mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 07:21:05 +00:00
use iterators for moveplayers, movedummyplayers and movefallers_d.
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 57 additions and 68 deletions
@ -285,9 +285,7 @@ void ms(short i)
short startwall, endwall, x;
int tx, ty;
spritetype* s;
s = &sprite[i];
auto s = &sprite[i];
s->x += (s->xvel * (sintable[(s->ang + 512) & 2047])) >> 14;
s->y += (s->xvel * (sintable[s->ang & 2047])) >> 14;
@ -361,44 +359,42 @@ void movecyclers(void)
void movedummyplayers(void)
short i, p, nexti;
int i, p;
i = headspritestat[STAT_DUMMYPLAYER];
while (i >= 0)
StatIterator iti(STAT_DUMMYPLAYER);
while ((i = iti.NextIndex()) >= 0)
nexti = nextspritestat[i];
p = sprite[sprite[i].owner].yvel;
auto spri = &sprite[i];
auto hti = &hittype[i];
p = sprite[spri->owner].yvel;
if ((!isRR() && ps[p].on_crane >= 0) || sector[ps[p].cursectnum].lotag != 1 || sprite[ps[p].i].extra <= 0)
ps[p].dummyplayersprite = -1;
i = nexti;
if (ps[p].on_ground && ps[p].on_warping_sector == 1 && sector[ps[p].cursectnum].lotag == 1)
sprite[i].cstat = CSTAT_SPRITE_BLOCK_ALL;
sprite[i].z = sector[sprite[i].sectnum].ceilingz + (27 << 8);
sprite[i].ang = ps[p].angle.ang.asbuild();
if (hittype[i].temp_data[0] == 8)
hittype[i].temp_data[0] = 0;
else hittype[i].temp_data[0]++;
spri->z = sector[spri->sectnum].ceilingz + (27 << 8);
spri->ang = ps[p].angle.ang.asbuild();
if (hti->temp_data[0] == 8)
hti->temp_data[0] = 0;
else hti->temp_data[0]++;
if (sector[sprite[i].sectnum].lotag != 2) sprite[i].z = sector[sprite[i].sectnum].floorz;
sprite[i].cstat = (short)32768;
if (sector[spri->sectnum].lotag != 2) spri->z = sector[spri->sectnum].floorz;
spri->cstat = (short)32768;
sprite[i].x += (ps[p].posx - ps[p].oposx);
sprite[i].y += (ps[p].posy - ps[p].oposy);
setsprite(i, sprite[i].x, sprite[i].y, sprite[i].z);
i = nexti;
spri->x += (ps[p].posx - ps[p].oposx);
spri->y += (ps[p].posy - ps[p].oposy);
setsprite(i, spri->x, spri->y, spri->z);
@ -410,25 +406,22 @@ void movedummyplayers(void)
void moveplayers(void) //Players
short i, nexti;
int i;
int otherx;
spritetype* s;
struct player_struct* p;
i = headspritestat[STAT_PLAYER];
while (i >= 0)
StatIterator iti(STAT_PLAYER);
while ((i = iti.NextIndex()) >= 0)
nexti = nextspritestat[i];
s = &sprite[i];
p = &ps[s->yvel];
auto s = &sprite[i];
auto ht = &hittype[i];
auto p = &ps[s->yvel];
if (s->owner >= 0)
if (p->newowner >= 0) //Looking thru the camera
s->x = p->oposx;
s->y = p->oposy;
hittype[i].bposz = s->z = p->oposz + PHEIGHT;
ht->bposz = s->z = p->oposz + PHEIGHT;
s->ang = p->angle.oang.asbuild();
setsprite(i, s->x, s->y, s->z);
@ -475,7 +468,7 @@ void moveplayers(void) //Players
// currently alive...
hittype[i].owner = i;
ht->owner = i;
if (ud.god == 0)
if (fi.ceilingspace(s->sectnum) || fi.floorspace(s->sectnum))
@ -502,13 +495,12 @@ void moveplayers(void) //Players
if (p->holoduke_on == -1)
i = nexti;
hittype[i].bposx = s->x;
hittype[i].bposy = s->y;
hittype[i].bposz = s->z;
ht->bposx = s->x;
ht->bposy = s->y;
ht->bposz = s->z;
s->cstat = 0;
@ -549,8 +541,6 @@ void moveplayers(void) //Players
s->shade += (sector[s->sectnum].ceilingshade - s->shade) >> 1;
s->shade += (sector[s->sectnum].floorshade - s->shade) >> 1;
i = nexti;
@ -489,7 +489,7 @@ SKIPWALLCHECK:
ht->extra = hp1 + (krand() % (hp2 - hp1));
if (sprite[j].picnum != TANK && sprite[j].picnum != ROTATEGUN && sprite[j].picnum != RECON && !bossguy(&sprite[j]))
if (sj->picnum != TANK && sj->picnum != ROTATEGUN && sj->picnum != RECON && !bossguy(sj))
if (sj->xvel < 0) sj->xvel = 0;
sj->xvel += (s->extra << 2);
@ -688,14 +688,15 @@ void guts_d(spritetype* s, short gtype, short n, short p)
int r4 = krand();
int r5 = krand();
// TRANSITIONAL: owned by a player???
i = EGS(s->sectnum, s->x + (r5 & 255) - 128, s->y + (r4 & 255) - 128, gutz - (r3 & 8191), gtype, -32, sx, sy, a, 48 + (r2 & 31), -512 - (r1 & 2047), ps[p].i, 5);
if (sprite[i].picnum == JIBS2)
i = EGS(s->sectnum, s->x + (r5 & 255) - 128, s->y + (r4 & 255) - 128, gutz - (r3 & 8191), gtype, -32, sx, sy, a, 48 + (r2 & 31), -512 - (r1 & 2047), ps[p].i, 5);
auto si = &sprite[i];
if (si->picnum == JIBS2)
sprite[i].xrepeat >>= 2;
sprite[i].yrepeat >>= 2;
si->xrepeat >>= 2;
si->yrepeat >>= 2;
if (pal != 0)
sprite[i].pal = pal;
si->pal = pal;
@ -983,55 +984,54 @@ int ifhitbyweapon_d(int sn)
void movefallers_d(void)
short i, nexti, sect, j;
spritetype* s;
int x;
short sect;
int i, j, x;
i = headspritestat[STAT_FALLER];
while (i >= 0)
StatIterator iti(STAT_FALLER);
while ((i = iti.NextIndex()) >= 0)
nexti = nextspritestat[i];
s = &sprite[i];
auto s = &sprite[i];
auto ht = &hittype[i];
sect = s->sectnum;
if (hittype[i].temp_data[0] == 0)
if (ht->temp_data[0] == 0)
s->z -= (16 << 8);
hittype[i].temp_data[1] = s->ang;
ht->temp_data[1] = s->ang;
x = s->extra;
j = fi.ifhitbyweapon(i);
if (j >= 0)
if (j >= 0)
if (j == FIREEXT || j == RPG || j == RADIUSEXPLOSION || j == SEENINE || j == OOZFILTER)
if (s->extra <= 0)
hittype[i].temp_data[0] = 1;
j = headspritestat[STAT_FALLER];
while (j >= 0)
ht->temp_data[0] = 1;
StatIterator itj(STAT_FALLER);
while ((j = itj.NextIndex()) >= 0)
if (sprite[j].hitag == sprite[i].hitag)
auto sj = &sprite[j];
if (sj->hitag == s->hitag)
hittype[j].temp_data[0] = 1;
sprite[j].cstat &= (65535 - 64);
if (sprite[j].picnum == CEILINGSTEAM || sprite[j].picnum == STEAM)
sprite[j].cstat |= 32768;
sj->cstat &= (65535 - 64);
if (sj->picnum == CEILINGSTEAM || sj->picnum == STEAM)
sj->cstat |= 32768;
j = nextspritestat[j];
hittype[i].extra = 0;
ht->extra = 0;
s->extra = x;
s->ang = hittype[i].temp_data[1];
s->ang = ht->temp_data[1];
s->z += (16 << 8);
else if (hittype[i].temp_data[0] == 1)
else if (ht->temp_data[0] == 1)
if (s->lotag > 0)
@ -1074,11 +1074,10 @@ void movefallers_d(void)
i = nexti;
// split out of movestandables
Reference in a new issue