mirror of
synced 2025-03-17 06:00:44 +00:00
This is an attempt to fix r1595.
- pr_resetlights() was exported but polymer.c wasn't changed to reflect that. This also broke the gcc build so I'm not sure how this was missed. - commented code was laying around in the middle of polymer.h - savegame.c using a bunch of C99 non-constant initializers. Please keep in mind that MSVC is one of the supported compilers and doesn't know C99. - savegame.c using localtime_r, which doesn't exist on Win32. - demo playback calling resetlights and drawrooms without ever calling pr_loadboard(). - this change makes the game run very choppy here. git-svn-id: https://svn.eduke32.com/eduke32@1596 1a8010ca-5511-0410-912e-c29ae57300e0
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 229 additions and 201 deletions
@ -356,7 +356,6 @@ static void polymer_compileprogram(int32_t programbits);
static void polymer_removelight(int16_t lighti);
static void polymer_updatelights(void);
//static void polymer_resetlights(void);
static inline void polymer_resetplanelights(_prplane* plane);
static void polymer_addplanelight(_prplane* plane, int16_t lighti);
static inline void polymer_deleteplanelight(_prplane* plane, int16_t lighti);
@ -699,6 +699,55 @@ void polymer_glinit(void)
void polymer_resetlights(void)
int32_t i;
_prsector *s;
_prwall *w;
i = 0;
while (i < numsectors)
s = prsectors[i];
if (!s) {
i = 0;
while (i < numwalls)
w = prwalls[i];
if (!w) {
i = 0;
while (i < PR_MAXLIGHTS)
prlights[i].flags.active = 0;
lightcount = 0;
void polymer_loadboard(void)
int32_t i;
@ -4390,45 +4439,6 @@ static void polymer_updatelights(void)
static void polymer_resetlights(void)
int32_t i;
_prsector *s;
_prwall *w;
i = 0;
while (i < numsectors)
s = prsectors[i];
i = 0;
while (i < numwalls)
w = prwalls[i];
i = 0;
while (i < PR_MAXLIGHTS)
prlights[i].flags.active = 0;
lightcount = 0;
static inline void polymer_resetplanelights(_prplane* plane)
Bmemset(&plane->lights[0], -1, sizeof(plane->lights[0]) * plane->lightcount);
@ -1355,10 +1355,180 @@ static uint32_t calcsz(const dataspec_t *spec)
return dasiz;
static const dataspec_t svgm_udnetw[];
static const dataspec_t svgm_secwsp[];
static const dataspec_t svgm_script[];
static const dataspec_t svgm_anmisc[];
static void sv_postudload();
static void sv_prespriteextsave();
static void sv_postspriteext();
static void sv_calcbitptrsize();
static void sv_prescriptsave_once();
static void sv_postscript_once();
static void sv_preactordatasave();
static void sv_postactordata();
static void sv_preanimateptrsave();
static void sv_postanimateptr();
static void sv_prequote();
static void sv_quotesave();
static void sv_quoteload();
static void sv_prequoteredef();
static void sv_quoteredefsave();
static void sv_quoteredefload();
static void sv_postquoteredef();
static void sv_restsave();
static void sv_restload();
((sizeof(g_player[0].user_name)+sizeof(g_player[0].pcolor)+sizeof(g_player[0].pteam) \
+sizeof(g_player[0].frags)+sizeof(DukePlayer_t))*MAXPLAYERS + sizeof(_prlight)*PR_MAXLIGHTS + sizeof(lightcount))
static uint8_t savegame_bitmap[MAXSPRITES>>3][3];
static uint32_t savegame_bitptrsize;
static uint8_t savegame_quotedef[MAXQUOTES>>3];
static char (*savegame_quotes)[MAXQUOTELEN];
static char (*savegame_quoteredefs)[MAXQUOTELEN];
static uint8_t savegame_restdata[SVARDATALEN];
static const dataspec_t svgm_udnetw[] =
{ DS_STRING, "blK:udnt", 0, 1 },
{ 0, &ud.multimode, sizeof(ud.multimode), 1 },
{ 0, &g_numPlayerSprites, sizeof(g_numPlayerSprites), 1 },
{ 0, &g_playerSpawnPoints, sizeof(g_playerSpawnPoints), 1 },
{ DS_NOCHK, &ud.volume_number, sizeof(ud.volume_number), 1 },
{ DS_NOCHK, &ud.level_number, sizeof(ud.level_number), 1 },
{ DS_NOCHK, &ud.player_skill, sizeof(ud.player_skill), 1 },
{ DS_NOCHK, &ud.from_bonus, sizeof(ud.from_bonus), 1 },
{ DS_NOCHK, &ud.secretlevel, sizeof(ud.secretlevel), 1 },
{ DS_NOCHK, &ud.respawn_monsters, sizeof(ud.respawn_monsters), 1 },
{ DS_NOCHK, &ud.respawn_items, sizeof(ud.respawn_items), 1 },
{ DS_NOCHK, &ud.respawn_inventory, sizeof(ud.respawn_inventory), 1 },
{ 0, &ud.god, sizeof(ud.god), 1 },
{ 0, &ud.auto_run, sizeof(ud.auto_run), 1 },
// { DS_NOCHK, &ud.crosshair, sizeof(ud.crosshair), 1 },
{ DS_NOCHK, &ud.monsters_off, sizeof(ud.monsters_off), 1 },
{ DS_NOCHK, &ud.last_level, sizeof(ud.last_level), 1 },
{ 0, &ud.eog, sizeof(ud.eog), 1 },
{ DS_NOCHK, &ud.coop, sizeof(ud.coop), 1 },
{ DS_NOCHK, &ud.marker, sizeof(ud.marker), 1 },
{ DS_NOCHK, &ud.ffire, sizeof(ud.ffire), 1 },
{ DS_NOCHK, &ud.noexits, sizeof(ud.noexits), 1 },
{ DS_NOCHK, &ud.playerai, sizeof(ud.playerai), 1 },
{ DS_NOCHK, ¤tboardfilename[0], BMAX_PATH, 1 },
{ DS_LOADFN, (void *)&sv_postudload, 0, 1 },
{ 0, &connecthead, sizeof(connecthead), 1 },
{ 0, connectpoint2, sizeof(connectpoint2), 1 },
{ 0, &randomseed, sizeof(randomseed), 1 },
{ 0, &g_globalRandom, sizeof(g_globalRandom), 1 },
// { 0, &lockclock_dummy, sizeof(lockclock), 1 },
{ DS_END, 0, 0, 0 }
static const dataspec_t svgm_secwsp[] =
{ DS_STRING, "blK:swsp", 0, 1 },
{ DS_NOCHK, &numwalls, sizeof(numwalls), 1 },
{ DS_DYNAMIC|DS_CNT(numwalls), &wall, sizeof(walltype), (intptr_t)&numwalls },
{ DS_NOCHK, &numsectors, sizeof(numsectors), 1 },
{ DS_DYNAMIC|DS_CNT(numsectors), §or, sizeof(sectortype), (intptr_t)&numsectors },
{ DS_DYNAMIC, &sprite, sizeof(spritetype), MAXSPRITES },
{ 0, &headspritesect[0], sizeof(headspritesect[0]), MAXSECTORS+1 },
{ 0, &prevspritesect[0], sizeof(prevspritesect[0]), MAXSPRITES },
{ 0, &nextspritesect[0], sizeof(nextspritesect[0]), MAXSPRITES },
{ 0, &headspritestat[0], sizeof(headspritestat[0]), MAXSTATUS+1 },
{ 0, &prevspritestat[0], sizeof(prevspritestat[0]), MAXSPRITES },
{ 0, &nextspritestat[0], sizeof(nextspritestat[0]), MAXSPRITES },
#if defined(POLYMOST) && defined(USE_OPENGL)
{ DS_SAVEFN, (void *)&sv_prespriteextsave, 0, 1 },
{ DS_DYNAMIC, &spriteext, sizeof(spriteext_t), MAXSPRITES },
#if defined(POLYMOST) && defined(USE_OPENGL)
{ DS_SAVEFN|DS_LOADFN, (void *)&sv_postspriteext, 0, 1 },
{ DS_NOCHK, &SpriteFlags[0], sizeof(SpriteFlags[0]), MAXTILES },
{ DS_NOCHK, &SpriteCacheList[0], sizeof(SpriteCacheList[0]), MAXTILES },
{ 0, &DynamicTileMap[0], sizeof(DynamicTileMap[0]), MAXTILES }, // NOCHK?
{ DS_NOCHK, &ActorType[0], sizeof(uint8_t), MAXTILES },
{ DS_NOCHK, &g_numCyclers, sizeof(g_numCyclers), 1 },
{ DS_CNT(g_numCyclers), &cyclers[0][0], sizeof(cyclers[0]), (intptr_t)&g_numCyclers },
{ DS_NOCHK, &g_numAnimWalls, sizeof(g_numAnimWalls), 1 },
{ DS_CNT(g_numAnimWalls), &animwall, sizeof(animwall[0]), (intptr_t)&g_numAnimWalls },
{ DS_NOCHK, &g_mirrorCount, sizeof(g_mirrorCount), 1 },
{ DS_NOCHK, &g_mirrorWall[0], sizeof(g_mirrorWall[0]), sizeof(g_mirrorWall)/sizeof(g_mirrorWall[0]) },
{ DS_NOCHK, &g_mirrorSector[0], sizeof(g_mirrorSector[0]), sizeof(g_mirrorSector)/sizeof(g_mirrorSector[0]) },
// projectiles
{ 0, &SpriteProjectile[0], sizeof(projectile_t), MAXSPRITES },
{ 0, &ProjectileData[0], sizeof(projectile_t), MAXTILES },
{ DS_NOCHK, &DefaultProjectileData[0], sizeof(projectile_t), MAXTILES },
{ 0, &everyothertime, sizeof(everyothertime), 1 },
{ DS_END, 0, 0, 0 }
static const dataspec_t svgm_script[] =
{ DS_STRING, "blK:scri", 0, 1 },
{ DS_NOCHK, &g_scriptSize, sizeof(g_scriptSize), 1 },
{ DS_SAVEFN|DS_LOADFN|DS_NOCHK, (void *)&sv_calcbitptrsize, 0, 1 },
{ DS_DYNAMIC|DS_CNT(savegame_bitptrsize)|DS_NOCHK, &bitptr, sizeof(bitptr[0]), (intptr_t)&savegame_bitptrsize },
{ DS_SAVEFN|DS_NOCHK, (void *)&sv_prescriptsave_once, 0, 1 },
{ DS_NOCHK, &actorscrptr[0], sizeof(actorscrptr[0]), MAXTILES },
{ DS_DYNAMIC|DS_CNT(g_scriptSize)|DS_NOCHK, &script, sizeof(script[0]), (intptr_t)&g_scriptSize },
{ DS_NOCHK, &actorLoadEventScrptr[0], sizeof(actorLoadEventScrptr[0]), MAXTILES },
// { DS_NOCHK, &apScriptGameEvent[0], sizeof(apScriptGameEvent[0]), MAXGAMEEVENTS },
{ DS_SAVEFN|DS_LOADFN|DS_NOCHK, (void *)&sv_postscript_once, 0, 1 },
{ DS_SAVEFN, (void *)&sv_preactordatasave, 0, 1 },
{ 0, &savegame_bitmap, sizeof(savegame_bitmap), 1 },
{ 0, &ActorExtra[0], sizeof(ActorData_t), MAXSPRITES },
{ DS_SAVEFN|DS_LOADFN, (void *)&sv_postactordata, 0, 1 },
{ DS_END, 0, 0, 0 }
static const dataspec_t svgm_anmisc[] =
{ DS_STRING, "blK:anms", 0, 1 },
{ 0, &g_animateCount, sizeof(g_animateCount), 1 },
{ 0, &animatesect[0], sizeof(animatesect[0]), MAXANIMATES },
{ 0, &animategoal[0], sizeof(animategoal[0]), MAXANIMATES },
{ 0, &animatevel[0], sizeof(animatevel[0]), MAXANIMATES },
{ DS_SAVEFN, (void *)&sv_preanimateptrsave, 0, 1 },
{ 0, &animateptr[0], sizeof(animateptr[0]), MAXANIMATES },
{ DS_SAVEFN|DS_LOADFN , (void *)&sv_postanimateptr, 0, 1 },
{ 0, &camsprite, sizeof(camsprite), 1 },
{ 0, &msx[0], sizeof(msx[0]), sizeof(msx)/sizeof(msx[0]) },
{ 0, &msy[0], sizeof(msy[0]), sizeof(msy)/sizeof(msy[0]) },
{ 0, &show2dsector[0], sizeof(uint8_t), MAXSECTORS>>3 },
{ DS_NOCHK, &g_numClouds, sizeof(g_numClouds), 1 },
{ 0, &clouds[0], sizeof(clouds), 1 },
{ 0, &cloudx[0], sizeof(cloudx), 1 },
{ 0, &cloudy[0], sizeof(cloudy), 1 },
{ DS_NOCHK, ¶llaxyscale, sizeof(parallaxyscale), 1 },
{ 0, &pskybits, sizeof(pskybits), 1 },
{ 0, &pskyoff[0], sizeof(pskyoff[0]), MAXPSKYTILES },
{ 0, &g_earthquakeTime, sizeof(g_earthquakeTime), 1 },
{ DS_SAVEFN|DS_LOADFN|DS_NOCHK, (void *)sv_prequote, 0, 1 },
{ DS_SAVEFN, (void *)&sv_quotesave, 0, 1 },
{ DS_NOCHK, &savegame_quotedef, sizeof(savegame_quotedef), 1 }, // quotes can change during runtime, but new quote numbers cannot be allocated
{ DS_LOADFN, (void *)&sv_quoteload, 0, 1 },
{ DS_NOCHK, &g_numQuoteRedefinitions, sizeof(g_numQuoteRedefinitions), 1 },
{ DS_NOCHK|DS_SAVEFN|DS_LOADFN, (void *)&sv_prequoteredef, 0, 1 },
{ DS_NOCHK|DS_SAVEFN, (void *)&sv_quoteredefsave, 0, 1 }, // quote redefinitions replace quotes at runtime, but cannot be changed after CON compilation
{ DS_NOCHK|DS_DYNAMIC|DS_CNT(g_numQuoteRedefinitions), &savegame_quoteredefs, MAXQUOTELEN, (intptr_t)&g_numQuoteRedefinitions },
{ DS_NOCHK|DS_LOADFN, (void *)&sv_quoteredefload, 0, 1 },
{ DS_NOCHK|DS_SAVEFN|DS_LOADFN, (void *)&sv_postquoteredef, 0, 1 },
{ DS_SAVEFN, (void *)&sv_restsave, 0, 1 },
{ 0, savegame_restdata, 1, sizeof(savegame_restdata) }, // sz/cnt swapped for kdfread
{ DS_LOADFN, (void *)&sv_restload, 0, 1 },
{ DS_STRING, "savegame_end", 0, 1 },
{ DS_END, 0, 0, 0 }
static dataspec_t *svgm_vars=NULL;
static uint8_t *dosaveplayer2(int32_t spot, FILE *fil, uint8_t *mem);
static int32_t doloadplayer2(int32_t spot, int32_t fil, uint8_t **memptr);
@ -1654,42 +1824,7 @@ static void sv_postudload()
ud.m_noexits = ud.noexits;
//static int32_t lockclock_dummy;
static const dataspec_t svgm_udnetw[] =
{ DS_STRING, "blK:udnt", 0, 1 },
{ 0, &ud.multimode, sizeof(ud.multimode), 1 },
{ 0, &g_numPlayerSprites, sizeof(g_numPlayerSprites), 1 },
{ 0, &g_playerSpawnPoints, sizeof(g_playerSpawnPoints), 1 },
{ DS_NOCHK, &ud.volume_number, sizeof(ud.volume_number), 1 },
{ DS_NOCHK, &ud.level_number, sizeof(ud.level_number), 1 },
{ DS_NOCHK, &ud.player_skill, sizeof(ud.player_skill), 1 },
{ DS_NOCHK, &ud.from_bonus, sizeof(ud.from_bonus), 1 },
{ DS_NOCHK, &ud.secretlevel, sizeof(ud.secretlevel), 1 },
{ DS_NOCHK, &ud.respawn_monsters, sizeof(ud.respawn_monsters), 1 },
{ DS_NOCHK, &ud.respawn_items, sizeof(ud.respawn_items), 1 },
{ DS_NOCHK, &ud.respawn_inventory, sizeof(ud.respawn_inventory), 1 },
{ 0, &ud.god, sizeof(ud.god), 1 },
{ 0, &ud.auto_run, sizeof(ud.auto_run), 1 },
// { DS_NOCHK, &ud.crosshair, sizeof(ud.crosshair), 1 },
{ DS_NOCHK, &ud.monsters_off, sizeof(ud.monsters_off), 1 },
{ DS_NOCHK, &ud.last_level, sizeof(ud.last_level), 1 },
{ 0, &ud.eog, sizeof(ud.eog), 1 },
{ DS_NOCHK, &ud.coop, sizeof(ud.coop), 1 },
{ DS_NOCHK, &ud.marker, sizeof(ud.marker), 1 },
{ DS_NOCHK, &ud.ffire, sizeof(ud.ffire), 1 },
{ DS_NOCHK, &ud.noexits, sizeof(ud.noexits), 1 },
{ DS_NOCHK, &ud.playerai, sizeof(ud.playerai), 1 },
{ DS_NOCHK, ¤tboardfilename[0], BMAX_PATH, 1 },
{ DS_LOADFN, (void *)&sv_postudload, 0, 1 },
{ 0, &connecthead, sizeof(connecthead), 1 },
{ 0, connectpoint2, sizeof(connectpoint2), 1 },
{ 0, &randomseed, sizeof(randomseed), 1 },
{ 0, &g_globalRandom, sizeof(g_globalRandom), 1 },
// { 0, &lockclock_dummy, sizeof(lockclock), 1 },
{ DS_END, 0, 0, 0 }
#if defined(POLYMOST) && defined(USE_OPENGL)
@ -1712,49 +1847,6 @@ static void sv_postspriteext()
spriteext[i].mdanimtims += mdtims;
static const dataspec_t svgm_secwsp[] =
{ DS_STRING, "blK:swsp", 0, 1 },
{ DS_NOCHK, &numwalls, sizeof(numwalls), 1 },
{ DS_DYNAMIC|DS_CNT(numwalls), &wall, sizeof(walltype), (intptr_t)&numwalls },
{ DS_NOCHK, &numsectors, sizeof(numsectors), 1 },
{ DS_DYNAMIC|DS_CNT(numsectors), §or, sizeof(sectortype), (intptr_t)&numsectors },
{ DS_DYNAMIC, &sprite, sizeof(spritetype), MAXSPRITES },
{ 0, &headspritesect[0], sizeof(headspritesect[0]), MAXSECTORS+1 },
{ 0, &prevspritesect[0], sizeof(prevspritesect[0]), MAXSPRITES },
{ 0, &nextspritesect[0], sizeof(nextspritesect[0]), MAXSPRITES },
{ 0, &headspritestat[0], sizeof(headspritestat[0]), MAXSTATUS+1 },
{ 0, &prevspritestat[0], sizeof(prevspritestat[0]), MAXSPRITES },
{ 0, &nextspritestat[0], sizeof(nextspritestat[0]), MAXSPRITES },
#if defined(POLYMOST) && defined(USE_OPENGL)
{ DS_SAVEFN, (void *)&sv_prespriteextsave, 0, 1 },
{ DS_DYNAMIC, &spriteext, sizeof(spriteext_t), MAXSPRITES },
#if defined(POLYMOST) && defined(USE_OPENGL)
{ DS_SAVEFN|DS_LOADFN, (void *)&sv_postspriteext, 0, 1 },
{ DS_NOCHK, &SpriteFlags[0], sizeof(SpriteFlags[0]), MAXTILES },
{ DS_NOCHK, &SpriteCacheList[0], sizeof(SpriteCacheList[0]), MAXTILES },
{ 0, &DynamicTileMap[0], sizeof(DynamicTileMap[0]), MAXTILES }, // NOCHK?
{ DS_NOCHK, &ActorType[0], sizeof(uint8_t), MAXTILES },
{ DS_NOCHK, &g_numCyclers, sizeof(g_numCyclers), 1 },
{ DS_CNT(g_numCyclers), &cyclers[0][0], sizeof(cyclers[0]), (intptr_t)&g_numCyclers },
{ DS_NOCHK, &g_numAnimWalls, sizeof(g_numAnimWalls), 1 },
{ DS_CNT(g_numAnimWalls), &animwall, sizeof(animwall[0]), (intptr_t)&g_numAnimWalls },
{ DS_NOCHK, &g_mirrorCount, sizeof(g_mirrorCount), 1 },
{ DS_NOCHK, &g_mirrorWall[0], sizeof(g_mirrorWall[0]), sizeof(g_mirrorWall)/sizeof(g_mirrorWall[0]) },
{ DS_NOCHK, &g_mirrorSector[0], sizeof(g_mirrorSector[0]), sizeof(g_mirrorSector)/sizeof(g_mirrorSector[0]) },
// projectiles
{ 0, &SpriteProjectile[0], sizeof(projectile_t), MAXSPRITES },
{ 0, &ProjectileData[0], sizeof(projectile_t), MAXTILES },
{ DS_NOCHK, &DefaultProjectileData[0], sizeof(projectile_t), MAXTILES },
{ 0, &everyothertime, sizeof(everyothertime), 1 },
{ DS_END, 0, 0, 0 }
static uint8_t savegame_bitmap[MAXSPRITES>>3][3];
static uint32_t savegame_bitptrsize;
static void sv_calcbitptrsize()
@ -1825,37 +1917,6 @@ static void sv_postactordata()
if (savegame_bitmap[i>>3][2]&(1<<(i&7))) T6 += j;
static const dataspec_t svgm_script[] =
{ DS_STRING, "blK:scri", 0, 1 },
{ DS_NOCHK, &g_scriptSize, sizeof(g_scriptSize), 1 },
{ DS_SAVEFN|DS_LOADFN|DS_NOCHK, (void *)&sv_calcbitptrsize, 0, 1 },
{ DS_DYNAMIC|DS_CNT(savegame_bitptrsize)|DS_NOCHK, &bitptr, sizeof(bitptr[0]), (intptr_t)&savegame_bitptrsize },
{ DS_SAVEFN|DS_NOCHK, (void *)&sv_prescriptsave_once, 0, 1 },
{ DS_NOCHK, &actorscrptr[0], sizeof(actorscrptr[0]), MAXTILES },
{ DS_DYNAMIC|DS_CNT(g_scriptSize)|DS_NOCHK, &script, sizeof(script[0]), (intptr_t)&g_scriptSize },
{ DS_NOCHK, &actorLoadEventScrptr[0], sizeof(actorLoadEventScrptr[0]), MAXTILES },
// { DS_NOCHK, &apScriptGameEvent[0], sizeof(apScriptGameEvent[0]), MAXGAMEEVENTS },
{ DS_SAVEFN|DS_LOADFN|DS_NOCHK, (void *)&sv_postscript_once, 0, 1 },
{ DS_SAVEFN, (void *)&sv_preactordatasave, 0, 1 },
{ 0, &savegame_bitmap, sizeof(savegame_bitmap), 1 },
{ 0, &ActorExtra[0], sizeof(ActorData_t), MAXSPRITES },
{ DS_SAVEFN|DS_LOADFN, (void *)&sv_postactordata, 0, 1 },
{ DS_END, 0, 0, 0 }
static uint8_t savegame_quotedef[MAXQUOTES>>3];
static char (*savegame_quotes)[MAXQUOTELEN];
static char (*savegame_quoteredefs)[MAXQUOTELEN];
((sizeof(g_player[0].user_name)+sizeof(g_player[0].pcolor)+sizeof(g_player[0].pteam) \
+sizeof(g_player[0].frags)+sizeof(DukePlayer_t))*MAXPLAYERS + sizeof(_prlight)*PR_MAXLIGHTS + sizeof(lightcount))
static uint8_t savegame_restdata[SVARDATALEN];
static void sv_preanimateptrsave()
@ -1980,50 +2041,6 @@ static void sv_restload()
#undef CPDAT
static const dataspec_t svgm_anmisc[] =
{ DS_STRING, "blK:anms", 0, 1 },
{ 0, &g_animateCount, sizeof(g_animateCount), 1 },
{ 0, &animatesect[0], sizeof(animatesect[0]), MAXANIMATES },
{ 0, &animategoal[0], sizeof(animategoal[0]), MAXANIMATES },
{ 0, &animatevel[0], sizeof(animatevel[0]), MAXANIMATES },
{ DS_SAVEFN, (void *)&sv_preanimateptrsave, 0, 1 },
{ 0, &animateptr[0], sizeof(animateptr[0]), MAXANIMATES },
{ DS_SAVEFN|DS_LOADFN , (void *)&sv_postanimateptr, 0, 1 },
{ 0, &camsprite, sizeof(camsprite), 1 },
{ 0, &msx[0], sizeof(msx[0]), sizeof(msx)/sizeof(msx[0]) },
{ 0, &msy[0], sizeof(msy[0]), sizeof(msy)/sizeof(msy[0]) },
{ 0, &show2dsector[0], sizeof(uint8_t), MAXSECTORS>>3 },
{ DS_NOCHK, &g_numClouds, sizeof(g_numClouds), 1 },
{ 0, &clouds[0], sizeof(clouds), 1 },
{ 0, &cloudx[0], sizeof(cloudx), 1 },
{ 0, &cloudy[0], sizeof(cloudy), 1 },
{ DS_NOCHK, ¶llaxyscale, sizeof(parallaxyscale), 1 },
{ 0, &pskybits, sizeof(pskybits), 1 },
{ 0, &pskyoff[0], sizeof(pskyoff[0]), MAXPSKYTILES },
{ 0, &g_earthquakeTime, sizeof(g_earthquakeTime), 1 },
{ DS_SAVEFN|DS_LOADFN|DS_NOCHK, (void *)sv_prequote, 0, 1 },
{ DS_SAVEFN, (void *)&sv_quotesave, 0, 1 },
{ DS_NOCHK, &savegame_quotedef, sizeof(savegame_quotedef), 1 }, // quotes can change during runtime, but new quote numbers cannot be allocated
{ DS_LOADFN, (void *)&sv_quoteload, 0, 1 },
{ DS_NOCHK, &g_numQuoteRedefinitions, sizeof(g_numQuoteRedefinitions), 1 },
{ DS_NOCHK|DS_SAVEFN|DS_LOADFN, (void *)&sv_prequoteredef, 0, 1 },
{ DS_NOCHK|DS_SAVEFN, (void *)&sv_quoteredefsave, 0, 1 }, // quote redefinitions replace quotes at runtime, but cannot be changed after CON compilation
{ DS_NOCHK|DS_DYNAMIC|DS_CNT(g_numQuoteRedefinitions), &savegame_quoteredefs, MAXQUOTELEN, (intptr_t)&g_numQuoteRedefinitions },
{ DS_NOCHK|DS_LOADFN, (void *)&sv_quoteredefload, 0, 1 },
{ DS_NOCHK|DS_SAVEFN|DS_LOADFN, (void *)&sv_postquoteredef, 0, 1 },
{ DS_SAVEFN, (void *)&sv_restsave, 0, 1 },
{ 0, savegame_restdata, 1, sizeof(savegame_restdata) }, // sz/cnt swapped for kdfread
{ DS_LOADFN, (void *)&sv_restload, 0, 1 },
{ DS_STRING, "savegame_end", 0, 1 },
{ DS_END, 0, 0, 0 }
#define SAVEWR(ptr, sz, cnt) do { if (fil) dfwrite(ptr,sz,cnt,fil); } while (0)
#define SAVEWRU(ptr, sz, cnt) do { if (fil) fwrite(ptr,sz,cnt,fil); } while (0)
@ -2053,10 +2070,10 @@ static uint8_t *dosaveplayer2(int32_t spot, FILE *fil, uint8_t *mem)
char buf[19];
const time_t t=time(NULL);
struct tm st;
struct tm *st;
Bsprintf(buf, "Eduke32 demo");
if (t>=0 && localtime_r(&t, &st)==&st)
Bsprintf(buf, "Edemo32 %04d%02d%02d", st.tm_year+1900, st.tm_mon+1, st.tm_mday);
if (t>=0 && (st = localtime(&t)))
Bsprintf(buf, "Edemo32 %04d%02d%02d", st->tm_year+1900, st->tm_mon+1, st->tm_mday);
SAVEWRU(&buf, 19, 1);
SAVEWRU("\0", 1, 1); // demos don't save screenshot
@ -2253,8 +2270,10 @@ static void postloadplayer2()
#ifdef POLYMER
if (getrendermode() == 4)
if (getrendermode() == 4) {
#elif 0
if (getrendermode() == 4)
Reference in a new issue