mirror of
synced 2025-02-19 01:50:56 +00:00
- final cleanup on Exhumed's intro sequence.
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 254 additions and 238 deletions
@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "screenjob.h"
#include "sequence.h"
#include "v_draw.h"
#include "m_random.h"
#include <string>
@ -155,15 +156,266 @@ void InitFonts()
void DrawAbs(int tile, double x, double y)
DrawTexture(twod, tileGetTexture(tile), x, y, DTA_FullscreenScale, FSMode_ScaleToFit43, DTA_VirtualWidth, 320, DTA_VirtualHeight, 200, DTA_TopLeft, true, TAG_DONE);
void DrawRel(int tile, double x, double y)
DrawTexture(twod, tileGetTexture(tile), x, y, DTA_FullscreenScale, FSMode_ScaleToFit43, DTA_VirtualWidth, 320, DTA_VirtualHeight, 200, DTA_CenterOffsetRel, true, TAG_DONE);
// This is slightly different than what the backend does here, but critical for some graphics.
int offx = (tileWidth(tile) >> 1) + tileLeftOffset(tile);
int offy = (tileHeight(tile) >> 1) + tileTopOffset(tile);
DrawAbs(tile, x - offx, y - offy);
// this might be static within the DoPlasma function?
static uint8_t* PlasmaBuffer;
static int nPlasmaTile = kTile4092;
static int nLogoTile;
static unsigned int nSmokeBottom;
static unsigned int nSmokeRight;
static unsigned int nSmokeTop;
static unsigned int nSmokeLeft;
static int nextPlasmaTic;
static int plasma_A[5] = { 0 };
static int plasma_B[5] = { 0 };
static int plasma_C[5] = { 0 };
static FRandom rnd_plasma;
kPlasmaWidth = 320,
kPlasmaHeight = 80,
void menu_DoPlasma()
int ptile = nPlasmaTile;
if (totalclock >= nextPlasmaTic || !PlasmaBuffer)
nextPlasmaTic = (int)totalclock + 4;
if (!nLogoTile)
nLogoTile = EXHUMED ? kExhumedLogo : kPowerslaveLogo;
if (!PlasmaBuffer)
auto pixels = TileFiles.tileCreate(kTile4092, kPlasmaWidth, kPlasmaHeight);
memset(pixels, 96, kPlasmaWidth * kPlasmaHeight);
PlasmaBuffer = TileFiles.tileCreate(kTile4093, kPlasmaWidth, kPlasmaHeight);
memset(PlasmaBuffer, 96, kPlasmaWidth * kPlasmaHeight);
nSmokeLeft = 160 - tilesiz[nLogoTile].x / 2;
nSmokeRight = nSmokeLeft + tilesiz[nLogoTile].x;
nSmokeTop = 40 - tilesiz[nLogoTile].y / 2;
nSmokeBottom = nSmokeTop + tilesiz[nLogoTile].y - 1;
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
int logoWidth = tilesiz[nLogoTile].x;
plasma_C[i] = (nSmokeLeft + rand() % logoWidth) << 16;
plasma_B[i] = (rnd_plasma.GenRand32() % 327680) + 0x10000;
if (rnd_plasma.GenRand32()&1) {
plasma_B[i] = -plasma_B[i];
plasma_A[i] = rnd_plasma.GenRand32() & 1;
uint8_t* plasmapix = tileData(nPlasmaTile);
uint8_t* r_ebx = plasmapix + 81;
const uint8_t* r_edx = tileData(nPlasmaTile ^ 1) + 81; // flip between value of 4092 and 4093 with xor
for (int x = 0; x < kPlasmaWidth - 2; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < kPlasmaHeight - 2; y++)
uint8_t al = *r_edx;
if (al != 96)
if (al > 158) {
*r_ebx = al - 1;
else {
*r_ebx = 96;
if (rnd_plasma.GenRand32() & 1) {
*r_ebx = *r_edx;
uint8_t al = *(r_edx + 1);
uint8_t cl = *(r_edx - 1);
if (al <= cl) {
al = cl;
cl = al;
al = *(r_edx - 80);
if (cl <= al) {
cl = al;
al = *(r_edx + 80);
if (cl <= al) {
cl = al;
al = *(r_edx + 80);
if (cl <= al) {
cl = al;
al = *(r_edx + 80);
if (cl <= al) {
cl = al;
al = *(r_edx - 79);
if (cl > al) {
al = cl;
cl = *(r_edx - 81);
if (al <= cl) {
al = cl;
cl = al;
if (al <= 159) {
*r_ebx = 96;
if (!(rnd_plasma.GenRand32() & 1))
*r_ebx = cl;
// before restarting inner loop
// before restarting outer loop
r_edx += 2;
r_ebx += 2;
auto logopix = tilePtr(nLogoTile);
for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++)
int pB = plasma_B[j];
int pC = plasma_C[j];
int badOffset = (pC >> 16) < nSmokeLeft || (pC >> 16) >= nSmokeRight;
const uint8_t* ptr3 = (logopix + ((pC >> 16) - nSmokeLeft) * tilesiz[nLogoTile].y);
plasma_C[j] += plasma_B[j];
if ((pB > 0 && (plasma_C[j] >> 16) >= nSmokeRight) || (pB < 0 && (plasma_C[j] >> 16) <= nSmokeLeft))
int esi = plasma_A[j];
plasma_B[j] = -plasma_B[j];
plasma_A[j] = esi == 0;
if (badOffset)
unsigned int nSmokeOffset = 0;
if (plasma_A[j])
nSmokeOffset = nSmokeTop;
while (nSmokeOffset < nSmokeBottom)
uint8_t al = *ptr3;
if (al != TRANSPARENT_INDEX && al != 96) {
nSmokeOffset = nSmokeBottom;
ptr3 += tilesiz[nLogoTile].y - 1;
while (nSmokeOffset > nSmokeTop)
uint8_t al = *ptr3;
if (al != TRANSPARENT_INDEX && al != 96) {
uint8_t* v28 = plasmapix + (80 * (plasma_C[j] >> 16));
v28[nSmokeOffset] = 175;
tileInvalidate(nPlasmaTile, -1, -1);
// flip between tile 4092 and 4093
if (nPlasmaTile == kTile4092) {
nPlasmaTile = kTile4093;
else if (nPlasmaTile == kTile4093) {
nPlasmaTile = kTile4092;
DrawAbs(ptile, 0, 0);
DrawRel(nLogoTile, 160, 40);
// draw the fire urn/lamp thingies
int dword_9AB5F = ((int)totalclock / 16) & 3;
DrawRel(kTile3512 + dword_9AB5F, 50, 150);
DrawRel(kTile3512 + ((dword_9AB5F + 2) & 3), 270, 150);
@ -53,9 +53,6 @@ GameStat GameStats;
short nCinemaSeen[30];
// this might be static within the DoPlasma function?
uint8_t * PlasmaBuffer;
uint8_t energytile[66 * 66] = {0};
short nLeft[50] = {0};
@ -66,10 +63,6 @@ short SavePosition = -1;
uint8_t *cur;
uint8_t *dest;
unsigned int nSmokeBottom;
unsigned int nSmokeRight;
unsigned int nSmokeTop;
unsigned int nSmokeLeft;
unsigned int nRandom = 0x41C6167E;
int dword_9AB57 = 0x1F;
@ -77,10 +70,6 @@ short word_9AB5B = 0;
int keytimer = 0;
int plasma_A[5] = {0};
int plasma_B[5] = {0};
int plasma_C[5] = {0};
short nMenuKeys[] = { sc_N, sc_L, sc_M, sc_V, sc_Q, sc_None }; // select a menu item using the keys. 'N' for New Gane, 'V' for voume etc. 'M' picks Training for some reason...
@ -296,231 +285,6 @@ void DoEnergyTile()
int nPlasmaTile = kTile4092;
int nLogoTile;
#define kPlasmaWidth 320
#define kPlasmaHeight 80
int nextPlasmaTic;
void menu_DoPlasma()
int ptile = nPlasmaTile;
if (totalclock >= nextPlasmaTic || !PlasmaBuffer)
nextPlasmaTic = (int)totalclock + 4;
if (!nLogoTile)
nLogoTile = EXHUMED ? kExhumedLogo : kPowerslaveLogo;
if (!PlasmaBuffer)
auto pixels = TileFiles.tileCreate(kTile4092, kPlasmaWidth, kPlasmaHeight);
memset(pixels, 96, kPlasmaWidth * kPlasmaHeight);
PlasmaBuffer = TileFiles.tileCreate(kTile4093, kPlasmaWidth, kPlasmaHeight);
memset(PlasmaBuffer, 96, kPlasmaWidth * kPlasmaHeight);
nSmokeLeft = 160 - tilesiz[nLogoTile].x / 2;
nSmokeRight = nSmokeLeft + tilesiz[nLogoTile].x;
nSmokeTop = 40 - tilesiz[nLogoTile].y / 2;
nSmokeBottom = nSmokeTop + tilesiz[nLogoTile].y - 1;
//uint32_t t = time(0) << 16;
//uint32_t t2 = time(0) | t;
nRandom = timerGetTicksU64();
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
int logoWidth = tilesiz[nLogoTile].x;
plasma_C[i] = (nSmokeLeft + rand() % logoWidth) << 16;
plasma_B[i] = (menu_RandomLong2() % 327680) + 0x10000;
if (menu_RandomBit2()) {
plasma_B[i] = -plasma_B[i];
plasma_A[i] = menu_RandomBit2();
uint8_t* plasmapix = tileData(nPlasmaTile);
uint8_t* r_ebx = plasmapix + 81;
const uint8_t* r_edx = tileData(nPlasmaTile ^ 1) + 81; // flip between value of 4092 and 4093 with xor
for (int x = 0; x < kPlasmaWidth - 2; x++)
// for (int x = 1; x < 318; x++)
// for (int y = 1; y < 79; y++)
for (int y = 0; y < kPlasmaHeight - 2; y++)
uint8_t al = *r_edx;
if (al != 96)
if (al > 158) {
*r_ebx = al - 1;
else {
*r_ebx = 96;
if (menu_RandomBit2()) {
*r_ebx = *r_edx;
uint8_t al = *(r_edx + 1);
uint8_t cl = *(r_edx - 1);
if (al <= cl) {
al = cl;
cl = al;
al = *(r_edx - 80);
if (cl <= al) {
cl = al;
al = *(r_edx + 80);
if (cl <= al) {
cl = al;
al = *(r_edx + 80);
if (cl <= al) {
cl = al;
al = *(r_edx + 80);
if (cl <= al) {
cl = al;
al = *(r_edx - 79);
if (cl > al) {
al = cl;
cl = *(r_edx - 81);
if (al <= cl) {
al = cl;
cl = al;
if (al <= 159) {
*r_ebx = 96;
if (!menu_RandomBit2()) {
*r_ebx = cl;
// before restarting inner loop
// before restarting outer loop
r_edx += 2;
r_ebx += 2;
auto logopix = tilePtr(nLogoTile);
for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++)
int pB = plasma_B[j];
int pC = plasma_C[j];
int badOffset = (pC >> 16) < nSmokeLeft || (pC >> 16) >= nSmokeRight;
const uint8_t* ptr3 = (logopix + ((pC >> 16) - nSmokeLeft)* tilesiz[nLogoTile].y);
plasma_C[j] += plasma_B[j];
if ((pB > 0 && (plasma_C[j] >> 16) >= nSmokeRight) || (pB < 0 && (plasma_C[j] >> 16) <= nSmokeLeft))
int esi = plasma_A[j];
plasma_B[j] = -plasma_B[j];
plasma_A[j] = esi == 0;
if (badOffset)
unsigned int nSmokeOffset = 0;
if (plasma_A[j])
nSmokeOffset = nSmokeTop;
while (nSmokeOffset < nSmokeBottom)
uint8_t al = *ptr3;
if (al != TRANSPARENT_INDEX && al != 96) {
nSmokeOffset = nSmokeBottom;
ptr3 += tilesiz[nLogoTile].y - 1;
while (nSmokeOffset > nSmokeTop)
uint8_t al = *ptr3;
if (al != TRANSPARENT_INDEX && al != 96) {
uint8_t* v28 = plasmapix + (80 * (plasma_C[j] >> 16));
v28[nSmokeOffset] = 175;
tileInvalidate(nPlasmaTile, -1, -1);
// flip between tile 4092 and 4093
if (nPlasmaTile == kTile4092) {
nPlasmaTile = kTile4093;
else if (nPlasmaTile == kTile4093) {
nPlasmaTile = kTile4092;
overwritesprite(0, 0, ptile, 0, 2, kPalNormal);
overwritesprite(160, 40, nLogoTile, 0, 3, kPalNormal);
// draw the fire urn/lamp thingies
int dword_9AB5F = ((int)totalclock/16) & 3;
overwritesprite(50, 150, kTile3512 + dword_9AB5F, 0, 3, kPalNormal);
overwritesprite(270, 150, kTile3512 + ((dword_9AB5F + 2) & 3), 0, 3, kPalNormal);
int8_t MapLevelOffsets[] = { 0, 50, 10, 20, 0, 45, -20, 20, 5, 0, -10, 10, 30, -20, 0, 20, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ public:
DrawTexture(twod, decoder.animTex().GetFrame(), 160, 100, DTA_FullscreenScale, FSMode_ScaleToFit43, DTA_VirtualWidth, 320, DTA_VirtualHeight, 200,
DTA_CenterOffset, true, DTA_FlipY, true, DTA_ScaleX, z / 65536., DTA_ScaleY, z / 65536., DTA_Rotate, (angle - 512) * (360. / 2048.), TAG_DONE);
DTA_CenterOffset, true, DTA_FlipY, true, DTA_ScaleX, z / 65536., DTA_ScaleY, z / 65536., DTA_Rotate, (-angle - 512) * (360. / 2048.), TAG_DONE);
lastclock = clock;
Reference in a new issue