
472 lines
12 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#include "baselayer.h"
#include "build.h"
#include "lz4.h"
#include "hightile.h"
#include "polymost.h"
#include "texcache.h"
#include "scriptfile.h"
#include "xxhash.h"
#include "kplib.h"
#include "vfs.h"
#include "textures.h"
#include "bitmap.h"
#include "../../glbackend/glbackend.h"
#if 0
void gltexinvalidate(int32_t dapicnum, int32_t dapalnum, int32_t dameth)
const int32_t pic = (dapicnum & (GLTEXCACHEADSIZ - 1));
for (pthtyp* pth = texcache.list[pic]; pth; pth = pth->next)
if (pth->picnum == dapicnum && pth->palnum == dapalnum)
pth->flags |= PTH_INVALIDATED;
if (pth->flags & PTH_HASFULLBRIGHT)
pth->ofb->flags |= PTH_INVALIDATED;
//Make all textures "dirty" so they reload, but not re-allocate
//This should be much faster than polymost_glreset()
//Use this for palette effects ... but not ones that change every frame!
void gltexinvalidatetype(int32_t type)
#if 0
for (bssize_t j = 0; j <= GLTEXCACHEADSIZ - 1; j++)
for (pthtyp* pth = texcache.list[j]; pth; pth = pth->next)
if (type == INVALIDATE_ALL ||
(type == INVALIDATE_ALL_NON_INDEXED && !(pth->flags & PTH_INDEXED)) ||
(type == INVALIDATE_ART && pth->hicr == NULL) ||
(type == INVALIDATE_ART_NON_INDEXED && pth->hicr == NULL && !(pth->flags & PTH_INDEXED)))
pth->flags |= PTH_INVALIDATED;
if (pth->flags & PTH_HASFULLBRIGHT)
pth->ofb->flags |= PTH_INVALIDATED;
void cleartexturecache()
for (bssize_t i = 0; i <= GLTEXCACHEADSIZ - 1; i++)
for (pthtyp* pth = texcache.list[i]; pth;)
pthtyp* const next = pth->next;
if (pth->flags & PTH_HASFULLBRIGHT)
delete pth->ofb->glpic;
delete pth->glpic;
pth = next;
texcache.list[i] = NULL;
static void polymost_setupsampler(FHardwareTexture* tex, const int32_t dameth, int filter)
if (!(dameth & DAMETH_CLAMPED))
// For sprite textures, clamping looks better than wrapping
template<class T>
void FlipNonSquareBlock(T* dst, const T* src, int x, int y, int srcpitch)
for (int i = 0; i < x; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < y; ++j)
dst[i * y + j] = src[i + j * srcpitch];
void gloadtile_art(int32_t dapic, int32_t dameth, pthtyp* pth, int32_t doalloc)
vec2_16_t const& tsizart = tilesiz[dapic];
vec2_t siz = { tsizart.x, tsizart.y };
vec2_t ssiz = siz;
//POGOTODO: npoty
char npoty = 0;
const uint8_t* p = tilePtr(dapic);
if (!p)
static uint8_t pix = 255;
siz.x = siz.y = 1;
p = &pix;
if (doalloc)
assert(pth->glpic == nullptr);
pth->glpic = GLInterface.NewTexture();
pth->glpic->CreateTexture(siz.x, siz.y, true, false);
pth->glpic->SetSampler((dameth & DAMETH_CLAMPED) ? SamplerClampXY : SamplerRepeat);
polymost_setupsampler(pth->glpic, dameth, 0);
TArray<uint8_t> flipped(siz.x * siz.y, true);
FlipNonSquareBlock(flipped.Data(), p, siz.y, siz.x, siz.y);
pth->picnum = dapic;
pth->palnum = 0;
pth->shade = 0;
pth->effects = 0;
//pth->hicr = NULL;
pth->siz = ssiz;
#if 0
int32_t gloadtile_hi(int32_t dapic, int32_t dapalnum, int32_t facen, hicreplctyp* hicr,
int32_t dameth, pthtyp* pth, int32_t doalloc, polytintflags_t effect)
if (!hicr) return -1;
char* fn;
if (facen > 0)
if (!hicr->skybox || facen > 6 || !hicr->skybox->face[facen - 1])
return -1;
fn = hicr->skybox->face[facen - 1];
if (!hicr->filename)
return -1;
fn = hicr->filename;
auto texture = TileFiles.GetTexture(fn);
if (texture == nullptr)
OSD_Printf("hightile: %s (pic %d) not found\n", fn, dapic);
return -2;
if ((doalloc & 3) == 1)
pth->glpic = GLInterface.NewTexture();
pth->glpic->CreateTexture(texture->GetWidth(), texture->GetHeight(), false, true);
auto image = texture->GetBgraBitmap(nullptr, nullptr);
bool hasalpha = texture->GetTranslucency();
bool onebitalpha = texture->isMasked();
#if 0 // I don't really think this is a good idea. The hightile should look indistinguishable to the game compared to the regular one.
vec2_t tsiz = { texture->GetWidth(), texture->GetHeight() };
// precalculate scaling parameters for replacement
if (facen > 0)
pth->scale = { (float)tsiz.x * (1.0f / 64.f), (float)tsiz.y * (1.0f / 64.f) };
pth->scale = { (float)tsiz.x / (float)tilesiz[dapic].x, (float)tsiz.y / (float)tilesiz[dapic].y };
pth->scale = { 1.f,1.f };
polymost_setupsampler(pth->glpic, dameth, (hicr->flags & HICR_FORCEFILTER) ? TEXFILTER_ON : -1);
pth->picnum = dapic;
pth->effects = effect;
pth->flags = PTH_HIGHTILE | ((facen > 0) * PTH_SKYBOX) |
(onebitalpha ? PTH_ONEBITALPHA : 0) |
(hasalpha ? PTH_HASALPHA : 0) |
pth->skyface = facen;
//pth->hicr = hicr;
if (facen > 0) pth->siz = { 64, 64 }; else pth->siz = { tilesiz[dapic].x, tilesiz[dapic].y };
return 0;
#define TEXCACHE_FREEBUFS() { Xfree(pic), Xfree(packbuf), Xfree(midbuf); }
globaltexcache texcache;
static pthtyp *texcache_tryart(int32_t const dapicnum, int32_t const dapalnum, int32_t const dashade, int32_t dameth)
const int32_t j = dapicnum&(GLTEXCACHEADSIZ-1);
pthtyp *pth;
int32_t tintpalnum = -1;
int32_t searchpalnum = dapalnum;
polytintflags_t const tintflags = hictinting[dapalnum].f;
if (tintflags & (HICTINT_USEONART))
tintpalnum = dapalnum;
searchpalnum = 0;
// load from art
for (pth=texcache.list[j]; pth; pth=pth->next)
if (pth->picnum == dapicnum && ((pth->flags & (PTH_INDEXED|PTH_HIGHTILE)) == PTH_INDEXED))
if (pth->flags & PTH_INVALIDATED)
pth->flags &= ~PTH_INVALIDATED;
2019-10-10 17:30:05 +00:00
gloadtile_art(dapicnum, dameth, pth, 0);
pth->palnum = dapalnum;
return pth;
pth = (pthtyp *)Xcalloc(1,sizeof(pthtyp));
2019-10-10 17:30:05 +00:00
gloadtile_art(dapicnum, dameth, pth, 1);
pth->palnum = dapalnum;
pth->next = texcache.list[j];
texcache.list[j] = pth;
return pth;
#if 0
pthtyp *texcache_fetchmulti(pthtyp *pth, hicreplctyp *si, int32_t dapicnum, int32_t dameth)
const int32_t j = dapicnum&(GLTEXCACHEADSIZ-1);
int32_t i;
for (i = 0; i <= (GLTEXCACHEADSIZ - 1); i++)
const pthtyp *pth2;
for (pth2=texcache.list[i]; pth2; pth2=pth2->next)
if (pth2->hicr && pth2->hicr->filename && si->filename && filnamcmp(pth2->hicr->filename, si->filename) == 0)
Bmemcpy(pth, pth2, sizeof(pthtyp));
pth->picnum = dapicnum;
pth->flags = PTH_HIGHTILE | (drawingskybox>0)*PTH_SKYBOX;
if (pth2->flags & PTH_HASALPHA)
pth->flags |= PTH_HASALPHA;
pth->hicr = si;
pth->next = texcache.list[j];
texcache.list[j] = pth;
return pth;
return NULL;
// <dashade>: ignored if not in Polymost+r_usetileshades
pthtyp *texcache_fetch(int32_t dapicnum, int32_t dapalnum, int32_t dashade, int32_t dameth)
#if 0
const int32_t j = dapicnum & (GLTEXCACHEADSIZ - 1);
hicreplctyp *si = usehightile ? hicfindsubst(dapicnum, dapalnum) : NULL;
if (drawingskybox && usehightile)
auto si = hicfindskybox(dapicnum, dapalnum);
if (si == nullptr)
return nullptr;
if (!si)
return (dapalnum >= (MAXPALOOKUPS - RESERVEDPALS) || hicprecaching) ?
NULL : texcache_tryart(dapicnum, dapalnum, dashade, dameth);
#if 0
/* if palette > 0 && replacement found
* no effects are applied to the texture
* else if palette > 0 && no replacement found
* effects are applied to the palette 0 texture if it exists
polytintflags_t const tintflags = hictinting[dapalnum].f;
const int32_t checktintpal = (tintflags & HICTINT_APPLYOVERALTPAL) ? 0 : si->palnum;
const int32_t checkcachepal = ((tintflags & HICTINT_IN_MEMORY) || ((tintflags & HICTINT_APPLYOVERALTPAL) && si->palnum > 0)) ? dapalnum : si->palnum;
// load a replacement
for (pthtyp *pth = texcache.list[j]; pth; pth = pth->next)
if (pth->picnum == dapicnum && pth->palnum == checkcachepal && (checktintpal > 0 ? 1 : (pth->effects == tintflags))
&& (pth->flags & (PTH_HIGHTILE | PTH_SKYBOX)) == (PTH_HIGHTILE | (drawingskybox > 0) * PTH_SKYBOX)
&& (drawingskybox > 0 ? (pth->skyface == drawingskybox) : 1))
if (pth->flags & PTH_INVALIDATED)
pth->flags &= ~PTH_INVALIDATED;
int32_t tilestat = gloadtile_hi(dapicnum, dapalnum, drawingskybox, si, dameth, pth, 0,
(checktintpal > 0) ? 0 : tintflags); // reload tile
if (!tilestat)
return (drawingskybox || hicprecaching) ? NULL : texcache_tryart(dapicnum, dapalnum, dashade, dameth);
return pth;
pthtyp *pth = (pthtyp *)Xcalloc(1, sizeof(pthtyp));
// possibly fetch an already loaded multitexture :_)
if (dapalnum == DETAILPAL && texcache_fetchmulti(pth, si, dapicnum, dameth))
return pth;
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int32_t tilestat = gloadtile_hi(dapicnum, dapalnum, drawingskybox, si, dameth, pth, 1, (checktintpal > 0) ? 0 : tintflags);
if (!tilestat)
pth->next = texcache.list[j];
pth->palnum = checkcachepal;
texcache.list[j] = pth;
return pth;
return (drawingskybox || hicprecaching) ? NULL : texcache_tryart(dapicnum, dapalnum, dashade, dameth);
extern int r_detailmapping, r_glowmapping, usehightile;
bool GLInstance::ApplyTextureProps()
int pal = palmanager.ActivePalswap();
if (currentTexture == nullptr) return false;
auto rep = currentTexture->FindReplacement(pal);
VSMatrix texmat;
bool changed = false;
// texture scale
if (rep && ((rep->scale.x != 1.0f) || (rep->scale.y != 1.0f)))
texmat.scale(rep->scale.x, rep->scale.y, 1.0f);
GLInterface.SetMatrix(Matrix_Texture, &texmat);
if (r_detailmapping)
auto detailrep = currentTexture->FindReplacement(DETAILPAL);
if (detailrep)
//BindTexture(3, detailrep->faces[0], SamplerRepeat);
bool scaled = false;
if (rep && ((rep->scale.x != 1.0f) || (rep->scale.y != 1.0f)))
texmat.scale(rep->scale.x, rep->scale.y, 1.0f);
scaled = true;
if ((detailrep->scale.x != 1.0f) || (detailrep->scale.y != 1.0f))
texmat.scale(detailrep->scale.x, detailrep->scale.y, 1.0f);
scaled = true;
if (scaled) GLInterface.SetMatrix(Matrix_Detail, &texmat);
changed |= scaled;
// glow texture
if (r_glowmapping)
auto glowrep = currentTexture->FindReplacement(GLOWPAL);
if (glowrep)
//BindTexture(4, glowrep->faces[0], SamplerRepeat);
auto brightrep = currentTexture->FindReplacement(BRIGHTPAL);
if (brightrep)
//BindTexture(5, glowrep->faces[0], SamplerRepeat);
return false; // true if the matrices were changed, false otherwise
void GLInstance::SetTexture(FTexture* tex, int palette, int method)
GLInterface.SetPalswap(fixpalswap >= 1 ? fixpalswap - 1 : globalpal);
GLInterface.SetPalette(fixpalette >= 1 ? fixpalette - 1 : curbasepal);
pthtyp* pth = texcache_fetch(globalpicnum, globalpal, getpalookup(1, globalshade), method | PTH_INDEXED);
GLInterface.BindTexture(0, pth->glpic, mSampler);
// Fixme: Alpha test on shaders must be done differently.
// Also: Consider a texture's alpha threshold.
float const al = alphahackarray[globalpicnum] != 0 ? alphahackarray[globalpicnum] * (1.f / 255.f) :
(pth->hicr && pth->hicr->alphacut >= 0.f ? pth->hicr->alphacut : 0.f);