Randy Heit 964ff46063 Add new state options to parser and actually enable them
- Added new state options that DECORATE got to the lemon parser.
- Enable token generation for state options. They were previously not
  generated, so the grammar treated them as function calls instead.
2016-03-03 18:33:07 -06:00

494 lines
12 KiB

#define YYCTYPE unsigned char
#define YYCURSOR cursor
#define YYLIMIT limit
#define YYMARKER marker
#define YYFILL(n) {}
#if 0 // As long as the buffer ends with '\n', we need do nothing special for YYFILL.
// This buffer must be as large as the largest YYFILL call
YYCTYPE eofbuf[9];
#define YYFILL(n) \
{ if(!sc_End) { \
if(n == 2) { eofbuf[0] = *cursor; } \
else if(n >= 3 && n <= 9) { memcpy(eofbuf, cursor, n-1); } \
eofbuf[n-1] = '\n'; \
cursor = eofbuf; \
limit = eofbuf + n - 1; \
sc_End = true; } \
} \
assert(n <= sizeof eofbuf) // Semicolon intentionally omitted
//#define YYDEBUG(s,c) { Printf ("%d: %02x\n", s, c); }
#define YYDEBUG(s,c)
const char *cursor = ScriptPtr;
const char *limit = ScriptEndPtr;
any = [\000-\377];
WSP = ([\000- ]\[\n]);
NWS = (any\[\000- ]);
O = [0-7];
D = [0-9];
L = [a-zA-Z_];
H = [a-fA-F0-9];
E = [Ee] [+-]? D+;
FS = [fF];
IS = [uUlL];
ESC = [\\] ([abcfnrtv?'"\\] | "x" H+ | O+);
TOK1 = [{}|=];
TOKC = [{}|=/`~!@#$%^&*()\[\]\\?\-=+;:<>,.];
STOP1 = (TOK1|["/;]);
STOPC = (TOKC|["]);
#define RET(x) TokenType = (x); goto normal_token;
if (tokens && StateMode != 0)
"/*" { goto comment; } /* C comment */
"//" (any\"\n")* "\n" { goto newline; } /* C++ comment */
("#region"|"#endregion") (any\"\n")* "\n"
{ goto newline; } /* Region blocks [mxd] */
(["](([\\]["])|[^"])*["]) { RET(TK_StringConst); }
'stop' { RET(TK_Stop); }
'wait' { RET(TK_Wait); }
'fail' { RET(TK_Fail); }
'loop' { RET(TK_Loop); }
'goto' { StateMode = 0; StateOptions = false; RET(TK_Goto); }
":" { RET(':'); }
";" { RET(';'); }
"}" { StateMode = 0; StateOptions = false; RET('}'); }
WSP+ { goto std1; }
"\n" { goto newline; }
TOKS = (NWS\[/":;}]);
TOKS* ([/] (TOKS\[*]) TOKS*)*
{ RET(TK_NonWhitespace); }
else if (tokens) // A well-defined scanner, based on the c.re example.
"/*" { goto comment; } /* C comment */
"//" (any\"\n")* "\n" { goto newline; } /* C++ comment */
("#region"|"#endregion") (any\"\n")* "\n"
{ goto newline; } /* Region blocks [mxd] */
/* C Keywords */
'break' { RET(TK_Break); }
'case' { RET(TK_Case); }
'const' { RET(TK_Const); }
'continue' { RET(TK_Continue); }
'default' { RET(TK_Default); }
'do' { RET(TK_Do); }
'else' { RET(TK_Else); }
'for' { RET(TK_For); }
'goto' { RET(TK_Goto); }
'if' { RET(TK_If); }
'return' { RET(TK_Return); }
'switch' { RET(TK_Switch); }
'until' { RET(TK_Until); }
'volatile' { RET(TK_Volatile); }
'while' { RET(TK_While); }
/* Type names */
'bool' { RET(TK_Bool); }
'float' { RET(TK_Float); }
'double' { RET(TK_Double); }
'char' { RET(TK_Char); }
'byte' { RET(TK_Byte); }
'sbyte' { RET(TK_SByte); }
'short' { RET(TK_Short); }
'ushort' { RET(TK_UShort); }
'int' { RET(TK_Int); }
'uint' { RET(TK_UInt); }
'long' { RET(TK_Long); }
'ulong' { RET(TK_ULong); }
'void' { RET(TK_Void); }
'struct' { RET(TK_Struct); }
'class' { RET(TK_Class); }
'mode' { RET(TK_Mode); }
'enum' { RET(TK_Enum); }
'name' { RET(TK_Name); }
'string' { RET(TK_String); }
'sound' { RET(TK_Sound); }
'state' { RET(TK_State); }
'color' { RET(TK_Color); }
'vector' { RET(TK_Vector); }
'map' { RET(TK_Map); }
'array' { RET(TK_Array); }
'in' { RET(TK_In); }
'sizeof' { RET(TK_SizeOf); }
'alignof' { RET(TK_AlignOf); }
/* Other keywords from UnrealScript */
'abstract' { RET(TK_Abstract); }
'foreach' { RET(TK_ForEach); }
'true' { RET(TK_True); }
'false' { RET(TK_False); }
'none' { RET(TK_None); }
'new' { RET(TK_New); }
'instanceof' { RET(TK_InstanceOf); }
'auto' { RET(TK_Auto); }
'exec' { RET(TK_Exec); }
'defaultproperties' { RET(TK_DefaultProperties); }
'native' { RET(TK_Native); }
'var' { RET(TK_Var); }
'out' { RET(TK_Out); }
'ref' { RET(TK_Ref); }
'event' { RET(TK_Event); }
'static' { RET(TK_Static); }
'transient' { RET(TK_Transient); }
'final' { RET(TK_Final); }
'throws' { RET(TK_Throws); }
'extends' { RET(TK_Extends); }
'public' { RET(TK_Public); }
'protected' { RET(TK_Protected); }
'private' { RET(TK_Private); }
'dot' { RET(TK_Dot); }
'cross' { RET(TK_Cross); }
'ignores' { RET(TK_Ignores); }
'localized' { RET(TK_Localized); }
'latent' { RET(TK_Latent); }
'singular' { RET(TK_Singular); }
'config' { RET(TK_Config); }
'coerce' { RET(TK_Coerce); }
'iterator' { RET(TK_Iterator); }
'optional' { RET(TK_Optional); }
'export' { RET(TK_Export); }
'virtual' { RET(TK_Virtual); }
'super' { RET(TK_Super); }
'global' { RET(TK_Global); }
'self' { RET(TK_Self); }
'stop' { RET(TK_Stop); }
'is' { RET(TK_Is); }
'replaces' { RET(TK_Replaces); }
'states' { RET(TK_States); }
'meta' { RET(TK_Meta); }
'deprecated' { RET(TK_Deprecated); }
'action' { RET(TK_Action); }
'readonly' { RET(TK_ReadOnly); }
/* Actor state options */
'bright' { RET(StateOptions ? TK_Bright : TK_Identifier); }
'fast' { RET(StateOptions ? TK_Fast : TK_Identifier); }
'slow' { RET(StateOptions ? TK_Slow : TK_Identifier); }
'nodelay' { RET(StateOptions ? TK_NoDelay : TK_Identifier); }
'canraise' { RET(StateOptions ? TK_CanRaise : TK_Identifier); }
'offset' { RET(StateOptions ? TK_Offset : TK_Identifier); }
'light' { RET(StateOptions ? TK_Light : TK_Identifier); }
/* other DECORATE top level keywords */
'#include' { RET(TK_Include); }
'fixed_t' { RET(TK_Fixed_t); }
'angle_t' { RET(TK_Angle_t); }
L (L|D)* { RET(TK_Identifier); }
("0" [xX] H+ IS?IS?) | ("0" D+ IS?IS?) | (D+ IS?IS?)
{ RET(TK_IntConst); }
(D+ E FS?) | (D* "." D+ E? FS?) | (D+ "." D* E? FS?)
{ RET(TK_FloatConst); }
{ RET(TK_StringConst); }
(['] (any\[\n'])* ['])
{ RET(TK_NameConst); }
".." { RET(TK_DotDot); }
"..." { RET(TK_Ellipsis); }
">>>=" { RET(TK_URShiftEq); }
">>=" { RET(TK_RShiftEq); }
"<<=" { RET(TK_LShiftEq); }
"+=" { RET(TK_AddEq); }
"-=" { RET(TK_SubEq); }
"*=" { RET(TK_MulEq); }
"/=" { RET(TK_DivEq); }
"%=" { RET(TK_ModEq); }
"&=" { RET(TK_AndEq); }
"^=" { RET(TK_XorEq); }
"|=" { RET(TK_OrEq); }
">>>" { RET(TK_URShift); }
">>" { RET(TK_RShift); }
"<<" { RET(TK_LShift); }
"++" { RET(TK_Incr); }
"--" { RET(TK_Decr); }
"&&" { RET(TK_AndAnd); }
"||" { RET(TK_OrOr); }
"<=" { RET(TK_Leq); }
">=" { RET(TK_Geq); }
"==" { RET(TK_Eq); }
"!=" { RET(TK_Neq); }
"~==" { RET(TK_ApproxEq); }
"<>=" { RET(TK_LtGtEq); }
"**" { RET(TK_MulMul); }
"::" { RET(TK_ColonColon); }
";" { StateOptions = false; RET(';'); }
"{" { StateOptions = false; RET('{'); }
"}" { RET('}'); }
"," { RET(','); }
":" { RET(':'); }
"=" { RET('='); }
"(" { RET('('); }
")" { RET(')'); }
"[" { RET('['); }
"]" { RET(']'); }
"." { RET('.'); }
"&" { RET('&'); }
"!" { RET('!'); }
"~" { RET('~'); }
"-" { RET('-'); }
"+" { RET('+'); }
"*" { RET('*'); }
"/" { RET('/'); }
"%" { RET('%'); }
"<" { RET('<'); }
">" { RET('>'); }
"^" { RET('^'); }
"|" { RET('|'); }
"?" { RET('?'); }
[ \t\v\f\r]+ { goto std1; }
"\n" { goto newline; }
ScriptError ("Unexpected character: %c (ASCII %d)\n", *tok, *tok);
goto std1;
if (!CMode) // The classic Hexen scanner.
"/*" { goto comment; } /* C comment */
("//"|";") (any\"\n")* "\n" { goto newline; } /* C++/Hexen comment */
("#region"|"#endregion") (any\"\n")* "\n"
{ goto newline; } /* Region blocks [mxd] */
WSP+ { goto std1; } /* whitespace */
"\n" { goto newline; }
"\"" { goto string; }
TOK1 { goto normal_token; }
/* Regular tokens may contain /, but they must not contain comment starts */
TOK2* ([/] (TOK2\[*]) TOK2*)* { goto normal_token; }
any { goto normal_token; } /* unknown character */
else // A modified Hexen scanner for DECORATE.
"/*" { goto comment; } /* C comment */
"//" (any\"\n")* "\n" { goto newline; } /* C++ comment */
("#region"|"#endregion") (any\"\n")* "\n"
{ goto newline; } /* Region blocks [mxd] */
WSP+ { goto std1; } /* whitespace */
"\n" { goto newline; }
"\"" { goto string; }
[-] { goto negative_check; }
((D* [.] D+) | (D+ [.] D*)) { goto normal_token; } /* decimal number */
(D+ E FS?) | (D* "." D+ E? FS?) | (D+ "." D* E? FS?) { goto normal_token; } /* float with exponent */
"::" { goto normal_token; }
"&&" { goto normal_token; }
"==" { goto normal_token; }
"||" { goto normal_token; }
"<<" { goto normal_token; }
">>" { goto normal_token; }
TOKC { goto normal_token; }
TOKC2+ { goto normal_token; }
any { goto normal_token; } /* unknown character */
// re2c doesn't have enough state to handle '-' as the start of a negative number
// and as its own token, so help it out a little.
TokenType = '-';
goto normal_token;
if (*YYCURSOR >= '0' && *YYCURSOR <= '9')
goto std2;
if (*YYCURSOR != '.' || YYCURSOR+1 >= YYLIMIT)
goto normal_token;
if (*(YYCURSOR+1) >= '0' && *YYCURSOR <= '9')
goto std2;
goto normal_token;
ScriptPtr = ScriptEndPtr;
return_val = false;
goto end;
goto std1;
ScriptPtr = ScriptEndPtr;
return_val = false;
goto end;
Crossed = true;
goto comment;
any { goto comment; }
ScriptPtr = ScriptEndPtr;
return_val = false;
goto end;
Crossed = true;
goto std1;
ScriptPtr = (YYCURSOR >= YYLIMIT) ? ScriptEndPtr : cursor;
StringLen = int(ScriptPtr - tok);
if (tokens && (TokenType == TK_StringConst || TokenType == TK_NameConst))
StringLen -= 2;
if (StringLen >= MAX_STRING_SIZE)
BigStringBuffer = FString(tok+1, StringLen);
memcpy (StringBuffer, tok+1, StringLen);
if (StateMode && TokenType == TK_StringConst)
TokenType = TK_NonWhitespace;
if (StringLen >= MAX_STRING_SIZE)
BigStringBuffer = FString(tok, StringLen);
memcpy (StringBuffer, tok, StringLen);
if (tokens && StateMode)
{ // State mode is exited after two consecutive TK_NonWhitespace tokens
if (TokenType == TK_NonWhitespace)
StateMode = 2;
if (StringLen < MAX_STRING_SIZE)
String = StringBuffer;
StringBuffer[StringLen] = '\0';
String = BigStringBuffer.LockBuffer();
return_val = true;
goto end;
if (YYLIMIT != ScriptEndPtr)
ScriptPtr = ScriptEndPtr;
return_val = false;
goto end;
ScriptPtr = cursor;
BigStringBuffer = "";
for (StringLen = 0; cursor < YYLIMIT; ++cursor)
if (Escape && *cursor == '\\' && *(cursor + 1) == '"')
else if (*cursor == '\r' && *(cursor + 1) == '\n')
cursor++; // convert CR-LF to simply LF
else if (*cursor == '"')
if (*cursor == '\n')
if (CMode)
if (!Escape || StringLen == 0 || String[StringLen - 1] != '\\')
ScriptError ("Unterminated string constant");
StringLen--; // overwrite the \ character with \n
Crossed = true;
if (StringLen == MAX_STRING_SIZE)
BigStringBuffer.AppendCStrPart(StringBuffer, StringLen);
StringLen = 0;
StringBuffer[StringLen++] = *cursor;
if (BigStringBuffer.IsNotEmpty() || StringLen == MAX_STRING_SIZE)
BigStringBuffer.AppendCStrPart(StringBuffer, StringLen);
String = BigStringBuffer.LockBuffer();
StringLen = int(BigStringBuffer.Len());
String = StringBuffer;
StringBuffer[StringLen] = '\0';
ScriptPtr = cursor + 1;
return_val = true;