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synced 2025-03-26 12:51:30 +00:00
- Changed the definition of several typedef'd structs so that they are properly named. - Limited DEHSUPP lump lookup to search zdoom.pk3 only. It will no longer be possible to load DEHSUPP lumps from user WADs. - Brought back the text-based DEHSUPP parser and changed it to be able to reference states by label. Also changed label names of DoomUnusedStates and added proper labels to all states that were previously forced to be the first state of an actor so that the old (limited) method could access them. This was done to address the following bug: - Fixed: The player's death states calling A_PlayerSkinCheck should not be part of the state set that is accessible by Dehacked. These will produce error messages when mapped to non-players. SVN r1512 (trunk)
177 lines
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177 lines
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// Emacs style mode select -*- C++ -*-
// $Id:$
// Copyright (C) 1993-1996 by id Software, Inc.
// This source is available for distribution and/or modification
// only under the terms of the DOOM Source Code License as
// published by id Software. All rights reserved.
// The source is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// for more details.
// Networking stuff.
#ifndef __D_NET__
#define __D_NET__
#include "doomtype.h"
#include "doomdef.h"
#include "d_ticcmd.h"
// Network play related stuff.
// There is a data struct that stores network
// communication related stuff, and another
// one that defines the actual packets to
// be transmitted.
#define DOOMCOM_ID 0x12345678l
#define MAXNETNODES 8 // max computers in a game
#define BACKUPTICS 36 // number of tics to remember
#define MAXTICDUP 5
#ifdef DJGPP
// The DOS drivers provide a pretty skimpy buffer.
// Probably not enough.
#define MAX_MSGLEN 14000
#define CMD_SEND 1
#define CMD_GET 2
// Network packet data.
struct doomcom_t
DWORD id; // should be DOOMCOM_ID
SWORD intnum; // DOOM executes an int to execute commands
// communication between DOOM and the driver
SWORD command; // CMD_SEND or CMD_GET
SWORD remotenode; // dest for send, set by get (-1 = no packet).
SWORD datalength; // bytes in doomdata to be sent
// info common to all nodes
SWORD numnodes; // console is always node 0.
SWORD ticdup; // 1 = no duplication, 2-5 = dup for slow nets
SWORD extratics; // 1 = send a backup tic in every packet
#ifdef DJGPP
SWORD pad[5]; // keep things aligned for DOS drivers
// info specific to this node
SWORD consoleplayer;
SWORD numplayers;
#ifdef DJGPP
SWORD angleoffset; // does not work, but needed to preserve
SWORD drone; // alignment for DOS drivers
// packet data to be sent
class FDynamicBuffer
FDynamicBuffer ();
~FDynamicBuffer ();
void SetData (const BYTE *data, int len);
BYTE *GetData (int *len = NULL);
BYTE *m_Data;
int m_Len, m_BufferLen;
extern FDynamicBuffer NetSpecs[MAXPLAYERS][BACKUPTICS];
// Create any new ticcmds and broadcast to other players.
void NetUpdate (void);
// Broadcasts special packets to other players
// to notify of game exit
void D_QuitNetGame (void);
//? how many ticks to run?
void TryRunTics (void);
// [RH] Functions for making and using special "ticcmds"
void Net_NewMakeTic ();
void Net_WriteByte (BYTE);
void Net_WriteWord (short);
void Net_WriteLong (int);
void Net_WriteFloat (float);
void Net_WriteString (const char *);
void Net_WriteBytes (const BYTE *, int len);
void Net_DoCommand (int type, BYTE **stream, int player);
void Net_SkipCommand (int type, BYTE **stream);
void Net_ClearBuffers ();
// Netgame stuff (buffers and pointers, i.e. indices).
// This is the interface to the packet driver, a separate program
// in DOS, but just an abstraction here.
extern doomcom_t doomcom;
extern struct ticcmd_t localcmds[LOCALCMDTICS];
extern int maketic;
extern int nettics[MAXNETNODES];
extern ticcmd_t netcmds[MAXPLAYERS][BACKUPTICS];
extern int ticdup;
// [RH]
// New generic packet structure:
// Header:
// One byte with following flags.
// One byte with starttic
// One byte with master's maketic (master -> slave only!)
// If NCMD_RETRANSMIT set, one byte with retransmitfrom
// If NCMD_XTICS set, one byte with number of tics (minus 3, so theoretically up to 258 tics in one packet)
// If NCMD_QUITTERS, one byte with number of players followed by one byte with each player's consolenum
// If NCMD_MULTI, one byte with number of players followed by one byte with each player's consolenum
// - The first player's consolenum is not included in this list, because it always matches the sender
// For each tic:
// Two bytes with consistancy check, followed by tic data
// Setup packets are different, and are described just before D_ArbitrateNetStart().
#define NCMD_EXIT 0x80
#define NCMD_RETRANSMIT 0x40
#define NCMD_SETUP 0x20
#define NCMD_MULTI 0x10 // multiple players in this packet
#define NCMD_QUITTERS 0x08 // one or more players just quit (packet server only)
#define NCMD_COMPRESSED 0x04 // remainder of packet is compressed
#define NCMD_XTICS 0x03 // packet contains >2 tics
#define NCMD_2TICS 0x02 // packet contains 2 tics
#define NCMD_1TICS 0x01 // packet contains 1 tic
#define NCMD_0TICS 0x00 // packet contains 0 tics