mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 04:30:43 +00:00
- removed all references to sdlayer.cpp as all that was left in there was only needed for software rendering.
- removed now unused a-c.cpp.
This commit is contained in:
15 changed files with 13 additions and 1030 deletions
@ -656,12 +656,6 @@ set (PCH_SOURCES
# Todo: Split out the license-safe code from this.
@ -679,7 +673,6 @@ set (PCH_SOURCES
@ -191,18 +191,6 @@ void InitMirrors(void)
void TranslateMirrorColors(int nShade, int nPalette)
if (videoGetRenderMode() != REND_CLASSIC)
nShade = ClipRange(nShade, 0, 63);
char *pMap = palookup[nPalette] + (nShade<<8);
char *pFrame = (char*)frameplace;
unsigned int nPixels = xdim*ydim;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nPixels; i++, pFrame++)
*pFrame = pMap[*pFrame];
void sub_5571C(char mode)
@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
// Assembly-language function wrappers for a.asm functions
// for the Build Engine
// by Jonathon Fowler (jf@jonof.id.au)
#ifndef a_h_
#define a_h_
#include "compat.h"
#define A_C_RESTRICT __restrict
#ifdef LUNATIC
#define SLOPTABLESIZ 32768
extern int32_t sloptable[SLOPTABLESIZ];
/** Definitions of high-precision integer types. **/
// Should be used for values that represent coordinates with which calculations
// like dot product are carried out. Substituting 32-bit ints for these will
// very likely yield issues in border cases:
typedef int64_t coord_t;
// Should be used for values that may overflow if 32-bit arithmetic were used,
// but where no other adverse effect (except being undefined behavior,
// obviously) is expected to result:
typedef int64_t inthi_t;
#define inthi_rintf llrintf
#define prevlineasm1 vlineasm1
void setvlinebpl(int32_t dabpl);
void fixtransluscence(intptr_t datransoff);
void settransnormal(void);
void settransreverse(void);
void sethlinesizes(int32_t logx, int32_t logy, intptr_t bufplc);
void setpalookupaddress(char *paladdr);
void setuphlineasm4(int32_t bxinc, int32_t byinc);
void hlineasm4(bssize_t cnt, int32_t skiploadincs, int32_t paloffs, uint32_t by, uint32_t bx, intptr_t p);
void setupslopevlin(int32_t logylogx, intptr_t bufplc, int32_t pinc);
void slopevlin(intptr_t p, int32_t i, intptr_t slopaloffs, bssize_t cnt, int32_t bx, int32_t by);
void setupvlineasm(int32_t neglogy);
int32_t vlineasm1(int32_t vinc, intptr_t paloffs, bssize_t cnt, uint32_t vplc, intptr_t bufplc, intptr_t p);
void vlineasm4(bssize_t cnt, char *p);
void setupmvlineasm(int32_t neglogy, int32_t dosaturate);
int32_t mvlineasm1(int32_t vinc, intptr_t paloffs, bssize_t cnt, uint32_t vplc, intptr_t bufplc, intptr_t p);
void mvlineasm4(bssize_t cnt, char *p);
void setuptvlineasm(int32_t neglogy, int32_t dosaturate);
int32_t tvlineasm1(int32_t vinc, intptr_t paloffs, bssize_t cnt, uint32_t vplc, intptr_t bufplc, intptr_t p);
void setuptvlineasm2(int32_t neglogy, intptr_t paloffs1, intptr_t paloffs2);
void tvlineasm2(uint32_t vplc2, int32_t vinc1, intptr_t bufplc1, intptr_t bufplc2, uint32_t vplc1, intptr_t p);
void msethlineshift(int32_t logx, int32_t logy);
void mhline(intptr_t bufplc, uint32_t bx, int32_t cntup16, int32_t junk, uint32_t by, intptr_t p);
void tsethlineshift(int32_t logx, int32_t logy);
void thline(intptr_t bufplc, uint32_t bx, int32_t cntup16, int32_t junk, uint32_t by, intptr_t p);
void setupspritevline(intptr_t paloffs, int32_t bxinc, int32_t byinc, int32_t ysiz);
void spritevline(int32_t bx, int32_t by, bssize_t cnt, intptr_t bufplc, intptr_t p);
void msetupspritevline(intptr_t paloffs, int32_t bxinc, int32_t byinc, int32_t ysiz);
void mspritevline(int32_t bx, int32_t by, bssize_t cnt, intptr_t bufplc, intptr_t p);
void tsetupspritevline(intptr_t paloffs, int32_t bxinc, int32_t byinc, int32_t ysiz);
void tspritevline(int32_t bx, int32_t by, bssize_t cnt, intptr_t bufplc, intptr_t p);
void setupdrawslab (int32_t dabpl, intptr_t pal);
void drawslab (int32_t dx, int32_t v, int32_t dy, int32_t vi, intptr_t vptr, intptr_t p);
void stretchhline (intptr_t p0, int32_t u, bssize_t cnt, int32_t uinc, intptr_t rptr, intptr_t p);
void mmxoverlay();
#endif // a_h_
@ -16,8 +16,6 @@
#include "zstring.h"
#include "vectors.h"
extern char modechange;
extern int32_t swapcomplete;
EXTERN_CVAR(Bool, r_usenewaspect)
@ -26,19 +24,14 @@ EXTERN_CVAR(Bool, r_usenewaspect)
extern int32_t newaspect_enable;
extern int32_t r_fpgrouscan;
extern int32_t setaspect_new_use_dimen;
extern int32_t xres, yres, bpp, bytesperline, refreshfreq;
extern intptr_t frameplace;
extern char offscreenrendering;
extern int32_t xres, yres, bpp, refreshfreq;
int32_t videoCheckMode(int32_t *x, int32_t *y, int32_t c, int32_t fs, int32_t forced);
int32_t videoSetMode(int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t c, int32_t fs);
void videoGetModes(void);
void videoEndDrawing(void);
void videoShowFrame(int32_t);
int32_t videoUpdatePalette(int32_t start, int32_t num);
void videoBeginDrawing(void);
extern int32_t qsetmode;
#define in3dmode() (qsetmode==200)
@ -98,9 +98,6 @@ enum rendmode_t {
#define SPRITES_OF_STAT_SAFE(Statnum, Iter, Next) Iter=headspritestat[Statnum]; \
Iter>=0 && (Next=nextspritestat[Iter], 1); Iter=Next
#define CLEARLINES2D(Startline, Numlines, Color) \
clearbuf((char *)(frameplace + ((Startline)*bytesperline)), (bytesperline*(Numlines))>>2, (Color))
////////// True Room over Room (YAX == rot -17 of "PRO") //////////
#define YAX_ENABLE
@ -1,727 +0,0 @@
// A.ASM replacement using C
// Mainly by Ken Silverman, with things melded with my port by
// Jonathon Fowler (jf@jonof.id.au)
// "Build Engine & Tools" Copyright (c) 1993-1997 Ken Silverman
// Ken Silverman's official web site: "http://www.advsys.net/ken"
// See the included license file "BUILDLIC.TXT" for license info.
// This file has been modified from Ken Silverman's original release
// by Jonathon Fowler (jf@jonof.id.au)
// by the EDuke32 team (development@voidpoint.com)
#include "pragmas.h"
// Compile code to saturate vplc for sprites to prevent stray lines at the
// bottom of non-y-flipped ones?
// Also for translucent masks?
extern intptr_t asm1, asm2, asm3, asm4;
extern int32_t globalx3, globaly3;
#ifdef USE_ASM64
# define A64_ASSIGN(var, val) var=val
# define A64_ASSIGN(var, val)
#ifdef USE_ASM64
// variables for a64.yasm
int32_t a64_bpl, a64_transmode, a64_glogy;
intptr_t a64_paloffs;
char *a64_gtrans;
static int32_t bpl, transmode = 0;
static char *gbuf;
static int32_t glogx, glogy;
int32_t gpinc;
static int32_t gbxinc, gbyinc;
static char *gpal, *ghlinepal, *gtrans;
static char *gpal2;
//Global variable functions
void setvlinebpl(int32_t dabpl) { A64_ASSIGN(a64_bpl, dabpl); bpl = dabpl;}
void fixtransluscence(intptr_t datransoff)
A64_ASSIGN(a64_gtrans, (char *)datransoff);
gtrans = (char *)datransoff;
void settransnormal(void) { A64_ASSIGN(a64_transmode, 0); transmode = 0; }
void settransreverse(void) { A64_ASSIGN(a64_transmode, 1); transmode = 1; }
///// Ceiling/floor horizontal line functions /////
void sethlinesizes(int32_t logx, int32_t logy, intptr_t bufplc)
{ glogx = logx; glogy = logy; gbuf = (char *)bufplc; }
void setpalookupaddress(char *paladdr) { ghlinepal = paladdr; }
void setuphlineasm4(int32_t bxinc, int32_t byinc) { gbxinc = bxinc; gbyinc = byinc; }
void hlineasm4(bssize_t cnt, int32_t skiploadincs, int32_t paloffs, uint32_t by, uint32_t bx, intptr_t p)
if (!skiploadincs) { gbxinc = asm1; gbyinc = asm2; }
const char *const A_C_RESTRICT palptr = &ghlinepal[paloffs];
const char *const A_C_RESTRICT buf = gbuf;
const vec2_t inc = { gbxinc, gbyinc };
const vec2_t log = { glogx, glogy };
const vec2_t log32 = { 32-log.x, 32-log.y };
char *pp = (char *)p;
for (; cnt>=4; cnt-=4, pp-=4)
#if 1
*pp = palptr[buf[((bx>>log32.x)<<log.y)+(by>>log32.y)]];
*(pp-1) = palptr[buf[(((bx-inc.x)>>log32.x)<<log.y)+((by-inc.y)>>log32.y)]];
*(pp-2) = palptr[buf[(((bx-(inc.x<<1))>>log32.x)<<log.y)+((by-(inc.y<<1))>>log32.y)]];
*(pp-3) = palptr[buf[(((bx-(inc.x*3))>>log32.x)<<log.y)+((by-(inc.y*3))>>log32.y)]];
*(int32_t *)(pp-3) = palptr[buf[(((bx-(inc.x*3))>>log32.x)<<log.y)+((by-(inc.y*3))>>log32.y)]] +
(palptr[buf[(((bx-(inc.x<<1))>>log32.x)<<log.y)+((by-(inc.y<<1))>>log32.y)]]<<8) +
(palptr[buf[(((bx-inc.x)>>log32.x)<<log.y)+((by-inc.y)>>log32.y)]]<<16) +
bx -= inc.x<<2;
by -= inc.y<<2;
for (; cnt>=0; cnt--, pp--)
*pp = palptr[buf[((bx>>log32.x)<<log.y)+(by>>log32.y)]];
bx -= inc.x;
by -= inc.y;
///// Sloped ceiling/floor vertical line functions /////
void slopevlin(intptr_t p, int32_t i, intptr_t slopaloffs, bssize_t cnt, int32_t bx, int32_t by)
intptr_t * A_C_RESTRICT slopalptr;
int32_t bz, bzinc;
uint32_t u, v;
bz = asm3; bzinc = (asm1>>3);
slopalptr = (intptr_t *)slopaloffs;
for (; cnt>0; cnt--)
i = (sloptable[(bz>>6)+HALFSLOPTABLESIZ]); bz += bzinc;
u = bx+(inthi_t)globalx3*i;
v = by+(inthi_t)globaly3*i;
(*(char *)p) = *(char *)(((intptr_t)slopalptr[0])+gbuf[((u>>(32-glogx))<<glogy)+(v>>(32-glogy))]);
p += gpinc;
///// Wall,face sprite/wall sprite vertical line functions /////
extern int32_t globaltilesizy;
static inline uint32_t ourmulscale32(uint32_t a, uint32_t b)
return ((uint64_t)a*b)>>32;
static inline int32_t getpix(int32_t logy, const char *buf, uint32_t vplc)
return logy ? buf[vplc>>logy] : buf[ourmulscale32(vplc,globaltilesizy)];
void setupvlineasm(int32_t neglogy) { glogy = neglogy; }
// cnt+1 loop iterations!
int32_t vlineasm1(int32_t vinc, intptr_t paloffs, bssize_t cnt, uint32_t vplc, intptr_t bufplc, intptr_t p)
const char *const A_C_RESTRICT buf = (char *)bufplc;
const char *const A_C_RESTRICT pal = (char *)paloffs;
const int32_t logy = glogy, ourbpl = bpl;
char *pp = (char *)p;
if (logy)
for (; cnt>=4; cnt-=4)
*pp = pal[buf[vplc>>logy]];
*(pp+ourbpl) = pal[buf[(vplc+vinc)>>logy]];
*(pp+(ourbpl<<1)) = pal[buf[(vplc+(vinc<<1))>>logy]];
*(pp+(ourbpl*3)) = pal[buf[(vplc+(vinc*3))>>logy ]];
pp += ourbpl<<2;
vplc += vinc<<2;
while (cnt--)
*pp = pal[buf[vplc>>logy]];
pp += ourbpl;
vplc += vinc;
for (; cnt>=4; cnt-=4)
*pp = pal[buf[ourmulscale32(vplc, globaltilesizy)]];
*(pp+ourbpl) = pal[buf[ourmulscale32((vplc+vinc),globaltilesizy)]];
*(pp+(ourbpl<<1)) = pal[buf[ourmulscale32((vplc+(vinc<<1)), globaltilesizy)]];
*(pp+(ourbpl*3)) = pal[buf[ourmulscale32((vplc+(vinc*3)), globaltilesizy)]];
pp += ourbpl<<2;
vplc += vinc<<2;
while (cnt--)
*pp = pal[buf[ourmulscale32(vplc,globaltilesizy)]], pp += ourbpl;
vplc += vinc;
return vplc;
extern intptr_t palookupoffse[4];
extern uint32_t vplce[4];
extern int32_t vince[4];
extern intptr_t bufplce[4];
#if (EDUKE32_GCC_PREREQ(4,7) || __has_extension(attribute_ext_vector_type)) && defined BITNESS64
// XXX: The "Ubuntu clang version 3.5-1ubuntu1 (trunk) (based on LLVM 3.5)"
// does not compile us with USE_VECTOR_EXT. Maybe a newer one does?
# if !defined __clang__
# endif
typedef uint32_t uint32_vec4 __attribute__ ((vector_size (16)));
# define saturate_vplc(vplc, vinc) vplc |= g_saturate & -(vplc < (uint32_t)vinc)
// NOTE: the vector types yield -1 for logical "true":
# define saturate_vplc_vec(vplc, vinc) vplc |= g_saturate & (vplc < vinc)
# define saturate_vplc_trans(vplc, vinc) saturate_vplc(vplc, vinc)
# else
# define saturate_vplc_trans(vplc, vinc)
# endif
# define saturate_vplc(vplc, vinc)
# define saturate_vplc_vec(vplc, vinc)
# define saturate_vplc_trans(vplc, vinc)
// cnt >= 1
static void vlineasm4nlogy(bssize_t cnt, char *p, char *const A_C_RESTRICT * pal, char *const A_C_RESTRICT * buf,
uint32_vec4 vplc, const uint32_vec4 vinc)
# else
uint32_t * vplc, const int32_t *vinc)
# endif
const int32_t ourbpl = bpl;
p[0] = pal[0][buf[0][ourmulscale32(vplc[0], globaltilesizy)]];
p[1] = pal[1][buf[1][ourmulscale32(vplc[1], globaltilesizy)]];
p[2] = pal[2][buf[2][ourmulscale32(vplc[2], globaltilesizy)]];
p[3] = pal[3][buf[3][ourmulscale32(vplc[3], globaltilesizy)]];
# if defined USE_VECTOR_EXT
vplc += vinc;
# else
vplc[0] += vinc[0];
vplc[1] += vinc[1];
vplc[2] += vinc[2];
vplc[3] += vinc[3];
# endif
p += ourbpl;
} while (--cnt);
Bmemcpy(&vplce[0], &vplc[0], sizeof(uint32_t) * 4);
// cnt >= 1
void vlineasm4(bssize_t cnt, char *p)
char * const A_C_RESTRICT pal[4] = {(char *)palookupoffse[0], (char *)palookupoffse[1], (char *)palookupoffse[2], (char *)palookupoffse[3]};
char * const A_C_RESTRICT buf[4] = {(char *)bufplce[0], (char *)bufplce[1], (char *)bufplce[2], (char *)bufplce[3]};
uint32_vec4 vinc = {(uint32_t)vince[0], (uint32_t)vince[1], (uint32_t)vince[2], (uint32_t)vince[3]};
uint32_vec4 vplc = {vplce[0], vplce[1], vplce[2], vplce[3]};
const int32_t vinc[4] = {vince[0], vince[1], vince[2], vince[3]};
uint32_t vplc[4] = {vplce[0], vplce[1], vplce[2], vplce[3]};
const int32_t logy = glogy, ourbpl = bpl;
// This should only happen when 'globalshiftval = 0' has been set in engine.c.
vlineasm4nlogy(cnt, p, pal, buf, vplc, vinc);
// just fucking shoot me
for (; cnt>=4;cnt-=4)
p[0] = pal[0][buf[0][ vplc[0]>>logy ]];
p[1] = pal[1][buf[1][ vplc[1]>>logy ]];
p[2] = pal[2][buf[2][ vplc[2]>>logy ]];
p[3] = pal[3][buf[3][ vplc[3]>>logy ]];
(p+ourbpl)[0] = pal[0][buf[0][ (vplc[0]+vinc[0])>>logy ]];
(p+ourbpl)[1] = pal[1][buf[1][ (vplc[1]+vinc[1])>>logy ]];
(p+ourbpl)[2] = pal[2][buf[2][ (vplc[2]+vinc[2])>>logy ]];
(p+ourbpl)[3] = pal[3][buf[3][ (vplc[3]+vinc[3])>>logy ]];
(p+(ourbpl<<1))[0] = pal[0][buf[0][ (vplc[0]+(vinc[0]<<1))>>logy ]];
(p+(ourbpl<<1))[1] = pal[1][buf[1][ (vplc[1]+(vinc[1]<<1))>>logy ]];
(p+(ourbpl<<1))[2] = pal[2][buf[2][ (vplc[2]+(vinc[2]<<1))>>logy ]];
(p+(ourbpl<<1))[3] = pal[3][buf[3][ (vplc[3]+(vinc[3]<<1))>>logy ]];
(p+(ourbpl*3))[0] = pal[0][buf[0][ (vplc[0]+(vinc[0]*3))>>logy ]];
(p+(ourbpl*3))[1] = pal[1][buf[1][ (vplc[1]+(vinc[1]*3))>>logy ]];
(p+(ourbpl*3))[2] = pal[2][buf[2][ (vplc[2]+(vinc[2]*3))>>logy ]];
(p+(ourbpl*3))[3] = pal[3][buf[3][ (vplc[3]+(vinc[3]*3))>>logy ]];
#if defined USE_VECTOR_EXT
vplc += vinc<<2;
vplc[0] += vinc[0]<<2;
vplc[1] += vinc[1]<<2;
vplc[2] += vinc[2]<<2;
vplc[3] += vinc[3]<<2;
p += ourbpl<<2;
while (cnt--)
p[0] = pal[0][buf[0][vplc[0]>>logy]];
p[1] = pal[1][buf[1][vplc[1]>>logy]];
p[2] = pal[2][buf[2][vplc[2]>>logy]];
p[3] = pal[3][buf[3][vplc[3]>>logy]];
#if defined USE_VECTOR_EXT
vplc += vinc;
vplc[0] += vinc[0];
vplc[1] += vinc[1];
vplc[2] += vinc[2];
vplc[3] += vinc[3];
p += ourbpl;
Bmemcpy(&vplce[0], &vplc[0], sizeof(uint32_t) * 4);
static int32_t g_saturate; // -1 if saturating vplc is requested, 0 else
# define set_saturate(dosaturate) g_saturate = -(int)!!dosaturate
# define set_saturate(dosaturate) UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(dosaturate)
void setupmvlineasm(int32_t neglogy, int32_t dosaturate)
glogy = neglogy;
// cnt+1 loop iterations!
int32_t mvlineasm1(int32_t vinc, intptr_t paloffs, bssize_t cnt, uint32_t vplc, intptr_t bufplc, intptr_t p)
char ch;
const char *const A_C_RESTRICT buf = (char *)bufplc;
const char *const A_C_RESTRICT pal = (char *)paloffs;
const int32_t logy = glogy, ourbpl = bpl;
char *pp = (char *)p;
if (!logy)
ch = buf[ourmulscale32(vplc,globaltilesizy)];
if (ch != 255) *pp = pal[ch];
pp += ourbpl;
vplc += vinc;
saturate_vplc(vplc, vinc);
while (--cnt);
return vplc;
if (buf[vplc>>logy] != 255)
*pp = pal[buf[vplc>>logy]];
pp += ourbpl;
vplc += vinc;
saturate_vplc(vplc, vinc);
while (--cnt);
return vplc;
// cnt >= 1
void mvlineasm4(bssize_t cnt, char *p)
char *const A_C_RESTRICT pal[4] = {(char *)palookupoffse[0], (char *)palookupoffse[1], (char *)palookupoffse[2], (char *)palookupoffse[3]};
char *const A_C_RESTRICT buf[4] = {(char *)bufplce[0], (char *)bufplce[1], (char *)bufplce[2], (char *)bufplce[3]};
uint32_vec4 vinc = {(uint32_t)vince[0], (uint32_t)vince[1], (uint32_t)vince[2], (uint32_t)vince[3]};
uint32_vec4 vplc = {vplce[0], vplce[1], vplce[2], vplce[3]};
const int32_t vinc[4] = {vince[0], vince[1], vince[2], vince[3]};
uint32_t vplc[4] = {vplce[0], vplce[1], vplce[2], vplce[3]};
const int32_t logy = glogy, ourbpl = bpl;
char ch;
if (logy)
ch = buf[0][vplc[0]>>logy];
if (ch != 255) p[0] = pal[0][ch];
ch = buf[1][vplc[1]>>logy];
if (ch != 255) p[1] = pal[1][ch];
ch = buf[2][vplc[2]>>logy];
if (ch != 255) p[2] = pal[2][ch];
ch = buf[3][vplc[3]>>logy];
if (ch != 255) p[3] = pal[3][ch];
#if !defined USE_VECTOR_EXT
vplc[0] += vinc[0];
vplc[1] += vinc[1];
vplc[2] += vinc[2];
vplc[3] += vinc[3];
saturate_vplc(vplc[0], vinc[0]);
saturate_vplc(vplc[1], vinc[1]);
saturate_vplc(vplc[2], vinc[2]);
saturate_vplc(vplc[3], vinc[3]);
vplc += vinc;
saturate_vplc_vec(vplc, vinc);
p += ourbpl;
while (--cnt);
ch = buf[0][ourmulscale32(vplc[0],globaltilesizy)];
if (ch != 255) p[0] = pal[0][ch];
ch = buf[1][ourmulscale32(vplc[1],globaltilesizy)];
if (ch != 255) p[1] = pal[1][ch];
ch = buf[2][ourmulscale32(vplc[2],globaltilesizy)];
if (ch != 255) p[2] = pal[2][ch];
ch = buf[3][ourmulscale32(vplc[3],globaltilesizy)];
if (ch != 255) p[3] = pal[3][ch];
#if !defined USE_VECTOR_EXT
vplc[0] += vinc[0];
vplc[1] += vinc[1];
vplc[2] += vinc[2];
vplc[3] += vinc[3];
saturate_vplc(vplc[0], vinc[0]);
saturate_vplc(vplc[1], vinc[1]);
saturate_vplc(vplc[2], vinc[2]);
saturate_vplc(vplc[3], vinc[3]);
vplc += vinc;
saturate_vplc_vec(vplc, vinc);
p += ourbpl;
while (--cnt);
Bmemcpy(&vplce[0], &vplc[0], sizeof(uint32_t) * 4);
#ifdef USE_ASM64
# define GLOGY a64_glogy
# define GLOGY glogy
void setuptvlineasm(int32_t neglogy, int32_t dosaturate)
GLOGY = neglogy;
#if !defined USE_ASM64
// cnt+1 loop iterations!
int32_t tvlineasm1(int32_t vinc, intptr_t paloffs, bssize_t cnt, uint32_t vplc, intptr_t bufplc, intptr_t p)
char ch;
const char *const A_C_RESTRICT buf = (char *)bufplc;
const char *const A_C_RESTRICT pal = (char *)paloffs;
const char *const A_C_RESTRICT trans = (char *)gtrans;
const int32_t logy = glogy, ourbpl = bpl, transm = transmode;
char *pp = (char *)p;
uint8_t const shift = transm<<3;
ch = getpix(logy, buf, vplc);
if (ch != 255) *pp = trans[((*pp)<<(8-shift))|(pal[ch]<<shift)];
pp += ourbpl;
vplc += vinc;
saturate_vplc_trans(vplc, vinc);
while (--cnt);
return vplc;
void setuptvlineasm2(int32_t neglogy, intptr_t paloffs1, intptr_t paloffs2)
GLOGY = neglogy;
A64_ASSIGN(a64_paloffs, paloffs1);
gpal = (char *)paloffs1;
gpal2 = (char *)paloffs2;
#if !defined USE_ASM64
// Pass: asm1=vinc2, asm2=pend
// Return: asm1=vplc1, asm2=vplc2
void tvlineasm2(uint32_t vplc2, int32_t vinc1, intptr_t bufplc1, intptr_t bufplc2, uint32_t vplc1, intptr_t p)
char ch;
bssize_t cnt = tabledivide32(asm2-p-1, bpl); // >= 1
const int32_t vinc2 = asm1;
const char *const A_C_RESTRICT buf1 = (char *)bufplc1;
const char *const A_C_RESTRICT buf2 = (char *)bufplc2;
const int32_t logy = glogy, ourbpl = bpl, transm = transmode;
char *pp = (char *)p;
uint8_t const shift = transm<<3;
ch = getpix(logy, buf1, vplc1);
if (ch != 255) pp[0] = gtrans[(pp[0]<<(8-shift))|(gpal[ch]<<shift)];
vplc1 += vinc1;
saturate_vplc_trans(vplc1, vinc1);
ch = getpix(logy, buf2, vplc2);
if (ch != 255) pp[1] = gtrans[(pp[1]<<(8-shift))|(gpal2[ch]<<shift)];
vplc2 += vinc2;
saturate_vplc_trans(vplc2, vinc2);
pp += ourbpl;
while (--cnt > 0);
asm1 = vplc1;
asm2 = vplc2;
//Floor sprite horizontal line functions
void msethlineshift(int32_t logx, int32_t logy) { glogx = logx; glogy = logy; }
// cntup16>>16 + 1 iterations
void mhline(intptr_t bufplc, uint32_t bx, int32_t cntup16, int32_t junk, uint32_t by, intptr_t p)
char ch;
const int32_t xinc = asm1, yinc = asm2;
gbuf = (char *)bufplc;
gpal = (char *)asm3;
ch = gbuf[((bx>>(32-glogx))<<glogy)+(by>>(32-glogy))];
if (ch != 255) *((char *)p) = gpal[ch];
bx += xinc;
by += yinc;
while (--cntup16);
void tsethlineshift(int32_t logx, int32_t logy) { glogx = logx; glogy = logy; }
// cntup16>>16 + 1 iterations
void thline(intptr_t bufplc, uint32_t bx, int32_t cntup16, int32_t junk, uint32_t by, intptr_t p)
char ch;
const int32_t xinc = asm1, yinc = asm2;
gbuf = (char *)bufplc;
gpal = (char *)asm3;
uint8_t const shift = transmode<<3;
ch = gbuf[((bx>>(32-glogx))<<glogy)+(by>>(32-glogy))];
if (ch != 255) *((char *)p) = gtrans[((*((char *)p))<<(8-shift))|(gpal[ch]<<shift)];
bx += xinc;
by += yinc;
while (--cntup16);
//Rotatesprite vertical line functions
void setupspritevline(intptr_t paloffs, int32_t bxinc, int32_t byinc, int32_t ysiz)
gpal = (char *)paloffs;
gbxinc = bxinc;
gbyinc = byinc;
glogy = ysiz;
void spritevline(int32_t bx, int32_t by, bssize_t cnt, intptr_t bufplc, intptr_t p)
gbuf = (char *)bufplc;
for (; cnt>1; cnt--)
(*(char *)p) = gpal[gbuf[(bx>>16)*glogy+(by>>16)]];
bx += gbxinc;
by += gbyinc;
p += bpl;
//Rotatesprite vertical line functions
void msetupspritevline(intptr_t paloffs, int32_t bxinc, int32_t byinc, int32_t ysiz)
gpal = (char *)paloffs;
gbxinc = bxinc;
gbyinc = byinc;
glogy = ysiz;
void mspritevline(int32_t bx, int32_t by, bssize_t cnt, intptr_t bufplc, intptr_t p)
char ch;
gbuf = (char *)bufplc;
for (; cnt>1; cnt--)
ch = gbuf[(bx>>16)*glogy+(by>>16)];
if (ch != 255) (*(char *)p) = gpal[ch];
bx += gbxinc;
by += gbyinc;
p += bpl;
void tsetupspritevline(intptr_t paloffs, int32_t bxinc, int32_t byinc, int32_t ysiz)
gpal = (char *)paloffs;
gbxinc = bxinc;
gbyinc = byinc;
glogy = ysiz;
void tspritevline(int32_t bx, int32_t by, bssize_t cnt, intptr_t bufplc, intptr_t p)
char ch;
gbuf = (char *)bufplc;
uint8_t const shift = transmode<<3;
for (; cnt>1; cnt--)
ch = gbuf[(bx>>16)*glogy+(by>>16)];
if (ch != 255) *((char *)p) = gtrans[((*((char *)p))<<(8-shift))+(gpal[ch]<<shift)];
bx += gbxinc;
by += gbyinc;
p += bpl;
void setupdrawslab(int32_t dabpl, intptr_t pal)
bpl = dabpl;
gpal = (char *)pal;
void drawslab(int32_t dx, int32_t v, int32_t dy, int32_t vi, intptr_t vptr, intptr_t p)
char const c = gpal[(int32_t)(*(char *)((v>>16)+vptr))];
for (int x=0; x < dx; x++)
((char*)p)[x] = c;
p += bpl;
v += vi;
while (--dy);
#if 0
void stretchhline(intptr_t p0, int32_t u, bssize_t cnt, int32_t uinc, intptr_t rptr, intptr_t p)
p0 = p-(cnt<<2);
*(char *)p = *(char *)((u>>16)+rptr); u -= uinc;
while (p > p0);
* vim:ts=4:
@ -1217,7 +1217,6 @@ static vec3_t spritesxyz[MAXSPRITESONSCREEN+1];
int32_t xdimen = -1, xdimenrecip, halfxdimen, xdimenscale, xdimscale;
float fxdimen = -1.f;
int32_t ydimen;
intptr_t frameoffset;
static int32_t nrx1[8], nry1[8], nrx2[8], nry2[8]; // JBF 20031206: Thanks Ken
@ -3060,8 +3059,6 @@ killsprite:
sortsprites(0, spritesortcnt);
sortsprites(spritesortcnt, numSprites);
videoBeginDrawing(); //{{{
if (videoGetRenderMode() == REND_POLYMOST)
@ -3281,9 +3278,6 @@ killsprite:
GLInterface.SetDepthBias(0, 0);
videoEndDrawing(); //}}}
@ -4174,12 +4168,6 @@ int32_t videoSetGameMode(char davidoption, int32_t daupscaledxdim, int32_t daups
Bstrcpy(kensmessage,"!!!! BUILD engine&tools programmed by Ken Silverman of E.G. RI."
" (c) Copyright 1995 Ken Silverman. Summary: BUILD = Ken. !!!!");
// if (getkensmessagecrc(FP_OFF(kensmessage)) != 0x56c764d4)
// { OSD_Printf("Nice try.\n"); Bexit(EXIT_SUCCESS); }
//if (checkvideomode(&daxdim, &daydim, dabpp, davidoption)<0) return -1;
//bytesperline is set in this function
j = bpp;
@ -5532,23 +5520,9 @@ void videoClearViewableArea(int32_t dacol)
void videoClearScreen(int32_t dacol)
if (!in3dmode()) return;
//dacol += (dacol<<8); dacol += (dacol<<16);
if (videoGetRenderMode() >= REND_POLYMOST)
palette_t const p = paletteGetColor(dacol);
GLInterface.ClearScreen(PalEntry(255, p.r, p.g, p.b));
videoBeginDrawing(); //{{{
Bmemset((void *)frameplace,dacol,bytesperline*ydim);
videoEndDrawing(); //}}}
palette_t const p = paletteGetColor(dacol);
GLInterface.ClearScreen(PalEntry(255, p.r, p.g, p.b));
@ -5579,7 +5553,6 @@ void renderSetTarget(int16_t tilenume, int32_t xsiz, int32_t ysiz)
offscreenrendering = 1;
xdim = ysiz*4;
ydim = xsiz*4;
@ -5595,7 +5568,6 @@ void renderRestoreTarget()
if (setviewcnt <= 0) return;
offscreenrendering = (setviewcnt>0);
xdim = bakxsiz;
@ -5603,7 +5575,6 @@ void renderRestoreTarget()
@ -95,7 +95,6 @@ extern tspriteptr_t tspriteptr[MAXSPRITESONSCREEN + 1];
extern TArray<uint8_t> mirrorBuffer;
extern int32_t xdimen, xdimenrecip, halfxdimen, xdimenscale, xdimscale, ydimen;
extern float fxdimen;
extern intptr_t frameoffset;
extern int32_t globalposx, globalposy, globalposz, globalhoriz;
extern fix16_t qglobalhoriz, qglobalang;
extern float fglobalposx, fglobalposy, fglobalposz;
@ -3164,9 +3164,6 @@ void polymost_drawrooms()
polymost_outputGLDebugMessage(3, "polymost_drawrooms()");
frameoffset = frameplace + windowxy1.y*bytesperline + windowxy1.x;
if (yax_polymostclearzbuffer)
@ -3284,7 +3281,6 @@ void polymost_drawrooms()
if (n < 3)
@ -3350,7 +3346,6 @@ void polymost_drawrooms()
while (i);
//else if (!g_nodraw) { videoEndDrawing(); return; }
numscans = numbunches = 0;
@ -3415,8 +3410,6 @@ void polymost_drawrooms()
static void polymost_drawmaskwallinternal(int32_t wallIndex)
@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
// SDL interface layer for the Build Engine
// Use SDL 1.2 or 2.0 from http://www.libsdl.org
#include "build.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "compat.h"
#include "engine_priv.h"
#include "palette.h"
#include "baselayer.h"
#include "mmulti.h"
#include "glsurface.h"
double g_beforeSwapTime;
GameInterface* gi;
int myconnectindex, numplayers;
int connecthead, connectpoint2[MAXMULTIPLAYERS];
void ImGui_Init_Backend()
//ImGui_ImplSDL2_InitForOpenGL(sdl_window, sdl_context);
void ImGui_Begin_Frame()
int32_t xres=-1, yres=-1, bpp=0, bytesperline, refreshfreq=-1;
intptr_t frameplace=0;
int32_t lockcount=0;
char modechange=1;
char offscreenrendering=0;
// begindrawing() -- locks the framebuffer for drawing
void videoBeginDrawing(void)
if (bpp > 8)
if (offscreenrendering) return;
frameplace = 0;
bytesperline = 0;
modechange = 0;
// lock the frame
if (lockcount++ > 0)
static intptr_t backupFrameplace = 0;
if (inpreparemirror)
//POGO: if we are offscreenrendering and we need to render a mirror
// or we are rendering a mirror and we start offscreenrendering,
// backup our offscreen target so we can restore it later
// (but only allow one level deep,
// i.e. no viewscreen showing a camera showing a mirror that reflects the same viewscreen and recursing)
if (offscreenrendering)
if (!backupFrameplace)
backupFrameplace = frameplace;
else if (frameplace != (intptr_t)mirrorBuffer.Data() &&
frameplace != backupFrameplace)
frameplace = (intptr_t)mirrorBuffer.Data();
if (offscreenrendering)
else if (offscreenrendering)
if (backupFrameplace)
frameplace = backupFrameplace;
backupFrameplace = 0;
frameplace = (intptr_t)glsurface_getBuffer();
if (modechange)
bytesperline = xdim;
// enddrawing() -- unlocks the framebuffer
void videoEndDrawing(void)
if (bpp > 8)
if (!offscreenrendering) frameplace = 0;
if (!frameplace) return;
if (lockcount > 1) { lockcount--; return; }
if (!offscreenrendering) frameplace = 0;
if (lockcount == 0) return;
lockcount = 0;
auto vsnprintfptr = vsnprintf; // This is an inline in Visual Studio but we need an address for it to satisfy the MinGW compiled libraries.
@ -56,6 +56,16 @@ Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "resourcefile.h"
#include "c_dispatch.h"
#include "glbackend/glbackend.h"
#include "mmulti.h"
// The last remains of sdlayer.cpp
double g_beforeSwapTime;
GameInterface* gi;
int myconnectindex, numplayers;
int connecthead, connectpoint2[MAXMULTIPLAYERS];
int32_t xres = -1, yres = -1, bpp = 0, refreshfreq = -1;
auto vsnprintfptr = vsnprintf; // This is an inline in Visual Studio but we need an address for it to satisfy the MinGW compiled libraries.
MapRecord mapList[512]; // Due to how this gets used it needs to be static. EDuke defines 7 episode plus one spare episode with 64 potential levels each and relies on the static array which is freely accessible by scripts.
MapRecord *currentLevel; // level that is currently played. (The real level, not what script hacks modfifying the current level index can pretend.)
@ -221,7 +221,6 @@ void FGLRenderer::WriteSavePic ( FileWriter *file, int width, int height)
xdim = oldx;
ydim = oldy;
videoSetViewableArea(oldwindowxy1.x, oldwindowxy1.y, oldwindowxy2.x, oldwindowxy2.y);
modechange = 1;
// The 2D drawers can contain some garbage from the dirty render setup. Get rid of that first.
@ -125,8 +125,6 @@ static int SaveScreenshot()
auto truecolor = videoGetRenderMode() >= REND_POLYMOST;
TArray<uint8_t> imgBuf(xdim * ydim * (truecolor ? 3 : 1), true);
if (truecolor)
@ -142,8 +140,6 @@ static int SaveScreenshot()
WritePNGfile(fil, imgBuf.Data(), Palette, truecolor ? SS_RGB : SS_PAL, xdim, ydim, truecolor? xdim*3 : xdim, png_gamma);
delete fil;
Printf("screenshot saved\n");
@ -94,24 +94,6 @@ void GLInstance::Init(int ydim)
new(&renderState) PolymostRenderState; // reset to defaults.
#if 0
im_ctx = ImGui::CreateContext();
ImGuiIO& io = ImGui::GetIO(); (void)io;
io.ConfigFlags |= ImGuiConfigFlags_NavEnableKeyboard; // Enable Keyboard Controls
//io.ConfigFlags |= ImGuiConfigFlags_NavEnableGamepad; // Enable Gamepad Controls
// Setup Dear ImGui style
if (!ttf.Size())
//ttf = fileSystem.LoadFile("engine/Capsmall_clean.ttf", 0);
ttf = fileSystem.LoadFile("engine/Roboto-Regular.ttf", 0);
if (ttf.Size()) io.Fonts->AddFontFromMemoryTTF(ttf.Data(), ttf.Size(), std::clamp(ydim / 40, 10, 30));
void GLInstance::LoadPolymostShader()
@ -1864,7 +1864,6 @@ void sub_54FA4(int a1, int a2)
ptr1 = (char*)waloff[7050];
if (!ptr1)
ptr2 = (char*)frameplace;
if (!ptr2)
@ -1879,7 +1878,6 @@ void sub_54FA4(int a1, int a2)
rotatesprite(a1<<16, a2<<16, 57344, 512, 7050, 0, 0, 4+2, windowxy1.x, windowxy1.y, windowxy2.x, windowxy2.y);
rotatesprite(a1<<16, a2<<16, 57344, 512, 7050, -8, 0, 4+2+1, windowxy1.x, windowxy1.y, windowxy2.x, windowxy2.y);
rotatesprite(a1<<16, a2<<16, 32768, 0, 7063, -24, 0, 32+2+1, windowxy1.x, windowxy1.y, windowxy2.x, windowxy2.y);
Reference in a new issue