mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 00:21:11 +00:00
This reverts commit 747b3dfcfe
# Conflicts:
# libraries/asmjit/asmjit/core/compiler.h
This had to be reverted because it breaks exception handling which is a critical problem.
With the updated code any exception thrown inside code that had a JITed call stack would crash.
236 lines
8.2 KiB
236 lines
8.2 KiB
// [AsmJit]
// Complete x86/x64 JIT and Remote Assembler for C++.
// [License]
// Zlib - See LICENSE.md file in the package.
// [Export]
// [Dependencies]
#include "../base/assembler.h"
#include "../base/utils.h"
#include "../base/vmem.h"
#if defined(ASMJIT_BUILD_X86)
#include "../x86/x86inst.h"
#endif // ASMJIT_BUILD_X86
#if defined(ASMJIT_BUILD_ARM)
#include "../arm/arminst.h"
// [Api-Begin]
#include "../asmjit_apibegin.h"
namespace asmjit {
// ============================================================================
// [asmjit::CodeEmitter - Construction / Destruction]
// ============================================================================
CodeEmitter::CodeEmitter(uint32_t type) noexcept
: _codeInfo(),
_nativeGpArray(nullptr) {}
CodeEmitter::~CodeEmitter() noexcept {
if (_code) {
_destroyed = true;
// ============================================================================
// [asmjit::CodeEmitter - Events]
// ============================================================================
Error CodeEmitter::onAttach(CodeHolder* code) noexcept {
_codeInfo = code->getCodeInfo();
_lastError = kErrorOk;
_globalHints = code->getGlobalHints();
_globalOptions = code->getGlobalOptions();
return kErrorOk;
Error CodeEmitter::onDetach(CodeHolder* code) noexcept {
_finalized = false;
_lastError = kErrorNotInitialized;
_privateData = 0;
_globalHints = 0;
_globalOptions = kOptionMaybeFailureCase;
_options = 0;
_inlineComment = nullptr;
_nativeGpArray = nullptr;
return kErrorOk;
// ============================================================================
// [asmjit::CodeEmitter - Code-Generation]
// ============================================================================
Error CodeEmitter::_emitOpArray(uint32_t instId, const Operand_* opArray, size_t opCount) {
const Operand_* op = opArray;
switch (opCount) {
case 0: return _emit(instId, _none, _none, _none, _none);
case 1: return _emit(instId, op[0], _none, _none, _none);
case 2: return _emit(instId, op[0], op[1], _none, _none);
case 3: return _emit(instId, op[0], op[1], op[2], _none);
case 4: return _emit(instId, op[0], op[1], op[2], op[3]);
case 5: return _emit(instId, op[0], op[1], op[2], op[3], op[4], _none);
case 6: return _emit(instId, op[0], op[1], op[2], op[3], op[4], op[5]);
return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidArgument);
// ============================================================================
// [asmjit::CodeEmitter - Finalize]
// ============================================================================
Label CodeEmitter::getLabelByName(const char* name, size_t nameLength, uint32_t parentId) noexcept {
return Label(_code ? _code->getLabelIdByName(name, nameLength, parentId) : static_cast<uint32_t>(0));
// ============================================================================
// [asmjit::CodeEmitter - Finalize]
// ============================================================================
Error CodeEmitter::finalize() {
// Finalization does nothing by default, overridden by `CodeBuilder`.
return kErrorOk;
// ============================================================================
// [asmjit::CodeEmitter - Error Handling]
// ============================================================================
Error CodeEmitter::setLastError(Error error, const char* message) {
// This is fatal, CodeEmitter can't set error without being attached to `CodeHolder`.
ASMJIT_ASSERT(_code != nullptr);
// Special case used to reset the last error.
if (error == kErrorOk) {
_lastError = kErrorOk;
_globalOptions &= ~kOptionMaybeFailureCase;
return kErrorOk;
if (!message)
message = DebugUtils::errorAsString(error);
// Logging is skipped if the error is handled by `ErrorHandler`.
ErrorHandler* handler = _code->_errorHandler;
if (handler && handler->handleError(error, message, this))
return error;
// The handler->handleError() function may throw an exception or longjmp()
// to terminate the execution of `setLastError()`. This is the reason why
// we have delayed changing the `_error` member until now.
_lastError = error;
_globalOptions |= kOptionMaybeFailureCase;
return error;
// ============================================================================
// [asmjit::CodeEmitter - Helpers]
// ============================================================================
bool CodeEmitter::isLabelValid(uint32_t id) const noexcept {
size_t index = Operand::unpackId(id);
return _code && index < _code->_labels.getLength();
Error CodeEmitter::commentf(const char* fmt, ...) {
Error err = _lastError;
if (err) return err;
if (_globalOptions & kOptionLoggingEnabled) {
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, fmt);
err = _code->_logger->logv(fmt, ap);
return err;
Error CodeEmitter::commentv(const char* fmt, va_list ap) {
Error err = _lastError;
if (err) return err;
if (_globalOptions & kOptionLoggingEnabled)
err = _code->_logger->logv(fmt, ap);
return err;
// ============================================================================
// [asmjit::CodeEmitter - Emit]
// ============================================================================
#define OP const Operand_&
Error CodeEmitter::emit(uint32_t instId) { return _emit(instId, _none, _none, _none, _none); }
Error CodeEmitter::emit(uint32_t instId, OP o0) { return _emit(instId, o0, _none, _none, _none); }
Error CodeEmitter::emit(uint32_t instId, OP o0, OP o1) { return _emit(instId, o0, o1, _none, _none); }
Error CodeEmitter::emit(uint32_t instId, OP o0, OP o1, OP o2) { return _emit(instId, o0, o1, o2, _none); }
Error CodeEmitter::emit(uint32_t instId, OP o0, OP o1, OP o2, OP o3) { return _emit(instId, o0, o1, o2, o3); }
Error CodeEmitter::emit(uint32_t instId, OP o0, OP o1, OP o2, OP o3, OP o4) { return _emit(instId, o0, o1, o2, o3, o4, _none); }
Error CodeEmitter::emit(uint32_t instId, OP o0, OP o1, OP o2, OP o3, OP o4, OP o5) { return _emit(instId, o0, o1, o2, o3, o4, o5); }
Error CodeEmitter::emit(uint32_t instId, int o0) { return _emit(instId, Imm(o0), _none, _none, _none); }
Error CodeEmitter::emit(uint32_t instId, OP o0, int o1) { return _emit(instId, o0, Imm(o1), _none, _none); }
Error CodeEmitter::emit(uint32_t instId, OP o0, OP o1, int o2) { return _emit(instId, o0, o1, Imm(o2), _none); }
Error CodeEmitter::emit(uint32_t instId, OP o0, OP o1, OP o2, int o3) { return _emit(instId, o0, o1, o2, Imm(o3)); }
Error CodeEmitter::emit(uint32_t instId, OP o0, OP o1, OP o2, OP o3, int o4) { return _emit(instId, o0, o1, o2, o3, Imm(o4), _none); }
Error CodeEmitter::emit(uint32_t instId, OP o0, OP o1, OP o2, OP o3, OP o4, int o5) { return _emit(instId, o0, o1, o2, o3, o4, Imm(o5)); }
Error CodeEmitter::emit(uint32_t instId, int64_t o0) { return _emit(instId, Imm(o0), _none, _none, _none); }
Error CodeEmitter::emit(uint32_t instId, OP o0, int64_t o1) { return _emit(instId, o0, Imm(o1), _none, _none); }
Error CodeEmitter::emit(uint32_t instId, OP o0, OP o1, int64_t o2) { return _emit(instId, o0, o1, Imm(o2), _none); }
Error CodeEmitter::emit(uint32_t instId, OP o0, OP o1, OP o2, int64_t o3) { return _emit(instId, o0, o1, o2, Imm(o3)); }
Error CodeEmitter::emit(uint32_t instId, OP o0, OP o1, OP o2, OP o3, int64_t o4) { return _emit(instId, o0, o1, o2, o3, Imm(o4), _none); }
Error CodeEmitter::emit(uint32_t instId, OP o0, OP o1, OP o2, OP o3, OP o4, int64_t o5) { return _emit(instId, o0, o1, o2, o3, o4, Imm(o5)); }
#undef OP
} // asmjit namespace
// [Api-End]
#include "../asmjit_apiend.h"