mirror of
synced 2025-03-06 17:42:12 +00:00
- Worked aorund modern GCC bug where C++ exceptions in Objective-C++ code would result in an ICE (bug is already on their tracker, but I doubt it will be fixed unless I decide to dig into the issue myself). - Turn off fused floating point instructions since these can cause slight deviations in floating point code. - Use -static-libgcc when compiling on the Mac with GCC since we need to use a custom version of GCC to do so now. - Note: ZDoom will currently still crash on exit on PowerPC since it seems to be deciding that NameManager needs to be destructed before the console commands.
1229 lines
31 KiB
1229 lines
31 KiB
** music_dumb.cpp
** Alternative module player, using a modified DUMB for decoding.
** Based on the Foobar2000 component foo_dumb, version
** I tried doing this as an FMOD codec, but the built-in codecs
** take precedence over user-created ones, so this never saw any
** of the files.
** Note that if the replayer isn't fast enough to provide data
** for the stream in a timely manner, you'll hear random data at
** those points. I mention this because the debug version of DUMB
** is *MUCH, MUCH, MUCH* slower than the release version. If your
** processor only has a single core, you probably shouldn't even
** use the debug version of DUMB. Unfortunately, when I tried
** linking the debug build of ZDoom against a release build of DUMB,
** there were some files that would not load, even though they
** loaded fine when the DUMB build type matched the ZDoom build type.
** (Applies to Visual C++, GCC should be fine, I think.)
// HEADER FILES ------------------------------------------------------------
#include <math.h>
#include "i_musicinterns.h"
#include "doomtype.h"
#include "doomdef.h"
#include "m_swap.h"
#include "m_fixed.h"
#include "c_cvars.h"
#include "i_sound.h"
#include "i_system.h"
#include "files.h"
#undef CDECL // w32api's windef.h defines this
#include "../dumb/include/dumb.h"
#include "../dumb/include/internal/it.h"
// MACROS ------------------------------------------------------------------
// TYPES -------------------------------------------------------------------
class input_mod : public StreamSong
input_mod(DUH *myduh);
//bool SetPosition(int ms);
bool SetSubsong(int subsong);
void Play(bool looping, int subsong);
FString GetStats();
FString Codec;
FString TrackerVersion;
FString FormatVersion;
int NumChannels;
int NumPatterns;
int NumOrders;
int srate, interp, volramp;
int start_order;
double delta;
double length;
bool eof;
size_t written;
DUH *duh;
FCriticalSection crit_sec;
bool open2(long pos);
long render(double volume, double delta, long samples, sample_t **buffer);
int decode_run(void *buffer, unsigned int size);
static bool read(SoundStream *stream, void *buff, int len, void *userdata);
#pragma pack(1)
typedef struct tagITFILEHEADER
DWORD id; // 0x4D504D49
char songname[26];
WORD reserved1; // 0x1004
WORD ordnum;
WORD insnum;
WORD smpnum;
WORD patnum;
WORD cwtv;
WORD cmwt;
WORD flags;
WORD special;
BYTE globalvol;
BYTE mv;
BYTE speed;
BYTE tempo;
BYTE sep;
BYTE zero;
WORD msglength;
DWORD msgoffset;
DWORD reserved2;
BYTE chnpan[64];
BYTE chnvol[64];
typedef struct MODMIDICFG
char szMidiGlb[9*32]; // changed from CHAR
char szMidiSFXExt[16*32]; // changed from CHAR
char szMidiZXXExt[128*32]; // changed from CHAR
#pragma pack()
// EXTERNAL FUNCTION PROTOTYPES --------------------------------------------
// PUBLIC FUNCTION PROTOTYPES ----------------------------------------------
// PRIVATE FUNCTION PROTOTYPES ---------------------------------------------
// EXTERNAL DATA DECLARATIONS ----------------------------------------------
// PUBLIC DATA DEFINITIONS -------------------------------------------------
CVAR(Bool, mod_autochip, false, CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG);
CVAR(Int, mod_autochip_size_force, 100, CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG);
CVAR(Int, mod_autochip_size_scan, 500, CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG);
CVAR(Int, mod_autochip_scan_threshold, 12, CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG);
CUSTOM_CVAR(Float, mod_dumb_mastervolume, 1.f, CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG)
if (self < 0.5f) self = 0.5f;
else if (self > 16.f) self = 16.f;
// PRIVATE DATA DEFINITIONS ------------------------------------------------
// CODE --------------------------------------------------------------------
// time_to_samples
static inline QWORD time_to_samples(double p_time,int p_sample_rate)
return (QWORD)floor((double)p_sample_rate * p_time + 0.5);
// ReadDUH
// Reads metadata from a generic module.
static void ReadDUH(DUH * duh, input_mod *info, bool meta, bool dos)
if (!duh) return;
DUMB_IT_SIGDATA * itsd = duh_get_it_sigdata(duh);
if (!itsd) return;
info->NumChannels = itsd->n_pchannels;
info->NumPatterns = itsd->n_patterns;
info->NumOrders = itsd->n_orders;
if (meta)
if (itsd->name[0])
//if (dos) info.meta_add(field_title, string_utf8_from_oem((char*)&itsd->name, sizeof(itsd->name)));
//else info.meta_add(field_title, pfc::stringcvt::string_utf8_from_ansi((char *)&itsd->name, sizeof(itsd->name)));
if (itsd->song_message && *itsd->song_message)
//if (dos) info.meta_add(field_comment, string_utf8_from_oem_multiline((char*)itsd->song_message));
//else info.meta_add(field_comment, pfc::stringcvt::string_utf8_from_ansi((char *)itsd->song_message));
info->Codec = duh_get_tag(duh, "FORMAT");
info->TrackerVersion = duh_get_tag(duh, "TRACKERVERSION");
info->FormatVersion = duh_get_tag(duh, "FORMATVERSION");
#if 0
FString name;
if (itsd->n_samples)
int i, n;
//info.info_set_int(field_samples, itsd->n_samples);
if (meta && itsd->sample)
for (i = 0, n = itsd->n_samples; i < n; i++)
if (itsd->sample[i].name[0])
name = "smpl";
if (i < 10) name += '0';
name += '0' + i;
//if (dos) info.meta_add(name, string_utf8_from_oem((char*)&itsd->sample[i].name, sizeof(itsd->sample[i].name)));
//else info.meta_add(name, pfc::stringcvt::string_utf8_from_ansi((char *)&itsd->sample[i].name, sizeof(itsd->sample[i].name)));
if (itsd->n_instruments)
//info.info_set_int(field_instruments, itsd->n_instruments);
if (meta && itsd->instrument)
for (i = 0, n = itsd->n_instruments; i < n; i++)
if (itsd->instrument[i].name[0])
name = "inst";
if (i < 10) name += '0';
name += '0' + i;
//if (dos) info.meta_add(name, string_utf8_from_oem((char*)&itsd->instrument[i].name, sizeof(itsd->instrument[i].name)));
//else info.meta_add(name, pfc::stringcvt::string_utf8_from_ansi((char *)&itsd->instrument[i].name, sizeof(itsd->instrument[i].name)));
// ReadIT
// Reads metadata from an IT file.
static bool ReadIT(const BYTE * ptr, unsigned size, input_mod *info, bool meta)
if ((!ptr) || (size < 0x100)) return false;
if ((LittleLong(pifh->id) != 0x4D504D49) ||
(LittleShort(pifh->insnum) >= 256) ||
(!pifh->smpnum) || (LittleShort(pifh->smpnum) > 4000) || // XXX
(!pifh->ordnum)) return false;
if (sizeof(ITFILEHEADER) + LittleShort(pifh->ordnum) +
LittleShort(pifh->insnum)*4 +
LittleShort(pifh->smpnum)*4 +
LittleShort(pifh->patnum)*4 > size) return false;
FString ver;
ver.Format("IT v%u.%02x", LittleShort(pifh->cmwt) >> 8, LittleShort(pifh->cmwt) & 255);
info->Codec = ver;
ver.Format("%u.%02x", LittleShort(pifh->cwtv) >> 8, LittleShort(pifh->cwtv) & 255);
info->TrackerVersion = ver;
//if ( pifh->smpnum ) info.info_set_int( field_samples, LittleShort(pifh->smpnum) );
//if ( pifh->insnum ) info.info_set_int( field_instruments, LittleShort(pifh->insnum) );
//if ( meta && pifh->songname[0] ) info.meta_add( field_title, string_utf8_from_it( (char*)&pifh->songname, 26 ) );
unsigned n, l, m_nChannels = 0;
// bah, some file (jm-romance.it) with message length rounded up to a multiple of 256 (384 instead of 300)
unsigned msgoffset = LittleLong(pifh->msgoffset);
unsigned msgend = msgoffset + LittleShort(pifh->msglength);
DWORD * offset;
// FString name;
if (meta)
offset = (DWORD *)(ptr + 0xC0 + LittleShort(pifh->ordnum) + LittleShort(pifh->insnum) * 4);
for (n = 0, l = LittleShort(pifh->smpnum); n < l; n++, offset++)
DWORD offset_n = LittleLong( *offset );
if ( offset_n >= msgoffset && offset_n < msgend ) msgend = offset_n;
if ((!offset_n) || (offset_n + 0x14 + 26 + 2 >= size)) continue;
// XXX
if (ptr[offset_n] == 0 && ptr[offset_n + 1] == 0 &&
ptr[offset_n + 2] == 'I' && ptr[offset_n + 3] == 'M' &&
ptr[offset_n + 4] == 'P' && ptr[offset_n + 5] == 'S')
offset_n += 2;
#if 0
if (*(ptr + offset_n + 0x14))
name = "smpl";
if (n < 10) name << '0';
name << ('0' + n);
//info.meta_add(name, string_utf8_from_it((const char *) ptr + offset_n + 0x14, 26));
offset = (DWORD *)(ptr + 0xC0 + LittleShort(pifh->ordnum));
for (n = 0, l = LittleShort(pifh->insnum); n < l; n++, offset++)
DWORD offset_n = LittleLong( *offset );
if ( offset_n >= msgoffset && offset_n < msgend ) msgend = offset_n;
if ((!offset_n) || (offset_n + 0x20 + 26 >= size)) continue;
#if 0
if (*(ptr + offset_n + 0x20))
name = "inst";
if (n < 10) name << '0';
name << ('0' + n);
//info.meta_add(name, string_utf8_from_it((const char *) ptr + offset_n + 0x20, 26));
unsigned pos = 0xC0 + LittleShort(pifh->ordnum) + LittleShort(pifh->insnum) * 4 + LittleShort(pifh->smpnum) * 4 + LittleShort(pifh->patnum) * 4;
if (pos < size)
WORD val16 = LittleShort( *(WORD *)(ptr + pos) );
pos += 2;
if (pos + val16 * 8 < size) pos += val16 * 8;
if (LittleShort(pifh->flags) & 0x80)
if (pos + sizeof(MODMIDICFG) < size)
pos += sizeof(MODMIDICFG);
if ((pos + 8 < size) && (*(DWORD *)(ptr + pos) == MAKE_ID('P','N','A','M')))
unsigned len = LittleLong(*(DWORD *)(ptr + pos + 4));
pos += 8;
if ((pos + len <= size) && (len <= 240 * 32) && (len >= 32))
if (meta)
l = len / 32;
for (n = 0; n < l; n++)
#if 0
if (*(ptr + pos + n * 32))
name = "patt";
if (n < 10) name << '0';
name << ('0' + n);
//info.meta_add(name, string_utf8_from_it((const char *) ptr + pos + n * 32, 32));
pos += len;
if ((pos + 8 < size) && (*(DWORD *)(ptr + pos) == MAKE_ID('C','N','A','M')))
unsigned len = LittleLong(*(DWORD *)(ptr + pos + 4));
pos += 8;
if ((pos + len <= size) && (len <= 64 * 20) && (len >= 20))
l = len / 20;
m_nChannels = l;
if (meta)
for (n = 0; n < l; n++)
#if 0
if (*(ptr + pos + n * 20))
name = "chan";
if (n < 10) name << '0';
name << ('0' + n);
//info.meta_add(name, string_utf8_from_it((const char *) ptr + pos + n * 20, 20));
pos += len;
offset = (DWORD *)(ptr + 0xC0 + LittleShort(pifh->ordnum) + LittleShort(pifh->insnum) * 4 + LittleShort(pifh->smpnum) * 4);
BYTE chnmask[64];
for (n = 0, l = LittleShort(pifh->patnum); n < l; n++)
memset(chnmask, 0, sizeof(chnmask));
DWORD offset_n = LittleLong( offset[n] );
if ((!offset_n) || (offset_n + 4 >= size)) continue;
unsigned len = LittleShort(*(WORD *)(ptr + offset_n));
unsigned rows = LittleShort(*(WORD *)(ptr + offset_n + 2));
if ((rows < 4) || (rows > 256)) continue;
if (offset_n + 8 + len > size) continue;
unsigned i = 0;
const BYTE * p = ptr + offset_n + 8;
unsigned nrow = 0;
while (nrow < rows)
if (i >= len) break;
BYTE b = p[i++];
if (!b)
unsigned ch = b & 0x7F;
if (ch) ch = (ch - 1) & 0x3F;
if (b & 0x80)
if (i >= len) break;
chnmask[ch] = p[i++];
// Channel used
if (chnmask[ch] & 0x0F)
if ((ch >= m_nChannels) && (ch < 64)) m_nChannels = ch+1;
// Note
if (chnmask[ch] & 1) i++;
// Instrument
if (chnmask[ch] & 2) i++;
// Volume
if (chnmask[ch] & 4) i++;
// Effect
if (chnmask[ch] & 8) i += 2;
if (i >= len) break;
if ( meta && ( LittleShort(pifh->special) & 1 ) && ( msgend - msgoffset ) && ( msgend < size ) )
const char * str = (const char *) ptr + msgoffset;
FString msg(str);
//info.meta_add( field_comment, string_utf8_from_it_multiline( msg ) );
info->NumChannels = m_nChannels;
info->NumPatterns = LittleShort(pifh->patnum);
info->NumOrders = LittleShort(pifh->ordnum);
return true;
// DUMB memory file system
typedef struct tdumbfile_mem_status
const BYTE *ptr;
unsigned int offset, size;
} dumbfile_mem_status;
static int DUMBCALLBACK dumbfile_mem_skip(void *f, long n)
dumbfile_mem_status * s = (dumbfile_mem_status *) f;
s->offset += n;
if (s->offset > s->size)
s->offset = s->size;
return 1;
return 0;
static int DUMBCALLBACK dumbfile_mem_getc(void *f)
dumbfile_mem_status * s = (dumbfile_mem_status *) f;
if (s->offset < s->size)
return *(s->ptr + s->offset++);
return -1;
static int32 DUMBCALLBACK dumbfile_mem_getnc(char *ptr, int32 n, void *f)
dumbfile_mem_status * s = (dumbfile_mem_status *) f;
long max = s->size - s->offset;
if (max > n) max = n;
if (max)
memcpy(ptr, s->ptr + s->offset, max);
s->offset += max;
return max;
static int DUMBCALLBACK dumbfile_mem_seek(void *f, long n)
dumbfile_mem_status * s = (dumbfile_mem_status *) f;
s->offset = n;
if (s->offset > s->size)
s->offset = s->size;
return 1;
return 0;
static long DUMBCALLBACK dumbfile_mem_get_size(void *f)
dumbfile_mem_status * s = (dumbfile_mem_status *) f;
return s->size;
static DUMBFILE_SYSTEM mem_dfs = {
NULL, // open
NULL, // close
// dumb_read_allfile
DUMBFILE *dumb_read_allfile(dumbfile_mem_status *filestate, BYTE *start, FileReader &reader, int lenhave, int lenfull)
filestate->size = lenfull;
filestate->offset = 0;
if (lenhave >= lenfull)
filestate->ptr = (BYTE *)start;
BYTE *mem = new BYTE[lenfull];
memcpy(mem, start, lenhave);
if (reader.Read(mem + lenhave, lenfull - lenhave) != (lenfull - lenhave))
delete[] mem;
return NULL;
filestate->ptr = mem;
return dumbfile_open_ex(filestate, &mem_dfs);
// MOD_SetAutoChip
// Disables interpolation for short samples that meet criteria set by
// the cvars referenced at the top of this function.
static void MOD_SetAutoChip(DUH *duh)
int size_force = mod_autochip_size_force;
int size_scan = mod_autochip_size_scan;
int scan_threshold_8 = ((mod_autochip_scan_threshold * 0x100) + 50) / 100;
int scan_threshold_16 = ((mod_autochip_scan_threshold * 0x10000) + 50) / 100;
DUMB_IT_SIGDATA * itsd = duh_get_it_sigdata(duh);
if (itsd)
for (int i = 0, j = itsd->n_samples; i < j; i++)
IT_SAMPLE * sample = &itsd->sample[i];
if (sample->flags & IT_SAMPLE_EXISTS)
int channels = sample->flags & IT_SAMPLE_STEREO ? 2 : 1;
if (sample->length < size_force) sample->max_resampling_quality = 0;
else if (sample->length < size_scan)
int loop_start = sample->loop_start * channels;
int loop_end = sample->loop_end * channels;
int s1, s2;
if (sample->flags & IT_SAMPLE_16BIT)
s1 = ((signed short *)sample->data)[loop_start];
s2 = ((signed short *)sample->data)[loop_end - channels];
if (abs(s1 - s2) > scan_threshold_16)
sample->max_resampling_quality = 0;
if (channels == 2)
s1 = ((signed short *)sample->data)[loop_start + 1];
s2 = ((signed short *)sample->data)[loop_end - 1];
if (abs(s1 - s2) > scan_threshold_16)
sample->max_resampling_quality = 0;
s1 = ((signed char *)sample->data)[loop_start];
s2 = ((signed char *)sample->data)[loop_end - channels];
if (abs(s1 - s2) > scan_threshold_8)
sample->max_resampling_quality = 0;
if (channels == 2)
s1 = ((signed char *)sample->data)[loop_start + 1];
s2 = ((signed char *)sample->data)[loop_end - 1];
if (abs(s1 - s2) > scan_threshold_8)
sample->max_resampling_quality = 0;
int sus_loop_start = sample->sus_loop_start * channels;
int sus_loop_end = sample->sus_loop_end * channels;
int s1, s2;
if (sample->flags & IT_SAMPLE_16BIT)
s1 = ((signed short *)sample->data)[sus_loop_start];
s2 = ((signed short *)sample->data)[sus_loop_end - channels];
if (abs(s1 - s2) > scan_threshold_16)
sample->max_resampling_quality = 0;
if (channels == 2)
s1 = ((signed short *)sample->data)[sus_loop_start + 1];
s2 = ((signed short *)sample->data)[sus_loop_end - 1];
if (abs(s1 - s2) > scan_threshold_16)
sample->max_resampling_quality = 0;
s1 = ((signed char *)sample->data)[sus_loop_start];
s2 = ((signed char *)sample->data)[sus_loop_end - channels];
if (abs(s1 - s2) > scan_threshold_8)
sample->max_resampling_quality = 0;
if (channels == 2)
s1 = ((signed char *)sample->data)[sus_loop_start + 1];
s2 = ((signed char *)sample->data)[sus_loop_end - 1];
if (abs(s1 - s2) > scan_threshold_8)
sample->max_resampling_quality = 0;
int k, l = sample->length * channels;
if (sample->flags & IT_SAMPLE_LOOP) l = sample->loop_end * channels;
if (sample->flags & IT_SAMPLE_16BIT)
for (k = channels; k < l; k += channels)
if (abs(((signed short *)sample->data)[k - channels] - ((signed short *)sample->data)[k]) > scan_threshold_16)
if (k < l)
sample->max_resampling_quality = 0;
if (channels == 2)
for (k = 2 + 1; k < l; k += 2)
if (abs(((signed short *)sample->data)[k - 2] - ((signed short *)sample->data)[k]) > scan_threshold_16)
if (k < l)
sample->max_resampling_quality = 0;
for (k = channels; k < l; k += channels)
if (abs(((signed char *)sample->data)[k - channels] - ((signed char *)sample->data)[k]) > scan_threshold_8)
if (k < l)
sample->max_resampling_quality = 0;
if (channels == 2)
for (k = 2 + 1; k < l; k += 2)
if (abs(((signed char *)sample->data)[k - 2] - ((signed char *)sample->data)[k]) > scan_threshold_8)
if (k < l)
sample->max_resampling_quality = 0;
// MOD_OpenSong
MusInfo *MOD_OpenSong(FileReader &reader)
DUH *duh = 0;
int headsize;
BYTE start[64];
DWORD dstart[64/4];
dumbfile_mem_status filestate;
long fpos = 0;
input_mod *state = NULL;
if (!mod_dumb)
return NULL;
bool is_it = false;
bool is_dos = true;
int size = reader.GetLength();
fpos = reader.Tell();
filestate.ptr = start;
filestate.offset = 0;
headsize = MIN((int)sizeof(start), size);
if (headsize != reader.Read(start, headsize))
return NULL;
if (size >= 4 && dstart[0] == MAKE_ID('I','M','P','M'))
is_it = true;
if ((f = dumb_read_allfile(&filestate, start, reader, headsize, size)))
duh = dumb_read_it_quick(f);
else if (size >= 17 && !memcmp(start, "Extended Module: ", 17))
if ((f = dumb_read_allfile(&filestate, start, reader, headsize, size)))
duh = dumb_read_xm_quick(f);
else if (size >= 0x30 && dstart[11] == MAKE_ID('S','C','R','M'))
if ((f = dumb_read_allfile(&filestate, start, reader, headsize, size)))
duh = dumb_read_s3m_quick(f);
else if (size >= 1168 &&
/*start[28] == 0x1A &&*/ start[29] == 2 &&
( !memcmp( &start[20], "!Scream!", 8 ) ||
!memcmp( &start[20], "BMOD2STM", 8 ) ||
!memcmp( &start[20], "WUZAMOD!", 8 ) ) )
if ((f = dumb_read_allfile(&filestate, start, reader, headsize, size)))
duh = dumb_read_stm_quick(f);
else if (size >= 2 &&
((start[0] == 0x69 && start[1] == 0x66) ||
(start[0] == 0x4A && start[1] == 0x4E)))
if ((f = dumb_read_allfile(&filestate, start, reader, headsize, size)))
duh = dumb_read_669_quick(f);
else if (size >= 0x30 && dstart[11] == MAKE_ID('P','T','M','F'))
if ((f = dumb_read_allfile(&filestate, start, reader, headsize, size)))
duh = dumb_read_ptm_quick(f);
else if (size >= 4 && dstart[0] == MAKE_ID('P','S','M',' '))
if ((f = dumb_read_allfile(&filestate, start, reader, headsize, size)))
duh = dumb_read_psm_quick(f, 0/*start_order*/);
/*start_order = 0;*/
else if (size >= 4 && dstart[0] == (DWORD)MAKE_ID('P','S','M',254))
if ((f = dumb_read_allfile(&filestate, start, reader, headsize, size)))
duh = dumb_read_old_psm_quick(f);
else if (size >= 3 && start[0] == 'M' && start[1] == 'T' && start[2] == 'M')
if ((f = dumb_read_allfile(&filestate, start, reader, headsize, size)))
duh = dumb_read_mtm_quick(f);
else if (size >= 12 && dstart[0] == MAKE_ID('R','I','F','F') &&
(dstart[2] == MAKE_ID('D','S','M','F') ||
dstart[2] == MAKE_ID('A','M',' ',' ') ||
dstart[2] == MAKE_ID('A','M','F','F')))
if ((f = dumb_read_allfile(&filestate, start, reader, headsize, size)))
duh = dumb_read_riff_quick(f);
else if (size >= 32 &&
!memcmp( start, "ASYLUM Music Format", 19 ) &&
!memcmp( start + 19, " V1.0", 5 ) )
if ((f = dumb_read_allfile(&filestate, start, reader, headsize, size)))
duh = dumb_read_asy_quick(f);
else if (size >= 8 &&
dstart[0] == MAKE_ID('O','K','T','A') &&
dstart[1] == MAKE_ID('S','O','N','G'))
if ((f = dumb_read_allfile(&filestate, start, reader, headsize, size)))
duh = dumb_read_okt_quick(f);
if ( ! duh )
is_dos = false;
if (filestate.ptr == (BYTE *)start)
if (!(f = dumb_read_allfile(&filestate, start, reader, headsize, size)))
reader.Seek(fpos, SEEK_SET);
return NULL;
filestate.offset = 0;
// No way to get the filename, so we can't check for a .mod extension, and
// therefore, trying to load an old 15-instrument SoundTracker module is not
// safe. We'll restrict MOD loading to 31-instrument modules with known
// signatures and let the sound system worry about 15-instrument ones.
// (Assuming it even supports them)
duh = dumb_read_mod_quick(f, TRUE);
if (f != NULL)
if ( duh )
if (mod_autochip)
state = new input_mod(duh);
if (!state->IsValid())
delete state;
state = NULL;
if (is_it) ReadIT(filestate.ptr, size, state, false);
else ReadDUH(duh, state, false, is_dos);
// Reposition file pointer for other codecs to do their checks.
reader.Seek(fpos, SEEK_SET);
if (filestate.ptr != (BYTE *)start)
delete[] const_cast<BYTE *>(filestate.ptr);
return state;
// input_mod :: read static
bool input_mod::read(SoundStream *stream, void *buffer, int sizebytes, void *userdata)
input_mod *state = (input_mod *)userdata;
if (state->eof)
memset(buffer, 0, sizebytes);
return false;
while (sizebytes > 0)
int written = state->decode_run(buffer, sizebytes / 8);
if (written < 0)
return false;
if (written == 0)
memset(buffer, 0, sizebytes);
return true;
// Convert to float
for (int i = 0; i < written * 2; ++i)
((float *)buffer)[i] = (((int *)buffer)[i] / (float)(1 << 24)) * mod_dumb_mastervolume;
buffer = (BYTE *)buffer + written * 8;
sizebytes -= written * 8;
return true;
// input_mod constructor
input_mod::input_mod(DUH *myduh)
duh = myduh;
sr = NULL;
eof = false;
interp = mod_interp;
volramp = mod_volramp;
written = 0;
length = 0;
start_order = 0;
if (mod_samplerate != 0)
srate = mod_samplerate;
srate = (int)GSnd->GetOutputRate();
m_Stream = GSnd->CreateStream(read, 32*1024, SoundStream::Float, srate, this);
delta = 65536.0 / srate;
// input_mod destructor
if (m_Stream != NULL)
delete m_Stream;
m_Stream = NULL;
if (sr) duh_end_sigrenderer(sr);
if (duh) unload_duh(duh);
// input_mod :: Play
void input_mod::Play(bool looping, int order)
m_Status = STATE_Stopped;
m_Looping = looping;
start_order = order;
if (open2(0) && m_Stream->Play(m_Looping, 1))
m_Status = STATE_Playing;
// input_mod :: SetSubsong
bool input_mod::SetSubsong(int order)
if (order == start_order)
return false;
DUH_SIGRENDERER *oldsr = sr;
sr = NULL;
start_order = order;
if (!open2(0))
sr = oldsr;
return false;
return true;
// input_mod :: open2
bool input_mod::open2(long pos)
if (start_order != 0)
sr = dumb_it_start_at_order(duh, 2, start_order);
if (sr && pos) duh_sigrenderer_generate_samples(sr, 0, 1, pos, 0);
sr = duh_start_sigrenderer(duh, 0, 2, pos);
if (!sr)
return false;
DUMB_IT_SIGRENDERER *itsr = duh_get_it_sigrenderer(sr);
dumb_it_set_resampling_quality(itsr, interp);
dumb_it_set_ramp_style(itsr, volramp);
if (!m_Looping)
dumb_it_set_loop_callback(itsr, &dumb_it_callback_terminate, NULL);
dumb_it_set_xm_speed_zero_callback(itsr, &dumb_it_callback_terminate, NULL);
dumb_it_set_global_volume_zero_callback(itsr, &dumb_it_callback_terminate, NULL);
return true;
// input_mod :: render
long input_mod::render(double volume, double delta, long samples, sample_t **buffer)
long written = duh_sigrenderer_generate_samples(sr, volume, delta, samples, buffer);
if (written < samples)
if (!m_Looping)
eof = true;
sr = NULL;
if (!open2(0))
eof = true;
return written;
// input_mod :: decode_run
// Given a buffer of 32-bit PCM stereo pairs and a size specified in
// samples, returns the number of samples written to the buffer.
int input_mod::decode_run(void *buffer, unsigned int size)
if (eof) return 0;
DUMB_IT_SIGRENDERER *itsr = duh_get_it_sigrenderer(sr);
int dt = int(delta * 65536.0 + 0.5);
long samples = long((((LONG_LONG)itsr->time_left << 16) | itsr->sub_time_left) / dt);
if (samples == 0 || samples > (long)size) samples = size;
sample_t **buf = (sample_t **)&buffer;
int written = 0;
dumb_silence(buf[0], size * 2);
written = render(1, delta, samples, buf);
if (eof) return false;
else if (written == 0) goto retry;
else if (written == -1) return -1;
return written;
// input_mod :: GetStats
FString input_mod::GetStats()
//return StreamSong::GetStats();
DUMB_IT_SIGRENDERER *itsr = duh_get_it_sigrenderer(sr);
DUMB_IT_SIGDATA *itsd = duh_get_it_sigdata(duh);
FString out;
int channels = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < DUMB_IT_N_CHANNELS; i++)
IT_PLAYING * playing = itsr->channel[i].playing;
if (playing && !(playing->flags & IT_PLAYING_DEAD)) channels++;
for (int i = 0; i < DUMB_IT_N_NNA_CHANNELS; i++)
if (itsr->playing[i]) channels++;
if (itsr == NULL || itsd == NULL)
out = "Problem getting stats";
out.Format("%s, Order:%3d/%d Patt:%2d/%d Row:%2d/%2d Chan:%2d/%2d Speed:%2d Tempo:%3d",
itsr->order, NumOrders,
(itsd->order && itsr->order < itsd->n_orders ? itsd->order[itsr->order] : 0), NumPatterns,
itsr->row, itsr->n_rows,
channels, NumChannels,
return out;
// dumb_decode_vorbis
extern "C" short *DUMBCALLBACK dumb_decode_vorbis(int outlen, const void *oggstream, int sizebytes)
return GSnd->DecodeSample(outlen, oggstream, sizebytes, CODEC_Vorbis);