Christoph Oelckers 099057b142 - moved the vertex and light data generation back to the render pass for modern OpenGL with persistently mapped buffers.
Having this extra CPU time in there allows for better parallelization with the graphics driver and GPU.
2018-05-05 23:32:55 +02:00

1816 lines
52 KiB

// Copyright(C) 2000-2016 Christoph Oelckers
// All rights reserved.
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/
#include "p_local.h"
#include "p_lnspec.h"
#include "a_sharedglobal.h"
#include "r_defs.h"
#include "r_sky.h"
#include "r_utility.h"
#include "p_maputl.h"
#include "doomdata.h"
#include "g_levellocals.h"
#include "actorinlines.h"
#include "hwrenderer/dynlights/hw_dynlightdata.h"
#include "hwrenderer/textures/hw_material.h"
#include "hwrenderer/utility/hw_cvars.h"
#include "hwrenderer/utility/hw_clock.h"
#include "hwrenderer/utility/hw_lighting.h"
#include "hwrenderer/scene/hw_drawinfo.h"
#include "hwrenderer/scene/hw_drawstructs.h"
#include "hwrenderer/scene/hw_portal.h"
// Collect lights for shader
void GLWall::SetupLights(HWDrawInfo *di, FDynLightData &lightdata)
if (screen->hwcaps & RFL_NO_SHADERS) return; // useless in OpenGL 2.
if (RenderStyle == STYLE_Add && !level.lightadditivesurfaces) return; // no lights on additively blended surfaces.
// check for wall types which cannot have dynamic lights on them (portal types never get here so they don't need to be checked.)
switch (type)
float vtx[]={glseg.x1,zbottom[0],glseg.y1, glseg.x1,ztop[0],glseg.y1, glseg.x2,ztop[1],glseg.y2, glseg.x2,zbottom[1],glseg.y2};
Plane p;
auto normal = glseg.Normal();
p.Set(normal, -normal.X * glseg.x1 - normal.Z * glseg.y1);
FLightNode *node;
if (seg->sidedef == NULL)
node = NULL;
else if (!(seg->sidedef->Flags & WALLF_POLYOBJ))
node = seg->sidedef->lighthead;
else if (sub)
// Polobject segs cannot be checked per sidedef so use the subsector instead.
node = sub->lighthead;
else node = NULL;
// Iterate through all dynamic lights which touch this wall and render them
while (node)
if (!(node->lightsource->flags2&MF2_DORMANT))
DVector3 posrel = node->lightsource->PosRelative(seg->frontsector);
float x = posrel.X;
float y = posrel.Y;
float z = posrel.Z;
float dist = fabsf(p.DistToPoint(x, z, y));
float radius = node->lightsource->GetRadius();
float scale = 1.0f / ((2.f * radius) - dist);
FVector3 fn, pos;
if (radius > 0.f && dist < radius)
FVector3 nearPt, up, right;
pos = { x, z, y };
fn = p.Normal();
fn.GetRightUp(right, up);
FVector3 tmpVec = fn * dist;
nearPt = pos + tmpVec;
FVector3 t1;
int outcnt[4]={0,0,0,0};
texcoord tcs[4];
// do a quick check whether the light touches this polygon
for(int i=0;i<4;i++)
t1 = FVector3(&vtx[i*3]);
FVector3 nearToVert = t1 - nearPt;
tcs[i].u = ((nearToVert | right) * scale) + 0.5f;
tcs[i].v = ((nearToVert | up) * scale) + 0.5f;
if (tcs[i].u<0) outcnt[0]++;
if (tcs[i].u>1) outcnt[1]++;
if (tcs[i].v<0) outcnt[2]++;
if (tcs[i].v>1) outcnt[3]++;
if (outcnt[0]!=4 && outcnt[1]!=4 && outcnt[2]!=4 && outcnt[3]!=4)
lightdata.GetLight(seg->frontsector->PortalGroup, p, node->lightsource, true);
node = node->nextLight;
dynlightindex = di->UploadLights(lightdata);
const char GLWall::passflag[] = {
1, //RENDERWALL_TOP, // unmasked
1, //RENDERWALL_M1S, // unmasked
2, //RENDERWALL_M2S, // depends on render and texture settings
1, //RENDERWALL_BOTTOM, // unmasked
3, //RENDERWALL_FOGBOUNDARY, // translucent
2, //RENDERWALL_M2SNF, // depends on render and texture settings, no fog, used on mid texture lines with a fog boundary.
3, //RENDERWALL_COLOR, // translucent
2, //RENDERWALL_FFBLOCK // depends on render and texture settings
void GLWall::PutWall(HWDrawInfo *di, bool translucent)
if (gltexture && gltexture->tex->GetTranslucency() && passflag[type] == 2)
translucent = true;
if (translucent)
ViewDistance = (r_viewpoint.Pos - (seg->linedef->v1->fPos() + seg->linedef->Delta() / 2)).XY().LengthSquared();
if (di->FixedColormap)
// light planes don't get drawn with fullbright rendering
if (gltexture == NULL) return;
if (di->FixedColormap != CM_DEFAULT || (Colormap.LightColor.isWhite() && lightlevel == 255))
flags &= ~GLWF_GLOW;
if (!(screen->hwcaps & RFL_BUFFER_STORAGE))
if (level.HasDynamicLights && di->FixedColormap == CM_DEFAULT && gltexture != nullptr && !(screen->hwcaps & RFL_NO_SHADERS))
SetupLights(di, lightdata);
MakeVertices(di, translucent);
bool solid;
if (passflag[type] == 1) solid = true;
else if (type == RENDERWALL_FFBLOCK) solid = (gltexture && gltexture->isMasked());
else solid = false;
if (solid) ProcessDecals(di);
lightlist = nullptr;
// make sure that following parts of the same linedef do not get this one's vertex and lighting info.
vertcount = 0;
dynlightindex = -1;
void GLWall::PutPortal(HWDrawInfo *di, int ptype)
di->AddPortal(this, ptype);
// Sets 3D-floor lighting info
void GLWall::Put3DWall(HWDrawInfo *di, lightlist_t * lightlist, bool translucent)
// only modify the light level if it doesn't originate from the seg's frontsector. This is to account for light transferring effects
if (lightlist->p_lightlevel != &seg->sidedef->sector->lightlevel)
lightlevel = hw_ClampLight(*lightlist->p_lightlevel);
// relative light won't get changed here. It is constant across the entire wall.
PutWall(di, translucent);
// Splits a wall vertically if a 3D-floor
// creates different lighting across the wall
bool GLWall::SplitWallComplex(HWDrawInfo *di, sector_t * frontsector, bool translucent, float& maplightbottomleft, float& maplightbottomright)
// check for an intersection with the upper plane
if ((maplightbottomleft<ztop[0] && maplightbottomright>ztop[1]) ||
(maplightbottomleft>ztop[0] && maplightbottomright<ztop[1]))
float clen = MAX<float>(fabsf(glseg.x2 - glseg.x1), fabsf(glseg.y2 - glseg.y1));
float dch = ztop[1] - ztop[0];
float dfh = maplightbottomright - maplightbottomleft;
float coeff = (ztop[0] - maplightbottomleft) / (dfh - dch);
// check for inaccuracies - let's be a little generous here!
if (coeff*clen<.1f)
maplightbottomleft = ztop[0];
else if (coeff*clen>clen - .1f)
maplightbottomright = ztop[1];
// split the wall in two at the intersection and recursively split both halves
GLWall copyWall1 = *this, copyWall2 = *this;
copyWall1.glseg.x2 = copyWall2.glseg.x1 = glseg.x1 + coeff * (glseg.x2 - glseg.x1);
copyWall1.glseg.y2 = copyWall2.glseg.y1 = glseg.y1 + coeff * (glseg.y2 - glseg.y1);
copyWall1.ztop[1] = copyWall2.ztop[0] = ztop[0] + coeff * (ztop[1] - ztop[0]);
copyWall1.zbottom[1] = copyWall2.zbottom[0] = zbottom[0] + coeff * (zbottom[1] - zbottom[0]);
copyWall1.glseg.fracright = copyWall2.glseg.fracleft = glseg.fracleft + coeff * (glseg.fracright - glseg.fracleft);
copyWall1.tcs[UPRGT].u = copyWall2.tcs[UPLFT].u = tcs[UPLFT].u + coeff * (tcs[UPRGT].u - tcs[UPLFT].u);
copyWall1.tcs[UPRGT].v = copyWall2.tcs[UPLFT].v = tcs[UPLFT].v + coeff * (tcs[UPRGT].v - tcs[UPLFT].v);
copyWall1.tcs[LORGT].u = copyWall2.tcs[LOLFT].u = tcs[LOLFT].u + coeff * (tcs[LORGT].u - tcs[LOLFT].u);
copyWall1.tcs[LORGT].v = copyWall2.tcs[LOLFT].v = tcs[LOLFT].v + coeff * (tcs[LORGT].v - tcs[LOLFT].v);
copyWall1.SplitWall(di, frontsector, translucent);
copyWall2.SplitWall(di, frontsector, translucent);
return true;
// check for an intersection with the lower plane
if ((maplightbottomleft<zbottom[0] && maplightbottomright>zbottom[1]) ||
(maplightbottomleft>zbottom[0] && maplightbottomright<zbottom[1]))
float clen = MAX<float>(fabsf(glseg.x2 - glseg.x1), fabsf(glseg.y2 - glseg.y1));
float dch = zbottom[1] - zbottom[0];
float dfh = maplightbottomright - maplightbottomleft;
float coeff = (zbottom[0] - maplightbottomleft) / (dfh - dch);
// check for inaccuracies - let's be a little generous here because there's
// some conversions between floats and fixed_t's involved
if (coeff*clen<.1f)
maplightbottomleft = zbottom[0];
else if (coeff*clen>clen - .1f)
maplightbottomright = zbottom[1];
// split the wall in two at the intersection and recursively split both halves
GLWall copyWall1 = *this, copyWall2 = *this;
copyWall1.glseg.x2 = copyWall2.glseg.x1 = glseg.x1 + coeff * (glseg.x2 - glseg.x1);
copyWall1.glseg.y2 = copyWall2.glseg.y1 = glseg.y1 + coeff * (glseg.y2 - glseg.y1);
copyWall1.ztop[1] = copyWall2.ztop[0] = ztop[0] + coeff * (ztop[1] - ztop[0]);
copyWall1.zbottom[1] = copyWall2.zbottom[0] = zbottom[0] + coeff * (zbottom[1] - zbottom[0]);
copyWall1.glseg.fracright = copyWall2.glseg.fracleft = glseg.fracleft + coeff * (glseg.fracright - glseg.fracleft);
copyWall1.tcs[UPRGT].u = copyWall2.tcs[UPLFT].u = tcs[UPLFT].u + coeff * (tcs[UPRGT].u - tcs[UPLFT].u);
copyWall1.tcs[UPRGT].v = copyWall2.tcs[UPLFT].v = tcs[UPLFT].v + coeff * (tcs[UPRGT].v - tcs[UPLFT].v);
copyWall1.tcs[LORGT].u = copyWall2.tcs[LOLFT].u = tcs[LOLFT].u + coeff * (tcs[LORGT].u - tcs[LOLFT].u);
copyWall1.tcs[LORGT].v = copyWall2.tcs[LOLFT].v = tcs[LOLFT].v + coeff * (tcs[LORGT].v - tcs[LOLFT].v);
copyWall1.SplitWall(di, frontsector, translucent);
copyWall2.SplitWall(di, frontsector, translucent);
return true;
return false;
void GLWall::SplitWall(HWDrawInfo *di, sector_t * frontsector, bool translucent)
float maplightbottomleft;
float maplightbottomright;
unsigned int i;
int origlight = lightlevel;
FColormap origcm=Colormap;
TArray<lightlist_t> & lightlist=frontsector->e->XFloor.lightlist;
if (glseg.x1==glseg.x2 && glseg.y1==glseg.y2)
#ifdef _DEBUG
if (seg->linedef->Index() == 1)
int a = 0;
if (lightlist.Size()>1)
if (i<lightlist.Size()-1)
secplane_t &p = lightlist[i+1].plane;
maplightbottomleft = p.ZatPoint(glseg.x1,glseg.y1);
maplightbottomright= p.ZatPoint(glseg.x2,glseg.y2);
maplightbottomright = maplightbottomleft = -32000;
// The light is completely above the wall!
if (maplightbottomleft>=ztop[0] && maplightbottomright>=ztop[1])
// check for an intersection with the upper and lower planes of the wall segment
if ((maplightbottomleft<ztop[0] && maplightbottomright>ztop[1]) ||
(maplightbottomleft > ztop[0] && maplightbottomright < ztop[1]) ||
(maplightbottomleft<zbottom[0] && maplightbottomright>zbottom[1]) ||
(maplightbottomleft > zbottom[0] && maplightbottomright < zbottom[1]))
if (!(screen->hwcaps & RFL_NO_CLIP_PLANES))
// Use hardware clipping if this cannot be done cleanly.
this->lightlist = &lightlist;
PutWall(di, translucent);
goto out;
// crappy fallback if no clip planes available
else if (SplitWallComplex(di, frontsector, translucent, maplightbottomleft, maplightbottomright))
goto out;
// 3D floor is completely within this light
if (maplightbottomleft<=zbottom[0] && maplightbottomright<=zbottom[1])
Put3DWall(di, &lightlist[i], translucent);
goto out;
if (maplightbottomleft<=ztop[0] && maplightbottomright<=ztop[1] &&
(maplightbottomleft!=ztop[0] || maplightbottomright!=ztop[1]))
GLWall copyWall1 = *this;
copyWall1.flags |= GLWF_NOSPLITLOWER;
copyWall1.Put3DWall(di, &lightlist[i], translucent);
if (ztop[0]==zbottom[0] && ztop[1]==zbottom[1])
goto out;
Put3DWall(di, &lightlist[lightlist.Size()-1], translucent);
this->lightlist = NULL;
bool GLWall::DoHorizon(HWDrawInfo *di, seg_t * seg,sector_t * fs, vertex_t * v1,vertex_t * v2)
GLHorizonInfo hi;
lightlist_t * light;
// ZDoom doesn't support slopes in a horizon sector so I won't either!
ztop[1] = ztop[0] = fs->GetPlaneTexZ(sector_t::ceiling);
zbottom[1] = zbottom[0] = fs->GetPlaneTexZ(sector_t::floor);
if (r_viewpoint.Pos.Z < fs->GetPlaneTexZ(sector_t::ceiling))
if (r_viewpoint.Pos.Z > fs->GetPlaneTexZ(sector_t::floor))
zbottom[1] = zbottom[0] = r_viewpoint.Pos.Z;
if (fs->GetTexture(sector_t::ceiling) == skyflatnum)
SkyPlane(di, fs, sector_t::ceiling, false);
hi.plane.GetFromSector(fs, sector_t::ceiling);
hi.lightlevel = hw_ClampLight(fs->GetCeilingLight());
hi.colormap = fs->Colormap;
hi.specialcolor = fs->SpecialColors[sector_t::ceiling];
if (fs->e->XFloor.ffloors.Size())
light = P_GetPlaneLight(fs, &fs->ceilingplane, true);
if(!(fs->GetFlags(sector_t::ceiling)&PLANEF_ABSLIGHTING)) hi.lightlevel = hw_ClampLight(*light->p_lightlevel);
if (di->FixedColormap) hi.colormap.Clear();
horizon = &hi;
ztop[1] = ztop[0] = zbottom[0];
if (r_viewpoint.Pos.Z > fs->GetPlaneTexZ(sector_t::floor))
zbottom[1] = zbottom[0] = fs->GetPlaneTexZ(sector_t::floor);
if (fs->GetTexture(sector_t::floor) == skyflatnum)
SkyPlane(di, fs, sector_t::floor, false);
hi.plane.GetFromSector(fs, sector_t::floor);
hi.lightlevel = hw_ClampLight(fs->GetFloorLight());
hi.colormap = fs->Colormap;
hi.specialcolor = fs->SpecialColors[sector_t::floor];
if (fs->e->XFloor.ffloors.Size())
light = P_GetPlaneLight(fs, &fs->floorplane, false);
if(!(fs->GetFlags(sector_t::floor)&PLANEF_ABSLIGHTING)) hi.lightlevel = hw_ClampLight(*light->p_lightlevel);
if (di->FixedColormap) hi.colormap.Clear();
horizon = &hi;
return true;
bool GLWall::SetWallCoordinates(seg_t * seg, FTexCoordInfo *tci, float texturetop,
float topleft, float topright, float bottomleft, float bottomright, float t_ofs)
// set up texture coordinate stuff
float l_ul;
float texlength;
if (gltexture)
float length = seg->sidedef ? seg->sidedef->TexelLength : Dist2(glseg.x1, glseg.y1, glseg.x2, glseg.y2);
l_ul = tci->FloatToTexU(tci->TextureOffset(t_ofs));
texlength = tci->FloatToTexU(length);
tci = NULL;
l_ul = 0;
texlength = 0;
// set up coordinates for the left side of the polygon
// check left side for intersections
if (topleft >= bottomleft)
// normal case
ztop[0] = topleft;
zbottom[0] = bottomleft;
if (tci)
tcs[UPLFT].v = tci->FloatToTexV(-ztop[0] + texturetop);
tcs[LOLFT].v = tci->FloatToTexV(-zbottom[0] + texturetop);
// ceiling below floor - clip to the visible part of the wall
float dch = topright - topleft;
float dfh = bottomright - bottomleft;
float inter_x = (bottomleft - topleft) / (dch - dfh);
float inter_y = topleft + inter_x * dch;
glseg.x1 = glseg.x1 + inter_x * (glseg.x2 - glseg.x1);
glseg.y1 = glseg.y1 + inter_x * (glseg.y2 - glseg.y1);
glseg.fracleft = inter_x;
zbottom[0] = ztop[0] = inter_y;
if (tci)
tcs[LOLFT].v = tcs[UPLFT].v = tci->FloatToTexV(-ztop[0] + texturetop);
// set up coordinates for the right side of the polygon
// check left side for intersections
if (topright >= bottomright)
// normal case
ztop[1] = topright;
zbottom[1] = bottomright;
if (tci)
tcs[UPRGT].v = tci->FloatToTexV(-ztop[1] + texturetop);
tcs[LORGT].v = tci->FloatToTexV(-zbottom[1] + texturetop);
// ceiling below floor - clip to the visible part of the wall
float dch = topright - topleft;
float dfh = bottomright - bottomleft;
float inter_x = (bottomleft - topleft) / (dch - dfh);
float inter_y = topleft + inter_x * dch;
glseg.x2 = glseg.x1 + inter_x * (glseg.x2 - glseg.x1);
glseg.y2 = glseg.y1 + inter_x * (glseg.y2 - glseg.y1);
glseg.fracright = inter_x;
zbottom[1] = ztop[1] = inter_y;
if (tci)
tcs[LORGT].v = tcs[UPRGT].v = tci->FloatToTexV(-ztop[1] + texturetop);
tcs[UPLFT].u = tcs[LOLFT].u = l_ul + texlength * glseg.fracleft;
tcs[UPRGT].u = tcs[LORGT].u = l_ul + texlength * glseg.fracright;
if (gltexture != NULL)
bool normalize = false;
if (gltexture->tex->bHasCanvas) normalize = true;
else if (flags & GLWF_CLAMPY)
// for negative scales we can get negative coordinates here.
normalize = (tcs[UPLFT].v > tcs[LOLFT].v || tcs[UPRGT].v > tcs[LORGT].v);
if (normalize)
// we have to shift the y-coordinate from [-1..0] to [0..1] when using texture clamping with a negative scale
tcs[UPLFT].v += 1.f;
tcs[UPRGT].v += 1.f;
tcs[LOLFT].v += 1.f;
tcs[LORGT].v += 1.f;
return true;
// Do some tweaks with the texture coordinates to reduce visual glitches
void GLWall::CheckTexturePosition(FTexCoordInfo *tci)
float sub;
if (gltexture->tex->bHasCanvas) return;
// clamp texture coordinates to a reasonable range.
// Extremely large values can cause visual problems
if (tci->mScale.Y > 0)
if (tcs[UPLFT].v < tcs[UPRGT].v)
sub = float(xs_FloorToInt(tcs[UPLFT].v));
sub = float(xs_FloorToInt(tcs[UPRGT].v));
tcs[UPLFT].v -= sub;
tcs[UPRGT].v -= sub;
tcs[LOLFT].v -= sub;
tcs[LORGT].v -= sub;
if ((tcs[UPLFT].v == 0.f && tcs[UPRGT].v == 0.f && tcs[LOLFT].v <= 1.f && tcs[LORGT].v <= 1.f) ||
(tcs[UPLFT].v >= 0.f && tcs[UPRGT].v >= 0.f && tcs[LOLFT].v == 1.f && tcs[LORGT].v == 1.f))
flags |= GLWF_CLAMPY;
if (tcs[LOLFT].v < tcs[LORGT].v)
sub = float(xs_FloorToInt(tcs[LOLFT].v));
sub = float(xs_FloorToInt(tcs[LORGT].v));
tcs[UPLFT].v -= sub;
tcs[UPRGT].v -= sub;
tcs[LOLFT].v -= sub;
tcs[LORGT].v -= sub;
if ((tcs[LOLFT].v == 0.f && tcs[LORGT].v == 0.f && tcs[UPLFT].v <= 1.f && tcs[UPRGT].v <= 1.f) ||
(tcs[LOLFT].v >= 0.f && tcs[LORGT].v >= 0.f && tcs[UPLFT].v == 1.f && tcs[UPRGT].v == 1.f))
flags |= GLWF_CLAMPY;
// Check if this is marked as a skybox and if so, do the same for x.
// This intentionally only tests the seg's frontsector.
if (seg->frontsector->special == GLSector_Skybox)
sub = (float)xs_FloorToInt(tcs[UPLFT].u);
tcs[UPLFT].u -= sub;
tcs[UPRGT].u -= sub;
tcs[LOLFT].u -= sub;
tcs[LORGT].u -= sub;
if ((tcs[UPLFT].u == 0.f && tcs[LOLFT].u == 0.f && tcs[UPRGT].u <= 1.f && tcs[LORGT].u <= 1.f) ||
(tcs[UPLFT].u >= 0.f && tcs[LOLFT].u >= 0.f && tcs[UPRGT].u == 1.f && tcs[LORGT].u == 1.f))
flags |= GLWF_CLAMPX;
// Handle one sided walls, upper and lower texture
void GLWall::DoTexture(HWDrawInfo *di, int _type,seg_t * seg, int peg,
float ceilingrefheight,float floorrefheight,
float topleft,float topright,
float bottomleft,float bottomright,
float v_offset)
if (topleft<=bottomleft && topright<=bottomright) return;
// The Vertex values can be destroyed in this function and must be restored aferward!
GLSeg glsave=glseg;
float flh=ceilingrefheight-floorrefheight;
int texpos;
uint8_t savedflags = flags;
switch (_type)
texpos = side_t::top;
texpos = side_t::bottom;
texpos = side_t::mid;
FTexCoordInfo tci;
gltexture->GetTexCoordInfo(&tci, seg->sidedef, texpos);
type = _type;
float floatceilingref = ceilingrefheight + tci.RowOffset(seg->sidedef->GetTextureYOffset(texpos));
if (peg) floatceilingref += tci.mRenderHeight - flh - v_offset;
if (!SetWallCoordinates(seg, &tci, floatceilingref, topleft, topright, bottomleft, bottomright,
seg->sidedef->GetTextureXOffset(texpos))) return;
if (seg->linedef->special == Line_Mirror && _type == RENDERWALL_M1S && gl_mirrors)
// Add this wall to the render list
sector_t * sec = sub ? sub->sector : seg->frontsector;
if (sec->e->XFloor.lightlist.Size()==0 || di->FixedColormap) PutWall(di, false);
else SplitWall(di, sec, false);
glseg = glsave;
flags = savedflags;
void GLWall::DoMidTexture(HWDrawInfo *di, seg_t * seg, bool drawfogboundary,
sector_t * front, sector_t * back,
sector_t * realfront, sector_t * realback,
float fch1, float fch2, float ffh1, float ffh2,
float bch1, float bch2, float bfh1, float bfh2)
FTexCoordInfo tci;
float topleft,bottomleft,topright,bottomright;
GLSeg glsave=glseg;
float texturetop, texturebottom;
bool wrap = (seg->linedef->flags&ML_WRAP_MIDTEX) || (seg->sidedef->Flags&WALLF_WRAP_MIDTEX);
bool mirrory = false;
// Get the base coordinates for the texture
if (gltexture)
// Align the texture to the ORIGINAL sector's height!!
// At this point slopes don't matter because they don't affect the texture's z-position
gltexture->GetTexCoordInfo(&tci, seg->sidedef, side_t::mid);
if (tci.mRenderHeight < 0)
mirrory = true;
tci.mRenderHeight = -tci.mRenderHeight;
tci.mScale.Y = -tci.mScale.Y;
float rowoffset = tci.RowOffset(seg->sidedef->GetTextureYOffset(side_t::mid));
if ((seg->linedef->flags & ML_DONTPEGBOTTOM) >0)
texturebottom = MAX(realfront->GetPlaneTexZ(sector_t::floor), realback->GetPlaneTexZ(sector_t::floor)) + rowoffset;
texturetop = texturebottom + tci.mRenderHeight;
texturetop = MIN(realfront->GetPlaneTexZ(sector_t::ceiling), realback->GetPlaneTexZ(sector_t::ceiling)) + rowoffset;
texturebottom = texturetop - tci.mRenderHeight;
else texturetop=texturebottom=0;
// Depending on missing textures and possible plane intersections
// decide which planes to use for the polygon
if (realfront!=realback || drawfogboundary || wrap || realfront->GetHeightSec())
// Set up the top
FTexture * tex = TexMan(seg->sidedef->GetTexture(side_t::top));
if (!tex || tex->UseType==ETextureType::Null)
if (front->GetTexture(sector_t::ceiling) == skyflatnum &&
back->GetTexture(sector_t::ceiling) == skyflatnum)
// intra-sky lines do not clip the texture at all if there's no upper texture
topleft = topright = wrap ? 1e16f : texturetop;
// texture is missing - use the higher plane
topleft = MAX(bch1,fch1);
topright = MAX(bch2,fch2);
else if ((bch1>fch1 || bch2>fch2) &&
(seg->frontsector->GetTexture(sector_t::ceiling)!=skyflatnum || seg->backsector->GetTexture(sector_t::ceiling)==skyflatnum))
// (!((bch1<=fch1 && bch2<=fch2) || (bch1>=fch1 && bch2>=fch2)))
// Use the higher plane and let the geometry clip the extruding part
topleft = bch1;
topright = bch2;
// But not if there can be visual artifacts.
topleft = MIN(bch1,fch1);
topright = MIN(bch2,fch2);
// Set up the bottom
tex = TexMan(seg->sidedef->GetTexture(side_t::bottom));
if (!tex || tex->UseType==ETextureType::Null)
// texture is missing - use the lower plane
bottomleft = MIN(bfh1,ffh1);
bottomright = MIN(bfh2,ffh2);
else if (bfh1<ffh1 || bfh2<ffh2) // (!((bfh1<=ffh1 && bfh2<=ffh2) || (bfh1>=ffh1 && bfh2>=ffh2)))
// the floor planes intersect. Use the backsector's floor for drawing so that
// drawing the front sector's plane clips the polygon automatically.
bottomleft = bfh1;
bottomright = bfh2;
// normal case - use the higher plane
bottomleft = MAX(bfh1,ffh1);
bottomright = MAX(bfh2,ffh2);
// if we don't need a fog sheet let's clip away some unnecessary parts of the polygon
if (!drawfogboundary && !wrap)
if (texturetop<topleft && texturetop<topright) topleft=topright=texturetop;
if (texturebottom>bottomleft && texturebottom>bottomright) bottomleft=bottomright=texturebottom;
// if both sides of the line are in the same sector and the sector
// doesn't have a Transfer_Heights special don't clip to the planes
// Clipping to the planes is not necessary and can even produce
// unwanted side effects.
// nothing visible - skip the rest
if (topleft<=bottomleft && topright<=bottomright) return;
// set up texture coordinate stuff
float t_ofs = seg->sidedef->GetTextureXOffset(side_t::mid);
if (gltexture)
// First adjust the texture offset so that the left edge of the linedef is inside the range [0..1].
float texwidth = tci.TextureAdjustWidth();
if (t_ofs >= 0)
float div = t_ofs / texwidth;
t_ofs = (div - xs_FloorToInt(div)) * texwidth;
float div = (-t_ofs) / texwidth;
t_ofs = texwidth - (div - xs_FloorToInt(div)) * texwidth;
// Now check whether the linedef is completely within the texture range of [0..1].
// If so we should use horizontal texture clamping to prevent filtering artifacts
// at the edges.
float textureoffset = tci.TextureOffset(t_ofs);
int righttex = int(textureoffset) + seg->sidedef->TexelLength;
if ((textureoffset == 0 && righttex <= tci.mRenderWidth) ||
(textureoffset >= 0 && righttex == tci.mRenderWidth))
flags |= GLWF_CLAMPX;
flags &= ~GLWF_CLAMPX;
if (!wrap)
flags |= GLWF_CLAMPY;
if (mirrory)
tci.mRenderHeight = -tci.mRenderHeight;
tci.mScale.Y = -tci.mScale.Y;
SetWallCoordinates(seg, &tci, texturetop, topleft, topright, bottomleft, bottomright, t_ofs);
// draw fog sheet if required
if (drawfogboundary)
FMaterial *savetex = gltexture;
gltexture = NULL;
PutWall(di, true);
if (!savetex)
gltexture = savetex;
else type=RENDERWALL_M2S;
// set up alpha blending
if (seg->linedef->alpha != 0)
bool translucent = false;
switch (seg->linedef->flags& ML_ADDTRANS)//TRANSBITS)
case 0:
alpha = seg->linedef->alpha;
translucent =alpha < 1. || (gltexture && gltexture->tex->GetTranslucency());
alpha = seg->linedef->alpha;
// for textures with large empty areas only the visible parts are drawn.
// If these textures come too close to the camera they severely affect performance
// if stacked closely together
// Recognizing vertical gaps is rather simple and well worth the effort.
FloatRect *splitrect;
int v = gltexture->GetAreas(&splitrect);
if (seg->frontsector == seg->backsector) flags |= GLWF_NOSPLIT; // we don't need to do vertex splits if a line has both sides in the same sector
if (v>0 && !drawfogboundary && !(seg->linedef->flags&ML_WRAP_MIDTEX))
// split the poly!
int i,t=0;
float v_factor=(zbottom[0]-ztop[0])/(tcs[LOLFT].v-tcs[UPLFT].v);
// only split the vertical area of the polygon that does not contain slopes.
float splittopv = MAX(tcs[UPLFT].v, tcs[UPRGT].v);
float splitbotv = MIN(tcs[LOLFT].v, tcs[LORGT].v);
// this is split vertically into sections.
// the current segment is below the bottom line of the splittable area
// (IOW. the whole wall has been done)
if (splitrect[i].top>=splitbotv) break;
float splitbot=splitrect[i].top+splitrect[i].height;
// the current segment is above the top line of the splittable area
if (splitbot<=splittopv) continue;
GLWall split = *this;
// the top line of the current segment is inside the splittable area
// use the splitrect's top as top of this segment
// if not use the top of the remaining polygon
if (splitrect[i].top>splittopv)
split.ztop[0]=split.ztop[1]= ztop[0]+v_factor*(splitrect[i].top-tcs[UPLFT].v);
// the bottom line of the current segment is inside the splittable area
// use the splitrect's bottom as bottom of this segment
// if not use the bottom of the remaining polygon
if (splitbot<=splitbotv)
// Draw the stuff
if (front->e->XFloor.lightlist.Size()==0 || di->FixedColormap) split.PutWall(di, translucent);
else split.SplitWall(di, front, translucent);
// Draw the stuff without splitting
if (front->e->XFloor.lightlist.Size()==0 || di->FixedColormap) PutWall(di, translucent);
else SplitWall(di, front, translucent);
// restore some values that have been altered in this function
RenderStyle = STYLE_Normal;
void GLWall::BuildFFBlock(HWDrawInfo *di, seg_t * seg, F3DFloor * rover,
float ff_topleft, float ff_topright,
float ff_bottomleft, float ff_bottomright)
side_t * mastersd = rover->master->sidedef[0];
float to;
lightlist_t * light;
bool translucent;
int savelight = lightlevel;
FColormap savecolor = Colormap;
float ul;
float texlength;
FTexCoordInfo tci;
if (rover->flags&FF_FOG)
if (!di->FixedColormap)
// this may not yet be done
light = P_GetPlaneLight(rover->target, rover->top.plane, true);
Colormap.LightColor = light->extra_colormap.FadeColor;
// the fog plane defines the light level, not the front sector
lightlevel = hw_ClampLight(*light->p_lightlevel);
gltexture = NULL;
else return;
if (rover->flags&FF_UPPERTEXTURE)
gltexture = FMaterial::ValidateTexture(seg->sidedef->GetTexture(side_t::top), false, true);
if (!gltexture) return;
gltexture->GetTexCoordInfo(&tci, seg->sidedef, side_t::top);
else if (rover->flags&FF_LOWERTEXTURE)
gltexture = FMaterial::ValidateTexture(seg->sidedef->GetTexture(side_t::bottom), false, true);
if (!gltexture) return;
gltexture->GetTexCoordInfo(&tci, seg->sidedef, side_t::bottom);
gltexture = FMaterial::ValidateTexture(mastersd->GetTexture(side_t::mid), false, true);
if (!gltexture) return;
gltexture->GetTexCoordInfo(&tci, mastersd, side_t::mid);
to = (rover->flags&(FF_UPPERTEXTURE | FF_LOWERTEXTURE)) ? 0 : tci.TextureOffset(mastersd->GetTextureXOffset(side_t::mid));
ul = tci.FloatToTexU(to + tci.TextureOffset(seg->sidedef->GetTextureXOffset(side_t::mid)));
texlength = tci.FloatToTexU(seg->sidedef->TexelLength);
tcs[UPLFT].u = tcs[LOLFT].u = ul + texlength * glseg.fracleft;
tcs[UPRGT].u = tcs[LORGT].u = ul + texlength * glseg.fracright;
float rowoffset = tci.RowOffset(seg->sidedef->GetTextureYOffset(side_t::mid));
to = (rover->flags&(FF_UPPERTEXTURE | FF_LOWERTEXTURE)) ?
0.f : tci.RowOffset(mastersd->GetTextureYOffset(side_t::mid));
to += rowoffset + rover->top.model->GetPlaneTexZ(rover->top.isceiling);
tcs[UPLFT].v = tci.FloatToTexV(to - ff_topleft);
tcs[UPRGT].v = tci.FloatToTexV(to - ff_topright);
tcs[LOLFT].v = tci.FloatToTexV(to - ff_bottomleft);
tcs[LORGT].v = tci.FloatToTexV(to - ff_bottomright);
ztop[0] = ff_topleft;
ztop[1] = ff_topright;
zbottom[0] = ff_bottomleft;//-0.001f;
zbottom[1] = ff_bottomright;
alpha = rover->alpha / 255.0f;
RenderStyle = (rover->flags&FF_ADDITIVETRANS) ? STYLE_Add : STYLE_Translucent;
translucent = true;
alpha = 1.0f;
RenderStyle = STYLE_Normal;
translucent = false;
sector_t * sec = sub ? sub->sector : seg->frontsector;
if (sec->e->XFloor.lightlist.Size() == 0 || di->FixedColormap) PutWall(di, translucent);
else SplitWall(di, sec, translucent);
alpha = 1.0f;
lightlevel = savelight;
Colormap = savecolor;
flags &= ~GLWF_CLAMPY;
__forceinline void GLWall::GetPlanePos(F3DFloor::planeref *planeref, float &left, float &right)
void GLWall::InverseFloors(HWDrawInfo *di, seg_t * seg, sector_t * frontsector,
float topleft, float topright,
float bottomleft, float bottomright)
TArray<F3DFloor *> & frontffloors = frontsector->e->XFloor.ffloors;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < frontffloors.Size(); i++)
F3DFloor * rover = frontffloors[i];
if (rover->flags & FF_THISINSIDE) continue; // only relevant for software rendering.
if (!(rover->flags&FF_EXISTS)) continue;
if (!(rover->flags&FF_RENDERSIDES)) continue;
if (!(rover->flags&(FF_INVERTSIDES | FF_ALLSIDES))) continue;
float ff_topleft;
float ff_topright;
float ff_bottomleft;
float ff_bottomright;
GetPlanePos(&rover->top, ff_topleft, ff_topright);
GetPlanePos(&rover->bottom, ff_bottomleft, ff_bottomright);
// above ceiling
if (ff_bottomleft > topleft && ff_bottomright > topright) continue;
if (ff_topleft > topleft && ff_topright > topright)
// the new section overlaps with the previous one - clip it!
ff_topleft = topleft;
ff_topright = topright;
if (ff_bottomleft < bottomleft && ff_bottomright < bottomright)
ff_bottomleft = bottomleft;
ff_bottomright = bottomright;
if (ff_topleft < ff_bottomleft || ff_topright < ff_bottomright) continue;
BuildFFBlock(di, seg, rover, ff_topleft, ff_topright, ff_bottomleft, ff_bottomright);
topleft = ff_bottomleft;
topright = ff_bottomright;
if (topleft <= bottomleft && topright <= bottomright) return;
void GLWall::ClipFFloors(HWDrawInfo *di, seg_t * seg, F3DFloor * ffloor, sector_t * frontsector,
float topleft, float topright,
float bottomleft, float bottomright)
TArray<F3DFloor *> & frontffloors = frontsector->e->XFloor.ffloors;
const unsigned int flags = ffloor->flags & (FF_SWIMMABLE | FF_TRANSLUCENT);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < frontffloors.Size(); i++)
F3DFloor * rover = frontffloors[i];
if (rover->flags & FF_THISINSIDE) continue; // only relevant for software rendering.
if (!(rover->flags&FF_EXISTS)) continue;
if (!(rover->flags&FF_RENDERSIDES)) continue;
if ((rover->flags&(FF_SWIMMABLE | FF_TRANSLUCENT)) != flags) continue;
float ff_topleft;
float ff_topright;
float ff_bottomleft;
float ff_bottomright;
GetPlanePos(&rover->top, ff_topleft, ff_topright);
// we are completely below the bottom so unless there are some
// (unsupported) intersections there won't be any more floors that
// could clip this one.
if (ff_topleft < bottomleft && ff_topright < bottomright) goto done;
GetPlanePos(&rover->bottom, ff_bottomleft, ff_bottomright);
// above top line?
if (ff_bottomleft > topleft && ff_bottomright > topright) continue;
// overlapping the top line
if (ff_topleft >= topleft && ff_topright >= topright)
// overlapping with the entire range
if (ff_bottomleft <= bottomleft && ff_bottomright <= bottomright) return;
else if (ff_bottomleft > bottomleft && ff_bottomright > bottomright)
topleft = ff_bottomleft;
topright = ff_bottomright;
// an intersecting case.
// proper handling requires splitting but
// I don't need this right now.
else if (ff_topleft <= topleft && ff_topright <= topright)
BuildFFBlock(di, seg, ffloor, topleft, topright, ff_topleft, ff_topright);
if (ff_bottomleft <= bottomleft && ff_bottomright <= bottomright) return;
topleft = ff_bottomleft;
topright = ff_bottomright;
// an intersecting case.
// proper handling requires splitting but
// I don't need this right now.
// if the program reaches here there is one block left to draw
BuildFFBlock(di, seg, ffloor, topleft, topright, bottomleft, bottomright);
void GLWall::DoFFloorBlocks(HWDrawInfo *di, seg_t * seg, sector_t * frontsector, sector_t * backsector,
float fch1, float fch2, float ffh1, float ffh2,
float bch1, float bch2, float bfh1, float bfh2)
TArray<F3DFloor *> & backffloors = backsector->e->XFloor.ffloors;
float topleft, topright, bottomleft, bottomright;
bool renderedsomething = false;
// if the ceilings intersect use the backsector's height because this sector's ceiling will
// obstruct the redundant parts.
if (fch1 < bch1 && fch2 < bch2)
topleft = fch1;
topright = fch2;
topleft = bch1;
topright = bch2;
if (ffh1 > bfh1 && ffh2 > bfh2)
bottomleft = ffh1;
bottomright = ffh2;
bottomleft = bfh1;
bottomright = bfh2;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < backffloors.Size(); i++)
F3DFloor * rover = backffloors[i];
if (rover->flags & FF_THISINSIDE) continue; // only relevant for software rendering.
if (!(rover->flags&FF_EXISTS)) continue;
if (!(rover->flags&FF_RENDERSIDES) || (rover->flags&FF_INVERTSIDES)) continue;
float ff_topleft;
float ff_topright;
float ff_bottomleft;
float ff_bottomright;
GetPlanePos(&rover->top, ff_topleft, ff_topright);
GetPlanePos(&rover->bottom, ff_bottomleft, ff_bottomright);
// completely above ceiling
if (ff_bottomleft > topleft && ff_bottomright > topright && !renderedsomething) continue;
if (ff_topleft > topleft && ff_topright > topright)
// the new section overlaps with the previous one - clip it!
ff_topleft = topleft;
ff_topright = topright;
// do all inverse floors above the current one it there is a gap between the
// last 3D floor and this one.
if (topleft > ff_topleft && topright > ff_topright)
InverseFloors(di, seg, frontsector, topleft, topright, ff_topleft, ff_topright);
// if translucent or liquid clip away adjoining parts of the same type of FFloors on the other side
if (rover->flags&(FF_SWIMMABLE | FF_TRANSLUCENT))
ClipFFloors(di, seg, rover, frontsector, ff_topleft, ff_topright, ff_bottomleft, ff_bottomright);
BuildFFBlock(di, seg, rover, ff_topleft, ff_topright, ff_bottomleft, ff_bottomright);
topleft = ff_bottomleft;
topright = ff_bottomright;
renderedsomething = true;
if (topleft <= bottomleft && topright <= bottomright) return;
// draw all inverse floors below the lowest one
if (frontsector->e->XFloor.ffloors.Size() > 0)
if (topleft > bottomleft || topright > bottomright)
InverseFloors(di, seg, frontsector, topleft, topright, bottomleft, bottomright);
void GLWall::Process(HWDrawInfo *di, seg_t *seg, sector_t * frontsector, sector_t * backsector)
vertex_t * v1, *v2;
float fch1;
float ffh1;
float fch2;
float ffh2;
float frefz, crefz;
sector_t * realfront;
sector_t * realback;
sector_t * segfront;
sector_t * segback;
#ifdef _DEBUG
if (seg->linedef->Index() == 10)
int a = 0;
// note: we always have a valid sidedef and linedef reference when getting here.
this->seg = seg;
vertindex = 0;
vertcount = 0;
if ((seg->sidedef->Flags & WALLF_POLYOBJ) && seg->backsector)
// Textures on 2-sided polyobjects are aligned to the actual seg's sectors
segfront = realfront = seg->frontsector;
segback = realback = seg->backsector;
// Need these for aligning the textures
realfront = &level.sectors[frontsector->sectornum];
realback = backsector ? &level.sectors[backsector->sectornum] : NULL;
segfront = frontsector;
segback = backsector;
frefz = realfront->GetPlaneTexZ(sector_t::floor);
crefz = realfront->GetPlaneTexZ(sector_t::ceiling);
if (seg->sidedef == seg->linedef->sidedef[0])
v1 = seg->linedef->v1;
v2 = seg->linedef->v2;
v1 = seg->linedef->v2;
v2 = seg->linedef->v1;
if (!(seg->sidedef->Flags & WALLF_POLYOBJ))
glseg.fracleft = 0;
glseg.fracright = 1;
if (gl_seamless)
if (v1->dirty) v1->RecalcVertexHeights();
if (v2->dirty) v2->RecalcVertexHeights();
else // polyobjects must be rendered per seg.
if (fabs(v1->fX() - v2->fX()) > fabs(v1->fY() - v2->fY()))
glseg.fracleft = (seg->v1->fX() - v1->fX()) / (v2->fX() - v1->fX());
glseg.fracright = (seg->v2->fX() - v1->fX()) / float(v2->fX() - v1->fX());
glseg.fracleft = (seg->v1->fY() - v1->fY()) / (v2->fY() - v1->fY());
glseg.fracright = (seg->v2->fY() - v1->fY()) / (v2->fY() - v1->fY());
v1 = seg->v1;
v2 = seg->v2;
vertexes[0] = v1;
vertexes[1] = v2;
glseg.x1 = v1->fX();
glseg.y1 = v1->fY();
glseg.x2 = v2->fX();
glseg.y2 = v2->fY();
Colormap = frontsector->Colormap;
flags = 0;
dynlightindex = -1;
lightlist = NULL;
int rel = 0;
int orglightlevel = hw_ClampLight(frontsector->lightlevel);
bool foggy = (!Colormap.FadeColor.isBlack() || level.flags&LEVEL_HASFADETABLE); // fog disables fake contrast
lightlevel = hw_ClampLight(seg->sidedef->GetLightLevel(foggy, orglightlevel, false, &rel));
if (orglightlevel >= 253) // with the software renderer fake contrast won't be visible above this.
rellight = 0;
else if (lightlevel - rel > 256) // the brighter part of fake contrast will be clamped so also clamp the darker part by the same amount for better looks
rellight = 256 - lightlevel + rel;
rellight = rel;
alpha = 1.0f;
RenderStyle = STYLE_Normal;
gltexture = NULL;
if (frontsector->GetWallGlow(topglowcolor, bottomglowcolor)) flags |= GLWF_GLOW;
topplane = frontsector->ceilingplane;
bottomplane = frontsector->floorplane;
zfloor[0] = ffh1 = segfront->floorplane.ZatPoint(v1);
zfloor[1] = ffh2 = segfront->floorplane.ZatPoint(v2);
zceil[0] = fch1 = segfront->ceilingplane.ZatPoint(v1);
zceil[1] = fch2 = segfront->ceilingplane.ZatPoint(v2);
if (seg->linedef->special == Line_Horizon)
SkyNormal(di, frontsector, v1, v2);
DoHorizon(di, seg, frontsector, v1, v2);
// [GZ] 3D middle textures are necessarily two-sided, even if they lack the explicit two-sided flag
if (!backsector || !(seg->linedef->flags&(ML_TWOSIDED | ML_3DMIDTEX))) // one sided
// sector's sky
SkyNormal(di, frontsector, v1, v2);
if (seg->linedef->isVisualPortal())
lineportal = seg->linedef->getPortal()->mGroup;
ztop[0] = zceil[0];
ztop[1] = zceil[1];
zbottom[0] = zfloor[0];
zbottom[1] = zfloor[1];
else if (seg->linedef->GetTransferredPortal())
SkyLine(di, frontsector, seg->linedef);
// normal texture
gltexture = FMaterial::ValidateTexture(seg->sidedef->GetTexture(side_t::mid), false, true);
if (gltexture)
DoTexture(di, RENDERWALL_M1S, seg, (seg->linedef->flags & ML_DONTPEGBOTTOM) > 0,
crefz, frefz, // must come from the original!
fch1, fch2, ffh1, ffh2, 0);
else // two sided
float bfh1 = segback->floorplane.ZatPoint(v1);
float bfh2 = segback->floorplane.ZatPoint(v2);
float bch1 = segback->ceilingplane.ZatPoint(v1);
float bch2 = segback->ceilingplane.ZatPoint(v2);
SkyTop(di, seg, frontsector, backsector, v1, v2);
SkyBottom(di, seg, frontsector, backsector, v1, v2);
// upper texture
if (frontsector->GetTexture(sector_t::ceiling) != skyflatnum || backsector->GetTexture(sector_t::ceiling) != skyflatnum)
float bch1a = bch1, bch2a = bch2;
if (frontsector->GetTexture(sector_t::floor) != skyflatnum || backsector->GetTexture(sector_t::floor) != skyflatnum)
// the back sector's floor obstructs part of this wall
if (ffh1 > bch1 && ffh2 > bch2)
bch2a = ffh2;
bch1a = ffh1;
if (bch1a < fch1 || bch2a < fch2)
gltexture = FMaterial::ValidateTexture(seg->sidedef->GetTexture(side_t::top), false, true);
if (gltexture)
DoTexture(di, RENDERWALL_TOP, seg, (seg->linedef->flags & (ML_DONTPEGTOP)) == 0,
crefz, realback->GetPlaneTexZ(sector_t::ceiling),
fch1, fch2, bch1a, bch2a, 0);
else if (!(seg->sidedef->Flags & WALLF_POLYOBJ))
if ((frontsector->ceilingplane.isSlope() || backsector->ceilingplane.isSlope()) &&
frontsector->GetTexture(sector_t::ceiling) != skyflatnum &&
backsector->GetTexture(sector_t::ceiling) != skyflatnum)
gltexture = FMaterial::ValidateTexture(frontsector->GetTexture(sector_t::ceiling), false, true);
if (gltexture)
DoTexture(di, RENDERWALL_TOP, seg, (seg->linedef->flags & (ML_DONTPEGTOP)) == 0,
crefz, realback->GetPlaneTexZ(sector_t::ceiling),
fch1, fch2, bch1a, bch2a, 0);
// skip processing if the back is a malformed subsector
if (seg->PartnerSeg != NULL && !(seg->PartnerSeg->Subsector->hacked & 4))
di->AddUpperMissingTexture(seg->sidedef, sub, bch1a);
/* mid texture */
bool isportal = seg->linedef->isVisualPortal() && seg->sidedef == seg->linedef->sidedef[0];
sector_t *backsec = isportal? seg->linedef->getPortalDestination()->frontsector : backsector;
bool drawfogboundary = di->FixedColormap == CM_DEFAULT && hw_CheckFog(frontsector, backsec);
FTexture *tex = TexMan(seg->sidedef->GetTexture(side_t::mid));
if (tex != NULL)
if (i_compatflags & COMPATF_MASKEDMIDTEX)
tex = tex->GetRawTexture();
gltexture = FMaterial::ValidateTexture(tex, false);
else gltexture = NULL;
if (gltexture || drawfogboundary)
DoMidTexture(di, seg, drawfogboundary, frontsector, backsector, realfront, realback,
fch1, fch2, ffh1, ffh2, bch1, bch2, bfh1, bfh2);
if (isportal)
lineportal = seg->linedef->getPortal()->mGroup;
ztop[0] = bch1;
ztop[1] = bch2;
zbottom[0] = bfh1;
zbottom[1] = bfh2;
else if (backsector->e->XFloor.ffloors.Size() || frontsector->e->XFloor.ffloors.Size())
DoFFloorBlocks(di, seg, frontsector, backsector, fch1, fch2, ffh1, ffh2, bch1, bch2, bfh1, bfh2);
/* bottom texture */
// the back sector's ceiling obstructs part of this wall (specially important for sky sectors)
if (fch1 < bfh1 && fch2 < bfh2)
bfh1 = fch1;
bfh2 = fch2;
if (bfh1 > ffh1 || bfh2 > ffh2)
gltexture = FMaterial::ValidateTexture(seg->sidedef->GetTexture(side_t::bottom), false, true);
if (gltexture)
DoTexture(di, RENDERWALL_BOTTOM, seg, (seg->linedef->flags & ML_DONTPEGBOTTOM) > 0,
realback->GetPlaneTexZ(sector_t::floor), frefz,
bfh1, bfh2, ffh1, ffh2,
frontsector->GetTexture(sector_t::ceiling) == skyflatnum && backsector->GetTexture(sector_t::ceiling) == skyflatnum ?
frefz - realback->GetPlaneTexZ(sector_t::ceiling) :
frefz - crefz);
else if (!(seg->sidedef->Flags & WALLF_POLYOBJ))
if ((frontsector->floorplane.isSlope() || backsector->floorplane.isSlope()) &&
frontsector->GetTexture(sector_t::floor) != skyflatnum &&
backsector->GetTexture(sector_t::floor) != skyflatnum)
// render it anyway with the sector's floor texture. With a background sky
// there are ugly holes otherwise and slopes are simply not precise enough
// to mach in any case.
gltexture = FMaterial::ValidateTexture(frontsector->GetTexture(sector_t::floor), false, true);
if (gltexture)
DoTexture(di, RENDERWALL_BOTTOM, seg, (seg->linedef->flags & ML_DONTPEGBOTTOM) > 0,
realback->GetPlaneTexZ(sector_t::floor), frefz,
bfh1, bfh2, ffh1, ffh2, frefz - crefz);
else if (backsector->GetTexture(sector_t::floor) != skyflatnum)
// skip processing if the back is a malformed subsector
if (seg->PartnerSeg != NULL && !(seg->PartnerSeg->Subsector->hacked & 4))
di->AddLowerMissingTexture(seg->sidedef, sub, bfh1);
void GLWall::ProcessLowerMiniseg(HWDrawInfo *di, seg_t *seg, sector_t * frontsector, sector_t * backsector)
if (frontsector->GetTexture(sector_t::floor) == skyflatnum) return;
lightlist = NULL;
float ffh = frontsector->GetPlaneTexZ(sector_t::floor);
float bfh = backsector->GetPlaneTexZ(sector_t::floor);
vertindex = 0;
vertcount = 0;
if (bfh > ffh)
this->seg = seg;
this->sub = NULL;
vertex_t * v1 = seg->v1;
vertex_t * v2 = seg->v2;
vertexes[0] = v1;
vertexes[1] = v2;
glseg.x1 = v1->fX();
glseg.y1 = v1->fY();
glseg.x2 = v2->fX();
glseg.y2 = v2->fY();
glseg.fracleft = 0;
glseg.fracright = 1;
flags = 0;
// can't do fake contrast without a sidedef
lightlevel = hw_ClampLight(frontsector->lightlevel);
rellight = 0;
alpha = 1.0f;
RenderStyle = STYLE_Normal;
Colormap = frontsector->Colormap;
if (frontsector->GetWallGlow(topglowcolor, bottomglowcolor)) flags |= GLWF_GLOW;
topplane = frontsector->ceilingplane;
bottomplane = frontsector->floorplane;
dynlightindex = -1;
zfloor[0] = zfloor[1] = ffh;
gltexture = FMaterial::ValidateTexture(frontsector->GetTexture(sector_t::floor), false, true);
if (gltexture)
FTexCoordInfo tci;
gltexture->GetTexCoordInfo(&tci, 1.f, 1.f);
SetWallCoordinates(seg, &tci, bfh, bfh, bfh, ffh, ffh, 0);
PutWall(di, false);