Christoph Oelckers b8f7e305db - changed TObjPtr to take a pointer as its template argument and not the class it points to.
This addresses the main issue with TObjPtr, namely that using it required pulling in the entire class hierarchy in basic headers like r_defs which polluted nearly every single source file in the project.
2017-03-08 13:35:21 +01:00

730 lines
18 KiB

// Emacs style mode select -*- C++ -*-
// Copyright(C) 2000 Simon Howard
// Copyright(C) 2002-2008 Christoph Oelckers
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// FraggleScript is from SMMU which is under the GPL. Technically,
// therefore, combining the FraggleScript code with the non-free
// ZDoom code is a violation of the GPL.
// As this may be a problem for you, I hereby grant an exception to my
// copyright on the SMMU source (including FraggleScript). You may use
// any code from SMMU in (G)ZDoom, provided that:
// * For any binary release of the port, the source code is also made
// available.
// * The copyright notice is kept on any file containing my code.
#ifndef __T_SCRIPT_H__
#define __T_SCRIPT_H__
#include "p_setup.h"
#include "p_lnspec.h"
#include "m_fixed.h"
#include "actor.h"
#include "doomerrors.h"
#ifdef _MSC_VER
// This pragma saves 8kb of wasted code.
#pragma pointers_to_members( full_generality, single_inheritance )
class CFraggleScriptError : public CDoomError
CFraggleScriptError() : CDoomError() {}
CFraggleScriptError(const char *message) : CDoomError(message) {}
class DRunningScript;
inline bool isop(int c)
return !( ( (c)<='Z' && (c)>='A') || ( (c)<='z' && (c)>='a') ||
( (c)<='9' && (c)>='0') || ( (c)=='_') );
svt_mobj, // a map object
svt_function, // functions are stored as variables
svt_label, // labels for goto calls are variables
svt_const, // const
svt_fixed, // haleyjd: fixed-point int - 8-17 std
svt_pInt, // pointer to game int
svt_pMobj, // pointer to game mobj
svt_linespec, // line special (can be used as both function and constant)
typedef int fsfix;
struct svalue_t
int type;
FString string;
int i;
fsfix f; // haleyjd: 8-17
AActor *mobj;
} value;
type = svt_int;
value.i = 0;
svalue_t(const svalue_t & other)
type = other.type;
string = other.string;
value = other.value;
void setInt(int ip)
value.i = ip;
type = svt_int;
void setFixed(fsfix fp)
value.f = fp;
type = svt_fixed;
void setDouble(double dp)
value.f = fsfix(dp * 65536);
type = svt_fixed;
int intvalue(const svalue_t & v);
fsfix fixedvalue(const svalue_t & v);
double floatvalue(const svalue_t & v);
const char *stringvalue(const svalue_t & v);
AActor *actorvalue(const svalue_t &svalue);
// varoius defines collected in a nicer manner
MAXARGS = 128,
// One variable
struct FParser;
struct DFsVariable : public DObject
DECLARE_CLASS(DFsVariable, DObject)
FString Name;
TObjPtr<DFsVariable*> next; // for hashing
int type; // svt_string or svt_int: same as in svalue_t
FString string;
TObjPtr<AActor*> actor;
union value_t
int32_t i;
fsfix fixed; // haleyjd: fixed-point
// the following are only used in the global script so we don't need to bother with them
// when serializing variables.
int *pI; // pointer to game int
AActor **pMobj; // pointer to game obj
void (FParser::*handler)(); // for functions
const FLineSpecial *ls;
} value;
DFsVariable(const char *_name = "");
void GetValue(svalue_t &result);
void SetValue(const svalue_t &newvalue);
void Serialize(FSerializer &ar);
// hash the variables for speed: this is the hashkey
inline int variable_hash(const char *n)
(n[0]? ( ( n[0] + n[1] +
(n[1] ? n[2] +
(n[2] ? n[3] : 0) : 0) ) % VARIABLESLOTS ) :0);
// Sections
enum // section types
st_empty, // empty {} braces
struct DFsSection : public DObject
DECLARE_CLASS(DFsSection, DObject)
int type;
int start_index;
int end_index;
int loop_index;
TObjPtr<DFsSection*> next; // for hashing
next = NULL;
void Serialize(FSerializer &ar);
// Tokens
enum tokentype_t
name_, // a name, eg 'count1' or 'frag'
function // function name
enum // brace types: where current_section is a { or }
// Errors
class CFsError
// trying to throw strings crashes VC++ badly so we have to use a static buffer. :(
char msg[2048];
CFsError(const FString &in)
strncpy(msg, in, 2047);
// throw this object to regularly terminate a script's execution.
class CFsTerminator
int fill;
// Scripts
class DFsScript : public DObject
// script data
char *data;
int scriptnum; // this script's number
int len;
// {} sections
TObjPtr<DFsSection*> sections[SECTIONSLOTS];
// variables:
TObjPtr<DFsVariable*> variables[VARIABLESLOTS];
// ptr to the parent script
// the parent script is the script above this level
// eg. individual linetrigger scripts are children
// of the levelscript, which is a child of the
// global_script
TObjPtr<DFsScript*> parent;
// haleyjd: 8-17
// child scripts.
// levelscript holds ptrs to all of the level's scripts
// here.
TObjPtr<DFsScript*> children[MAXSCRIPTS];
TObjPtr<AActor*> trigger; // object which triggered this script
bool lastiftrue; // haleyjd: whether last "if" statement was
// true or false
void OnDestroy() override;
void Serialize(FSerializer &ar);
DFsVariable *NewVariable(const char *name, int vtype);
void NewFunction(const char *name, void (FParser::*handler)());
DFsVariable *VariableForName(const char *name);
DFsVariable *FindVariable(const char *name);
void ClearVariables(bool complete= false);
DFsVariable *NewLabel(char *labelptr);
char *LabelValue(const svalue_t &v);
char *SectionStart(const DFsSection *sec);
char *SectionEnd(const DFsSection *sec);
char *SectionLoop(const DFsSection *sec);
void ClearSections();
void ClearChildren();
int MakeIndex(const char *p) { return int(p-data); }
// preprocessor
int section_hash(const char *b) { return MakeIndex(b) % SECTIONSLOTS; }
DFsSection *NewSection(const char *brace);
DFsSection *FindSectionStart(const char *brace);
DFsSection *FindSectionEnd(const char *brace);
char *ProcessFindChar(char *data, char find);
void DryRunScript();
void Preprocess();
void ParseInclude(char *lumpname);
void ParseScript(char *rover = NULL);
void ParseData(char *rover, char *data, char *end);
// The script parser
struct FParser
struct operator_t
const char *string;
void (FParser::*handler)(svalue_t &, int, int, int); // left, mid, right
int direction;
static operator_t operators[];
static int num_operators;
char *LineStart;
char *Rover;
char *Tokens[T_MAXTOKENS];
tokentype_t TokenType[T_MAXTOKENS];
int NumTokens;
DFsScript *Script; // the current script
DFsSection *Section;
DFsSection *PrevSection;
int BraceType;
int t_argc; // number of arguments
svalue_t *t_argv; // arguments
svalue_t t_return; // returned value
FString t_func; // name of current function
FParser(DFsScript *scr)
LineStart = NULL;
Rover = NULL;
Tokens[0] = new char[scr->len+32]; // 32 for safety. FS seems to need a few bytes more than the script's actual length.
NumTokens = 0;
Script = scr;
Section = PrevSection = NULL;
BraceType = 0;
if (Tokens[0]) delete [] Tokens[0];
void NextToken();
char *GetTokens(char *s);
void PrintTokens();
void ErrorMessage(FString msg);
void Run(char *rover, char *data, char *end);
void RunStatement();
int FindOperator(int start, int stop, const char *value);
int FindOperatorBackwards(int start, int stop, const char *value);
void SimpleEvaluate(svalue_t &, int n);
void PointlessBrackets(int *start, int *stop);
void EvaluateExpression(svalue_t &, int start, int stop);
void EvaluateFunction(svalue_t &, int start, int stop);
void OPequals(svalue_t &, int, int, int); // =
void OPplus(svalue_t &, int, int, int); // +
void OPminus(svalue_t &, int, int, int); // -
void OPmultiply(svalue_t &, int, int, int); // *
void OPdivide(svalue_t &, int, int, int); // /
void OPremainder(svalue_t &, int, int, int); // %
void OPor(svalue_t &, int, int, int); // ||
void OPand(svalue_t &, int, int, int); // &&
void OPnot(svalue_t &, int, int, int); // !
void OPor_bin(svalue_t &, int, int, int); // |
void OPand_bin(svalue_t &, int, int, int); // &
void OPnot_bin(svalue_t &, int, int, int); // ~
void OPcmp(svalue_t &, int, int, int); // ==
void OPnotcmp(svalue_t &, int, int, int); // !=
void OPlessthan(svalue_t &, int, int, int); // <
void OPgreaterthan(svalue_t &, int, int, int); // >
void OPincrement(svalue_t &, int, int, int); // ++
void OPdecrement(svalue_t &, int, int, int); // --
void OPstructure(svalue_t &, int, int, int); // in t_vari.c
void OPlessthanorequal(svalue_t &, int, int, int); // <=
void OPgreaterthanorequal(svalue_t &, int, int, int); // >=
void spec_brace();
bool spec_if();
bool spec_elseif(bool lastif);
void spec_else(bool lastif);
void spec_for();
void spec_while();
void CreateVariable(int newvar_type, DFsScript *newvar_script, int start, int stop);
void ParseVarLine(int newvar_type, DFsScript *newvar_script, int start);
bool spec_variable();
void spec_script();
DFsSection *looping_section();
FString GetFormatString(int startarg);
bool CheckArgs(int cnt);
void SF_Print();
void SF_Rnd();
void SF_Continue();
void SF_Break();
void SF_Goto();
void SF_Return();
void SF_Include();
void SF_Input();
void SF_Beep();
void SF_Clock();
void SF_ExitLevel();
void SF_Tip();
void SF_TimedTip();
void SF_PlayerTip();
void SF_Message();
void SF_PlayerMsg();
void SF_PlayerInGame();
void SF_PlayerName();
void SF_PlayerObj();
void SF_StartScript(); // FPUKE needs to access this
void SF_ScriptRunning();
void SF_Wait();
void SF_TagWait();
void SF_ScriptWait();
void SF_ScriptWaitPre(); // haleyjd: new wait types
void SF_Player();
void SF_Spawn();
void SF_RemoveObj();
void SF_KillObj();
void SF_ObjX();
void SF_ObjY();
void SF_ObjZ();
void SF_ObjAngle();
void SF_Teleport();
void SF_SilentTeleport();
void SF_DamageObj();
void SF_ObjSector();
void SF_ObjHealth();
void SF_ObjFlag();
void SF_PushThing();
void SF_ReactionTime();
void SF_MobjTarget();
void SF_MobjMomx();
void SF_MobjMomy();
void SF_MobjMomz();
void SF_PointToAngle();
void SF_PointToDist();
void SF_SetCamera();
void SF_ClearCamera();
void SF_StartSound();
void SF_StartSectorSound();
void SF_FloorHeight();
void SF_MoveFloor();
void SF_CeilingHeight();
void SF_MoveCeiling();
void SF_LightLevel();
void SF_FadeLight();
void SF_FloorTexture();
void SF_SectorColormap();
void SF_CeilingTexture();
void SF_ChangeHubLevel();
void SF_StartSkill();
void SF_OpenDoor();
void SF_CloseDoor();
void SF_RunCommand();
void SF_LineTrigger();
void SF_ChangeMusic();
void SF_SetLineBlocking();
void SF_SetLineMonsterBlocking();
void SF_SetLineTexture();
void SF_Max();
void SF_Min();
void SF_Abs();
void SF_Gameskill();
void SF_Gamemode();
void SF_IsPlayerObj();
void SF_PlayerKeys();
void SF_PlayerAmmo();
void SF_MaxPlayerAmmo();
void SF_PlayerWeapon();
void SF_PlayerSelectedWeapon();
void SF_GiveInventory();
void SF_TakeInventory();
void SF_CheckInventory();
void SF_SetWeapon();
void SF_MoveCamera();
void SF_ObjAwaken();
void SF_AmbientSound();
void SF_ExitSecret();
void SF_MobjValue();
void SF_StringValue();
void SF_IntValue();
void SF_FixedValue();
void SF_SpawnExplosion();
void SF_RadiusAttack();
void SF_SetObjPosition();
void SF_TestLocation();
void SF_HealObj(); //no pain sound
void SF_ObjDead();
void SF_SpawnMissile();
void SF_MapThingNumExist();
void SF_MapThings();
void SF_ObjState();
void SF_LineFlag();
void SF_PlayerAddFrag();
void SF_SkinColor();
void SF_PlayDemo();
void SF_CheckCVar();
void SF_Resurrect();
void SF_LineAttack();
void SF_ObjType();
void SF_Sin();
void SF_ASin();
void SF_Cos();
void SF_ACos();
void SF_Tan();
void SF_ATan();
void SF_Exp();
void SF_Log();
void SF_Sqrt();
void SF_Floor();
void SF_Pow();
void SF_NewHUPic();
void SF_DeleteHUPic();
void SF_ModifyHUPic();
void SF_SetHUPicDisplay();
void SF_SetCorona();
void SF_Ls();
void SF_LevelNum();
void SF_MobjRadius();
void SF_MobjHeight();
void SF_ThingCount();
void SF_SetColor();
void SF_SpawnShot2();
void SF_KillInSector();
void SF_SectorType();
void SF_SetLineTrigger();
void SF_ChangeTag();
void SF_WallGlow();
void RunLineSpecial(const FLineSpecial *);
DRunningScript *SaveCurrentScript();
// Running scripts
enum waittype_e
wt_none, // not waiting
wt_delay, // wait for a set amount of time
wt_tagwait, // wait for sector to stop moving
wt_scriptwait, // wait for script to finish
wt_scriptwaitpre, // haleyjd - wait for script to start
class DRunningScript : public DObject
DECLARE_CLASS(DRunningScript, DObject)
DRunningScript(AActor *trigger=NULL, DFsScript *owner = NULL, int index = 0) ;
void OnDestroy() override;
void Serialize(FSerializer &arc);
TObjPtr<DFsScript*> script;
// where we are
int save_point;
int wait_type;
int wait_data; // data for wait: tagnum, counter, script number etc
// saved variables
TObjPtr<DFsVariable*> variables[VARIABLESLOTS];
TObjPtr<DRunningScript*> prev, next; // for chain
TObjPtr<AActor*> trigger;
// This thinker eliminates the need to call the Fragglescript functions from the main code
class DFraggleThinker : public DThinker
DECLARE_CLASS(DFraggleThinker, DThinker)
TObjPtr<DFsScript*> LevelScript;
TObjPtr<DRunningScript*> RunningScripts;
TArray<TObjPtr<AActor*> > SpawnedThings;
bool nocheckposition;
bool setcolormaterial;
void OnDestroy() override;
void Serialize(FSerializer & arc);
void Tick();
size_t PropagateMark();
size_t PointerSubstitution (DObject *old, DObject *notOld);
bool wait_finished(DRunningScript *script);
void AddRunningScript(DRunningScript *runscr);
static TObjPtr<DFraggleThinker*> ActiveThinker;
// Global stuff
#include "t_fs.h"
void script_error(const char *s, ...) GCCPRINTF(1,2);
void FS_EmulateCmd(char * string);
extern AActor *trigger_obj;
extern DFsScript *global_script;