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284 lines
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#include <stddef.h>
#include "src/util/c99_stdint.h"
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "src/codegen/bitmap.h"
#include "src/codegen/go.h"
#include "src/conf/opt.h"
#include "src/globals.h"
#include "src/ir/adfa/adfa.h"
#include "src/util/allocate.h"
namespace re2c
static uint32_t unmap (Span * new_span, const Span * old_span, uint32_t old_nspans, const State * x);
Cases::Cases (const Span * span, uint32_t span_size)
: def (span_size == 0 ? NULL : span[span_size - 1].to)
, cases (new Case[span_size])
, cases_size (0)
for (uint32_t i = 0, lb = 0; i < span_size; ++ i)
add (lb, span[i].ub, span[i].to);
lb = span[i].ub;
void Cases::add (uint32_t lb, uint32_t ub, State * to)
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cases_size; ++i)
if (cases[i].to == to)
cases[i].ranges.push_back (std::make_pair (lb, ub));
cases[cases_size].ranges.push_back (std::make_pair (lb, ub));
cases[cases_size].to = to;
Cond::Cond (const std::string & cmp, uint32_t val)
: compare (cmp)
, value (val)
Binary::Binary (const Span * s, uint32_t n, const State * next)
: cond (NULL)
, thn (NULL)
, els (NULL)
const uint32_t l = n / 2;
const uint32_t h = n - l;
cond = new Cond ("<=", s[l - 1].ub - 1);
thn = new If (l > 4 ? If::BINARY : If::LINEAR, &s[0], l, next);
els = new If (h > 4 ? If::BINARY : If::LINEAR, &s[l], h, next);
Linear::Linear (const Span * s, uint32_t n, const State * next)
: branches ()
for (;;)
const State *bg = s[0].to;
while (n >= 3 && s[2].to == bg && (s[1].ub - s[0].ub) == 1)
if (s[1].to == next && n == 3)
branches.push_back (std::make_pair (new Cond ("!=", s[0].ub), bg));
return ;
branches.push_back (std::make_pair (new Cond ("==", s[0].ub), s[1].to));
n -= 2;
s += 2;
if (n == 1)
if (next == NULL || s[0].to != next)
branches.push_back (std::make_pair (static_cast<const Cond *> (NULL), s[0].to));
else if (n == 2 && bg == next)
branches.push_back (std::make_pair (new Cond (">=", s[0].ub), s[1].to));
branches.push_back (std::make_pair (new Cond ("<=", s[0].ub - 1), bg));
n -= 1;
s += 1;
If::If (type_t t, const Span * sp, uint32_t nsp, const State * next)
: type (t)
, info ()
switch (type)
case BINARY:
info.binary = new Binary (sp, nsp, next);
case LINEAR:
info.linear = new Linear (sp, nsp, next);
SwitchIf::SwitchIf (const Span * sp, uint32_t nsp, const State * next)
: type (IF)
, info ()
if ((!opts->sFlag && nsp > 2) || (nsp > 8 && (sp[nsp - 2].ub - sp[0].ub <= 3 * (nsp - 2))))
type = SWITCH;
info.cases = new Cases (sp, nsp);
else if (nsp > 5)
info.ifs = new If (If::BINARY, sp, nsp, next);
info.ifs = new If (If::LINEAR, sp, nsp, next);
GoBitmap::GoBitmap (const Span * span, uint32_t nSpans, const Span * hspan, uint32_t hSpans, const BitMap * bm, const State * bm_state, const State * next)
: bitmap (bm)
, bitmap_state (bm_state)
, hgo (NULL)
, lgo (NULL)
Span * bspan = allocate<Span> (nSpans);
uint32_t bSpans = unmap (bspan, span, nSpans, bm_state);
lgo = bSpans == 0
: new SwitchIf (bspan, bSpans, next);
// if there are any low spans, then next state for high spans
// must be NULL to trigger explicit goto generation in linear 'if'
hgo = hSpans == 0
: new SwitchIf (hspan, hSpans, lgo ? NULL : next);
operator delete (bspan);
const uint32_t CpgotoTable::TABLE_SIZE = 0x100;
CpgotoTable::CpgotoTable (const Span * span, uint32_t nSpans)
: table (new const State * [TABLE_SIZE])
uint32_t c = 0;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < nSpans; ++i)
for(; c < span[i].ub && c < TABLE_SIZE; ++c)
table[c] = span[i].to;
Cpgoto::Cpgoto (const Span * span, uint32_t nSpans, const Span * hspan, uint32_t hSpans, const State * next)
: hgo (hSpans == 0 ? NULL : new SwitchIf (hspan, hSpans, next))
, table (new CpgotoTable (span, nSpans))
Dot::Dot (const Span * sp, uint32_t nsp, const State * s)
: from (s)
, cases (new Cases (sp, nsp))
Go::Go ()
: nSpans (0)
, span (NULL)
, type (EMPTY)
, info ()
void Go::init (const State * from)
if (nSpans == 0)
// initialize high (wide) spans
uint32_t hSpans = 0;
const Span * hspan = NULL;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < nSpans; ++i)
if (span[i].ub > 0x100)
hspan = &span[i];
hSpans = nSpans - i;
// initialize bitmaps
uint32_t nBitmaps = 0;
const BitMap * bitmap = NULL;
const State * bitmap_state = NULL;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < nSpans; ++i)
if (span[i].to->isBase)
const BitMap *b = BitMap::find (span[i].to);
if (b && matches(b->go->span, b->go->nSpans, b->on, span, nSpans, span[i].to))
if (bitmap == NULL)
bitmap = b;
bitmap_state = span[i].to;
const uint32_t dSpans = nSpans - hSpans - nBitmaps;
if (opts->target == opt_t::DOT)
type = DOT;
info.dot = new Dot (span, nSpans, from);
else if (opts->gFlag && (dSpans >= opts->cGotoThreshold))
type = CPGOTO;
info.cpgoto = new Cpgoto (span, nSpans, hspan, hSpans, from->next);
else if (opts->bFlag && (nBitmaps > 0))
type = BITMAP;
info.bitmap = new GoBitmap (span, nSpans, hspan, hSpans, bitmap, bitmap_state, from->next);
bUsedYYBitmap = true;
type = SWITCH_IF;
info.switchif = new SwitchIf (span, nSpans, from->next);
* Find all spans, that map to the given state. For each of them,
* find upper adjacent span, that maps to another state (if such
* span exists, otherwize try lower one).
* If input contains single span that maps to the given state,
* then output contains 0 spans.
uint32_t unmap (Span * new_span, const Span * old_span, uint32_t old_nspans, const State * x)
uint32_t new_nspans = 0;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < old_nspans; ++i)
if (old_span[i].to != x)
if (new_nspans > 0 && new_span[new_nspans - 1].to == old_span[i].to)
new_span[new_nspans - 1].ub = old_span[i].ub;
new_span[new_nspans].to = old_span[i].to;
new_span[new_nspans].ub = old_span[i].ub;
if (new_nspans > 0)
new_span[new_nspans - 1].ub = old_span[old_nspans - 1].ub;
return new_nspans;
} // namespace re2c