2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
# include "compat.h"
# include "build.h"
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
# include "exhumed.h"
# include "typedefs.h"
# include "player.h"
# include "sequence.h"
# include "menu.h"
# include "names.h"
# include "engine.h"
# include "keyboard.h"
# include "status.h"
# include "random.h"
# include "sound.h"
# include "names.h"
# include "init.h"
# include "input.h"
# include "gun.h"
# include "view.h"
# include "object.h"
# include "light.h"
# include "cd.h"
# include "cdaudio.h"
# include <string>
# include <assert.h>
# ifdef __WATCOMC__
# include <stdlib.h>
# endif
# define kMaxSaveSlots 5
# define kMaxSaveSlotChars 25
GameStat GameStats ;
short nCinemaSeen [ 30 ] ;
// this might be static within the DoPlasma function?
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
uint8_t plasmaBuffer [ 25600 ] ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
uint8_t energytile [ 4356 ] = { 0 } ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
uint8_t cinemapal [ 768 ] ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
short nLeft [ 50 ] = { 0 } ;
int line ;
short SavePosition = - 1 ;
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
uint8_t * cur ;
uint8_t * dest ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
unsigned int nSmokeBottom ;
unsigned int nSmokeRight ;
unsigned int nSmokeTop ;
unsigned int nSmokeLeft ;
unsigned int nRandom = 0x41C6167E ;
int dword_9AB57 = 0x1F ;
short word_9AB5B = 0 ;
int keytimer = 0 ;
int plasma_A [ 5 ] = { 0 } ;
int plasma_B [ 5 ] = { 0 } ;
int plasma_C [ 5 ] = { 0 } ;
short nMenuKeys [ ] = { sc_N , sc_L , sc_M , sc_V , sc_Q , sc_None } ; // select a menu item using the keys. 'N' for New Gane, 'V' for voume etc. 'M' picks Training for some reason...
int zoomsize = 0 ;
void menu_ResetKeyTimer ( ) ;
enum {
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
kMenuNewGame = 0 ,
kMenuLoadGame ,
kMenuTraining ,
kMenuVolume ,
kMenuQuitGame ,
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
} ;
void ClearCinemaSeen ( )
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
memset ( nCinemaSeen , 0 , sizeof ( nCinemaSeen ) ) ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
unsigned int menu_RandomBit2 ( )
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
unsigned int result = nRandom & 1 ;
if ( - - dword_9AB57 > 0 )
nRandom = ( result < < 31 ) | ( nRandom > > 1 ) ;
dword_9AB57 = 31 ;
nRandom ^ = nRandom > > 4 ;
return result ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
int menu_RandomLong2 ( )
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
int randLong = 0 ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 32 ; i + + )
int val = menu_RandomBit2 ( ) ;
randLong * = 2 ;
randLong | = val ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
return randLong ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
void InitEnergyTile ( )
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
memset ( energytile , 96 , sizeof ( energytile ) ) ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
void DoEnergyTile ( )
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
tileLoad ( kEnergy1 ) ;
tileLoad ( kEnergy2 ) ;
nButtonColor + = nButtonColor < 0 ? 8 : 0 ;
uint8_t * ptr1 = ( uint8_t * ) ( waloff [ kEnergy1 ] + 1984 ) ;
uint8_t * ptr2 = ( uint8_t * ) ( waloff [ kEnergy1 ] + 2048 ) ;
short nColor = nButtonColor + 161 ;
int i , j ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 32 ; i + + )
memset ( ptr1 , nColor , 64 ) ;
memset ( ptr2 , nColor , 64 ) ;
ptr1 - = 64 ;
ptr2 + = 64 ;
nColor + + ;
if ( nColor > = 168 ) {
nColor = 160 ;
if ( nSmokeSparks )
uint8_t * c = & energytile [ 67 ] ; // TODO - checkme
uint8_t * ptrW = ( uint8_t * ) waloff [ kEnergy2 ] ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 64 ; i + + )
for ( j = 0 ; j < 64 ; j + + )
if ( * c ! = 96 )
if ( * c < = 158 ) {
* ptrW = 96 ;
else {
* ptrW = ( * c ) - 1 ;
if ( menu_RandomBit2 ( ) ) {
* ptrW = * c ;
c + + ;
ptrW + + ;
continue ;
char al = * ( c + 1 ) ;
char ah = * ( c - 1 ) ;
if ( al < = ah ) {
al = ah ;
char cl = al ;
al = * ( c - 66 ) ;
if ( cl < = al ) {
cl = al ;
al = * ( c + 66 ) ;
if ( cl < = al ) {
cl = al ;
al = * ( c + 66 ) ;
if ( cl < = al ) {
cl = al ;
al = * ( c + 66 ) ;
if ( cl < = al ) {
cl = al ;
al = * ( c - 65 ) ;
if ( cl < = al ) {
cl = al ;
al = * ( c - 67 ) ;
if ( cl > al ) {
al = cl ;
if ( al < = 159 ) {
* ptrW = 96 ;
if ( ! menu_RandomBit2 ( ) )
cl - - ;
* ptrW = cl ;
c + + ;
ptrW + + ;
c + = 2 ;
c = & energytile [ 67 ] ; // TODO - checkme
ptrW = ( uint8_t * ) waloff [ kEnergy2 ] ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 64 ; i + + )
memcpy ( c , ptrW , 64 ) ;
c + = 66 ;
ptrW + = 64 ;
ptrW = ( uint8_t * ) waloff [ kEnergy2 ] ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 4096 ; i + + )
if ( * ptrW = = 96 ) {
* ptrW = 255 ; // -1?
ptrW + + ;
word_9AB5B - - ;
if ( word_9AB5B < = 0 )
int randSize = ( RandomSize ( 5 ) & 0x1F ) + 16 ;
int randSize2 = ( RandomSize ( 5 ) & 0x1F ) + 16 ;
int val = randSize < < 5 ;
val + = randSize ;
val * = 2 ;
val + = randSize2 ;
energytile [ val ] = 195 ;
word_9AB5B = 1 ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
//int TILE_4092 = kTile4092;
int nPlasmaTile = kTile4092 ;
# define kPlasmaWidth 320
# define kPlasmaHeight 80
void menu_DoPlasma ( )
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
if ( waloff [ kTile4092 ] = = 0 )
tileCreate ( kTile4092 , kPlasmaWidth , kPlasmaHeight ) ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
memset ( ( void * ) waloff [ kTile4092 ] , 96 , kPlasmaWidth * kPlasmaHeight ) ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
waloff [ kTile4093 ] = ( intptr_t ) plasmaBuffer ;
memset ( plasmaBuffer , 96 , sizeof ( plasmaBuffer ) ) ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
nSmokeLeft = 160 - tilesiz [ kExhumedLogo ] . x / 2 ;
nSmokeRight = nSmokeLeft + tilesiz [ kExhumedLogo ] . x ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
tilesiz [ kTile4093 ] . x = kPlasmaWidth ;
tilesiz [ kTile4093 ] . y = kPlasmaHeight ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
nSmokeTop = 40 - tilesiz [ kExhumedLogo ] . y / 2 ;
nSmokeBottom = 40 - tilesiz [ kExhumedLogo ] . y / 2 + tilesiz [ kExhumedLogo ] . y - 1 ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 09:08:38 +00:00
//uint32_t t = time(0) << 16;
//uint32_t t2 = time(0) | t;
nRandom = totalclock ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i + + )
int logoWidth = tilesiz [ kExhumedLogo ] . x ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
# if 1
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
plasma_C [ i ] = ( nSmokeLeft + rand ( ) % logoWidth ) < < 16 ;
plasma_B [ i ] = ( menu_RandomLong2 ( ) % 327680 ) + 0x10000 ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
# else
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
int r = rand ( ) ;
int rand2 = menu_RandomLong2 ( ) ;
__asm {
mov ebx , i
mov ecx , logoWidth
mov eax , r
mov edx , eax
sar edx , 31
idiv ecx
add edx , nSmokeLeft
shl edx , 16
mov ecx , 327680
mov plasma_C [ ebx * 4 ] , edx
xor edx , edx
mov eax , rand2
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
// call menu_RandomLong2
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
div ecx
add edx , 10000 h
mov plasma_B [ ebx * 4 ] , edx
} ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
# endif
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
if ( menu_RandomBit2 ( ) ) {
plasma_B [ i ] = - plasma_B [ i ] ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
plasma_A [ i ] = menu_RandomBit2 ( ) ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
videoClearScreen ( overscanindex ) ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
uint8_t * r_ebx = ( uint8_t * ) waloff [ nPlasmaTile ] + 81 ;
uint8_t * r_edx = ( uint8_t * ) waloff [ nPlasmaTile ^ 1 ] + 81 ; // flip between value of 4092 and 4093 with xor
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
for ( int x = 0 ; x < kPlasmaWidth - 2 ; x + + )
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
// for (int x = 1; x < 318; x++)
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
// for (int y = 1; y < 79; y++)
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
for ( int y = 0 ; y < kPlasmaHeight - 2 ; y + + )
uint8_t al = * r_edx ;
if ( al ! = 96 )
if ( al > 158 ) {
* r_ebx = al - 1 ;
else {
* r_ebx = 96 ;
if ( menu_RandomBit2 ( ) ) {
* r_ebx = * r_edx ;
uint8_t al = * ( r_edx + 1 ) ;
uint8_t cl = * ( r_edx - 1 ) ;
if ( al < = cl ) {
al = cl ;
cl = al ;
al = * ( r_edx - 80 ) ;
if ( cl < = al ) {
cl = al ;
al = * ( r_edx + 80 ) ;
if ( cl < = al ) {
cl = al ;
al = * ( r_edx + 80 ) ;
if ( cl < = al ) {
cl = al ;
al = * ( r_edx + 80 ) ;
if ( cl < = al ) {
cl = al ;
al = * ( r_edx - 79 ) ;
if ( cl > al ) {
al = cl ;
cl = * ( r_edx - 81 ) ;
if ( al < = cl ) {
al = cl ;
cl = al ;
if ( al < = 159 ) {
* r_ebx = 96 ;
if ( ! menu_RandomBit2 ( ) ) {
cl - - ;
* r_ebx = cl ;
// before restarting inner loop
r_edx + + ;
r_ebx + + ;
// before restarting outer loop
r_edx + = 2 ;
r_ebx + = 2 ;
tileLoad ( kExhumedLogo ) ;
for ( int j = 0 ; j < 5 ; j + + )
int pB = plasma_B [ j ] ;
int pC = plasma_C [ j ] ;
uint8_t * ptr3 = ( uint8_t * ) ( waloff [ kExhumedLogo ] + ( ( pC > > 16 ) - nSmokeLeft ) * tilesiz [ kExhumedLogo ] . y ) ;
plasma_C [ j ] + = plasma_B [ j ] ;
if ( pB > 0 & & ( plasma_C [ j ] > > 16 ) > = nSmokeRight | | pB < 0 & & ( plasma_C [ j ] > > 16 ) < = nSmokeLeft )
int esi = plasma_A [ j ] ;
plasma_B [ j ] = - plasma_B [ j ] ;
plasma_A [ j ] = esi = = 0 ;
unsigned int nSmokeOffset = 0 ;
if ( plasma_A [ j ] )
nSmokeOffset = nSmokeTop ;
while ( nSmokeOffset < nSmokeBottom )
uint8_t al = * ptr3 ;
if ( al ! = 255 & & al ! = 96 ) {
break ;
nSmokeOffset + + ;
ptr3 + + ;
nSmokeOffset = nSmokeBottom ;
ptr3 + = tilesiz [ kExhumedLogo ] . y - 1 ;
while ( nSmokeOffset > nSmokeTop )
uint8_t al = * ptr3 ;
if ( al ! = 255 & & al ! = 96 ) {
break ;
nSmokeOffset - - ;
ptr3 - - ;
uint8_t * v28 = ( uint8_t * ) ( 80 * ( plasma_C [ j ] > > 16 ) + waloff [ nPlasmaTile ] ) ;
v28 [ nSmokeOffset ] = 175 ;
overwritesprite ( 0 , 0 , nPlasmaTile , 0 , 2 , kPalNormal ) ;
overwritesprite ( 160 , 40 , kExhumedLogo , 0 , 3 , kPalNormal ) ;
// flip between tile 4092 and 4093
if ( nPlasmaTile = = kTile4092 ) {
nPlasmaTile = kTile4093 ;
else if ( nPlasmaTile = = kTile4093 ) {
nPlasmaTile = kTile4092 ;
// draw the fire urn/lamp thingies
int dword_9AB5F = ( ( totalclock - ( ( totalclock > > 31 ) + 16 * ( totalclock > > 31 ) ) ) > > 4 ) & 3 ;
overwritesprite ( 50 , 150 , kTile3512 + dword_9AB5F , 0 , 3 , kPalNormal ) ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
overwritesprite ( 270 , 150 , kTile3512 + ( ( dword_9AB5F + 2 ) & 3 ) , 0 , 3 , kPalNormal ) ;
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
int time = totalclock + 4 ;
while ( totalclock < time ) {
handleevents ( ) ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
uint8_t MapDataArray_A [ ] = { 0 , 50 , 10 , 20 , 0 , 45 , 236 , 20 , 5 , 0 , 246 , 10 , 30 , 236 , 0 , 20 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 } ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
short nTile ;
short xOffs ;
short yOffs ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
} ;
// 22 bytes
struct MapNamePlaque
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
short xPos ;
short yPos ;
TILEFRAMEDEF tiles [ 2 ] ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
} ;
MapNamePlaque mapNamePlaques [ ] = {
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
{ 100 , 170 , 3376 , 0 , 0 , 3377 , 0 , 0 , 3411 , 18 , 6 } ,
{ 230 , 10 , 3378 , 0 , 0 , 3379 , 0 , 0 , 3414 , 18 , 6 } , // DENDUR (level 2)
{ 180 , 125 , 3380 , 0 , 0 , 3381 , 0 , 0 , 3417 , 18 , 6 } , // Kalabash
{ 10 , 95 , 3382 , 0 , 0 , 3383 , 0 , 0 , 3420 , 18 , 6 } ,
{ 210 , 160 , 3384 , 0 , 0 , 3385 , 0 , 0 , 3423 , 18 , 6 } ,
{ 10 , 110 , 3371 , 0 , 0 , 3386 , 0 , 0 , 3426 , 18 , 6 } ,
{ 10 , 50 , 3387 , 0 , 0 , 3388 , 0 , 0 , 3429 , 18 , 6 } ,
{ 140 , 0 , 3389 , 0 , 0 , 3390 , 0 , 0 , 3432 , 18 , 6 } ,
{ 30 , 20 , 3391 , 0 , 0 , 3392 , 0 , 0 , 3435 , 18 , 6 } ,
{ 200 , 150 , 3409 , 0 , 0 , 3410 , 0 , 0 , 3418 , 20 , 4 } ,
{ 145 , 170 , 3393 , 0 , 0 , 3394 , 0 , 0 , 3438 , 18 , 6 } ,
{ 80 , 80 , 3395 , 0 , 0 , 3396 , 0 , 0 , 3441 , 18 , 6 } ,
{ 15 , 0 , 3397 , 0 , 0 , 3398 , 0 , 0 , 3444 , 18 , 5 } ,
{ 220 , 35 , 3399 , 0 , 0 , 3400 , 0 , 0 , 3447 , 18 , 6 } ,
{ 190 , 40 , 3401 , 0 , 0 , 3402 , 0 , 0 , 3450 , 18 , 6 } ,
{ 20 , 130 , 3403 , 0 , 0 , 3404 , 0 , 0 , 3453 , 19 , 6 } ,
{ 220 , 160 , 3405 , 0 , 0 , 3406 , 0 , 0 , 3456 , 18 , 6 } ,
{ 20 , 10 , 3407 , 0 , 0 , 3408 , 0 , 0 , 3459 , 18 , 6 } ,
{ 200 , 10 , 3412 , 0 , 0 , 3413 , 0 , 0 , 3419 , 18 , 5 } ,
{ 20 , 10 , 3415 , 0 , 0 , 3416 , 0 , 0 , 3421 , 19 , 4 }
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
} ;
// 3 different types of fire, each with 4 frames
TILEFRAMEDEF FireTiles [ 3 ] [ 4 ] = {
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
{ { 3484 , 0 , 3 } , { 3485 , 0 , 0 } , { 3486 , 0 , 3 } , { 3487 , 0 , 0 } } ,
{ { 3488 , 1 , 0 } , { 3489 , 1 , 0 } , { 3490 , 0 , 1 } , { 3491 , 1 , 1 } } ,
{ { 3492 , 1 , 2 } , { 3493 , 1 , 0 } , { 3494 , 1 , 2 } , { 3495 , 1 , 0 } }
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
} ;
struct Fire
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
short nFireType ;
short xPos ;
short yPos ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
} ;
// 20 bytes
struct MapFire
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
short nFires ;
Fire fires [ 3 ] ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
} ;
level 1 - 3 fires
level 2 - 3 fires
level 3 - 1 fire
MapFire MapLevelFires [ ] = {
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
3 , { { 0 , 107 , 95 } , { 1 , 58 , 140 } , { 2 , 28 , 38 } } ,
3 , { { 2 , 240 , 0 } , { 0 , 237 , 32 } , { 1 , 200 , 30 } } ,
2 , { { 2 , 250 , 57 } , { 0 , 250 , 43 } , { 2 , 200 , 70 } } ,
2 , { { 1 , 82 , 59 } , { 2 , 84 , 16 } , { 0 , 10 , 95 } } ,
2 , { { 2 , 237 , 50 } , { 1 , 215 , 42 } , { 1 , 210 , 50 } } ,
3 , { { 0 , 40 , 7 } , { 1 , 75 , 6 } , { 2 , 100 , 10 } } ,
3 , { { 0 , 58 , 61 } , { 1 , 85 , 80 } , { 2 , 111 , 63 } } ,
3 , { { 0 , 260 , 65 } , { 1 , 228 , 0 } , { 2 , 259 , 15 } } ,
2 , { { 0 , 81 , 38 } , { 2 , 58 , 38 } , { 2 , 30 , 20 } } ,
3 , { { 0 , 259 , 49 } , { 1 , 248 , 76 } , { 2 , 290 , 65 } } ,
3 , { { 2 , 227 , 66 } , { 0 , 224 , 98 } , { 1 , 277 , 30 } } ,
2 , { { 0 , 100 , 10 } , { 2 , 48 , 76 } , { 2 , 80 , 80 } } ,
3 , { { 0 , 17 , 2 } , { 1 , 29 , 49 } , { 2 , 53 , 28 } } ,
3 , { { 0 , 266 , 42 } , { 1 , 283 , 99 } , { 2 , 243 , 108 } } ,
2 , { { 0 , 238 , 19 } , { 2 , 240 , 92 } , { 2 , 190 , 40 } } ,
2 , { { 0 , 27 , 0 } , { 1 , 70 , 40 } , { 0 , 20 , 130 } } ,
3 , { { 0 , 275 , 65 } , { 1 , 235 , 8 } , { 2 , 274 , 6 } } ,
3 , { { 0 , 75 , 45 } , { 1 , 152 , 105 } , { 2 , 24 , 68 } } ,
3 , { { 0 , 290 , 25 } , { 1 , 225 , 63 } , { 2 , 260 , 110 } } ,
0 , { { 1 , 20 , 10 } , { 1 , 20 , 10 } , { 1 , 20 , 10 } }
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
} ;
int menu_DrawTheMap ( int nLevel , int nLevelNew , int nLevelBest )
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
int i ;
int x = 0 ;
int var_2C = 0 ;
int var_38 = 0 ;
int bFadeDone = kFalse ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 09:08:38 +00:00
int startTime = totalclock ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
ClearAllKeys ( ) ;
UnMaskStatus ( ) ;
videoSetViewableArea ( 0 , 0 , xdim - 1 , ydim - 1 ) ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
// 0-offset the level numbers
nLevel - - ;
nLevelNew - - ;
nLevelBest - - ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
if ( nLevel > kMap20 ) { // max levels
return - 1 ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
if ( nLevelNew > kMap20 ) {
return - 1 ;
if ( nLevel < 0 ) {
nLevel = 0 ;
if ( nLevelNew < 0 ) {
nLevelNew = nLevel ;
int y1 = MapDataArray_A [ nLevel ] + ( 200 * ( nLevel / 2 ) ) ;
int y2 = MapDataArray_A [ nLevelNew ] + ( 200 * ( nLevelNew / 2 ) ) ;
if ( y1 < y2 ) {
var_2C = 2 ;
if ( y1 > y2 ) {
var_2C = - 2 ;
while ( var_38 < 12 )
handleevents ( ) ;
if ( ( totalclock - startTime ) / kTimerTicks )
var_38 + + ;
startTime = totalclock ;
int var_3C = totalclock ;
int tileY = y1 ;
// Draw the background screens
for ( i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i + + )
overwritesprite ( x , tileY , kTile3353 + i , 0 , 2 , kPalNormal ) ;
tileY - = 200 ;
// for each level - drawing the 'level completed' on-fire smoke markers
for ( i = 0 ; i < kMap20 ; i + + )
handleevents ( ) ;
int screenY = ( i > > 1 ) * - 200 ;
if ( nLevelBest > = i ) // check if the player has finished this level
for ( int j = 0 ; j < MapLevelFires [ i ] . nFires ; j + + )
int nFireFrame = ( ( totalclock > > 4 ) & 3 ) ;
assert ( nFireFrame > = 0 & & nFireFrame < 4 ) ;
int nFireType = MapLevelFires [ i ] . fires [ j ] . nFireType ;
assert ( nFireType > = 0 & & nFireType < 3 ) ;
int nTile = FireTiles [ nFireType ] [ nFireFrame ] . nTile ;
int smokeX = MapLevelFires [ i ] . fires [ j ] . xPos + FireTiles [ nFireType ] [ nFireFrame ] . xOffs ;
int smokeY = MapLevelFires [ i ] . fires [ j ] . yPos + FireTiles [ nFireType ] [ nFireFrame ] . yOffs + y1 + screenY ;
overwritesprite ( smokeX , smokeY , nTile , 0 , 2 , kPalNormal ) ;
int t = ( ( ( totalclock & 16 ) > > 4 ) ) ;
int nTile = mapNamePlaques [ i ] . tiles [ t ] . nTile ;
int nameX = mapNamePlaques [ i ] . xPos + mapNamePlaques [ i ] . tiles [ t ] . xOffs ;
int nameY = mapNamePlaques [ i ] . yPos + mapNamePlaques [ i ] . tiles [ t ] . yOffs + y1 + screenY ;
// Draw level name plaque
overwritesprite ( nameX , nameY , nTile , 0 , 2 , kPalNormal ) ;
int8_t shade = 96 ;
if ( nLevelNew = = i )
shade = ( Sin ( 16 * totalclock ) + 31 ) > > 8 ;
else if ( nLevelBest > = i )
shade = 31 ;
int textY = mapNamePlaques [ i ] . yPos + mapNamePlaques [ i ] . text . yOffs + y1 + screenY ;
int textX = mapNamePlaques [ i ] . xPos + mapNamePlaques [ i ] . text . xOffs ;
nTile = mapNamePlaques [ i ] . text . nTile ;
// draw the text, alternating between red and black
overwritesprite ( textX , textY , nTile , shade , 2 , kPalNormal ) ;
videoNextPage ( ) ;
if ( ! bFadeDone )
bFadeDone = kTrue ;
FadeIn ( ) ;
var_3C = totalclock ;
if ( y1 = = y2 )
if ( KB_KeyDown [ sc_UpArrow ] )
KB_KeyDown [ sc_UpArrow ] = 0 ;
if ( nLevelNew < = nLevelBest )
nLevelNew + + ;
y2 = MapDataArray_A [ nLevelNew ] + ( 200 * ( nLevelNew / 2 ) ) ;
if ( y1 < = y2 ) {
var_2C = 2 ;
else {
var_2C = - 2 ;
var_38 = 0 ;
if ( KB_KeyDown [ sc_DownArrow ] )
KB_KeyDown [ sc_DownArrow ] = 0 ;
if ( nLevelNew > 0 )
nLevelNew - - ;
y2 = MapDataArray_A [ nLevelNew ] + ( 200 * ( nLevelNew / 2 ) ) ;
if ( y1 < = y2 ) {
var_2C = 2 ;
else {
var_2C = - 2 ;
var_38 = 0 ;
if ( KB_KeyDown [ sc_Escape ] | | KB_KeyDown [ sc_Space ] | | KB_KeyDown [ sc_Return ] )
KB_KeyDown [ sc_Escape ] = 0 ;
KB_KeyDown [ sc_Return ] = 0 ;
KB_KeyDown [ sc_Space ] = 0 ;
return nLevelNew + 1 ;
y1 + = var_2C * ( ( totalclock - var_3C ) / 2 ) ;
if ( KB_KeyDown [ sc_Escape ] | | KB_KeyDown [ sc_Space ] | | KB_KeyDown [ sc_Return ] )
if ( var_2C < 8 ) {
var_2C * = 2 ;
KB_KeyDown [ sc_Escape ] = 0 ;
KB_KeyDown [ sc_Return ] = 0 ;
KB_KeyDown [ sc_Space ] = 0 ;
if ( y1 > y2 & & var_2C > 0 ) {
y1 = y2 ;
if ( y1 < y2 & & var_2C < 0 ) {
y1 = y2 ;
var_38 = 0 ;
MySetView ( nViewLeft , nViewTop , nViewRight , nViewBottom ) ;
return nLevelNew + 1 ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
void menu_AdjustVolume ( )
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
int nOption = 1 ;
int var_8 = 0 ;
while ( 1 )
handleevents ( ) ;
menu_DoPlasma ( ) ;
overwritesprite ( 80 , 50 , kMenuMusicTile , ( Sin ( totalclock < < 4 ) > > 9 ) * ( nOption = = 0 ) , 2 , kPalNormal ) ;
overwritesprite ( 55 , 75 , kMenuBlankTitleTile , 0 , 2 , kPalNormal ) ;
seq_DrawGunSequence (
SeqOffsets [ kSeqSlider ] , // eax
gMusicVolume % 3 , // pick one of 3 frames?
( gMusicVolume > > 1 ) - 93 , // ebx. must be x???
- 22 ,
0 ,
0 ) ;
overwritesprite ( 80 , 110 , kMenuSoundFxTile , ( Sin ( totalclock < < 4 ) > > 9 ) * ( nOption = = 1 ) , 2 , kPalNormal ) ;
overwritesprite ( 55 , 135 , kMenuBlankTitleTile , 0 , 2 , kPalNormal ) ;
seq_DrawGunSequence (
SeqOffsets [ kSeqSlider ] ,
gFXVolume % 3 ,
( gFXVolume / 2 ) - 93 ,
38 ,
0 ,
0 ) ;
int y = ( 60 * nOption ) + 38 ;
overwritesprite ( 60 , y , kMenuCursorTile , 0 , 2 , kPalNormal ) ;
overwritesprite ( 206 , y , kMenuCursorTile , 0 , 10 , kPalNormal ) ;
videoNextPage ( ) ;
if ( KB_KeyDown [ sc_Escape ] | | KB_KeyDown [ sc_Return ] | | KB_KeyDown [ sc_Space ] )
PlayLocalSound ( StaticSound [ kSound33 ] , 0 ) ;
KB_KeyDown [ sc_Escape ] = 0 ;
KB_KeyDown [ sc_Space ] = 0 ;
KB_KeyDown [ sc_Return ] = 0 ;
return ;
if ( KB_KeyDown [ sc_UpArrow ] )
if ( nOption > 0 )
nOption - - ;
PlayLocalSound ( StaticSound [ kSound35 ] , 0 ) ;
KB_KeyDown [ sc_UpArrow ] = 0 ;
if ( KB_KeyDown [ sc_DownArrow ] )
if ( nOption < 1 )
nOption + + ;
PlayLocalSound ( StaticSound [ kSound35 ] , 0 ) ;
KB_KeyDown [ sc_DownArrow ] = 0 ;
if ( totalclock < = var_8 ) {
continue ;
var_8 = totalclock + 5 ;
if ( KB_KeyDown [ sc_LeftArrow ] )
switch ( nOption )
case 0 :
if ( gMusicVolume > 3 ) {
gMusicVolume - = 4 ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
// TODO SetMusicVolume();
// TODO setCDaudiovolume(gMusicVolume);
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
continue ;
case 1 :
if ( gFXVolume > 3 ) {
gFXVolume - = 4 ;
if ( LocalSoundPlaying ( ) ) {
UpdateLocalSound ( ) ;
else {
PlayLocalSound ( StaticSound [ kSound23 ] , 0 ) ;
continue ;
if ( KB_KeyDown [ sc_RightArrow ] )
switch ( nOption )
case 0 :
if ( gMusicVolume < 252 ) {
gMusicVolume + = 4 ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
// TODO SetMusicVolume();
// TODO setCDaudiovolume(gMusicVolume);
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
continue ;
case 1 :
if ( gFXVolume < 252 ) {
gFXVolume + = 4 ;
if ( LocalSoundPlaying ( ) ) {
UpdateLocalSound ( ) ;
else {
PlayLocalSound ( StaticSound [ kSound23 ] , 0 ) ;
continue ;
if ( GetLocalSound ( ) ! = 23 ) {
continue ;
else {
StopLocalSound ( ) ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
int menu_NewGameMenu ( )
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
const char endMark = 0xF ;
char nameList [ 5 ] [ 25 ] ;
int nNameLen = sizeof ( nameList ) ;
int nNameOffset = 0 ; // char index into slot name string
int nPages = numpages ;
int arg_3E = tilesiz [ kMenuBlankTitleTile ] . x - 10 ;
int nSlot = 0 ;
FILE * fp = fopen ( " savgamea.sav " , " rb " ) ;
if ( fp = = NULL )
memset ( nameList , 0 , nNameLen ) ;
memset ( & GameStats , 0 , sizeof ( GameStat ) ) ;
fp = fopen ( " savgamea.sav " , " wb+ " ) ;
if ( fp ! = NULL )
fwrite ( nameList , nNameLen , 1 , fp ) ;
fwrite ( & GameStats , 75 , 1 , fp ) ; //fwrite(&GameStats, 75, 5, fp); // CHECKME! the size
fwrite ( & endMark , sizeof ( endMark ) , 1 , fp ) ;
fclose ( fp ) ;
int nRead = fread ( nameList , 1 , nNameLen , fp ) ;
if ( nRead ! = nNameLen )
memset ( nameList , 0 , nNameLen ) ;
fclose ( fp ) ;
// while (1)
ClearAllKeys ( ) ;
while ( 1 )
handleevents ( ) ;
menu_DoPlasma ( ) ;
int y = ( tilesiz [ kMenuBlankTitleTile ] . y - ( tilesiz [ kMenuBlankTitleTile ] . y / 2 ) / 2 ) + 65 ;
rotatesprite ( 160 < < 16 , y < < 16 , 0x10000 , 0 , kMenuNewGameTile , 0 , 0 , 2 , 0 , 0 , xdim , ydim ) ;
int edi = 0 ;
int arg_4A = 90 ;
int arg_4E = 98 ;
// Loop #3
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i + + )
int8_t shade = ( ( Sin ( totalclock < < 4 ) > > 9 ) * ( i = = nSlot ) ) + ( ( i ! = nSlot ) * 31 ) ;
overwritesprite ( 55 , arg_4A , kMenuBlankTitleTile , shade , 2 , kPalNormal ) ;
myprintext ( 63 , arg_4E , nameList [ i ] , 0 ) ;
arg_4E + = 22 ;
arg_4A + = 22 ;
edi + + ;
edi = nSlot * 22 ;
// draw selection markers
overwritesprite ( 35 , edi + 78 , kMenuCursorTile , 0 , 2 , kPalNormal ) ;
overwritesprite ( 233 , edi + 78 , kMenuCursorTile , 0 , 10 , kPalNormal ) ;
videoNextPage ( ) ;
nPages - - ;
if ( nPages > 0 ) {
continue ;
if ( KB_KeyDown [ sc_Escape ] )
PlayLocalSound ( StaticSound [ kSound33 ] , 0 ) ;
KB_KeyDown [ sc_Escape ] = 0 ;
return - 1 ;
if ( KB_KeyDown [ sc_UpArrow ] )
PlayLocalSound ( StaticSound [ kSound35 ] , 0 ) ;
if ( nSlot < = 0 ) {
nSlot = 4 ;
else {
nSlot - - ;
KB_KeyDown [ sc_UpArrow ] = 0 ;
ClearAllKeys ( ) ;
continue ;
if ( KB_KeyDown [ sc_DownArrow ] )
PlayLocalSound ( StaticSound [ kSound35 ] , 0 ) ;
if ( nSlot > = 4 ) {
nSlot = 0 ;
else {
nSlot + + ;
KB_KeyDown [ sc_DownArrow ] = 0 ;
ClearAllKeys ( ) ;
continue ;
if ( KB_KeyDown [ sc_Return ] | | KB_KeyWaiting ( ) )
break ;
PlayLocalSound ( StaticSound [ kSound33 ] , 0 ) ;
if ( KB_KeyDown [ sc_Return ] ) {
ClearAllKeys ( ) ;
char * pName = nameList [ nSlot ] ;
int nNameLength = strlen ( pName ) ;
memset ( pName , 0 , nNameLength ) ;
menu_DoPlasma ( ) ;
overwritesprite ( 55 , ( nSlot * 22 ) + 90 , kMenuBlankTitleTile , 0 , 2 , kPalNormal ) ;
int arg_5A = 90 ;
int arg_52 = 98 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i + + )
overwritesprite ( 55 , arg_5A , kMenuBlankTitleTile , ( i ! = nSlot ) * 31 , 2 , kPalNormal ) ;
myprintext ( 63 , arg_52 , nameList [ i ] , 0 ) ;
arg_52 + = 22 ;
arg_5A + = 22 ;
int x = 35 ;
int y = ( nSlot * 22 ) + 78 ;
while ( 1 )
handleevents ( ) ;
overwritesprite ( x , y , kMenuCursorTile , 0 , 2 , kPalNormal ) ;
overwritesprite ( 233 , y , kMenuCursorTile , 0 , 10 , kPalNormal ) ;
videoNextPage ( ) ;
char ch = 0 ;
while ( KB_KeyWaiting ( ) )
handleevents ( ) ;
ch = KB_GetCh ( ) ;
if ( ! ch ) {
KB_GetCh ( ) ;
continue ;
if ( ch = = asc_Enter )
// loc_39ACA:
nameList [ nSlot ] [ nNameOffset ] = 0 ;
PlayLocalSound ( StaticSound [ kSound33 ] , 0 ) ;
KB_KeyDown [ sc_Return ] = 0 ;
if ( nameList [ nSlot ] [ 0 ] = = 0 ) {
return - 1 ;
if ( nNameLength ) // does the save slot already exist?
menu_DoPlasma ( ) ;
if ( Query ( 2 , 4 , " Overwrite existing game? " , " Y/N " , ' Y ' , 13 , ' N ' , 27 ) > = 2 ) {
return - 1 ;
FILE * fp = fopen ( " savgamea.sav " , " rb+ " ) ;
if ( fp = = NULL ) {
return - 1 ;
memset ( & GameStats , 0 , sizeof ( GameStat ) ) ;
GameStats . nWeapons = 1 ;
GameStats . nMap = 1 ;
fwrite ( nameList , sizeof ( nameList ) , 1 , fp ) ;
fseek ( fp , sizeof ( nameList ) , SEEK_SET ) ;
fseek ( fp , nSlot * sizeof ( GameStat ) , SEEK_CUR ) ;
fwrite ( & GameStats , sizeof ( GameStat ) , 1 , fp ) ;
fclose ( fp ) ;
return nSlot ;
// Enter wasn't pressed
PlayLocalSound ( 4 , 0 ) ; // ??
if ( ch = = asc_BackSpace )
nameList [ nSlot ] [ nNameOffset ] = 0 ;
if ( nNameOffset > 0 ) {
nNameOffset - - ;
nameList [ nSlot ] [ nNameOffset ] = 0 ;
else if ( ch = = asc_Escape )
PlayLocalSound ( StaticSound [ kSound33 ] , 0 ) ;
KB_ClearKeysDown ( ) ;
KB_FlushKeyboardQueue ( ) ;
KB_KeyDown [ sc_Escape ] = 0 ;
return - 1 ;
// check if a slot name is being typed
if ( ( ch > = ' 0 ' & & ch < = ' 9 ' )
| | ( ch > = ' A ' & & ch < = ' Z ' )
| | ( ch > = ' a ' & & ch < = ' z ' )
| | ( ch = = ' ' ) )
ch = toupper ( ch ) ;
if ( nNameOffset < 24 ) // n chars per slot name
nameList [ nSlot ] [ nNameOffset ] = ch ;
nNameOffset + + ;
nameList [ nSlot ] [ nNameOffset ] = ' \0 ' ; // null terminate in the new offset
int nLen = MyGetStringWidth ( nameList [ nSlot ] ) ;
if ( nLen > arg_3E )
nNameOffset - - ;
nameList [ nSlot ] [ nNameOffset ] = ' \0 ' ;
// loc_399FD:
menu_DoPlasma ( ) ;
int arg_5E = ( totalclock / 30 ) & 1 ;
int y = 90 ;
int arg_42 = 98 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i + + )
overwritesprite ( 55 , y , kMenuBlankTitleTile , ( i ! = nSlot ) * 31 , 2 , kPalNormal ) ;
int nTextWidth = myprintext ( 63 , arg_42 , nameList [ i ] , 0 ) ;
// flash a full-stop to show the current typing position
if ( arg_5E ! = 0 & & nSlot = = i )
myprintext ( nTextWidth , arg_42 , " . " , 0 ) ;
arg_42 + = 22 ;
y + = 22 ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
int menu_LoadGameMenu ( )
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
char nameList [ 5 ] [ 25 ] ;
int nSlot = 0 ;
FILE * fp = fopen ( " savgamea.sav " , " rb " ) ;
if ( fp = = NULL )
memset ( nameList , 0 , sizeof ( nameList ) ) ;
fread ( nameList , sizeof ( nameList ) , 1 , fp ) ;
fclose ( fp ) ;
while ( 1 )
menu_DoPlasma ( ) ;
handleevents ( ) ;
overwritesprite ( 80 , 65 , kMenuLoadGameTile , 0 , 2 , kPalNormal ) ;
int spriteY = 90 ;
int textY = 98 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < kMaxSaveSlots ; i + + )
// TODO - shade flashing
overwritesprite ( 55 , spriteY , kMenuBlankTitleTile , 0 , 2 , kPalNormal ) ;
myprintext ( 63 , textY , nameList [ i ] , 0 ) ;
textY + = 22 ;
spriteY + = 22 ;
int y = ( nSlot * 22 ) + 78 ;
overwritesprite ( 35 , y , kMenuCursorTile , 0 , 2 , kPalNormal ) ;
overwritesprite ( 233 , y , kMenuCursorTile , 0 , 10 , kPalNormal ) ;
videoNextPage ( ) ;
if ( KB_KeyDown [ sc_Escape ] )
PlayLocalSound ( StaticSound [ kSound33 ] , 0 ) ;
KB_KeyDown [ sc_Escape ] = 0 ;
return - 1 ;
if ( KB_KeyDown [ sc_UpArrow ] )
PlayLocalSound ( StaticSound [ kSound35 ] , 0 ) ;
if ( nSlot > 0 ) {
nSlot - - ;
else {
nSlot = kMaxSaveSlots - 1 ;
KB_KeyDown [ sc_UpArrow ] = 0 ;
if ( KB_KeyDown [ sc_DownArrow ] ) // checkme - is 0x5b in disassembly
PlayLocalSound ( StaticSound [ kSound35 ] , 0 ) ;
if ( nSlot < kMaxSaveSlots - 1 ) {
nSlot + + ;
else {
nSlot = 0 ;
KB_KeyDown [ sc_DownArrow ] = 0 ;
if ( ! KB_KeyDown [ sc_Return ] ) {
continue ;
PlayLocalSound ( StaticSound [ kSound33 ] , 0 ) ;
KB_KeyDown [ sc_Return ] = 0 ;
KB_ClearKeysDown ( ) ;
KB_FlushKeyboardQueue ( ) ;
if ( nameList [ nSlot ] [ 0 ] ! = ' \0 ' )
PlayLocalSound ( StaticSound [ 33 ] , 0 ) ;
return nSlot ;
PlayLocalSound ( 4 , 0 ) ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
void menu_ResetKeyTimer ( )
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
keytimer = totalclock + 2400 ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
void menu_GameLoad2 ( FILE * fp )
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
fread ( & GameStats , sizeof ( GameStats ) , 1 , fp ) ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
nPlayerWeapons [ nLocalPlayer ] = GameStats . nWeapons ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
PlayerList [ nLocalPlayer ] . nCurrentWeapon = GameStats . nCurrentWeapon ;
nPlayerClip [ nLocalPlayer ] = GameStats . clip ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
int nPistolBullets = PlayerList [ nLocalPlayer ] . nAmmo [ kWeaponPistol ] ;
if ( nPistolBullets > = 6 ) {
nPistolBullets = 6 ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
nPistolClip [ nLocalPlayer ] = nPistolBullets ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
memcpy ( & PlayerList [ nLocalPlayer ] , & GameStats . player , sizeof ( Player ) ) ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
nPlayerItem [ nLocalPlayer ] = GameStats . items ;
nPlayerLives [ nLocalPlayer ] = GameStats . nLives ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
SetPlayerItem ( nLocalPlayer , nPlayerItem [ nLocalPlayer ] ) ;
CheckClip ( nLocalPlayer ) ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
short menu_GameLoad ( int nSlot )
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
memset ( & GameStats , 0 , sizeof ( GameStats ) ) ;
FILE * fp = fopen ( " savegamea.sav " , " rb " ) ;
if ( fp = = NULL ) {
return 0 ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
fseek ( fp , 125 , SEEK_SET ) ;
fseek ( fp , nSlot * sizeof ( GameStats ) , SEEK_CUR ) ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
menu_GameLoad2 ( fp ) ;
fclose ( fp ) ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
return GameStats . nMap ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
void menu_GameSave2 ( FILE * fp )
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
memset ( & GameStats , 0 , sizeof ( GameStats ) ) ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
GameStats . nMap = ( uint8_t ) levelnew ;
GameStats . nWeapons = nPlayerWeapons [ nLocalPlayer ] ;
GameStats . nCurrentWeapon = PlayerList [ nLocalPlayer ] . nCurrentWeapon ;
GameStats . clip = nPlayerClip [ nLocalPlayer ] ;
GameStats . items = nPlayerItem [ nLocalPlayer ] ;
GameStats . nLives = nPlayerLives [ nLocalPlayer ] ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
memcpy ( & GameStats . player , & PlayerList [ nLocalPlayer ] , sizeof ( GameStats . player ) ) ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
fwrite ( & GameStats , sizeof ( GameStats ) , 1 , fp ) ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
void menu_GameSave ( int nSaveSlot )
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
if ( nSaveSlot < 0 ) {
return ;
FILE * fp = fopen ( " savgamea.sav " , " rb+ " ) ;
if ( fp ! = NULL )
fseek ( fp , 125 , SEEK_SET ) ; // skip save slot names
fseek ( fp , sizeof ( GameStat ) * nSaveSlot , SEEK_CUR ) ;
menu_GameSave2 ( fp ) ;
fclose ( fp ) ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
void menu_ResetZoom ( )
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
zoomsize = 0 ;
PlayLocalSound ( StaticSound [ kSound62 ] , 0 ) ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
int menu_Menu ( int nVal )
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
GrabPalette ( ) ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
int var_1C = 0 ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
videoSetViewableArea ( 0 , 0 , xdim - 1 , ydim - 1 ) ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
KB_KeyDown [ sc_Escape ] = 0 ;
StopAllSounds ( ) ;
StopLocalSound ( ) ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
menu_ResetKeyTimer ( ) ;
KB_FlushKeyboardQueue ( ) ;
KB_ClearKeysDown ( ) ;
menu_ResetZoom ( ) ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
short ptr [ 5 ] ;
memset ( ptr , 1 , sizeof ( ptr ) ) ;
// disable new game and load game if in multiplayer?
if ( nNetPlayerCount )
ptr [ 1 ] = 0 ;
ptr [ 0 ] = 0 ;
// denote which menu item we've currently got selected
int nMenu = 0 ;
while ( 1 )
handleevents ( ) ;
// skip any disabled menu items so we're selecting the first active one
while ( ! ptr [ nMenu ] )
nMenu + + ;
if ( nMenu = = 5 ) {
nMenu = 0 ;
// handle the menu zoom-in
if ( zoomsize < 0x10000 )
zoomsize + = 4096 ;
if ( zoomsize > = 0x10000 ) {
zoomsize = 0x10000 ;
// menu idle timer
if ( ! nVal & & totalclock > keytimer ) {
return 9 ;
// loc_39F54:
menu_DoPlasma ( ) ;
int y = 65 - tilesiz [ kMenuNewGameTile ] . y / 2 ;
// YELLOW loop - Draw the 5 menu options (NEW GAME, TRAINING etc)
for ( int j = 0 ; j < 5 ; j + + )
int8_t shade ;
if ( nMenu = = j ) { // currently selected menu item
shade = Sin ( totalclock < < 4 ) > > 9 ;
else if ( ptr [ j ] ) {
shade = 0 ;
else {
shade = 25 ;
picanm [ j + kMenuNewGameTile ] . xofs = 0 ;
picanm [ j + kMenuNewGameTile ] . yofs = 0 ;
rotatesprite ( 160 < < 16 , ( y + tilesiz [ j + kMenuNewGameTile ] . y ) < < 16 , zoomsize , 0 , kMenuNewGameTile + j , shade , 0 , 2 , 0 , 0 , xdim , ydim ) ;
y + = 22 ;
// tilesizx is 51
// tilesizy is 33
int markerY = ( 22 * nMenu ) + 53 ;
overwritesprite ( 62 , markerY , kMenuCursorTile , 0 , 2 , kPalNormal ) ;
overwritesprite ( 62 + 146 , markerY , kMenuCursorTile , 0 , 10 , kPalNormal ) ;
videoNextPage ( ) ;
int l = 0 ; // edi
// ORANGE loop
for ( l = 0 ; ; l + + )
int nKey = nMenuKeys [ l ] ;
if ( ! nKey ) {
break ;
if ( KB_KeyDown [ nKey ] )
goto LABEL_21 ; // TEMP
// loc_3A0A7
while ( KB_KeyDown [ sc_Escape ] )
handleevents ( ) ;
PlayLocalSound ( StaticSound [ kSound33 ] , 0 ) ;
KB_KeyDown [ sc_Escape ] = 0 ;
if ( nVal )
StopAllSounds ( ) ;
PlayLocalSound ( StaticSound [ kSound33 ] , 0 ) ;
MySetView ( nViewLeft , nViewTop , nViewRight , nViewBottom ) ;
return - 1 ;
l = 4 ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
LABEL_21 :
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
menu_ResetKeyTimer ( ) ;
if ( l ! = nMenu )
PlayLocalSound ( StaticSound [ kSound35 ] , 0 ) ;
KB_KeyDown [ nMenuKeys [ l ] ] = 0 ;
nMenu = l ;
if ( KB_KeyDown [ sc_Space ] | | KB_KeyDown [ sc_Return ] )
var_1C = 1 ;
else if ( var_1C )
var_1C = 0 ;
PlayLocalSound ( StaticSound [ kSound33 ] , 0 ) ;
switch ( nMenu ) // TODO - change var name?
case kMenuNewGame :
if ( nTotalPlayers > 1 ) {
menu_ResetZoom ( ) ;
menu_ResetKeyTimer ( ) ;
break ;
SavePosition = menu_NewGameMenu ( ) ;
if ( SavePosition = = - 1 ) {
menu_ResetZoom ( ) ;
menu_ResetKeyTimer ( ) ;
break ;
FadeOut ( 1 ) ;
StopAllSounds ( ) ;
StopAllSounds ( ) ;
PlayLocalSound ( StaticSound [ kSound33 ] , 0 ) ;
MySetView ( nViewLeft , nViewTop , nViewRight , nViewBottom ) ;
return 1 ;
case kMenuLoadGame :
if ( nTotalPlayers > 1 ) {
menu_ResetZoom ( ) ;
menu_ResetKeyTimer ( ) ;
break ;
SavePosition = menu_LoadGameMenu ( ) ;
StopAllSounds ( ) ;
StopAllSounds ( ) ;
PlayLocalSound ( StaticSound [ kSound33 ] , 0 ) ;
MySetView ( nViewLeft , nViewTop , nViewRight , nViewBottom ) ;
return 2 ;
case kMenuTraining :
if ( nTotalPlayers > 1 ) {
menu_ResetZoom ( ) ;
menu_ResetKeyTimer ( ) ;
break ;
StopAllSounds ( ) ;
PlayLocalSound ( StaticSound [ kSound33 ] , 0 ) ;
MySetView ( nViewLeft , nViewTop , nViewRight , nViewBottom ) ;
return 3 ;
case kMenuVolume :
menu_AdjustVolume ( ) ;
menu_ResetZoom ( ) ;
menu_ResetKeyTimer ( ) ;
break ;
case kMenuQuitGame :
StopAllSounds ( ) ;
StopAllSounds ( ) ;
PlayLocalSound ( StaticSound [ kSound33 ] , 0 ) ;
MySetView ( nViewLeft , nViewTop , nViewRight , nViewBottom ) ;
return 0 ;
default :
menu_ResetZoom ( ) ;
menu_ResetKeyTimer ( ) ;
break ;
if ( KB_KeyDown [ sc_UpArrow ] )
PlayLocalSound ( StaticSound [ kSound35 ] , 0 ) ;
if ( nMenu < = 0 ) {
nMenu = 4 ;
else {
nMenu - - ;
KB_KeyDown [ sc_UpArrow ] = 0 ;
menu_ResetKeyTimer ( ) ;
if ( KB_KeyDown [ sc_DownArrow ] ) // FIXME - is this down arrow? value is '5B' in disassembly
PlayLocalSound ( StaticSound [ kSound35 ] , 0 ) ;
if ( nMenu > = 4 ) {
nMenu = 0 ;
else {
nMenu + + ;
KB_KeyDown [ sc_DownArrow ] = 0 ;
menu_ResetKeyTimer ( ) ;
// TODO - change to #defines
if ( KB_KeyDown [ 0x5c ] ) {
KB_KeyDown [ 0x5c ] = 0 ;
if ( KB_KeyDown [ 0x5d ] ) {
KB_KeyDown [ 0x5d ] = 0 ;
return 0 ; // todo
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
# define kMaxCinemaPals 16
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
const char * cinpalfname [ kMaxCinemaPals ] = {
" 3454.pal " ,
" 3452.pal " ,
" 3449.pal " ,
" 3445.pal " ,
" set.pal " ,
" 3448.pal " ,
" 3446.pal " ,
" hsc1.pal " ,
" 2972.pal " ,
" 2973.pal " ,
" 2974.pal " ,
" 2975.pal " ,
" 2976.pal " ,
" heli.pal " ,
" 2978.pal " ,
" terror.pal "
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
} ;
int linecount ;
int nextclock ;
short nHeight ;
short nCrawlY ;
short cinematile ;
// TODO - moveme
int LoadCinemaPalette ( int nPal )
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
nPal - - ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
if ( nPal < 0 | | nPal > = kMaxCinemaPals ) {
return - 2 ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
// original code strcpy'd into a buffer first...
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
int hFile = kopen4load ( cinpalfname [ nPal ] , 1 ) ;
if ( hFile < 0 ) {
return - 2 ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
kread ( hFile , cinemapal , sizeof ( cinemapal ) ) ;
kclose ( hFile ) ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
return nPal ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
int IncrementCinemaFadeIn ( )
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
dest = cinemapal ;
cur = curpal ;
int ebx = 0 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 768 ; i + + )
ebx + + ;
if ( * cur < * dest )
( * cur ) + + ;
else if ( * cur = = * dest )
ebx - - ;
( * cur ) - - ;
cur + + ;
dest + + ;
MySetPalette ( curpal ) ;
return ebx ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
void CinemaFadeIn ( )
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
BlackOut ( ) ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
while ( 1 )
int val = IncrementCinemaFadeIn ( ) ;
WaitTicks ( 2 ) ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
if ( val < = 0 ) {
break ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
void ComputeCinemaText ( int nLine )
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
linecount = 0 ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
while ( 1 )
if ( ! strcmp ( gString [ linecount + nLine ] , " END " ) ) {
break ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
int nWidth = MyGetStringWidth ( gString [ linecount + nLine ] ) ;
nLeft [ linecount ] = 160 - nWidth / 2 ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
linecount + + ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
nCrawlY = 199 ;
nHeight = linecount * 10 ;
ClearAllKeys ( ) ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 09:08:38 +00:00
void ReadyCinemaText ( uint16_t nVal )
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
line = FindGString ( " CINEMAS " ) ;
if ( line < 0 ) {
return ;
while ( nVal )
while ( strcmp ( gString [ line ] , " END " ) ) {
line + + ;
line + + ;
nVal - - ;
ComputeCinemaText ( line ) ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
uint8_t AdvanceCinemaText ( )
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
int var_1C = nCDTrackLength ;
if ( nHeight + nCrawlY > 0 | | nCDTrackLength & & nCDTrackLength > 0 )
nextclock = totalclock + 14 ;
if ( ( nHeight + nCrawlY > 0 ) > 0 )
short y = nCrawlY ;
int edi = 0 ;
while ( edi < linecount & & y < = 199 )
if ( y > = - 10 ) {
myprintext ( nLeft [ edi ] , y , gString [ line + edi ] , 0 ) ;
edi + + ;
y + = 10 ;
nCrawlY - - ;
while ( 1 )
handleevents ( ) ;
if ( KB_KeyDown [ sc_Escape ] | | KB_KeyDown [ sc_Return ] | | KB_KeyDown [ sc_Space ] ) {
break ;
if ( var_1C | | nCDTrackLength )
if ( nextclock < = totalclock ) {
return kTrue ;
return kTrue ;
return kFalse ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
void DoCinemaText ( short nVal )
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
ReadyCinemaText ( nVal ) ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
while ( 1 )
overwritesprite ( 0 , 0 , cinematile , 0 , 2 , kPalNormal ) ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
uint8_t bContinue = AdvanceCinemaText ( ) ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
WaitVBL ( ) ;
videoNextPage ( ) ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
if ( ! bContinue ) {
return ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
void GoToTheCinema ( int nVal )
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
UnMaskStatus ( ) ;
switch ( nVal - 1 )
default :
return ;
case 0 :
LoadCinemaPalette ( 1 ) ;
cinematile = 3454 ;
break ;
case 1 :
LoadCinemaPalette ( 2 ) ;
cinematile = 3452 ;
break ;
case 2 :
LoadCinemaPalette ( 3 ) ;
cinematile = 3449 ;
break ;
case 3 :
LoadCinemaPalette ( 4 ) ;
cinematile = 3445 ;
break ;
case 4 :
LoadCinemaPalette ( 5 ) ;
cinematile = 3451 ;
break ;
case 5 :
LoadCinemaPalette ( 6 ) ;
cinematile = 3448 ;
break ;
case 6 :
LoadCinemaPalette ( 7 ) ;
cinematile = 3446 ;
break ;
FadeOut ( kFalse ) ;
StopAllSounds ( ) ;
NoClip ( ) ;
overwritesprite ( 0 , 0 , 764 , 100 , 2 , kPalNormal ) ;
videoNextPage ( ) ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
// int386(16, (const union REGS *)&val, (union REGS *)&val)
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
overwritesprite ( 0 , 0 , cinematile , 0 , 2 , kPalNormal ) ;
videoNextPage ( ) ;
CinemaFadeIn ( ) ;
ClearAllKeys ( ) ;
int ebx = - 1 ;
int edx = - 1 ;
switch ( nVal - 1 )
default :
WaitAnyKey ( 10 ) ;
break ;
case 0 :
ebx = 4 ;
edx = ebx ;
break ;
case 1 :
ebx = 0 ;
break ;
case 2 :
ebx = 2 ;
edx = ebx ;
break ;
case 3 :
ebx = 7 ;
break ;
case 4 :
ebx = 3 ;
edx = ebx ;
break ;
case 5 :
ebx = 8 ;
edx = ebx ;
break ;
case 6 :
ebx = 6 ;
edx = ebx ;
break ;
if ( ebx ! = - 1 )
if ( edx ! = - 1 )
if ( CDplaying ( ) ) {
fadecdaudio ( ) ;
playCDtrack ( edx + 2 ) ; // , 1);
DoCinemaText ( ebx ) ;
FadeOut ( kTrue ) ;
overwritesprite ( 0 , 0 , 764 , 100 , 2 , kPalNormal ) ;
videoNextPage ( ) ;
MySetPalette ( kenpal ) ;
GrabPalette ( ) ;
Clip ( ) ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
short nBeforeScene [ ] = { 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 3 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 } ;
void CheckBeforeScene ( int nLevel )
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
if ( nLevel = = kMap20 )
DoLastLevelCinema ( ) ;
return ;
if ( nBeforeScene [ nLevel ] )
if ( ! nCinemaSeen [ nLevel ] )
GoToTheCinema ( nLevel ) ;
nCinemaSeen [ nLevel ] = 1 ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
int showmap ( short nLevel , short nLevelNew , short nLevelBest )
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
FadeOut ( 0 ) ;
EraseScreen ( overscanindex ) ;
GrabPalette ( ) ;
BlackOut ( ) ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
if ( nLevelNew ! = 11 ) {
CheckBeforeScene ( nLevelNew ) ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
int selectedLevel = menu_DrawTheMap ( nLevel , nLevelNew , nLevelBest ) ;
if ( selectedLevel = = 11 ) {
CheckBeforeScene ( selectedLevel ) ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
return selectedLevel ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
void DoAfterCinemaScene ( int nLevel )
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
short word_9ABD5 [ ] = { 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 5 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 7 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 6 } ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
if ( word_9ABD5 [ nLevel ] ) {
GoToTheCinema ( word_9ABD5 [ nLevel ] ) ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
void DoFailedFinalScene ( )
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
videoSetViewableArea ( 0 , 0 , xdim - 1 , ydim - 1 ) ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
if ( CDplaying ( ) ) {
fadecdaudio ( ) ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
playCDtrack ( 9 ) ;
FadeToWhite ( ) ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
// TODO GoToTheCinema(word_9ABFF);
int FindGString ( const char * str )
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
int i = 0 ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
while ( 1 )
if ( ! strcmp ( gString [ i ] , str ) )
return i + 1 ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
if ( ! strcmp ( gString [ i ] , " EOF " ) )
break ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
i + + ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
return - 1 ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
uint8_t CheckForEscape ( )
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
if ( ! KB_KeyWaiting ( ) | | ( KB_GetCh ( ) ! = 27 ) ) {
return kFalse ;
return kTrue ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
void DoStatic ( int a , int b )
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
RandomLong ( ) ; // nothing done with the result of this?
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
tileLoad ( kTileLoboLaptop ) ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
int v2 = 160 - a / 2 ;
int v4 = 81 - b / 2 ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
int var_18 = v2 + a ;
int v5 = v4 + b ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
uint8_t * pTile = ( uint8_t * ) ( waloff [ kTileLoboLaptop ] + ( 200 * v2 ) ) + v4 ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
while ( v2 < var_18 )
uint8_t * pStart = pTile ;
pTile + = 200 ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
int v7 = v4 ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
while ( v7 < v5 )
* pStart = RandomBit ( ) * 16 ;
v7 + + ;
pStart + + ;
v2 + + ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
overwritesprite ( 0 , 0 , kTileLoboLaptop , 0 , 2 , kPalNormal ) ;
videoNextPage ( ) ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
void DoLastLevelCinema ( )
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
FadeOut ( 0 ) ;
UnMaskStatus ( ) ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
videoSetViewableArea ( 0 , 0 , xdim - 1 , ydim - 1 ) ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
EraseScreen ( - 1 ) ;
RestorePalette ( ) ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
int nString = FindGString ( " LASTLEVEL " ) ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
PlayLocalSound ( StaticSound [ kSound75 ] , 0 ) ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
tileLoad ( kTileLoboLaptop ) ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
memcpy ( ( void * ) waloff [ kTileLoboLaptop ] , ( void * ) waloff [ kTileLoboLaptop ] , tilesiz [ kTileLoboLaptop ] . x * tilesiz [ kTileLoboLaptop ] . y ) ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
int var_24 = 16 ;
int var_28 = 12 ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
int nEndTime = totalclock + 240 ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
while ( KB_KeyWaiting ( ) ) {
KB_GetCh ( ) ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
while ( nEndTime > totalclock )
handleevents ( ) ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
if ( var_24 > = 116 )
if ( var_28 < 192 )
var_28 + = 20 ;
var_24 + = 20 ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
DoStatic ( var_28 , var_24 ) ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
// loadtilelockmode = 1;
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
tileLoad ( kTileLoboLaptop ) ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
// loadtilelockmode = 0;
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
// loc_3AD75
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
handleevents ( ) ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
LABEL_11 :
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
if ( strlen ( gString [ nString ] ) = = 0 )
break ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
int esi = nString ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
tileLoad ( kTileLoboLaptop ) ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
while ( strlen ( gString [ esi ] ) ! = 0 )
esi + + ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
int ebp = esi ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
ebp - = nString ;
ebp = 81 - ( ebp < < = 2 ) ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
int var_1C = esi - nString ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
// loc_3ADD7
while ( 1 )
handleevents ( ) ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
if ( strlen ( gString [ nString ] ) = = 0 )
break ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
int xPos = 70 ;
const char * nChar = gString [ nString ] ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
nString + + ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
while ( * nChar )
handleevents ( ) ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
if ( * nChar ! = ' ' ) {
PlayLocalSound ( StaticSound [ kSound71 ] , 0 ) ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
xPos + = CopyCharToBitmap ( * nChar , kTileLoboLaptop , xPos , ebp ) ;
nChar + + ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
overwritesprite ( 0 , 0 , kTileLoboLaptop , 0 , 2 , kPalNormal ) ;
videoNextPage ( ) ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
WaitVBL ( ) ;
if ( CheckForEscape ( ) )
goto LABEL_28 ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
ebp + = 8 ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
nString + + ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
KB_FlushKeyboardQueue ( ) ;
KB_ClearKeysDown ( ) ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
int v11 = kTimerTicks * ( var_1C + 2 ) + totalclock ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
handleevents ( ) ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
if ( v11 < = totalclock )
goto LABEL_11 ;
} while ( ! KB_KeyWaiting ( ) ) ;
while ( KB_GetCh ( ) ! = 27 ) ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
LABEL_28 :
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
PlayLocalSound ( StaticSound [ kSound75 ] , 0 ) ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
while ( 1 )
handleevents ( ) ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
DoStatic ( var_28 , var_24 ) ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
if ( var_28 > 20 ) {
var_28 - = 20 ;
continue ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
if ( var_24 > 20 ) {
var_24 - = 20 ;
continue ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
break ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00
2019-08-31 07:47:15 +00:00
EraseScreen ( - 1 ) ;
tileLoad ( kTileLoboLaptop ) ;
FadeOut ( 0 ) ;
MySetView ( nViewLeft , nViewTop , nViewRight , nViewBottom ) ;
MaskStatus ( ) ;
2019-08-26 03:59:14 +00:00