mirror of
synced 2024-12-15 15:01:42 +00:00
Most of those which still rely on ZDoom's own definition should be gone, unfortunately the code in files that include Windows headers is a gigantic mess with DWORDs being longs there intead of ints, so this needs to be done with care. DWORD should only remain where the Windows type is actually wanted.
522 lines
14 KiB
522 lines
14 KiB
// Copyright(C) 2005-2016 Christoph Oelckers
// All rights reserved.
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/
** gl_setup.cpp
** Initializes the data structures required by the GL renderer to handle
** a level
#include "doomtype.h"
#include "colormatcher.h"
#include "i_system.h"
#include "p_local.h"
#include "p_lnspec.h"
#include "c_dispatch.h"
#include "r_sky.h"
#include "sc_man.h"
#include "w_wad.h"
#include "gi.h"
#include "g_level.h"
#include "a_sharedglobal.h"
#include "g_levellocals.h"
#include "gl/renderer/gl_renderer.h"
#include "gl/data/gl_data.h"
#include "gl/data/gl_vertexbuffer.h"
#include "gl/scene/gl_clipper.h"
#include "gl/scene/gl_portal.h"
#include "gl/dynlights/gl_dynlight.h"
#include "gl/dynlights/gl_glow.h"
#include "gl/utility/gl_clock.h"
#include "gl/gl_functions.h"
struct FPortalID
DVector2 mDisplacement;
// for the hash code
operator intptr_t() const { return (FLOAT2FIXED(mDisplacement.X) >> 8) + (FLOAT2FIXED(mDisplacement.Y) << 8); }
bool operator != (const FPortalID &other) const
return mDisplacement != other.mDisplacement;
struct FPortalSector
sector_t *mSub;
int mPlane;
typedef TArray<FPortalSector> FPortalSectors;
typedef TMap<FPortalID, FPortalSectors> FPortalMap;
TArray<FPortal *> portals;
TArray<FGLLinePortal*> linePortalToGL;
TArray<FGLLinePortal> glLinePortals;
GLSectorStackPortal *FPortal::GetRenderState()
if (glportal == NULL) glportal = new GLSectorStackPortal(this);
return glportal;
// this is left as fixed_t because the nodes also are, it makes no sense
// to convert this without converting the nodes as well.
struct FCoverageVertex
fixed_t x, y;
bool operator !=(FCoverageVertex &other)
return x != other.x || y != other.y;
struct FCoverageLine
FCoverageVertex v[2];
struct FCoverageBuilder
subsector_t *target;
TArray<int> collect;
FCoverageVertex center;
FCoverageBuilder(subsector_t *sub)
target = sub;
// GetIntersection
// adapted from P_InterceptVector
bool GetIntersection(FCoverageVertex *v1, FCoverageVertex *v2, node_t *bsp, FCoverageVertex *v)
double frac;
double num;
double den;
double v2x = (double)v1->x;
double v2y = (double)v1->y;
double v2dx = (double)(v2->x - v1->x);
double v2dy = (double)(v2->y - v1->y);
double v1x = (double)bsp->x;
double v1y = (double)bsp->y;
double v1dx = (double)bsp->dx;
double v1dy = (double)bsp->dy;
den = v1dy*v2dx - v1dx*v2dy;
if (den == 0)
return false; // parallel
num = (v1x - v2x)*v1dy + (v2y - v1y)*v1dx;
frac = num / den;
if (frac < 0. || frac > 1.) return false;
v->x = xs_RoundToInt(v2x + frac * v2dx);
v->y = xs_RoundToInt(v2y + frac * v2dy);
return true;
double PartitionDistance(FCoverageVertex *vt, node_t *node)
return fabs(double(-node->dy) * (vt->x - node->x) + double(node->dx) * (vt->y - node->y)) / (node->len * 65536.);
int PointOnSide(FCoverageVertex *vt, node_t *node)
return R_PointOnSide(vt->x, vt->y, node);
// adapted from polyobject splitter
void CollectNode(void *node, TArray<FCoverageVertex> &shape)
static TArray<FCoverageLine> lists[2];
const double COVERAGE_EPSILON = 6.; // same epsilon as the node builder
if (!((size_t)node & 1)) // Keep going until found a subsector
node_t *bsp = (node_t *)node;
int centerside = R_PointOnSide(center.x, center.y, bsp);
for(unsigned i=0;i<shape.Size(); i++)
FCoverageVertex *v1 = &shape[i];
FCoverageVertex *v2 = &shape[(i+1) % shape.Size()];
FCoverageLine vl = {{*v1, *v2}};
double dist_v1 = PartitionDistance(v1, bsp);
double dist_v2 = PartitionDistance(v2, bsp);
if(dist_v1 <= COVERAGE_EPSILON)
if (dist_v2 <= COVERAGE_EPSILON)
int side = PointOnSide(v2, bsp);
else if (dist_v2 <= COVERAGE_EPSILON)
int side = PointOnSide(v1, bsp);
int side1 = PointOnSide(v1, bsp);
int side2 = PointOnSide(v2, bsp);
if(side1 != side2)
// if the partition line crosses this seg, we must split it.
FCoverageVertex vert;
if (GetIntersection(v1, v2, bsp, &vert))
lists[side1].Last().v[1] = vert;
lists[side2].Last().v[0] = vert;
// should never happen
// both points on the same side.
if (lists[1].Size() == 0)
CollectNode(bsp->children[0], shape);
else if (lists[0].Size() == 0)
CollectNode(bsp->children[1], shape);
// copy the static arrays into local ones
TArray<FCoverageVertex> locallists[2];
for(int l=0;l<2;l++)
for (unsigned i=0;i<lists[l].Size(); i++)
unsigned i1= (i+1)%lists[l].Size();
if (lists[l][i1].v[0] != lists[l][i].v[1])
CollectNode(bsp->children[0], locallists[0]);
CollectNode(bsp->children[1], locallists[1]);
// we reached a subsector so we can link the node with this subsector
subsector_t *sub = (subsector_t *)((uint8_t *)node - 1);
// Calculate portal coverage for a single subsector
void gl_BuildPortalCoverage(FPortalCoverage *coverage, subsector_t *subsector, const DVector2 &displacement)
TArray<FCoverageVertex> shape;
double centerx=0, centery=0;
for(unsigned i=0; i<subsector->numlines; i++)
centerx += (shape[i].x = FLOAT2FIXED(subsector->firstline[i].v1->fX() + displacement.X));
centery += (shape[i].y = FLOAT2FIXED(subsector->firstline[i].v1->fY() + displacement.Y));
FCoverageBuilder build(subsector);
build.center.x = xs_CRoundToInt(centerx / subsector->numlines);
build.center.y = xs_CRoundToInt(centery / subsector->numlines);
build.CollectNode(nodes + numnodes - 1, shape);
coverage->subsectors = new uint32_t[build.collect.Size()];
coverage->sscount = build.collect.Size();
memcpy(coverage->subsectors, &build.collect[0], build.collect.Size() * sizeof(uint32_t));
// portal initialization
static void CollectPortalSectors(FPortalMap &collection)
for (auto &sec : level.sectors)
for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++)
int ptype = sec.GetPortalType(j);
if (ptype== PORTS_STACKEDSECTORTHING || ptype == PORTS_PORTAL || ptype == PORTS_LINKEDPORTAL) // only offset-displacing portal types
FPortalID id = { sec.GetPortalDisplacement(j) };
FPortalSectors &sss = collection[id];
FPortalSector ss = { &sec, j };
void gl_InitPortals()
FPortalMap collection;
if (numnodes == 0) return;
for(int i=0;i<numnodes;i++)
node_t *no = &nodes[i];
// Must be converted because the len value is also needed for polyobjects.
double fdx = FIXED2DBL(no->dx);
double fdy = FIXED2DBL(no->dy);
no->len = (float)sqrt(fdx * fdx + fdy * fdy);
FPortalMap::Iterator it(collection);
FPortalMap::Pair *pair;
int c = 0;
int planeflags = 0;
while (it.NextPair(pair))
for(unsigned i=0;i<pair->Value.Size(); i++)
if (pair->Value[i].mPlane == sector_t::floor) planeflags |= 1;
else if (pair->Value[i].mPlane == sector_t::ceiling) planeflags |= 2;
for (int i=1;i<=2;i<<=1)
// add separate portals for floor and ceiling.
if (planeflags & i)
FPortal *portal = new FPortal;
portal->mDisplacement = pair->Key.mDisplacement;
portal->plane = (i==1? sector_t::floor : sector_t::ceiling); /**/
portal->glportal = NULL;
for(unsigned j=0;j<pair->Value.Size(); j++)
sector_t *sec = pair->Value[j].mSub;
int plane = pair->Value[j].mPlane;
if (portal->plane == plane)
for(int k=0;k<sec->subsectorcount; k++)
subsector_t *sub = sec->subsectors[k];
gl_BuildPortalCoverage(&sub->portalcoverage[plane], sub, pair->Key.mDisplacement);
sec->portals[plane] = portal;
// Now group the line portals (each group must be a continuous set of colinear linedefs with no gaps)
TArray<int> tempindex;
memset(&tempindex[0], -1, linePortals.Size() * sizeof(int));
for (unsigned i = 0; i < linePortals.Size(); i++)
auto port = linePortals[i];
bool gotsome;
if (tempindex[i] == -1)
tempindex[i] = glLinePortals.Size();
line_t *pSrcLine = linePortals[i].mOrigin;
line_t *pLine = linePortals[i].mDestination;
FGLLinePortal &glport = glLinePortals[glLinePortals.Reserve(1)];
// We cannot do this grouping for non-linked portals because they can be changed at run time.
if (linePortals[i].mType == PORTT_LINKED && pLine != nullptr)
glport.v1 = pLine->v1;
glport.v2 = pLine->v2;
// now collect all other colinear lines connected to this one. We run this loop as long as it still finds a match
gotsome = false;
for (unsigned j = 0; j < linePortals.Size(); j++)
if (tempindex[j] == -1)
line_t *pSrcLine2 = linePortals[j].mOrigin;
line_t *pLine2 = linePortals[j].mDestination;
// angular precision is intentionally reduced to 32 bit BAM to account for precision problems (otherwise many not perfectly horizontal or vertical portals aren't found here.)
unsigned srcang = pSrcLine->Delta().Angle().BAMs();
unsigned dstang = pLine->Delta().Angle().BAMs();
if ((pSrcLine->v2 == pSrcLine2->v1 && pLine->v1 == pLine2->v2) ||
(pSrcLine->v1 == pSrcLine2->v2 && pLine->v2 == pLine2->v1))
// The line connects, now check the translation
unsigned srcang2 = pSrcLine2->Delta().Angle().BAMs();
unsigned dstang2 = pLine2->Delta().Angle().BAMs();
if (srcang == srcang2 && dstang == dstang2)
// The lines connect and both source and destination are colinear, so this is a match
gotsome = true;
tempindex[j] = tempindex[i];
if (pLine->v1 == pLine2->v2) glport.v1 = pLine2->v1;
else glport.v2 = pLine2->v2;
} while (gotsome);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < linePortals.Size(); i++)
linePortalToGL[i] = &glLinePortals[tempindex[i]];
Printf("portal at line %d translates to GL portal %d, range = %f,%f to %f,%f\n",
int(linePortals[i].mOrigin - lines), tempindex[i], linePortalToGL[i]->v1->fixX() / 65536., linePortalToGL[i]->v1->fixY() / 65536., linePortalToGL[i]->v2->fixX() / 65536., linePortalToGL[i]->v2->fixY() / 65536.);
for(unsigned i=0;i<portals.Size(); i++)
double xdisp = portals[i]->mDisplacement.X;
double ydisp = portals[i]->mDisplacement.Y;
Printf(PRINT_LOG, "Portal #%d, %s, displacement = (%f,%f)\n", i, portals[i]->plane==0? "floor":"ceiling",
xdisp, ydisp);
Printf(PRINT_LOG, "Coverage:\n");
for(int j=0;j<numsubsectors;j++)
subsector_t *sub = &subsectors[j];
FPortal *port = sub->render_sector->GetGLPortal(portals[i]->plane);
if (port == portals[i])
Printf(PRINT_LOG, "\tSubsector %d (%d):\n\t\t", j, sub->render_sector->sectornum);
for(unsigned k = 0;k< sub->numlines; k++)
Printf(PRINT_LOG, "(%.3f,%.3f), ", sub->firstline[k].v1->fX() + xdisp, sub->firstline[k].v1->fY() + ydisp);
Printf(PRINT_LOG, "\n\t\tCovered by subsectors:\n");
FPortalCoverage *cov = &sub->portalcoverage[portals[i]->plane];
for(int l = 0;l< cov->sscount; l++)
subsector_t *csub = &subsectors[cov->subsectors[l]];
Printf(PRINT_LOG, "\t\t\t%5d (%4d): ", cov->subsectors[l], csub->render_sector->sectornum);
for(unsigned m = 0;m< csub->numlines; m++)
Printf(PRINT_LOG, "(%.3f,%.3f), ", csub->firstline[m].v1->fX(), csub->firstline[m].v1->fY());
Printf(PRINT_LOG, "\n");