mirror of
synced 2025-03-19 06:51:32 +00:00
- dodge, furthestcanseepoint, furthestangle.
This commit is contained in:
7 changed files with 25 additions and 24 deletions
@ -5082,20 +5082,20 @@ void makeitfall(DDukeActor* actor)
int dodge(spritetype* s)
int dodge(DDukeActor* actor)
int i;
auto s = &actor->s;
int bx, by, mx, my, bxvect, byvect, mxvect, myvect, d;
mx = s->x;
my = s->y;
mxvect = sintable[(s->ang + 512) & 2047]; myvect = sintable[s->ang & 2047];
StatIterator it(STAT_PROJECTILE);
while ((i = it.NextIndex()) >= 0)
DukeStatIterator it(STAT_PROJECTILE);
while (auto ac = it.Next())
auto si = &sprite[i];
if (si->owner == i || si->sectnum != s->sectnum)
auto si = &ac->s;
if (ac->GetOwner() == ac || si->sectnum != s->sectnum)
bx = si->x - mx;
@ -5122,17 +5122,17 @@ int dodge(spritetype* s)
int furthestangle(int i, int angs)
int furthestangle(DDukeActor *actor, int angs)
auto s = &actor->s;
short j, hitsect, hitwall, hitspr, furthest_angle, angincs;
int hx, hy, hz, d, greatestd;
spritetype* s = &sprite[i];
greatestd = -(1 << 30);
angincs = 2048 / angs;
if (s->picnum != TILE_APLAYER)
if ((hittype[i].temp_data[0] & 63) > 2) return(s->ang + 1024);
if ((actor->temp_data[0] & 63) > 2) return(s->ang + 1024);
for (j = s->ang; j < (2048 + s->ang); j += angincs)
@ -5158,18 +5158,19 @@ int furthestangle(int i, int angs)
int furthestcanseepoint(int i, spritetype* ts, int* dax, int* day)
int furthestcanseepoint(DDukeActor *actor, DDukeActor* tosee, int* dax, int* day)
auto s = &actor->s;
short j, hitsect, hitwall, hitspr, angincs;
int hx, hy, hz, d, da;//, d, cd, ca,tempx,tempy,cx,cy;
spritetype* s = &sprite[i];
if ((hittype[i].temp_data[0] & 63)) return -1;
if ((actor->temp_data[0] & 63)) return -1;
if (ud.multimode < 2 && ud.player_skill < 3)
angincs = 2048 / 2;
else angincs = 2048 / (1 + (krand() & 1));
auto ts = &tosee->s;
for (j = ts->ang; j < (2048 + ts->ang); j += (angincs - (krand() & 511)))
hitscan(ts->x, ts->y, ts->z - (16 << 8), ts->sectnum,
@ -5258,14 +5259,14 @@ void alterang(int a, int g_i, int g_p)
j = 2;
if (a & furthestdir)
goalang = furthestangle(g_i, j);
goalang = furthestangle(&hittype[g_i], j);
g_sp->ang = goalang;
g_sp->owner = ps[g_p].i;
if (a & fleeenemy)
goalang = furthestangle(g_i, j);
goalang = furthestangle(&hittype[g_i], j);
g_sp->ang = goalang; // += angdif; // = getincangle(aang,goalang)>>1;
@ -3915,7 +3915,7 @@ void move_d(int g_i, int g_p, int g_x)
if (a & getv) g_sp->zvel += ((*(moveptr + 1) << 4) - g_sp->zvel) >> 1;
if (a & dodgebullet)
if (g_sp->picnum != APLAYER)
alterang(a, g_i, g_p);
@ -3905,7 +3905,7 @@ void move_r(int g_i, int g_p, int g_x)
if (a & getv) g_sp->zvel += ((*(moveptr + 1) << 4) - g_sp->zvel) >> 1;
if (a & dodgebullet)
if (g_sp->picnum != APLAYER)
alterang(a, g_i, g_p);
@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ void handle_se130(DDukeActor* i, int countmax, int EXPLOSION2);
void respawn_rrra(DDukeActor* oldact, DDukeActor* newact);
int dodge(spritetype*);
int dodge(DDukeActor*);
void alterang(int a, int g_i, int g_p);
void fall_common(int g_i, int g_p, int JIBS6, int DRONE, int BLOODPOOL, int SHOTSPARK1, int squished, int thud, int(*fallspecial)(int, int), void (*falladjustz)(spritetype*));
void checkavailweapon(struct player_struct* p);
@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ void doorders(const CompletionFunc& func);
void LoadActor(int i, int p, int x);
void execute(int s, int p, int d);
void makeitfall(DDukeActor* s);
int furthestangle(int snum, int angDiv);
int furthestangle(DDukeActor* snum, int angDiv);
void getglobalz(DDukeActor* s);
void OnEvent(int id, int pnum = -1, int snum = -1, int dist = -1);
@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ struct ParseState
void parseifelse(int condition);
int furthestcanseepoint(int i, spritetype* ts, int* dax, int* day);
int furthestcanseepoint(DDukeActor* i, DDukeActor* ts, int* dax, int* day);
bool ifsquished(int i, int p);
void fakebubbaspawn(int g_i, int g_p);
void tearitup(int sect);
@ -1493,7 +1493,7 @@ static bool ifcansee(int g_i, int g_p)
// also modifies 'target' x&y if found..
j = furthestcanseepoint(g_i, s, &hittype[g_i].lastvx, &hittype[g_i].lastvy);
j = furthestcanseepoint(&hittype[g_i], ps[g_p].GetActor(), &hittype[g_i].lastvx, &hittype[g_i].lastvy);
if (j == -1) j = 0;
else j = 1;
@ -2542,7 +2542,7 @@ int ParseState::parse(void)
case concmd_ifbulletnear:
parseifelse( dodge(g_sp) == 1);
parseifelse( dodge(g_ac) == 1);
case concmd_ifrespawn:
if( badguy(g_sp) )
@ -3079,7 +3079,7 @@ HORIZONLY:
changespritesect(pi, p->cursectnum);
if (ud.clipping == 0)
j = (pushmove(&p->posx, &p->posy, &p->posz, &p->cursectnum, 164L, (4L << 8), (4L << 8), CLIPMASK0) < 0 && furthestangle(pi, 8) < 512);
j = (pushmove(&p->posx, &p->posy, &p->posz, &p->cursectnum, 164L, (4L << 8), (4L << 8), CLIPMASK0) < 0 && furthestangle(p->GetActor(), 8) < 512);
else j = 0;
if (ud.clipping == 0)
@ -4060,9 +4060,9 @@ HORIZONLY:
if (ud.clipping == 0)
if (s->clipdist == 64)
j = (pushmove(&p->posx, &p->posy, &p->posz, &p->cursectnum, 128L, (4L << 8), (4L << 8), CLIPMASK0) < 0 && furthestangle(pi, 8) < 512);
j = (pushmove(&p->posx, &p->posy, &p->posz, &p->cursectnum, 128L, (4L << 8), (4L << 8), CLIPMASK0) < 0 && furthestangle(p->GetActor(), 8) < 512);
j = (pushmove(&p->posx, &p->posy, &p->posz, &p->cursectnum, 16L, (4L << 8), (4L << 8), CLIPMASK0) < 0 && furthestangle(pi, 8) < 512);
j = (pushmove(&p->posx, &p->posy, &p->posz, &p->cursectnum, 16L, (4L << 8), (4L << 8), CLIPMASK0) < 0 && furthestangle(p->GetActor(), 8) < 512);
else j = 0;
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