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synced 2025-03-04 08:32:00 +00:00
In this mode the clean scaling factors are ignored and content is always scaled to fit the screen as efficently as possible. For the default summary screens an option was added to use this mode, which is a lot closer to the original look of this screen. It is not 100% identical because it still factors in the author, if given and long level names that may be broken into multiple lines of text.
263 lines
7.1 KiB
263 lines
7.1 KiB
class DoomStatusScreen : StatusScreen
int intermissioncounter;
override void initStats ()
intermissioncounter = gameinfo.intermissioncounter;
CurState = StatCount;
acceleratestage = 0;
sp_state = 1;
cnt_kills[0] = cnt_items[0] = cnt_secret[0] = -1;
cnt_time = cnt_par = -1;
cnt_pause = Thinker.TICRATE;
cnt_total_time = -1;
override void updateStats ()
if (acceleratestage && sp_state != 10)
acceleratestage = 0;
sp_state = 10;
cnt_kills[0] = Plrs[me].skills;
cnt_items[0] = Plrs[me].sitems;
cnt_secret[0] = Plrs[me].ssecret;
cnt_time = Thinker.Tics2Seconds(Plrs[me].stime);
cnt_par = wbs.partime / Thinker.TICRATE;
cnt_total_time = Thinker.Tics2Seconds(wbs.totaltime);
if (sp_state == 2)
if (intermissioncounter)
cnt_kills[0] += 2;
if (!(bcnt&3))
if (!intermissioncounter || cnt_kills[0] >= Plrs[me].skills)
cnt_kills[0] = Plrs[me].skills;
else if (sp_state == 4)
if (intermissioncounter)
cnt_items[0] += 2;
if (!(bcnt&3))
if (!intermissioncounter || cnt_items[0] >= Plrs[me].sitems)
cnt_items[0] = Plrs[me].sitems;
else if (sp_state == 6)
if (intermissioncounter)
cnt_secret[0] += 2;
if (!(bcnt&3))
if (!intermissioncounter || cnt_secret[0] >= Plrs[me].ssecret)
cnt_secret[0] = Plrs[me].ssecret;
else if (sp_state == 8)
if (intermissioncounter)
if (!(bcnt&3))
cnt_time += 3;
cnt_par += 3;
cnt_total_time += 3;
int sec = Thinker.Tics2Seconds(Plrs[me].stime);
if (!intermissioncounter || cnt_time >= sec)
cnt_time = sec;
int tsec = Thinker.Tics2Seconds(wbs.totaltime);
if (!intermissioncounter || cnt_total_time >= tsec)
cnt_total_time = tsec;
int psec = wbs.partime / Thinker.TICRATE;
if (!intermissioncounter || cnt_par >= psec)
cnt_par = psec;
if (cnt_time >= sec)
cnt_total_time = tsec;
else if (sp_state == 10)
if (acceleratestage)
else if (sp_state & 1)
if (!--cnt_pause)
cnt_pause = Thinker.TICRATE;
override void drawStats (void)
// line height
int lh = IntermissionFont.GetHeight() * 3 / 2;
// For visual consistency, only use the patches here if all are present.
bool useGfx = TexMan.OkForLocalization(Kills, "$TXT_IMKILLS")
&& TexMan.OkForLocalization(Items, "$TXT_IMITEMS")
&& TexMan.OkForLocalization(P_secret, "$TXT_IMSECRETS")
&& TexMan.OkForLocalization(Timepic, "$TXT_IMTIME")
&& (!wbs.partime || TexMan.OkForLocalization(Par, "$TXT_IMPAR"));
// The font color may only be used when the entire screen is printed as text.
// Otherwise the text based parts should not be translated to match the other graphics patches.
let tcolor = useGfx? Font.CR_UNTRANSLATED : content.mColor;
Font printFont;
Font textFont = generic_ui? NewSmallFont : content.mFont;
int statsx = SP_STATSX;
if (useGfx)
printFont = IntermissionFont;
DrawTexture (Kills, statsx, SP_STATSY);
DrawTexture (Items, statsx, SP_STATSY+lh);
DrawTexture (P_secret, statsx, SP_STATSY+2*lh);
DrawTexture (Timepic, SP_TIMEX, SP_TIMEY);
if (wbs.partime) DrawTexture (Par, 160 + SP_TIMEX, SP_TIMEY);
// Check if everything fits on the screen.
String percentage = wi_percents? " 0000%" : " 0000/0000";
int perc_width = textFont.StringWidth(percentage);
int k_width = textFont.StringWidth("$TXT_IMKILLS");
int i_width = textFont.StringWidth("$TXT_IMITEMS");
int s_width = textFont.StringWidth("$TXT_IMSECRETS");
int allwidth = max(k_width, i_width, s_width) + perc_width;
if ((SP_STATSX*2 + allwidth) > 320) // The content does not fit so adjust the position a bit.
statsx = max(0, (320 - allwidth) / 2);
printFont = generic_ui? IntermissionFont : content.mFont;
DrawText (textFont, tcolor, statsx, SP_STATSY, "$TXT_IMKILLS");
DrawText (textFont, tcolor, statsx, SP_STATSY+lh, "$TXT_IMITEMS");
DrawText (textFont, tcolor, statsx, SP_STATSY+2*lh, "$TXT_IMSECRETS");
DrawText (textFont, tcolor, SP_TIMEX, SP_TIMEY, "$TXT_IMTIME");
if (wbs.partime) screen.DrawText (textFont, tcolor, 160 + SP_TIMEX, SP_TIMEY, "$TXT_IMPAR");
drawPercent (printFont, 320 - statsx, SP_STATSY, cnt_kills[0], wbs.maxkills, true, tcolor);
drawPercent (printFont, 320 - statsx, SP_STATSY+lh, cnt_items[0], wbs.maxitems, true, tcolor);
drawPercent (printFont, 320 - statsx, SP_STATSY+2*lh, cnt_secret[0], wbs.maxsecret, true, tcolor);
drawTimeFont (printFont, 160 - SP_TIMEX, SP_TIMEY, cnt_time, tcolor);
// This really sucks - not just by its message - and should have been removed long ago!
// To avoid problems here, the "sucks" text only gets printed if the lump is present, this even applies to the text replacement.
if (cnt_time >= wbs.sucktime * 60 * 60 && wbs.sucktime > 0 && Sucks.IsValid())
{ // "sucks"
int x = 160 - SP_TIMEX;
int y = SP_TIMEY;
if (useGfx && TexMan.OkForLocalization(Sucks, "$TXT_IMSUCKS"))
let size = TexMan.GetScaledSize(Sucks);
DrawTexture (Sucks, x - size.X, y - size.Y - 2);
DrawText (textFont, tColor, x - printFont.StringWidth("$TXT_IMSUCKS"), y - printFont.GetHeight() - 2, "$TXT_IMSUCKS");
if (wi_showtotaltime)
drawTimeFont (printFont, 160 - SP_TIMEX, SP_TIMEY + lh, cnt_total_time, tcolor);
if (wbs.partime)
drawTimeFont (printFont, 320 - SP_TIMEX, SP_TIMEY, cnt_par, tcolor);
class RavenStatusScreen : DoomStatusScreen
override void drawStats (void)
// line height
int lh = IntermissionFont.GetHeight() * 3 / 2;
Font textFont = generic_ui? NewSmallFont : content.mFont;
let tcolor = content.mColor;
DrawText (textFont, tcolor, 50, 65, "$TXT_IMKILLS", shadow:true);
DrawText (textFont, tcolor, 50, 90, "$TXT_IMITEMS", shadow:true);
DrawText (textFont, tcolor, 50, 115, "$TXT_IMSECRETS", shadow:true);
int countpos = gameinfo.gametype==GAME_Strife? 285:270;
if (sp_state >= 2)
drawPercent (textFont, countpos, 65, cnt_kills[0], wbs.maxkills, true, tcolor);
if (sp_state >= 4)
drawPercent (textFont, countpos, 90, cnt_items[0], wbs.maxitems, true, tcolor);
if (sp_state >= 6)
drawPercent (textFont, countpos, 115, cnt_secret[0], wbs.maxsecret, true, tcolor);
if (sp_state >= 8)
DrawText (textFont, tcolor, 85, 160, "$TXT_IMTIME", shadow:true);
drawTimeFont (textFont, 249, 160, cnt_time, tcolor);
if (wi_showtotaltime)
drawTimeFont (textFont, 249, 180, cnt_total_time, tcolor);