mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 03:32:43 +00:00
This was very poorly done without ever addressing the issues a composite render style can bring, it merely dealt with the known legacy render styles. The same, identical code was also present in two different places. The oversight that AlterWeaponSprite overrode even forced styles was also fixed. OpenGL is not implemented yet but with the problems eliminated should be doable now.
431 lines
11 KiB
431 lines
11 KiB
class PlayerPawn : Actor native
native int crouchsprite;
native int MaxHealth;
native int BonusHealth;
native int MugShotMaxHealth;
native int RunHealth;
native int PlayerFlags;
native clearscope Inventory InvFirst; // first inventory item displayed on inventory bar
native clearscope Inventory InvSel; // selected inventory item
native Name SoundClass; // Sound class
native Name Face; // Doom status bar face (when used)
native Name Portrait;
native Name Slot[10];
native double HexenArmor[5];
native uint8 ColorRangeStart; // Skin color range
native uint8 ColorRangeEnd;
// [GRB] Player class properties
native double JumpZ;
native double GruntSpeed;
native double FallingScreamMinSpeed, FallingScreamMaxSpeed;
native double ViewHeight;
native double ForwardMove1, ForwardMove2;
native double SideMove1, SideMove2;
native TextureID ScoreIcon;
native int SpawnMask;
native Name MorphWeapon;
native double AttackZOffset; // attack height, relative to player center
native double UseRange; // [NS] Distance at which player can +use
native double AirCapacity; // Multiplier for air supply underwater.
native Class<Actor> FlechetteType;
native color DamageFade; // [CW] Fades for when you are being damaged.
native double ViewBob; // [SP] ViewBob Multiplier
native double FullHeight;
meta Name HealingRadiusType;
meta Name InvulMode;
property prefix: Player;
property HealRadiusType: HealingradiusType;
property InvulnerabilityMode: InvulMode;
property AttackZOffset: AttackZOffset;
property JumpZ: JumpZ;
property GruntSpeed: GruntSpeed;
property FallingScreamSpeed: FallingScreamMinSpeed, FallingScreamMaxSpeed;
property ViewHeight: ViewHeight;
property UseRange: UseRange;
property AirCapacity: AirCapacity;
property MaxHealth: MaxHealth;
property MugshotMaxHealth: MugshotMaxHealth;
property RunHealth: RunHealth;
property MorphWeapon: MorphWeapon;
property FlechetteType: FlechetteType;
property Portrait: Portrait;
Health 100;
Radius 16;
Height 56;
Mass 100;
Painchance 255;
Speed 1;
Player.AttackZOffset 8;
Player.JumpZ 8;
Player.GruntSpeed 12;
Player.FallingScreamSpeed 35,40;
Player.ViewHeight 41;
Player.UseRange 64;
Player.ForwardMove 1,1;
Player.SideMove 1,1;
Player.ColorRange 0,0;
Player.SoundClass "player";
Player.DamageScreenColor "ff 00 00";
Player.MugShotMaxHealth 0;
Player.FlechetteType "ArtiPoisonBag3";
Player.AirCapacity 1;
Player.ViewBob 1;
Obituary "$OB_MPDEFAULT";
virtual void PlayIdle ()
if (InStateSequence(CurState, SeeState))
SetState (SpawnState);
virtual void PlayRunning ()
if (InStateSequence(CurState, SpawnState) && SeeState != NULL)
SetState (SeeState);
virtual void PlayAttacking ()
if (MissileState != null) SetState (MissileState);
virtual void PlayAttacking2 ()
if (MeleeState != null) SetState (MeleeState);
virtual void MorphPlayerThink()
virtual void OnRespawn()
if (sv_respawnprotect && (multiplayer || alwaysapplydmflags))
let invul = Powerup(Spawn("PowerInvulnerable"));
invul.EffectTics = 3 * TICRATE;
invul.BlendColor = 0; // don't mess with the view
invul.bUndroppable = true; // Don't drop this
bRespawnInvul = true; // [RH] special effect
override String GetObituary(Actor victim, Actor inflictor, Name mod, bool playerattack)
if (victim.player != player && victim.IsTeammate(self))
victim = self;
return String.Format("$OB_FRIENDLY%c", random[Obituary](49, 53));
if (mod == 'Telefrag') return "$OB_MPTELEFRAG";
String message;
if (inflictor != NULL && inflictor != self)
message = inflictor.GetObituary(victim, inflictor, mod, playerattack);
if (message.Length() == 0 && playerattack && player.ReadyWeapon != NULL)
message = player.ReadyWeapon.GetObituary(victim, inflictor, mod, playerattack);
if (message.Length() == 0)
if (mod == 'BFGSplash') return "$OB_MPBFG_SPLASH";
if (mod == 'Railgun') return "$OB_RAILGUN";
message = Obituary;
return message;
// This is for SBARINFO.
clearscope int, int GetEffectTicsForItem(class<Inventory> item) const
let pg = (class<PowerupGiver>)(item);
if (pg != null)
let powerupType = (class<Powerup>)(GetDefaultByType(pg).PowerupType);
let powerup = Powerup(FindInventory(powerupType));
if(powerup != null)
let maxtics = GetDefaultByType(pg).EffectTics;
if (maxtics == 0) maxtics = powerup.default.EffectTics;
return powerup.EffectTics, maxtics;
return -1, -1;
native clearscope int GetMaxHealth(bool withupgrades = false) const;
native bool ResetAirSupply (bool playgasp = false);
native void CheckWeaponSwitch(class<Inventory> item);
native clearscope static String GetPrintableDisplayName(Class<Actor> cls);
class PlayerChunk : PlayerPawn
class PSprite : Object native play
enum PSPLayers
FLASH = 1000,
TARGETCENTER = 0x7fffffff - 2,
native readonly State CurState;
native Actor Caller;
native readonly PSprite Next;
native readonly PlayerInfo Owner;
native SpriteID Sprite;
native int Frame;
//native readonly int RenderStyle; had to be blocked because the internal representation was not ok. Renderstyle is still pending a proper solution.
native readonly int ID;
native Bool processPending;
native double x;
native double y;
native double oldx;
native double oldy;
native double alpha;
native Bool firstTic;
native int Tics;
native bool bAddWeapon;
native bool bAddBob;
native bool bPowDouble;
native bool bCVarFast;
native bool bFlip;
native void SetState(State newstate, bool pending = false);
enum EPlayerState
PST_LIVE, // Playing or camping.
PST_DEAD, // Dead on the ground, view follows killer.
PST_REBORN, // Ready to restart/respawn???
PST_ENTER, // [BC] Entered the game
PST_GONE // Player has left the game
struct PlayerInfo native play // this is what internally is known as player_t
// technically engine constants but the only part of the playsim using them is the player.
const NUMCOLORMAPS = 32;
native PlayerPawn mo;
native uint8 playerstate;
native readonly uint buttons;
native uint original_oldbuttons;
native readonly Class<PlayerPawn> cls;
native float DesiredFOV;
native float FOV;
native double viewz;
native double viewheight;
native double deltaviewheight;
native double bob;
native vector2 vel;
native bool centering;
native uint8 turnticks;
native bool attackdown;
native bool usedown;
native uint oldbuttons;
native int health;
native clearscope int inventorytics;
native uint8 CurrentPlayerClass;
native int frags[MAXPLAYERS];
native int fragcount;
native int lastkilltime;
native uint8 multicount;
native uint8 spreecount;
native uint16 WeaponState;
native Weapon ReadyWeapon;
native Weapon PendingWeapon;
native PSprite psprites;
native int cheats;
native int timefreezer;
native int16 refire;
native int16 inconsistent;
native bool waiting;
native int killcount;
native int itemcount;
native int secretcount;
native int damagecount;
native int bonuscount;
native int hazardcount;
native int hazardinterval;
native Name hazardtype;
native int poisoncount;
native Name poisontype;
native Name poisonpaintype;
native Actor poisoner;
native Actor attacker;
native int extralight;
native int16 fixedcolormap;
native int16 fixedlightlevel;
native int morphtics;
native Class<PlayerPawn>MorphedPlayerClass;
native int MorphStyle;
native Class<Actor> MorphExitFlash;
native Class<Weapon> PremorphWeapon;
native int chickenPeck;
native int jumpTics;
native bool onground;
native int respawn_time;
native Actor camera;
native int air_finished;
native Name LastDamageType;
native Actor MUSINFOactor;
native int8 MUSINFOtics;
native bool settings_controller;
native int8 crouching;
native int8 crouchdir;
native Bot bot;
native float BlendR;
native float BlendG;
native float BlendB;
native float BlendA;
native String LogText;
native double MinPitch;
native double MaxPitch;
native double crouchfactor;
native double crouchoffset;
native double crouchviewdelta;
native Actor ConversationNPC;
native Actor ConversationPC;
native double ConversationNPCAngle;
native bool ConversationFaceTalker;
native @WeaponSlots weapons;
/* these are not doable yet
ticcmd_t cmd;
usercmd_t original_cmd;
native bool MorphPlayer(playerinfo p, Class<PlayerPawn> spawntype, int duration, int style, Class<Actor> enter_flash = null, Class<Actor> exit_flash = null);
native bool UndoPlayerMorph(playerinfo player, int unmorphflag = 0, bool force = false);
native bool PoisonPlayer(Actor poisoner, Actor source, int poison);
native void PoisonDamage(Actor source, int damage, bool playPainSound);
native void SetPsprite(int id, State stat, bool pending = false);
native void SetSafeFlash(Weapon weap, State flashstate, int index);
native PSprite GetPSprite(int id) const;
native PSprite FindPSprite(int id) const;
native void SetLogNumber (int text);
native void SetLogText (String text);
native void DropWeapon();
native void BringUpWeapon();
native bool Resurrect();
native String GetUserName() const;
native Color GetColor() const;
native Color GetDisplayColor() const;
native int GetColorSet() const;
native int GetPlayerClassNum() const;
native int GetSkin() const;
native bool GetNeverSwitch() const;
native int GetGender() const;
native int GetTeam() const;
native float GetAutoaim() const;
native bool GetNoAutostartMap() const;
native void SetFOV(float fov);
native clearscope bool HasWeaponsInSlot(int slot) const;
clearscope int fragSum () const
int i;
int allfrags = 0;
int playernum = mo.PlayerNumber();
for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++)
if (playeringame[i]
&& i!=playernum)
allfrags += frags[i];
// JDC hack - negative frags.
allfrags -= frags[playernum];
return allfrags;
struct PlayerClass native
native class<Actor> Type;
native uint Flags;
native Array<int> Skins;
native bool CheckSkin(int skin);
native void EnumColorsets(out Array<int> data);
native Name GetColorsetName(int setnum);
struct PlayerSkin native
native readonly String SkinName;
native readonly String Face;
native readonly uint8 gender;
native readonly uint8 range0start;
native readonly uint8 range0end;
native readonly bool othergame;
native readonly Vector2 Scale;
native readonly int sprite;
native readonly int crouchsprite;
native readonly int namespc;
struct Team native
const NoTeam = 255;
const Max = 16;
native String mName;