mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 03:32:43 +00:00
- Added .txt files to the list of types (wad, zip, and pk3) that can be loaded without listing them after -file. - Fonts that are created by the ACS setfont command to wrap a texture now support animated textures. - FON2 fonts can now use their full palette for CR_UNTRANSLATED when drawn with the hardware 2D path instead of being restricted to the game palette. - Fixed: Toggling vid_vsync would reset the displayed fullscreen gamma to 1 on a Radeon 9000. - Added back the off-by-one palette handling, but in a much more limited scope than before. The skipped entry is assumed to always be at 248, and it is assumed that all Shader Model 1.4 cards suffer from this. That's because all SM1.4 cards are based on variants of the ATI R200 core, and the RV250 in a Radeon 9000 craps up like this. I see no reason to assume that other flavors of the R200 are any different. (Interesting note: With the Radeon 9000, D3DTADDRESS_CLAMP is an invalid address mode when using the debug Direct3D 9 runtime, but it works perfectly fine with the retail Direct3D 9 runtime.) (Insight: The R200 probably uses bytes for all its math inside pixel shaders. That would explain perfectly why I can't use constants greater than 1 with PS1.4 and why it can't do an exact mapping to every entry in the color palette. - Fixed: The software shaded drawer did not work for 2D, because its selected "color"map was replaced with the identitymap before being used. - Fixed: I cannot use Printf to output messages before the framebuffer was completely setup, meaning that Shader Model 1.4 cards could not change resolution. - I have decided to let remap palettes specify variable alpha values for their colors. D3DFB no longer forces them to 255. - Updated re2c to version 0.12.3. - Fixed: A_Wander used threshold as a timer, when it should have used reactiontime. - Fixed: A_CustomRailgun would not fire at all for actors without a target when the aim parameter was disabled. - Made the warp command work in multiplayer, again courtesy of Karate Chris. - Fixed: Trying to spawn a bot while not in a game made for a crashing time. (Patch courtesy of Karate Chris.) - Removed some floating point math from hu_scores.cpp that somebody's GCC gave warnings for (not mine, though). - Fixed: The SBarInfo drawbar command crashed if the sprite image was unavailable. - Fixed: FString::operator=(const char *) did not release its old buffer when being assigned to the null string. - The scanner no longer has an upper limit on the length of strings it accepts, though short strings will be faster than long ones. - Moved all the text scanning functions into a class. Mainly, this means that multiple script scanner states can be stored without being forced to do so recursively. I think I might be taking advantage of that in the near future. Possibly. Maybe. - Removed some potential buffer overflows from the decal parser. - Applied Blzut3's SBARINFO update #9: * Fixed: When using even length values in drawnumber it would cap to a 98 value instead of a 99 as intended. * The SBarInfo parser can now accept negatives for coordinates. This doesn't allow much right now, but later I plan to add better fullscreen hud support in which the negatives will be more useful. This also cleans up the source a bit since all calls for (x, y) coordinates are with the function getCoordinates(). - Added support for stencilling actors. - Added support for non-black colors specified with DTA_ColorOverlay to the software renderer. - Fixed: The inverse, gold, red, and green fixed colormaps each allocated space for 32 different colormaps, even though each only used the first one. - Added two new blending flags to make reverse subtract blending more useful: STYLEF_InvertSource and STYLEF_InvertOverlay. These invert the color that gets blended with the background, since that seems like a good idea for reverse subtraction. They also work with the other two blending operations. - Added subtract and reverse subtract blending operations to the renderer. Since the ERenderStyle enumeration was getting rather unwieldy, I converted it into a new FRenderStyle structure that lets each parameter of the blending equation be set separately. This simplified the set up for the blend quite a bit, and it means a number of new combinations are available by setting the parameters properly. SVN r710 (trunk)
1180 lines
33 KiB
1180 lines
33 KiB
// Emacs style mode select -*- C++ -*-
// $Id:$
// Copyright (C) 1993-1996 by id Software, Inc.
// This source is available for distribution and/or modification
// only under the terms of the DOOM Source Code License as
// published by id Software. All rights reserved.
// The source is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// for more details.
// BSP traversal, handling of LineSegs for rendering.
// This file contains some code from the Build Engine.
// "Build Engine & Tools" Copyright (c) 1993-1997 Ken Silverman
// Ken Silverman's official web site: "http://www.advsys.net/ken"
// See the included license file "BUILDLIC.TXT" for license info.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "templates.h"
#include "m_alloc.h"
#include "doomdef.h"
#include "m_bbox.h"
#include "i_system.h"
#include "p_lnspec.h"
#include "r_main.h"
#include "r_plane.h"
#include "r_draw.h"
#include "r_things.h"
#include "a_sharedglobal.h"
// State.
#include "doomstat.h"
#include "r_state.h"
#include "r_bsp.h"
#include "v_palette.h"
int WallMost (short *mostbuf, const secplane_t &plane);
seg_t* curline;
side_t* sidedef;
line_t* linedef;
sector_t* frontsector;
sector_t* backsector;
// killough 4/7/98: indicates doors closed wrt automap bugfix:
int doorclosed;
bool r_fakingunderwater;
extern bool rw_prepped;
extern bool rw_havehigh, rw_havelow;
extern int rw_floorstat, rw_ceilstat;
extern bool rw_mustmarkfloor, rw_mustmarkceiling;
extern short walltop[MAXWIDTH]; // [RH] record max extents of wall
extern short wallbottom[MAXWIDTH];
extern short wallupper[MAXWIDTH];
extern short walllower[MAXWIDTH];
fixed_t rw_backcz1, rw_backcz2;
fixed_t rw_backfz1, rw_backfz2;
fixed_t rw_frontcz1, rw_frontcz2;
fixed_t rw_frontfz1, rw_frontfz2;
size_t MaxDrawSegs;
drawseg_t *drawsegs;
drawseg_t* firstdrawseg;
drawseg_t* ds_p;
size_t FirstInterestingDrawseg;
TArray<size_t> InterestingDrawsegs;
fixed_t WallTX1, WallTX2; // x coords at left, right of wall in view space
fixed_t WallTY1, WallTY2; // y coords at left, right of wall in view space
fixed_t WallCX1, WallCX2; // x coords at left, right of wall in camera space
fixed_t WallCY1, WallCY2; // y coords at left, right of wall in camera space
int WallSX1, WallSX2; // x coords at left, right of wall in screen space
fixed_t WallSZ1, WallSZ2; // depth at left, right of wall in screen space
float WallDepthOrg, WallDepthScale;
float WallUoverZorg, WallUoverZstep;
float WallInvZorg, WallInvZstep;
static BYTE FakeSide;
int WindowLeft, WindowRight;
WORD MirrorFlags;
seg_t *ActiveWallMirror;
TArray<size_t> WallMirrors;
CVAR (Bool, r_drawflat, false, 0) // [RH] Don't texture segs?
void R_StoreWallRange (int start, int stop);
// R_ClearDrawSegs
void R_ClearDrawSegs (void)
if (drawsegs == NULL)
MaxDrawSegs = 256; // [RH] Default. Increased as needed.
firstdrawseg = drawsegs = (drawseg_t *)M_Malloc (MaxDrawSegs * sizeof(drawseg_t));
FirstInterestingDrawseg = 0;
InterestingDrawsegs.Clear ();
ds_p = drawsegs;
// ClipWallSegment
// Clips the given range of columns
// and includes it in the new clip list.
// 1/11/98 killough: Since a type "short" is sufficient, we
// should use it, since smaller arrays fit better in cache.
typedef struct {
short first, last; // killough
} cliprange_t;
// newend is one past the last valid seg
static cliprange_t *newend;
static cliprange_t solidsegs[MAXWIDTH/2+2];
// R_ClipWallSegment
// Clips the given range of columns, possibly including it in the clip list.
// Handles both windows (e.g. LineDefs with upper and lower textures) and
// solid walls (e.g. single sided LineDefs [middle texture]) that entirely
// block the view.
void R_ClipWallSegment (int first, int last, bool solid)
cliprange_t *next, *start;
int i, j;
// Find the first range that touches the range
// (adjacent pixels are touching).
start = solidsegs;
while (start->last < first)
if (first < start->first)
if (last <= start->first)
// Post is entirely visible (above start).
R_StoreWallRange (first, last);
// Insert a new clippost for solid walls.
if (solid)
if (last == start->first)
start->first = first;
next = newend;
while (next != start)
*next = *(next-1);
next->first = first;
next->last = last;
// There is a fragment above *start.
R_StoreWallRange (first, start->first);
// Adjust the clip size for solid walls
if (solid)
start->first = first;
// Bottom contained in start?
if (last <= start->last)
next = start;
while (last >= (next+1)->first)
// There is a fragment between two posts.
R_StoreWallRange (next->last, (next+1)->first);
if (last <= next->last)
// Bottom is contained in next.
last = next->last;
goto crunch;
// There is a fragment after *next.
R_StoreWallRange (next->last, last);
if (solid)
// Adjust the clip size.
start->last = last;
if (next != start)
// Remove start+1 to next from the clip list,
// because start now covers their area.
for (i = 1, j = (int)(newend - next); j > 0; i++, j--)
start[i] = next[i];
newend = start+i;
// R_ClearClipSegs
void R_ClearClipSegs (short left, short right)
solidsegs[0].first = -0x7fff; // new short limit -- killough
solidsegs[0].last = left;
solidsegs[1].first = right;
solidsegs[1].last = 0x7fff; // new short limit -- killough
newend = solidsegs+2;
int GetFloorLight (const sector_t *sec)
if (sec->FloorFlags & SECF_ABSLIGHTING)
return sec->FloorLight;
return clamp (sec->lightlevel + (SBYTE)sec->FloorLight, 0, 255);
int GetCeilingLight (const sector_t *sec)
if (sec->CeilingFlags & SECF_ABSLIGHTING)
return sec->CeilingLight;
return clamp (sec->lightlevel + (SBYTE)sec->CeilingLight, 0, 255);
bool CopyPlaneIfValid (secplane_t *dest, const secplane_t *source, const secplane_t *opp)
bool copy = false;
// If the planes do not have matching slopes, then always copy them
// because clipping would require creating new sectors.
if (source->a != dest->a || source->b != dest->b || source->c != dest->c)
copy = true;
else if (opp->a != -dest->a || opp->b != -dest->b || opp->c != -dest->c)
if (source->d < dest->d)
copy = true;
else if (source->d < dest->d && source->d > -opp->d)
copy = true;
if (copy)
*dest = *source;
return copy;
// killough 3/7/98: Hack floor/ceiling heights for deep water etc.
// If player's view height is underneath fake floor, lower the
// drawn ceiling to be just under the floor height, and replace
// the drawn floor and ceiling textures, and light level, with
// the control sector's.
// Similar for ceiling, only reflected.
// killough 4/11/98, 4/13/98: fix bugs, add 'back' parameter
sector_t *R_FakeFlat(sector_t *sec, sector_t *tempsec,
int *floorlightlevel, int *ceilinglightlevel,
bool back)
// [RH] allow per-plane lighting
if (floorlightlevel != NULL)
*floorlightlevel = GetFloorLight (sec);
if (ceilinglightlevel != NULL)
*ceilinglightlevel = GetCeilingLight (sec);
FakeSide = FAKED_Center;
if (sec->heightsec && !(sec->heightsec->MoreFlags & SECF_IGNOREHEIGHTSEC))
const sector_t *s = sec->heightsec;
sector_t *heightsec = viewsector->heightsec;
bool underwater = r_fakingunderwater ||
(heightsec && viewz <= heightsec->floorplane.ZatPoint (viewx, viewy));
bool doorunderwater = false;
int diffTex = (s->MoreFlags & SECF_CLIPFAKEPLANES);
// Replace sector being drawn with a copy to be hacked
*tempsec = *sec;
// Replace floor and ceiling height with control sector's heights.
if (diffTex)
if (CopyPlaneIfValid (&tempsec->floorplane, &s->floorplane, &sec->ceilingplane))
tempsec->floorpic = s->floorpic;
else if (s->MoreFlags & SECF_FAKEFLOORONLY)
if (underwater)
tempsec->ColorMap = s->ColorMap;
if (!(s->MoreFlags & SECF_NOFAKELIGHT))
tempsec->lightlevel = s->lightlevel;
if (floorlightlevel != NULL)
*floorlightlevel = GetFloorLight (s);
if (ceilinglightlevel != NULL)
*ceilinglightlevel = GetCeilingLight (s);
FakeSide = FAKED_BelowFloor;
return tempsec;
return sec;
tempsec->floorplane = s->floorplane;
if (!(s->MoreFlags & SECF_FAKEFLOORONLY))
if (diffTex)
if (CopyPlaneIfValid (&tempsec->ceilingplane, &s->ceilingplane, &sec->floorplane))
tempsec->ceilingpic = s->ceilingpic;
tempsec->ceilingplane = s->ceilingplane;
// fixed_t refflorz = s->floorplane.ZatPoint (viewx, viewy);
fixed_t refceilz = s->ceilingplane.ZatPoint (viewx, viewy);
// fixed_t orgflorz = sec->floorplane.ZatPoint (viewx, viewy);
fixed_t orgceilz = sec->ceilingplane.ZatPoint (viewx, viewy);
#if 1
// [RH] Allow viewing underwater areas through doors/windows that
// are underwater but not in a water sector themselves.
// Only works if you cannot see the top surface of any deep water
// sectors at the same time.
if (back && !r_fakingunderwater && curline->frontsector->heightsec == NULL)
if (rw_frontcz1 <= s->floorplane.ZatPoint (curline->v1->x, curline->v1->y) &&
rw_frontcz2 <= s->floorplane.ZatPoint (curline->v2->x, curline->v2->y))
// Check that the window is actually visible
for (int z = WallSX1; z < WallSX2; ++z)
if (floorclip[z] > ceilingclip[z])
doorunderwater = true;
r_fakingunderwater = true;
if (underwater || doorunderwater)
tempsec->floorplane = sec->floorplane;
tempsec->ceilingplane = s->floorplane;
tempsec->ceilingplane.FlipVert ();
tempsec->ceilingplane.ChangeHeight (-1);
tempsec->ColorMap = s->ColorMap;
// killough 11/98: prevent sudden light changes from non-water sectors:
if ((underwater && !back) || doorunderwater)
{ // head-below-floor hack
tempsec->floorpic = diffTex ? sec->floorpic : s->floorpic;
tempsec->floor_xoffs = s->floor_xoffs;
tempsec->floor_yoffs = s->floor_yoffs;
tempsec->floor_xscale = s->floor_xscale;
tempsec->floor_yscale = s->floor_yscale;
tempsec->floor_angle = s->floor_angle;
tempsec->base_floor_angle = s->base_floor_angle;
tempsec->base_floor_yoffs = s->base_floor_yoffs;
tempsec->ceilingplane = s->floorplane;
tempsec->ceilingplane.FlipVert ();
tempsec->ceilingplane.ChangeHeight (-1);
if (s->ceilingpic == skyflatnum)
tempsec->floorplane = tempsec->ceilingplane;
tempsec->floorplane.FlipVert ();
tempsec->floorplane.ChangeHeight (+1);
tempsec->ceilingpic = tempsec->floorpic;
tempsec->ceiling_xoffs = tempsec->floor_xoffs;
tempsec->ceiling_yoffs = tempsec->floor_yoffs;
tempsec->ceiling_xscale = tempsec->floor_xscale;
tempsec->ceiling_yscale = tempsec->floor_yscale;
tempsec->ceiling_angle = tempsec->floor_angle;
tempsec->base_ceiling_angle = tempsec->base_floor_angle;
tempsec->base_ceiling_yoffs = tempsec->base_floor_yoffs;
tempsec->ceilingpic = diffTex ? s->floorpic : s->ceilingpic;
tempsec->ceiling_xoffs = s->ceiling_xoffs;
tempsec->ceiling_yoffs = s->ceiling_yoffs;
tempsec->ceiling_xscale = s->ceiling_xscale;
tempsec->ceiling_yscale = s->ceiling_yscale;
tempsec->ceiling_angle = s->ceiling_angle;
tempsec->base_ceiling_angle = s->base_ceiling_angle;
tempsec->base_ceiling_yoffs = s->base_ceiling_yoffs;
if (!(s->MoreFlags & SECF_NOFAKELIGHT))
tempsec->lightlevel = s->lightlevel;
if (floorlightlevel != NULL)
*floorlightlevel = GetFloorLight (s);
if (ceilinglightlevel != NULL)
*ceilinglightlevel = GetCeilingLight (s);
FakeSide = FAKED_BelowFloor;
else if (heightsec && viewz >= heightsec->ceilingplane.ZatPoint (viewx, viewy) &&
orgceilz > refceilz && !(s->MoreFlags & SECF_FAKEFLOORONLY))
{ // Above-ceiling hack
tempsec->ceilingplane = s->ceilingplane;
tempsec->floorplane = s->ceilingplane;
tempsec->floorplane.FlipVert ();
tempsec->floorplane.ChangeHeight (+1);
tempsec->ColorMap = s->ColorMap;
tempsec->ColorMap = s->ColorMap;
tempsec->ceilingpic = diffTex ? sec->ceilingpic : s->ceilingpic;
tempsec->floorpic = s->ceilingpic;
tempsec->floor_xoffs = tempsec->ceiling_xoffs = s->ceiling_xoffs;
tempsec->floor_yoffs = tempsec->ceiling_yoffs = s->ceiling_yoffs;
tempsec->floor_xscale = tempsec->ceiling_xscale = s->ceiling_xscale;
tempsec->floor_yscale = tempsec->ceiling_yscale = s->ceiling_yscale;
tempsec->floor_angle = tempsec->ceiling_angle = s->ceiling_angle;
tempsec->base_floor_angle = tempsec->base_ceiling_angle = s->base_ceiling_angle;
tempsec->base_floor_yoffs = tempsec->base_ceiling_yoffs = s->base_ceiling_yoffs;
if (s->floorpic != skyflatnum)
tempsec->ceilingplane = sec->ceilingplane;
tempsec->floorpic = s->floorpic;
tempsec->floor_xoffs = s->floor_xoffs;
tempsec->floor_yoffs = s->floor_yoffs;
tempsec->floor_xscale = s->floor_xscale;
tempsec->floor_yscale = s->floor_yscale;
tempsec->floor_angle = s->floor_angle;
if (!(s->MoreFlags & SECF_NOFAKELIGHT))
tempsec->lightlevel = s->lightlevel;
if (floorlightlevel != NULL)
*floorlightlevel = GetFloorLight (s);
if (ceilinglightlevel != NULL)
*ceilinglightlevel = GetCeilingLight (s);
FakeSide = FAKED_AboveCeiling;
sec = tempsec; // Use other sector
return sec;
// R_AddLine
// Clips the given segment
// and adds any visible pieces to the line list.
void R_AddLine (seg_t *line)
static sector_t tempsec; // killough 3/8/98: ceiling/water hack
bool solid;
fixed_t tx1, tx2, ty1, ty2;
curline = line;
// [RH] Color if not texturing line
dc_color = (((int)(line - segs) * 8) + 4) & 255;
tx1 = line->v1->x - viewx;
tx2 = line->v2->x - viewx;
ty1 = line->v1->y - viewy;
ty2 = line->v2->y - viewy;
// Reject lines not facing viewer
if (DMulScale32 (ty1, tx1-tx2, tx1, ty2-ty1) >= 0)
WallTX1 = DMulScale20 (tx1, viewsin, -ty1, viewcos);
WallTX2 = DMulScale20 (tx2, viewsin, -ty2, viewcos);
WallTY1 = DMulScale20 (tx1, viewtancos, ty1, viewtansin);
WallTY2 = DMulScale20 (tx2, viewtancos, ty2, viewtansin);
if (MirrorFlags & RF_XFLIP)
int t = 256-WallTX1;
WallTX1 = 256-WallTX2;
WallTX2 = t;
swap (WallTY1, WallTY2);
if (WallTX1 >= -WallTY1)
if (WallTX1 > WallTY1) return; // left edge is off the right side
if (WallTY1 == 0) return;
WallSX1 = (centerxfrac + Scale (WallTX1, centerxfrac, WallTY1)) >> FRACBITS;
if (WallTX1 >= 0) WallSX1 = MIN (viewwidth, WallSX1+1); // fix for signed divide
WallSZ1 = WallTY1;
if (WallTX2 < -WallTY2) return; // wall is off the left side
fixed_t den = WallTX1 - WallTX2 - WallTY2 + WallTY1;
if (den == 0) return;
WallSX1 = 0;
WallSZ1 = WallTY1 + Scale (WallTY2 - WallTY1, WallTX1 + WallTY1, den);
if (WallSZ1 < 32)
if (WallTX2 <= WallTY2)
if (WallTX2 < -WallTY2) return; // right edge is off the left side
if (WallTY2 == 0) return;
WallSX2 = (centerxfrac + Scale (WallTX2, centerxfrac, WallTY2)) >> FRACBITS;
if (WallTX2 >= 0) WallSX2 = MIN (viewwidth, WallSX2+1); // fix for signed divide
WallSZ2 = WallTY2;
if (WallTX1 > WallTY1) return; // wall is off the right side
fixed_t den = WallTY2 - WallTY1 - WallTX2 + WallTX1;
if (den == 0) return;
WallSX2 = viewwidth;
WallSZ2 = WallTY1 + Scale (WallTY2 - WallTY1, WallTX1 - WallTY1, den);
if (WallSZ2 < 32 || WallSX2 <= WallSX1)
if (WallSX1 > WindowRight || WallSX2 < WindowLeft)
if (line->linedef == NULL)
vertex_t *v1, *v2;
v1 = line->linedef->v1;
v2 = line->linedef->v2;
if ((v1 == line->v1 && v2 == line->v2) || (v2 == line->v1 && v1 == line->v2))
{ // The seg is the entire wall.
if (MirrorFlags & RF_XFLIP)
WallUoverZorg = (float)WallTX2 * WallTMapScale;
WallUoverZstep = (float)(-WallTY2) * 32.f;
WallInvZorg = (float)(WallTX2 - WallTX1) * WallTMapScale;
WallInvZstep = (float)(WallTY1 - WallTY2) * 32.f;
WallUoverZorg = (float)WallTX1 * WallTMapScale;
WallUoverZstep = (float)(-WallTY1) * 32.f;
WallInvZorg = (float)(WallTX1 - WallTX2) * WallTMapScale;
WallInvZstep = (float)(WallTY2 - WallTY1) * 32.f;
{ // The seg is only part of the wall.
if (line->linedef->sidenum[0] != DWORD(line->sidedef - sides))
swap (v1, v2);
tx1 = v1->x - viewx;
tx2 = v2->x - viewx;
ty1 = v1->y - viewy;
ty2 = v2->y - viewy;
fixed_t fullx1 = DMulScale20 (tx1, viewsin, -ty1, viewcos);
fixed_t fullx2 = DMulScale20 (tx2, viewsin, -ty2, viewcos);
fixed_t fully1 = DMulScale20 (tx1, viewtancos, ty1, viewtansin);
fixed_t fully2 = DMulScale20 (tx2, viewtancos, ty2, viewtansin);
if (MirrorFlags & RF_XFLIP)
fullx1 = -fullx1;
fullx2 = -fullx2;
WallUoverZorg = (float)fullx1 * WallTMapScale;
WallUoverZstep = (float)(-fully1) * 32.f;
WallInvZorg = (float)(fullx1 - fullx2) * WallTMapScale;
WallInvZstep = (float)(fully2 - fully1) * 32.f;
WallDepthScale = WallInvZstep * WallTMapScale2;
WallDepthOrg = -WallUoverZstep * WallTMapScale2;
backsector = line->backsector;
rw_frontcz1 = frontsector->ceilingplane.ZatPoint (line->v1->x, line->v1->y);
rw_frontfz1 = frontsector->floorplane.ZatPoint (line->v1->x, line->v1->y);
rw_frontcz2 = frontsector->ceilingplane.ZatPoint (line->v2->x, line->v2->y);
rw_frontfz2 = frontsector->floorplane.ZatPoint (line->v2->x, line->v2->y);
rw_mustmarkfloor = rw_mustmarkceiling = false;
rw_havehigh = rw_havelow = false;
// Single sided line?
if (backsector == NULL)
solid = true;
// killough 3/8/98, 4/4/98: hack for invisible ceilings / deep water
backsector = R_FakeFlat (backsector, &tempsec, NULL, NULL, true);
doorclosed = 0; // killough 4/16/98
rw_backcz1 = backsector->ceilingplane.ZatPoint (line->v1->x, line->v1->y);
rw_backfz1 = backsector->floorplane.ZatPoint (line->v1->x, line->v1->y);
rw_backcz2 = backsector->ceilingplane.ZatPoint (line->v2->x, line->v2->y);
rw_backfz2 = backsector->floorplane.ZatPoint (line->v2->x, line->v2->y);
// Cannot make these walls solid, because it can result in
// sprite clipping problems for sprites near the wall
if (rw_frontcz1 > rw_backcz1 || rw_frontcz2 > rw_backcz2)
rw_havehigh = true;
WallMost (wallupper, backsector->ceilingplane);
if (rw_frontfz1 < rw_backfz1 || rw_frontfz2 < rw_backfz2)
rw_havelow = true;
WallMost (walllower, backsector->floorplane);
// Closed door.
if ((rw_backcz1 <= rw_frontfz1 && rw_backcz2 <= rw_frontfz2) ||
(rw_backfz1 >= rw_frontcz1 && rw_backfz2 >= rw_frontcz2))
solid = true;
else if (
// properly render skies (consider door "open" if both ceilings are sky):
(backsector->ceilingpic != skyflatnum || frontsector->ceilingpic != skyflatnum)
// if door is closed because back is shut:
&& rw_backcz1 <= rw_backfz1 && rw_backcz2 <= rw_backfz2
// preserve a kind of transparent door/lift special effect:
&& ((rw_backcz1 >= rw_frontcz1 && rw_backcz2 >= rw_frontcz2) || line->sidedef->toptexture != 0)
&& ((rw_backfz1 <= rw_frontfz1 && rw_backfz2 <= rw_frontfz2) || line->sidedef->bottomtexture != 0))
// killough 1/18/98 -- This function is used to fix the automap bug which
// showed lines behind closed doors simply because the door had a dropoff.
// It assumes that Doom has already ruled out a door being closed because
// of front-back closure (e.g. front floor is taller than back ceiling).
// This fixes the automap floor height bug -- killough 1/18/98:
// killough 4/7/98: optimize: save result in doorclosed for use in r_segs.c
doorclosed = true;
solid = true;
else if (frontsector->ceilingplane != backsector->ceilingplane ||
frontsector->floorplane != backsector->floorplane)
// Window.
solid = false;
else if (backsector->lightlevel != frontsector->lightlevel
|| backsector->floorpic != frontsector->floorpic
|| backsector->ceilingpic != frontsector->ceilingpic
|| curline->sidedef->midtexture != 0
// killough 3/7/98: Take flats offsets into account:
|| backsector->floor_xoffs != frontsector->floor_xoffs
|| (backsector->floor_yoffs + backsector->base_floor_yoffs) != (frontsector->floor_yoffs + backsector->base_floor_yoffs)
|| backsector->ceiling_xoffs != frontsector->ceiling_xoffs
|| (backsector->ceiling_yoffs + backsector->base_ceiling_yoffs) != (frontsector->ceiling_yoffs + frontsector->base_ceiling_yoffs)
|| backsector->FloorLight != frontsector->FloorLight
|| backsector->CeilingLight != frontsector->CeilingLight
|| backsector->FloorFlags != frontsector->FloorFlags
|| backsector->CeilingFlags != frontsector->CeilingFlags
// [RH] Also consider colormaps
|| backsector->ColorMap != frontsector->ColorMap
// [RH] and scaling
|| backsector->floor_xscale != frontsector->floor_xscale
|| backsector->floor_yscale != frontsector->floor_yscale
|| backsector->ceiling_xscale != frontsector->ceiling_xscale
|| backsector->ceiling_yscale != frontsector->ceiling_yscale
// [RH] and rotation
|| (backsector->floor_angle + backsector->base_floor_angle) != (frontsector->floor_angle + frontsector->base_floor_angle)
|| (backsector->ceiling_angle + backsector->base_ceiling_angle) != (frontsector->ceiling_angle + frontsector->base_ceiling_angle)
solid = false;
// Reject empty lines used for triggers and special events.
// Identical floor and ceiling on both sides, identical light levels
// on both sides, and no middle texture.
rw_prepped = false;
if (line->linedef->special == Line_Horizon)
// Be aware: Line_Horizon does not work properly with sloped planes
clearbufshort (walltop+WallSX1, WallSX2 - WallSX1, centery);
clearbufshort (wallbottom+WallSX1, WallSX2 - WallSX1, centery);
rw_ceilstat = WallMost (walltop, frontsector->ceilingplane);
rw_floorstat = WallMost (wallbottom, frontsector->floorplane);
// [RH] treat off-screen walls as solid
#if 0 // Maybe later...
if (!solid)
if (rw_ceilstat == 12 && line->sidedef->toptexture != 0)
rw_mustmarkceiling = true;
solid = true;
if (rw_floorstat == 3 && line->sidedef->bottomtexture != 0)
rw_mustmarkfloor = true;
solid = true;
R_ClipWallSegment (WallSX1, WallSX2, solid);
// R_CheckBBox
// Checks BSP node/subtree bounding box.
// Returns true if some part of the bbox might be visible.
extern "C" const int checkcoord[12][4] =
static bool R_CheckBBox (fixed_t *bspcoord) // killough 1/28/98: static
int boxx;
int boxy;
int boxpos;
fixed_t x1, y1, x2, y2;
fixed_t rx1, ry1, rx2, ry2;
int sx1, sx2;
cliprange_t* start;
// Find the corners of the box
// that define the edges from current viewpoint.
if (viewx <= bspcoord[BOXLEFT])
boxx = 0;
else if (viewx < bspcoord[BOXRIGHT])
boxx = 1;
boxx = 2;
if (viewy >= bspcoord[BOXTOP])
boxy = 0;
else if (viewy > bspcoord[BOXBOTTOM])
boxy = 1;
boxy = 2;
boxpos = (boxy<<2)+boxx;
if (boxpos == 5)
return true;
x1 = bspcoord[checkcoord[boxpos][0]] - viewx;
y1 = bspcoord[checkcoord[boxpos][1]] - viewy;
x2 = bspcoord[checkcoord[boxpos][2]] - viewx;
y2 = bspcoord[checkcoord[boxpos][3]] - viewy;
// check clip list for an open space
// Sitting on a line?
if (DMulScale32 (y1, x1-x2, x1, y2-y1) >= 0)
return true;
rx1 = DMulScale20 (x1, viewsin, -y1, viewcos);
rx2 = DMulScale20 (x2, viewsin, -y2, viewcos);
ry1 = DMulScale20 (x1, viewtancos, y1, viewtansin);
ry2 = DMulScale20 (x2, viewtancos, y2, viewtansin);
if (MirrorFlags & RF_XFLIP)
int t = 256-rx1;
rx1 = 256-rx2;
rx2 = t;
swap (ry1, ry2);
if (rx1 >= -ry1)
if (rx1 > ry1) return false; // left edge is off the right side
if (ry1 == 0) return false;
sx1 = (centerxfrac + Scale (rx1, centerxfrac, ry1)) >> FRACBITS;
if (rx1 >= 0) sx1 = MIN<int> (viewwidth, sx1+1); // fix for signed divide
if (rx2 < -ry2) return false; // wall is off the left side
if (rx1 - rx2 - ry2 + ry1 == 0) return false; // wall does not intersect view volume
sx1 = 0;
if (rx2 <= ry2)
if (rx2 < -ry2) return false; // right edge is off the left side
if (ry2 == 0) return false;
sx2 = (centerxfrac + Scale (rx2, centerxfrac, ry2)) >> FRACBITS;
if (rx2 >= 0) sx2 = MIN<int> (viewwidth, sx2+1); // fix for signed divide
if (rx1 > ry1) return false; // wall is off the right side
if (ry2 - ry1 - rx2 + rx1 == 0) return false; // wall does not intersect view volume
sx2 = viewwidth;
// Find the first clippost that touches the source post
// (adjacent pixels are touching).
// Does not cross a pixel.
if (sx2 <= sx1)
return false;
start = solidsegs;
while (start->last < sx2)
if (sx1 >= start->first && sx2 <= start->last)
// The clippost contains the new span.
return false;
return true;
void R_GetExtraLight (int *light, const secplane_t &plane, FExtraLight *el)
FDynamicColormap *floodcolormap;
int floodlight;
bool flooding;
vertex_t **triangle;
int i, j;
fixed_t diff;
if (el == NULL)
triangle = frontsector->Triangle;
flooding = false;
floodcolormap = basecolormap;
floodlight = *light;
for (i = 0; i < el->NumUsedLights; ++i)
for (j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
diff = plane.ZatPoint (triangle[j]) - el->Lights[i].Plane.ZatPoint (triangle[j]);
if (diff != 0)
if (diff >= 0)
if (!flooding || el->Lights[i].bFlooder)
if (el->Lights[i].Master == NULL)
basecolormap = floodcolormap;
*light = floodlight;
basecolormap = el->Lights[i].Master->ColorMap;
*light = el->Lights[i].Master->lightlevel;
if (el->Lights[i].bFlooder)
flooding = true;
floodcolormap = basecolormap;
floodlight = *light;
// R_Subsector
// Determine floor/ceiling planes.
// Add sprites of things in sector.
// Draw one or more line segments.
void R_Subsector (subsector_t *sub)
int count;
seg_t* line;
sector_t tempsec; // killough 3/7/98: deep water hack
int floorlightlevel; // killough 3/16/98: set floor lightlevel
int ceilinglightlevel; // killough 4/11/98
if (sub - subsectors >= (ptrdiff_t)numsubsectors)
I_Error ("R_Subsector: ss %i with numss = %i", sub - subsectors, numsubsectors);
frontsector = sub->sector;
frontsector->MoreFlags |= SECF_DRAWN;
count = sub->numlines;
line = &segs[sub->firstline];
// killough 3/8/98, 4/4/98: Deep water / fake ceiling effect
frontsector = R_FakeFlat(frontsector, &tempsec, &floorlightlevel,
&ceilinglightlevel, false); // killough 4/11/98
basecolormap = frontsector->ColorMap;
R_GetExtraLight (&ceilinglightlevel, frontsector->ceilingplane, frontsector->ExtraLights);
// [RH] set foggy flag
foggy = level.fadeto || frontsector->ColorMap->Fade || (level.flags & LEVEL_HASFADETABLE);
r_actualextralight = foggy ? 0 : extralight << 4;
basecolormap = frontsector->ColorMap;
ceilingplane = frontsector->ceilingplane.ZatPoint (viewx, viewy) > viewz ||
frontsector->ceilingpic == skyflatnum ||
(frontsector->CeilingSkyBox != NULL && frontsector->CeilingSkyBox->bAlways) ||
(frontsector->heightsec &&
!(frontsector->heightsec->MoreFlags & SECF_IGNOREHEIGHTSEC) &&
frontsector->heightsec->floorpic == skyflatnum) ?
R_FindPlane(frontsector->ceilingplane, // killough 3/8/98
frontsector->ceilingpic == skyflatnum && // killough 10/98
frontsector->sky & PL_SKYFLAT ? frontsector->sky :
ceilinglightlevel + r_actualextralight, // killough 4/11/98
frontsector->ceiling_xoffs, // killough 3/7/98
frontsector->ceiling_yoffs + frontsector->base_ceiling_yoffs,
frontsector->ceiling_angle + frontsector->base_ceiling_angle,
) : NULL;
basecolormap = frontsector->ColorMap;
R_GetExtraLight (&floorlightlevel, frontsector->floorplane, frontsector->ExtraLights);
// killough 3/7/98: Add (x,y) offsets to flats, add deep water check
// killough 3/16/98: add floorlightlevel
// killough 10/98: add support for skies transferred from sidedefs
floorplane = frontsector->floorplane.ZatPoint (viewx, viewy) < viewz || // killough 3/7/98
frontsector->floorpic == skyflatnum ||
(frontsector->FloorSkyBox != NULL && frontsector->FloorSkyBox->bAlways) ||
(frontsector->heightsec &&
!(frontsector->heightsec->MoreFlags & SECF_IGNOREHEIGHTSEC) &&
frontsector->heightsec->ceilingpic == skyflatnum) ?
frontsector->floorpic == skyflatnum && // killough 10/98
frontsector->sky & PL_SKYFLAT ? frontsector->sky :
floorlightlevel + r_actualextralight, // killough 3/16/98
frontsector->floor_xoffs, // killough 3/7/98
frontsector->floor_yoffs + frontsector->base_floor_yoffs,
frontsector->floor_angle + frontsector->base_floor_angle,
) : NULL;
// killough 9/18/98: Fix underwater slowdown, by passing real sector
// instead of fake one. Improve sprite lighting by basing sprite
// lightlevels on floor & ceiling lightlevels in the surrounding area.
// [RH] Handle sprite lighting like Duke 3D: If the ceiling is a sky, sprites are lit by
// it, otherwise they are lit by the floor.
R_AddSprites (sub->sector, frontsector->ceilingpic == skyflatnum ?
ceilinglightlevel : floorlightlevel, FakeSide);
// [RH] Add particles
int shade = LIGHT2SHADE((floorlightlevel + ceilinglightlevel)/2 + r_actualextralight);
for (WORD i = ParticlesInSubsec[(unsigned int)(sub-subsectors)]; i != NO_PARTICLE; i = Particles[i].snext)
R_ProjectParticle (Particles + i, subsectors[sub-subsectors].sector, shade, FakeSide);
if (sub->poly)
{ // Render the polyobj in the subsector first
int polyCount = sub->poly->numsegs;
seg_t **polySeg = sub->poly->segs;
while (polyCount--)
R_AddLine (*polySeg++);
while (count--)
if (!line->bPolySeg)
R_AddLine (line);
// RenderBSPNode
// Renders all subsectors below a given node, traversing subtree recursively.
// Just call with BSP root and -1.
// killough 5/2/98: reformatted, removed tail recursion
void R_RenderBSPNode (void *node)
if (numnodes == 0)
R_Subsector (subsectors);
while (!((size_t)node & 1)) // Keep going until found a subsector
node_t *bsp = (node_t *)node;
// Decide which side the view point is on.
int side = R_PointOnSide (viewx, viewy, bsp);
// Recursively divide front space (toward the viewer).
R_RenderBSPNode (bsp->children[side]);
// Possibly divide back space (away from the viewer).
side ^= 1;
if (!R_CheckBBox (bsp->bbox[side]))
node = bsp->children[side];
R_Subsector ((subsector_t *)((BYTE *)node - 1));