Christoph Oelckers 523fd0bf3a Revert "AsmJit update"
This reverts commit 747b3dfcfe.

# Conflicts:
#	libraries/asmjit/asmjit/core/compiler.h

This had to be reverted because it breaks exception handling which is a critical problem.
With the updated code any exception thrown inside code that had a JITed call stack would crash.
2019-10-07 20:34:55 +02:00

568 lines
20 KiB

// [AsmJit]
// Complete x86/x64 JIT and Remote Assembler for C++.
// [License]
// Zlib - See LICENSE.md file in the package.
// [Guard]
#include "../asmjit_build.h"
// [Dependencies]
#include "../base/codecompiler.h"
#include "../base/zone.h"
// [Api-Begin]
#include "../asmjit_apibegin.h"
namespace asmjit {
//! \addtogroup asmjit_base
//! \{
// ============================================================================
// [asmjit::TiedReg]
// ============================================================================
//! Tied register (CodeCompiler)
//! Tied register is used to describe one ore more register operands that share
//! the same virtual register. Tied register contains all the data that is
//! essential for register allocation.
struct TiedReg {
//! Flags.
kRReg = 0x00000001U, //!< Register read.
kWReg = 0x00000002U, //!< Register write.
kXReg = 0x00000003U, //!< Register read-write.
kRMem = 0x00000004U, //!< Memory read.
kWMem = 0x00000008U, //!< Memory write.
kXMem = 0x0000000CU, //!< Memory read-write.
kRDecide = 0x00000010U, //!< RA can decide between reg/mem read.
kWDecide = 0x00000020U, //!< RA can decide between reg/mem write.
kXDecide = 0x00000030U, //!< RA can decide between reg/mem read-write.
kRFunc = 0x00000100U, //!< Function argument passed in register.
kWFunc = 0x00000200U, //!< Function return value passed into register.
kXFunc = 0x00000300U, //!< Function argument and return value.
kRCall = 0x00000400U, //!< Function call operand.
kSpill = 0x00000800U, //!< Variable should be spilled.
kUnuse = 0x00001000U, //!< Variable should be unused at the end of the instruction/node.
kRAll = kRReg | kRMem | kRDecide | kRFunc | kRCall, //!< All in-flags.
kWAll = kWReg | kWMem | kWDecide | kWFunc, //!< All out-flags.
kRDone = 0x00400000U, //!< Already allocated on the input.
kWDone = 0x00800000U, //!< Already allocated on the output.
kX86GpbLo = 0x10000000U,
kX86GpbHi = 0x20000000U,
kX86Fld4 = 0x40000000U,
kX86Fld8 = 0x80000000U
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [Init / Reset]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
ASMJIT_INLINE void init(VirtReg* vreg, uint32_t flags = 0, uint32_t inRegs = 0, uint32_t allocableRegs = 0) noexcept {
this->vreg = vreg;
this->flags = flags;
this->refCount = 0;
this->inPhysId = Globals::kInvalidRegId;
this->outPhysId = Globals::kInvalidRegId;
this->reserved = 0;
this->inRegs = inRegs;
this->allocableRegs = allocableRegs;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [Accessors]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
//! Get whether the variable has to be allocated in a specific input register.
ASMJIT_INLINE uint32_t hasInPhysId() const { return inPhysId != Globals::kInvalidRegId; }
//! Get whether the variable has to be allocated in a specific output register.
ASMJIT_INLINE uint32_t hasOutPhysId() const { return outPhysId != Globals::kInvalidRegId; }
//! Set the input register index.
ASMJIT_INLINE void setInPhysId(uint32_t index) { inPhysId = static_cast<uint8_t>(index); }
//! Set the output register index.
ASMJIT_INLINE void setOutPhysId(uint32_t index) { outPhysId = static_cast<uint8_t>(index); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [Operator Overload]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
ASMJIT_INLINE TiedReg& operator=(const TiedReg& other) {
::memcpy(this, &other, sizeof(TiedReg));
return *this;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [Members]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
//! Pointer to the associated \ref VirtReg.
VirtReg* vreg;
//! Tied flags.
uint32_t flags;
union {
struct {
//! How many times the variable is used by the instruction/node.
uint8_t refCount;
//! Input register index or `kInvalidReg` if it's not given.
//! Even if the input register index is not given (i.e. it may by any
//! register), register allocator should assign an index that will be
//! used to persist a variable into this specific index. It's helpful
//! in situations where one variable has to be allocated in multiple
//! registers to determine the register which will be persistent.
uint8_t inPhysId;
//! Output register index or `kInvalidReg` if it's not given.
//! Typically `kInvalidReg` if variable is only used on input.
uint8_t outPhysId;
//! \internal
uint8_t reserved;
//! \internal
//! Packed data #0.
uint32_t packed;
//! Mandatory input registers.
//! Mandatory input registers are required by the instruction even if
//! there are duplicates. This schema allows us to allocate one variable
//! in one or more register when needed. Required mostly by instructions
//! that have implicit register operands (imul, cpuid, ...) and function
//! call.
uint32_t inRegs;
//! Allocable input registers.
//! Optional input registers is a mask of all allocable registers for a given
//! variable where we have to pick one of them. This mask is usually not used
//! when _inRegs is set. If both masks are used then the register
//! allocator tries first to find an intersection between these and allocates
//! an extra slot if not found.
uint32_t allocableRegs;
// ============================================================================
// [asmjit::RABits]
// ============================================================================
//! Fixed size bit-array.
//! Used by variable liveness analysis.
struct RABits {
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [Enums]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
enum {
kEntitySize = static_cast<int>(sizeof(uintptr_t)),
kEntityBits = kEntitySize * 8
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [Accessors]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
ASMJIT_INLINE uintptr_t getBit(uint32_t index) const noexcept {
return (data[index / kEntityBits] >> (index % kEntityBits)) & 1;
ASMJIT_INLINE void setBit(uint32_t index) noexcept {
data[index / kEntityBits] |= static_cast<uintptr_t>(1) << (index % kEntityBits);
ASMJIT_INLINE void delBit(uint32_t index) noexcept {
data[index / kEntityBits] &= ~(static_cast<uintptr_t>(1) << (index % kEntityBits));
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [Interface]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
//! Copy bits from `s0`, returns `true` if at least one bit is set in `s0`.
ASMJIT_INLINE bool copyBits(const RABits* s0, uint32_t len) noexcept {
uintptr_t r = 0;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
uintptr_t t = s0->data[i];
data[i] = t;
r |= t;
return r != 0;
ASMJIT_INLINE bool addBits(const RABits* s0, uint32_t len) noexcept {
return addBits(this, s0, len);
ASMJIT_INLINE bool addBits(const RABits* s0, const RABits* s1, uint32_t len) noexcept {
uintptr_t r = 0;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
uintptr_t t = s0->data[i] | s1->data[i];
data[i] = t;
r |= t;
return r != 0;
ASMJIT_INLINE bool andBits(const RABits* s1, uint32_t len) noexcept {
return andBits(this, s1, len);
ASMJIT_INLINE bool andBits(const RABits* s0, const RABits* s1, uint32_t len) noexcept {
uintptr_t r = 0;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
uintptr_t t = s0->data[i] & s1->data[i];
data[i] = t;
r |= t;
return r != 0;
ASMJIT_INLINE bool delBits(const RABits* s1, uint32_t len) noexcept {
return delBits(this, s1, len);
ASMJIT_INLINE bool delBits(const RABits* s0, const RABits* s1, uint32_t len) noexcept {
uintptr_t r = 0;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
uintptr_t t = s0->data[i] & ~s1->data[i];
data[i] = t;
r |= t;
return r != 0;
ASMJIT_INLINE bool _addBitsDelSource(RABits* s1, uint32_t len) noexcept {
return _addBitsDelSource(this, s1, len);
ASMJIT_INLINE bool _addBitsDelSource(const RABits* s0, RABits* s1, uint32_t len) noexcept {
uintptr_t r = 0;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
uintptr_t a = s0->data[i];
uintptr_t b = s1->data[i];
this->data[i] = a | b;
b &= ~a;
s1->data[i] = b;
r |= b;
return r != 0;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [Members]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
uintptr_t data[1];
// ============================================================================
// [asmjit::RACell]
// ============================================================================
//! Register allocator's (RA) memory cell.
struct RACell {
RACell* next; //!< Next active cell.
int32_t offset; //!< Cell offset, relative to base-offset.
uint32_t size; //!< Cell size.
uint32_t alignment; //!< Cell alignment.
// ============================================================================
// [asmjit::RAData]
// ============================================================================
//! Register allocator's (RA) data associated with each \ref CBNode.
struct RAData {
ASMJIT_INLINE RAData(uint32_t tiedTotal) noexcept
: liveness(nullptr),
tiedTotal(tiedTotal) {}
RABits* liveness; //!< Liveness bits (populated by liveness-analysis).
RAState* state; //!< Optional saved \ref RAState.
uint32_t tiedTotal; //!< Total count of \ref TiedReg regs.
// ============================================================================
// [asmjit::RAState]
// ============================================================================
//! Variables' state.
struct RAState {};
// ============================================================================
// [asmjit::RAPass]
// ============================================================================
//! \internal
//! Register allocator pipeline used by \ref CodeCompiler.
struct RAPass : public CBPass {
typedef void (ASMJIT_CDECL* TraceNodeFunc)(RAPass* self, CBNode* node_, const char* prefix);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [Construction / Destruction]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
RAPass() noexcept;
virtual ~RAPass() noexcept;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [Interface]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual Error process(Zone* zone) noexcept override;
//! Run the register allocator for a given function `func`.
virtual Error compile(CCFunc* func) noexcept;
//! Called by `compile()` to prepare the register allocator to process the
//! given function. It should reset and set-up everything (i.e. no states
//! from a previous compilation should prevail).
virtual Error prepare(CCFunc* func) noexcept;
//! Called after `compile()` to clean everything up, no matter if it
//! succeeded or failed.
virtual void cleanup() noexcept;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [Accessors]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
//! Get the associated `CodeCompiler`.
ASMJIT_INLINE CodeCompiler* cc() const noexcept { return static_cast<CodeCompiler*>(_cb); }
//! Get function.
ASMJIT_INLINE CCFunc* getFunc() const noexcept { return _func; }
//! Get stop node.
ASMJIT_INLINE CBNode* getStop() const noexcept { return _stop; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [State]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
//! Get current state.
ASMJIT_INLINE RAState* getState() const { return _state; }
//! Load current state from `target` state.
virtual void loadState(RAState* src) = 0;
//! Save current state, returning new `RAState` instance.
virtual RAState* saveState() = 0;
//! Change the current state to `target` state.
virtual void switchState(RAState* src) = 0;
//! Change the current state to the intersection of two states `a` and `b`.
virtual void intersectStates(RAState* a, RAState* b) = 0;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [Context]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
ASMJIT_INLINE Error assignRAId(VirtReg* vreg) noexcept {
// Likely as a single virtual register would be mostly used more than once,
// this means that each virtual register will hit one bad case (doesn't
// have id) and then all likely cases.
if (ASMJIT_LIKELY(vreg->_raId != kInvalidValue)) return kErrorOk;
uint32_t raId = static_cast<uint32_t>(_contextVd.getLength());
ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(_contextVd.append(&_heap, vreg));
vreg->_raId = raId;
return kErrorOk;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [Mem]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
RACell* _newVarCell(VirtReg* vreg);
RACell* _newStackCell(uint32_t size, uint32_t alignment);
ASMJIT_INLINE RACell* getVarCell(VirtReg* vreg) {
RACell* cell = vreg->getMemCell();
return cell ? cell : _newVarCell(vreg);
virtual Error resolveCellOffsets();
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [Bits]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
ASMJIT_INLINE RABits* newBits(uint32_t len) {
return static_cast<RABits*>(
_zone->allocZeroed(static_cast<size_t>(len) * RABits::kEntitySize));
ASMJIT_INLINE RABits* copyBits(const RABits* src, uint32_t len) {
return static_cast<RABits*>(
_zone->dup(src, static_cast<size_t>(len) * RABits::kEntitySize));
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [Fetch]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
//! Fetch.
//! Fetch iterates over all nodes and gathers information about all variables
//! used. The process generates information required by register allocator,
//! variable liveness analysis and translator.
virtual Error fetch() = 0;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [Unreachable Code]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
//! Add unreachable-flow data to the unreachable flow list.
ASMJIT_INLINE Error addUnreachableNode(CBNode* node) {
ZoneList<CBNode*>::Link* link = _zone->allocT<ZoneList<CBNode*>::Link>();
if (!link) return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorNoHeapMemory);
return kErrorOk;
//! Remove unreachable code.
virtual Error removeUnreachableCode();
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [Code-Flow]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
//! Add returning node (i.e. node that returns and where liveness analysis
//! should start).
ASMJIT_INLINE Error addReturningNode(CBNode* node) {
ZoneList<CBNode*>::Link* link = _zone->allocT<ZoneList<CBNode*>::Link>();
if (!link) return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorNoHeapMemory);
return kErrorOk;
//! Add jump-flow data to the jcc flow list.
ASMJIT_INLINE Error addJccNode(CBNode* node) {
ZoneList<CBNode*>::Link* link = _zone->allocT<ZoneList<CBNode*>::Link>();
if (!link) return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorNoHeapMemory);
return kErrorOk;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [Analyze]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
//! Perform variable liveness analysis.
//! Analysis phase iterates over nodes in reverse order and generates a bit
//! array describing variables that are alive at every node in the function.
//! When the analysis start all variables are assumed dead. When a read or
//! read/write operations of a variable is detected the variable becomes
//! alive; when only write operation is detected the variable becomes dead.
//! When a label is found all jumps to that label are followed and analysis
//! repeats until all variables are resolved.
virtual Error livenessAnalysis();
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [Annotate]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual Error annotate() = 0;
virtual Error formatInlineComment(StringBuilder& dst, CBNode* node);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [Translate]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
//! Translate code by allocating registers and handling state changes.
virtual Error translate() = 0;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [Members]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Zone* _zone; //!< Zone passed to `process()`.
ZoneHeap _heap; //!< ZoneHeap that uses `_zone`.
CCFunc* _func; //!< Function being processed.
CBNode* _stop; //!< Stop node.
//! \internal
//! Offset (how many bytes to add) to `VarMap` to get `TiedReg` array. Used
//! by liveness analysis shared across all backends. This is needed because
//! `VarMap` is a base class for a specialized version that liveness analysis
//! doesn't use, it just needs `TiedReg` array.
uint32_t _varMapToVaListOffset;
uint8_t _emitComments; //!< Whether to emit comments.
ZoneList<CBNode*> _unreachableList; //!< Unreachable nodes.
ZoneList<CBNode*> _returningList; //!< Returning nodes.
ZoneList<CBNode*> _jccList; //!< Jump nodes.
ZoneVector<VirtReg*> _contextVd; //!< All variables used by the current function.
RACell* _memVarCells; //!< Memory used to spill variables.
RACell* _memStackCells; //!< Memory used to allocate memory on the stack.
uint32_t _mem1ByteVarsUsed; //!< Count of 1-byte cells.
uint32_t _mem2ByteVarsUsed; //!< Count of 2-byte cells.
uint32_t _mem4ByteVarsUsed; //!< Count of 4-byte cells.
uint32_t _mem8ByteVarsUsed; //!< Count of 8-byte cells.
uint32_t _mem16ByteVarsUsed; //!< Count of 16-byte cells.
uint32_t _mem32ByteVarsUsed; //!< Count of 32-byte cells.
uint32_t _mem64ByteVarsUsed; //!< Count of 64-byte cells.
uint32_t _memStackCellsUsed; //!< Count of stack memory cells.
uint32_t _memMaxAlign; //!< Maximum memory alignment used by the function.
uint32_t _memVarTotal; //!< Count of bytes used by variables.
uint32_t _memStackTotal; //!< Count of bytes used by stack.
uint32_t _memAllTotal; //!< Count of bytes used by variables and stack after alignment.
uint32_t _annotationLength; //!< Default length of an annotated instruction.
RAState* _state; //!< Current RA state.
//! \}
} // asmjit namespace
// [Api-End]
#include "../asmjit_apiend.h"
// [Guard]