanning = sec->floorypanning, global_cf_heinum = sec->floorheinum;
global_getzofslope_func = &getflorzofslope;
if (!(globalorientation&1))
if (globalpicnum >= r_rortexture && globalpicnum < r_rortexture + r_rortexturerange && r_rorphase == 0)
xtex.d = (ryp0-ryp1)*gxyaspect / (x0-x1);
ytex.d = 0;
otex.d = ryp0*gxyaspect - xtex.d*x0;
xtex.u = ytex.u = otex.u = 0;
xtex.v = ytex.v = otex.v = 0;
polymost_domost(x0, fy0, x1, fy1);
else if (!(globalorientation&1))
int32_t fz = getflorzofslope(sectnum, globalposx, globalposy);
if (globalposz <= fz)
@ -4216,6 +4262,10 @@ static void polymost_drawalls(int32_t const bunch)
if (!usehightile || !hicfindskybox(globalpicnum, globalpal))
float const ghorizbak = ghoriz;
if (r_yshearing)
ghoriz = (qglobalhoriz*(1.f/65536.f)-float(ydimen>>1))*(dapyscale-65536.f)*(1.f/65536.f)+float(ydimen>>1);
float const dd = fxdimen*.0000001f; //Adjust sky depth based on screen size!
float vv[2];
float t = (float)((1<<(picsiz[globalpicnum]&15))<<dapskybits);
@ -4301,6 +4351,8 @@ static void polymost_drawalls(int32_t const bunch)
pow2xsplit = 0; polymost_domost(o.x,(o.x-x0)*r+fy0,fx,(fx-x0)*r+fy0); //flor
while (i >= 0);
ghoriz = ghorizbak;
else //NOTE: code copied from ceiling code... lots of duplicated stuff :/
@ -4509,14 +4561,24 @@ static void polymost_drawalls(int32_t const bunch)
DO_TILE_ANIM(globalpicnum, sectnum);
dapskyoff = getpsky(globalpicnum, NULL, &dapskybits, &dapyoffs, &daptileyscale);
dapskyoff = getpsky(globalpicnum, &dapyscale, &dapskybits, &dapyoffs, &daptileyscale);
global_cf_fogpal = sec->fogpal;
global_cf_shade = sec->ceilingshade, global_cf_pal = sec->ceilingpal; global_cf_z = sec->ceilingz; // REFACT
global_cf_xpanning = sec->ceilingxpanning; global_cf_ypanning = sec->ceilingypanning, global_cf_heinum = sec->ceilingheinum;
global_getzofslope_func = &getceilzofslope;
if (!(globalorientation&1))
if (globalpicnum >= r_rortexture && globalpicnum < r_rortexture + r_rortexturerange && r_rorphase == 0)
xtex.d = (ryp0-ryp1)*gxyaspect / (x0-x1);
ytex.d = 0;
otex.d = ryp0*gxyaspect - xtex.d*x0;
xtex.u = ytex.u = otex.u = 0;
xtex.v = ytex.v = otex.v = 0;
polymost_domost(x1, cy1, x0, cy0);
else if (!(globalorientation&1))
int32_t cz = getceilzofslope(sectnum, globalposx, globalposy);
if (globalposz >= cz)
@ -4544,6 +4606,10 @@ static void polymost_drawalls(int32_t const bunch)
if (!usehightile || !hicfindskybox(globalpicnum, globalpal))
float const ghorizbak = ghoriz;
if (r_yshearing)
ghoriz = (qglobalhoriz*(1.f/65536.f)-float(ydimen>>1))*(dapyscale-65536.f)*(1.f/65536.f)+float(ydimen>>1);
float const dd = fxdimen*.0000001f; //Adjust sky depth based on screen size!
float vv[2];
float t = (float)((1<<(picsiz[globalpicnum]&15))<<dapskybits);
@ -4630,6 +4696,8 @@ static void polymost_drawalls(int32_t const bunch)
pow2xsplit = 0; polymost_domost(fx,(fx-x0)*r+cy0,o.x,(o.x-x0)*r+cy0); //ceil
while (i >= 0);
ghoriz = ghorizbak;
@ -5079,6 +5147,8 @@ void polymost_scansector(int32_t sectnum)
if (sectnum < 0) return;
if (automapping) show2dsector[sectnum>>3] |= pow2char[sectnum&7];
sectorborder[0] = sectnum;
int sectorbordercnt = 1;
@ -5337,19 +5407,33 @@ void polymost_drawrooms()
gcosang2 = gcosang * (fviewingrange * (1.0f/65536.f));
gsinang2 = gsinang * (fviewingrange * (1.0f/65536.f));
ghalfx = (float)(xdimen>>1);
ghalfy = (float)(ydimen>>1);
grhalfxdown10 = 1.f/(ghalfx*1024.f);
ghoriz = fix16_to_float(qglobalhoriz);
ghorizcorrect = fix16_to_float((100-polymostcenterhoriz)*divscale16(xdimenscale, viewingrange));
gvisibility = ((float)globalvisibility)*FOGSCALE;
//global cos/sin height angle
float r = (float)(ydimen>>1) - ghoriz;
if (r_yshearing)
gshang = 0.f;
gchang = 1.f;
ghoriz2 = (float)(ydimen>>1)-ghoriz-ghorizcorrect;
float r = (float)(ydimen>>1) - (ghoriz + ghorizcorrect);
gshang = r/Bsqrtf(r*r+ghalfx*ghalfx);
gchang = Bsqrtf(1.f-gshang*gshang);
ghoriz2 = 0.f;
ghoriz = (float)(ydimen>>1);
//global cos/sin tilt angle
gctang = cosf(gtang);
gstang = sinf(gtang);
@ -5364,16 +5448,16 @@ void polymost_drawrooms()
gstang = -gstang;
//Generate viewport trapezoid (for handling screen up/down)
vec3f_t p[4] = { { 0-1, 0-1, 0 },
{ (float)(windowxy2.x + 1 - windowxy1.x + 2), 0-1, 0 },
{ (float)(windowxy2.x + 1 - windowxy1.x + 2), (float)(windowxy2.y + 1 - windowxy1.y + 2), 0 },
{ 0-1, (float)(windowxy2.y + 1 - windowxy1.y + 2), 0 } };
vec3f_t p[4] = { { 0-1, 0-1+ghorizcorrect, 0 },
{ (float)(windowxy2.x + 1 - windowxy1.x + 2), 0-1+ghorizcorrect, 0 },
{ (float)(windowxy2.x + 1 - windowxy1.x + 2), (float)(windowxy2.y + 1 - windowxy1.y + 2)+ghorizcorrect, 0 },
{ 0-1, (float)(windowxy2.y + 1 - windowxy1.y + 2)+ghorizcorrect, 0 } };
for (auto & v : p)
//Tilt rotation (backwards)
vec2f_t const o = { v.x-ghalfx, v.y-ghoriz };
vec3f_t const o2 = { o.x*gctang + o.y*gstang, o.y*gctang - o.x*gstang, ghalfx };
vec3f_t const o2 = { o.x*gctang + o.y*gstang, o.y*gctang - o.x*gstang + ghoriz2, ghalfx };
//Up/down rotation (backwards)
v = { o2.x, o2.y * gchang + o2.z * gshang, o2.z * gchang - o2.y * gshang };
@ -5405,7 +5489,7 @@ void polymost_drawrooms()
if (n < 3) { glDepthFunc(GL_LEQUAL); videoEndDrawing(); return; }
float sx[4], sy[4];
float sx[6], sy[6];
for (bssize_t i = 0; i < n; i++)
@ -5497,6 +5581,12 @@ void polymost_drawrooms()
if (automapping)
for (int z = bunchfirst[closest]; z >= 0; z = bunchp2[z])
show2dwall[thewall[z] >> 3] |= pow2char[thewall[z] & 7];
bunchfirst[closest] = bunchfirst[numbunches];
bunchlast[closest] = bunchlast[numbunches];
@ -6712,6 +6802,8 @@ void polymost_dorotatesprite(int32_t sx, int32_t sy, int32_t z, int16_t a, int16
globalpal = (int32_t)((uint8_t)dapalnum);
float const oghalfx = ghalfx;
ghalfx = fxdim * .5f;
float const oghalfy = ghalfy;
ghalfy = fydim * .5f;
float const ogrhalfxdown10 = grhalfxdown10;
grhalfxdown10 = 1.f / (ghalfx * 1024.f);
float const ogrhalfxdown10x = grhalfxdown10x;
@ -6927,6 +7019,7 @@ void polymost_dorotatesprite(int32_t sx, int32_t sy, int32_t z, int16_t a, int16
globalshade = ogshade;
globalpal = ogpal;
ghalfx = oghalfx;
ghalfy = oghalfy;
grhalfxdown10 = ogrhalfxdown10;
grhalfxdown10x = ogrhalfxdown10x;
ghoriz = oghoriz;
@ -7472,6 +7565,8 @@ void polymost_initosdfuncs(void)
{ "r_projectionhack", "enable/disable projection hack", (void *) &glprojectionhacks, CVAR_INT, 0, 1 },
{ "r_shadeinterpolate", "enable/disable shade interpolation", (void *) &r_shadeinterpolate, CVAR_INT, 0, 1 },
{ "r_yshearing", "enable/disable y-shearing", (void*)&r_yshearing, CVAR_INT, 0, 1 },
#ifdef __ANDROID__
@ -972,6 +972,12 @@ void mouseLockToWindow(char a)
SDL_ShowCursor((osd && osd->flags & OSD_CAPTURE) ? SDL_ENABLE : SDL_DISABLE);
void mouseMoveToCenter(void)
if (sdl_window)
SDL_WarpMouseInWindow(sdl_window, xdim / 2, ydim / 2);
// setjoydeadzone() -- sets the dead and saturation zones for the joystick
@ -1709,6 +1715,9 @@ void videoShowFrame(int32_t w)
if (palfadedelta)
fullscreen_tint_gl(palfadergb.r, palfadergb.g, palfadergb.b, palfadedelta);
#ifdef __ANDROID__
@ -2216,10 +2225,10 @@ int32_t handleevents_pollsdl(void)
if (keyGetState(j))
keySetState(j, 0);
if (keypresscallback)
keypresscallback(j, 0);
keySetState(j, 0);
@ -2229,10 +2238,10 @@ int32_t handleevents_pollsdl(void)
if (!keyGetState(code))
keySetState(code, 1);
if (keypresscallback)
keypresscallback(code, 1);
keySetState(code, 1);
@ -39,7 +39,8 @@ static char ** g_bakFakeTileData;
//static int32_t artsize = 0;
static int32_t cachesize = 0;
static char artfilename[20];
static char artfilename[BMAX_PATH];
static char artfilenameformat[BMAX_PATH];
static char mapartfilename[BMAX_PATH]; // map-specific ART file name
static int32_t mapartfnXXofs; // byte offset to 'XX' (the number part) in the above
static int32_t artfilnum, artfilplc;
@ -462,14 +463,19 @@ static const char *artGetIndexedFileName(int32_t tilefilei)
artfilename[7] = '0' + tilefilei%10;
artfilename[6] = '0' + (tilefilei/10)%10;
artfilename[5] = '0' + (tilefilei/100)%10;
Bsnprintf(artfilename, sizeof(artfilename), artfilenameformat, tilefilei);
return artfilename;
auto kopen4loadfunc = kopen4load;
auto kopen4loadfunc = kopen4loadfrommod;
// Returns:
// 0: successfully read ART file
// >0: error with the ART file
@ -481,7 +487,7 @@ static int32_t artReadIndexedFile(int32_t tilefilei)
const int32_t permap = (tilefilei >= MAXARTFILES_BASE); // is it a per-map ART file?
buildvfs_kfd fil;
if ((fil = kopen4load(fn, 0)) != buildvfs_kfd_invalid)
if ((fil = kopen4loadfunc(fn, 0)) != buildvfs_kfd_invalid)
artheader_t local;
int const headerval = artReadHeader(fil, fn, &local);
@ -558,7 +564,7 @@ static int32_t artReadIndexedFile(int32_t tilefilei)
int32_t artLoadFiles(const char *filename, int32_t askedsize)
Bstrncpyz(artfilename, filename, sizeof(artfilename));
Bstrncpyz(artfilenameformat, filename, sizeof(artfilenameformat));
Bmemset(&tilesiz[0], 0, sizeof(vec2s_t) * MAXTILES);
Bmemset(picanm, 0, sizeof(picanm));
@ -684,7 +690,7 @@ void tileLoadData(int16_t tilenume, int32_t dasiz, char *buffer)
char const *fn = artGetIndexedFileName(tfn);
artfil = kopen4load(fn, 0);
artfil = kopen4loadfunc(fn, 0);
if (artfil == buildvfs_kfd_invalid)
@ -894,6 +894,119 @@ voxmodel_t *voxload(const char *filnam)
return vm;
voxmodel_t *loadkvxfrombuf(const char *kvxbuffer, int32_t length)
int32_t i, mip1leng;
if (!kvxbuffer)
return NULL;
char *buffer = (char*)Xmalloc(length);
if (!buffer)
return NULL;
Bmemcpy(buffer, kvxbuffer, length);
int32_t *longptr = (int32_t*)buffer;
mip1leng = *longptr++; mip1leng = B_LITTLE32(mip1leng);
if (mip1leng > length - 4)
// Invalid KVX file
return NULL;
memcpy(&voxsiz, longptr, sizeof(vec3_t));
longptr += 3;
#if B_BIG_ENDIAN != 0
voxsiz.x = B_LITTLE32(voxsiz.x);
voxsiz.y = B_LITTLE32(voxsiz.y);
voxsiz.z = B_LITTLE32(voxsiz.z);
i = *longptr++; voxpiv.x = (float)B_LITTLE32(i)*(1.f/256.f);
i = *longptr++; voxpiv.y = (float)B_LITTLE32(i)*(1.f/256.f);
i = *longptr++; voxpiv.z = (float)B_LITTLE32(i)*(1.f/256.f);
longptr += voxsiz.x+1;
const int32_t ysizp1 = voxsiz.y+1;
i = voxsiz.x*ysizp1*sizeof(int16_t);
uint16_t *xyoffs = (uint16_t*)longptr;
for (i=i/sizeof(int16_t)-1; i>=0; i--)
xyoffs[i] = B_LITTLE16(xyoffs[i]);
const char *paloff = buffer+length-768;
int32_t pal[256];
for (bssize_t i=0; i<256; i++)
const char *c = &paloff[i*3];
//#if B_BIG_ENDIAN != 0
pal[i] = B_LITTLE32((c[0]<<18) + (c[1]<<10) + (c[2]<<2) + (i<<24));
for (vcolhashsizm1=4096; vcolhashsizm1<(mip1leng>>1); vcolhashsizm1<<=1)
/* do nothing */
vcolhashsizm1--; //approx to numvoxs!
const char *cptr = buffer+28+((voxsiz.x+1)<<2)+((ysizp1*voxsiz.x)<<1);
for (bssize_t x=0; x<voxsiz.x; x++) //Set surface voxels to 1 else 0
for (bssize_t y=0, j=x*yzsiz; y<voxsiz.y; y++, j+=voxsiz.z)
i = xyoffs[x*ysizp1+y+1] - xyoffs[x*ysizp1+y];
if (!i)
int32_t z1 = 0;
while (i)
const int32_t z0 = cptr[0];
const int32_t k = cptr[1];
cptr += 3;
if (!(cptr[-1]&16))
setzrange1(vbit, j+z1, j+z0);
i -= k+3;
z1 = z0+k;
setzrange1(vbit, j+z0, j+z1); // PK: oob in AMC TC dev if vbit alloc'd w/o +1
for (bssize_t z=z0; z<z1; z++)
putvox(x, y, z, pal[*cptr++]);
voxmodel_t *const vm = vox2poly();
if (vm)
vm->mdnum = 1; //VOXel model id
vm->scale = vm->bscale = 1.f;
vm->siz.x = voxsiz.x; vm->siz.y = voxsiz.y; vm->siz.z = voxsiz.z;
vm->piv.x = voxpiv.x; vm->piv.y = voxpiv.y; vm->piv.z = voxpiv.z;
vm->is8bit = 1;
vm->texid = (uint32_t *)Xcalloc(MAXPALOOKUPS, sizeof(uint32_t));
vnum = vmax = 0;
return vm;
//Draw voxel model as perfect cubes
// Note: This is a hopeless mess that totally forfeits any chance of using a vertex buffer with its messy coordinate adjustments. :(
@ -1009,7 +1009,7 @@ InitGame(int32_t argc, char const * const * argv)
buildputs("Loading sound and graphics...\n");
// Now free it up for later use
Reference in a new issue