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KPLIB.C: Ken's Picture LIBrary written by Ken Silverman
Copyright (c) 1998-2008 Ken Silverman
Ken Silverman's official web site: http://advsys.net/ken
Features of KPLIB.C:
* Routines for reading files out of ZIP/GRP files. All ZIP/GRP functions start with "kz".
* Multi-platform support: Dos/Windows/Linux/Mac/etc..
* Compact code, all in a single source file. Yeah, bad design on my part... but makes life
easier for everyone else - you simply add a single C file to your project, throw a few
externs in there, add the function calls, and you're done!
Brief history:
1998?: Wrote KPEG, a JPEG viewer for DOS
2000: Wrote KPNG, a PNG viewer for DOS
2001: Combined KPEG & KPNG, ported to Visual C, and made it into a library called KPLIB.C
2002: Added support for TGA,GIF,CEL,ZIP
2003: Added support for BMP
05/18/2004: Added support for 8&24 bit PCX
12/09/2005: Added support for progressive JPEG
01/05/2006: Added support for DDS
07/28/2007: Added support for GRP (Build Engine archive)
I offer this code to the community for free use - all I ask is that my name be included in the
-Ken S.
#include "compat.h"
#include "baselayer.h"
#include "kplib.h"
#include "pragmas.h"
#include "vfs.h"
#if !defined(_WIN32)
static FORCE_INLINE CONSTEXPR int32_t klrotl(int32_t i, int sh) { return (i >> (-sh)) | (i << sh); }
# define klrotl(i, sh) _lrotl(i, sh)
# ifdef __clang__
# include <emmintrin.h>
# else
# include <intrin.h>
# endif
//use GCC-specific extension to force symbol name to be something in particular to override underscoring.
#if defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__i386__) && !defined(NOASM)
#define ASMNAME(x) asm(x)
#define ASMNAME(x)
static intptr_t kp_frameplace;
static int32_t kp_bytesperline, kp_xres, kp_yres;
static CONSTEXPR const int32_t pow2mask[32] =
static CONSTEXPR const int32_t pow2long[32] =
//Hack for peekbits,getbits,suckbits (to prevent lots of duplicate code)
// 0: PNG: do 12-byte chunk_header removal hack
// !=0: ZIP: use 64K buffer (olinbuf)
static int32_t zipfilmode;
kzfilestate kzfs;
// GCC 4.6 LTO build fix
#ifdef USING_LTO
# define B_KPLIB_STATIC static
//Initialized tables (can't be in union)
//jpg: png:
// crmul 16384 abstab10 4096
// cbmul 16384 hxbit 472
// dct 4608 pow2mask 128*
// colclip 4096
// colclipup8 4096
// colclipup16 4096
// unzig 256
// pow2mask 128*
// dcflagor 64
B_KPLIB_STATIC int32_t ATTRIBUTE((used)) palcol[256] ASMNAME("palcol");
static int32_t paleng, bakcol, numhufblocks, zlibcompflags;
static int8_t kcoltype, filtype, bitdepth;
//============================ KPNGILIB begins ===============================
//07/31/2000: KPNG.C first ported to C from READPNG.BAS
//10/11/2000: KPNG.C split into 2 files: KPNG.C and PNGINLIB.C
//11/24/2000: Finished adding support for coltypes 4&6
//03/31/2001: Added support for Adam7-type interlaced images
//Currently, there is no support for:
// * 16-bit color depth
// * Some useless ancillary chunks, like: gAMA(gamma) & pHYs(aspect ratio)
//.PNG specific variables:
static int32_t bakr = 0x80, bakg = 0x80, bakb = 0x80; //this used to be public...
static int32_t gslidew = 0, gslider = 0, xm, xmn[4], xr0, xr1, xplc, yplc;
static intptr_t nfplace;
static int32_t clen[320], cclen[19], bitpos, filt, xsiz, ysiz;
int32_t xsizbpl, ixsiz, ixoff, iyoff, ixstp, iystp, intlac, nbpl;
B_KPLIB_STATIC int32_t ATTRIBUTE((used)) trnsrgb ASMNAME("trnsrgb");
static int32_t ccind[19] = {16,17,18,0,8,7,9,6,10,5,11,4,12,3,13,2,14,1,15};
static int32_t hxbit[59][2], ibuf0[288], nbuf0[32], ibuf1[32], nbuf1[32];
static const uint8_t *filptr;
static uint8_t slidebuf[32768], opixbuf0[4], opixbuf1[4];
static uint8_t pnginited = 0;
B_KPLIB_STATIC uint8_t olinbuf[131072] ASMNAME("olinbuf"); //WARNING:max kp_xres is: 131072/bpp-1
B_KPLIB_STATIC int32_t ATTRIBUTE((used)) abstab10[1024] ASMNAME("abstab10");
//Variables to speed up dynamic Huffman decoding:
#define LOGQHUFSIZ0 9
#define LOGQHUFSIZ1 6
static int32_t qhufval0[1<<LOGQHUFSIZ0], qhufval1[1<<LOGQHUFSIZ1];
static uint8_t qhufbit0[1<<LOGQHUFSIZ0], qhufbit1[1<<LOGQHUFSIZ1];
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(NOASM)
static inline int32_t bitrev(int32_t b, int32_t c)
mov edx, b
mov ecx, c
xor eax, eax
beg: shr edx, 1
adc eax, eax
sub ecx, 1
jnz short beg
#elif defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__i386__) && !defined(NOASM)
static inline int32_t bitrev(int32_t b, int32_t c)
int32_t a = 0;
__asm__ __volatile__(
"xorl %%eax, %%eax\n\t0:\n\tshrl $1, %%ebx\n\tadcl %%eax, %%eax\n\tsubl $1, %%ecx\n\tjnz 0b"
: "+a"(a), "+b"(b), "+c"(c) : : "cc");
return a;
static inline int32_t bitrev(int32_t b, int32_t c)
int32_t i, j;
for (i=1,j=0,c=(1<<c); i<c; i+=i) { j += j; if (b&i) j++; }
return j;
static uint8_t fakebuf[8];
static uint8_t const *nfilptr;
static int32_t nbitpos;
static void suckbitsnextblock()
if (zipfilmode)
//NOTE: should only read bytes inside compsize, not 64K!!! :/
B_BUF32(&olinbuf[0], B_UNBUF32(&olinbuf[sizeof(olinbuf)-4]));
uint32_t n = min<uint32_t>(kzfs.compleng-kzfs.comptell, sizeof(olinbuf)-4);
buildvfs_fread(&olinbuf[4], n, 1, kzfs.fil);
kzfs.comptell += n;
bitpos -= ((sizeof(olinbuf)-4)<<3);
if (nfilptr)
filptr = nfilptr; nfilptr = 0;
bitpos -= ((nbitpos-4)<<3);
//if (n_from_suckbits < 4) will it crash?
// \ fakebuf: /
// |===|===|
//----x O---x O--------
nbitpos = B_BIG32(B_UNBUF32(&filptr[8]));
nfilptr = &filptr[nbitpos+12];
B_BUF32(&fakebuf[0], B_UNBUF32(&filptr[0])); //Copy last dword of IDAT chunk
if (B_UNBUF32(&filptr[12]) == B_LITTLE32(0x54414449)) //Copy 1st dword of next IDAT chunk
B_BUF32(&fakebuf[4], B_UNBUF32(&filptr[16]));
filptr = &fakebuf[4]; bitpos -= 32;
static inline int32_t peekbits(int32_t n) { return (B_LITTLE32(B_UNBUF32(&filptr[bitpos>>3]))>>(bitpos&7))&pow2mask[n]; }
static inline void suckbits(int32_t n) { bitpos += n; if (bitpos < 0) return; suckbitsnextblock(); }
static inline int32_t getbits(int32_t n) { int32_t i = peekbits(n); suckbits(n); return i; }
static int32_t hufgetsym(int32_t *hitab, const int32_t *hbmax)
int32_t v, n;
v = n = 0;
do { v = (v<<1)+getbits(1)+hbmax[n]-hbmax[n+1]; n++; }
while (v >= 0);
return hitab[hbmax[n]+v];
//This did not result in a speed-up on P4-3.6Ghz (02/22/2005)
//static int32_t hufgetsym_skipb (int32_t *hitab, int32_t *hbmax, int32_t n, int32_t addit)
// int32_t v;
// v = bitrev(getbits(n),n)+addit;
// do { v = (v<<1)+getbits(1)+hbmax[n]-hbmax[n+1]; n++; } while (v >= 0);
// return hitab[hbmax[n]+v];
static void qhufgencode(const int32_t *hitab, const int32_t *hbmax, int32_t *qhval, uint8_t *qhbit, int32_t numbits)
int32_t i, j, k, n, r;
//r is the bit reverse of i. Ex: if: i = 1011100111, r = 1110011101
i = r = 0;
for (n=1; n<=numbits; n++)
for (k=hbmax[n-1]; k<hbmax[n]; k++)
for (j=i+pow2mask[numbits-n]; i<=j; i++)
r = bitrev(i,numbits);
qhval[r] = hitab[k];
qhbit[r] = (uint8_t)n;
for (j=pow2mask[numbits]; i<=j; i++)
r = bitrev(i,numbits);
//k = 0;
// k = (k<<1) + ((r>>n)&1) + hbmax[n]-hbmax[n+1];
//n = numbits;
//k = hbmax[n]-r;
//j = peekbits(LOGQHUFSIZ); i = qhufval[j]; j = qhufbit[j];
//i = j = 0;
// i = (i<<1)+getbits(1)+nbuf0[j]-nbuf0[j+1]; j++;
//} while (i >= 0);
//i = ibuf0[nbuf0[j]+i];
//qhval[r] = k;
qhbit[r] = 0; //n-32;
// //hufgetsym_skipb related code:
//for(k=n=0;n<numbits;n++) k = (k<<1)+hbmax[n]-hbmax[n+1];
//return k;
//inbuf[inum] : Bit length of each symbol
//inum : Number of indices
//hitab[inum] : Indices from size-ordered list to original symbol
//hbmax[0-31] : Highest index (+1) of n-bit symbol
static void hufgencode(const int32_t *inbuf, int32_t inum, int32_t *hitab, int32_t *hbmax)
int32_t i, tbuf[31], *tbufptr, *hbmaxptr;
Bmemset(tbuf, 0, sizeof(tbuf));
for (i=inum-1; i>=0; i--) tbuf[inbuf[i]]++;
tbuf[0] = hbmax[0] = 0; //Hack to remove symbols of length 0?
for (i=0; i<28; i += 4)
tbufptr = &tbuf[i];
hbmaxptr = &hbmax[i];
*(hbmaxptr+1) = *hbmaxptr + *tbufptr;
*(hbmaxptr+2) = *(hbmaxptr+1) + *(tbufptr+1);
*(hbmaxptr+3) = *(hbmaxptr+2) + *(tbufptr+2);
*(hbmaxptr+4) = *(hbmaxptr+3) + *(tbufptr+3);
tbufptr = &tbuf[i];
hbmaxptr = &hbmax[i];
*(hbmaxptr+1) = *hbmaxptr + *tbufptr;
*(hbmaxptr+2) = *(hbmaxptr+1) + *(tbufptr+1);
*(hbmaxptr+3) = *(hbmaxptr+2) + *(tbufptr+2);
for (i=0; i<inum; i++) if (inbuf[i]) hitab[hbmax[inbuf[i]]++] = i;
static int32_t initpass() //Interlaced images have 7 "passes", non-interlaced have 1
int32_t i, j, k;
i = (intlac<<2);
ixoff = ((0x04020100>>i)&15);
iyoff = ((0x00402010>>i)&15);
if (((ixoff >= xsiz) || (iyoff >= ysiz)) && (intlac >= 2)) { i = -1; intlac--; }
while (i < 0);
j = ((0x33221100>>i)&15); ixstp = (1<<j);
k = ((0x33322110>>i)&15); iystp = (1<<k);
//xsiz=12 0123456789ab
//j=3,ixoff=0 0 1 ((12+(1<<3)-1 - 0)>>3) = 2
//j=3,ixoff=4 2 ((12+(1<<3)-1 - 4)>>3) = 1
//j=2,ixoff=2 3 4 5 ((12+(1<<2)-1 - 2)>>2) = 3
//j=1,ixoff=1 6 7 8 9 a b ((12+(1<<1)-1 - 1)>>1) = 6
ixsiz = ((xsiz+ixstp-1-ixoff)>>j); //It's confusing! See the above example.
nbpl = (kp_bytesperline<<k);
//Initialize this to make filters fast:
xsizbpl = ((0x04021301>>(kcoltype<<2))&15)*ixsiz;
switch (bitdepth)
case 1: xsizbpl = ((xsizbpl+7)>>3); break;
case 2: xsizbpl = ((xsizbpl+3)>>2); break;
case 4: xsizbpl = ((xsizbpl+1)>>1); break;
B_BUF32(&opixbuf0[0], 0);
B_BUF32(&opixbuf1[0], 0);
xplc = xsizbpl; yplc = iyoff; xm = 0; filt = -1;
i = ixoff; i = (((-(i>=0))|(ixstp-1))&i);
k = (((-(yplc>=0))|(iystp-1))&yplc);
nfplace = k*kp_bytesperline + (i<<2) + kp_frameplace;
//Precalculate x-clipping to screen borders (speeds up putbuf)
//Equation: (0 <= xr <= ixsiz) && (0 <= xr*ixstp+globxoffs+ixoff <= kp_xres)
xr0 = max((-ixoff+(1<<j)-1)>>j,0);
xr1 = min((kp_xres-ixoff+(1<<j)-1)>>j,ixsiz);
xr0 = ixsiz-xr0;
xr1 = ixsiz-xr1;
if (kcoltype == 4) { xr0 = xr0*2; xr1 = xr1*2; }
else if (kcoltype == 2) { xr0 = xr0*3-2; xr1 = xr1*3-2; }
else if (kcoltype == 6) { xr0 = xr0*4-2; xr1 = xr1*4-2; }
switch (bitdepth)
case 1: xr0 += ((-ixsiz)&7)+7;
xr1 += ((-ixsiz)&7)+7; break;
case 2: xr0 = ((xr0+((-ixsiz)&3)+3)<<1);
xr1 = ((xr1+((-ixsiz)&3)+3)<<1); break;
case 4: xr0 = ((xr0+((-ixsiz)&1)+1)<<2);
xr1 = ((xr1+((-ixsiz)&1)+1)<<2); break;
ixstp <<= 2;
return 0;
static inline int32_t Paeth686(int32_t const a, int32_t const b, int32_t c)
int32_t const * const ptr = &abstab10[(c - a) - (b - 512)];
int32_t const esi = *(ptr + b);
int32_t edi = *(ptr + c);
if (edi >= esi) edi = esi, c = b;
return (edi < *(ptr + a)) ? c : a;
static inline void rgbhlineasm(int32_t x, int32_t xr1, intptr_t p, int32_t ixstp)
if (!trnsrgb)
for (; x>xr1; p+=ixstp,x-=3) B_BUF32((void *) p, (B_UNBUF32(&olinbuf[x]))|B_LITTLE32(0xff000000));
for (; x>xr1; p+=ixstp,x-=3)
int32_t i = (B_UNBUF32(&olinbuf[x]))|B_LITTLE32(0xff000000);
if (i == trnsrgb) i &= B_LITTLE32(0xffffff);
B_BUF32((void *) p, i);
static inline void pal8hlineasm(int32_t x, int32_t xr1, intptr_t p, int32_t ixstp)
for (; x>xr1; p+=ixstp,x--) B_BUF32((void *) p, palcol[olinbuf[x]]);
//Autodetect filter
// /f0: 0000000...
// /f1: 1111111...
// /f2: 2222222...
// /f3: 1333333...
// /f3: 3333333...
// /f4: 4444444...
// /f5: 0142321...
static int32_t filter1st, filterest;
static void putbuf(const uint8_t *buf, int32_t leng)
int32_t i;
intptr_t p;
if (filt < 0)
if (leng <= 0) return;
filt = buf[0];
if (filter1st < 0) filter1st = filt; else filterest |= (1<<filt);
i = 1;
else i = 0;
while (i < leng)
int32_t x = i+xplc; if (x > leng) x = leng;
switch (filt)
case 0:
while (i < x) { olinbuf[xplc--] = buf[i++]; }
case 1:
while (i < x)
olinbuf[xplc--] = (uint8_t)(opixbuf1[xm] += buf[i++]);
xm = xmn[xm];
case 2:
while (i < x) { olinbuf[xplc--] += (uint8_t)buf[i++]; }
case 3:
while (i < x)
opixbuf1[xm] = olinbuf[xplc] = (uint8_t)(((opixbuf1[xm]+olinbuf[xplc])>>1)+buf[i++]);
xm = xmn[xm]; xplc--;
case 4:
while (i < x)
opixbuf1[xm] = (uint8_t)(Paeth686(opixbuf1[xm],olinbuf[xplc],opixbuf0[xm])+buf[i++]);
opixbuf0[xm] = olinbuf[xplc];
olinbuf[xplc--] = opixbuf1[xm];
xm = xmn[xm];
if (xplc > 0) return;
//Draw line!
if ((uint32_t)yplc < (uint32_t)kp_yres)
x = xr0; p = nfplace;
switch (kcoltype)
case 2: rgbhlineasm(x,xr1,p,ixstp); break;
case 4:
for (; x>xr1; p+=ixstp,x-=2)
B_BUF32((void *) p, (palcol[olinbuf[x]]&B_LITTLE32(0xffffff))|B_BIG32((int32_t)olinbuf[x-1]));
case 6:
for (; x>xr1; p+=ixstp,x-=4)
*(char *)(p) = olinbuf[x ]; //B
*(char *)(p+1) = olinbuf[x+1]; //G
*(char *)(p+2) = olinbuf[x+2]; //R
*(char *)(p+3) = olinbuf[x-1]; //A
switch (bitdepth)
case 1: for (; x>xr1; p+=ixstp,x--) B_BUF32((void *) p, palcol[olinbuf[x>>3]>>(x&7)]); break;
case 2: for (; x>xr1; p+=ixstp,x-=2) B_BUF32((void *) p, palcol[olinbuf[x>>3]>>(x&6)]); break;
case 4: for (; x>xr1; p+=ixstp,x-=4) B_BUF32((void *) p, palcol[olinbuf[x>>3]>>(x&4)]); break;
case 8: pal8hlineasm(x,xr1,p,ixstp); break; //for(;x>xr1;p+=ixstp,x-- ) B_BUF32((void *) p, palcol[olinbuf[x]]); break;
nfplace += nbpl;
B_BUF32(&opixbuf0[0], 0);
B_BUF32(&opixbuf1[0], 0);
xplc = xsizbpl; yplc += iystp;
if ((intlac) && (yplc >= ysiz)) { intlac--; initpass(); }
if (i < leng)
filt = buf[i++];
if (filter1st < 0) filter1st = filt; else filterest |= (1<<filt);
else filt = -1;
static void initpngtables()
int32_t i, j, k;
//hxbit[0-58][0-1] is a combination of 4 different tables:
// 1st parameter: [0-29] are distances, [30-58] are lengths
// 2nd parameter: [0]: extra bits, [1]: base number
j = 1; k = 0;
for (i=0; i<30; i++)
hxbit[i][1] = j; j += (1<<k);
hxbit[i][0] = k; k += ((i&1) && (i >= 2));
j = 3; k = 0;
for (i=257; i<285; i++)
hxbit[i+30-257][1] = j; j += (1<<k);
hxbit[i+30-257][0] = k; k += ((!(i&3)) && (i >= 264));
hxbit[285+30-257][1] = 258; hxbit[285+30-257][0] = 0;
for (i=0; i<512; i++) abstab10[512+i] = abstab10[512-i] = i;
//============================= KPNGILIB ends ================================
//==================== External picture interface ends =======================
//Brute-force case-insensitive, slash-insensitive, * and ? wildcard matcher
//Given: string i and string j. string j can have wildcards
//Returns: 1:matches, 0:doesn't match
int32_t wildmatch(const char *match, const char *wild)
int const match_deref = *match, wild_deref = *wild;
if (match_deref && (toupperlookup[wild_deref] == toupperlookup[match_deref] || wild_deref == '?'))
wild++, match++;
else if ((match_deref|wild_deref) == '\0')
return 1;
else if (wild_deref == '*')
do { wild++; } while (*wild == '*');
int const wild_deref = *wild;
if (wild_deref == '\0')
return 1;
while (*match && toupperlookup[*match] != toupperlookup[wild_deref]) match++;
if (*match && *(match+1) && toupperlookup[*(match+1)] != toupperlookup[*(wild+1)])
while (1);
if (toupperlookup[*match] == toupperlookup[wild_deref])
return 0;
while (1);
//===================== ZIP decompression code begins ========================
//format: (used by kzaddstack/kzopen to cache file name&start info)
//[char zipnam[?]\0]
//[next hashindex/-1][next index/-1][zipnam index][fileoffs][fileleng][iscomp][char filnam[?]\0]
//[next hashindex/-1][next index/-1][zipnam index][fileoffs][fileleng][iscomp][char filnam[?]\0]
//[char zipnam[?]\0]
//[next hashindex/-1][next index/-1][zipnam index][fileoffs][fileleng][iscomp][char filnam[?]\0]
//[next hashindex/-1][next index/-1][zipnam index][fileoffs][fileleng][iscomp][char filnam[?]\0]
static char *kzhashbuf = 0;
static int32_t kzhashead[256], kzhashpos, kzlastfnam = -1, kzhashsiz, kzdirnamhead = -1;
static int32_t kzcheckhashsiz(int32_t siz)
if (!kzhashbuf) //Initialize hash table on first call
kzhashbuf = (char *)Xmalloc(KZHASHINITSIZE); if (!kzhashbuf) return 0;
kzhashpos = 0; kzlastfnam = -1; kzhashsiz = KZHASHINITSIZE; kzdirnamhead = -1;
if (kzhashpos+siz > kzhashsiz) //Make sure string fits in kzhashbuf
int32_t i = kzhashsiz; do { i <<= 1; }
while (kzhashpos+siz > i);
kzhashbuf = (char *)Xrealloc(kzhashbuf,i); if (!kzhashbuf) return 0;
kzhashsiz = i;
return 1;
static int32_t kzcalchash(const char *st)
int32_t i, hashind;
for (i=0,hashind=0; st[i]; i++)
hashind = toupperlookup[st[i]]-((hashind<<1)+hashind);
return hashind%ARRAY_SIZE(kzhashead);
static int32_t kzcheckhash(const char *filnam, char **zipnam, int32_t *fileoffs, int32_t *fileleng, char *iscomp)
int32_t i;
if (!kzhashbuf) return 0;
if (filnam[0] == '|') filnam++;
for (i=kzhashead[kzcalchash(filnam)]; i>=0; i=(B_UNBUF32(&kzhashbuf[i])))
if (!filnamcmp(filnam,&kzhashbuf[i+21]))
(*zipnam) = &kzhashbuf[B_UNBUF32(&kzhashbuf[i+8])];
(*fileoffs) = B_UNBUF32(&kzhashbuf[i+12]);
(*fileleng) = B_UNBUF32(&kzhashbuf[i+16]);
(*iscomp) = kzhashbuf[i+20];
return 1;
return 0;
void kzuninit()
kzhashpos = kzhashsiz = 0; kzdirnamhead = -1;
//If file found, loads internal directory from ZIP/GRP into memory (hash) to allow faster access later
//If file not found, assumes it's a directory and adds it to an internal list
int32_t kzaddstack(const char *filnam)
buildvfs_FILE fil;
int32_t i, j, k, leng, hashind, zipnamoffs, numfiles;
char tempbuf[260+46];
fil = buildvfs_fopen_read(filnam);
if (!fil) //if file not found, assume it's a directory
//Add directory name to internal list (using kzhashbuf for convenience of dynamic allocation)
i = strlen(filnam)+5; if (!kzcheckhashsiz(i)) return -1;
B_BUF32(&kzhashbuf[kzhashpos], kzdirnamhead); kzdirnamhead = kzhashpos;
kzhashpos += i;
return -1;
//Write ZIP/GRP filename to hash
i = strlen(filnam)+1; if (!kzcheckhashsiz(i)) { buildvfs_fclose(fil); return -1; }
zipnamoffs = kzhashpos; kzhashpos += i;
if (i == (int32_t)B_LITTLE32(0x04034b50)) //'PK\3\4' is ZIP file id
if (B_UNBUF32(&tempbuf[0]) == B_LITTLE32(0x06054b50)) //Fast way of finding dir info
numfiles = B_LITTLE16(B_UNBUF16(&tempbuf[10]));
else //Slow way of finding dir info (used when ZIP has junk at end)
buildvfs_fseek_abs(fil,0); numfiles = 0;
while (1)
if (!buildvfs_fread(&j,4,1,fil)) { numfiles = -1; break; }
if (j == (int32_t)B_LITTLE32(0x02014b50)) break; //Found central file header :)
if (j != (int32_t)B_LITTLE32(0x04034b50)) { numfiles = -1; break; }
buildvfs_fseek_rel(fil,B_LITTLE32(B_UNBUF32(&tempbuf[14])) + B_LITTLE16(B_UNBUF16(&tempbuf[24])) + B_LITTLE16(B_UNBUF16(&tempbuf[22])));
if (numfiles < 0) { buildvfs_fclose(fil); return -1; }
for (i=0; i<numfiles; i++)
if (B_UNBUF32(&tempbuf[0]) != B_LITTLE32(0x02014b50)) { buildvfs_fclose(fil); return 0; }
j = B_LITTLE16(B_UNBUF16(&tempbuf[28])); //filename length
tempbuf[j+46] = 0;
//Write information into hash
j = strlen(&tempbuf[46])+22; if (!kzcheckhashsiz(j)) { buildvfs_fclose(fil); return -1; }
hashind = kzcalchash(&tempbuf[46]);
B_BUF32(&kzhashbuf[kzhashpos], kzhashead[hashind]);
B_BUF32(&kzhashbuf[kzhashpos+4], kzlastfnam);
B_BUF32(&kzhashbuf[kzhashpos+8], zipnamoffs);
B_BUF32(&kzhashbuf[kzhashpos+12], B_LITTLE32(B_UNBUF32(&tempbuf[42]))); //fileoffs
B_BUF32(&kzhashbuf[kzhashpos+16], 0); //fileleng not used for ZIPs (reserve space for simplicity)
kzhashbuf[kzhashpos+20] = 1; //iscomp
kzhashead[hashind] = kzhashpos; kzlastfnam = kzhashpos; kzhashpos += j;
j = B_LITTLE16(B_UNBUF16(&tempbuf[30])); //extra field length
j += B_LITTLE16(B_UNBUF16(&tempbuf[32])); //file comment length
else if (i == (int32_t)B_LITTLE32(0x536e654b)) //'KenS' is GRP file id
if ((B_UNBUF32(&tempbuf[0]) != B_LITTLE32(0x65766c69)) || //'ilve'
(B_UNBUF32(&tempbuf[4]) != B_LITTLE32(0x6e616d72))) //'rman'
{ buildvfs_fclose(fil); return 0; }
numfiles = B_LITTLE32(B_UNBUF32(&tempbuf[8])); k = ((numfiles+1)<<4);
for (i=0; i<numfiles; i++,k+=leng)
leng = B_LITTLE32(B_UNBUF32(&tempbuf[12])); //File length
tempbuf[12] = 0;
//Write information into hash
j = strlen(tempbuf)+22; if (!kzcheckhashsiz(j)) { buildvfs_fclose(fil); return -1; }
hashind = kzcalchash(tempbuf);
B_BUF32(&kzhashbuf[kzhashpos], kzhashead[hashind]);
B_BUF32(&kzhashbuf[kzhashpos+4], kzlastfnam);
B_BUF32(&kzhashbuf[kzhashpos+8], zipnamoffs);
B_BUF32(&kzhashbuf[kzhashpos+12], k); //fileoffs
B_BUF32(&kzhashbuf[kzhashpos+16], leng); //fileleng
kzhashbuf[kzhashpos+20] = 0; //iscomp
kzhashead[hashind] = kzhashpos; kzlastfnam = kzhashpos; kzhashpos += j;
return 0;
//this allows the use of kplib.c with a file that is already open
void kzsetfil(buildvfs_FILE fil)
kzfs.fil = fil;
kzfs.comptyp = 0;
kzfs.seek0 = 0;
kzfs.leng = buildvfs_flength(fil);
kzfs.pos = 0;
kzfs.i = 0;
intptr_t kzopen(const char *filnam)
buildvfs_FILE fil{};
int32_t i, fileoffs, fileleng;
char tempbuf[46+260], *zipnam, iscomp;
//kzfs.fil = 0;
if (filnam[0] != '|') //Search standalone file first
kzfs.fil = buildvfs_fopen_read(filnam);
if (kzfs.fil)
kzfs.comptyp = 0;
kzfs.seek0 = 0;
kzfs.leng = buildvfs_flength(fil);
kzfs.pos = 0;
kzfs.i = 0;
return (intptr_t)kzfs.fil;
if (kzcheckhash(filnam,&zipnam,&fileoffs,&fileleng,&iscomp)) //Then check mounted ZIP/GRP files
fil = buildvfs_fopen_read(zipnam); if (!fil) return 0;
if (!iscomp) //Must be from GRP file
kzfs.fil = fil;
kzfs.comptyp = 0;
kzfs.seek0 = fileoffs;
kzfs.leng = fileleng;
kzfs.pos = 0;
kzfs.i = 0;
return (intptr_t)kzfs.fil;
if (B_UNBUF32(&tempbuf[0]) != B_LITTLE32(0x04034b50)) { buildvfs_fclose(fil); return 0; }
kzfs.fil = fil;
kzfs.comptyp = B_LITTLE16(B_UNBUF16(&tempbuf[8]));
kzfs.seek0 = buildvfs_ftell(fil);
kzfs.leng = B_LITTLE32(B_UNBUF32(&tempbuf[22]));
kzfs.pos = 0;
switch (kzfs.comptyp) //Compression method
case 0: kzfs.i = 0; return (intptr_t)kzfs.fil;
case 8:
if (!pnginited) { pnginited = 1; initpngtables(); }
kzfs.comptell = 0;
kzfs.compleng = (int32_t)B_LITTLE32(B_UNBUF32(&tempbuf[18]));
//WARNING: No file in ZIP can be > 2GB-32K bytes
gslidew = 0x7fffffff; //Force reload at beginning
return (intptr_t)kzfs.fil;
default: buildvfs_fclose(kzfs.fil); kzfs.fil = 0; return 0;
//Finally, check mounted dirs
int const namlen = strlen(filnam);
for (i=kzdirnamhead; i>=0; i=B_UNBUF32(&kzhashbuf[i]))
uint32_t const j = strlen(tempbuf);
if (namlen+1+j >= sizeof(tempbuf)) continue; //don't allow int32_t filenames to buffer overrun
if ((j) && (tempbuf[j-1] != '/') && (tempbuf[j-1] != '\\') && (filnam[0] != '/') && (filnam[0] != '\\'))
#if defined(_WIN32)
kzfs.fil = buildvfs_fopen_read(tempbuf);
if (kzfs.fil)
kzfs.comptyp = 0;
kzfs.seek0 = 0;
kzfs.leng = buildvfs_flength(fil);
kzfs.pos = 0;
kzfs.i = 0;
return (intptr_t)kzfs.fil;
return 0;
#ifndef USE_PHYSFS
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
#if defined(_WIN32)
static WIN32_FIND_DATAA findata;
#include <dirent.h>
#define MAX_PATH 260
static DIR *hfind = NULL;
static struct dirent *findata = NULL;
//File find state variables. Example sequence (read top->bot, left->right):
// srchstat srchzoff srchdoff
// 0,1,2,3
// 500,200,-1
// 4 300
// 0,1,2,3,4 100
// 0,1,2,3,4 -1
static int32_t srchstat = -1, srchzoff = 0, srchdoff = -1, wildstpathleng;
static char wildst[MAX_PATH] = "", newildst[MAX_PATH] = "";
void kzfindfilestart(const char *st)
#if defined(_WIN32)
{ FindClose(hfind); hfind = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; }
if (hfind) { closedir(hfind); hfind = NULL; }
strcpy(wildst,st); strcpy(newildst,st);
srchstat = 0; srchzoff = kzlastfnam; srchdoff = kzdirnamhead;
int32_t kzfindfile(char *filnam)
int32_t i;
filnam[0] = 0;
if (srchstat == 0)
if (!newildst[0]) { srchstat = -1; return 0; }
srchstat = 1;
//Extract directory from wildcard string for pre-pending
wildstpathleng = 0;
for (i=0; newildst[i]; i++)
if ((newildst[i] == '/') || (newildst[i] == '\\'))
wildstpathleng = i+1;
#if defined(_WIN32)
hfind = FindFirstFileA(newildst,&findata);
{ if (!kzhashbuf) return 0; srchstat = 2; continue; }
if (findata.dwFileAttributes&FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN) continue;
i = wildstpathleng;
if (findata.dwFileAttributes&FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)
if ((findata.cFileName[0] == '.') && (!findata.cFileName[1])) continue;
if (findata.dwFileAttributes&FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) strcat(&filnam[i],"\\");
if (!hfind)
char const *s = ".";
if (wildstpathleng > 0)
filnam[wildstpathleng] = 0;
s = filnam;
hfind = opendir(s);
if (!hfind) { if (!kzhashbuf) return 0; srchstat = 2; continue; }
break; // process srchstat == 1
return 1;
while (0);
if (srchstat == 1)
while (1)
#if defined(_WIN32)
if (!FindNextFileA(hfind,&findata))
{ FindClose(hfind); hfind = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; if (!kzhashbuf) return 0; srchstat = 2; break; }
if (findata.dwFileAttributes&FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN) continue;
i = wildstpathleng;
if (findata.dwFileAttributes&FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)
if ((findata.cFileName[0] == '.') && (!findata.cFileName[1])) continue;
if (findata.dwFileAttributes&FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) strcat(&filnam[i],"\\");
if ((findata = readdir(hfind)) == NULL)
{ closedir(hfind); hfind = NULL; if (!kzhashbuf) return 0; srchstat = 2; break; }
i = wildstpathleng;
if (findata->d_type == DT_DIR)
{ if (findata->d_name[0] == '.' && !findata->d_name[1]) continue; } //skip .
else if ((findata->d_type == DT_REG) || (findata->d_type == DT_LNK))
{ if (findata->d_name[0] == '.') continue; } //skip hidden (dot) files
else continue; //skip devices and fifos and such
if (!wildmatch(findata->d_name,&newildst[wildstpathleng])) continue;
if (findata->d_type == DT_DIR) strcat(&filnam[i],"/");
return 1;
while (srchstat == 2)
if (srchzoff < 0) { srchstat = 3; break; }
if (wildmatch(&kzhashbuf[srchzoff+21],newildst))
filnam[0] = '|'; strcpy(&filnam[1],&kzhashbuf[srchzoff+21]);
srchzoff = B_UNBUF32(&kzhashbuf[srchzoff+4]);
return 1;
srchzoff = B_UNBUF32(&kzhashbuf[srchzoff+4]);
while (srchstat == 3)
if (srchdoff < 0) { srchstat = -1; break; }
i = strlen(newildst);
if ((i) && (newildst[i-1] != '/') && (newildst[i-1] != '\\') && (filnam[0] != '/') && (filnam[0] != '\\'))
#if defined(_WIN32)
srchdoff = B_UNBUF32(&kzhashbuf[srchdoff]);
srchstat = 0; goto kzfindfile_beg;
return 0;
//File searching code (supports inside ZIP files!) How to use this code:
// char filnam[MAX_PATH];
// kzfindfilestart("vxl/*.vxl");
// while (kzfindfile(filnam)) puts(filnam);
// * Directory names end with '\' or '/' (depending on system)
// * Files inside zip begin with '|'
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
static char *gzbufptr;
static void putbuf4zip(const uint8_t *buf, int32_t uncomp0, int32_t uncomp1)
int32_t i0, i1;
// uncomp0 ... uncomp1
// &gzbufptr[kzfs.pos] ... &gzbufptr[kzfs.endpos];
i0 = max(uncomp0,kzfs.pos);
i1 = min(uncomp1,kzfs.endpos);
if (i0 < i1) Bmemcpy(&gzbufptr[i0],&buf[i0-uncomp0],i1-i0);
//returns number of bytes copied
int32_t kzread(void *buffer, int32_t leng)
int32_t i, j, k, bfinal, btype, hlit, hdist;
if ((!kzfs.fil) || (leng <= 0)) return 0;
if (kzfs.comptyp == 0)
if (kzfs.pos != kzfs.i) //Seek only when position changes
{ buildvfs_fseek_abs(kzfs.fil,kzfs.seek0+kzfs.pos); kzfs.i = kzfs.pos; }
i = min(kzfs.leng-kzfs.pos,leng);
kzfs.i += i; //kzfs.i is a local copy of buildvfs_ftell(kzfs.fil);
else if (kzfs.comptyp == 8)
zipfilmode = 1;
//Initialize for putbuf4zip
gzbufptr = (char *)buffer; gzbufptr = &gzbufptr[-kzfs.pos];
kzfs.endpos = min(kzfs.pos+leng,kzfs.leng);
if (kzfs.endpos == kzfs.pos) return 0; //Guard against reading 0 length
if (kzfs.pos < gslidew-32768) // Must go back to start :(
if (kzfs.comptell) buildvfs_fseek_abs(kzfs.fil,kzfs.seek0);
gslidew = 0; gslider = 16384;
kzfs.jmpplc = 0;
//Initialize for suckbits/peekbits/getbits
kzfs.comptell = min<int32_t>(kzfs.compleng,sizeof(olinbuf));
//Make it re-load when there are < 32 bits left in FIFO
bitpos = -(((int32_t)sizeof(olinbuf)-4)<<3);
//Identity: filptr + (bitpos>>3) = &olinbuf[0]
filptr = &olinbuf[-(bitpos>>3)];
i = max(gslidew-32768,0); j = gslider-16384;
//HACK: Don't unzip anything until you have to...
// (keeps file pointer as low as possible)
if (kzfs.endpos <= gslidew) j = kzfs.endpos;
//write uncompoffs on slidebuf from: i to j
if (!((i^j)&32768))
//HACK: Don't unzip anything until you have to...
// (keeps file pointer as low as possible)
if (kzfs.endpos <= gslidew) goto retkzread;
switch (kzfs.jmpplc)
case 0: goto kzreadplc0;
case 1: goto kzreadplc1;
case 2: goto kzreadplc2;
case 3: goto kzreadplc3;
bfinal = getbits(1); btype = getbits(2);
#if 0
//Display Huffman block offsets&lengths of input file - for debugging only!
static int32_t ouncomppos = 0, ocomppos = 0;
if (kzfs.comptell == sizeof(olinbuf)) i = 0;
else if (kzfs.comptell < kzfs.compleng) i = kzfs.comptell-(sizeof(olinbuf)-4);
else i = kzfs.comptell-(kzfs.comptell%(sizeof(olinbuf)-4));
i += ((int32_t)&filptr[bitpos>>3])-((int32_t)(&olinbuf[0]));
i = (i<<3)+(bitpos&7)-3;
if (gslidew) printf(" ULng:0x%08x CLng:0x%08x.%x",gslidew-ouncomppos,(i-ocomppos)>>3,((i-ocomppos)&7)<<1);
printf("\ntype:%d, Uoff:0x%08x Coff:0x%08x.%x",btype,gslidew,i>>3,(i&7)<<1);
if (bfinal)
printf(" ULng:0x%08x CLng:0x%08x.%x",kzfs.leng-gslidew,((kzfs.compleng<<3)-i)>>3,(((kzfs.compleng<<3)-i)&7)<<1);
printf("\n Uoff:0x%08x Coff:0x%08x.0",kzfs.leng,kzfs.compleng);
ouncomppos = ocomppos = 0;
else { ouncomppos = gslidew; ocomppos = i; }
if (btype == 0)
//Raw (uncompressed)
suckbits((-bitpos)&7); //Synchronize to start of next byte
i = getbits(16); if ((getbits(16)^i) != 0xffff) return -1;
for (; i; i--)
if (gslidew >= gslider)
putbuf4zip(&slidebuf[(gslider-16384)&32767],gslider-16384,gslider); gslider += 16384;
if (gslider-16384 >= kzfs.endpos)
kzfs.jmpplc = 1; kzfs.i = i; kzfs.bfinal = bfinal;
goto retkzread;
kzreadplc1:; i = kzfs.i; bfinal = kzfs.bfinal;
slidebuf[(gslidew++)&32767] = (uint8_t)getbits(8);
if (btype == 3) continue;
if (btype == 1) //Fixed Huffman
hlit = 288; hdist = 32; i = 0;
for (; i<144; i++) clen[i] = 8; //Fixed bit sizes (literals)
for (; i<256; i++) clen[i] = 9; //Fixed bit sizes (literals)
for (; i<280; i++) clen[i] = 7; //Fixed bit sizes (EOI,lengths)
for (; i<288; i++) clen[i] = 8; //Fixed bit sizes (lengths)
for (; i<320; i++) clen[i] = 5; //Fixed bit sizes (distances)
else //Dynamic Huffman
hlit = getbits(5)+257; hdist = getbits(5)+1; j = getbits(4)+4;
for (i=0; i<j; i++) cclen[ccind[i]] = getbits(3);
for (; i<19; i++) cclen[ccind[i]] = 0;
j = 0; k = hlit+hdist;
while (j < k)
i = hufgetsym(ibuf0,nbuf0);
if (i < 16) { clen[j++] = i; continue; }
if (i == 16)
{ for (i=getbits(2)+3; i; i--) { clen[j] = clen[j-1]; j++; } }
if (i == 17) i = getbits(3)+3; else i = getbits(7)+11;
for (; i; i--) clen[j++] = 0;
while (1)
if (gslidew >= gslider)
putbuf4zip(&slidebuf[(gslider-16384)&32767],gslider-16384,gslider); gslider += 16384;
if (gslider-16384 >= kzfs.endpos)
kzfs.jmpplc = 2; kzfs.bfinal = bfinal; goto retkzread;
kzreadplc2:; bfinal = kzfs.bfinal;
k = peekbits(LOGQHUFSIZ0);
if (qhufbit0[k]) { i = qhufval0[k]; suckbits((int32_t)qhufbit0[k]); }
else i = hufgetsym(ibuf0,nbuf0);
if (i < 256) { slidebuf[(gslidew++)&32767] = (uint8_t)i; continue; }
if (i == 256) break;
i = getbits(hxbit[i+30-257][0]) + hxbit[i+30-257][1];
k = peekbits(LOGQHUFSIZ1);
if (qhufbit1[k]) { j = qhufval1[k]; suckbits((int32_t)qhufbit1[k]); }
else j = hufgetsym(ibuf1,nbuf1);
j = getbits(hxbit[j][0]) + hxbit[j][1];
for (; i; i--,gslidew++) slidebuf[gslidew&32767] = slidebuf[(gslidew-j)&32767];
while (!bfinal);
gslider -= 16384;
if (!((gslider^gslidew)&32768))
kzreadplc3:; kzfs.jmpplc = 3;
i = kzfs.pos;
kzfs.pos += leng; if (kzfs.pos > kzfs.leng) kzfs.pos = kzfs.leng;
return kzfs.pos-i;
//WARNING: kzseek(<-32768,SEEK_CUR); or:
// kzseek(0,SEEK_END); can make next kzread very slow!!!
int32_t kzseek(int32_t offset, int32_t whence)
if (!kzfs.fil) return -1;
switch (whence)
case SEEK_CUR: kzfs.pos += offset; break;
case SEEK_END: kzfs.pos = kzfs.leng+offset; break;
case SEEK_SET: default: kzfs.pos = offset;
if (kzfs.pos < 0) kzfs.pos = 0;
if (kzfs.pos > kzfs.leng) kzfs.pos = kzfs.leng;
return kzfs.pos;
//====================== ZIP decompression code ends =========================