Christoph Oelckers cf8447d19c -protected critical portal data from getting written to by user code.
This data is game critical and may only be altered by code that knows what is allowed and what not. It must never be altered by any user code ever.
However, since the SkyViewpoint actors need to set up some relations between themselves and the default sky portals the previously purely internal 'internal' flag has been exported as a new keyword.
2018-04-15 12:13:02 +02:00

152 lines
4.1 KiB

xx(TK_Identifier, "identifier")
xx(TK_StringConst, "string constant")
xx(TK_NameConst, "name constant")
xx(TK_IntConst, "integer constant")
xx(TK_UIntConst, "unsigned constant")
xx(TK_FloatConst, "float constant")
xx(TK_NonWhitespace, "non-whitespace")
xx(TK_ColonColon, "'::'")
xx(TK_DotDot, "'..'")
xx(TK_Ellipsis, "'...'")
xx(TK_RShiftEq, "'>>='")
xx(TK_URShiftEq, "'>>>='")
xx(TK_LShiftEq, "'<<='")
xx(TK_AddEq, "'+='")
xx(TK_SubEq, "'-='")
xx(TK_MulEq, "'*='")
xx(TK_DivEq, "'/='")
xx(TK_ModEq, "'%='")
xx(TK_AndEq, "'&='")
xx(TK_XorEq, "'^='")
xx(TK_OrEq, "'|='")
xx(TK_RShift, "'>>'")
xx(TK_URShift, "'>>>'")
xx(TK_LShift, "'<<'")
xx(TK_Incr, "'++'")
xx(TK_Decr, "'--'")
xx(TK_AndAnd, "'&&'")
xx(TK_OrOr, "'||'")
xx(TK_Leq, "'<='")
xx(TK_Geq, "'>='")
xx(TK_Eq, "'=='")
xx(TK_Neq, "'!='")
xx(TK_ApproxEq, "'~=='")
xx(TK_LtGtEq, "'<>='")
xx(TK_MulMul, "'**'")
xx(TK_Arrow, "'->'")
xx(TK_Action, "'action'")
xx(TK_Break, "'break'")
xx(TK_Case, "'case'")
xx(TK_Const, "'const'")
xx(TK_Continue, "'continue'")
xx(TK_Default, "'default'")
xx(TK_Do, "'do'")
xx(TK_Else, "'else'")
xx(TK_For, "'for'")
xx(TK_If, "'if'")
xx(TK_Return, "'return'")
xx(TK_Switch, "'switch'")
xx(TK_Until, "'until'")
xx(TK_While, "'while'")
xx(TK_Bool, "'bool'")
xx(TK_Float, "'float'")
xx(TK_Float32, "'float32'")
xx(TK_Double, "'double'")
xx(TK_Char, "'char'")
xx(TK_Byte, "'byte'")
xx(TK_SByte, "'sbyte'")
xx(TK_Short, "'short'")
xx(TK_UShort, "'ushort'")
xx(TK_Int8, "'int8'")
xx(TK_UInt8, "'uint8'")
xx(TK_Int16, "'int16'")
xx(TK_UInt16, "'uint16'")
xx(TK_Int, "'int'")
xx(TK_UInt, "'uint'")
xx(TK_Long, "'long'")
xx(TK_ULong, "'ulong'")
xx(TK_Void, "'void'")
xx(TK_Struct, "'struct'")
xx(TK_Property, "'property'")
xx(TK_Class, "'class'")
xx(TK_Enum, "'enum'")
xx(TK_Name, "'name'")
xx(TK_String, "'string'")
xx(TK_Sound, "'sound'")
xx(TK_State, "'state'")
xx(TK_Color, "'color'")
xx(TK_Goto, "'goto'")
xx(TK_Abstract, "'abstract'")
xx(TK_ForEach, "'foreach'")
xx(TK_True, "'true'")
xx(TK_False, "'false'")
xx(TK_None, "'none'")
xx(TK_InstanceOf, "'instanceof'")
xx(TK_Auto, "'auto'")
xx(TK_Exec, "'exec'")
xx(TK_DefaultProperties, "'defaultproperties'")
xx(TK_Native, "'native'")
xx(TK_Var, "'var'")
xx(TK_Out, "'out'")
xx(TK_Ref, "'ref'")
xx(TK_Event, "'event'")
xx(TK_Static, "'static'")
xx(TK_Transient, "'transient'")
xx(TK_Volatile, "'volatile'")
xx(TK_Final, "'final'")
xx(TK_Throws, "'throws'")
xx(TK_Extend, "'extend'")
xx(TK_Public, "'public'")
xx(TK_Protected, "'protected'")
xx(TK_Private, "'private'")
xx(TK_Dot, "'dot'")
xx(TK_Cross, "'cross'")
xx(TK_Ignores, "'ignores'")
xx(TK_Localized, "'localized'")
xx(TK_Latent, "'latent'")
xx(TK_Singular, "'singular'")
xx(TK_Config, "'config'")
xx(TK_Coerce, "'coerce'")
xx(TK_Iterator, "'iterator'")
xx(TK_Virtual, "'virtual'")
xx(TK_VarArg, "'vararg'")
xx(TK_UI, "'ui'")
xx(TK_Play, "'play'")
xx(TK_ClearScope, "'clearscope'")
xx(TK_VirtualScope, "'virtualscope'")
xx(TK_Override, "'override'")
xx(TK_Super, "'super'")
xx(TK_Null, "'null'")
xx(TK_Global, "'global'")
xx(TK_Stop, "'stop'")
xx(TK_Include, "'include'")
xx(TK_Is, "'is'")
xx(TK_Replaces, "'replaces'")
xx(TK_Vector2, "'vector2'")
xx(TK_Vector3, "'vector3'")
xx(TK_Map, "'map'")
xx(TK_Array, "'array'")
xx(TK_In, "'in'")
xx(TK_SizeOf, "'sizeof'")
xx(TK_AlignOf, "'alignof'")
xx(TK_States, "'states'")
xx(TK_Loop, "'loop'")
xx(TK_Fail, "'fail'")
xx(TK_Wait, "'wait'")
xx(TK_Meta, "'meta'")
xx(TK_Deprecated, "'deprecated'")
xx(TK_Version, "'version'")
xx(TK_ReadOnly, "'readonly'")
xx(TK_Internal, "'internal'")
xx(TK_CanRaise, "'canraise'")
xx(TK_Fast, "'fast'")
xx(TK_Light, "'light'")
xx(TK_NoDelay, "'nodelay'")
xx(TK_Offset, "'offset'")
xx(TK_Slow, "'slow'")
xx(TK_Bright, "'bright'")
xx(TK_Let, "'let'")
xx(TK_StaticConst, "'static const'")
#undef xx