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synced 2025-03-09 10:50:56 +00:00
This builtin function no longer exists outside of backwards compatible GLSL compilers so it needs to be remapped to 'texture' so that user shaders still using it can compile.
295 lines
9.1 KiB
295 lines
9.1 KiB
// Copyright(C) 2004-2018 Christoph Oelckers
// All rights reserved.
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/
** hw_shaderpatcher.cpp
** Modifies shader source to account for different syntax versions or engine changes.
#include "hw_shaderpatcher.h"
static bool IsGlslWhitespace(char c)
switch (c)
case ' ':
case '\r':
case '\n':
case '\t':
case '\f':
return true;
return false;
static FString NextGlslToken(const char *chars, long len, long &pos)
// Eat whitespace
long tokenStart = pos;
while (tokenStart != len && IsGlslWhitespace(chars[tokenStart]))
// Find token end
long tokenEnd = tokenStart;
while (tokenEnd != len && !IsGlslWhitespace(chars[tokenEnd]) && chars[tokenEnd] != ';')
pos = tokenEnd;
return FString(chars + tokenStart, tokenEnd - tokenStart);
static bool isShaderType(const char *name)
return !strcmp(name, "sampler1D") || !strcmp(name, "sampler2D") || !strcmp(name, "sampler3D") || !strcmp(name, "samplerCube") || !strcmp(name, "sampler2DMS");
FString RemoveLegacyUserUniforms(FString code)
// User shaders must declare their uniforms via the GLDEFS file.
code.Substitute("uniform sampler2D tex;", " ");
code.Substitute("uniform float timer;", " ");
// The following code searches for legacy uniform declarations in the shader itself and replaces them with whitespace.
long len = (long)code.Len();
char *chars = code.LockBuffer();
long startIndex = 0;
while (true)
long matchIndex = code.IndexOf("uniform", startIndex);
if (matchIndex == -1)
bool isLegacyUniformName = false;
bool isKeywordStart = matchIndex == 0 || IsGlslWhitespace(chars[matchIndex - 1]);
bool isKeywordEnd = matchIndex + 7 == len || IsGlslWhitespace(chars[matchIndex + 7]);
if (isKeywordStart && isKeywordEnd)
long pos = matchIndex + 7;
FString type = NextGlslToken(chars, len, pos);
FString identifier = NextGlslToken(chars, len, pos);
isLegacyUniformName = type.Compare("float") == 0 && identifier.Compare("timer") == 0;
if (isLegacyUniformName)
long statementEndIndex = code.IndexOf(';', matchIndex + 7);
if (statementEndIndex == -1)
statementEndIndex = len;
for (long i = matchIndex; i <= statementEndIndex; i++)
if (!IsGlslWhitespace(chars[i]))
chars[i] = ' ';
startIndex = statementEndIndex;
startIndex = matchIndex + 7;
// Also remove all occurences of the token 'texture2d'. Some shaders may still use this deprecated function to access a sampler.
// Modern GLSL only allows use of 'texture'.
while (true)
long matchIndex = code.IndexOf("texture2d", startIndex);
if (matchIndex == -1)
// Check if this is a real token.
bool isKeywordStart = matchIndex == 0 || !isalnum(chars[matchIndex - 1] & 255);
bool isKeywordEnd = matchIndex + 9 == len || !isalnum(chars[matchIndex + 9] & 255);
if (isKeywordStart && isKeywordEnd)
chars[matchIndex + 7] = chars[matchIndex + 8] = ' ';
startIndex = matchIndex + 9;
return code;
FString RemoveSamplerBindings(FString code, TArray<std::pair<FString, int>> &samplerstobind)
long len = (long)code.Len();
char *chars = code.LockBuffer();
long startIndex = 0;
long startpos, endpos;
while (true)
long matchIndex = code.IndexOf("layout(binding", startIndex);
if (matchIndex == -1)
bool isSamplerUniformName = false;
bool isKeywordStart = matchIndex == 0 || IsGlslWhitespace(chars[matchIndex - 1]);
bool isKeywordEnd = matchIndex + 14 == len || IsGlslWhitespace(chars[matchIndex + 14]) || chars[matchIndex + 14] == '=';
if (isKeywordStart && isKeywordEnd)
long pos = matchIndex + 14;
startpos = matchIndex;
while (IsGlslWhitespace(chars[pos])) pos++;
if (chars[pos] == '=')
char *p;
auto val = strtol(&chars[pos], &p, 0);
if (p != &chars[pos])
pos = long(p - chars);
while (IsGlslWhitespace(chars[pos])) pos++;
if (chars[pos] == ')')
endpos = ++pos;
FString uniform = NextGlslToken(chars, len, pos);
FString type = NextGlslToken(chars, len, pos);
FString identifier = NextGlslToken(chars, len, pos);
isSamplerUniformName = uniform.Compare("uniform") == 0 && isShaderType(type);
if (isSamplerUniformName)
samplerstobind.Push(std::make_pair(identifier, val));
for (auto pos = startpos; pos < endpos; pos++)
if (!IsGlslWhitespace(chars[pos]))
chars[pos] = ' ';
if (isSamplerUniformName)
startIndex = endpos;
startIndex = matchIndex + 7;
return code;
FString RemoveLayoutLocationDecl(FString code, const char *inoutkeyword)
long len = (long)code.Len();
char *chars = code.LockBuffer();
long startIndex = 0;
while (true)
long matchIndex = code.IndexOf("layout(location", startIndex);
if (matchIndex == -1)
long endIndex = matchIndex;
// Find end of layout declaration
while (chars[endIndex] != ')' && chars[endIndex] != 0)
if (chars[endIndex] == ')')
else if (chars[endIndex] == 0)
// Skip whitespace
while (IsGlslWhitespace(chars[endIndex]))
// keyword following the declaration?
bool keywordFound = true;
long i;
for (i = 0; inoutkeyword[i] != 0; i++)
if (chars[endIndex + i] != inoutkeyword[i])
keywordFound = false;
if (keywordFound && IsGlslWhitespace(chars[endIndex + i]))
// yes - replace declaration with spaces
for (long i = matchIndex; i < endIndex; i++)
chars[i] = ' ';
startIndex = endIndex;
return code;
// Note: the MaterialShaderIndex enum in gl_shader.h needs to be updated whenever this array is modified.
const FDefaultShader defaultshaders[] =
{"Default", "shaders/glsl/func_normal.fp", "shaders/glsl/material_normal.fp", ""},
{"Warp 1", "shaders/glsl/func_warp1.fp", "shaders/glsl/material_normal.fp", ""},
{"Warp 2", "shaders/glsl/func_warp2.fp", "shaders/glsl/material_normal.fp", ""},
{"Brightmap","shaders/glsl/func_brightmap.fp", "shaders/glsl/material_normal.fp", "#define BRIGHTMAP\n"},
{"Specular", "shaders/glsl/func_spec.fp", "shaders/glsl/material_specular.fp", "#define SPECULAR\n#define NORMALMAP\n"},
{"SpecularBrightmap", "shaders/glsl/func_spec.fp", "shaders/glsl/material_specular.fp", "#define SPECULAR\n#define NORMALMAP\n#define BRIGHTMAP\n"},
{"PBR","shaders/glsl/func_pbr.fp", "shaders/glsl/material_pbr.fp", "#define PBR\n#define NORMALMAP\n"},
{"PBRBrightmap","shaders/glsl/func_pbr.fp", "shaders/glsl/material_pbr.fp", "#define PBR\n#define NORMALMAP\n#define BRIGHTMAP\n"},
{"Paletted", "shaders/glsl/func_paletted.fp", "shaders/glsl/material_nolight.fp", ""},
{"No Texture", "shaders/glsl/func_notexture.fp", "shaders/glsl/material_normal.fp", ""},
{"Basic Fuzz", "shaders/glsl/fuzz_standard.fp", "shaders/glsl/material_normal.fp", ""},
{"Smooth Fuzz", "shaders/glsl/fuzz_smooth.fp", "shaders/glsl/material_normal.fp", ""},
{"Swirly Fuzz", "shaders/glsl/fuzz_swirly.fp", "shaders/glsl/material_normal.fp", ""},
{"Translucent Fuzz", "shaders/glsl/fuzz_smoothtranslucent.fp", "shaders/glsl/material_normal.fp", ""},
{"Jagged Fuzz", "shaders/glsl/fuzz_jagged.fp", "shaders/glsl/material_normal.fp", ""},
{"Noise Fuzz", "shaders/glsl/fuzz_noise.fp", "shaders/glsl/material_normal.fp", ""},
{"Smooth Noise Fuzz", "shaders/glsl/fuzz_smoothnoise.fp", "shaders/glsl/material_normal.fp", ""},
{"Software Fuzz", "shaders/glsl/fuzz_software.fp", "shaders/glsl/material_normal.fp", ""},
const FEffectShader effectshaders[] =
{ "fogboundary", "shaders/glsl/main.vp", "shaders/glsl/fogboundary.fp", nullptr, nullptr, "#define NO_ALPHATEST\n" },
{ "spheremap", "shaders/glsl/main.vp", "shaders/glsl/main.fp", "shaders/glsl/func_normal.fp", "shaders/glsl/material_normal.fp", "#define SPHEREMAP\n#define NO_ALPHATEST\n" },
{ "burn", "shaders/glsl/main.vp", "shaders/glsl/burn.fp", nullptr, nullptr, "#define SIMPLE\n#define NO_ALPHATEST\n" },
{ "stencil", "shaders/glsl/main.vp", "shaders/glsl/stencil.fp", nullptr, nullptr, "#define SIMPLE\n#define NO_ALPHATEST\n" },