mirror of
synced 2025-03-18 00:42:13 +00:00
- now that the frame buffer stores its render time, the 'ms' return from I_GetTimeFrac is not needed anymore, we may just as well use the globally stored value instead. The only feature this value was ever used for was texture warping.
1217 lines
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1217 lines
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// Copyright 1993-1996 id Software
// Copyright 1994-1996 Raven Software
// Copyright 1999-2016 Randy Heit
// Copyright 2002-2016 Christoph Oelckers
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/
// Rendering main loop and setup functions,
// utility functions (BSP, geometry, trigonometry).
// See tables.c, too.
// HEADER FILES ------------------------------------------------------------
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "templates.h"
#include "doomdef.h"
#include "d_net.h"
#include "doomstat.h"
#include "m_random.h"
#include "m_bbox.h"
#include "r_sky.h"
#include "st_stuff.h"
#include "c_cvars.h"
#include "c_dispatch.h"
#include "v_video.h"
#include "stats.h"
#include "i_video.h"
#include "i_system.h"
#include "a_sharedglobal.h"
#include "r_data/r_translate.h"
#include "p_3dmidtex.h"
#include "r_data/r_interpolate.h"
#include "v_palette.h"
#include "po_man.h"
#include "p_effect.h"
#include "st_start.h"
#include "v_font.h"
#include "r_renderer.h"
#include "r_data/colormaps.h"
#include "serializer.h"
#include "r_utility.h"
#include "d_player.h"
#include "p_local.h"
#include "g_levellocals.h"
#include "p_maputl.h"
#include "sbar.h"
#include "math/cmath.h"
#include "vm.h"
#include "i_time.h"
// EXTERNAL DATA DECLARATIONS ----------------------------------------------
extern bool DrawFSHUD; // [RH] Defined in d_main.cpp
EXTERN_CVAR (Bool, cl_capfps)
// TYPES -------------------------------------------------------------------
struct InterpolationViewer
struct instance
DVector3 Pos;
DRotator Angles;
AActor *ViewActor;
int otic;
instance Old, New;
// PRIVATE DATA DECLARATIONS -----------------------------------------------
static TArray<InterpolationViewer> PastViewers;
static FRandom pr_torchflicker ("TorchFlicker");
static FRandom pr_hom;
bool NoInterpolateView; // GL needs access to this.
static TArray<DVector3a> InterpolationPath;
// PUBLIC DATA DEFINITIONS -------------------------------------------------
CVAR (Bool, r_deathcamera, false, CVAR_ARCHIVE)
CVAR (Int, r_clearbuffer, 0, 0)
CVAR (Bool, r_drawvoxels, true, 0)
CVAR (Bool, r_drawplayersprites, true, 0) // [RH] Draw player sprites?
CUSTOM_CVAR(Float, r_quakeintensity, 1.0f, CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG)
if (self < 0.f) self = 0.f;
else if (self > 1.f) self = 1.f;
int viewwindowx;
int viewwindowy;
int viewwidth;
int viewheight;
player = nullptr;
Pos = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
ActorPos = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
Angles = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
Path[0] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
Path[1] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
Cos = 0.0;
Sin = 0.0;
TanCos = 0.0;
TanSin = 0.0;
camera = nullptr;
sector = nullptr;
FieldOfView = 90.; // Angles in the SCREENWIDTH wide window
TicFrac = 0.0;
FrameTime = 0;
extralight = 0;
showviewer = false;
FRenderViewpoint r_viewpoint;
FViewWindow r_viewwindow;
bool r_NoInterpolate;
angle_t LocalViewAngle;
int LocalViewPitch;
bool LocalKeyboardTurner;
int setblocks;
bool setsizeneeded;
unsigned int R_OldBlend = ~0;
int validcount = 1; // increment every time a check is made
FCanvasTextureInfo *FCanvasTextureInfo::List;
DVector3a view;
DAngle viewpitch;
// CODE --------------------------------------------------------------------
static void R_Shutdown ();
// R_SetFOV
// Changes the field of view in degrees
void R_SetFOV (FRenderViewpoint &viewpoint, DAngle fov)
if (fov < 5.) fov = 5.;
else if (fov > 170.) fov = 170.;
if (fov != viewpoint.FieldOfView)
viewpoint.FieldOfView = fov;
setsizeneeded = true;
// R_SetViewSize
// Do not really change anything here, because it might be in the middle
// of a refresh. The change will take effect next refresh.
void R_SetViewSize (int blocks)
setsizeneeded = true;
setblocks = blocks;
// R_SetWindow
void R_SetWindow (FRenderViewpoint &viewpoint, FViewWindow &viewwindow, int windowSize, int fullWidth, int fullHeight, int stHeight, bool renderingToCanvas)
if (windowSize >= 11)
viewwidth = fullWidth;
freelookviewheight = viewheight = fullHeight;
else if (windowSize == 10)
viewwidth = fullWidth;
viewheight = stHeight;
freelookviewheight = fullHeight;
viewwidth = ((setblocks*fullWidth)/10) & (~15);
viewheight = ((setblocks*stHeight)/10)&~7;
freelookviewheight = ((setblocks*fullHeight)/10)&~7;
if (renderingToCanvas)
viewwindow.WidescreenRatio = fullWidth / (float)fullHeight;
viewwindow.WidescreenRatio = ActiveRatio(fullWidth, fullHeight);
DrawFSHUD = (windowSize == 11);
// [RH] Sky height fix for screens not 200 (or 240) pixels tall
R_InitSkyMap ();
viewwindow.centery = viewheight/2;
viewwindow.centerx = viewwidth/2;
if (AspectTallerThanWide(viewwindow.WidescreenRatio))
viewwindow.centerxwide = viewwindow.centerx;
viewwindow.centerxwide = viewwindow.centerx * AspectMultiplier(viewwindow.WidescreenRatio) / 48;
DAngle fov = viewpoint.FieldOfView;
// For widescreen displays, increase the FOV so that the middle part of the
// screen that would be visible on a 4:3 display has the requested FOV.
if (viewwindow.centerxwide != viewwindow.centerx)
{ // centerxwide is what centerx would be if the display was not widescreen
fov = DAngle::ToDegrees(2 * atan(viewwindow.centerx * tan(fov.Radians()/2) / double(viewwindow.centerxwide)));
if (fov > 170.) fov = 170.;
viewwindow.FocalTangent = tan(fov.Radians() / 2);
// R_ExecuteSetViewSize
void R_ExecuteSetViewSize (FRenderViewpoint &viewpoint, FViewWindow &viewwindow)
setsizeneeded = false;
R_SetWindow (viewpoint, viewwindow, setblocks, SCREENWIDTH, SCREENHEIGHT, StatusBar->GetTopOfStatusbar());
// Handle resize, e.g. smaller view windows with border and/or status bar.
viewwindowx = (screen->GetWidth() - viewwidth) >> 1;
// Same with base row offset.
viewwindowy = (viewwidth == screen->GetWidth()) ? 0 : (StatusBar->GetTopOfStatusbar() - viewheight) >> 1;
// r_visibility
// Controls how quickly light ramps across a 1/z range.
double R_ClampVisibility(double vis)
// Allow negative visibilities, just for novelty's sake
return clamp(vis, -204.7, 204.7); // (205 and larger do not work in 5:4 aspect ratio)
CUSTOM_CVAR(Float, r_visibility, 8.0f, CVAR_NOINITCALL)
if (netgame && self != 8.0f)
Printf("Visibility cannot be changed in net games.\n");
self = 8.0f;
float clampValue = (float)R_ClampVisibility(self);
if (self != clampValue)
self = clampValue;
// R_GetGlobVis
// Calculates the global visibility constant used by the software renderer
double R_GetGlobVis(const FViewWindow &viewwindow, double vis)
vis = R_ClampVisibility(vis);
double virtwidth = screen->GetWidth();
double virtheight = screen->GetHeight();
if (AspectTallerThanWide(viewwindow.WidescreenRatio))
virtheight = (virtheight * AspectMultiplier(viewwindow.WidescreenRatio)) / 48;
virtwidth = (virtwidth * AspectMultiplier(viewwindow.WidescreenRatio)) / 48;
double YaspectMul = 320.0 * virtheight / (200.0 * virtwidth);
double InvZtoScale = YaspectMul * viewwindow.centerx;
double wallVisibility = vis;
// Prevent overflow on walls
double maxVisForWall = (InvZtoScale * (screen->GetWidth() * r_Yaspect) / (viewwidth * screen->GetHeight() * viewwindow.FocalTangent));
maxVisForWall = 32767.0 / maxVisForWall;
if (vis < 0 && vis < -maxVisForWall)
wallVisibility = -maxVisForWall;
else if (vis > 0 && vis > maxVisForWall)
wallVisibility = maxVisForWall;
wallVisibility = InvZtoScale * screen->GetWidth() * AspectBaseHeight(viewwindow.WidescreenRatio) / (viewwidth * screen->GetHeight() * 3) * (wallVisibility * viewwindow.FocalTangent);
return wallVisibility / viewwindow.FocalTangent;
// CVAR screenblocks
// Selects the size of the visible window
CUSTOM_CVAR (Int, screenblocks, 10, CVAR_ARCHIVE)
if (self > 12)
self = 12;
else if (self < 3)
self = 3;
R_SetViewSize (self);
// R_PointInSubsector
subsector_t *R_PointInSubsector (fixed_t x, fixed_t y)
node_t *node;
int side;
// single subsector is a special case
if (level.nodes.Size() == 0)
return &level.subsectors[0];
node = level.HeadNode();
side = R_PointOnSide (x, y, node);
node = (node_t *)node->children[side];
while (!((size_t)node & 1));
return (subsector_t *)((uint8_t *)node - 1);
// R_Init
void R_Init ()
atterm (R_Shutdown);
// Colormap init moved back to InitPalette()
//R_InitColormaps ();
R_InitTranslationTables ();
R_SetViewSize (screenblocks);
// R_Shutdown
static void R_Shutdown ()
R_DeinitColormaps ();
// R_InterpolateView
//CVAR (Int, tf, 0, 0)
EXTERN_CVAR (Bool, cl_noprediction)
void R_InterpolateView (FRenderViewpoint &viewpoint, player_t *player, double Frac, InterpolationViewer *iview)
if (NoInterpolateView)
NoInterpolateView = false;
iview->Old = iview->New;
int oldgroup = R_PointInSubsector(iview->Old.Pos)->sector->PortalGroup;
int newgroup = R_PointInSubsector(iview->New.Pos)->sector->PortalGroup;
DAngle oviewangle = iview->Old.Angles.Yaw;
DAngle nviewangle = iview->New.Angles.Yaw;
if (!cl_capfps)
if ((iview->Old.Pos.X != iview->New.Pos.X || iview->Old.Pos.Y != iview->New.Pos.Y) && InterpolationPath.Size() > 0)
DVector3 view = iview->New.Pos;
// Interpolating through line portals is a messy affair.
// What needs be done is to store the portal transitions of the camera actor as waypoints
// and then find out on which part of the path the current view lies.
// Needless to say, this doesn't work for chasecam mode.
if (!viewpoint.showviewer)
double pathlen = 0;
double zdiff = 0;
double totalzdiff = 0;
DAngle adiff = 0.;
DAngle totaladiff = 0.;
double oviewz = iview->Old.Pos.Z;
double nviewz = iview->New.Pos.Z;
DVector3a oldpos = { { iview->Old.Pos.X, iview->Old.Pos.Y, 0 }, 0. };
DVector3a newpos = { { iview->New.Pos.X, iview->New.Pos.Y, 0 }, 0. };
InterpolationPath.Push(newpos); // add this to the array to simplify the loops below
for (unsigned i = 0; i < InterpolationPath.Size(); i += 2)
DVector3a &start = i == 0 ? oldpos : InterpolationPath[i - 1];
DVector3a &end = InterpolationPath[i];
pathlen += (end.pos - start.pos).Length();
totalzdiff += start.pos.Z;
totaladiff += start.angle;
double interpolatedlen = Frac * pathlen;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < InterpolationPath.Size(); i += 2)
DVector3a &start = i == 0 ? oldpos : InterpolationPath[i - 1];
DVector3a &end = InterpolationPath[i];
double fraglen = (end.pos - start.pos).Length();
zdiff += start.pos.Z;
adiff += start.angle;
if (fraglen <= interpolatedlen)
interpolatedlen -= fraglen;
double fragfrac = interpolatedlen / fraglen;
oviewz += zdiff;
nviewz -= totalzdiff - zdiff;
oviewangle += adiff;
nviewangle -= totaladiff - adiff;
DVector2 viewpos = start.pos + (fragfrac * (end.pos - start.pos));
viewpoint.Pos = { viewpos, oviewz + Frac * (nviewz - oviewz) };
viewpoint.Path[0] = iview->Old.Pos;
viewpoint.Path[1] = viewpoint.Path[0] + (InterpolationPath[0].pos - viewpoint.Path[0]).XY().MakeResize(pathlen);
DVector2 disp = Displacements.getOffset(oldgroup, newgroup);
viewpoint.Pos = iview->Old.Pos + (iview->New.Pos - iview->Old.Pos - disp) * Frac;
viewpoint.Path[0] = viewpoint.Path[1] = iview->New.Pos;
viewpoint.Pos = iview->New.Pos;
viewpoint.Path[0] = viewpoint.Path[1] = iview->New.Pos;
if (player != NULL &&
!(player->cheats & CF_INTERPVIEW) &&
player - players == consoleplayer &&
viewpoint.camera == player->mo &&
!demoplayback &&
iview->New.Pos.X == viewpoint.camera->X() &&
iview->New.Pos.Y == viewpoint.camera->Y() &&
!(player->cheats & (CF_TOTALLYFROZEN|CF_FROZEN)) &&
player->playerstate == PST_LIVE &&
player->mo->reactiontime == 0 &&
!NoInterpolateView &&
!paused &&
(!netgame || !cl_noprediction) &&
viewpoint.Angles.Yaw = (nviewangle + AngleToFloat(LocalViewAngle & 0xFFFF0000)).Normalized180();
DAngle delta = player->centering ? DAngle(0.) : AngleToFloat(int(LocalViewPitch & 0xFFFF0000));
viewpoint.Angles.Pitch = clamp<DAngle>((iview->New.Angles.Pitch - delta).Normalized180(), player->MinPitch, player->MaxPitch);
viewpoint.Angles.Roll = iview->New.Angles.Roll.Normalized180();
viewpoint.Angles.Pitch = (iview->Old.Angles.Pitch + deltaangle(iview->Old.Angles.Pitch, iview->New.Angles.Pitch) * Frac).Normalized180();
viewpoint.Angles.Yaw = (oviewangle + deltaangle(oviewangle, nviewangle) * Frac).Normalized180();
viewpoint.Angles.Roll = (iview->Old.Angles.Roll + deltaangle(iview->Old.Angles.Roll, iview->New.Angles.Roll) * Frac).Normalized180();
// Due to interpolation this is not necessarily the same as the sector the camera is in.
viewpoint.sector = R_PointInSubsector(viewpoint.Pos)->sector;
bool moved = false;
while (!viewpoint.sector->PortalBlocksMovement(sector_t::ceiling))
if (viewpoint.Pos.Z > viewpoint.sector->GetPortalPlaneZ(sector_t::ceiling))
viewpoint.Pos += viewpoint.sector->GetPortalDisplacement(sector_t::ceiling);
viewpoint.ActorPos += viewpoint.sector->GetPortalDisplacement(sector_t::ceiling);
viewpoint.sector = R_PointInSubsector(viewpoint.Pos)->sector;
moved = true;
else break;
if (!moved)
while (!viewpoint.sector->PortalBlocksMovement(sector_t::floor))
if (viewpoint.Pos.Z < viewpoint.sector->GetPortalPlaneZ(sector_t::floor))
viewpoint.Pos += viewpoint.sector->GetPortalDisplacement(sector_t::floor);
viewpoint.ActorPos += viewpoint.sector->GetPortalDisplacement(sector_t::floor);
viewpoint.sector = R_PointInSubsector(viewpoint.Pos)->sector;
moved = true;
else break;
// R_ResetViewInterpolation
void R_ResetViewInterpolation ()
NoInterpolateView = true;
// R_SetViewAngle
void R_SetViewAngle (FRenderViewpoint &viewpoint, const FViewWindow &viewwindow)
viewpoint.Sin = viewpoint.Angles.Yaw.Sin();
viewpoint.Cos = viewpoint.Angles.Yaw.Cos();
viewpoint.TanSin = viewwindow.FocalTangent * viewpoint.Sin;
viewpoint.TanCos = viewwindow.FocalTangent * viewpoint.Cos;
// FindPastViewer
static InterpolationViewer *FindPastViewer (AActor *actor)
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < PastViewers.Size(); ++i)
if (PastViewers[i].ViewActor == actor)
return &PastViewers[i];
// Not found, so make a new one
InterpolationViewer iview;
memset(&iview, 0, sizeof(iview));
iview.ViewActor = actor;
iview.otic = -1;
return &PastViewers[PastViewers.Push (iview)];
// R_FreePastViewers
void R_FreePastViewers ()
PastViewers.Clear ();
// R_ClearPastViewer
// If the actor changed in a non-interpolatable way, remove it.
void R_ClearPastViewer (AActor *actor)
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < PastViewers.Size(); ++i)
if (PastViewers[i].ViewActor == actor)
// Found it, so remove it.
if (i == PastViewers.Size())
PastViewers.Delete (i);
PastViewers.Pop (PastViewers[i]);
// R_RebuildViewInterpolation
void R_RebuildViewInterpolation(player_t *player)
if (player == NULL || player->camera == NULL)
if (!NoInterpolateView)
NoInterpolateView = false;
InterpolationViewer *iview = FindPastViewer(player->camera);
iview->Old = iview->New;
// R_GetViewInterpolationStatus
bool R_GetViewInterpolationStatus()
return NoInterpolateView;
// R_ClearInterpolationPath
void R_ClearInterpolationPath()
// R_AddInterpolationPoint
void R_AddInterpolationPoint(const DVector3a &vec)
// QuakePower
static double QuakePower(double factor, double intensity, double offset)
double randumb;
if (intensity == 0)
randumb = 0;
randumb = pr_torchflicker.GenRand_Real2() * (intensity * 2) - intensity;
return factor * (offset + randumb);
// R_SetupFrame
void R_SetupFrame (FRenderViewpoint &viewpoint, FViewWindow &viewwindow, AActor *actor)
if (actor == NULL)
I_Error ("Tried to render from a NULL actor.");
player_t *player = actor->player;
unsigned int newblend;
InterpolationViewer *iview;
bool unlinked = false;
if (player != NULL && player->mo == actor)
{ // [RH] Use camera instead of viewplayer
viewpoint.camera = player->camera;
if (viewpoint.camera == NULL)
viewpoint.camera = player->camera = player->mo;
viewpoint.camera = actor;
if (viewpoint.camera == NULL)
I_Error ("You lost your body. Bad dehacked work is likely to blame.");
iview = FindPastViewer (viewpoint.camera);
int nowtic = I_GetTime ();
if (iview->otic != -1 && nowtic > iview->otic)
iview->otic = nowtic;
iview->Old = iview->New;
if (player != NULL && gamestate != GS_TITLELEVEL &&
((player->cheats & CF_CHASECAM) || (r_deathcamera && viewpoint.camera->health <= 0)))
sector_t *oldsector = R_PointInSubsector(iview->Old.Pos)->sector;
// [RH] Use chasecam view
DVector3 campos;
DAngle camangle;
P_AimCamera (viewpoint.camera, campos, camangle, viewpoint.sector, unlinked); // fixme: This needs to translate the angle, too.
iview->New.Pos = campos;
iview->New.Angles.Yaw = camangle;
viewpoint.showviewer = true;
// Interpolating this is a very complicated thing because nothing keeps track of the aim camera's movement, so whenever we detect a portal transition
// it's probably best to just reset the interpolation for this move.
// Note that this can still cause problems with unusually linked portals
if (viewpoint.sector->PortalGroup != oldsector->PortalGroup || (unlinked && ((iview->New.Pos.XY() - iview->Old.Pos.XY()).LengthSquared()) > 256*256))
iview->otic = nowtic;
iview->Old = iview->New;
r_NoInterpolate = true;
viewpoint.ActorPos = campos;
viewpoint.ActorPos = iview->New.Pos = { viewpoint.camera->Pos().XY(), viewpoint.camera->player ? viewpoint.camera->player->viewz : viewpoint.camera->Z() + viewpoint.camera->GetCameraHeight() };
viewpoint.sector = viewpoint.camera->Sector;
viewpoint.showviewer = false;
iview->New.Angles = viewpoint.camera->Angles;
if (viewpoint.camera->player != 0)
player = viewpoint.camera->player;
if (iview->otic == -1 || r_NoInterpolate)
R_ResetViewInterpolation ();
iview->otic = nowtic;
viewpoint.TicFrac = I_GetTimeFrac ();
if (cl_capfps || r_NoInterpolate)
viewpoint.TicFrac = 1.;
R_InterpolateView (viewpoint, player, viewpoint.TicFrac, iview);
R_SetViewAngle (viewpoint, viewwindow);
interpolator.DoInterpolations (viewpoint.TicFrac);
// Keep the view within the sector's floor and ceiling
if (viewpoint.sector->PortalBlocksMovement(sector_t::ceiling))
double theZ = viewpoint.sector->ceilingplane.ZatPoint(viewpoint.Pos) - 4;
if (viewpoint.Pos.Z > theZ)
viewpoint.Pos.Z = theZ;
if (viewpoint.sector->PortalBlocksMovement(sector_t::floor))
double theZ = viewpoint.sector->floorplane.ZatPoint(viewpoint.Pos) + 4;
if (viewpoint.Pos.Z < theZ)
viewpoint.Pos.Z = theZ;
if (!paused)
FQuakeJiggers jiggers;
memset(&jiggers, 0, sizeof(jiggers));
if (DEarthquake::StaticGetQuakeIntensities(viewpoint.camera, jiggers) > 0)
double quakefactor = r_quakeintensity;
DAngle an;
if (jiggers.RollIntensity != 0 || jiggers.RollWave != 0)
viewpoint.Angles.Roll += QuakePower(quakefactor, jiggers.RollIntensity, jiggers.RollWave);
if (jiggers.RelIntensity.X != 0 || jiggers.RelOffset.X != 0)
an = viewpoint.camera->Angles.Yaw;
double power = QuakePower(quakefactor, jiggers.RelIntensity.X, jiggers.RelOffset.X);
viewpoint.Pos += an.ToVector(power);
if (jiggers.RelIntensity.Y != 0 || jiggers.RelOffset.Y != 0)
an = viewpoint.camera->Angles.Yaw + 90;
double power = QuakePower(quakefactor, jiggers.RelIntensity.Y, jiggers.RelOffset.Y);
viewpoint.Pos += an.ToVector(power);
// FIXME: Relative Z is not relative
if (jiggers.RelIntensity.Z != 0 || jiggers.RelOffset.Z != 0)
viewpoint.Pos.Z += QuakePower(quakefactor, jiggers.RelIntensity.Z, jiggers.RelOffset.Z);
if (jiggers.Intensity.X != 0 || jiggers.Offset.X != 0)
viewpoint.Pos.X += QuakePower(quakefactor, jiggers.Intensity.X, jiggers.Offset.X);
if (jiggers.Intensity.Y != 0 || jiggers.Offset.Y != 0)
viewpoint.Pos.Y += QuakePower(quakefactor, jiggers.Intensity.Y, jiggers.Offset.Y);
if (jiggers.Intensity.Z != 0 || jiggers.Offset.Z != 0)
viewpoint.Pos.Z += QuakePower(quakefactor, jiggers.Intensity.Z, jiggers.Offset.Z);
viewpoint.extralight = viewpoint.camera->player ? viewpoint.camera->player->extralight : 0;
// killough 3/20/98, 4/4/98: select colormap based on player status
// [RH] Can also select a blend
newblend = 0;
TArray<lightlist_t> &lightlist = viewpoint.sector->e->XFloor.lightlist;
if (lightlist.Size() > 0)
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < lightlist.Size(); i++)
secplane_t *plane;
int viewside;
plane = (i < lightlist.Size()-1) ? &lightlist[i+1].plane : &viewpoint.sector->floorplane;
viewside = plane->PointOnSide(viewpoint.Pos);
// Reverse the direction of the test if the plane was downward facing.
// We want to know if the view is above it, whatever its orientation may be.
if (plane->fC() < 0)
viewside = -viewside;
if (viewside > 0)
// 3d floor 'fog' is rendered as a blending value
PalEntry blendv = lightlist[i].blend;
// If no alpha is set, use 50%
if (blendv.a==0 && blendv!=0) blendv.a=128;
newblend = blendv.d;
const sector_t *s = viewpoint.sector->GetHeightSec();
if (s != NULL)
newblend = s->floorplane.PointOnSide(viewpoint.Pos) < 0
? s->bottommap
: s->ceilingplane.PointOnSide(viewpoint.Pos) < 0
? s->topmap
: s->midmap;
if (APART(newblend) == 0 && newblend >= fakecmaps.Size())
newblend = 0;
// [RH] Don't override testblend unless entering a sector with a
// blend different from the previous sector's. Same goes with
// NormalLight's maps pointer.
if (R_OldBlend != newblend)
R_OldBlend = newblend;
if (APART(newblend))
BaseBlendR = RPART(newblend);
BaseBlendG = GPART(newblend);
BaseBlendB = BPART(newblend);
BaseBlendA = APART(newblend) / 255.f;
BaseBlendR = BaseBlendG = BaseBlendB = 0;
BaseBlendA = 0.f;
if (r_clearbuffer != 0)
int color;
int hom = r_clearbuffer;
if (hom == 3)
hom = ((screen->FrameTime / 128) & 1) + 1;
if (hom == 1)
color = GPalette.BlackIndex;
else if (hom == 2)
color = GPalette.WhiteIndex;
else if (hom == 4)
color = (screen->FrameTime / 32) & 255;
color = pr_hom();
// FCanvasTextureInfo :: Add
// Assigns a camera to a canvas texture.
void FCanvasTextureInfo::Add (AActor *viewpoint, FTextureID picnum, double fov)
FCanvasTextureInfo *probe;
FCanvasTexture *texture;
if (!picnum.isValid())
texture = static_cast<FCanvasTexture *>(TexMan[picnum]);
if (!texture->bHasCanvas)
Printf ("%s is not a valid target for a camera\n", texture->Name.GetChars());
// Is this texture already assigned to a camera?
for (probe = List; probe != NULL; probe = probe->Next)
if (probe->Texture == texture)
// Yes, change its assignment to this new camera
if (probe->Viewpoint != viewpoint || probe->FOV != fov)
texture->bFirstUpdate = true;
probe->Viewpoint = viewpoint;
probe->FOV = fov;
// No, create a new assignment
probe = new FCanvasTextureInfo;
probe->Viewpoint = viewpoint;
probe->Texture = texture;
probe->PicNum = picnum;
probe->FOV = fov;
probe->Next = List;
texture->bFirstUpdate = true;
List = probe;
// [ZZ] expose this to ZScript
PARAM_OBJECT(viewpoint, AActor);
PARAM_STRING(texturename); // [ZZ] there is no point in having this as FTextureID because it's easier to refer to a cameratexture by name and it isn't executed too often to cache it.
FTextureID textureid = TexMan.CheckForTexture(texturename, FTexture::TEX_Wall, FTextureManager::TEXMAN_Overridable);
FCanvasTextureInfo::Add(viewpoint, textureid, fov);
return 0;
// FCanvasTextureInfo :: UpdateAll
// Updates all canvas textures that were visible in the last frame.
void FCanvasTextureInfo::UpdateAll ()
FCanvasTextureInfo *probe;
for (probe = List; probe != NULL; probe = probe->Next)
if (probe->Viewpoint != NULL && probe->Texture->bNeedsUpdate)
Renderer->RenderTextureView(probe->Texture, probe->Viewpoint, probe->FOV);
// FCanvasTextureInfo :: EmptyList
// Removes all camera->texture assignments.
void FCanvasTextureInfo::EmptyList ()
FCanvasTextureInfo *probe, *next;
for (probe = List; probe != NULL; probe = next)
next = probe->Next;
delete probe;
List = NULL;
// FCanvasTextureInfo :: Serialize
// Reads or writes the current set of mappings in an archive.
void FCanvasTextureInfo::Serialize(FSerializer &arc)
if (arc.isWriting())
if (List != nullptr)
if (arc.BeginArray("canvastextures"))
FCanvasTextureInfo *probe;
for (probe = List; probe != nullptr; probe = probe->Next)
if (probe->Texture != nullptr && probe->Viewpoint != nullptr)
if (arc.BeginObject(nullptr))
arc("viewpoint", probe->Viewpoint)
("fov", probe->FOV)
("texture", probe->PicNum)
if (arc.BeginArray("canvastextures"))
AActor *viewpoint = nullptr;
double fov;
FTextureID picnum;
while (arc.BeginObject(nullptr))
arc("viewpoint", viewpoint)
("fov", fov)
("texture", picnum)
Add(viewpoint, picnum, fov);
// FCanvasTextureInfo :: Mark
// Marks all viewpoints in the list for the collector.
void FCanvasTextureInfo::Mark()
for (FCanvasTextureInfo *probe = List; probe != NULL; probe = probe->Next)
// CVAR transsouls
// How translucent things drawn with STYLE_SoulTrans are. Normally, only
// Lost Souls have this render style.
// Values less than 0.25 will automatically be set to
// 0.25 to ensure some degree of visibility. Likewise, values above 1.0 will
// be set to 1.0, because anything higher doesn't make sense.
CUSTOM_CVAR(Float, transsouls, 0.75f, CVAR_ARCHIVE)
if (self < 0.25f)
self = 0.25f;
else if (self > 1.f)
self = 1.f;
if (self>90.f) self = 90.f;
else if (self<-90.f) self = -90.f;
if (usergame)
// [SP] Update pitch limits to the netgame/gamesim.