
736 lines
16 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2019-09-19 22:42:45 +00:00
Copyright (C) 2010-2019 EDuke32 developers and contributors
Copyright (C) 2019 Nuke.YKT
This file is part of NBlood.
NBlood is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
as published by the Free Software Foundation.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#pragma once
#include "build.h"
#include <assert.h>
2019-09-19 22:42:45 +00:00
#include "misc.h"
2019-11-01 07:24:10 +00:00
#include "printf.h"
#include "v_text.h"
#include "seqcb.h"
2019-09-19 22:42:45 +00:00
void QuitGame(void);
2019-09-19 22:42:45 +00:00
kMaxSectors = MAXSECTORS,
kMaxWalls = MAXWALLS,
kMaxSprites = MAXSPRITES,
2019-09-19 22:42:45 +00:00
kMaxTiles = MAXTILES,
kMaxStatus = MAXSTATUS,
kMaxPlayers = 8,
kMaxVoxels = MAXVOXELS,
2019-09-19 22:42:45 +00:00
kTicRate = 120,
kTicsPerFrame = 4,
kTicsPerSec = (kTicRate / kTicsPerFrame),
kExplodeMax = 8,
kLensSize = 80,
2020-12-06 20:56:09 +00:00
kViewEffectMax = 20,
kNoTile = -1,
//= = = = // = defined = by = NoOne:
//= = = = // = -------------------------------
kMaxPAL = 5,
kUserPLUStart = 15,
kDmgFall = 0,
kDmgBurn = 1,
kDmgBullet = 2,
kDmgExplode = 3,
kDmgChoke = 4,
kDmgSpirit = 5,
kDmgElectric = 6,
kDmgMax = 7,
// MEDIUM /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
enum {
kMediumNormal = 0,
kMediumWater = 1,
kMediumGoo = 2,
// STATNUMS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
enum {
kStatDecoration = 0,
kStatFX = 1,
kStatExplosion = 2,
kStatItem = 3,
kStatThing = 4,
kStatProjectile = 5,
kStatDude = 6,
kStatInactive = 7, // inactive (ambush) dudes
kStatRespawn = 8,
kStatPurge = 9,
kStatMarker = 10,
kStatTraps = 11,
kStatAmbience = 12,
kStatSpares = 13,
kStatFlare = 14,
kStatDebris = 15,
kStatPathMarker = 16,
kStatFree = 1024,
// POWERUPS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
enum {
kPwUpFeatherFall = 12,
kPwUpShadowCloak = 13,
kPwUpDeathMask = 14,
kPwUpJumpBoots = 15,
kPwUpTwoGuns = 17,
kPwUpDivingSuit = 18,
kPwUpGasMask = 19,
kPwUpCrystalBall = 21,
kPwUpDoppleganger = 23,
kPwUpReflectShots = 24,
kPwUpBeastVision = 25,
kPwUpShadowCloakUseless = 26,
kPwUpDeliriumShroom = 28,
kPwUpGrowShroom = 29,
kPwUpShrinkShroom = 30,
kPwUpDeathMaskUseless = 31,
kPwUpAsbestArmor = 39,
kMaxPowerUps = 51,
2020-01-02 15:17:32 +00:00
enum {
kExplosionSmall = 0,
kExplosionStandard = 1,
kExplosionLarge = 2,
kExplosionFireball = 3,
kExplosionSpray = 4,
kExplosion5 = 5,
kExplosion6 = 6,
kExplosionNapalm = 7,
kExplosionMax = 8
// SPRITE TYPES /////////////////////////////////////////////////
enum {
kSpriteDecoration = 0,
// markers
kMarkerSPStart = 1,
kMarkerMPStart = 2,
kMarkerOff = 3,
kMarkerOn = 4,
kMarkerAxis = 5,
kMarkerLowLink = 6,
kMarkerUpLink = 7,
kMarkerWarpDest = 8,
kMarkerUpWater = 9,
kMarkerLowWater = 10,
kMarkerUpStack = 11,
kMarkerLowStack = 12,
kMarkerUpGoo = 13,
kMarkerLowGoo = 14,
kMarkerPath = 15,
kMarkerDudeSpawn = 18,
kMarkerEarthQuake = 19,
// switches
kSwitchBase = 20,
kSwitchToggle = 20,
kSwitchOneWay = 21,
kSwitchCombo = 22,
kSwitchPadlock = 23,
kSwitchMax = 24,
// decorations
kDecorationTorch = 30,
kDecorationCandle = 32,
// (weapons)
kItemWeaponBase = 40,
kItemWeaponRandom = kItemWeaponBase,
kItemWeaponSawedoff = 41,
kItemWeaponTommygun = 42,
kItemWeaponFlarePistol = 43,
kItemWeaponVoodooDoll = 44,
kItemWeaponTeslaCannon = 45,
kItemWeaponNapalmLauncher = 46,
kItemWeaponPitchfork = 47,
kItemWeaponSprayCan = 48,
kItemWeaponTNT = 49,
kItemWeaponLifeLeech = 50,
kItemWeaponMax = 51,
// items (ammos)
kItemAmmoBase = 60,
kItemAmmoSprayCan = kItemAmmoBase,
kItemAmmoTNTBundle = 62,
kItemAmmoTNTBox = 63,
kItemAmmoProxBombBundle = 64,
kItemAmmoRemoteBombBundle = 65,
kItemAmmoTrappedSoul = 66,
kItemAmmoSawedoffFew = 67,
kItemAmmoSawedoffBox = 68,
kItemAmmoTommygunFew = 69,
kItemAmmoVoodooDoll = 70,
kItemAmmoTommygunDrum = 72,
kItemAmmoTeslaCharge = 73,
kItemAmmoFlares = 76,
kItemAmmoGasolineCan = 79,
kItemAmmoMax = 81,
kItemBase = 100,
// items (keys)
kItemKeyBase = kItemBase,
kItemKeySkull = kItemKeyBase,
kItemKeyEye = 101,
kItemKeyFire = 102,
kItemKeyDagger = 103,
kItemKeySpider = 104,
kItemKeyMoon = 105,
kItemKeyKey7 = 106,
kItemKeyMax = 107,
// items (health)
kItemHealthDoctorBag = 107,
kItemHealthMedPouch = 108,
kItemHealthLifeEssense = 109,
kItemHealthLifeSeed = 110,
kItemHealthRedPotion = 111,
// items (misc)
kItemFeatherFall = 112,
kItemShadowCloak = 113, // ltdInvisibility
kItemDeathMask = 114, // invulnerability
kItemJumpBoots = 115,
kItemTwoGuns = 117,
kItemDivingSuit = 118,
kItemGasMask = 119,
kItemCrystalBall = 121,
kItemReflectShots = 124,
kItemBeastVision = 125,
kItemShroomDelirium = 128,
kItemArmorAsbest = 139,
kItemArmorBasic = 140,
kItemArmorBody = 141,
kItemArmorFire = 142,
kItemArmorSpirit = 143,
kItemArmorSuper = 144,
kItemFlagABase = 145,
kItemFlagBBase = 146,
kItemFlagA = 147,
kItemFlagB = 148,
kItemMax = 151,
// dudes
kDudeBase = 200,
kDudeCultistTommy = 201,
kDudeCultistShotgun = 202,
kDudeZombieAxeNormal = 203,
kDudeZombieButcher = 204,
kDudeZombieAxeBuried = 205,
kDudeGargoyleFlesh = 206,
kDudeGargoyleStone = 207,
kDudeGargoyleStatueFlesh = 208,
kDudeGargoyleStatueStone = 209,
kDudePhantasm = 210,
kDudeHellHound = 211,
kDudeHand = 212,
kDudeSpiderBrown = 213,
kDudeSpiderRed = 214,
kDudeSpiderBlack = 215,
kDudeSpiderMother = 216,
kDudeGillBeast = 217,
kDudeBoneEel = 218,
kDudeBat = 219,
kDudeRat = 220,
kDudePodGreen = 221,
kDudeTentacleGreen = 222,
kDudePodFire = 223,
kDudeTentacleFire = 224,
kDudePodMother = 225,
kDudeTentacleMother = 226,
kDudeCerberusTwoHead = 227,
kDudeCerberusOneHead = 228,
kDudeTchernobog = 229,
kDudeCultistTommyProne = 230,
kDudePlayer1 = 231,
kDudePlayer2 = 232,
kDudePlayer3 = 233,
kDudePlayer4 = 234,
kDudePlayer5 = 235,
kDudePlayer6 = 236,
kDudePlayer7 = 237,
kDudePlayer8 = 238,
kDudeBurningInnocent = 239,
kDudeBurningCultist = 240,
kDudeBurningZombieAxe = 241,
kDudeBurningZombieButcher = 242,
kDudeCultistReserved = 243, // unused
kDudeZombieAxeLaying = 244,
kDudeInnocent = 245,
kDudeCultistShotgunProne = 246,
kDudeCultistTesla = 247,
kDudeCultistTNT = 248,
kDudeCultistBeast = 249,
kDudeTinyCaleb = 250,
kDudeBeast = 251,
kDudeBurningTinyCaleb = 252,
kDudeBurningBeast = 253,
kDudeVanillaMax = 254,
kDudeMax = 256,
kMissileBase = 300,
kMissileButcherKnife = kMissileBase,
kMissileFlareRegular = 301,
kMissileTeslaAlt = 302,
kMissileFlareAlt = 303,
kMissileFlameSpray = 304,
kMissileFireball = 305,
kMissileTeslaRegular = 306,
kMissileEctoSkull = 307,
kMissileFlameHound = 308,
kMissilePukeGreen = 309,
kMissileUnused = 310,
kMissileArcGargoyle = 311,
kMissileFireballNapalm = 312,
kMissileFireballCerberus = 313,
kMissileFireballTchernobog = 314,
kMissileLifeLeechRegular = 315,
kMissileLifeLeechAltNormal = 316,
kMissileLifeLeechAltSmall = 317,
kMissileMax = 318,
// things
kThingBase = 400,
kThingTNTBarrel = 400,
kThingArmedProxBomb = 401,
kThingArmedRemoteBomb = 402,
kThingCrateFace = 405,
kThingGlassWindow = 406,
kThingFluorescent = 407,
kThingWallCrack = 408,
kThingSpiderWeb = 410,
kThingMetalGrate = 411,
kThingFlammableTree = 412,
kTrapMachinegun = 413, // not really a thing, should be in traps instead
kThingFallingRock = 414,
kThingKickablePail = 415,
kThingObjectGib = 416,
kThingObjectExplode = 417,
kThingArmedTNTStick = 418,
kThingArmedTNTBundle = 419,
kThingArmedSpray = 420,
kThingBone = 421,
kThingDripWater = 423,
kThingDripBlood = 424,
kThingBloodBits = 425,
kThingBloodChunks = 426,
kThingZombieHead = 427,
kThingNapalmBall = 428,
kThingPodFireBall = 429,
kThingPodGreenBall = 430,
kThingDroppedLifeLeech = 431,
kThingVoodooHead = 432, // unused
kThingMax = 436,
// traps
kTrapFlame = 452,
kTrapSawCircular = 454,
kTrapZapSwitchable = 456,
kTrapExploder = 459,
// generators
kGenTrigger = 700,
kGenDripWater = 701,
kGenDripBlood = 702,
kGenMissileFireball = 703,
kGenMissileEctoSkull = 704,
kGenDart = 705,
kGenBubble = 706,
kGenBubbleMulti = 707,
// sound sprites
kGenSound = 708,
kSoundSector = 709,
kSoundPlayer = 711,
// WALL TYPES /////////////////////////////////////////////////
enum {
kWallBase = 500,
kWallStack = 501,
kWallGib = 511,
kWallMax = 512,
// SECTOR TYPES /////////////////////////////////////////////////
enum {
kSectorBase = 600,
kSectorZMotion = 600,
kSectorZMotionSprite = 602,
kSectorTeleport = 604,
kSectorPath = 612,
kSectorRotateStep = 613,
kSectorSlideMarked = 614,
kSectorRotateMarked = 615,
kSectorSlide = 616,
kSectorRotate = 617,
kSectorDamage = 618,
kSectorCounter = 619,
kSectorMax = 620,
// ai state types
enum {
kAiStateOther = -1,
kAiStateIdle = 0,
kAiStateGenIdle = 1,
kAiStateMove = 2,
kAiStateSearch = 3,
kAiStateChase = 4,
kAiStateRecoil = 5,
kAiStateAttack = 6,
2020-12-06 20:56:09 +00:00
kAiStatePatrolBase = 7,
kAiStatePatrolWaitL = kAiStatePatrolBase,
Increase kMaxSuperXSprites from 128 to 512. Fix mirror (ROR) intialization so it won't crash if more than 1024 sectors used. Fix random item generator so items that inherits TX ID won't send command at respawn. Fix for things (400 - 433) that affected by modern physics so it won't return to vanilla physics after getting damage. Fix kTeleportTarget so teleported sprites won't stuck in floors or ceilings. Corpses won't gib as gargoyles anymore (gModernMap). kModernCondition: - remove bool comparison (condCmpb). - remove no extra comparison (condCmpne). - remove "else if" search at level start. - add global (game) conditions type. - add more conditions. - make error report a bit more informative. Add more options and damage effects for kModernSpriteDamager. Add more options for kModernMissileGen and allow to spawn projectile on TX ID sprites location. Add more options and vertical wind processing for kModernWindGen. Add more options and effects for kModernEffectGen. Allow kMarkerDudeSpawn to spawn enemies on TX ID sprites location (gModernMap). Allow kModernCustomDudeSpawn to spawn dude on TX ID sprites location. Add Screen and Aim trigger flags for sprites that can be triggered with Sight (gModernMap). Patrolling enemies: - add turn AI state. - add "return back" option for path markers. - add "turning while waiting" option for markers. - make enemies to hear some sounds assuming that player generates and hears it too. - add kModernStealthRegion type to affect current spot progress velocity. - replace AI's CanMove and aiChooseDirection to a better versions. - make flying enemies to not spin around the marker. - treat Phantasm as flying enemy! - allow to continue patrol when falling in water. Fix compile warnings Various minor fixes / cleanup.
2021-07-19 21:15:26 +00:00
2020-12-06 20:56:09 +00:00
// sprite attributes
kHitagAutoAim = 0x0008,
kHitagRespawn = 0x0010,
kHitagFree = 0x0020,
kHitagSmoke = 0x0100,
// sprite physics attributes
kPhysMove = 0x0001, // affected by movement physics
kPhysGravity = 0x0002, // affected by gravity
kPhysFalling = 0x0004, // currently in z-motion
// sector cstat
kSecCParallax = 0x01,
kSecCSloped = 0x02,
kSecCSwapXY = 0x04,
kSecCExpand = 0x08,
kSecCFlipX = 0x10,
kSecCFlipY = 0x20,
kSecCFlipMask = 0x34,
kSecCRelAlign = 0x40,
kSecCFloorShade = 0x8000,
kAng5 = 28,
kAng15 = 85,
kAng30 = 170,
kAng45 = 256,
kAng60 = 341,
kAng90 = 512,
kAng120 = 682,
kAng180 = 1024,
kAng360 = 2048,
// Weapon numbers
kWeapNone = 0,
kWeapPitchFork = 1,
kWeapFlareGun = 2,
kWeapShotgun = 3,
kWeapTommyGun = 4,
kWeapNapalm = 5,
kWeapDynamite = 6,
kWeapSpraycan = 7,
kWeapTeslaCannon = 8,
kWeapLifeLeech = 9,
kWeapVoodooDoll = 10,
kWeapProximity = 11,
kWeapRemote = 12,
kWeapBeast = 13,
// -------------------------------
2019-09-19 22:42:45 +00:00
#pragma pack(push,1)
struct LOCATION {
int x, y, z;
int ang;
using POINT2D = vec2_t;
using POINT3D = vec3_t;
2019-09-19 22:42:45 +00:00
struct VECTOR2D {
int dx, dy;
struct Aim {
int dx, dy, dz;
#pragma pack(pop)
inline int ClipLow(int a, int b)
if (a < b)
return b;
return a;
inline int ClipHigh(int a, int b)
if (a >= b)
return b;
return a;
inline int ClipRange(int a, int b, int c)
if (a < b)
return b;
if (a > c)
return c;
return a;
inline char Chance(int a1)
return wrand() < (a1>>1);
inline unsigned int Random(int a1)
return MulScale(wrand(), a1, 15);
2019-09-19 22:42:45 +00:00
inline int Random2(int a1)
return MulScale(wrand(), a1, 14)-a1;
2019-09-19 22:42:45 +00:00
inline int Random3(int a1)
return MulScale(wrand()+wrand(), a1, 15) - a1;
2019-09-19 22:42:45 +00:00
inline unsigned int QRandom(int a1)
return MulScale(qrand(), a1, 15);
2019-09-19 22:42:45 +00:00
inline int QRandom2(int a1)
return MulScale(qrand(), a1, 14)-a1;
2019-09-19 22:42:45 +00:00
template<class T>
inline void SetBitString(T *pArray, int nIndex)
2019-09-19 22:42:45 +00:00
static_assert(sizeof(T) == 1, "Bit array element too large");
pArray[nIndex>>3] |= 1<<(nIndex&7);
2019-09-19 22:42:45 +00:00
template<class T>
inline void ClearBitString(T *pArray, int nIndex)
2019-09-19 22:42:45 +00:00
static_assert(sizeof(T) == 1, "Bit array element too large");
pArray[nIndex >> 3] &= ~(1 << (nIndex & 7));
2019-09-19 22:42:45 +00:00
template<class T>
inline char TestBitString(T *pArray, int nIndex)
2019-09-19 22:42:45 +00:00
static_assert(sizeof(T) == 1, "Bit array element too large");
return pArray[nIndex>>3] & (1<<(nIndex&7));
2019-09-19 22:42:45 +00:00
// This is to override the namepace prioritization without altering the actual calls.
inline int scale(int a, int b, int c)
return ::Scale(a, b, c);
2019-09-19 22:42:45 +00:00
inline int scale(int a1, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5)
return a4 + (a5-a4) * (a1-a2) / (a3-a2);
inline int mulscale16r(int a, int b)
int64_t acc = 1<<(16-1);
acc += ((int64_t)a) * b;
return (int)(acc>>16);
inline int mulscale30r(int a, int b)
int64_t acc = 1<<(30-1);
acc += ((int64_t)a) * b;
return (int)(acc>>30);
inline int dmulscale30r(int a, int b, int c, int d)
int64_t acc = 1<<(30-1);
acc += ((int64_t)a) * b;
acc += ((int64_t)c) * d;
return (int)(acc>>30);
inline int approxDist(int dx, int dy)
dx = abs(dx);
dy = abs(dy);
2019-09-19 22:42:45 +00:00
if (dx > dy)
dy = (3*dy)>>3;
dx = (3*dx)>>3;
return dx+dy;
class Rect {
int x0, y0, x1, y1;
Rect(int _x0, int _y0, int _x1, int _y1)
2019-09-19 22:42:45 +00:00
x0 = _x0; y0 = _y0; x1 = _x1; y1 = _y1;
2019-09-19 22:42:45 +00:00
bool isValid(void) const
return x0 < x1 && y0 < y1;
2019-09-19 22:42:45 +00:00
char isEmpty(void) const
return !isValid();
2019-09-19 22:42:45 +00:00
bool operator!(void) const
return isEmpty();
Rect & operator&=(Rect &pOther)
x0 = ClipLow(x0, pOther.x0);
y0 = ClipLow(y0, pOther.y0);
x1 = ClipHigh(x1, pOther.x1);
y1 = ClipHigh(y1, pOther.y1);
2019-09-19 22:42:45 +00:00
return *this;
void offset(int dx, int dy)
x0 += dx;
y0 += dy;
x1 += dx;
y1 += dy;
int height()
return y1 - y0;
int width()
return x1 - x0;
bool inside(Rect& other)
return (x0 <= other.x0 && x1 >= other.x1 && y0 <= other.y0 && y1 >= other.y1);
bool inside(int x, int y)
return (x0 <= x && x1 > x && y0 <= y && y1 > y);
2019-09-19 22:42:45 +00:00
class BitReader {
int nBitPos;
int nSize;
char *pBuffer;
BitReader(char *_pBuffer, int _nSize, int _nBitPos) { pBuffer = _pBuffer; nSize = _nSize; nBitPos = _nBitPos; nSize -= nBitPos>>3; }
BitReader(char *_pBuffer, int _nSize) { pBuffer = _pBuffer; nSize = _nSize; nBitPos = 0; }
int readBit()
if (nSize <= 0)
I_Error("Buffer overflow in BitReader");
2019-09-19 22:42:45 +00:00
int bit = ((*pBuffer)>>nBitPos)&1;
if (++nBitPos >= 8)
nBitPos = 0;
return bit;
void skipBits(int nBits)
nBitPos += nBits;
pBuffer += nBitPos>>3;
nSize -= nBitPos>>3;
nBitPos &= 7;
if ((nSize == 0 && nBitPos > 0) || nSize < 0)
I_Error("Buffer overflow in BitReader");
2019-09-19 22:42:45 +00:00
unsigned int readUnsigned(int nBits)
unsigned int n = 0;
assert(nBits <= 32);
2019-09-19 22:42:45 +00:00
for (int i = 0; i < nBits; i++)
n += readBit()<<i;
return n;
int readSigned(int nBits)
assert(nBits <= 32);
2019-09-19 22:42:45 +00:00
int n = (int)readUnsigned(nBits);
n <<= 32-nBits;
n >>= 32-nBits;
return n;