
207 lines
6.3 KiB
Raw Normal View History

//--------------------------------------- VOX LIBRARY BEGINS ---------------------------------------
#include "compat.h"
#include "build.h"
#include "engine_priv.h"
#include "polymost.h"
#include "mdsprite.h"
#include "v_video.h"
#include "flatvertices.h"
#include "hw_renderstate.h"
#include "texturemanager.h"
#include "voxels.h"
#include "gamecontrol.h"
#include "glbackend/gl_models.h"
#include "palette.h"
#include "../../glbackend/glbackend.h"
void voxfree(voxmodel_t *m)
if (!m)
voxmodel_t *voxload(int lumpnum)
FVoxel* voxel = R_LoadKVX(lumpnum);
if (voxel != nullptr)
voxmodel_t* vm = (voxmodel_t*)Xmalloc(sizeof(voxmodel_t));
memset(vm, 0, sizeof(voxmodel_t));
auto pivot = voxel->Mips[0].Pivot;
vm->mdnum = 1; //VOXel model id
vm->scale = vm->bscale = 1.f;
vm->piv.x = float(pivot.X);
vm->piv.y = float(pivot.Y);
vm->piv.z = float(pivot.Z);
vm->siz.x = voxel->Mips[0].SizeX;
vm->siz.y = voxel->Mips[0].SizeY;
vm->siz.z = voxel->Mips[0].SizeZ;
vm->is8bit = true;
voxel->Mips[0].Pivot.Zero(); // Needs to be taken out of the voxel data because it gets baked into the vertex buffer which we cannot use here.
vm->model = new FVoxelModel(voxel, true);
return vm;
return nullptr;
//Draw voxel model as perfect cubes
int32_t polymost_voxdraw(voxmodel_t* m, tspriteptr_t const tspr, bool rotate)
float f, g, k0, zoff;
if ((intptr_t)m == (intptr_t)(-1)) // hackhackhack
return 0;
if ((tspr->cstat & 48) == 32)
return 0;
polymost_outputGLDebugMessage(3, "polymost_voxdraw(m:%p, tspr:%p)", m, tspr);
//updateanimation((md2model *)m,tspr);
if ((tspr->cstat & CSTAT_SPRITE_MDLROTATE) || rotate)
int myclock = (PlayClock << 3) + MulScale(4 << 3, pm_smoothratio, 16);
tspr->ang = (tspr->ang + myclock) & 2047; // will be applied in md3_vox_calcmat_common.
vec3f_t m0 = { m->scale, m->scale, m->scale };
vec3f_t a0 = { 0, 0, m->zadd*m->scale };
k0 = m->bscale / 64.f;
f = (float) tspr->xrepeat * (256.f/320.f) * k0;
if ((sprite[tspr->owner].cstat&48)==16)
f *= 1.25f;
a0.y -= tspr->xoffset * bcosf(spriteext[tspr->owner].angoff, -20);
a0.x += tspr->xoffset * bsinf(spriteext[tspr->owner].angoff, -20);
if (globalorientation&8) { m0.z = -m0.z; a0.z = -a0.z; } //y-flipping
if (globalorientation&4) { m0.x = -m0.x; a0.x = -a0.x; a0.y = -a0.y; } //x-flipping
m0.x *= f; a0.x *= f; f = -f;
m0.y *= f; a0.y *= f;
f = (float) tspr->yrepeat * k0;
m0.z *= f; a0.z *= f;
k0 = (float) (tspr->z+spriteext[tspr->owner].position_offset.z);
f = ((globalorientation&8) && (sprite[tspr->owner].cstat&48)!=0) ? -4.f : 4.f;
k0 -= (tspr->yoffset*tspr->yrepeat)*f*m->bscale;
zoff = m->siz.z*.5f;
if (!(tspr->cstat&128))
zoff += m->piv.z;
else if ((tspr->cstat&48) != 48)
zoff += m->piv.z;
zoff -= m->siz.z*.5f;
if (globalorientation&8) zoff = m->siz.z-zoff;
f = (65536.f*512.f) / ((float)xdimen*viewingrange);
g = 32.f / ((float)xdimen*gxyaspect);
int const shadowHack = !!(tspr->clipdist & TSPR_FLAGS_MDHACK);
m0.y *= f; a0.y = (((float)(tspr->x+spriteext[tspr->owner].position_offset.x-globalposx)) * (1.f/1024.f) + a0.y) * f;
m0.x *=-f; a0.x = (((float)(tspr->y+spriteext[tspr->owner].position_offset.y-globalposy)) * -(1.f/1024.f) + a0.x) * -f;
m0.z *= g; a0.z = (((float)(k0 -globalposz - shadowHack)) * -(1.f/16384.f) + a0.z) * g;
float mat[16];
md3_vox_calcmat_common(tspr, &a0, f, mat);
if (grhalfxdown10x < 0)
mat[0] = -mat[0];
mat[4] = -mat[4];
mat[8] = -mat[8];
mat[12] = -mat[12];
if (shadowHack)
int winding = ((grhalfxdown10x >= 0) ^ ((globalorientation & 8) != 0) ^ ((globalorientation & 4) != 0)) ? Winding_CW : Winding_CCW;
GLInterface.SetCull(Cull_Back, winding);
float pc[4];
pc[0] = pc[1] = pc[2] = 1.f;
2020-01-11 21:39:53 +00:00
if (!shadowHack)
pc[3] = (tspr->cstat & 2) ? glblend[tspr->blend].def[!!(tspr->cstat & 512)].alpha : 1.0f;
pc[3] *= 1.0f - spriteext[tspr->owner].alpha;
2020-05-23 12:40:54 +00:00
SetRenderStyleFromBlend(!!(tspr->cstat & 2), tspr->blend, !!(tspr->cstat & 512));
if (!(tspr->cstat & 2) || spriteext[tspr->owner].alpha > 0.f || pc[3] < 1.0f)
GLInterface.EnableBlend(true); // else GLInterface.EnableBlend(false);
else pc[3] = 1.f;
GLInterface.SetShade(std::max(0, globalshade), numshades);
//transform to Build coords
float omat[16];
memcpy(omat, mat, sizeof(omat));
f = 1.f/64.f;
g = m0.x*f; mat[0] *= g; mat[1] *= g; mat[2] *= g;
g = m0.y*f; mat[4] = omat[8]*g; mat[5] = omat[9]*g; mat[6] = omat[10]*g;
g =-m0.z*f; mat[8] = omat[4]*g; mat[9] = omat[5]*g; mat[10] = omat[6]*g;
mat[12] -= (m->piv.x*mat[0] + m->piv.y*mat[4] + zoff*mat[8]);
mat[13] -= (m->piv.x*mat[1] + m->piv.y*mat[5] + zoff*mat[9]);
mat[14] -= (m->piv.x*mat[2] + m->piv.y*mat[6] + zoff*mat[10]);
//Let OpenGL (and perhaps hardware :) handle the matrix rotation
mat[3] = mat[7] = mat[11] = 0.f; mat[15] = 1.f;
for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++) mat[i] *= 1024.f;
// Adjust to backend coordinate system being used by the vertex buffer.
for (int i = 4; i < 8; i++)
float f = mat[i];
mat[i] = -mat[i + 4];
mat[i + 4] = -f;
GLInterface.SetMatrix(Matrix_Model, mat);
int palId = TRANSLATION(Translation_Remap + curbasepal, globalpal);
auto tex = TexMan.GetGameTexture(m->model->GetPaletteTexture());
GLInterface.SetTexture(tex, TRANSLATION(Translation_Remap + curbasepal, globalpal), CLAMP_NOFILTER_XY, true);
GLInterface.SetModel(m->model, 0, 0, 0);
GLInterface.Draw(DT_Triangles, 0, 0);
GLInterface.SetModel(nullptr, 0, 0, 0);
if (shadowHack)
return 1;
//---------------------------------------- VOX LIBRARY ENDS ----------------------------------------