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This file is based on fmopl.c from MAME 0.95. The non-YM3816 parts have been
ripped out in the interest of making this simpler, since Doom music doesn't
need them. I also made it render the sound a voice at a time instead of a
sample at a time, so unused voices don't waste time being calculated. If all
voices are playing, it's not much difference, but it does offer a big
improvement when only a few voices are playing.
Here is the appropriate section from mame.txt:
VI. Reuse of Source Code
This chapter might not apply to specific portions of MAME (e.g. CPU
emulators) which bear different copyright notices.
The source code cannot be used in a commercial product without the written
authorization of the authors. Use in non-commercial products is allowed, and
indeed encouraged. If you use portions of the MAME source code in your
program, however, you must make the full source code freely available as
Usage of the _information_ contained in the source code is free for any use.
However, given the amount of time and energy it took to collect this
information, if you find new information we would appreciate if you made it
freely available as well.
** File: fmopl.c - software implementation of FM sound generator
** types OPL and OPL2
** Copyright (C) 2002,2003 Jarek Burczynski (bujar at mame dot net)
** Copyright (C) 1999,2000 Tatsuyuki Satoh , MultiArcadeMachineEmulator development
** Version 0.72
Revision History:
04-08-2003 Jarek Burczynski:
- removed BFRDY hack. BFRDY is busy flag, and it should be 0 only when the chip
handles memory read/write or during the adpcm synthesis when the chip
requests another byte of ADPCM data.
24-07-2003 Jarek Burczynski:
- added a small hack for Y8950 status BFRDY flag (bit 3 should be set after
some (unknown) delay). Right now it's always set.
14-06-2003 Jarek Burczynski:
- implemented all of the status register flags in Y8950 emulation
- renamed Y8950SetDeltaTMemory() parameters from _rom_ to _mem_ since
they can be either RAM or ROM
08-10-2002 Jarek Burczynski (thanks to Dox for the YM3526 chip)
- corrected YM3526Read() to always set bit 2 and bit 1
to HIGH state - identical to YM3812Read (verified on real YM3526)
04-28-2002 Jarek Burczynski:
- binary exact Envelope Generator (verified on real YM3812);
compared to YM2151: the EG clock is equal to internal_clock,
rates are 2 times slower and volume resolution is one bit less
- modified interface functions (they no longer return pointer -
that's internal to the emulator now):
- new wrapper functions for OPLCreate: YM3526Init(), YM3812Init() and Y8950Init()
- corrected 'off by one' error in feedback calculations (when feedback is off)
- enabled waveform usage (credit goes to Vlad Romascanu and zazzal22)
- speeded up noise generator calculations (Nicola Salmoria)
03-24-2002 Jarek Burczynski (thanks to Dox for the YM3812 chip)
Complete rewrite (all verified on real YM3812):
- corrected sin_tab and tl_tab data
- corrected operator output calculations
- corrected waveform_select_enable register;
simply: ignore all writes to waveform_select register when
waveform_select_enable == 0 and do not change the waveform previously selected.
- corrected KSR handling
- corrected Envelope Generator: attack shape, Sustain mode and
Percussive/Non-percussive modes handling
- Envelope Generator rates are two times slower now
- LFO amplitude (tremolo) and phase modulation (vibrato)
- rhythm sounds phase generation
- white noise generator (big thanks to Olivier Galibert for mentioning Berlekamp-Massey algorithm)
- corrected key on/off handling (the 'key' signal is ORed from three sources: FM, rhythm and CSM)
- funky details (like ignoring output of operator 1 in BD rhythm sound when connect == 1)
12-28-2001 Acho A. Tang
- reflected Delta-T EOS status on Y8950 status port.
- fixed subscription range of attack/decay tables
To do:
add delay before key off in CSM mode (see CSMKeyControll)
verify volume of the FM part on the Y8950
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <math.h>
//#include "driver.h" /* use M.A.M.E. */
#include "opl.h"
/* compiler dependence */
#ifndef OSD_CPU_H
#define OSD_CPU_H
typedef unsigned char UINT8; /* unsigned 8bit */
typedef unsigned short UINT16; /* unsigned 16bit */
typedef unsigned int UINT32; /* unsigned 32bit */
typedef signed char INT8; /* signed 8bit */
typedef signed short INT16; /* signed 16bit */
typedef signed int INT32; /* signed 32bit */
#ifndef PI
#define PI 3.14159265358979323846
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning (disable: 4244)
#define INLINE __forceinline
#ifdef __GNUC__
#define INLINE __inline
#define FREQ_SH 16 /* 16.16 fixed point (frequency calculations) */
#define EG_SH 16 /* 16.16 fixed point (EG timing) */
#define LFO_SH 24 /* 8.24 fixed point (LFO calculations) */
#define TIMER_SH 16 /* 16.16 fixed point (timers calculations) */
#define FREQ_MASK ((1<<FREQ_SH)-1)
/* envelope output entries */
#define ENV_BITS 10
#define ENV_LEN (1<<ENV_BITS)
#define ENV_STEP (128.0/ENV_LEN)
#define MAX_ATT_INDEX ((1<<(ENV_BITS-1))-1) /*511*/
#define MIN_ATT_INDEX (0)
/* sinwave entries */
#define SIN_BITS 10
#define SIN_LEN (1<<SIN_BITS)
#define SIN_MASK (SIN_LEN-1)
#define TL_RES_LEN (256) /* 8 bits addressing (real chip) */
/* register number to channel number , slot offset */
#define SLOT1 0
#define SLOT2 1
/* Envelope Generator phases */
#define EG_ATT 4
#define EG_DEC 3
#define EG_SUS 2
#define EG_REL 1
#define EG_OFF 0
#define OPL_CLOCK 3579545 // master clock (Hz)
#define OPL_RATE 49716 // sampling rate (Hz)
#define OPL_TIMERBASE (OPL_CLOCK / 72.0) // Timer base time (==sampling time)
#define OPL_FREQBASE (OPL_TIMERBASE / OPL_RATE) // frequency base
/* Saving is necessary for member of the 'R' mark for suspend/resume */
typedef struct{
UINT32 ar; /* attack rate: AR<<2 */
UINT32 dr; /* decay rate: DR<<2 */
UINT32 rr; /* release rate:RR<<2 */
UINT8 KSR; /* key scale rate */
UINT8 ksl; /* keyscale level */
UINT8 ksr; /* key scale rate: kcode>>KSR */
UINT8 mul; /* multiple: mul_tab[ML] */
/* Phase Generator */
UINT32 Cnt; /* frequency counter */
UINT32 Incr; /* frequency counter step */
UINT8 FB; /* feedback shift value */
INT32 *connect1; /* slot1 output pointer */
INT32 op1_out[2]; /* slot1 output for feedback */
UINT8 CON; /* connection (algorithm) type */
/* Envelope Generator */
UINT8 eg_type; /* percussive/non-percussive mode */
UINT8 state; /* phase type */
UINT32 TL; /* total level: TL << 2 */
INT32 TLL; /* adjusted now TL */
INT32 volume; /* envelope counter */
UINT32 sl; /* sustain level: sl_tab[SL] */
UINT8 eg_sh_ar; /* (attack state) */
UINT8 eg_sel_ar; /* (attack state) */
UINT8 eg_sh_dr; /* (decay state) */
UINT8 eg_sel_dr; /* (decay state) */
UINT8 eg_sh_rr; /* (release state) */
UINT8 eg_sel_rr; /* (release state) */
UINT32 key; /* 0 = KEY OFF, >0 = KEY ON */
/* LFO */
UINT32 AMmask; /* LFO Amplitude Modulation enable mask */
UINT8 vib; /* LFO Phase Modulation enable flag (active high)*/
/* waveform select */
unsigned int wavetable;
typedef struct{
/* phase generator state */
UINT32 block_fnum; /* block+fnum */
UINT32 fc; /* Freq. Increment base */
UINT32 ksl_base; /* KeyScaleLevel Base step */
UINT8 kcode; /* key code (for key scaling) */
float LeftVol; /* volumes for stereo panning */
float RightVol;
/* OPL state */
typedef struct fm_opl_f {
/* FM channel slots */
OPL_CH P_CH[9]; /* OPL/OPL2 chips have 9 channels*/
UINT32 eg_cnt; /* global envelope generator counter */
UINT32 eg_timer; /* global envelope generator counter works at frequency = chipclock/72 */
UINT32 eg_timer_add; /* step of eg_timer */
UINT32 eg_timer_overflow; /* envelope generator timer overflows every 1 sample (on real chip) */
UINT8 rhythm; /* Rhythm mode */
UINT32 fn_tab[1024]; /* fnumber->increment counter */
/* LFO */
UINT8 lfo_am_depth;
UINT8 lfo_pm_depth_range;
UINT32 lfo_am_cnt;
UINT32 lfo_am_inc;
UINT32 lfo_pm_cnt;
UINT32 lfo_pm_inc;
UINT32 noise_rng; /* 23 bit noise shift register */
UINT32 noise_p; /* current noise 'phase' */
UINT32 noise_f; /* current noise peroid */
UINT8 wavesel; /* waveform select enable flag */
int T[2]; /* timer counters */
UINT8 st[2]; /* timer enable */
UINT8 address; /* address register */
UINT8 status; /* status flag */
UINT8 statusmask; /* status mask */
UINT8 mode; /* Reg.08 : CSM,notesel,etc. */
bool IsStereo; /* Write stereo output */
/* mapping of register number (offset) to slot number used by the emulator */
static const int slot_array[32]=
0, 2, 4, 1, 3, 5,-1,-1,
6, 8,10, 7, 9,11,-1,-1,
/* key scale level */
/* table is 3dB/octave , DV converts this into 6dB/octave */
/* 0.1875 is bit 0 weight of the envelope counter (volume) expressed in the 'decibel' scale */
#define DV (0.1875/2.0)
static const UINT32 ksl_tab[8*16]=
/* OCT 0 */
UINT32(0.000/DV), UINT32(0.000/DV), UINT32(0.000/DV), UINT32(0.000/DV),
UINT32(0.000/DV), UINT32(0.000/DV), UINT32(0.000/DV), UINT32(0.000/DV),
UINT32(0.000/DV), UINT32(0.000/DV), UINT32(0.000/DV), UINT32(0.000/DV),
UINT32(0.000/DV), UINT32(0.000/DV), UINT32(0.000/DV), UINT32(0.000/DV),
/* OCT 1 */
UINT32(0.000/DV), UINT32(0.000/DV), UINT32(0.000/DV), UINT32(0.000/DV),
UINT32(0.000/DV), UINT32(0.000/DV), UINT32(0.000/DV), UINT32(0.000/DV),
UINT32(0.000/DV), UINT32(0.750/DV), UINT32(1.125/DV), UINT32(1.500/DV),
UINT32(1.875/DV), UINT32(2.250/DV), UINT32(2.625/DV), UINT32(3.000/DV),
/* OCT 2 */
UINT32(0.000/DV), UINT32(0.000/DV), UINT32(0.000/DV), UINT32(0.000/DV),
UINT32(0.000/DV), UINT32(1.125/DV), UINT32(1.875/DV), UINT32(2.625/DV),
UINT32(3.000/DV), UINT32(3.750/DV), UINT32(4.125/DV), UINT32(4.500/DV),
UINT32(4.875/DV), UINT32(5.250/DV), UINT32(5.625/DV), UINT32(6.000/DV),
/* OCT 3 */
UINT32(0.000/DV), UINT32(0.000/DV), UINT32(0.000/DV), UINT32(1.875/DV),
UINT32(3.000/DV), UINT32(4.125/DV), UINT32(4.875/DV), UINT32(5.625/DV),
UINT32(6.000/DV), UINT32(6.750/DV), UINT32(7.125/DV), UINT32(7.500/DV),
UINT32(7.875/DV), UINT32(8.250/DV), UINT32(8.625/DV), UINT32(9.000/DV),
/* OCT 4 */
UINT32(0.000/DV), UINT32(0.000/DV), UINT32(3.000/DV), UINT32(4.875/DV),
UINT32(6.000/DV), UINT32(7.125/DV), UINT32(7.875/DV), UINT32(8.625/DV),
UINT32(9.000/DV), UINT32(9.750/DV),UINT32(10.125/DV),UINT32(10.500/DV),
/* OCT 5 */
UINT32(0.000/DV), UINT32(3.000/DV), UINT32(6.000/DV), UINT32(7.875/DV),
/* OCT 6 */
UINT32(0.000/DV), UINT32(6.000/DV), UINT32(9.000/DV),UINT32(10.875/DV),
/* OCT 7 */
UINT32(0.000/DV), UINT32(9.000/DV),UINT32(12.000/DV),UINT32(13.875/DV),
#undef DV
/* 0 / 3.0 / 1.5 / 6.0 dB/OCT */
static const UINT32 ksl_shift[4] = { 31, 1, 2, 0 };
/* sustain level table (3dB per step) */
/* 0 - 15: 0, 3, 6, 9,12,15,18,21,24,27,30,33,36,39,42,93 (dB)*/
#define SC(db) (UINT32) ( db * (2.0/ENV_STEP) )
static const UINT32 sl_tab[16]={
SC( 0),SC( 1),SC( 2),SC(3 ),SC(4 ),SC(5 ),SC(6 ),SC( 7),
SC( 8),SC( 9),SC(10),SC(11),SC(12),SC(13),SC(14),SC(31)
#undef SC
#define RATE_STEPS (8)
static const unsigned char eg_inc[15*RATE_STEPS]={
/*cycle:0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7*/
/* 0 */ 0,1, 0,1, 0,1, 0,1, /* rates 00..12 0 (increment by 0 or 1) */
/* 1 */ 0,1, 0,1, 1,1, 0,1, /* rates 00..12 1 */
/* 2 */ 0,1, 1,1, 0,1, 1,1, /* rates 00..12 2 */
/* 3 */ 0,1, 1,1, 1,1, 1,1, /* rates 00..12 3 */
/* 4 */ 1,1, 1,1, 1,1, 1,1, /* rate 13 0 (increment by 1) */
/* 5 */ 1,1, 1,2, 1,1, 1,2, /* rate 13 1 */
/* 6 */ 1,2, 1,2, 1,2, 1,2, /* rate 13 2 */
/* 7 */ 1,2, 2,2, 1,2, 2,2, /* rate 13 3 */
/* 8 */ 2,2, 2,2, 2,2, 2,2, /* rate 14 0 (increment by 2) */
/* 9 */ 2,2, 2,4, 2,2, 2,4, /* rate 14 1 */
/*10 */ 2,4, 2,4, 2,4, 2,4, /* rate 14 2 */
/*11 */ 2,4, 4,4, 2,4, 4,4, /* rate 14 3 */
/*12 */ 4,4, 4,4, 4,4, 4,4, /* rates 15 0, 15 1, 15 2, 15 3 (increment by 4) */
/*13 */ 8,8, 8,8, 8,8, 8,8, /* rates 15 2, 15 3 for attack */
/*14 */ 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, /* infinity rates for attack and decay(s) */
#define O(a) (a*RATE_STEPS)
/*note that there is no O(13) in this table - it's directly in the code */
static const unsigned char eg_rate_select[16+64+16]={ /* Envelope Generator rates (16 + 64 rates + 16 RKS) */
/* 16 infinite time rates */
/* rates 00-12 */
O( 0),O( 1),O( 2),O( 3),
O( 0),O( 1),O( 2),O( 3),
O( 0),O( 1),O( 2),O( 3),
O( 0),O( 1),O( 2),O( 3),
O( 0),O( 1),O( 2),O( 3),
O( 0),O( 1),O( 2),O( 3),
O( 0),O( 1),O( 2),O( 3),
O( 0),O( 1),O( 2),O( 3),
O( 0),O( 1),O( 2),O( 3),
O( 0),O( 1),O( 2),O( 3),
O( 0),O( 1),O( 2),O( 3),
O( 0),O( 1),O( 2),O( 3),
O( 0),O( 1),O( 2),O( 3),
/* rate 13 */
O( 4),O( 5),O( 6),O( 7),
/* rate 14 */
O( 8),O( 9),O(10),O(11),
/* rate 15 */
/* 16 dummy rates (same as 15 3) */
#undef O
/*rate 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 */
/*shift 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 */
/*mask 4095, 2047, 1023, 511, 255, 127, 63, 31, 15, 7, 3, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 */
#define O(a) (a*1)
static const unsigned char eg_rate_shift[16+64+16]={ /* Envelope Generator counter shifts (16 + 64 rates + 16 RKS) */
/* 16 infinite time rates */
/* rates 00-12 */
O( 9),O( 9),O( 9),O( 9),
O( 8),O( 8),O( 8),O( 8),
O( 7),O( 7),O( 7),O( 7),
O( 6),O( 6),O( 6),O( 6),
O( 5),O( 5),O( 5),O( 5),
O( 4),O( 4),O( 4),O( 4),
O( 3),O( 3),O( 3),O( 3),
O( 2),O( 2),O( 2),O( 2),
O( 1),O( 1),O( 1),O( 1),
O( 0),O( 0),O( 0),O( 0),
/* rate 13 */
O( 0),O( 0),O( 0),O( 0),
/* rate 14 */
O( 0),O( 0),O( 0),O( 0),
/* rate 15 */
O( 0),O( 0),O( 0),O( 0),
/* 16 dummy rates (same as 15 3) */
O( 0),O( 0),O( 0),O( 0),O( 0),O( 0),O( 0),O( 0),
O( 0),O( 0),O( 0),O( 0),O( 0),O( 0),O( 0),O( 0),
#undef O
/* multiple table */
#define ML 2
static const UINT8 mul_tab[16]= {
/* 1/2, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10,10,12,12,15,15 */
UINT8(0.50*ML), UINT8(1.00*ML), UINT8(2.00*ML), UINT8(3.00*ML), UINT8(4.00*ML), UINT8(5.00*ML), UINT8(6.00*ML), UINT8(7.00*ML),
UINT8(8.00*ML), UINT8(9.00*ML),UINT8(10.00*ML),UINT8(10.00*ML),UINT8(12.00*ML),UINT8(12.00*ML),UINT8(15.00*ML),UINT8(15.00*ML)
#undef ML
/* TL_TAB_LEN is calculated as:
* 12 - sinus amplitude bits (Y axis)
* 2 - sinus sign bit (Y axis)
* TL_RES_LEN - sinus resolution (X axis)
#define TL_TAB_LEN (12*2*TL_RES_LEN)
static signed int tl_tab[TL_TAB_LEN];
#define ENV_QUIET (TL_TAB_LEN>>4)
/* sin waveform table in 'decibel' scale */
/* four waveforms on OPL2 type chips */
static unsigned int sin_tab[SIN_LEN * 4];
/* LFO Amplitude Modulation table (verified on real YM3812)
27 output levels (triangle waveform); 1 level takes one of: 192, 256 or 448 samples
Length: 210 elements.
Each of the elements has to be repeated
exactly 64 times (on 64 consecutive samples).
The whole table takes: 64 * 210 = 13440 samples.
When AM = 1 data is used directly
When AM = 0 data is divided by 4 before being used (loosing precision is important)
static const UINT8 lfo_am_table[LFO_AM_TAB_ELEMENTS] = {
/* LFO Phase Modulation table (verified on real YM3812) */
static const INT8 lfo_pm_table[8*8*2] = {
/* FNUM2/FNUM = 00 0xxxxxxx (0x0000) */
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, /*LFO PM depth = 0*/
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, /*LFO PM depth = 1*/
/* FNUM2/FNUM = 00 1xxxxxxx (0x0080) */
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, /*LFO PM depth = 0*/
1, 0, 0, 0,-1, 0, 0, 0, /*LFO PM depth = 1*/
/* FNUM2/FNUM = 01 0xxxxxxx (0x0100) */
1, 0, 0, 0,-1, 0, 0, 0, /*LFO PM depth = 0*/
2, 1, 0,-1,-2,-1, 0, 1, /*LFO PM depth = 1*/
/* FNUM2/FNUM = 01 1xxxxxxx (0x0180) */
1, 0, 0, 0,-1, 0, 0, 0, /*LFO PM depth = 0*/
3, 1, 0,-1,-3,-1, 0, 1, /*LFO PM depth = 1*/
/* FNUM2/FNUM = 10 0xxxxxxx (0x0200) */
2, 1, 0,-1,-2,-1, 0, 1, /*LFO PM depth = 0*/
4, 2, 0,-2,-4,-2, 0, 2, /*LFO PM depth = 1*/
/* FNUM2/FNUM = 10 1xxxxxxx (0x0280) */
2, 1, 0,-1,-2,-1, 0, 1, /*LFO PM depth = 0*/
5, 2, 0,-2,-5,-2, 0, 2, /*LFO PM depth = 1*/
/* FNUM2/FNUM = 11 0xxxxxxx (0x0300) */
3, 1, 0,-1,-3,-1, 0, 1, /*LFO PM depth = 0*/
6, 3, 0,-3,-6,-3, 0, 3, /*LFO PM depth = 1*/
/* FNUM2/FNUM = 11 1xxxxxxx (0x0380) */
3, 1, 0,-1,-3,-1, 0, 1, /*LFO PM depth = 0*/
7, 3, 0,-3,-7,-3, 0, 3 /*LFO PM depth = 1*/
/* lock level of common table */
static int num_lock = 0;
/* work table */
static signed int phase_modulation; /* phase modulation input (SLOT 2) */
static signed int output;
static UINT32 LFO_AM;
static INT32 LFO_PM;
static bool CalcVoice (FM_OPL *OPL, int voice, float *buffer, int length);
static bool CalcRhythm (FM_OPL *OPL, float *buffer, int length);
/* status set and IRQ handling */
/* set status flag */
OPL->status |= flag;
if(!(OPL->status & 0x80))
if(OPL->status & OPL->statusmask)
{ /* IRQ on */
OPL->status |= 0x80;
/* status reset and IRQ handling */
/* reset status flag */
OPL->status &=~flag;
if((OPL->status & 0x80))
if (!(OPL->status & OPL->statusmask) )
OPL->status &= 0x7f;
/* IRQ mask set */
OPL->statusmask = flag;
/* IRQ handling check */
/* advance LFO to next sample */
INLINE void advance_lfo(FM_OPL *OPL)
UINT8 tmp;
/* LFO */
OPL->lfo_am_cnt += OPL->lfo_am_inc;
if (OPL->lfo_am_cnt >= (UINT32)(LFO_AM_TAB_ELEMENTS<<LFO_SH) ) /* lfo_am_table is 210 elements long */
OPL->lfo_am_cnt -= (LFO_AM_TAB_ELEMENTS<<LFO_SH);
tmp = lfo_am_table[ OPL->lfo_am_cnt >> LFO_SH ];
if (OPL->lfo_am_depth)
LFO_AM = tmp;
LFO_AM = tmp>>2;
OPL->lfo_pm_cnt += OPL->lfo_pm_inc;
LFO_PM = ((OPL->lfo_pm_cnt>>LFO_SH) & 7) | OPL->lfo_pm_depth_range;
/* advance to next sample */
INLINE void advance(FM_OPL *OPL, int loch, int hich)
int i;
OPL->eg_timer += OPL->eg_timer_add;
loch *= 2;
hich *= 2;
while (OPL->eg_timer >= OPL->eg_timer_overflow)
OPL->eg_timer -= OPL->eg_timer_overflow;
for (i = loch; i <= hich + 1; i++)
CH = &OPL->P_CH[i/2];
op = &CH->SLOT[i&1];
/* Envelope Generator */
case EG_ATT: /* attack phase */
if ( !(OPL->eg_cnt & ((1<<op->eg_sh_ar)-1) ) )
op->volume += (~op->volume *
(eg_inc[op->eg_sel_ar + ((OPL->eg_cnt>>op->eg_sh_ar)&7)])
) >>3;
if (op->volume <= MIN_ATT_INDEX)
op->volume = MIN_ATT_INDEX;
op->state = EG_DEC;
case EG_DEC: /* decay phase */
if ( !(OPL->eg_cnt & ((1<<op->eg_sh_dr)-1) ) )
op->volume += eg_inc[op->eg_sel_dr + ((OPL->eg_cnt>>op->eg_sh_dr)&7)];
if ( op->volume >= (INT32)op->sl )
op->state = EG_SUS;
case EG_SUS: /* sustain phase */
/* this is important behaviour:
one can change percusive/non-percussive modes on the fly and
the chip will remain in sustain phase - verified on real YM3812 */
if(op->eg_type) /* non-percussive mode */
/* do nothing */
else /* percussive mode */
/* during sustain phase chip adds Release Rate (in percussive mode) */
if ( !(OPL->eg_cnt & ((1<<op->eg_sh_rr)-1) ) )
op->volume += eg_inc[op->eg_sel_rr + ((OPL->eg_cnt>>op->eg_sh_rr)&7)];
if ( op->volume >= MAX_ATT_INDEX )
op->volume = MAX_ATT_INDEX;
/* else do nothing in sustain phase */
case EG_REL: /* release phase */
if ( !(OPL->eg_cnt & ((1<<op->eg_sh_rr)-1) ) )
op->volume += eg_inc[op->eg_sel_rr + ((OPL->eg_cnt>>op->eg_sh_rr)&7)];
if ( op->volume >= MAX_ATT_INDEX )
op->volume = MAX_ATT_INDEX;
op->state = EG_OFF;
/* Phase Generator */
UINT8 block;
unsigned int block_fnum = CH->block_fnum;
unsigned int fnum_lfo = (block_fnum&0x0380) >> 7;
signed int lfo_fn_table_index_offset = lfo_pm_table[LFO_PM + 16*fnum_lfo ];
if (lfo_fn_table_index_offset) /* LFO phase modulation active */
block_fnum += lfo_fn_table_index_offset;
block = (block_fnum&0x1c00) >> 10;
op->Cnt += (OPL->fn_tab[block_fnum&0x03ff] >> (7-block)) * op->mul;
else /* LFO phase modulation = zero */
op->Cnt += op->Incr;
else /* LFO phase modulation disabled for this operator */
op->Cnt += op->Incr;
INLINE void advance_noise(FM_OPL *OPL)
int i;
/* The Noise Generator of the YM3812 is 23-bit shift register.
* Period is equal to 2^23-2 samples.
* Register works at sampling frequency of the chip, so output
* can change on every sample.
* Output of the register and input to the bit 22 is:
* bit0 XOR bit14 XOR bit15 XOR bit22
* Simply use bit 22 as the noise output.
OPL->noise_p += OPL->noise_f;
i = OPL->noise_p >> FREQ_SH; /* number of events (shifts of the shift register) */
OPL->noise_p &= FREQ_MASK;
while (i)
UINT32 j;
j = ( (OPL->noise_rng) ^ (OPL->noise_rng>>14) ^ (OPL->noise_rng>>15) ^ (OPL->noise_rng>>22) ) & 1;
OPL->noise_rng = (j<<22) | (OPL->noise_rng>>1);
Instead of doing all the logic operations above, we
use a trick here (and use bit 0 as the noise output).
The difference is only that the noise bit changes one
step ahead. This doesn't matter since we don't know
what is real state of the noise_rng after the reset.
if (OPL->noise_rng & 1) OPL->noise_rng ^= 0x800302;
OPL->noise_rng >>= 1;
INLINE signed int op_calc(UINT32 phase, unsigned int env, signed int pm, unsigned int wave_tab)
UINT32 p;
p = (env<<4) + sin_tab[wave_tab + ((((signed int)((phase & ~FREQ_MASK) + (pm<<16))) >> FREQ_SH ) & SIN_MASK) ];
if (p >= TL_TAB_LEN)
return 0;
return tl_tab[p];
INLINE signed int op_calc1(UINT32 phase, unsigned int env, signed int pm, unsigned int wave_tab)
UINT32 p;
p = (env<<4) + sin_tab[wave_tab + ((((signed int)((phase & ~FREQ_MASK) + pm )) >> FREQ_SH ) & SIN_MASK) ];
if (p >= TL_TAB_LEN)
return 0;
return tl_tab[p];
#define volume_calc(OP) ((OP)->TLL + ((UINT32)(OP)->volume) + (LFO_AM & (OP)->AMmask))
/* calculate output */
unsigned int env;
signed int out;
phase_modulation = 0;
/* SLOT 1 */
env = volume_calc(SLOT);
out = SLOT->op1_out[0] + SLOT->op1_out[1];
SLOT->op1_out[0] = SLOT->op1_out[1];
*SLOT->connect1 += SLOT->op1_out[0];
SLOT->op1_out[1] = 0;
if( env < ENV_QUIET )
if (!SLOT->FB)
out = 0;
SLOT->op1_out[1] = op_calc1(SLOT->Cnt, env, (out<<SLOT->FB), SLOT->wavetable );
/* SLOT 2 */
env = volume_calc(SLOT);
if( env < ENV_QUIET )
output += op_calc(SLOT->Cnt, env, phase_modulation, SLOT->wavetable);
/* [RH] Convert to floating point. */
return float(output) / 10240;
return 0;
operators used in the rhythm sounds generation process:
Envelope Generator:
channel operator register number Bass High Snare Tom Top
/ slot number TL ARDR SLRR Wave Drum Hat Drum Tom Cymbal
6 / 0 12 50 70 90 f0 +
6 / 1 15 53 73 93 f3 +
7 / 0 13 51 71 91 f1 +
7 / 1 16 54 74 94 f4 +
8 / 0 14 52 72 92 f2 +
8 / 1 17 55 75 95 f5 +
Phase Generator:
channel operator register number Bass High Snare Tom Top
/ slot number MULTIPLE Drum Hat Drum Tom Cymbal
6 / 0 12 30 +
6 / 1 15 33 +
7 / 0 13 31 + + +
7 / 1 16 34 ----- n o t u s e d -----
8 / 0 14 32 +
8 / 1 17 35 + +
channel operator register number Bass High Snare Tom Top
number number BLK/FNUM2 FNUM Drum Hat Drum Tom Cymbal
6 12,15 B6 A6 +
7 13,16 B7 A7 + + +
8 14,17 B8 A8 + + +
/* calculate rhythm */
INLINE void OPL_CALC_RH( OPL_CH *CH, unsigned int noise )
signed int out;
unsigned int env;
/* Bass Drum (verified on real YM3812):
- depends on the channel 6 'connect' register:
when connect = 0 it works the same as in normal (non-rhythm) mode (op1->op2->out)
when connect = 1 _only_ operator 2 is present on output (op2->out), operator 1 is ignored
- output sample always is multiplied by 2
phase_modulation = 0;
/* SLOT 1 */
env = volume_calc(SLOT);
out = SLOT->op1_out[0] + SLOT->op1_out[1];
SLOT->op1_out[0] = SLOT->op1_out[1];
if (!SLOT->CON)
phase_modulation = SLOT->op1_out[0];
/* else ignore output of operator 1 */
SLOT->op1_out[1] = 0;
if( env < ENV_QUIET )
if (!SLOT->FB)
out = 0;
SLOT->op1_out[1] = op_calc1(SLOT->Cnt, env, (out<<SLOT->FB), SLOT->wavetable );
/* SLOT 2 */
env = volume_calc(SLOT);
if( env < ENV_QUIET )
output += op_calc(SLOT->Cnt, env, phase_modulation, SLOT->wavetable) * 2;
/* Phase generation is based on: */
/* HH (13) channel 7->slot 1 combined with channel 8->slot 2 (same combination as TOP CYMBAL but different output phases) */
/* SD (16) channel 7->slot 1 */
/* TOM (14) channel 8->slot 1 */
/* TOP (17) channel 7->slot 1 combined with channel 8->slot 2 (same combination as HIGH HAT but different output phases) */
/* Envelope generation based on: */
/* HH channel 7->slot1 */
/* SD channel 7->slot2 */
/* TOM channel 8->slot1 */
/* TOP channel 8->slot2 */
/* The following formulas can be well optimized.
I leave them in direct form for now (in case I've missed something).
/* High Hat (verified on real YM3812) */
env = volume_calc(&CH[7].SLOT[SLOT1]);
if( env < ENV_QUIET )
/* high hat phase generation:
phase = d0 or 234 (based on frequency only)
phase = 34 or 2d0 (based on noise)
/* base frequency derived from operator 1 in channel 7 */
unsigned char bit7 = ((CH[7].SLOT[SLOT1].Cnt>>FREQ_SH)>>7)&1;
unsigned char bit3 = ((CH[7].SLOT[SLOT1].Cnt>>FREQ_SH)>>3)&1;
unsigned char bit2 = ((CH[7].SLOT[SLOT1].Cnt>>FREQ_SH)>>2)&1;
unsigned char res1 = (bit2 ^ bit7) | bit3;
/* when res1 = 0 phase = 0x000 | 0xd0; */
/* when res1 = 1 phase = 0x200 | (0xd0>>2); */
UINT32 phase = res1 ? (0x200|(0xd0>>2)) : 0xd0;
/* enable gate based on frequency of operator 2 in channel 8 */
unsigned char bit5e= ((CH[8].SLOT[SLOT2].Cnt>>FREQ_SH)>>5)&1;
unsigned char bit3e= ((CH[8].SLOT[SLOT2].Cnt>>FREQ_SH)>>3)&1;
unsigned char res2 = (bit3e ^ bit5e);
/* when res2 = 0 pass the phase from calculation above (res1); */
/* when res2 = 1 phase = 0x200 | (0xd0>>2); */
if (res2)
phase = (0x200|(0xd0>>2));
/* when phase & 0x200 is set and noise=1 then phase = 0x200|0xd0 */
/* when phase & 0x200 is set and noise=0 then phase = 0x200|(0xd0>>2), ie no change */
if (phase&0x200)
if (noise)
phase = 0x200|0xd0;
/* when phase & 0x200 is clear and noise=1 then phase = 0xd0>>2 */
/* when phase & 0x200 is clear and noise=0 then phase = 0xd0, ie no change */
if (noise)
phase = 0xd0>>2;
output += op_calc(phase<<FREQ_SH, env, 0, CH[7].SLOT[SLOT1].wavetable) * 2;
/* Snare Drum (verified on real YM3812) */
env = volume_calc(&CH[7].SLOT[SLOT2]);
if( env < ENV_QUIET )
/* base frequency derived from operator 1 in channel 7 */
unsigned char bit8 = ((CH[7].SLOT[SLOT1].Cnt>>FREQ_SH)>>8)&1;
/* when bit8 = 0 phase = 0x100; */
/* when bit8 = 1 phase = 0x200; */
UINT32 phase = bit8 ? 0x200 : 0x100;
/* Noise bit XOR'es phase by 0x100 */
/* when noisebit = 0 pass the phase from calculation above */
/* when noisebit = 1 phase ^= 0x100; */
/* in other words: phase ^= (noisebit<<8); */
if (noise)
phase ^= 0x100;
output += op_calc(phase<<FREQ_SH, env, 0, CH[7].SLOT[SLOT2].wavetable) * 2;
/* Tom Tom (verified on real YM3812) */
env = volume_calc(&CH[8].SLOT[SLOT1]);
if( env < ENV_QUIET )
output += op_calc(CH[8].SLOT[SLOT1].Cnt, env, 0, CH[8].SLOT[SLOT2].wavetable) * 2;
/* Top Cymbal (verified on real YM3812) */
env = volume_calc(&CH[8].SLOT[SLOT2]);
if( env < ENV_QUIET )
/* base frequency derived from operator 1 in channel 7 */
unsigned char bit7 = ((CH[7].SLOT[SLOT1].Cnt>>FREQ_SH)>>7)&1;
unsigned char bit3 = ((CH[7].SLOT[SLOT1].Cnt>>FREQ_SH)>>3)&1;
unsigned char bit2 = ((CH[7].SLOT[SLOT1].Cnt>>FREQ_SH)>>2)&1;
unsigned char res1 = (bit2 ^ bit7) | bit3;
/* when res1 = 0 phase = 0x000 | 0x100; */
/* when res1 = 1 phase = 0x200 | 0x100; */
UINT32 phase = res1 ? 0x300 : 0x100;
/* enable gate based on frequency of operator 2 in channel 8 */
unsigned char bit5e= ((CH[8].SLOT[SLOT2].Cnt>>FREQ_SH)>>5)&1;
unsigned char bit3e= ((CH[8].SLOT[SLOT2].Cnt>>FREQ_SH)>>3)&1;
unsigned char res2 = (bit3e ^ bit5e);
/* when res2 = 0 pass the phase from calculation above (res1); */
/* when res2 = 1 phase = 0x200 | 0x100; */
if (res2)
phase = 0x300;
output += op_calc(phase<<FREQ_SH, env, 0, CH[8].SLOT[SLOT2].wavetable) * 2;
/* generic table initialize */
static void init_tables(void)
signed int i,x;
signed int n;
double o,m;
/* We only need to do this once. */
static bool did_init = false;
if (did_init)
for (x=0; x<TL_RES_LEN; x++)
m = (1<<16) / pow(2.0, (x+1) * (ENV_STEP/4.0) / 8.0);
m = floor(m);
/* we never reach (1<<16) here due to the (x+1) */
/* result fits within 16 bits at maximum */
n = (int)m; /* 16 bits here */
n >>= 4; /* 12 bits here */
n = (n+1)>>1; /* round to nearest */
/* 11 bits here (rounded) */
n <<= 1; /* 12 bits here (as in real chip) */
tl_tab[ x*2 + 0 ] = n;
tl_tab[ x*2 + 1 ] = -tl_tab[ x*2 + 0 ];
for (i=1; i<12; i++)
tl_tab[ x*2+0 + i*2*TL_RES_LEN ] = tl_tab[ x*2+0 ]>>i;
tl_tab[ x*2+1 + i*2*TL_RES_LEN ] = -tl_tab[ x*2+0 ]>>i;
for (i=0; i<SIN_LEN; i++)
/* non-standard sinus */
m = sin( ((i*2)+1) * PI / SIN_LEN ); /* checked against the real chip */
/* we never reach zero here due to ((i*2)+1) */
if (m>0.0)
o = 8*log(1.0/m)/log(2.0); /* convert to 'decibels' */
o = 8*log(-1.0/m)/log(2.0); /* convert to 'decibels' */
o = o / (ENV_STEP/4);
n = (int)(2.0*o);
if (n&1) /* round to nearest */
n = (n>>1)+1;
n = n>>1;
sin_tab[ i ] = n*2 + (m>=0.0? 0: 1 );
for (i=0; i<SIN_LEN; i++)
/* waveform 1: __ __ */
/* / \____/ \____*/
/* output only first half of the sinus waveform (positive one) */
if (i & (1<<(SIN_BITS-1)) )
sin_tab[1*SIN_LEN+i] = TL_TAB_LEN;
sin_tab[1*SIN_LEN+i] = sin_tab[i];
/* waveform 2: __ __ __ __ */
/* / \/ \/ \/ \*/
/* abs(sin) */
sin_tab[2*SIN_LEN+i] = sin_tab[i & (SIN_MASK>>1) ];
/* waveform 3: _ _ _ _ */
/* / |_/ |_/ |_/ |_*/
/* abs(output only first quarter of the sinus waveform) */
if (i & (1<<(SIN_BITS-2)) )
sin_tab[3*SIN_LEN+i] = TL_TAB_LEN;
sin_tab[3*SIN_LEN+i] = sin_tab[i & (SIN_MASK>>2)];
did_init = true;
static void OPL_initalize(FM_OPL *OPL)
int i;
/* make fnumber -> increment counter table */
for( i=0 ; i < 1024 ; i++ )
/* opn phase increment counter = 20bit */
OPL->fn_tab[i] = (UINT32)( (double)i * 64 * OPL_FREQBASE * (1<<(FREQ_SH-10)) ); /* -10 because chip works with 10.10 fixed point, while we use 16.16 */
/* Amplitude modulation: 27 output levels (triangle waveform); 1 level takes one of: 192, 256 or 448 samples */
/* One entry from LFO_AM_TABLE lasts for 64 samples */
OPL->lfo_am_inc = UINT32((1.0 / 64.0 ) * (1<<LFO_SH) * OPL_FREQBASE);
/* Vibrato: 8 output levels (triangle waveform); 1 level takes 1024 samples */
OPL->lfo_pm_inc = UINT32((1.0 / 1024.0) * (1<<LFO_SH) * OPL_FREQBASE);
OPL->eg_timer_add = UINT32((1<<EG_SH) * OPL_FREQBASE);
OPL->eg_timer_overflow = UINT32(( 1 ) * (1<<EG_SH));
// [RH] Support full MIDI panning. (But default to mono and center panning.)
OPL->IsStereo = false;
for (int i = 0; i < 9; ++i)
OPL->P_CH[i].RightVol = (float)CENTER_PANNING_POWER;
if( !SLOT->key )
/* restart Phase Generator */
SLOT->Cnt = 0;
/* phase -> Attack */
SLOT->state = EG_ATT;
SLOT->key |= key_set;
if( SLOT->key )
SLOT->key &= key_clr;
if( !SLOT->key )
/* phase -> Release */
if (SLOT->state>EG_REL)
SLOT->state = EG_REL;
/* update phase increment counter of operator (also update the EG rates if necessary) */
int ksr;
/* (frequency) phase increment counter */
SLOT->Incr = CH->fc * SLOT->mul;
ksr = CH->kcode >> SLOT->KSR;
if( SLOT->ksr != ksr )
SLOT->ksr = ksr;
/* calculate envelope generator rates */
if ((SLOT->ar + SLOT->ksr) < 16+62)
SLOT->eg_sh_ar = eg_rate_shift [SLOT->ar + SLOT->ksr ];
SLOT->eg_sel_ar = eg_rate_select[SLOT->ar + SLOT->ksr ];
SLOT->eg_sh_ar = 0;
SLOT->eg_sel_ar = 13*RATE_STEPS;
SLOT->eg_sh_dr = eg_rate_shift [SLOT->dr + SLOT->ksr ];
SLOT->eg_sel_dr = eg_rate_select[SLOT->dr + SLOT->ksr ];
SLOT->eg_sh_rr = eg_rate_shift [SLOT->rr + SLOT->ksr ];
SLOT->eg_sel_rr = eg_rate_select[SLOT->rr + SLOT->ksr ];
/* set multi,am,vib,EG-TYP,KSR,mul */
void set_mul(FM_OPL *OPL,int slot,int v)
OPL_CH *CH = &OPL->P_CH[slot/2];
OPL_SLOT *SLOT = &CH->SLOT[slot&1];
SLOT->mul = mul_tab[v&0x0f];
SLOT->KSR = (v&0x10) ? 0 : 2;
SLOT->eg_type = (v&0x20);
SLOT->vib = (v&0x40);
SLOT->AMmask = (v&0x80) ? ~0 : 0;
/* set ksl & tl */
void set_ksl_tl(FM_OPL *OPL,int slot,int v)
OPL_CH *CH = &OPL->P_CH[slot/2];
OPL_SLOT *SLOT = &CH->SLOT[slot&1];
SLOT->ksl = ksl_shift[v >> 6];
SLOT->TL = (v&0x3f)<<(ENV_BITS-1-7); /* 7 bits TL (bit 6 = always 0) */
SLOT->TLL = SLOT->TL + (CH->ksl_base>>SLOT->ksl);
/* set attack rate & decay rate */
INLINE void set_ar_dr(FM_OPL *OPL,int slot,int v)
OPL_CH *CH = &OPL->P_CH[slot/2];
OPL_SLOT *SLOT = &CH->SLOT[slot&1];
SLOT->ar = (v>>4) ? 16 + ((v>>4) <<2) : 0;
if ((SLOT->ar + SLOT->ksr) < 16+62)
SLOT->eg_sh_ar = eg_rate_shift [SLOT->ar + SLOT->ksr ];
SLOT->eg_sel_ar = eg_rate_select[SLOT->ar + SLOT->ksr ];
SLOT->eg_sh_ar = 0;
SLOT->eg_sel_ar = 13*RATE_STEPS;
SLOT->dr = (v&0x0f)? 16 + ((v&0x0f)<<2) : 0;
SLOT->eg_sh_dr = eg_rate_shift [SLOT->dr + SLOT->ksr ];
SLOT->eg_sel_dr = eg_rate_select[SLOT->dr + SLOT->ksr ];
/* set sustain level & release rate */
void set_sl_rr(FM_OPL *OPL,int slot,int v)
OPL_CH *CH = &OPL->P_CH[slot/2];
OPL_SLOT *SLOT = &CH->SLOT[slot&1];
SLOT->sl = sl_tab[ v>>4 ];
SLOT->rr = (v&0x0f)? 16 + ((v&0x0f)<<2) : 0;
SLOT->eg_sh_rr = eg_rate_shift [SLOT->rr + SLOT->ksr ];
SLOT->eg_sel_rr = eg_rate_select[SLOT->rr + SLOT->ksr ];
/* write a value v to register r on OPL chip */
static void OPLWriteReg(FM_OPL *OPL, int r, int v)
int slot;
int block_fnum;
/* adjust bus to 8 bits */
r &= 0xff;
v &= 0xff;
case 0x00: /* 00-1f:control */
case 0x01: /* waveform select enable */
OPL->wavesel = v&0x20;
case 0x02: /* Timer 1 */
OPL->T[0] = (256-v)*4;
case 0x03: /* Timer 2 */
OPL->T[1] = (256-v)*16;
case 0x04: /* IRQ clear / mask and Timer enable */
{ /* IRQ flag clear */
OPL_STATUS_RESET(OPL,0x7f-0x08); /* don't reset BFRDY flag or we will have to call deltat module to set the flag */
{ /* set IRQ mask ,timer enable*/
UINT8 st1 = v&1;
UINT8 st2 = (v>>1)&1;
OPL_STATUS_RESET(OPL, v & (0x78-0x08) );
OPL_STATUSMASK_SET(OPL, (~v) & 0x78 );
/* timer 2 */
if(OPL->st[1] != st2)
OPL->st[1] = st2;
/* timer 1 */
if(OPL->st[0] != st1)
OPL->st[0] = st1;
case 0x08: /* MODE,DELTA-T control 2 : CSM,NOTESEL,x,x,smpl,da/ad,64k,rom */
OPL->mode = v;
case 0x20: /* am ON, vib ON, ksr, eg_type, mul */
slot = slot_array[r&0x1f];
if(slot < 0) return;
case 0x40:
slot = slot_array[r&0x1f];
if(slot < 0) return;
case 0x60:
slot = slot_array[r&0x1f];
if(slot < 0) return;
case 0x80:
slot = slot_array[r&0x1f];
if(slot < 0) return;
case 0xa0:
if (r == 0xbd) /* am depth, vibrato depth, r,bd,sd,tom,tc,hh */
OPL->lfo_am_depth = v & 0x80;
OPL->lfo_pm_depth_range = (v&0x40) ? 8 : 0;
OPL->rhythm = v&0x3f;
/* BD key on/off */
/* HH key on/off */
if(v&0x01) FM_KEYON (&OPL->P_CH[7].SLOT[SLOT1], 2);
else FM_KEYOFF(&OPL->P_CH[7].SLOT[SLOT1],~2);
/* SD key on/off */
if(v&0x08) FM_KEYON (&OPL->P_CH[7].SLOT[SLOT2], 2);
else FM_KEYOFF(&OPL->P_CH[7].SLOT[SLOT2],~2);
/* TOM key on/off */
if(v&0x04) FM_KEYON (&OPL->P_CH[8].SLOT[SLOT1], 2);
else FM_KEYOFF(&OPL->P_CH[8].SLOT[SLOT1],~2);
/* TOP-CY key on/off */
if(v&0x02) FM_KEYON (&OPL->P_CH[8].SLOT[SLOT2], 2);
else FM_KEYOFF(&OPL->P_CH[8].SLOT[SLOT2],~2);
/* BD key off */
/* HH key off */
/* SD key off */
/* TOM key off */
/* TOP-CY off */
/* keyon,block,fnum */
if( (r&0x0f) > 8) return;
CH = &OPL->P_CH[r&0x0f];
{ /* a0-a8 */
block_fnum = (CH->block_fnum&0x1f00) | v;
{ /* b0-b8 */
block_fnum = ((v&0x1f)<<8) | (CH->block_fnum&0xff);
/* update */
if(CH->block_fnum != (UINT32)block_fnum)
UINT8 block = block_fnum >> 10;
CH->block_fnum = block_fnum;
CH->ksl_base = ksl_tab[block_fnum>>6];
CH->fc = OPL->fn_tab[block_fnum&0x03ff] >> (7-block);
/* BLK 2,1,0 bits -> bits 3,2,1 of kcode */
CH->kcode = (CH->block_fnum&0x1c00)>>9;
/* the info below is actually opposite to what is stated in the Manuals (verifed on real YM3812) */
/* if notesel == 0 -> lsb of kcode is bit 10 (MSB) of fnum */
/* if notesel == 1 -> lsb of kcode is bit 9 (MSB-1) of fnum */
if (OPL->mode&0x40)
CH->kcode |= (CH->block_fnum&0x100)>>8; /* notesel == 1 */
CH->kcode |= (CH->block_fnum&0x200)>>9; /* notesel == 0 */
/* refresh Total Level in both SLOTs of this channel */
CH->SLOT[SLOT1].TLL = CH->SLOT[SLOT1].TL + (CH->ksl_base>>CH->SLOT[SLOT1].ksl);
CH->SLOT[SLOT2].TLL = CH->SLOT[SLOT2].TL + (CH->ksl_base>>CH->SLOT[SLOT2].ksl);
/* refresh frequency counter in both SLOTs of this channel */
case 0xc0:
/* FB,C */
if( (r&0x0f) > 8) return;
CH = &OPL->P_CH[r&0x0f];
CH->SLOT[SLOT1].FB = (v>>1)&7 ? ((v>>1)&7) + 7 : 0;
CH->SLOT[SLOT1].CON = v&1;
CH->SLOT[SLOT1].connect1 = CH->SLOT[SLOT1].CON ? &output : &phase_modulation;
case 0xe0: /* waveform select */
/* simply ignore write to the waveform select register if selecting not enabled in test register */
slot = slot_array[r&0x1f];
if(slot < 0) return;
CH = &OPL->P_CH[slot/2];
CH->SLOT[slot&1].wavetable = (v&0x03)*SIN_LEN;
static void OPLResetChip(FM_OPL *OPL)
int c,s;
int i;
OPL->eg_timer = 0;
OPL->eg_cnt = 0;
OPL->noise_rng = 1; /* noise shift register */
OPL->mode = 0; /* normal mode */
/* reset with register write */
OPLWriteReg(OPL,0x01,0); /* wavesel disable */
OPLWriteReg(OPL,0x02,0); /* Timer1 */
OPLWriteReg(OPL,0x03,0); /* Timer2 */
OPLWriteReg(OPL,0x04,0); /* IRQ mask clear */
for(i = 0xff ; i >= 0x20 ; i-- ) OPLWriteReg(OPL,i,0);
/* reset operator parameters */
for( c = 0 ; c < 9 ; c++ )
OPL_CH *CH = &OPL->P_CH[c];
for(s = 0 ; s < 2 ; s++ )
/* wave table */
CH->SLOT[s].wavetable = 0;
CH->SLOT[s].state = EG_OFF;
CH->SLOT[s].volume = MAX_ATT_INDEX;
class YM3812 : public OPLEmul
FM_OPL Chip;
/* Create one of virtual YM3812 */
YM3812(bool stereo)
/* clear */
memset(&Chip, 0, sizeof(Chip));
/* init global tables */
Chip.IsStereo = stereo;
/* YM3812 I/O interface */
void WriteReg(int reg, int v)
OPLWriteReg(&Chip, reg & 0xff, v);
void Reset()
/* [RH] Full support for MIDI panning */
void SetPanning(int c, float left, float right)
Chip.P_CH[c].LeftVol = left;
Chip.P_CH[c].RightVol = right;
** Generate samples for one of the YM3812's
** '*buffer' is the output buffer pointer
** 'length' is the number of samples that should be generated
void Update(float *buffer, int length)
int i;
UINT8 rhythm = Chip.rhythm&0x20;
UINT32 lfo_am_cnt_bak = Chip.lfo_am_cnt;
UINT32 eg_timer_bak = Chip.eg_timer;
UINT32 eg_cnt_bak = Chip.eg_cnt;
UINT32 lfo_am_cnt_out = lfo_am_cnt_bak;
UINT32 eg_timer_out = eg_timer_bak;
UINT32 eg_cnt_out = eg_cnt_bak;
for (i = 0; i <= (rhythm ? 5 : 8); ++i)
Chip.lfo_am_cnt = lfo_am_cnt_bak;
Chip.eg_timer = eg_timer_bak;
Chip.eg_cnt = eg_cnt_bak;
if (CalcVoice (&Chip, i, buffer, length))
lfo_am_cnt_out = Chip.lfo_am_cnt;
eg_timer_out = Chip.eg_timer;
eg_cnt_out = Chip.eg_cnt;
Chip.lfo_am_cnt = lfo_am_cnt_out;
Chip.eg_timer = eg_timer_out;
Chip.eg_cnt = eg_cnt_out;
if (rhythm) /* Rhythm part */
Chip.lfo_am_cnt = lfo_am_cnt_bak;
Chip.eg_timer = eg_timer_bak;
Chip.eg_cnt = eg_cnt_bak;
CalcRhythm (&Chip, buffer, length);
FString GetVoiceString(void *chip)
FM_OPL *OPL = (FM_OPL *)chip;
char out[9*3];
for (int i = 0; i <= 8; ++i)
int color;
if (OPL != NULL && (OPL->P_CH[i].SLOT[0].state != EG_OFF || OPL->P_CH[i].SLOT[1].state != EG_OFF))
color = 'D'; // Green means in use
color = 'A'; // Brick means free
out[i*3+0] = '\x1c';
out[i*3+1] = color;
out[i*3+2] = '*';
return FString (out, 9*3);
OPLEmul *YM3812Create(bool stereo)
/* emulator create */
return new YM3812(stereo);
// [RH] Render a whole voice at once. If nothing else, it lets us avoid
// wasting a lot of time on voices that aren't playing anything.
static bool CalcVoice (FM_OPL *OPL, int voice, float *buffer, int length)
OPL_CH *const CH = &OPL->P_CH[voice];
int i;
if (CH->SLOT[0].state == EG_OFF && CH->SLOT[1].state == EG_OFF)
{ // Voice is not playing, so don't do anything for it
return false;
for (i = 0; i < length; ++i)
output = 0;
float sample = OPL_CALC_CH(CH);
if (!OPL->IsStereo)
buffer[i] += sample;
buffer[i*2] += sample * CH->LeftVol;
buffer[i*2+1] += sample * CH->RightVol;
advance(OPL, voice, voice);
return true;
static bool CalcRhythm (FM_OPL *OPL, float *buffer, int length)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < length; ++i)
output = 0;
OPL_CALC_RH(&OPL->P_CH[0], OPL->noise_rng & 1);
/* [RH] Convert to floating point. */
float sample = float(output) / 10240;
if (!OPL->IsStereo)
buffer[i] += sample;
// [RH] Always use center panning for rhythm.
// The MIDI player doesn't use the rhythm section anyway.
buffer[i*2] += sample * CENTER_PANNING_POWER;
buffer[i*2+1] += sample * CENTER_PANNING_POWER;
advance(OPL, 6, 8);
return true;