Christoph Oelckers 66d28a24b8 - disabled the scripted virtual function module after finding out that it only works if each single class that may serve as a parent for scripting is explicitly declared.
Needless to say, this is simply too volatile and would require constant active maintenance, not to mention a huge amount of work up front to get going.
It also hid a nasty problem with the Destroy method. Due to the way the garbage collector works, Destroy cannot be exposed to scripts as-is. It may be called from scripts but it may not be overridden from scripts because the garbage collector can call this function after all data needed for calling a scripted override has already been destroyed because if that data is also being collected there is no guarantee that proper order of destruction is observed. So for now Destroy is just a normal native method to scripted classes
2016-11-25 00:25:26 +01:00

455 lines
11 KiB

#include "actor.h"
#include "info.h"
#include "a_pickups.h"
#include "a_artifacts.h"
#include "gstrings.h"
#include "p_local.h"
#include "s_sound.h"
#include "m_random.h"
#include "a_action.h"
#include "a_hexenglobal.h"
#include "w_wad.h"
#include "vm.h"
#include "g_level.h"
EXTERN_CVAR(Bool, sv_unlimited_pickup)
static FRandom pr_poisonbag ("PoisonBag");
static FRandom pr_poisoncloud ("PoisonCloud");
static FRandom pr_poisoncloudd ("PoisonCloudDamage");
// Poison Bag Artifact (Flechette) ------------------------------------------
IMPLEMENT_CLASS(AArtiPoisonBag, false, false)
// Poison Bag 1 (The Cleric's) ----------------------------------------------
class AArtiPoisonBag1 : public AArtiPoisonBag
DECLARE_CLASS (AArtiPoisonBag1, AArtiPoisonBag)
bool Use (bool pickup);
IMPLEMENT_CLASS(AArtiPoisonBag1, false, false)
bool AArtiPoisonBag1::Use (bool pickup)
AActor *mo = Spawn("PoisonBag", Owner->Vec3Offset(
16 * Owner->Angles.Yaw.Cos(),
24 * Owner->Angles.Yaw.Sin(),
-Owner->Floorclip + 8), ALLOW_REPLACE);
if (mo)
mo->target = Owner;
return true;
return false;
// Poison Bag 2 (The Mage's) ------------------------------------------------
class AArtiPoisonBag2 : public AArtiPoisonBag
DECLARE_CLASS (AArtiPoisonBag2, AArtiPoisonBag)
bool Use (bool pickup);
IMPLEMENT_CLASS(AArtiPoisonBag2, false, false)
bool AArtiPoisonBag2::Use (bool pickup)
AActor *mo = Spawn("FireBomb", Owner->Vec3Offset(
16 * Owner->Angles.Yaw.Cos(),
24 * Owner->Angles.Yaw.Sin(),
-Owner->Floorclip + 8), ALLOW_REPLACE);
if (mo)
mo->target = Owner;
return true;
return false;
// Poison Bag 3 (The Fighter's) ---------------------------------------------
class AArtiPoisonBag3 : public AArtiPoisonBag
DECLARE_CLASS (AArtiPoisonBag3, AArtiPoisonBag)
bool Use (bool pickup);
IMPLEMENT_CLASS(AArtiPoisonBag3, false, false)
bool AArtiPoisonBag3::Use (bool pickup)
AActor *mo;
mo = Spawn("ThrowingBomb", Owner->PosPlusZ(35. - Owner->Floorclip + (Owner->player? Owner->player->crouchoffset : 0)), ALLOW_REPLACE);
if (mo)
mo->Angles.Yaw = Owner->Angles.Yaw + (((pr_poisonbag() & 7) - 4) * (360./256.));
/* Original flight code from Hexen
* mo->momz = 4*F.RACUNIT+((player->lookdir)<<(F.RACBITS-4));
* mo->z += player->lookdir<<(F.RACBITS-4);
* P_ThrustMobj(mo, mo->angle, mo->info->speed);
* mo->momx += player->mo->momx>>1;
* mo->momy += player->mo->momy>>1;
// When looking straight ahead, it uses a z velocity of 4 while the xy velocity
// is as set by the projectile. To accommodate this with a proper trajectory, we
// aim the projectile ~20 degrees higher than we're looking at and increase the
// speed we fire at accordingly.
DAngle orgpitch = -Owner->Angles.Pitch;
DAngle modpitch = clamp<DAngle>(-Owner->Angles.Pitch + 20, -89., 89.);
DAngle angle = mo->Angles.Yaw;
double speed = DVector2(mo->Speed, 4.).Length();
double xyscale = speed * modpitch.Cos();
mo->Vel.Z = speed * modpitch.Sin();
mo->Vel.X = xyscale * angle.Cos() + Owner->Vel.X / 2;
mo->Vel.Y = xyscale * angle.Sin() + Owner->Vel.Y / 2;
mo->AddZ(mo->Speed * orgpitch.Sin());
mo->target = Owner;
mo->tics -= pr_poisonbag()&3;
P_CheckMissileSpawn(mo, Owner->radius);
return true;
return false;
// Poison Bag 4 (Generic Giver) ----------------------------------------------
class AArtiPoisonBagGiver : public AArtiPoisonBag
DECLARE_CLASS (AArtiPoisonBagGiver, AArtiPoisonBag)
bool Use (bool pickup);
IMPLEMENT_CLASS(AArtiPoisonBagGiver, false, false)
bool AArtiPoisonBagGiver::Use (bool pickup)
PClassActor *missiletype = PClass::FindActor(this->GetClass()->MissileName);
if (missiletype != NULL)
AActor *mo = Spawn (missiletype, Owner->Pos(), ALLOW_REPLACE);
if (mo != NULL)
if (mo->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(AInventory)))
AInventory *inv = static_cast<AInventory *>(mo);
if (inv->CallTryPickup(Owner))
return true;
mo->Destroy(); // Destroy if not inventory or couldn't be picked up
return false;
// Poison Bag 5 (Generic Thrower) ----------------------------------------------
class AArtiPoisonBagShooter : public AArtiPoisonBag
DECLARE_CLASS (AArtiPoisonBagShooter, AArtiPoisonBag)
bool Use (bool pickup);
IMPLEMENT_CLASS(AArtiPoisonBagShooter, false, false)
bool AArtiPoisonBagShooter::Use (bool pickup)
PClassActor *missiletype = PClass::FindActor(this->GetClass()->MissileName);
if (missiletype != NULL)
AActor *mo = P_SpawnPlayerMissile(Owner, missiletype);
if (mo != NULL)
// automatic handling of seeker missiles
if (mo->flags2 & MF2_SEEKERMISSILE)
mo->tracer = Owner->target;
return true;
return false;
// GetFlechetteType
PClassActor *GetFlechetteType(AActor *other)
PClassActor *spawntype = NULL;
if (other->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(APlayerPawn)))
spawntype = static_cast<APlayerPawn*>(other)->FlechetteType;
if (spawntype == NULL)
// default fallback if nothing valid defined.
spawntype = RUNTIME_CLASS(AArtiPoisonBag3);
return spawntype;
// AArtiPoisonBag :: HandlePickup
bool AArtiPoisonBag::HandlePickup (AInventory *item)
// Only do special handling when picking up the base class
if (item->GetClass() != RUNTIME_CLASS(AArtiPoisonBag))
return Super::HandlePickup (item);
if (GetClass() == GetFlechetteType(Owner))
if (Amount < MaxAmount || sv_unlimited_pickup)
Amount += item->Amount;
if (Amount > MaxAmount && !sv_unlimited_pickup)
Amount = MaxAmount;
item->ItemFlags |= IF_PICKUPGOOD;
return true;
if (Inventory != NULL)
return Inventory->HandlePickup (item);
return false;
// AArtiPoisonBag :: CreateCopy
AInventory *AArtiPoisonBag::CreateCopy (AActor *other)
// Only the base class gets special handling
if (GetClass() != RUNTIME_CLASS(AArtiPoisonBag))
return Super::CreateCopy (other);
AInventory *copy;
PClassActor *spawntype = GetFlechetteType(other);
copy = static_cast<AInventory *>(Spawn (spawntype));
copy->Amount = Amount;
copy->MaxAmount = MaxAmount;
GoAwayAndDie ();
return copy;
// AArtiPoisonBag :: BeginPlay
void AArtiPoisonBag::BeginPlay ()
Super::BeginPlay ();
// If a subclass's specific icon is not defined, let it use the base class's.
if (!Icon.isValid())
AInventory *defbag;
// Why doesn't this work?
//defbag = GetDefault<AArtiPoisonBag>();
defbag = (AInventory *)GetDefaultByType (RUNTIME_CLASS(AArtiPoisonBag));
Icon = defbag->Icon;
// Poison Cloud -------------------------------------------------------------
class APoisonCloud : public AActor
DECLARE_CLASS (APoisonCloud, AActor)
int DoSpecialDamage (AActor *target, int damage, FName damagetype);
void BeginPlay ();
IMPLEMENT_CLASS(APoisonCloud, false, false)
void APoisonCloud::BeginPlay ()
Vel.X = MinVel; // missile objects must move to impact other objects
special1 = 24+(pr_poisoncloud()&7);
special2 = 0;
int APoisonCloud::DoSpecialDamage (AActor *victim, int damage, FName damagetype)
if (victim->player)
bool mate = (target != NULL && victim->player != target->player && victim->IsTeammate (target));
bool dopoison;
if (!mate)
dopoison = victim->player->poisoncount < 4;
dopoison = victim->player->poisoncount < (int)(4. * level.teamdamage);
if (dopoison)
int damage = 15 + (pr_poisoncloudd()&15);
if (mate)
damage = (int)(damage * level.teamdamage);
// Handle passive damage modifiers (e.g. PowerProtection)
if (victim->Inventory != NULL)
victim->Inventory->ModifyDamage(damage, damagetype, damage, true);
// Modify with damage factors
damage = victim->ApplyDamageFactor(damagetype, damage);
if (damage > 0)
P_PoisonDamage (victim->player, this,
15+(pr_poisoncloudd()&15), false); // Don't play painsound
// If successful, play the poison sound.
if (P_PoisonPlayer (victim->player, this, this->target, 50))
S_Sound (victim, CHAN_VOICE, "*poison", 1, ATTN_NORM);
return -1;
else if (!(victim->flags3 & MF3_ISMONSTER))
{ // only damage monsters/players with the poison cloud
return -1;
return damage;
// A_PoisonBagInit
AActor *mo;
mo = Spawn<APoisonCloud> (self->PosPlusZ(28.), ALLOW_REPLACE);
if (mo)
mo->target = self->target;
return 0;
// A_PoisonBagCheck
if (--self->special1 <= 0)
self->SetState (self->FindState ("Death"));
return 0;
return 0;
// A_PoisonBagDamage
int bobIndex;
P_RadiusAttack (self, self->target, 4, 40, self->DamageType, RADF_HURTSOURCE);
bobIndex = self->special2;
self->AddZ(BobSin(bobIndex) / 16);
self->special2 = (bobIndex + 1) & 63;
return 0;
// A_CheckThrowBomb
if (--self->health <= 0)
self->SetState (self->FindState(NAME_Death));
return 0;
// A_CheckThrowBomb2
// [RH] Check using actual velocity, although the vel.z < 2 check still stands
if (self->Vel.Z < 2 && self->Vel.LengthSquared() < (9./4.))
self->SetState (self->SpawnState + 6);
self->Vel.Z = 0;
self->BounceFlags = BOUNCE_None;
self->flags &= ~MF_MISSILE;
CALL_ACTION(A_CheckThrowBomb, self);
return 0;