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synced 2025-03-13 06:12:56 +00:00
Changed SendConsoleEvent to SendInterfaceEvent to make functionality clearer. Added InterfaceProcess virtual to EventHandlers. Added CCMD for sending interface events.
316 lines
10 KiB
Executable file
316 lines
10 KiB
Executable file
#pragma once
#include "dobject.h"
#include "serializer.h"
#include "d_event.h"
#include "sbar.h"
#include "info.h"
class DStaticEventHandler;
struct EventManager;
struct line_t;
struct sector_t;
struct FLevelLocals;
enum class EventHandlerType
// ==============================================
// EventHandler - base class
// ==============================================
class DStaticEventHandler : public DObject // make it a part of normal GC process
DECLARE_CLASS(DStaticEventHandler, DObject);
prev = 0;
next = 0;
Order = 0;
IsUiProcessor = false;
EventManager *owner;
DStaticEventHandler* prev;
DStaticEventHandler* next;
virtual bool IsStatic() { return true; }
int Order;
bool IsUiProcessor;
bool RequireMouse;
// serialization handler. let's keep it here so that I don't get lost in serialized/not serialized fields
void Serialize(FSerializer& arc) override
if (arc.isReading())
Printf("DStaticEventHandler::Serialize: reading object %s\n", GetClass()->TypeName.GetChars());
Printf("DStaticEventHandler::Serialize: store object %s\n", GetClass()->TypeName.GetChars());
arc("next", next);
arc("prev", prev);
arc("Order", Order);
arc("IsUiProcessor", IsUiProcessor);
arc("RequireMouse", RequireMouse);
// destroy handler. this unlinks EventHandler from the list automatically.
void OnDestroy() override;
void OnRegister(); // you can set order and IsUi here.
void OnUnregister();
void WorldLoaded();
void WorldUnloaded(const FString& nextmap);
void WorldThingSpawned(AActor* actor);
void WorldThingDied(AActor* actor, AActor* inflictor);
void WorldThingGround(AActor* actor, FState* st);
void WorldThingRevived(AActor* actor);
void WorldThingDamaged(AActor* actor, AActor* inflictor, AActor* source, int damage, FName mod, int flags, DAngle angle);
void WorldThingDestroyed(AActor* actor);
void WorldLinePreActivated(line_t* line, AActor* actor, int activationType, bool* shouldactivate);
void WorldLineActivated(line_t* line, AActor* actor, int activationType);
int WorldSectorDamaged(sector_t* sector, AActor* source, int damage, FName damagetype, int part, DVector3 position, bool isradius);
int WorldLineDamaged(line_t* line, AActor* source, int damage, FName damagetype, int side, DVector3 position, bool isradius);
void WorldLightning();
void WorldTick();
void RenderFrame();
void RenderOverlay(EHudState state);
void RenderUnderlay(EHudState state);
void PlayerEntered(int num, bool fromhub);
void PlayerSpawned(int num);
void PlayerRespawned(int num);
void PlayerDied(int num);
void PlayerDisconnected(int num);
// return true if handled.
bool InputProcess(const event_t* ev);
bool UiProcess(const event_t* ev);
void UiTick();
void PostUiTick();
void ConsoleProcess(int player, FString name, int arg1, int arg2, int arg3, bool manual, bool ui);
void CheckReplacement(PClassActor* replacee, PClassActor** replacement, bool* final);
void CheckReplacee(PClassActor** replacee, PClassActor* replacement, bool* final);
void NewGame();
class DEventHandler : public DStaticEventHandler
DECLARE_CLASS(DEventHandler, DStaticEventHandler) // TODO: make sure this does not horribly break anything
bool IsStatic() override { return false; }
struct FRenderEvent
// these are for all render events
DVector3 ViewPos;
DAngle ViewAngle;
DAngle ViewPitch;
DAngle ViewRoll;
double FracTic = 0; // 0..1 value that describes where we are inside the current gametic, render-wise.
AActor* Camera = nullptr;
int HudState;
struct FWorldEvent
// for loaded/unloaded
bool IsSaveGame = false;
bool IsReopen = false;
FString NextMap;
// for thingspawned, thingdied, thingdestroyed
AActor* Thing = nullptr; // for thingdied
AActor* Inflictor = nullptr; // can be null - for damagemobj
AActor* DamageSource = nullptr; // can be null
int Damage = 0; // thingdamaged, sector/line damaged
FName DamageType = NAME_None; // thingdamaged, sector/line damaged
int DamageFlags = 0; // thingdamaged
DAngle DamageAngle; // thingdamaged
// for line(pre)activated
line_t* ActivatedLine = nullptr;
int ActivationType = 0;
bool ShouldActivate = true;
// for line/sector damaged
int DamageSectorPart = 0;
line_t* DamageLine = nullptr;
sector_t* DamageSector = nullptr;
int DamageLineSide = -1;
DVector3 DamagePosition;
bool DamageIsRadius; // radius damage yes/no
int NewDamage = 0; // sector/line damaged. allows modifying damage
FState* CrushedState = nullptr; // custom crush state set in thingground
struct FPlayerEvent
// we currently have only one member: player index
// in ZScript, we have global players[] array from which we can
// get both the player itself and player's body,
// so no need to pass it here.
int PlayerNumber;
// we set this to true if level was reopened (RETURN scripts)
bool IsReturn;
struct FConsoleEvent
// player that activated this event. note that it's always -1 for non-playsim events (i.e. these not called with netevent)
int Player;
FString Name;
int Args[3];
bool IsManual;
struct FReplaceEvent
PClassActor* Replacee;
PClassActor* Replacement;
bool IsFinal;
struct FReplacedEvent
PClassActor* Replacee;
PClassActor* Replacement;
bool IsFinal;
struct EventManager
FLevelLocals *Level = nullptr;
DStaticEventHandler* FirstEventHandler = nullptr;
DStaticEventHandler* LastEventHandler = nullptr;
EventManager() = default;
EventManager(FLevelLocals *l) { Level = l; }
~EventManager() { Shutdown(); }
bool ShouldCallStatic(bool forplay);
// for use after loading a savegame. The old handler explicitly reinstalled all handlers instead of doing a list deserialization which resulted in OnRegister being called even when a save was loaded.
void CallOnRegister();
// register
bool RegisterHandler(DStaticEventHandler* handler);
// unregister
bool UnregisterHandler(DStaticEventHandler* handler);
// find
bool CheckHandler(DStaticEventHandler* handler);
// check type
bool IsStaticType(PClass* type);
// init static handlers
void InitStaticHandlers(FLevelLocals *l, bool map);
// shutdown handlers
void Shutdown();
// called right after the map has loaded (approximately same time as OPEN ACS scripts)
void WorldLoaded();
// called when the map is about to unload (approximately same time as UNLOADING ACS scripts)
void WorldUnloaded(const FString& nextmap);
// called around PostBeginPlay of each actor.
void WorldThingSpawned(AActor* actor);
// called after AActor::Die of each actor.
void WorldThingDied(AActor* actor, AActor* inflictor);
// called inside AActor::Grind just before the corpse is destroyed
void WorldThingGround(AActor* actor, FState* st);
// called after AActor::Revive.
void WorldThingRevived(AActor* actor);
// called before P_DamageMobj and before AActor::DamageMobj virtuals.
void WorldThingDamaged(AActor* actor, AActor* inflictor, AActor* source, int damage, FName mod, int flags, DAngle angle);
// called before AActor::Destroy of each actor.
void WorldThingDestroyed(AActor* actor);
// called in P_ActivateLine before executing special, set shouldactivate to false to prevent activation.
void WorldLinePreActivated(line_t* line, AActor* actor, int activationType, bool* shouldactivate);
// called in P_ActivateLine after successful special execution.
void WorldLineActivated(line_t* line, AActor* actor, int activationType);
// called in P_DamageSector and P_DamageLinedef before receiving damage to the sector. returns actual damage
int WorldSectorDamaged(sector_t* sector, AActor* source, int damage, FName damagetype, int part, DVector3 position, bool isradius);
// called in P_DamageLinedef before receiving damage to the linedef. returns actual damage
int WorldLineDamaged(line_t* line, AActor* source, int damage, FName damagetype, int side, DVector3 position, bool isradius);
// same as ACS SCRIPT_Lightning
void WorldLightning();
// this executes on every tick, before everything, only when in valid level and not paused
void WorldTick();
// this executes on every tick on UI side, always
void UiTick();
// this executes on every tick on UI side, always AND immediately after everything else
void PostUiTick();
// called on each render frame once.
void RenderFrame();
// called after everything's been rendered, but before console/menus
void RenderOverlay(EHudState state);
// called after everything's been rendered, but before console/menus/huds
void RenderUnderlay(EHudState state);
// this executes when a player enters the level (once). PlayerEnter+inhub = RETURN
void PlayerEntered(int num, bool fromhub);
// this executes at the same time as ENTER scripts
void PlayerSpawned(int num);
// this executes when a player respawns. includes resurrect cheat.
void PlayerRespawned(int num);
// this executes when a player dies (partially duplicating worldthingdied, but whatever)
void PlayerDied(int num);
// this executes when a player leaves the game
void PlayerDisconnected(int num);
// this executes on events.
bool Responder(const event_t* ev); // splits events into InputProcess and UiProcess
// this executes on console/net events.
void Console(int player, FString name, int arg1, int arg2, int arg3, bool manual, bool ui);
// called when looking up the replacement for an actor class
bool CheckReplacement(PClassActor* replacee, PClassActor** replacement);
// called when looking up the replaced for an actor class
bool CheckReplacee(PClassActor** replacee, PClassActor* replacement);
// called on new game
void NewGame();
// send networked event. unified function.
bool SendNetworkEvent(FString name, int arg1, int arg2, int arg3, bool manual);
// check if there is anything that should receive GUI events
bool CheckUiProcessors();
// check if we need native mouse due to UiProcessors
bool CheckRequireMouse();
void InitHandler(PClass* type);
FWorldEvent SetupWorldEvent();
FRenderEvent SetupRenderEvent();
void SetOwnerForHandlers()
for (DStaticEventHandler* existinghandler = FirstEventHandler; existinghandler; existinghandler = existinghandler->next)
existinghandler->owner = this;
extern EventManager staticEventManager;