mirror of
synced 2025-03-09 19:01:09 +00:00
This got changed because switching weapons in EndPowerup is not safe - this can be called from weapon states where the player can end up with a different weapon being active than the one running the state. The actual weapon switch has to be delayed until the state processing has ended.
1943 lines
43 KiB
1943 lines
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class PowerupGiver : Inventory
Class<Actor> PowerupType;
int EffectTics; // Non-0 to override the powerup's default tics
color BlendColor; // Non-0 to override the powerup's default blend
Name Mode; // Meaning depends on powerup - used for Invulnerability and Invisibility
double Strength; // Meaning depends on powerup - currently used only by Invisibility
property prefix: Powerup;
property Strength: Strength;
property Mode: Mode;
Inventory.PickupSound "misc/p_pkup";
// APowerupGiver :: Use
override bool Use (bool pickup)
if (PowerupType == NULL) return true; // item is useless
if (Owner == null) return true;
let power = Powerup(Spawn (PowerupType));
if (EffectTics != 0)
power.EffectTics = EffectTics;
if (BlendColor != 0)
if (BlendColor != Powerup.SPECIALCOLORMAP_MASK | 65535) power.BlendColor = BlendColor;
else power.BlendColor = 0;
if (Mode != 'None')
power.Mode = Mode;
if (Strength != 0)
power.Strength = Strength;
power.bAlwaysPickup |= bAlwaysPickup;
power.bAdditiveTime |= bAdditiveTime;
power.bNoTeleportFreeze |= bNoTeleportFreeze;
if (power.CallTryPickup (Owner))
return true;
power.GoAwayAndDie ();
return false;
class Powerup : Inventory
int EffectTics;
color BlendColor;
Name Mode; // Meaning depends on powerup - used for Invulnerability and Invisibility
double Strength; // Meaning depends on powerup - currently used only by Invisibility
int Colormap;
const SPECIALCOLORMAP_MASK = 0x00b60000;
property Strength: Strength;
property Mode: Mode;
// Note, that while this is an inventory flag, it only has meaning on an active powerup.
override bool GetNoTeleportFreeze()
return bNoTeleportFreeze;
// APowerup :: Tick
override void Tick ()
// Powerups cannot exist outside an inventory
if (Owner == NULL)
Destroy ();
if (EffectTics == 0 || (EffectTics > 0 && --EffectTics == 0))
Destroy ();
// APowerup :: HandlePickup
override bool HandlePickup (Inventory item)
if (item.GetClass() == GetClass())
let power = Powerup(item);
if (power.EffectTics == 0)
power.bPickupGood = true;
return true;
// Color gets transferred if the new item has an effect.
// Increase the effect's duration.
if (power.bAdditiveTime)
EffectTics += power.EffectTics;
BlendColor = power.BlendColor;
// If it's not blinking yet, you can't replenish the power unless the
// powerup is required to be picked up.
else if (EffectTics > BLINKTHRESHOLD && !power.bAlwaysPickup)
return true;
// Reset the effect duration.
else if (power.EffectTics > EffectTics)
EffectTics = power.EffectTics;
BlendColor = power.BlendColor;
power.bPickupGood = true;
return true;
return false;
// APowerup :: CreateCopy
override Inventory CreateCopy (Actor other)
// Get the effective effect time.
EffectTics = abs (EffectTics);
// Abuse the Owner field to tell the
// InitEffect method who started it;
// this should be cleared afterwards,
// as this powerup instance is not
// properly attached to anything yet.
Owner = other;
// Actually activate the powerup.
InitEffect ();
// Clear the Owner field, unless it was
// changed by the activation, for example,
// if this instance is a morph powerup;
// the flag tells the caller that the
// ownership has changed so that they
// can properly handle the situation.
if (!bCreateCopyMoved)
Owner = NULL;
// All done.
return self;
// APowerup :: CreateTossable
// Powerups are never droppable, even without IF_UNDROPPABLE set.
override Inventory CreateTossable (int amount)
return NULL;
// APowerup :: InitEffect
virtual void InitEffect()
// initialize this only once instead of recalculating repeatedly.
Colormap = ((BlendColor & 0xFFFF0000) == SPECIALCOLORMAP_MASK)? BlendColor & 0xffff : PlayerInfo.NOFIXEDCOLORMAP;
// APowerup :: DoEffect
override void DoEffect ()
if (Owner == NULL || Owner.player == NULL)
if (EffectTics > 0)
if (Colormap != PlayerInfo.NOFIXEDCOLORMAP)
if (!isBlinking())
Owner.player.fixedcolormap = Colormap;
else if (Owner.player.fixedcolormap == Colormap)
// only unset if the fixed colormap comes from this item
Owner.player.fixedcolormap = PlayerInfo.NOFIXEDCOLORMAP;
// APowerup :: EndEffect
virtual void EndEffect ()
if (colormap != PlayerInfo.NOFIXEDCOLORMAP && Owner && Owner.player && Owner.player.fixedcolormap == colormap)
{ // only unset if the fixed colormap comes from this item
Owner.player.fixedcolormap = PlayerInfo.NOFIXEDCOLORMAP;
// APowerup :: Destroy
override void OnDestroy ()
EndEffect ();
// APowerup :: GetBlend
override color GetBlend ()
if (Colormap != Player.NOFIXEDCOLORMAP) return 0;
if (isBlinking()) return 0;
return BlendColor;
// Inventory :: GetPowerupIcon
// Returns the icon that should be drawn for an active powerup.
virtual clearscope version("2.5") TextureID GetPowerupIcon() const
return Icon;
// APowerup :: isBlinking
virtual clearscope bool isBlinking() const
return (EffectTics <= BLINKTHRESHOLD && (EffectTics & 8) && !bNoScreenBlink);
// APowerup :: OwnerDied
// Powerups don't last beyond death.
override void OwnerDied ()
Destroy ();
// Invulnerable
class PowerInvulnerable : Powerup
Powerup.Duration -30;
inventory.icon "SPSHLD0";
// APowerInvulnerable :: InitEffect
override void InitEffect ()
Owner.bRespawnInvul = false;
Owner.bInvulnerable = true;
if (Mode == 'None' && Owner is "PlayerPawn")
Mode = PlayerPawn(Owner).InvulMode;
if (Mode == 'Reflective')
Owner.bReflective = true;
// APowerInvulnerable :: DoEffect
override void DoEffect ()
Super.DoEffect ();
if (Owner == NULL)
Owner.bInvulnerable = true;
if (Mode == 'Reflective')
Owner.bReflective = true;
if (Mode == 'Ghost')
if (!Owner.bShadow)
// Don't mess with the translucency settings if an
// invisibility powerup is active.
let alpha = Owner.Alpha;
if (!(Level.maptime & 7) && alpha > 0 && alpha < 1)
if (alpha == HX_SHADOW)
alpha = 0;
Owner.bNonShootable = true;
if (!(Level.maptime & 31))
if (alpha == 0)
Owner.bNonShootable = false;
alpha = HX_SHADOW;
Owner.A_SetRenderStyle(alpha, STYLE_Translucent);
Owner.bNonShootable = false;
// APowerInvulnerable :: EndEffect
override void EndEffect ()
if (Owner == NULL)
Owner.bRespawnInvul = false;
Owner.bInvulnerable = false;
if (Mode == 'Ghost')
Owner.bNonShootable = false;
if (!bShadow)
// Don't mess with the translucency settings if an
// invisibility powerup is active.
Owner.A_SetRenderStyle(1, STYLE_Normal);
else if (Mode == 'Reflective')
Owner.bReflective = false;
if (Owner.player != NULL)
Owner.player.fixedcolormap = PlayerInfo.NOFIXEDCOLORMAP;
// APowerInvulnerable :: AlterWeaponSprite
override void AlterWeaponSprite (VisStyle vis, in out int changed)
if (Owner != NULL)
if (Mode == 'Ghost' && !(Owner.bShadow))
vis.Alpha = min(0.25 + Owner.Alpha * 0.75, 1.);
// Strength
class PowerStrength : Powerup
Powerup.Duration 1;
Powerup.Color "ff 00 00", 0.5;
override bool HandlePickup (Inventory item)
if (item.GetClass() == GetClass())
{ // Setting EffectTics to 0 will force Powerup's HandlePickup()
// method to reset the tic count so you get the red flash again.
EffectTics = 0;
return Super.HandlePickup (item);
// APowerStrength :: DoEffect
override void Tick ()
// Strength counts up to diminish the fade.
EffectTics += 2;
// APowerStrength :: GetBlend
override color GetBlend ()
// slowly fade the berserk out
int cnt = 128 - (EffectTics>>3);
if (cnt > 0)
return Color(BlendColor.a*cnt/256,
BlendColor.r, BlendColor.g, BlendColor.b);
return 0;
// Invisibility
class PowerInvisibility : Powerup
Powerup.Duration -60;
Powerup.Strength 80;
Powerup.Mode "Fuzzy";
// APowerInvisibility :: InitEffect
override void InitEffect ()
let Owner = self.Owner;
if (Owner != NULL)
let savedShadow = Owner.bShadow;
let savedGhost = Owner.bGhost;
let savedCantSeek = Owner.bCantSeek;
Owner.bShadow = bShadow;
Owner.bGhost = bGhost;
Owner.bCantSeek = bCantSeek;
bShadow = savedShadow;
bGhost = savedGhost;
bCantSeek = savedCantSeek;
// APowerInvisibility :: DoEffect
override void DoEffect ()
// Due to potential interference with other PowerInvisibility items
// the effect has to be refreshed each tic.
double ts = (Strength / 100.) * (special1 + 1);
if (ts > 1.) ts = 1.;
let newAlpha = clamp((1. - ts), 0., 1.);
int newStyle;
switch (Mode)
case 'Fuzzy':
newStyle = STYLE_OptFuzzy;
case 'Opaque':
newStyle = STYLE_Normal;
case 'Additive':
newStyle = STYLE_Add;
case 'Stencil':
newStyle = STYLE_Stencil;
case 'AddStencil' :
newStyle = STYLE_AddStencil;
case 'TranslucentStencil':
newStyle = STYLE_TranslucentStencil;
case 'None' :
case 'Cumulative':
case 'Translucent':
newStyle = STYLE_Translucent;
default: // Something's wrong
newStyle = STYLE_Normal;
newAlpha = 1.;
Owner.A_SetRenderStyle(newAlpha, newStyle);
// APowerInvisibility :: EndEffect
override void EndEffect ()
if (Owner != NULL)
Owner.bShadow = bShadow;
Owner.bGhost = bGhost;
Owner.bCantSeek = bCantSeek;
Owner.A_SetRenderStyle(1, STYLE_Normal);
// Check whether there are other invisibility items and refresh their effect.
// If this isn't done there will be one incorrectly drawn frame when this
// item expires.
for(let item = Owner.Inv; item != null; item = item.Inv)
if (item != self && item is 'PowerInvisibility')
// APowerInvisibility :: AlterWeaponSprite
override void AlterWeaponSprite (VisStyle vis, in out int changed)
// Blink if the powerup is wearing off
if (changed == 0 && EffectTics < 4*32 && !(EffectTics & 8))
vis.RenderStyle = STYLE_Normal;
vis.Alpha = 1.f;
changed = 1;
else if (changed == 1)
// something else set the weapon sprite back to opaque but this item is still active.
float ts = float((Strength / 100) * (special1 + 1));
vis.Alpha = clamp((1. - ts), 0., 1.);
switch (Mode)
case 'Fuzzy':
vis.RenderStyle = STYLE_OptFuzzy;
case 'Opaque':
vis.RenderStyle = STYLE_Normal;
case 'Additive':
vis.RenderStyle = STYLE_Add;
case 'Stencil':
vis.RenderStyle = STYLE_Stencil;
case 'TranslucentStencil':
vis.RenderStyle = STYLE_TranslucentStencil;
case 'AddStencil':
vis.RenderStyle = STYLE_AddStencil;
case 'None':
case 'Cumulative':
case 'Translucent':
vis.RenderStyle = STYLE_Translucent;
// Handling of Strife-like cumulative invisibility powerups, the weapon itself shouldn't become invisible
if ((vis.Alpha < 0.25f && special1 > 0) || (vis.Alpha == 0))
vis.Alpha = clamp((1. - Strength/100.), 0., 1.);
vis.invert = true;
changed = -1; // This item is valid so another one shouldn't reset the translucency
// APowerInvisibility :: HandlePickup
// If the player already has the first stage of a cumulative powerup, getting
// it again increases the player's alpha. (But shouldn't this be in Use()?)
override bool HandlePickup (Inventory item)
if (Mode == 'Cumulative' && ((Strength * special1) < 1.) && item.GetClass() == GetClass())
let power = Powerup(item);
if (power.EffectTics == 0)
power.bPickupGood = true;
return true;
// Only increase the EffectTics, not decrease it.
// Color also gets transferred only when the new item has an effect.
if (power.EffectTics > EffectTics)
EffectTics = power.EffectTics;
BlendColor = power.BlendColor;
special1++; // increases power
power.bPickupGood = true;
return true;
return Super.HandlePickup (item);
class PowerGhost : PowerInvisibility
Powerup.Duration -60;
Powerup.Strength 60;
Powerup.Mode "None";
class PowerShadow : PowerInvisibility
Powerup.Duration -55;
Powerup.Strength 75;
Powerup.Mode "Cumulative";
// IronFeet
class PowerIronFeet : Powerup
Powerup.Duration -60;
Powerup.Color "00 ff 00", 0.125;
Powerup.Mode "Normal";
override void AbsorbDamage (int damage, Name damageType, out int newdamage, Actor inflictor, Actor source, int flags)
if (damageType == 'Drowning')
newdamage = 0;
override void DoEffect ()
if (Owner.player != NULL)
Owner.player.mo.ResetAirSupply ();
// Mask
class PowerMask : PowerIronFeet
Powerup.Duration -80;
Powerup.Color "00 00 00", 0;
Inventory.Icon "I_MASK";
override void AbsorbDamage (int damage, Name damageType, out int newdamage, Actor inflictor, Actor source, int flags)
if (damageType == 'Fire' || damageType == 'Drowning')
newdamage = 0;
override void DoEffect ()
Super.DoEffect ();
if (!(Level.maptime & 0x3f))
Owner.A_StartSound ("misc/mask", CHAN_AUTO);
// LightAmp
class PowerLightAmp : Powerup
Powerup.Duration -120;
// APowerLightAmp :: DoEffect
override void DoEffect ()
Super.DoEffect ();
let player = Owner.player;
if (player != NULL && player.fixedcolormap < PlayerInfo.NUMCOLORMAPS)
if (!isBlinking())
player.fixedlightlevel = 1;
player.fixedlightlevel = -1;
// APowerLightAmp :: EndEffect
override void EndEffect ()
if (Owner != NULL && Owner.player != NULL && Owner.player.fixedcolormap < PlayerInfo.NUMCOLORMAPS)
Owner.player.fixedlightlevel = -1;
// Torch
class PowerTorch : PowerLightAmp
int NewTorch, NewTorchDelta;
override void DoEffect ()
if (Owner == NULL || Owner.player == NULL)
let player = Owner.player;
if (EffectTics <= BLINKTHRESHOLD || player.fixedcolormap >= PlayerInfo.NUMCOLORMAPS)
Super.DoEffect ();
Powerup.DoEffect ();
if (!(Level.maptime & 16) && Owner.player != NULL)
if (NewTorch != 0)
if (player.fixedlightlevel + NewTorchDelta > 7
|| player.fixedlightlevel + NewTorchDelta < 0
|| NewTorch == player.fixedlightlevel)
NewTorch = 0;
player.fixedlightlevel += NewTorchDelta;
NewTorch = random[torch](1, 8);
NewTorchDelta = (NewTorch == Owner.player.fixedlightlevel) ?
0 : ((NewTorch > player.fixedlightlevel) ? 1 : -1);
// Flight
class PowerFlight : Powerup
Powerup.Duration -60;
clearscope bool HitCenterFrame;
// APowerFlight :: InitEffect
override void InitEffect ()
Owner.bFly = true;
Owner.bNoGravity = true;
if (Owner.pos.Z <= Owner.floorz)
Owner.Vel.Z = 4;; // thrust the player in the air a bit
if (Owner.Vel.Z <= -35)
{ // stop falling scream
Owner.A_StopSound (CHAN_VOICE);
// APowerFlight :: DoEffect
override void Tick ()
// The Wings of Wrath only expire in multiplayer and non-hub games
if (!multiplayer && level.infinite_flight)
Super.Tick ();
// APowerFlight :: EndEffect
override void EndEffect ()
if (Owner == NULL || Owner.player == NULL)
if (!(Owner.bFlyCheat))
if (Owner.pos.Z != Owner.floorz)
Owner.player.centering = true;
Owner.bFly = false;
Owner.bNoGravity = false;
// APowerFlight :: DrawPowerup
override TextureID GetPowerupIcon ()
// If this item got a valid icon use that instead of the default spinning wings.
if (Icon.isValid())
return Icon;
TextureID picnum = TexMan.CheckForTexture ("SPFLY0", TexMan.Type_MiscPatch);
int frame = (Level.maptime/3) & 15;
if (!picnum.isValid())
return picnum;
if (Owner.bNoGravity)
if (HitCenterFrame && (frame != 15 && frame != 0))
return picnum + 15;
HitCenterFrame = false;
return picnum + frame;
if (!HitCenterFrame && (frame != 15 && frame != 0))
HitCenterFrame = false;
return picnum + frame;
HitCenterFrame = true;
return picnum+15;
// WeaponLevel2
class PowerWeaponLevel2 : Powerup
Powerup.Duration -40;
Inventory.Icon "SPINBK0";
// APowerWeaponLevel2 :: InitEffect
override void InitEffect ()
let player = Owner.player;
if (player == null)
let weap = player.ReadyWeapon;
if (weap == null)
let sister = weap.SisterWeapon;
if (sister == null)
if (!sister.bPowered_Up)
let ready = sister.GetReadyState();
if (weap.GetReadyState() != ready)
player.ReadyWeapon = sister;
player.SetPsprite(PSP_WEAPON, ready);
PSprite psp = player.FindPSprite(PSprite.WEAPON);
if (psp != null && psp.Caller == player.ReadyWeapon)
// If the weapon changes but the state does not, we have to manually change the PSprite's caller here.
psp.Caller = sister;
player.ReadyWeapon = sister;
// Something went wrong. Initiate a regular weapon change.
player.PendingWeapon = sister;
// APowerWeaponLevel2 :: EndEffect
override void EndEffect ()
if (Owner == null) return;
let player = Owner.player;
if (player != NULL && player.mo != null)
player.mo.bWeaponLevel2Ended = true;
// Speed
class PowerSpeed : Powerup
int NoTrail;
Property NoTrail: NoTrail;
FlagDef NoTrail: NoTrail, 0; // This was once a flag, not a property.
Powerup.Duration -45;
Speed 1.5;
Inventory.Icon "SPBOOT0";
override double GetSpeedFactor()
return Speed;
// APowerSpeed :: DoEffect
override void DoEffect ()
Super.DoEffect ();
if (Owner == NULL || Owner.player == NULL)
if (Owner.player.cheats & CF_PREDICTING)
if (NoTrail)
if (Level.maptime & 1)
// Check if another speed item is present to avoid multiple drawing of the speed trail.
// Only the last PowerSpeed without PSF_NOTRAIL set will actually draw the trail.
for (Inventory item = Inv; item != NULL; item = item.Inv)
let sitem = PowerSpeed(item);
if (sitem != null && !NoTrail)
if (Owner.Vel.Length() <= 12)
Actor speedMo = Spawn("PlayerSpeedTrail", Owner.Pos, NO_REPLACE);
if (speedMo)
speedMo.Angle = Owner.Angle;
speedMo.Translation = Owner.Translation;
speedMo.target = Owner;
speedMo.sprite = Owner.sprite;
speedMo.frame = Owner.frame;
speedMo.Floorclip = Owner.Floorclip;
// [BC] Also get the scale from the owner.
speedMo.Scale = Owner.Scale;
if (Owner == players[consoleplayer].camera &&
!(Owner.player.cheats & CF_CHASECAM))
speedMo.bInvisible = true;
// Player Speed Trail (used by the Speed Powerup) ----------------------------
class PlayerSpeedTrail : Actor
Alpha 0.6;
RenderStyle "Translucent";
override void Tick()
Alpha -= .6 / 8;
if (Alpha <= 0)
Destroy ();
// Minotaur
class PowerMinotaur : Powerup
Powerup.Duration -25;
Inventory.Icon "SPMINO0";
// Targeter
class PowerTargeter : Powerup
Powerup.Duration -160;
TRGT A -1;
TRGT B -1;
TRGT C -1;
override void Travelled ()
InitEffect ();
const POS_X = 160 - 3;
const POS_Y = 100 - 3;
override void InitEffect ()
// Why is this called when the inventory isn't even attached yet
// in APowerup.CreateCopy?
if (!Owner.FindInventory(GetClass(), true))
let player = Owner.player;
if (player == null)
let stat = FindState("Targeter");
if (stat != null)
player.SetPsprite(PSprite.TARGETCENTER, stat);
player.SetPsprite(PSprite.TARGETLEFT, stat + 1);
player.SetPsprite(PSprite.TARGETRIGHT, stat + 2);
PSprite center = player.GetPSprite(PSprite.TARGETCENTER);
if (center)
center.x = POS_X;
center.y = POS_Y;
PositionAccuracy ();
override void AttachToOwner(Actor other)
// Let's actually properly call this for the targeters.
override bool HandlePickup(Inventory item)
if (Super.HandlePickup(item))
InitEffect(); // reset the HUD sprites
return true;
return false;
override void DoEffect ()
Super.DoEffect ();
if (Owner != null && Owner.player != null)
let player = Owner.player;
PositionAccuracy ();
if (EffectTics < 5*TICRATE)
let stat = FindState("Targeter");
if (stat != null)
if (EffectTics & 32)
player.SetPsprite(PSprite.TARGETRIGHT, null);
player.SetPsprite(PSprite.TARGETLEFT, stat + 1);
else if (EffectTics & 16)
player.SetPsprite(PSprite.TARGETRIGHT, stat + 2);
player.SetPsprite(PSprite.TARGETLEFT, null);
override void EndEffect ()
if (Owner != null && Owner.player != null)
// Calling GetPSprite here could crash if we're creating a new game.
// This is because P_SetupLevel nulls the player's mo before destroying
// every DThinker which in turn ends up calling this.
// However P_SetupLevel is only called after G_NewInit which calls
// every player's dtor which destroys all their psprites.
let player = Owner.player;
PSprite pspr;
if ((pspr = player.FindPSprite(PSprite.TARGETCENTER)) != null) pspr.SetState(null);
if ((pspr = player.FindPSprite(PSprite.TARGETLEFT)) != null) pspr.SetState(null);
if ((pspr = player.FindPSprite(PSprite.TARGETRIGHT)) != null) pspr.SetState(null);
private void PositionAccuracy ()
let player = Owner.player;
if (player != null)
PSprite left = player.GetPSprite(PSprite.TARGETLEFT);
if (left)
left.x = POS_X - (100 - player.mo.accuracy);
left.y = POS_Y;
PSprite right = player.GetPSprite(PSprite.TARGETRIGHT);
if (right)
right.x = POS_X + (100 - player.mo.accuracy);
right.y = POS_Y;
// Frightener
class PowerFrightener : Powerup
Powerup.Duration -60;
override void InitEffect ()
if (Owner== null || Owner.player == null)
Owner.player.cheats |= CF_FRIGHTENING;
override void EndEffect ()
if (Owner== null || Owner.player == null)
Owner.player.cheats &= ~CF_FRIGHTENING;
// Buddha
class PowerBuddha : Powerup
Powerup.Duration -60;
// Scanner (this is active just by being present)
class PowerScanner : Powerup
Powerup.Duration -80;
// TimeFreezer
class PowerTimeFreezer : Powerup
Powerup.Duration -12;
// InitEffect
override void InitEffect()
int freezemask;
if (Owner == null || Owner.player == null)
// When this powerup is in effect, pause the music.
S_PauseSound(false, false);
// Give the player and his teammates the power to move when time is frozen.
freezemask = 1 << Owner.PlayerNumber();
Owner.player.timefreezer |= freezemask;
for (int i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++)
if (playeringame[i] &&
players[i].mo != null &&
players[i].timefreezer |= freezemask;
// [RH] The effect ends one tic after the counter hits zero, so make
// sure we start at an odd count.
EffectTics += !(EffectTics & 1);
if ((EffectTics & 1) == 0)
// Make sure the effect starts and ends on an even tic.
if ((Level.maptime & 1) == 0)
// Compensate for skipped tic, but beware of overflow.
if(EffectTics < 0x7fffffff)
// APowerTimeFreezer :: DoEffect
override void DoEffect()
// [RH] Do not change LEVEL_FROZEN on odd tics, or the Revenant's tracer
// will get thrown off.
// [ED850] Don't change it if the player is predicted either.
if (Level.maptime & 1 || (Owner != null && Owner.player != null && Owner.player.cheats & CF_PREDICTING))
// [RH] The "blinking" can't check against EffectTics exactly or it will
// never happen, because InitEffect ensures that EffectTics will always
// be odd when Level.maptime is even.
Level.SetFrozen ( EffectTics > 4*32
|| (( EffectTics > 3*32 && EffectTics <= 4*32 ) && ((EffectTics + 1) & 15) != 0 )
|| (( EffectTics > 2*32 && EffectTics <= 3*32 ) && ((EffectTics + 1) & 7) != 0 )
|| (( EffectTics > 32 && EffectTics <= 2*32 ) && ((EffectTics + 1) & 3) != 0 )
|| (( EffectTics > 0 && EffectTics <= 1*32 ) && ((EffectTics + 1) & 1) != 0 ));
// APowerTimeFreezer :: EndEffect
override void EndEffect()
// If there is an owner, remove the timefreeze flag corresponding to
// her from all players.
if (Owner != null && Owner.player != null)
int freezemask = ~(1 << Owner.PlayerNumber());
for (int i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; ++i)
players[i].timefreezer &= freezemask;
// Are there any players who still have timefreezer bits set?
for (int i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; ++i)
if (playeringame[i] && players[i].timefreezer != 0)
// No, so allow other actors to move about freely once again.
// Also, turn the music back on.
// Damage
class PowerDamage : Powerup
Powerup.Duration -25;
// InitEffect
override void InitEffect()
if (Owner != null)
Owner.A_StartSound(SeeSound, CHAN_5, CHANF_DEFAULT, 1.0, ATTN_NONE);
// EndEffect
override void EndEffect()
if (Owner != null)
Owner.A_StartSound(DeathSound, CHAN_5, CHANF_DEFAULT, 1.0, ATTN_NONE);
// ModifyDamage
override void ModifyDamage(int damage, Name damageType, out int newdamage, bool passive, Actor inflictor, Actor source, int flags)
if (!passive && damage > 0)
newdamage = max(1, ApplyDamageFactors(GetClass(), damageType, damage, damage * 4));
if (Owner != null && newdamage > damage) Owner.A_StartSound(ActiveSound, CHAN_AUTO, CHANF_DEFAULT, 1.0, ATTN_NONE);
// Protection
class PowerProtection : Powerup
Powerup.Duration -25;
// InitEffect
override void InitEffect()
let o = Owner; // copy to a local variable for quicker access.
if (o != null)
o.A_StartSound(SeeSound, CHAN_AUTO, CHANF_DEFAULT, 1.0, ATTN_NONE);
// Transfer various protection flags if owner does not already have them.
// If the owner already has the flag, clear it from the powerup.
// If the powerup still has a flag set, add it to the owner.
bNoRadiusDmg &= !o.bNoRadiusDmg;
o.bNoRadiusDmg |= bNoRadiusDmg;
bDontMorph &= !o.bDontMorph;
o.bDontMorph |= bDontMorph;
bDontSquash &= !o.bDontSquash;
o.bDontSquash |= bDontSquash;
bDontBlast &= !o.bDontBlast;
o.bDontBlast |= bDontBlast;
bNoTeleOther &= !o.bNoTeleOther;
o.bNoTeleOther |= bNoTeleOther;
bNoPain &= !o.bNoPain;
o.bNoPain |= bNoPain;
bDontRip &= !o.bDontRip;
o.bDontRip |= bDontRip;
// EndEffect
override void EndEffect()
let o = Owner; // copy to a local variable for quicker access.
if (o != null)
o.A_StartSound(DeathSound, CHAN_AUTO, CHANF_DEFAULT, 1.0, ATTN_NONE);
o.bNoRadiusDmg &= !bNoRadiusDmg;
o.bDontMorph &= !bDontMorph;
o.bDontSquash &= !bDontSquash;
o.bDontBlast &= !bDontBlast;
o.bNoTeleOther &= !bNoTeleOther;
o.bNoPain &= !bNoPain;
o.bDontRip &= !bDontRip;
// AbsorbDamage
override void ModifyDamage(int damage, Name damageType, out int newdamage, bool passive, Actor inflictor, Actor source, int flags)
if (passive && damage > 0)
newdamage = max(0, ApplyDamageFactors(GetClass(), damageType, damage, damage / 4));
if (Owner != null && newdamage < damage) Owner.A_StartSound(ActiveSound, CHAN_AUTO, CHANF_DEFAULT, 1.0, ATTN_NONE);
// Drain
class PowerDrain : Powerup
Powerup.Strength 0.5;
Powerup.Duration -60;
// Regeneration
class PowerRegeneration : Powerup
Powerup.Duration -120;
Powerup.Strength 5;
override void DoEffect()
if (Owner != null && Owner.health > 0 && (Level.maptime & 31) == 0)
if (Owner.GiveBody(int(Strength)))
Owner.A_StartSound("*regenerate", CHAN_ITEM);
// HighJump
class PowerHighJump : Powerup
Powerup.Strength 2;
// DoubleFiringSpeed
class PowerDoubleFiringSpeed : Powerup
Powerup.Duration -40;
// InfiniteAmmo
class PowerInfiniteAmmo : Powerup
Powerup.Duration -30;
// InfiniteAmmo
class PowerReflection : Powerup
// if 1, reflects the damage type as well.
bool ReflectType;
property ReflectType : ReflectType;
Powerup.Duration -60;
DamageFactor 0.5;
// PowerMorph
class PowerMorph : Powerup
Class<PlayerPawn> PlayerClass;
Class<Actor> MorphFlash, UnMorphFlash;
int MorphStyle;
PlayerInfo MorphedPlayer;
Powerup.Duration -40;
// InitEffect
override void InitEffect()
if (Owner != null && Owner.player != null && PlayerClass != null)
let realplayer = Owner.player; // Remember the identity of the player
if (realplayer.mo.MorphPlayer(realplayer, PlayerClass, 0x7fffffff/*INDEFINITELY*/, MorphStyle, MorphFlash, UnMorphFlash))
Owner = realplayer.mo; // Replace the new owner in our owner; safe because we are not attached to anything yet
bCreateCopyMoved = true; // Let the caller know the "real" owner has changed (to the morphed actor)
MorphedPlayer = realplayer; // Store the player identity (morphing clears the unmorphed actor's "player" field)
else // morph failed - give the caller an opportunity to fail the pickup completely
bInitEffectFailed = true; // Let the caller know that the activation failed (can fail the pickup if appropriate)
// EndEffect
override void EndEffect()
// Abort if owner already destroyed or unmorphed
if (Owner == null || MorphedPlayer == null || Owner.alternative == null)
// Abort if owner is dead; their Die() method will
// take care of any required unmorphing on death.
if (MorphedPlayer.health <= 0)
int savedMorphTics = MorphedPlayer.morphTics;
MorphedPlayer.mo.UndoPlayerMorph (MorphedPlayer, 0, !!(MorphedPlayer.MorphStyle & MRF_UNDOALWAYS));
MorphedPlayer = null;