
178 lines
5.6 KiB
Raw Normal View History

// All things old go here to keep the sources clean. To have a reference to the place
// in the code, place a marker like __SomeMarker__ in the source file, and refer to it
// by placing it as the first context line of the corresponding hunk.
Index: astub.c
+++ astub.c
--- astub.c
@@ -2118,1 +2118,37 @@
+#if 0
+static void ShowHelpText(char *name)
+ BFILE *fp;
+ char x=0,y=4;
+ if ((fp=fopenfrompath("helpdoc.txt","rb")) == NULL)
+ {
+ begindrawing();
+ printext256(1*4,4*8,whitecol,-1,"ERROR: file not found.",0);
+ enddrawing();
+ return;
+ }
+ /*
+ Bfgets(tempbuf,80,fp);
+ while(!Bfeof(fp) && Bstrcmp(tempbuf,"SectorEffector"))
+ {
+ Bfgets(tempbuf,80,fp);
+ }
+ */
+ y=2;
+ Bfgets(tempbuf,80,fp);
+ Bstrcat(tempbuf,"\n");
+ begindrawing();
+ while (!Bfeof(fp) && !(Bstrcmp(tempbuf,"SectorEffector")==0))
+ {
+ Bfgets(tempbuf,80,fp);
+ Bstrcat(tempbuf,"\n");
+ printext256(x*4,(y*6)+2,whitecol,-1,tempbuf,1);
+ y++;
+ }
+ enddrawing();
+ Bfclose(fp);
+}// end ShowHelpText
@@ -6777,1 +6777,34 @@
+ /*
+ if ((totalclock > getmessagetimeoff) && (totalclock > (lastpm16time + 120*3)))
+ {
+ if (pointhighlight >= 16384)
+ {
+ char tmpbuf[2048];
+ i = pointhighlight-16384;
+ if (strlen(names[sprite[i].picnum]) > 0)
+ {
+ if (sprite[i].picnum==SECTOREFFECTOR)
+ Bsprintf(tmpbuf,"Sprite %d %s, hi:%d ex:%d",i,SectorEffectorText(i),sprite[i].hitag,sprite[i].extra);
+ else Bsprintf(tmpbuf,"Sprite %d %s: lo:%d hi:%d ex:%d",i,names[sprite[i].picnum],sprite[i].lotag,sprite[i].hitag,sprite[i].extra);
+ }
+ else Bsprintf(tmpbuf,"Sprite %d picnum %d: lo:%d hi:%d ex:%d",i,sprite[i].picnum,sprite[i].lotag,sprite[i].hitag,sprite[i].extra);
+ _printmessage16(tmpbuf);
+ }
+ else if ((linehighlight >= 0) && (sectorofwall(linehighlight) == cursectornum))
+ {
+ int32_t dax, day, dist;
+ dax = wall[linehighlight].x-wall[wall[linehighlight].point2].x;
+ day = wall[linehighlight].y-wall[wall[linehighlight].point2].y;
+ dist = ksqrt(dax*dax+day*day);
+ Bsprintf(tempbuf,"Wall %d: length:%d lo:%d hi:%d ex:%d",linehighlight,dist,wall[linehighlight].lotag,wall[linehighlight].hitag,wall[linehighlight].extra);
+ _printmessage16(tempbuf);
+ }
+ else if (cursectornum >= 0)
+ {
+ Bsprintf(tempbuf,"Sector %d: lo:%d hi:%d ex:%d",cursectornum,sector[cursectornum].lotag,sector[cursectornum].hitag,sector[cursectornum].extra);
+ _printmessage16(tempbuf);
+ }
+ else _printmessage16("");
+ }
+ */
@@ -6723,1 +6723,29 @@
+#if 0
+ {
+ if (cursearchspritenum>0) cursearchspritenum--;
+ for (i=cursearchspritenum; i>=0; i--)
+ {
+ if (
+ (sprite[i].picnum==sprite[cursearchsprite].picnum &&
+ sprite[i].statnum==0)
+ &&((search_lotag==0)||
+ (search_lotag!=0 && search_lotag==sprite[i].lotag))
+ &&((search_hitag==0)||
+ (search_hitag!=0 && search_hitag==sprite[i].hitag))
+ )
+ {
+ pos.x=sprite[i].x;
+ pos.y=sprite[i].y;
+ ang= sprite[i].ang;
+ printmessage16("< Sprite search: found");
+ // curspritenum--;
+ keystatus[KEYSC_LBRACK]=0;
+ return;
+ }
+ cursearchspritenum--;
+ }
+ printmessage16("< Sprite search: none found");
+ }
@@ -6757,1 +6757,27 @@
+#if 0
+ {
+ if (cursearchspritenum<MAXSPRITES) cursearchspritenum++;
+ for (i=cursearchspritenum; i<=MAXSPRITES; i++)
+ {
+ if ((sprite[i].picnum==sprite[cursearchsprite].picnum &&
+ sprite[i].statnum==0)
+ &&((search_lotag==0)||
+ (search_lotag!=0 && search_lotag==sprite[i].lotag))
+ &&((search_hitag==0)||
+ (search_hitag!=0 && search_hitag==sprite[i].hitag))
+ )
+ {
+ pos.x=sprite[i].x;
+ pos.y=sprite[i].y;
+ ang= sprite[i].ang;
+ printmessage16("> Sprite search: found");
+ // curspritenum++;
+ keystatus[KEYSC_RBRACK]=0;
+ return;
+ }
+ cursearchspritenum++;
+ }
+ printmessage16("> Sprite search: none found");
+ }
@@ -6840,1 +6840,37 @@
+ /*
+ if (keystatus[KEYSC_QUOTE] && PRESSED_KEYSC(5)) // ' 5
+ {
+ sprintf(tempbuf,"Power-Up Ammo now equals Normal");
+ printmessage16(tempbuf);
+ for(i=0;i<MAXSPRITES;i++)
+ {
+ if(sprite[i].picnum>=20 && sprite[i].picnum<=59)
+ {
+ sprite[i].xrepeat = 32;
+ sprite[i].yrepeat = 32;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ */
+ // What the fuck is this supposed to do?
+ /* Motorcycle ha ha ha
+ if (keystatus[KEYSC_QUOTE] && PRESSED_KEYSC(5)) // ' 5
+ {
+ sidemode++; if (sidemode > 2) sidemode = 0;
+ if (sidemode == 1)
+ {
+ editstatus = 0;
+ zmode = 2;
+ pos.z = ((sector[cursectnum].ceilingz+sector[cursectnum].floorz)>>1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ editstatus = 1;
+ zmode = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ */