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Add unmodified sources for LPeg 1.0.1.

git-svn-id: https://svn.eduke32.com/eduke32@6155 1a8010ca-5511-0410-912e-c29ae57300e0
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hendricks266 2017-06-09 06:39:11 +00:00
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commit 37c7be05ca
12 changed files with 3890 additions and 0 deletions

source/lpeg/LICENSE.txt Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
Copyright © 2007-2017 Lua.org, PUC-Rio.
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

source/lpeg/src/lpcap.c Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,537 @@
** $Id: lpcap.c,v 1.6 2015/06/15 16:09:57 roberto Exp $
** Copyright 2007, Lua.org & PUC-Rio (see 'lpeg.html' for license)
#include "lua.h"
#include "lauxlib.h"
#include "lpcap.h"
#include "lptypes.h"
#define captype(cap) ((cap)->kind)
#define isclosecap(cap) (captype(cap) == Cclose)
#define closeaddr(c) ((c)->s + (c)->siz - 1)
#define isfullcap(cap) ((cap)->siz != 0)
#define getfromktable(cs,v) lua_rawgeti((cs)->L, ktableidx((cs)->ptop), v)
#define pushluaval(cs) getfromktable(cs, (cs)->cap->idx)
** Put at the cache for Lua values the value indexed by 'v' in ktable
** of the running pattern (if it is not there yet); returns its index.
static int updatecache (CapState *cs, int v) {
int idx = cs->ptop + 1; /* stack index of cache for Lua values */
if (v != cs->valuecached) { /* not there? */
getfromktable(cs, v); /* get value from 'ktable' */
lua_replace(cs->L, idx); /* put it at reserved stack position */
cs->valuecached = v; /* keep track of what is there */
return idx;
static int pushcapture (CapState *cs);
** Goes back in a list of captures looking for an open capture
** corresponding to a close
static Capture *findopen (Capture *cap) {
int n = 0; /* number of closes waiting an open */
for (;;) {
if (isclosecap(cap)) n++; /* one more open to skip */
else if (!isfullcap(cap))
if (n-- == 0) return cap;
** Go to the next capture
static void nextcap (CapState *cs) {
Capture *cap = cs->cap;
if (!isfullcap(cap)) { /* not a single capture? */
int n = 0; /* number of opens waiting a close */
for (;;) { /* look for corresponding close */
if (isclosecap(cap)) {
if (n-- == 0) break;
else if (!isfullcap(cap)) n++;
cs->cap = cap + 1; /* + 1 to skip last close (or entire single capture) */
** Push on the Lua stack all values generated by nested captures inside
** the current capture. Returns number of values pushed. 'addextra'
** makes it push the entire match after all captured values. The
** entire match is pushed also if there are no other nested values,
** so the function never returns zero.
static int pushnestedvalues (CapState *cs, int addextra) {
Capture *co = cs->cap;
if (isfullcap(cs->cap++)) { /* no nested captures? */
lua_pushlstring(cs->L, co->s, co->siz - 1); /* push whole match */
return 1; /* that is it */
else {
int n = 0;
while (!isclosecap(cs->cap)) /* repeat for all nested patterns */
n += pushcapture(cs);
if (addextra || n == 0) { /* need extra? */
lua_pushlstring(cs->L, co->s, cs->cap->s - co->s); /* push whole match */
cs->cap++; /* skip close entry */
return n;
** Push only the first value generated by nested captures
static void pushonenestedvalue (CapState *cs) {
int n = pushnestedvalues(cs, 0);
if (n > 1)
lua_pop(cs->L, n - 1); /* pop extra values */
** Try to find a named group capture with the name given at the top of
** the stack; goes backward from 'cap'.
static Capture *findback (CapState *cs, Capture *cap) {
lua_State *L = cs->L;
while (cap-- > cs->ocap) { /* repeat until end of list */
if (isclosecap(cap))
cap = findopen(cap); /* skip nested captures */
else if (!isfullcap(cap))
continue; /* opening an enclosing capture: skip and get previous */
if (captype(cap) == Cgroup) {
getfromktable(cs, cap->idx); /* get group name */
if (lp_equal(L, -2, -1)) { /* right group? */
lua_pop(L, 2); /* remove reference name and group name */
return cap;
else lua_pop(L, 1); /* remove group name */
luaL_error(L, "back reference '%s' not found", lua_tostring(L, -1));
return NULL; /* to avoid warnings */
** Back-reference capture. Return number of values pushed.
static int backrefcap (CapState *cs) {
int n;
Capture *curr = cs->cap;
pushluaval(cs); /* reference name */
cs->cap = findback(cs, curr); /* find corresponding group */
n = pushnestedvalues(cs, 0); /* push group's values */
cs->cap = curr + 1;
return n;
** Table capture: creates a new table and populates it with nested
** captures.
static int tablecap (CapState *cs) {
lua_State *L = cs->L;
int n = 0;
if (isfullcap(cs->cap++))
return 1; /* table is empty */
while (!isclosecap(cs->cap)) {
if (captype(cs->cap) == Cgroup && cs->cap->idx != 0) { /* named group? */
pushluaval(cs); /* push group name */
lua_settable(L, -3);
else { /* not a named group */
int i;
int k = pushcapture(cs);
for (i = k; i > 0; i--) /* store all values into table */
lua_rawseti(L, -(i + 1), n + i);
n += k;
cs->cap++; /* skip close entry */
return 1; /* number of values pushed (only the table) */
** Table-query capture
static int querycap (CapState *cs) {
int idx = cs->cap->idx;
pushonenestedvalue(cs); /* get nested capture */
lua_gettable(cs->L, updatecache(cs, idx)); /* query cap. value at table */
if (!lua_isnil(cs->L, -1))
return 1;
else { /* no value */
lua_pop(cs->L, 1); /* remove nil */
return 0;
** Fold capture
static int foldcap (CapState *cs) {
int n;
lua_State *L = cs->L;
int idx = cs->cap->idx;
if (isfullcap(cs->cap++) || /* no nested captures? */
isclosecap(cs->cap) || /* no nested captures (large subject)? */
(n = pushcapture(cs)) == 0) /* nested captures with no values? */
return luaL_error(L, "no initial value for fold capture");
if (n > 1)
lua_pop(L, n - 1); /* leave only one result for accumulator */
while (!isclosecap(cs->cap)) {
lua_pushvalue(L, updatecache(cs, idx)); /* get folding function */
lua_insert(L, -2); /* put it before accumulator */
n = pushcapture(cs); /* get next capture's values */
lua_call(L, n + 1, 1); /* call folding function */
cs->cap++; /* skip close entry */
return 1; /* only accumulator left on the stack */
** Function capture
static int functioncap (CapState *cs) {
int n;
int top = lua_gettop(cs->L);
pushluaval(cs); /* push function */
n = pushnestedvalues(cs, 0); /* push nested captures */
lua_call(cs->L, n, LUA_MULTRET); /* call function */
return lua_gettop(cs->L) - top; /* return function's results */
** Select capture
static int numcap (CapState *cs) {
int idx = cs->cap->idx; /* value to select */
if (idx == 0) { /* no values? */
nextcap(cs); /* skip entire capture */
return 0; /* no value produced */
else {
int n = pushnestedvalues(cs, 0);
if (n < idx) /* invalid index? */
return luaL_error(cs->L, "no capture '%d'", idx);
else {
lua_pushvalue(cs->L, -(n - idx + 1)); /* get selected capture */
lua_replace(cs->L, -(n + 1)); /* put it in place of 1st capture */
lua_pop(cs->L, n - 1); /* remove other captures */
return 1;
** Return the stack index of the first runtime capture in the given
** list of captures (or zero if no runtime captures)
int finddyncap (Capture *cap, Capture *last) {
for (; cap < last; cap++) {
if (cap->kind == Cruntime)
return cap->idx; /* stack position of first capture */
return 0; /* no dynamic captures in this segment */
** Calls a runtime capture. Returns number of captures removed by
** the call, including the initial Cgroup. (Captures to be added are
** on the Lua stack.)
int runtimecap (CapState *cs, Capture *close, const char *s, int *rem) {
int n, id;
lua_State *L = cs->L;
int otop = lua_gettop(L);
Capture *open = findopen(close);
assert(captype(open) == Cgroup);
id = finddyncap(open, close); /* get first dynamic capture argument */
close->kind = Cclose; /* closes the group */
close->s = s;
cs->cap = open; cs->valuecached = 0; /* prepare capture state */
luaL_checkstack(L, 4, "too many runtime captures");
pushluaval(cs); /* push function to be called */
lua_pushvalue(L, SUBJIDX); /* push original subject */
lua_pushinteger(L, s - cs->s + 1); /* push current position */
n = pushnestedvalues(cs, 0); /* push nested captures */
lua_call(L, n + 2, LUA_MULTRET); /* call dynamic function */
if (id > 0) { /* are there old dynamic captures to be removed? */
int i;
for (i = id; i <= otop; i++)
lua_remove(L, id); /* remove old dynamic captures */
*rem = otop - id + 1; /* total number of dynamic captures removed */
*rem = 0; /* no dynamic captures removed */
return close - open; /* number of captures of all kinds removed */
** Auxiliary structure for substitution and string captures: keep
** information about nested captures for future use, avoiding to push
** string results into Lua
typedef struct StrAux {
int isstring; /* whether capture is a string */
union {
Capture *cp; /* if not a string, respective capture */
struct { /* if it is a string... */
const char *s; /* ... starts here */
const char *e; /* ... ends here */
} s;
} u;
} StrAux;
#define MAXSTRCAPS 10
** Collect values from current capture into array 'cps'. Current
** capture must be Cstring (first call) or Csimple (recursive calls).
** (In first call, fills %0 with whole match for Cstring.)
** Returns number of elements in the array that were filled.
static int getstrcaps (CapState *cs, StrAux *cps, int n) {
int k = n++;
cps[k].isstring = 1; /* get string value */
cps[k].u.s.s = cs->cap->s; /* starts here */
if (!isfullcap(cs->cap++)) { /* nested captures? */
while (!isclosecap(cs->cap)) { /* traverse them */
if (n >= MAXSTRCAPS) /* too many captures? */
nextcap(cs); /* skip extra captures (will not need them) */
else if (captype(cs->cap) == Csimple) /* string? */
n = getstrcaps(cs, cps, n); /* put info. into array */
else {
cps[n].isstring = 0; /* not a string */
cps[n].u.cp = cs->cap; /* keep original capture */
cs->cap++; /* skip close */
cps[k].u.s.e = closeaddr(cs->cap - 1); /* ends here */
return n;
** add next capture value (which should be a string) to buffer 'b'
static int addonestring (luaL_Buffer *b, CapState *cs, const char *what);
** String capture: add result to buffer 'b' (instead of pushing
** it into the stack)
static void stringcap (luaL_Buffer *b, CapState *cs) {
int n;
size_t len, i;
const char *fmt; /* format string */
fmt = lua_tolstring(cs->L, updatecache(cs, cs->cap->idx), &len);
n = getstrcaps(cs, cps, 0) - 1; /* collect nested captures */
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { /* traverse them */
if (fmt[i] != '%') /* not an escape? */
luaL_addchar(b, fmt[i]); /* add it to buffer */
else if (fmt[++i] < '0' || fmt[i] > '9') /* not followed by a digit? */
luaL_addchar(b, fmt[i]); /* add to buffer */
else {
int l = fmt[i] - '0'; /* capture index */
if (l > n)
luaL_error(cs->L, "invalid capture index (%d)", l);
else if (cps[l].isstring)
luaL_addlstring(b, cps[l].u.s.s, cps[l].u.s.e - cps[l].u.s.s);
else {
Capture *curr = cs->cap;
cs->cap = cps[l].u.cp; /* go back to evaluate that nested capture */
if (!addonestring(b, cs, "capture"))
luaL_error(cs->L, "no values in capture index %d", l);
cs->cap = curr; /* continue from where it stopped */
** Substitution capture: add result to buffer 'b'
static void substcap (luaL_Buffer *b, CapState *cs) {
const char *curr = cs->cap->s;
if (isfullcap(cs->cap)) /* no nested captures? */
luaL_addlstring(b, curr, cs->cap->siz - 1); /* keep original text */
else {
cs->cap++; /* skip open entry */
while (!isclosecap(cs->cap)) { /* traverse nested captures */
const char *next = cs->cap->s;
luaL_addlstring(b, curr, next - curr); /* add text up to capture */
if (addonestring(b, cs, "replacement"))
curr = closeaddr(cs->cap - 1); /* continue after match */
else /* no capture value */
curr = next; /* keep original text in final result */
luaL_addlstring(b, curr, cs->cap->s - curr); /* add last piece of text */
cs->cap++; /* go to next capture */
** Evaluates a capture and adds its first value to buffer 'b'; returns
** whether there was a value
static int addonestring (luaL_Buffer *b, CapState *cs, const char *what) {
switch (captype(cs->cap)) {
case Cstring:
stringcap(b, cs); /* add capture directly to buffer */
return 1;
case Csubst:
substcap(b, cs); /* add capture directly to buffer */
return 1;
default: {
lua_State *L = cs->L;
int n = pushcapture(cs);
if (n > 0) {
if (n > 1) lua_pop(L, n - 1); /* only one result */
if (!lua_isstring(L, -1))
luaL_error(L, "invalid %s value (a %s)", what, luaL_typename(L, -1));
return n;
** Push all values of the current capture into the stack; returns
** number of values pushed
static int pushcapture (CapState *cs) {
lua_State *L = cs->L;
luaL_checkstack(L, 4, "too many captures");
switch (captype(cs->cap)) {
case Cposition: {
lua_pushinteger(L, cs->cap->s - cs->s + 1);
return 1;
case Cconst: {
return 1;
case Carg: {
int arg = (cs->cap++)->idx;
if (arg + FIXEDARGS > cs->ptop)
return luaL_error(L, "reference to absent extra argument #%d", arg);
lua_pushvalue(L, arg + FIXEDARGS);
return 1;
case Csimple: {
int k = pushnestedvalues(cs, 1);
lua_insert(L, -k); /* make whole match be first result */
return k;
case Cruntime: {
lua_pushvalue(L, (cs->cap++)->idx); /* value is in the stack */
return 1;
case Cstring: {
luaL_Buffer b;
luaL_buffinit(L, &b);
stringcap(&b, cs);
return 1;
case Csubst: {
luaL_Buffer b;
luaL_buffinit(L, &b);
substcap(&b, cs);
return 1;
case Cgroup: {
if (cs->cap->idx == 0) /* anonymous group? */
return pushnestedvalues(cs, 0); /* add all nested values */
else { /* named group: add no values */
nextcap(cs); /* skip capture */
return 0;
case Cbackref: return backrefcap(cs);
case Ctable: return tablecap(cs);
case Cfunction: return functioncap(cs);
case Cnum: return numcap(cs);
case Cquery: return querycap(cs);
case Cfold: return foldcap(cs);
default: assert(0); return 0;
** Prepare a CapState structure and traverse the entire list of
** captures in the stack pushing its results. 's' is the subject
** string, 'r' is the final position of the match, and 'ptop'
** the index in the stack where some useful values were pushed.
** Returns the number of results pushed. (If the list produces no
** results, push the final position of the match.)
int getcaptures (lua_State *L, const char *s, const char *r, int ptop) {
Capture *capture = (Capture *)lua_touserdata(L, caplistidx(ptop));
int n = 0;
if (!isclosecap(capture)) { /* is there any capture? */
CapState cs;
cs.ocap = cs.cap = capture; cs.L = L;
cs.s = s; cs.valuecached = 0; cs.ptop = ptop;
do { /* collect their values */
n += pushcapture(&cs);
} while (!isclosecap(cs.cap));
if (n == 0) { /* no capture values? */
lua_pushinteger(L, r - s + 1); /* return only end position */
n = 1;
return n;

source/lpeg/src/lpcap.h Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
** $Id: lpcap.h,v 1.3 2016/09/13 17:45:58 roberto Exp $
#if !defined(lpcap_h)
#define lpcap_h
#include "lptypes.h"
/* kinds of captures */
typedef enum CapKind {
Cclose, /* not used in trees */
Cconst, /* ktable[key] is Lua constant */
Cbackref, /* ktable[key] is "name" of group to get capture */
Carg, /* 'key' is arg's number */
Csimple, /* next node is pattern */
Ctable, /* next node is pattern */
Cfunction, /* ktable[key] is function; next node is pattern */
Cquery, /* ktable[key] is table; next node is pattern */
Cstring, /* ktable[key] is string; next node is pattern */
Cnum, /* numbered capture; 'key' is number of value to return */
Csubst, /* substitution capture; next node is pattern */
Cfold, /* ktable[key] is function; next node is pattern */
Cruntime, /* not used in trees (is uses another type for tree) */
Cgroup /* ktable[key] is group's "name" */
} CapKind;
typedef struct Capture {
const char *s; /* subject position */
unsigned short idx; /* extra info (group name, arg index, etc.) */
byte kind; /* kind of capture */
byte siz; /* size of full capture + 1 (0 = not a full capture) */
} Capture;
typedef struct CapState {
Capture *cap; /* current capture */
Capture *ocap; /* (original) capture list */
lua_State *L;
int ptop; /* index of last argument to 'match' */
const char *s; /* original string */
int valuecached; /* value stored in cache slot */
} CapState;
int runtimecap (CapState *cs, Capture *close, const char *s, int *rem);
int getcaptures (lua_State *L, const char *s, const char *r, int ptop);
int finddyncap (Capture *cap, Capture *last);

source/lpeg/src/lpcode.c Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

source/lpeg/src/lpcode.h Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
** $Id: lpcode.h,v 1.8 2016/09/15 17:46:13 roberto Exp $
#if !defined(lpcode_h)
#define lpcode_h
#include "lua.h"
#include "lptypes.h"
#include "lptree.h"
#include "lpvm.h"
int tocharset (TTree *tree, Charset *cs);
int checkaux (TTree *tree, int pred);
int fixedlen (TTree *tree);
int hascaptures (TTree *tree);
int lp_gc (lua_State *L);
Instruction *compile (lua_State *L, Pattern *p);
void realloccode (lua_State *L, Pattern *p, int nsize);
int sizei (const Instruction *i);
#define PEnullable 0
#define PEnofail 1
** nofail(t) implies that 't' cannot fail with any input
#define nofail(t) checkaux(t, PEnofail)
** (not nullable(t)) implies 't' cannot match without consuming
** something
#define nullable(t) checkaux(t, PEnullable)

source/lpeg/src/lpprint.c Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
** $Id: lpprint.c,v 1.10 2016/09/13 16:06:03 roberto Exp $
** Copyright 2007, Lua.org & PUC-Rio (see 'lpeg.html' for license)
#include <ctype.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "lptypes.h"
#include "lpprint.h"
#include "lpcode.h"
#if defined(LPEG_DEBUG)
** {======================================================
** Printing patterns (for debugging)
** =======================================================
void printcharset (const byte *st) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i <= UCHAR_MAX; i++) {
int first = i;
while (testchar(st, i) && i <= UCHAR_MAX) i++;
if (i - 1 == first) /* unary range? */
printf("(%02x)", first);
else if (i - 1 > first) /* non-empty range? */
printf("(%02x-%02x)", first, i - 1);
static const char *capkind (int kind) {
const char *const modes[] = {
"close", "position", "constant", "backref",
"argument", "simple", "table", "function",
"query", "string", "num", "substitution", "fold",
"runtime", "group"};
return modes[kind];
static void printjmp (const Instruction *op, const Instruction *p) {
printf("-> %d", (int)(p + (p + 1)->offset - op));
void printinst (const Instruction *op, const Instruction *p) {
const char *const names[] = {
"any", "char", "set",
"testany", "testchar", "testset",
"span", "behind",
"ret", "end",
"choice", "jmp", "call", "open_call",
"commit", "partial_commit", "back_commit", "failtwice", "fail", "giveup",
"fullcapture", "opencapture", "closecapture", "closeruntime"
printf("%02ld: %s ", (long)(p - op), names[p->i.code]);
switch ((Opcode)p->i.code) {
case IChar: {
printf("'%c'", p->i.aux);
case ITestChar: {
printf("'%c'", p->i.aux); printjmp(op, p);
case IFullCapture: {
printf("%s (size = %d) (idx = %d)",
capkind(getkind(p)), getoff(p), p->i.key);
case IOpenCapture: {
printf("%s (idx = %d)", capkind(getkind(p)), p->i.key);
case ISet: {
case ITestSet: {
printcharset((p+2)->buff); printjmp(op, p);
case ISpan: {
case IOpenCall: {
printf("-> %d", (p + 1)->offset);
case IBehind: {
printf("%d", p->i.aux);
case IJmp: case ICall: case ICommit: case IChoice:
case IPartialCommit: case IBackCommit: case ITestAny: {
printjmp(op, p);
default: break;
void printpatt (Instruction *p, int n) {
Instruction *op = p;
while (p < op + n) {
printinst(op, p);
p += sizei(p);
#if defined(LPEG_DEBUG)
static void printcap (Capture *cap) {
printf("%s (idx: %d - size: %d) -> %p\n",
capkind(cap->kind), cap->idx, cap->siz, cap->s);
void printcaplist (Capture *cap, Capture *limit) {
for (; cap->s && (limit == NULL || cap < limit); cap++)
/* }====================================================== */
** {======================================================
** Printing trees (for debugging)
** =======================================================
static const char *tagnames[] = {
"char", "set", "any",
"true", "false",
"seq", "choice",
"not", "and",
"call", "opencall", "rule", "grammar",
"capture", "run-time"
void printtree (TTree *tree, int ident) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < ident; i++) printf(" ");
printf("%s", tagnames[tree->tag]);
switch (tree->tag) {
case TChar: {
int c = tree->u.n;
if (isprint(c))
printf(" '%c'\n", c);
printf(" (%02X)\n", c);
case TSet: {
case TOpenCall: case TCall: {
assert(sib2(tree)->tag == TRule);
printf(" key: %d (rule: %d)\n", tree->key, sib2(tree)->cap);
case TBehind: {
printf(" %d\n", tree->u.n);
printtree(sib1(tree), ident + 2);
case TCapture: {
printf(" kind: '%s' key: %d\n", capkind(tree->cap), tree->key);
printtree(sib1(tree), ident + 2);
case TRule: {
printf(" n: %d key: %d\n", tree->cap, tree->key);
printtree(sib1(tree), ident + 2);
break; /* do not print next rule as a sibling */
case TGrammar: {
TTree *rule = sib1(tree);
printf(" %d\n", tree->u.n); /* number of rules */
for (i = 0; i < tree->u.n; i++) {
printtree(rule, ident + 2);
rule = sib2(rule);
assert(rule->tag == TTrue); /* sentinel */
default: {
int sibs = numsiblings[tree->tag];
if (sibs >= 1) {
printtree(sib1(tree), ident + 2);
if (sibs >= 2)
printtree(sib2(tree), ident + 2);
void printktable (lua_State *L, int idx) {
int n, i;
lua_getuservalue(L, idx);
if (lua_isnil(L, -1)) /* no ktable? */
n = lua_rawlen(L, -1);
for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
printf("%d = ", i);
lua_rawgeti(L, -1, i);
if (lua_isstring(L, -1))
printf("%s ", lua_tostring(L, -1));
printf("%s ", lua_typename(L, lua_type(L, -1)));
lua_pop(L, 1);
/* leave ktable at the stack */
/* }====================================================== */

source/lpeg/src/lpprint.h Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
** $Id: lpprint.h,v 1.2 2015/06/12 18:18:08 roberto Exp $
#if !defined(lpprint_h)
#define lpprint_h
#include "lptree.h"
#include "lpvm.h"
#if defined(LPEG_DEBUG)
void printpatt (Instruction *p, int n);
void printtree (TTree *tree, int ident);
void printktable (lua_State *L, int idx);
void printcharset (const byte *st);
void printcaplist (Capture *cap, Capture *limit);
void printinst (const Instruction *op, const Instruction *p);
#define printktable(L,idx) \
luaL_error(L, "function only implemented in debug mode")
#define printtree(tree,i) \
luaL_error(L, "function only implemented in debug mode")
#define printpatt(p,n) \
luaL_error(L, "function only implemented in debug mode")

source/lpeg/src/lptree.c Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

source/lpeg/src/lptree.h Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
** $Id: lptree.h,v 1.3 2016/09/13 18:07:51 roberto Exp $
#if !defined(lptree_h)
#define lptree_h
#include "lptypes.h"
** types of trees
typedef enum TTag {
TChar = 0, /* 'n' = char */
TSet, /* the set is stored in next CHARSETSIZE bytes */
TRep, /* 'sib1'* */
TSeq, /* 'sib1' 'sib2' */
TChoice, /* 'sib1' / 'sib2' */
TNot, /* !'sib1' */
TAnd, /* &'sib1' */
TCall, /* ktable[key] is rule's key; 'sib2' is rule being called */
TOpenCall, /* ktable[key] is rule's key */
TRule, /* ktable[key] is rule's key (but key == 0 for unused rules);
'sib1' is rule's pattern;
'sib2' is next rule; 'cap' is rule's sequential number */
TGrammar, /* 'sib1' is initial (and first) rule */
TBehind, /* 'sib1' is pattern, 'n' is how much to go back */
TCapture, /* captures: 'cap' is kind of capture (enum 'CapKind');
ktable[key] is Lua value associated with capture;
'sib1' is capture body */
TRunTime /* run-time capture: 'key' is Lua function;
'sib1' is capture body */
} TTag;
** Tree trees
** The first child of a tree (if there is one) is immediately after
** the tree. A reference to a second child (ps) is its position
** relative to the position of the tree itself.
typedef struct TTree {
byte tag;
byte cap; /* kind of capture (if it is a capture) */
unsigned short key; /* key in ktable for Lua data (0 if no key) */
union {
int ps; /* occasional second child */
int n; /* occasional counter */
} u;
} TTree;
** A complete pattern has its tree plus, if already compiled,
** its corresponding code
typedef struct Pattern {
union Instruction *code;
int codesize;
TTree tree[1];
} Pattern;
/* number of children for each tree */
extern const byte numsiblings[];
/* access to children */
#define sib1(t) ((t) + 1)
#define sib2(t) ((t) + (t)->u.ps)

source/lpeg/src/lptypes.h Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
** $Id: lptypes.h,v 1.16 2017/01/13 13:33:17 roberto Exp $
** LPeg - PEG pattern matching for Lua
** Copyright 2007-2017, Lua.org & PUC-Rio (see 'lpeg.html' for license)
** written by Roberto Ierusalimschy
#if !defined(lptypes_h)
#define lptypes_h
#if !defined(LPEG_DEBUG)
#define NDEBUG
#include <assert.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include "lua.h"
#define VERSION "1.0.1"
#define PATTERN_T "lpeg-pattern"
#define MAXSTACKIDX "lpeg-maxstack"
** compatibility with Lua 5.1
#if (LUA_VERSION_NUM == 501)
#define lp_equal lua_equal
#define lua_getuservalue lua_getfenv
#define lua_setuservalue lua_setfenv
#define lua_rawlen lua_objlen
#define luaL_setfuncs(L,f,n) luaL_register(L,NULL,f)
#define luaL_newlib(L,f) luaL_register(L,"lpeg",f)
#if !defined(lp_equal)
#define lp_equal(L,idx1,idx2) lua_compare(L,(idx1),(idx2),LUA_OPEQ)
/* default maximum size for call/backtrack stack */
#if !defined(MAXBACK)
#define MAXBACK 400
/* maximum number of rules in a grammar (limited by 'unsigned char') */
#if !defined(MAXRULES)
#define MAXRULES 250
/* initial size for capture's list */
#define INITCAPSIZE 32
/* index, on Lua stack, for subject */
#define SUBJIDX 2
/* number of fixed arguments to 'match' (before capture arguments) */
#define FIXEDARGS 3
/* index, on Lua stack, for capture list */
#define caplistidx(ptop) ((ptop) + 2)
/* index, on Lua stack, for pattern's ktable */
#define ktableidx(ptop) ((ptop) + 3)
/* index, on Lua stack, for backtracking stack */
#define stackidx(ptop) ((ptop) + 4)
typedef unsigned char byte;
typedef struct Charset {
} Charset;
#define loopset(v,b) { int v; for (v = 0; v < CHARSETSIZE; v++) {b;} }
/* access to charset */
#define treebuffer(t) ((byte *)((t) + 1))
/* number of slots needed for 'n' bytes */
#define bytes2slots(n) (((n) - 1) / sizeof(TTree) + 1)
/* set 'b' bit in charset 'cs' */
#define setchar(cs,b) ((cs)[(b) >> 3] |= (1 << ((b) & 7)))
** in capture instructions, 'kind' of capture and its offset are
** packed in field 'aux', 4 bits for each
#define getkind(op) ((op)->i.aux & 0xF)
#define getoff(op) (((op)->i.aux >> 4) & 0xF)
#define joinkindoff(k,o) ((k) | ((o) << 4))
#define MAXOFF 0xF
#define MAXAUX 0xFF
/* maximum number of bytes to look behind */
/* maximum size (in elements) for a pattern */
/* size (in elements) for an instruction plus extra l bytes */
#define instsize(l) (((l) + sizeof(Instruction) - 1)/sizeof(Instruction) + 1)
/* size (in elements) for a ISet instruction */
/* size (in elements) for a IFunc instruction */
#define funcinstsize(p) ((p)->i.aux + 2)
#define testchar(st,c) (((int)(st)[((c) >> 3)] & (1 << ((c) & 7))))

source/lpeg/src/lpvm.c Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
** $Id: lpvm.c,v 1.9 2016/06/03 20:11:18 roberto Exp $
** Copyright 2007, Lua.org & PUC-Rio (see 'lpeg.html' for license)
#include <limits.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "lua.h"
#include "lauxlib.h"
#include "lpcap.h"
#include "lptypes.h"
#include "lpvm.h"
#include "lpprint.h"
/* initial size for call/backtrack stack */
#if !defined(INITBACK)
#define getoffset(p) (((p) + 1)->offset)
static const Instruction giveup = {{IGiveup, 0, 0}};
** {======================================================
** Virtual Machine
** =======================================================
typedef struct Stack {
const char *s; /* saved position (or NULL for calls) */
const Instruction *p; /* next instruction */
int caplevel;
} Stack;
#define getstackbase(L, ptop) ((Stack *)lua_touserdata(L, stackidx(ptop)))
** Make the size of the array of captures 'cap' twice as large as needed
** (which is 'captop'). ('n' is the number of new elements.)
static Capture *doublecap (lua_State *L, Capture *cap, int captop,
int n, int ptop) {
Capture *newc;
if (captop >= INT_MAX/((int)sizeof(Capture) * 2))
luaL_error(L, "too many captures");
newc = (Capture *)lua_newuserdata(L, captop * 2 * sizeof(Capture));
memcpy(newc, cap, (captop - n) * sizeof(Capture));
lua_replace(L, caplistidx(ptop));
return newc;
** Double the size of the stack
static Stack *doublestack (lua_State *L, Stack **stacklimit, int ptop) {
Stack *stack = getstackbase(L, ptop);
Stack *newstack;
int n = *stacklimit - stack; /* current stack size */
int max, newn;
max = lua_tointeger(L, -1); /* maximum allowed size */
lua_pop(L, 1);
if (n >= max) /* already at maximum size? */
luaL_error(L, "backtrack stack overflow (current limit is %d)", max);
newn = 2 * n; /* new size */
if (newn > max) newn = max;
newstack = (Stack *)lua_newuserdata(L, newn * sizeof(Stack));
memcpy(newstack, stack, n * sizeof(Stack));
lua_replace(L, stackidx(ptop));
*stacklimit = newstack + newn;
return newstack + n; /* return next position */
** Interpret the result of a dynamic capture: false -> fail;
** true -> keep current position; number -> next position.
** Return new subject position. 'fr' is stack index where
** is the result; 'curr' is current subject position; 'limit'
** is subject's size.
static int resdyncaptures (lua_State *L, int fr, int curr, int limit) {
lua_Integer res;
if (!lua_toboolean(L, fr)) { /* false value? */
lua_settop(L, fr - 1); /* remove results */
return -1; /* and fail */
else if (lua_isboolean(L, fr)) /* true? */
res = curr; /* keep current position */
else {
res = lua_tointeger(L, fr) - 1; /* new position */
if (res < curr || res > limit)
luaL_error(L, "invalid position returned by match-time capture");
lua_remove(L, fr); /* remove first result (offset) */
return res;
** Add capture values returned by a dynamic capture to the capture list
** 'base', nested inside a group capture. 'fd' indexes the first capture
** value, 'n' is the number of values (at least 1).
static void adddyncaptures (const char *s, Capture *base, int n, int fd) {
int i;
base[0].kind = Cgroup; /* create group capture */
base[0].siz = 0;
base[0].idx = 0; /* make it an anonymous group */
for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) { /* add runtime captures */
base[i].kind = Cruntime;
base[i].siz = 1; /* mark it as closed */
base[i].idx = fd + i - 1; /* stack index of capture value */
base[i].s = s;
base[i].kind = Cclose; /* close group */
base[i].siz = 1;
base[i].s = s;
** Remove dynamic captures from the Lua stack (called in case of failure)
static int removedyncap (lua_State *L, Capture *capture,
int level, int last) {
int id = finddyncap(capture + level, capture + last); /* index of 1st cap. */
int top = lua_gettop(L);
if (id == 0) return 0; /* no dynamic captures? */
lua_settop(L, id - 1); /* remove captures */
return top - id + 1; /* number of values removed */
** Opcode interpreter
const char *match (lua_State *L, const char *o, const char *s, const char *e,
Instruction *op, Capture *capture, int ptop) {
Stack stackbase[INITBACK];
Stack *stacklimit = stackbase + INITBACK;
Stack *stack = stackbase; /* point to first empty slot in stack */
int capsize = INITCAPSIZE;
int captop = 0; /* point to first empty slot in captures */
int ndyncap = 0; /* number of dynamic captures (in Lua stack) */
const Instruction *p = op; /* current instruction */
stack->p = &giveup; stack->s = s; stack->caplevel = 0; stack++;
lua_pushlightuserdata(L, stackbase);
for (;;) {
#if defined(DEBUG)
printcaplist(capture, capture + captop);
printf("s: |%s| stck:%d, dyncaps:%d, caps:%d ",
s, (int)(stack - getstackbase(L, ptop)), ndyncap, captop);
printinst(op, p);
assert(stackidx(ptop) + ndyncap == lua_gettop(L) && ndyncap <= captop);
switch ((Opcode)p->i.code) {
case IEnd: {
assert(stack == getstackbase(L, ptop) + 1);
capture[captop].kind = Cclose;
capture[captop].s = NULL;
return s;
case IGiveup: {
assert(stack == getstackbase(L, ptop));
return NULL;
case IRet: {
assert(stack > getstackbase(L, ptop) && (stack - 1)->s == NULL);
p = (--stack)->p;
case IAny: {
if (s < e) { p++; s++; }
else goto fail;
case ITestAny: {
if (s < e) p += 2;
else p += getoffset(p);
case IChar: {
if ((byte)*s == p->i.aux && s < e) { p++; s++; }
else goto fail;
case ITestChar: {
if ((byte)*s == p->i.aux && s < e) p += 2;
else p += getoffset(p);
case ISet: {
int c = (byte)*s;
if (testchar((p+1)->buff, c) && s < e)
{ p += CHARSETINSTSIZE; s++; }
else goto fail;
case ITestSet: {
int c = (byte)*s;
if (testchar((p + 2)->buff, c) && s < e)
else p += getoffset(p);
case IBehind: {
int n = p->i.aux;
if (n > s - o) goto fail;
s -= n; p++;
case ISpan: {
for (; s < e; s++) {
int c = (byte)*s;
if (!testchar((p+1)->buff, c)) break;
case IJmp: {
p += getoffset(p);
case IChoice: {
if (stack == stacklimit)
stack = doublestack(L, &stacklimit, ptop);
stack->p = p + getoffset(p);
stack->s = s;
stack->caplevel = captop;
p += 2;
case ICall: {
if (stack == stacklimit)
stack = doublestack(L, &stacklimit, ptop);
stack->s = NULL;
stack->p = p + 2; /* save return address */
p += getoffset(p);
case ICommit: {
assert(stack > getstackbase(L, ptop) && (stack - 1)->s != NULL);
p += getoffset(p);
case IPartialCommit: {
assert(stack > getstackbase(L, ptop) && (stack - 1)->s != NULL);
(stack - 1)->s = s;
(stack - 1)->caplevel = captop;
p += getoffset(p);
case IBackCommit: {
assert(stack > getstackbase(L, ptop) && (stack - 1)->s != NULL);
s = (--stack)->s;
captop = stack->caplevel;
p += getoffset(p);
case IFailTwice:
assert(stack > getstackbase(L, ptop));
/* go through */
case IFail:
fail: { /* pattern failed: try to backtrack */
do { /* remove pending calls */
assert(stack > getstackbase(L, ptop));
s = (--stack)->s;
} while (s == NULL);
if (ndyncap > 0) /* is there matchtime captures? */
ndyncap -= removedyncap(L, capture, stack->caplevel, captop);
captop = stack->caplevel;
p = stack->p;
#if defined(DEBUG)
case ICloseRunTime: {
CapState cs;
int rem, res, n;
int fr = lua_gettop(L) + 1; /* stack index of first result */
cs.s = o; cs.L = L; cs.ocap = capture; cs.ptop = ptop;
n = runtimecap(&cs, capture + captop, s, &rem); /* call function */
captop -= n; /* remove nested captures */
ndyncap -= rem; /* update number of dynamic captures */
fr -= rem; /* 'rem' items were popped from Lua stack */
res = resdyncaptures(L, fr, s - o, e - o); /* get result */
if (res == -1) /* fail? */
goto fail;
s = o + res; /* else update current position */
n = lua_gettop(L) - fr + 1; /* number of new captures */
ndyncap += n; /* update number of dynamic captures */
if (n > 0) { /* any new capture? */
if (fr + n >= SHRT_MAX)
luaL_error(L, "too many results in match-time capture");
if ((captop += n + 2) >= capsize) {
capture = doublecap(L, capture, captop, n + 2, ptop);
capsize = 2 * captop;
/* add new captures to 'capture' list */
adddyncaptures(s, capture + captop - n - 2, n, fr);
case ICloseCapture: {
const char *s1 = s;
assert(captop > 0);
/* if possible, turn capture into a full capture */
if (capture[captop - 1].siz == 0 &&
s1 - capture[captop - 1].s < UCHAR_MAX) {
capture[captop - 1].siz = s1 - capture[captop - 1].s + 1;
else {
capture[captop].siz = 1; /* mark entry as closed */
capture[captop].s = s;
goto pushcapture;
case IOpenCapture:
capture[captop].siz = 0; /* mark entry as open */
capture[captop].s = s;
goto pushcapture;
case IFullCapture:
capture[captop].siz = getoff(p) + 1; /* save capture size */
capture[captop].s = s - getoff(p);
/* goto pushcapture; */
pushcapture: {
capture[captop].idx = p->i.key;
capture[captop].kind = getkind(p);
if (++captop >= capsize) {
capture = doublecap(L, capture, captop, 0, ptop);
capsize = 2 * captop;
default: assert(0); return NULL;
/* }====================================================== */

source/lpeg/src/lpvm.h Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
** $Id: lpvm.h,v 1.3 2014/02/21 13:06:41 roberto Exp $
#if !defined(lpvm_h)
#define lpvm_h
#include "lpcap.h"
/* Virtual Machine's instructions */
typedef enum Opcode {
IAny, /* if no char, fail */
IChar, /* if char != aux, fail */
ISet, /* if char not in buff, fail */
ITestAny, /* in no char, jump to 'offset' */
ITestChar, /* if char != aux, jump to 'offset' */
ITestSet, /* if char not in buff, jump to 'offset' */
ISpan, /* read a span of chars in buff */
IBehind, /* walk back 'aux' characters (fail if not possible) */
IRet, /* return from a rule */
IEnd, /* end of pattern */
IChoice, /* stack a choice; next fail will jump to 'offset' */
IJmp, /* jump to 'offset' */
ICall, /* call rule at 'offset' */
IOpenCall, /* call rule number 'key' (must be closed to a ICall) */
ICommit, /* pop choice and jump to 'offset' */
IPartialCommit, /* update top choice to current position and jump */
IBackCommit, /* "fails" but jump to its own 'offset' */
IFailTwice, /* pop one choice and then fail */
IFail, /* go back to saved state on choice and jump to saved offset */
IGiveup, /* internal use */
IFullCapture, /* complete capture of last 'off' chars */
IOpenCapture, /* start a capture */
} Opcode;
typedef union Instruction {
struct Inst {
byte code;
byte aux;
short key;
} i;
int offset;
byte buff[1];
} Instruction;
void printpatt (Instruction *p, int n);
const char *match (lua_State *L, const char *o, const char *s, const char *e,
Instruction *op, Capture *capture, int ptop);