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// Copyright 1994-1996 Raven Software
// Copyright 1999-2016 Randy Heit
// Copyright 2002-2016 Christoph Oelckers
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/
// Hexen's earthquake system, significantly enhanced
#include "templates.h"
#include "doomtype.h"
#include "doomstat.h"
#include "p_local.h"
#include "actor.h"
#include "a_sharedglobal.h"
#include "serializer.h"
#include "d_player.h"
#include "r_utility.h"
static FRandom pr_quake ("Quake");
IMPLEMENT_CLASS(DEarthquake, false, true)
// DEarthquake :: DEarthquake private constructor
// DEarthquake :: DEarthquake public constructor
DEarthquake::DEarthquake(AActor *center, int intensityX, int intensityY, int intensityZ, int duration,
int damrad, int tremrad, FSoundID quakesound, int flags,
double waveSpeedX, double waveSpeedY, double waveSpeedZ, int falloff, int highpoint,
double rollIntensity, double rollWave)
m_QuakeSFX = quakesound;
m_Spot = center;
// Radii are specified in tile units (64 pixels)
m_DamageRadius = damrad;
m_TremorRadius = tremrad;
m_Intensity = DVector3(intensityX, intensityY, intensityZ);
m_CountdownStart = duration;
m_Countdown = duration;
m_Flags = flags;
m_WaveSpeed = DVector3(waveSpeedX, waveSpeedY, waveSpeedZ);
m_Falloff = falloff;
m_Highpoint = highpoint;
m_MiniCount = highpoint;
m_RollIntensity = rollIntensity;
m_RollWave = rollWave;
// DEarthquake :: Serialize
void DEarthquake::Serialize(FSerializer &arc)
Super::Serialize (arc);
arc("spot", m_Spot)
("intensity", m_Intensity)
("countdown", m_Countdown)
("tremorradius", m_TremorRadius)
("damageradius", m_DamageRadius)
("quakesfx", m_QuakeSFX)
("quakeflags", m_Flags)
("countdownstart", m_CountdownStart)
("wavespeed", m_WaveSpeed)
("falloff", m_Falloff)
("highpoint", m_Highpoint)
("minicount", m_MiniCount)
("rollintensity", m_RollIntensity)
("rollwave", m_RollWave);
// DEarthquake :: Tick
// Deals damage to any players near the earthquake and makes sure it's
// making noise.
void DEarthquake::Tick ()
int i;
if (m_Spot == NULL)
Destroy ();
if (!S_IsActorPlayingSomething (m_Spot, CHAN_BODY, m_QuakeSFX))
S_Sound (m_Spot, CHAN_BODY | CHAN_LOOP, m_QuakeSFX, 1, ATTN_NORM);
if (m_DamageRadius > 0)
for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++)
if (playeringame[i] && !(players[i].cheats & CF_NOCLIP))
AActor *victim = players[i].mo;
double dist;
dist = m_Spot->Distance2D(victim, true);
// Check if in damage radius
if (dist < m_DamageRadius && victim->Z() <= victim->floorz)
if (pr_quake() < 50)
P_DamageMobj (victim, NULL, NULL, pr_quake.HitDice (1), NAME_Quake);
// Thrust player around
DAngle an = victim->Angles.Yaw + pr_quake();
victim->Vel.X += m_Intensity.X * an.Cos() * 0.5;
victim->Vel.Y += m_Intensity.Y * an.Sin() * 0.5;
if (m_MiniCount > 0)
if (--m_Countdown == 0)
if (S_IsActorPlayingSomething(m_Spot, CHAN_BODY, m_QuakeSFX))
S_StopSound(m_Spot, CHAN_BODY);
// DEarthquake :: GetModWave
// QF_WAVE converts intensity into amplitude and unlocks a new property, the
// wave length. This is, in short, waves per second. Named waveMultiplier
// because that's as the name implies: adds more waves per second.
double DEarthquake::GetModWave(double waveMultiplier) const
double time = m_Countdown - r_viewpoint.TicFrac;
return g_sin(waveMultiplier * time * (M_PI * 2 / TICRATE));
// DEarthquake :: GetModIntensity
// Given a base intensity, modify it according to the quake's flags.
double DEarthquake::GetModIntensity(double intensity, bool fake) const
assert(m_CountdownStart >= m_Countdown);
intensity += intensity; // always doubled
if (m_Flags & (QF_SCALEDOWN | QF_SCALEUP))
// Adjustable maximums must use a range between 1 and m_CountdownStart to constrain between no quake and full quake.
bool check = !!(m_Highpoint > 0 && m_Highpoint < m_CountdownStart);
int divider = (check) ? m_Highpoint : m_CountdownStart;
int scalar;
if (check)
if (m_MiniCount > 0)
scalar = (m_Flags & QF_MAX) ? m_MiniCount : (m_Highpoint - m_MiniCount);
divider = m_CountdownStart - m_Highpoint;
scalar = (m_Flags & QF_MAX) ? (divider - m_Countdown) : m_Countdown;
// Defaults to middle of the road.
divider = m_CountdownStart;
scalar = (m_Flags & QF_MAX) ? MAX(m_Countdown, m_CountdownStart - m_Countdown)
: MIN(m_Countdown, m_CountdownStart - m_Countdown);
scalar = (scalar > divider) ? divider : scalar;
if (!fake && (m_Flags & QF_FULLINTENSITY))
scalar *= 2;
if (m_Flags & QF_SCALEDOWN)
scalar = m_Countdown;
else // QF_SCALEUP
scalar = m_CountdownStart - m_Countdown;
if (m_Highpoint > 0)
if ((m_Highpoint - m_MiniCount) < divider)
scalar = m_Highpoint - m_MiniCount;
scalar = divider;
scalar = (scalar > divider) ? divider : scalar;
assert(divider > 0);
intensity = intensity * scalar / divider;
return intensity;
// DEarthquake :: GetFalloff
// Given the distance of the player from the quake, find the multiplier.
double DEarthquake::GetFalloff(double dist) const
if ((dist < m_Falloff) || (m_Falloff >= m_TremorRadius) || (m_Falloff <= 0) || (m_TremorRadius - m_Falloff <= 0))
{ //Player inside the minimum falloff range, or safety check kicked in.
return 1.;
else if ((dist > m_Falloff) && (dist < m_TremorRadius))
{ //Player inside the radius, and outside the min distance for falloff.
double tremorsize = m_TremorRadius - m_Falloff;
assert(tremorsize > 0);
return (1. - ((dist - m_Falloff) / tremorsize));
{ //Shouldn't happen.
return 1.;
// DEarthquake::StaticGetQuakeIntensity
// Searches for all quakes near the victim and returns their combined
// intensity.
// Pre: jiggers was pre-zeroed by the caller.
int DEarthquake::StaticGetQuakeIntensities(AActor *victim, FQuakeJiggers &jiggers)
if (victim->player != NULL && (victim->player->cheats & CF_NOCLIP))
return 0;
TThinkerIterator<DEarthquake> iterator(STAT_EARTHQUAKE);
DEarthquake *quake;
int count = 0;
while ( (quake = iterator.Next()) != nullptr)
if (quake->m_Spot != nullptr)
const double dist = quake->m_Spot->Distance2D(victim, true);
if (dist < quake->m_TremorRadius)
const double falloff = quake->GetFalloff(dist);
const double r = quake->GetModIntensity(quake->m_RollIntensity);
const double strength = quake->GetModIntensity(1.0, true);
DVector3 intensity;
intensity.X = quake->GetModIntensity(quake->m_Intensity.X);
intensity.Y = quake->GetModIntensity(quake->m_Intensity.Y);
intensity.Z = quake->GetModIntensity(quake->m_Intensity.Z);
if (!(quake->m_Flags & QF_WAVE))
jiggers.RollIntensity = MAX(r, jiggers.RollIntensity) * falloff;
intensity *= falloff;
if (quake->m_Flags & QF_RELATIVE)
jiggers.RelIntensity.X = MAX(intensity.X, jiggers.RelIntensity.X);
jiggers.RelIntensity.Y = MAX(intensity.Y, jiggers.RelIntensity.Y);
jiggers.RelIntensity.Z = MAX(intensity.Z, jiggers.RelIntensity.Z);
jiggers.Intensity.X = MAX(intensity.X, jiggers.Intensity.X);
jiggers.Intensity.Y = MAX(intensity.Y, jiggers.Intensity.Y);
jiggers.Intensity.Z = MAX(intensity.Z, jiggers.Intensity.Z);
jiggers.RollWave = r * quake->GetModWave(quake->m_RollWave) * falloff * strength;
intensity.X *= quake->GetModWave(quake->m_WaveSpeed.X);
intensity.Y *= quake->GetModWave(quake->m_WaveSpeed.Y);
intensity.Z *= quake->GetModWave(quake->m_WaveSpeed.Z);
intensity *= strength * falloff;
// [RH] This only gives effect to the last sine quake. I would
// prefer if some way was found to make multiples coexist
// peacefully, but just summing them together is undesirable
// because they could cancel each other out depending on their
// relative phases.
// [MC] Now does so. And they stack rather well. I'm a little
// surprised at how easy it was.
if (quake->m_Flags & QF_RELATIVE)
jiggers.RelOffset += intensity;
jiggers.Offset += intensity;
return count;
// P_StartQuake
bool P_StartQuakeXYZ(AActor *activator, int tid, int intensityX, int intensityY, int intensityZ, int duration,
int damrad, int tremrad, FSoundID quakesfx, int flags,
double waveSpeedX, double waveSpeedY, double waveSpeedZ, int falloff, int highpoint,
double rollIntensity, double rollWave)
AActor *center;
bool res = false;
if (intensityX) intensityX = clamp(intensityX, 1, 9);
if (intensityY) intensityY = clamp(intensityY, 1, 9);
if (intensityZ) intensityZ = clamp(intensityZ, 1, 9);
if (tid == 0)
if (activator != NULL)
Create<DEarthquake>(activator, intensityX, intensityY, intensityZ, duration, damrad, tremrad,
quakesfx, flags, waveSpeedX, waveSpeedY, waveSpeedZ, falloff, highpoint, rollIntensity, rollWave);
return true;
FActorIterator iterator (tid);
while ( (center = iterator.Next ()) )
res = true;
Create<DEarthquake>(center, intensityX, intensityY, intensityZ, duration, damrad, tremrad,
quakesfx, flags, waveSpeedX, waveSpeedY, waveSpeedZ, falloff, highpoint, rollIntensity, rollWave);
return res;
bool P_StartQuake(AActor *activator, int tid, int intensity, int duration, int damrad, int tremrad, FSoundID quakesfx)
{ //Maintains original behavior by passing 0 to intensityZ, flags, and everything else after QSFX.
return P_StartQuakeXYZ(activator, tid, intensity, intensity, 0, duration, damrad, tremrad, quakesfx, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);