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Christoph Oelckers 1deedd5671 - fixed PlayerInfo.FindMostRecentWeapon
returning multiple values from a subfunction is currently not working so this has to add an indirection.
2018-12-21 12:40:05 +01:00

2524 lines
62 KiB

struct UserCmd native
native uint buttons;
native int16 pitch; // up/down
native int16 yaw; // left/right
native int16 roll; // "tilt"
native int16 forwardmove;
native int16 sidemove;
native int16 upmove;
class PlayerPawn : Actor native
const CROUCHSPEED = (1./12);
// [RH] # of ticks to complete a turn180
const TURN180_TICKS = ((TICRATE / 4) + 1);
native int crouchsprite;
native int MaxHealth;
native int BonusHealth;
native int MugShotMaxHealth;
native int RunHealth;
native int PlayerFlags;
native clearscope Inventory InvFirst; // first inventory item displayed on inventory bar
native clearscope Inventory InvSel; // selected inventory item
native Name SoundClass; // Sound class
native Name Face; // Doom status bar face (when used)
native Name Portrait;
native Name Slot[10];
native double HexenArmor[5];
native uint8 ColorRangeStart; // Skin color range
native uint8 ColorRangeEnd;
// [GRB] Player class properties
native double JumpZ;
native double GruntSpeed;
native double FallingScreamMinSpeed, FallingScreamMaxSpeed;
native double ViewHeight;
native double ForwardMove1, ForwardMove2;
native double SideMove1, SideMove2;
native TextureID ScoreIcon;
native int SpawnMask;
native Name MorphWeapon;
native double AttackZOffset; // attack height, relative to player center
native double UseRange; // [NS] Distance at which player can +use
native double AirCapacity; // Multiplier for air supply underwater.
native Class<Actor> FlechetteType;
native color DamageFade; // [CW] Fades for when you are being damaged.
native double ViewBob; // [SP] ViewBob Multiplier
native double FullHeight;
native double curBob;
meta Name HealingRadiusType;
meta Name InvulMode;
meta int TeleportFreezeTime;
property prefix: Player;
property HealRadiusType: HealingradiusType;
property InvulnerabilityMode: InvulMode;
property AttackZOffset: AttackZOffset;
property JumpZ: JumpZ;
property GruntSpeed: GruntSpeed;
property FallingScreamSpeed: FallingScreamMinSpeed, FallingScreamMaxSpeed;
property ViewHeight: ViewHeight;
property UseRange: UseRange;
property AirCapacity: AirCapacity;
property MaxHealth: MaxHealth;
property MugshotMaxHealth: MugshotMaxHealth;
property RunHealth: RunHealth;
property MorphWeapon: MorphWeapon;
property FlechetteType: FlechetteType;
property Portrait: Portrait;
property TeleportFreezeTime: TeleportFreezeTime;
Health 100;
Radius 16;
Height 56;
Mass 100;
Painchance 255;
Speed 1;
Player.AttackZOffset 8;
Player.JumpZ 8;
Player.GruntSpeed 12;
Player.FallingScreamSpeed 35,40;
Player.ViewHeight 41;
Player.UseRange 64;
Player.ForwardMove 1,1;
Player.SideMove 1,1;
Player.ColorRange 0,0;
Player.SoundClass "player";
Player.DamageScreenColor "ff 00 00";
Player.MugShotMaxHealth 0;
Player.FlechetteType "ArtiPoisonBag3";
Player.AirCapacity 1;
Player.ViewBob 1;
Player.TeleportFreezeTime 18;
Obituary "$OB_MPDEFAULT";
// APlayerPawn :: MarkPrecacheSounds
override void MarkPrecacheSounds()
virtual void PlayIdle ()
if (InStateSequence(CurState, SeeState))
SetState (SpawnState);
virtual void PlayRunning ()
if (InStateSequence(CurState, SpawnState) && SeeState != NULL)
SetState (SeeState);
virtual void PlayAttacking ()
if (MissileState != null) SetState (MissileState);
virtual void PlayAttacking2 ()
if (MeleeState != null) SetState (MeleeState);
virtual void MorphPlayerThink()
virtual void OnRespawn()
if (sv_respawnprotect && (multiplayer || alwaysapplydmflags))
let invul = Powerup(Spawn("PowerInvulnerable"));
invul.EffectTics = 3 * TICRATE;
invul.BlendColor = 0; // don't mess with the view
invul.bUndroppable = true; // Don't drop self
bRespawnInvul = true; // [RH] special effect
override String GetObituary(Actor victim, Actor inflictor, Name mod, bool playerattack)
if (victim.player != player && victim.IsTeammate(self))
victim = self;
return String.Format("$OB_FRIENDLY%c", random[Obituary](49, 53));
if (mod == 'Telefrag') return "$OB_MPTELEFRAG";
String message;
if (inflictor != NULL && inflictor != self)
message = inflictor.GetObituary(victim, inflictor, mod, playerattack);
if (message.Length() == 0 && playerattack && player.ReadyWeapon != NULL)
message = player.ReadyWeapon.GetObituary(victim, inflictor, mod, playerattack);
if (message.Length() == 0)
if (mod == 'BFGSplash') return "$OB_MPBFG_SPLASH";
if (mod == 'Railgun') return "$OB_RAILGUN";
message = Obituary;
return message;
// This is for SBARINFO.
clearscope int, int GetEffectTicsForItem(class<Inventory> item) const
let pg = (class<PowerupGiver>)(item);
if (pg != null)
let powerupType = (class<Powerup>)(GetDefaultByType(pg).PowerupType);
let powerup = Powerup(FindInventory(powerupType));
if(powerup != null)
let maxtics = GetDefaultByType(pg).EffectTics;
if (maxtics == 0) maxtics = powerup.default.EffectTics;
return powerup.EffectTics, maxtics;
return -1, -1;
// APlayerPawn :: CheckWeaponSwitch
// Checks if weapons should be changed after picking up ammo
void CheckWeaponSwitch(Class<Ammo> ammotype)
let player = self.player;
if (!player.GetNeverSwitch() && player.PendingWeapon == WP_NOCHANGE &&
(player.ReadyWeapon == NULL || player.ReadyWeapon.bWimpy_Weapon))
let best = BestWeapon (ammotype);
if (best != NULL && (player.ReadyWeapon == NULL ||
best.SelectionOrder < player.ReadyWeapon.SelectionOrder))
player.PendingWeapon = best;
// PROC P_FireWeapon
virtual void FireWeapon (State stat)
let player = self.player;
// [SO] 9/2/02: People were able to do an awful lot of damage
// when they were observers...
if (player.Bot == null && bot_observer)
let weapn = player.ReadyWeapon;
if (weapn == null || !weapn.CheckAmmo (Weapon.PrimaryFire, true))
player.WeaponState &= ~WF_WEAPONBOBBING;
PlayAttacking ();
weapn.bAltFire = false;
if (stat == null)
stat = weapn.GetAtkState(!!player.refire);
player.SetPsprite(PSP_WEAPON, stat);
if (!weapn.bNoAlert)
SoundAlert (self, false);
// PROC P_FireWeaponAlt
virtual void FireWeaponAlt (State stat)
// [SO] 9/2/02: People were able to do an awful lot of damage
// when they were observers...
if (player.Bot == null && bot_observer)
let weapn = player.ReadyWeapon;
if (weapn == null || weapn.FindState('AltFire') == null || !weapn.CheckAmmo (Weapon.AltFire, true))
player.WeaponState &= ~WF_WEAPONBOBBING;
PlayAttacking ();
weapn.bAltFire = true;
if (stat == null)
stat = weapn.GetAltAtkState(!!player.refire);
player.SetPsprite(PSP_WEAPON, stat);
if (!weapn.bNoAlert)
SoundAlert (self, false);
// PROC P_CheckWeaponFire
// The player can fire the weapon.
// [RH] This was in A_WeaponReady before, but that only works well when the
// weapon's ready frames have a one tic delay.
void CheckWeaponFire ()
let player = self.player;
let weapon = player.ReadyWeapon;
if (weapon == NULL)
// Check for fire. Some weapons do not auto fire.
if ((player.WeaponState & WF_WEAPONREADY) && (player.cmd.buttons & BT_ATTACK))
if (!player.attackdown || !weapon.bNoAutofire)
player.attackdown = true;
FireWeapon (NULL);
else if ((player.WeaponState & WF_WEAPONREADYALT) && (player.cmd.buttons & BT_ALTATTACK))
if (!player.attackdown || !weapon.bNoAutofire)
player.attackdown = true;
FireWeaponAlt (NULL);
player.attackdown = false;
// PROC P_CheckWeaponChange
// The player can change to another weapon at self time.
// [GZ] This was cut from P_CheckWeaponFire.
virtual void CheckWeaponChange ()
let player = self.player;
if ((player.WeaponState & WF_DISABLESWITCH) || // Weapon changing has been disabled.
player.morphTics != 0) // Morphed classes cannot change weapons.
{ // ...so throw away any pending weapon requests.
player.PendingWeapon = WP_NOCHANGE;
// Put the weapon away if the player has a pending weapon or has died, and
// we're at a place in the state sequence where dropping the weapon is okay.
if ((player.PendingWeapon != WP_NOCHANGE || player.health <= 0) &&
player.WeaponState & WF_WEAPONSWITCHOK)
// PROC P_MovePsprites
// Called every tic by player thinking routine
virtual void TickPSprites()
let player = self.player;
let pspr = player.psprites;
while (pspr)
// Destroy the psprite if it's from a weapon that isn't currently selected by the player
// or if it's from an inventory item that the player no longer owns.
if ((pspr.Caller == null ||
(pspr.Caller is "Inventory" && Inventory(pspr.Caller).Owner != pspr.Owner.mo) ||
(pspr.Caller is "Weapon" && pspr.Caller != pspr.Owner.ReadyWeapon)))
pspr = pspr.Next;
if ((health > 0) || (player.ReadyWeapon != null && !player.ReadyWeapon.bNoDeathInput))
if (player.ReadyWeapon == null)
if (player.PendingWeapon != WP_NOCHANGE)
if (player.WeaponState & (WF_WEAPONREADY | WF_WEAPONREADYALT))
// Check custom buttons
// P_DeathThink
virtual void DeathThink ()
let player = self.player;
int dir;
double delta;
player.onground = (pos.Z <= floorz);
if (self is "PlayerChunk")
{ // Flying bloody skull or flying ice chunk
player.viewheight = 6;
player.deltaviewheight = 0;
if (player.onground)
if (Pitch > -19.)
double lookDelta = (-19. - Pitch) / 8;
Pitch += lookDelta;
else if (!bIceCorpse)
{ // Fall to ground (if not frozen)
player.deltaviewheight = 0;
if (player.viewheight > 6)
player.viewheight -= 1;
if (player.viewheight < 6)
player.viewheight = 6;
if (Pitch < 0)
Pitch += 3;
else if (Pitch > 0)
Pitch -= 3;
if (abs(Pitch) < 3)
Pitch = 0.;
player.mo.CalcHeight ();
if (player.attacker && player.attacker != self)
{ // Watch killer
double diff = deltaangle(angle, AngleTo(player.attacker));
double delta = abs(diff);
if (delta < 10)
{ // Looking at killer, so fade damage and poison counters
if (player.damagecount)
if (player.poisoncount)
delta /= 8;
Angle += clamp(diff, -5., 5.);
if (player.damagecount)
if (player.poisoncount)
if ((player.cmd.buttons & BT_USE ||
((multiplayer || alwaysapplydmflags) && sv_forcerespawn)) && !sv_norespawn)
if (level.time >= player.respawn_time || ((player.cmd.buttons & BT_USE) && player.Bot == NULL))
player.cls = NULL; // Force a new class if the player is using a random class
player.playerstate = (multiplayer || level.AllowRespawn || sv_singleplayerrespawn || G_SkillPropertyInt(SKILLP_PlayerRespawn)) ? PST_REBORN : PST_ENTER;
if (special1 > 2)
special1 = 0;
// APlayerPawn :: Die
override void Die (Actor source, Actor inflictor, int dmgflags, Name MeansOfDeath)
Super.Die (source, inflictor, dmgflags, MeansOfDeath);
if (player != NULL && player.mo == self) player.bonuscount = 0;
if (player != NULL && player.mo != self)
{ // Make the real player die, too
player.mo.Die (source, inflictor, dmgflags, MeansOfDeath);
if (player != NULL && sv_weapondrop)
{ // Voodoo dolls don't drop weapons
let weap = player.ReadyWeapon;
if (weap != NULL)
// kgDROP - start - modified copy from a_action.cpp
let di = weap.GetDropItems();
if (di != NULL)
while (di != NULL)
if (di.Name != 'None')
class<Actor> ti = di.Name;
if (ti) A_DropItem (ti, di.Amount, di.Probability);
di = di.Next;
else if (weap.SpawnState != NULL &&
weap.SpawnState != GetDefaultByType('Actor').SpawnState)
let weapitem = Weapon(A_DropItem (weap.GetClass(), -1, 256));
if (weapitem)
if (weap.AmmoGive1 && weap.Ammo1)
weapitem.AmmoGive1 = weap.Ammo1.Amount;
if (weap.AmmoGive2 && weap.Ammo2)
weapitem.AmmoGive2 = weap.Ammo2.Amount;
weapitem.bIgnoreSkill = true;
let item = Inventory(A_DropItem (weap.AmmoType1, -1, 256));
if (item != NULL)
item.Amount = weap.Ammo1.Amount;
item.bIgnoreSkill = true;
item = Inventory(A_DropItem (weap.AmmoType2, -1, 256));
if (item != NULL)
item.Amount = weap.Ammo2.Amount;
item.bIgnoreSkill = true;
if (!multiplayer && level.deathsequence != 'None')
level.StartIntermission(level.deathsequence, FSTATE_EndingGame);
// APlayerPawn :: FilterCoopRespawnInventory
// When respawning in coop, this function is called to walk through the dead
// player's inventory and modify it according to the current game flags so
// that it can be transferred to the new live player. This player currently
// has the default inventory, and the oldplayer has the inventory at the time
// of death.
void FilterCoopRespawnInventory (PlayerPawn oldplayer)
// If we're losing everything, this is really simple.
if (sv_cooploseinventory)
// Walk through the old player's inventory and destroy or modify
// according to dmflags.
Inventory next;
for (Inventory item = oldplayer.Inv; item != NULL; item = next)
next = item.Inv;
// If this item is part of the default inventory, we never want
// to destroy it, although we might want to copy the default
// inventory amount.
let defitem = FindInventory (item.GetClass());
if (sv_cooplosekeys && defitem == NULL && item is 'Key')
else if (sv_cooploseweapons && defitem == NULL && item is 'Weapon')
else if (sv_cooplosearmor && item is 'Armor')
if (defitem == NULL)
else if (item is 'BasicArmor')
BasicArmor(item).SavePercent = BasicArmor(defitem).SavePercent;
item.Amount = defitem.Amount;
else if (item is 'HexenArmor')
let to = HexenArmor(item);
let from = HexenArmor(defitem);
to.Slots[0] = from.Slots[0];
to.Slots[1] = from.Slots[1];
to.Slots[2] = from.Slots[2];
to.Slots[3] = from.Slots[3];
else if (sv_cooplosepowerups && defitem == NULL && item is 'Powerup')
else if ((sv_cooploseammo || sv_coophalveammo) && item is 'Ammo')
if (defitem == NULL)
if (sv_cooploseammo)
// Do NOT destroy the ammo, because a weapon might reference it.
item.Amount = 0;
else if (item.Amount > 1)
item.Amount /= 2;
// When set to lose ammo, you get to keep all your starting ammo.
// When set to halve ammo, you won't be left with less than your starting amount.
if (sv_cooploseammo)
item.Amount = defitem.Amount;
else if (item.Amount > 1)
item.Amount = MAX(item.Amount / 2, defitem.Amount);
// Now destroy the default inventory this player is holding and move
// over the old player's remaining inventory.
ObtainInventory (oldplayer);
player.ReadyWeapon = NULL;
PickNewWeapon (NULL);
// PROC P_CheckFOV
virtual void CheckFOV()
let player = self.player;
// [RH] Zoom the player's FOV
float desired = player.DesiredFOV;
// Adjust FOV using on the currently held weapon.
if (player.playerstate != PST_DEAD && // No adjustment while dead.
player.ReadyWeapon != NULL && // No adjustment if no weapon.
player.ReadyWeapon.FOVScale != 0) // No adjustment if the adjustment is zero.
// A negative scale is used to prevent G_AddViewAngle/G_AddViewPitch
// from scaling with the FOV scale.
desired *= abs(player.ReadyWeapon.FOVScale);
if (player.FOV != desired)
if (abs(player.FOV - desired) < 7.)
player.FOV = desired;
float zoom = MAX(7., abs(player.FOV - desired) * 0.025);
if (player.FOV > desired)
player.FOV = player.FOV - zoom;
player.FOV = player.FOV + zoom;
// PROC P_CheckCheats
virtual void CheckCheats()
let player = self.player;
// No-clip cheat
if ((player.cheats & (CF_NOCLIP | CF_NOCLIP2)) == CF_NOCLIP2)
{ // No noclip2 without noclip
player.cheats &= ~CF_NOCLIP2;
bNoClip = (player.cheats & (CF_NOCLIP | CF_NOCLIP2) || Default.bNoClip);
if (player.cheats & CF_NOCLIP2)
bNoGravity = true;
else if (!bFly && !Default.bNoGravity)
bNoGravity = false;
// PROC P_CheckFrozen
virtual bool CheckFrozen()
let player = self.player;
UserCmd cmd = player.cmd;
bool totallyfrozen = player.IsTotallyFrozen();
// [RH] Being totally frozen zeros out most input parameters.
if (totallyfrozen)
if (gamestate == GS_TITLELEVEL)
cmd.buttons = 0;
cmd.buttons &= BT_USE;
cmd.pitch = 0;
cmd.yaw = 0;
cmd.roll = 0;
cmd.forwardmove = 0;
cmd.sidemove = 0;
cmd.upmove = 0;
player.turnticks = 0;
else if (player.cheats & CF_FROZEN)
cmd.forwardmove = 0;
cmd.sidemove = 0;
cmd.upmove = 0;
return totallyfrozen;
virtual bool CanCrouch() const
return player.morphTics == 0 || bCrouchableMorph;
// PROC P_CrouchMove
virtual void CrouchMove(int direction)
let player = self.player;
double defaultheight = FullHeight;
double savedheight = Height;
double crouchspeed = direction * CROUCHSPEED;
double oldheight = player.viewheight;
player.crouchdir = direction;
player.crouchfactor += crouchspeed;
// check whether the move is ok
Height = defaultheight * player.crouchfactor;
if (!TryMove(Pos.XY, false, NULL))
Height = savedheight;
if (direction > 0)
// doesn't fit
player.crouchfactor -= crouchspeed;
Height = savedheight;
player.crouchfactor = clamp(player.crouchfactor, 0.5, 1.);
player.viewheight = ViewHeight * player.crouchfactor;
player.crouchviewdelta = player.viewheight - ViewHeight;
// Check for eyes going above/below fake floor due to crouching motion.
CheckFakeFloorTriggers(pos.Z + oldheight, true);
// PROC P_CheckCrouch
virtual void CheckCrouch(bool totallyfrozen)
let player = self.player;
UserCmd cmd = player.cmd;
if (cmd.buttons & BT_JUMP)
cmd.buttons &= ~BT_CROUCH;
if (CanCrouch() && player.health > 0 && level.IsCrouchingAllowed())
if (!totallyfrozen)
int crouchdir = player.crouching;
if (crouchdir == 0)
crouchdir = (cmd.buttons & BT_CROUCH) ? -1 : 1;
else if (cmd.buttons & BT_CROUCH)
player.crouching = 0;
if (crouchdir == 1 && player.crouchfactor < 1 && pos.Z + height < ceilingz)
else if (crouchdir == -1 && player.crouchfactor > 0.5)
player.crouchoffset = -(ViewHeight) * (1 - player.crouchfactor);
// P_Thrust
// moves the given origin along a given angle
void ForwardThrust (double move, double angle)
if ((waterlevel || bNoGravity) && Pitch != 0 && !player.GetClassicFlight())
double zpush = move * sin(Pitch);
if (waterlevel && waterlevel < 2 && zpush < 0) zpush = 0;
Vel.Z -= zpush;
move *= cos(Pitch);
Thrust(move, angle);
// P_Bob
// Same as P_Thrust, but only affects bobbing.
// killough 10/98: We apply thrust separately between the real physical player
// and the part which affects bobbing. This way, bobbing only comes from player
// motion, nothing external, avoiding many problems, e.g. bobbing should not
// occur on conveyors, unless the player walks on one, and bobbing should be
// reduced at a regular rate, even on ice (where the player coasts).
void Bob (double angle, double move, bool forward)
if (forward && (waterlevel || bNoGravity) && Pitch != 0)
move *= cos(Pitch);
player.Vel += AngleToVector(angle, move);
// APlayerPawn :: TweakSpeeds
double, double TweakSpeeds (double forward, double side)
// Strife's player can't run when its health is below 10
if (health <= RunHealth)
forward = clamp(forward, -0x1900, 0x1900);
side = clamp(side, -0x1800, 0x1800);
// [GRB]
if (abs(forward) < 0x3200)
forward *= ForwardMove1;
forward *= ForwardMove2;
if (abs(side) < 0x2800)
side *= SideMove1;
side *= SideMove2;
if (!player.morphTics)
double factor = 1.;
for(let it = Inv; it != null; it = it.Inv)
factor *= it.GetSpeedFactor ();
forward *= factor;
side *= factor;
return forward, side;
// PROC P_MovePlayer
virtual void MovePlayer ()
let player = self.player;
UserCmd cmd = player.cmd;
// [RH] 180-degree turn overrides all other yaws
if (player.turnticks)
Angle += (180. / TURN180_TICKS);
Angle += cmd.yaw * (360./65536.);
player.onground = (pos.z <= floorz) || bOnMobj || bMBFBouncer || (player.cheats & CF_NOCLIP2);
// killough 10/98:
// We must apply thrust to the player and bobbing separately, to avoid
// anomalies. The thrust applied to bobbing is always the same strength on
// ice, because the player still "works just as hard" to move, while the
// thrust applied to the movement varies with 'movefactor'.
if (cmd.forwardmove | cmd.sidemove)
double forwardmove, sidemove;
double bobfactor;
double friction, movefactor;
double fm, sm;
[friction, movefactor] = GetFriction();
bobfactor = friction < ORIG_FRICTION ? movefactor : ORIG_FRICTION_FACTOR;
if (!player.onground && !bNoGravity && !waterlevel)
// [RH] allow very limited movement if not on ground.
movefactor *= level.aircontrol;
bobfactor*= level.aircontrol;
fm = cmd.forwardmove;
sm = cmd.sidemove;
[fm, sm] = TweakSpeeds (fm, sm);
fm *= Speed / 256;
sm *= Speed / 256;
// When crouching, speed and bobbing have to be reduced
if (CanCrouch() && player.crouchfactor != 1)
fm *= player.crouchfactor;
sm *= player.crouchfactor;
bobfactor *= player.crouchfactor;
forwardmove = fm * movefactor * (35 / TICRATE);
sidemove = sm * movefactor * (35 / TICRATE);
if (forwardmove)
Bob(Angle, cmd.forwardmove * bobfactor / 256., true);
ForwardThrust(forwardmove, Angle);
if (sidemove)
let a = Angle - 90;
Bob(a, cmd.sidemove * bobfactor / 256., false);
Thrust(sidemove, a);
if (!(player.cheats & CF_PREDICTING) && (forwardmove != 0 || sidemove != 0))
PlayRunning ();
if (player.cheats & CF_REVERTPLEASE)
player.cheats &= ~CF_REVERTPLEASE;
player.camera = player.mo;
// PROC P_CheckPitch
virtual void CheckPitch()
let player = self.player;
// [RH] Look up/down stuff
if (!level.IsFreelookAllowed())
Pitch = 0.;
// The player's view pitch is clamped between -32 and +56 degrees,
// which translates to about half a screen height up and (more than)
// one full screen height down from straight ahead when view panning
// is used.
int clook = player.cmd.pitch;
if (clook != 0)
if (clook == -32768)
{ // center view
player.centering = true;
else if (!player.centering)
// no more overflows with floating point. Yay! :)
Pitch = clamp(Pitch - clook * (360. / 65536.), player.MinPitch, player.MaxPitch);
if (player.centering)
if (abs(Pitch) > 2.)
Pitch *= (2. / 3.);
Pitch = 0.;
player.centering = false;
if (PlayerNumber() == consoleplayer)
LocalViewPitch = 0;
// PROC P_CheckJump
virtual void CheckJump()
let player = self.player;
// [RH] check for jump
if (player.cmd.buttons & BT_JUMP)
if (player.crouchoffset != 0)
// Jumping while crouching will force an un-crouch but not jump
player.crouching = 1;
else if (waterlevel >= 2)
Vel.Z = 4 * Speed;
else if (bNoGravity)
Vel.Z = 3.;
else if (level.IsJumpingAllowed() && player.onground && player.jumpTics == 0)
double jumpvelz = JumpZ * 35 / TICRATE;
double jumpfac = 0;
// [BC] If the player has the high jump power, double his jump velocity.
// (actually, pick the best factors from all active items.)
for (let p = Inv; p != null; p = p.Inv)
let pp = PowerHighJump(p);
if (pp)
double f = pp.Strength;
if (f > jumpfac) jumpfac = f;
if (jumpfac > 0) jumpvelz *= jumpfac;
Vel.Z += jumpvelz;
bOnMobj = false;
player.jumpTics = -1;
if (!(player.cheats & CF_PREDICTING)) A_PlaySound("*jump", CHAN_BODY);
// PROC P_CheckMoveUpDown
virtual void CheckMoveUpDown()
let player = self.player;
UserCmd cmd = player.cmd;
if (cmd.upmove == -32768)
{ // Only land if in the air
if (bNoGravity && waterlevel < 2)
bNoGravity = false;
else if (cmd.upmove != 0)
// Clamp the speed to some reasonable maximum.
cmd.upmove = clamp(cmd.upmove, -0x300, 0x300);
if (waterlevel >= 2 || bFly || (player.cheats & CF_NOCLIP2))
Vel.Z = Speed * cmd.upmove / 128.;
if (waterlevel < 2 && !bNoGravity)
bFly = true;
bNoGravity = true;
if ((Vel.Z <= -39) && !(player.cheats & CF_PREDICTING))
{ // Stop falling scream
else if (cmd.upmove > 0 && !(player.cheats & CF_PREDICTING))
let fly = FindInventory("ArtiFly");
if (fly != NULL)
// PROC P_HandleMovement
virtual void HandleMovement()
let player = self.player;
// [RH] Check for fast turn around
if (player.cmd.buttons & BT_TURN180 && !(player.oldbuttons & BT_TURN180))
player.turnticks = TURN180_TICKS;
// Handle movement
if (reactiontime)
{ // Player is frozen
// PROC P_CheckUndoMorph
virtual void CheckUndoMorph()
let player = self.player;
// Morph counter
if (player.morphTics)
if (player.chickenPeck)
{ // Chicken attack counter
player.chickenPeck -= 3;
if (!--player.morphTics)
{ // Attempt to undo the chicken/pig
player.mo.UndoPlayerMorph(player, MRF_UNDOBYTIMEOUT);
// PROC P_CheckPoison
virtual void CheckPoison()
let player = self.player;
if (player.poisoncount && !(level.time & 15))
player.poisoncount -= 5;
if (player.poisoncount < 0)
player.poisoncount = 0;
player.PoisonDamage(player.poisoner, 1, true);
// PROC P_CheckDegeneration
virtual void CheckDegeneration()
// Apply degeneration.
if (sv_degeneration)
let player = self.player;
int maxhealth = GetMaxHealth(true);
if ((level.time % TICRATE) == 0 && player.health > maxhealth)
if (player.health - 5 < maxhealth)
player.health = maxhealth;
health = player.health;
// PROC P_CheckAirSupply
virtual void CheckAirSupply()
// Handle air supply
//if (level.airsupply > 0)
let player = self.player;
if (waterlevel < 3 || (bInvulnerable) || (player.cheats & (CF_GODMODE | CF_NOCLIP2)) || (player.cheats & CF_GODMODE2))
else if (player.air_finished <= level.time && !(level.time & 31))
DamageMobj(NULL, NULL, 2 + ((level.time - player.air_finished) / TICRATE), 'Drowning');
// PROC P_PlayerThink
virtual void PlayerThink()
let player = self.player;
UserCmd cmd = player.cmd;
if (player.inventorytics)
if (bJustAttacked)
{ // Chainsaw/Gauntlets attack auto forward motion
cmd.yaw = 0;
cmd.forwardmove = 0xc800/2;
cmd.sidemove = 0;
bJustAttacked = false;
bool totallyfrozen = CheckFrozen();
// Handle crouching
if (player.playerstate == PST_DEAD)
DeathThink ();
if (player.jumpTics != 0)
if (player.onground && player.jumpTics < -18)
player.jumpTics = 0;
if (player.morphTics && !(player.cheats & CF_PREDICTING))
MorphPlayerThink ();
CalcHeight ();
if (!(player.cheats & CF_PREDICTING))
// Cycle psprites.
// Note that after self point the PlayerPawn may have changed due to getting unmorphed so 'self' is no longer safe to use.
// Other Counters
if (player.damagecount) player.damagecount--;
if (player.bonuscount) player.bonuscount--;
if (player.hazardcount)
if (!(level.time % player.hazardinterval) && player.hazardcount > 16*TICRATE)
player.mo.DamageMobj (NULL, NULL, 5, player.hazardtype);
// PROC P_BringUpWeapon
// Starts bringing the pending weapon up from the bottom of the screen.
// This is only called to start the rising, not throughout it.
void BringUpWeapon ()
if (player.PendingWeapon == WP_NOCHANGE)
if (player.ReadyWeapon != null)
player.GetPSprite(PSP_WEAPON).y = WEAPONTOP;
player.SetPsprite(PSP_WEAPON, player.ReadyWeapon.GetReadyState());
let weapon = player.PendingWeapon;
// If the player has a tome of power, use self weapon's powered up
// version, if one is available.
if (weapon != null &&
weapon.SisterWeapon &&
weapon.SisterWeapon.bPowered_Up &&
player.mo.FindInventory ('PowerWeaponLevel2', true))
weapon = weapon.SisterWeapon;
player.PendingWeapon = WP_NOCHANGE;
player.ReadyWeapon = weapon;
player.mo.weaponspecial = 0;
if (weapon != null)
player.refire = 0;
// make sure that the previous weapon's flash state is terminated.
// When coming here from a weapon drop it may still be active.
player.SetPsprite(PSP_FLASH, null);
player.SetPsprite(PSP_WEAPON, weapon.GetUpState());
// APlayerPawn :: BestWeapon
// Returns the best weapon a player has, possibly restricted to a single
// type of ammo.
Weapon BestWeapon(Class<Ammo> ammotype)
Weapon bestMatch = NULL;
int bestOrder = int.max;
Inventory item;
bool tomed = !!FindInventory ('PowerWeaponLevel2', true);
// Find the best weapon the player has.
for (item = Inv; item != NULL; item = item.Inv)
let weap = Weapon(item);
if (weap == null)
// Don't select it if it's worse than what was already found.
if (weap.SelectionOrder > bestOrder)
// Don't select it if its primary fire doesn't use the desired ammo.
if (ammotype != NULL &&
(weap.Ammo1 == NULL ||
weap.Ammo1.GetClass() != ammotype))
// Don't select it if the Tome is active and self isn't the powered-up version.
if (tomed && weap.SisterWeapon != NULL && weap.SisterWeapon.bPowered_Up)
// Don't select it if it's powered-up and the Tome is not active.
if (!tomed && weap.bPowered_Up)
// Don't select it if there isn't enough ammo to use its primary fire.
if (!(weap.bAMMO_OPTIONAL) &&
!weap.CheckAmmo (Weapon.PrimaryFire, false))
// Don't select if if there isn't enough ammo as determined by the weapon's author.
if (weap.MinSelAmmo1 > 0 && (weap.Ammo1 == NULL || weap.Ammo1.Amount < weap.MinSelAmmo1))
if (weap.MinSelAmmo2 > 0 && (weap.Ammo2 == NULL || weap.Ammo2.Amount < weap.MinSelAmmo2))
// This weapon is usable!
bestOrder = weap.SelectionOrder;
bestMatch = weap;
return bestMatch;
// PROC P_DropWeapon
// The player died, so put the weapon away.
void DropWeapon ()
let player = self.player;
if (player == null)
// Since the weapon is dropping, stop blocking switching.
player.WeaponState &= ~WF_DISABLESWITCH;
Weapon weap = player.ReadyWeapon;
if ((weap != null) && (player.health > 0 || !weap.bNoDeathDeselect))
player.SetPsprite(PSP_WEAPON, weap.GetDownState());
// APlayerPawn :: PickNewWeapon
// Picks a new weapon for this player. Used mostly for running out of ammo,
// but it also works when an ACS script explicitly takes the ready weapon
// away or the player picks up some ammo they had previously run out of.
Weapon PickNewWeapon(Class<Ammo> ammotype)
Weapon best = BestWeapon (ammotype);
if (best != NULL)
player.PendingWeapon = best;
if (player.ReadyWeapon != NULL)
else if (player.PendingWeapon != WP_NOCHANGE)
BringUpWeapon ();
return best;
// APlayerPawn :: GiveDefaultInventory
virtual void GiveDefaultInventory ()
let player = self.player;
if (player == NULL) return;
// HexenArmor must always be the first item in the inventory because
// it provides player class based protection that should not affect
// any other protection item.
let myclass = GetClass();
let harmor = HexenArmor(FindInventory('HexenArmor'));
harmor.Slots[4] = self.HexenArmor[0];
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
harmor.SlotsIncrement[i] = self.HexenArmor[i + 1];
// BasicArmor must come right after that. It should not affect any
// other protection item as well but needs to process the damage
// before the HexenArmor does.
let barmor = BasicArmor(Spawn('BasicArmor'));
barmor.BecomeItem ();
AddInventory (barmor);
// Now add the items from the DECORATE definition
let di = GetDropItems();
while (di)
Class<Actor> ti = di.Name;
if (ti)
let tinv = (class<Inventory>)(ti);
if (!tinv)
Console.Printf(TEXTCOLOR_ORANGE .. "%s is not an inventory item and cannot be given to a player as start item.\n", di.Name);
let item = FindInventory(tinv);
if (item != NULL)
item.Amount = clamp(
item.Amount + (di.Amount ? di.Amount : item.default.Amount), 0, item.MaxAmount);
item = Inventory(Spawn(ti));
item.bIgnoreSkill = true; // no skill multipliers here
item.Amount = di.Amount;
let weap = Weapon(item);
if (weap)
// To allow better control any weapon is emptied of
// ammo before being given to the player.
weap.AmmoGive1 = weap.AmmoGive2 = 0;
bool res;
Actor check;
[res, check] = item.CallTryPickup(self);
if (check != self)
// Player was morphed. This is illegal at game start.
// This problem is only detectable when it's too late to do something about it...
ThrowAbortException("Cannot give morph item '%s' when starting a game!", di.Name);
else if (!res)
item = NULL;
let weap = Weapon(item);
if (weap != NULL && weap.CheckAmmo(Weapon.EitherFire, false))
player.ReadyWeapon = player.PendingWeapon = weap;
di = di.Next;
virtual int GetTeleportFreezeTime()
if (TeleportFreezeTime <= 0) return 0;
let item = inv;
while (item != null)
if (item.GetNoTeleportFreeze()) return 0;
item = item.inv;
return TeleportFreezeTime;
// G_PlayerFinishLevel
// Called when a player completes a level.
// flags is checked for RESETINVENTORY and RESETHEALTH only.
void PlayerFinishLevel (int mode, int flags)
Inventory item, next;
let p = player;
if (p.morphTics != 0)
{ // Undo morph
Unmorph(self, 0, true);
// 'self' will be no longer valid from here on in case of an unmorph
let me = p.mo;
// Strip all current powers, unless moving in a hub and the power is okay to keep.
item = me.Inv;
while (item != NULL)
next = item.Inv;
if (item is 'Powerup')
if (deathmatch || ((mode != FINISH_SameHub || !item.bHUBPOWER) && !item.bPERSISTENTPOWER)) // Keep persistent powers in non-deathmatch games
item.Destroy ();
item = next;
let ReadyWeapon = p.ReadyWeapon;
if (ReadyWeapon != NULL && ReadyWeapon.bPOWERED_UP && p.PendingWeapon == ReadyWeapon.SisterWeapon)
// Unselect powered up weapons if the unpowered counterpart is pending
p.ReadyWeapon = p.PendingWeapon;
// reset invisibility to default
p.extralight = 0; // cancel gun flashes
p.fixedcolormap = PlayerInfo.NOFIXEDCOLORMAP; // cancel ir goggles
p.fixedlightlevel = -1;
p.damagecount = 0; // no palette changes
p.bonuscount = 0;
p.poisoncount = 0;
p.inventorytics = 0;
if (mode != FINISH_SameHub)
// Take away flight and keys (and anything else with IF_INTERHUBSTRIP set)
item = me.Inv;
while (item != NULL)
next = item.Inv;
if (item.InterHubAmount < 1)
item.Destroy ();
item = next;
if (mode == FINISH_NoHub && !level.KEEPFULLINVENTORY)
{ // Reduce all owned (visible) inventory to defined maximum interhub amount
Array<Inventory> todelete;
for (item = me.Inv; item != NULL; item = item.Inv)
// If the player is carrying more samples of an item than allowed, reduce amount accordingly
if (item.bINVBAR && item.Amount > item.InterHubAmount)
item.Amount = item.InterHubAmount;
if (level.REMOVEITEMS && !item.bUNDROPPABLE)
for (int i = 0; i < toDelete.Size(); i++)
let it = toDelete[i];
if (!it.bDestroyed)
// Resets player health to default if not dead.
if ((flags & CHANGELEVEL_RESETHEALTH) && p.playerstate != PST_DEAD)
p.health = me.health = me.SpawnHealth();
// Clears the entire inventory and gives back the defaults for starting a game
if ((flags & CHANGELEVEL_RESETINVENTORY) && p.playerstate != PST_DEAD)
// FWeaponSlot :: PickWeapon
// Picks a weapon from this slot. If no weapon is selected in this slot,
// or the first weapon in this slot is selected, returns the last weapon.
// Otherwise, returns the previous weapon in this slot. This means
// precedence is given to the last weapon in the slot, which by convention
// is probably the strongest. Does not return weapons you have no ammo
// for or which you do not possess.
virtual Weapon PickWeapon(int slot, bool checkammo)
int i, j;
let player = self.player;
int Size = player.weapons.SlotSize(slot);
// Does this slot even have any weapons?
if (Size == 0)
return player.ReadyWeapon;
let ReadyWeapon = player.ReadyWeapon;
if (ReadyWeapon != null)
for (i = 0; i < Size; i++)
let weapontype = player.weapons.GetWeapon(slot, i);
if (weapontype == ReadyWeapon.GetClass() ||
(ReadyWeapon.bPOWERED_UP && ReadyWeapon.SisterWeapon != null && ReadyWeapon.SisterWeapon.GetClass() == weapontype))
for (j = (i == 0 ? Size - 1 : i - 1);
j != i;
j = (j == 0 ? Size - 1 : j - 1))
let weapontype2 = player.weapons.GetWeapon(slot, j);
let weap = Weapon(player.mo.FindInventory(weapontype2));
if (weap != null)
if (!checkammo || weap.CheckAmmo(Weapon.EitherFire, false))
return weap;
for (i = Size - 1; i >= 0; i--)
let weapontype = player.weapons.GetWeapon(slot, i);
let weap = Weapon(player.mo.FindInventory(weapontype));
if (weap != null)
if (!checkammo || weap.CheckAmmo(Weapon.EitherFire, false))
return weap;
return ReadyWeapon;
// FindMostRecentWeapon
// Locates the slot and index for the most recently selected weapon. If the
// player is in the process of switching to a new weapon, that is the most
// recently selected weapon. Otherwise, the current weapon is the most recent
// weapon.
bool, int, int FindMostRecentWeapon()
let player = self.player;
let ReadyWeapon = player.ReadyWeapon;
if (player.PendingWeapon != WP_NOCHANGE)
// Workaround for the current inability
bool found;
int slot;
int index;
[found, slot, index] = player.weapons.LocateWeapon(player.PendingWeapon.GetClass());
return found, slot, index;
else if (ReadyWeapon != null)
bool found;
int slot;
int index;
[found, slot, index] = player.weapons.LocateWeapon(ReadyWeapon.GetClass());
if (!found)
// If the current weapon wasn't found and is powered up,
// look for its non-powered up version.
if (ReadyWeapon.bPOWERED_UP && ReadyWeapon.SisterWeaponType != null)
return player.weapons.LocateWeapon(ReadyWeapon.SisterWeaponType);
return false, 0, 0;
return true, slot, index;
return false, 0, 0;
// FWeaponSlots :: PickNextWeapon
// Returns the "next" weapon for this player. If the current weapon is not
// in a slot, then it just returns that weapon, since there's nothing to
// consider it relative to.
const NUM_WEAPON_SLOTS = 10;
virtual Weapon PickNextWeapon()
let player = self.player;
bool found;
int startslot, startindex;
int slotschecked = 0;
[found, startslot, startindex] = FindMostRecentWeapon();
let ReadyWeapon = player.ReadyWeapon;
if (ReadyWeapon == null || found)
int slot;
int index;
if (ReadyWeapon == null)
startslot = NUM_WEAPON_SLOTS - 1;
startindex = player.weapons.SlotSize(startslot) - 1;
slot = startslot;
index = startindex;
if (++index >= player.weapons.SlotSize(slot))
index = 0;
if (++slot >= NUM_WEAPON_SLOTS)
slot = 0;
let type = player.weapons.GetWeapon(slot, index);
let weap = Weapon(FindInventory(type));
if (weap != null && weap.CheckAmmo(Weapon.EitherFire, false))
return weap;
} while ((slot != startslot || index != startindex) && slotschecked <= NUM_WEAPON_SLOTS);
return ReadyWeapon;
// FWeaponSlots :: PickPrevWeapon
// Returns the "previous" weapon for this player. If the current weapon is
// not in a slot, then it just returns that weapon, since there's nothing to
// consider it relative to.
virtual Weapon PickPrevWeapon()
let player = self.player;
int startslot, startindex;
bool found;
int slotschecked = 0;
[found, startslot, startindex] = FindMostRecentWeapon();
if (player.ReadyWeapon == null || found)
int slot;
int index;
if (player.ReadyWeapon == null)
startslot = 0;
startindex = 0;
slot = startslot;
index = startindex;
if (--index < 0)
if (--slot < 0)
slot = NUM_WEAPON_SLOTS - 1;
index = player.weapons.SlotSize(slot) - 1;
let type = player.weapons.GetWeapon(slot, index);
let weap = Weapon(FindInventory(type));
if (weap != null && weap.CheckAmmo(Weapon.EitherFire, false))
return weap;
} while ((slot != startslot || index != startindex) && slotschecked <= NUM_WEAPON_SLOTS);
return player.ReadyWeapon;
// P_BobWeapon
// [RH] Moved this out of A_WeaponReady so that the weapon can bob every
// tic and not just when A_WeaponReady is called. Not all weapons execute
// A_WeaponReady every tic, and it looks bad if they don't bob smoothly.
// [XA] Added new bob styles and exposed bob properties. Thanks, Ryan Cordell!
// [SP] Added new user option for bob speed
virtual Vector2 BobWeapon (double ticfrac)
Vector2 p1, p2, r;
Vector2 result;
float bobtarget;
let player = self.player;
if (!player) return (0, 0);
let weapon = player.ReadyWeapon;
if (weapon == null || weapon.bDontBob)
return (0, 0);
// [XA] Get the current weapon's bob properties.
int bobstyle = weapon.BobStyle;
double BobSpeed = (weapon.BobSpeed * 128);
double Rangex = weapon.BobRangeX;
double Rangey = weapon.BobRangeY;
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
// Bob the weapon based on movement speed. ([SP] And user's bob speed setting)
double angle = (BobSpeed * player.GetWBobSpeed() * 35 / TICRATE*(level.time - 1 + i)) * (360. / 8192.);
// [RH] Smooth transitions between bobbing and not-bobbing frames.
// This also fixes the bug where you can "stick" a weapon off-center by
// shooting it when it's at the peak of its swing.
bobtarget = double((player.WeaponState & WF_WEAPONBOBBING) ? player.bob : 0.);
if (curbob != bobtarget)
if (abs(bobtarget - curbob) <= 1)
curbob = bobtarget;
double zoom = MAX(1., abs(curbob - bobtarget) / 40);
if (curbob > bobtarget)
curbob -= zoom;
curbob += zoom;
if (curbob != 0)
//[SP] Added in decorate player.viewbob checks
double bobx = (player.bob * Rangex * ViewBob);
double boby = (player.bob * Rangey * ViewBob);
switch (bobstyle)
case Bob_Normal:
r.X = bobx * cos(angle);
r.Y = boby * abs(sin(angle));
case Bob_Inverse:
r.X = bobx*cos(angle);
r.Y = boby * (1. - abs(sin(angle)));
case Bob_Alpha:
r.X = bobx * sin(angle);
r.Y = boby * abs(sin(angle));
case Bob_InverseAlpha:
r.X = bobx * sin(angle);
r.Y = boby * (1. - abs(sin(angle)));
case Bob_Smooth:
r.X = bobx*cos(angle);
r.Y = 0.5f * (boby * (1. - (cos(angle * 2))));
case Bob_InverseSmooth:
r.X = bobx*cos(angle);
r.Y = 0.5f * (boby * (1. + (cos(angle * 2))));
r = (0, 0);
if (i == 0) p1 = r; else p2 = r;
return p1 * (1. - ticfrac) + p2 * ticfrac;
native clearscope int GetMaxHealth(bool withupgrades = false) const;
native bool ResetAirSupply (bool playgasp = true);
native clearscope static String GetPrintableDisplayName(Class<Actor> cls);
native void CheckMusicChange();
native void CalcHeight ();
native void CheckEnvironment();
native void CheckUse();
native void CheckWeaponButtons();
native void MarkPlayerSounds();
class PlayerChunk : PlayerPawn
class PSprite : Object native play
enum PSPLayers
FLASH = 1000,
TARGETCENTER = 0x7fffffff - 2,
native readonly State CurState;
native Actor Caller;
native readonly PSprite Next;
native readonly PlayerInfo Owner;
native SpriteID Sprite;
native int Frame;
//native readonly int RenderStyle; had to be blocked because the internal representation was not ok. Renderstyle is still pending a proper solution.
native readonly int ID;
native Bool processPending;
native double x;
native double y;
native double oldx;
native double oldy;
native double alpha;
native Bool firstTic;
native int Tics;
native bool bAddWeapon;
native bool bAddBob;
native bool bPowDouble;
native bool bCVarFast;
native bool bFlip;
native void SetState(State newstate, bool pending = false);
void Tick()
if (processPending)
// drop tic count and possibly change state
if (Tics != -1) // a -1 tic count never changes
// [BC] Apply double firing speed.
if (bPowDouble && Tics && (Owner.mo.FindInventory ("PowerDoubleFiringSpeed", true))) Tics--;
if (!Tics && Caller != null) SetState(CurState.NextState);
void ResetInterpolation()
oldx = x;
oldy = y;
enum EPlayerState
PST_LIVE, // Playing or camping.
PST_DEAD, // Dead on the ground, view follows killer.
PST_REBORN, // Ready to restart/respawn???
PST_ENTER, // [BC] Entered the game
PST_GONE // Player has left the game
enum EPlayerGender
struct PlayerInfo native play // self is what internally is known as player_t
// technically engine constants but the only part of the playsim using them is the player.
const NUMCOLORMAPS = 32;
native PlayerPawn mo;
native uint8 playerstate;
native readonly uint buttons;
native uint original_oldbuttons;
native Class<PlayerPawn> cls;
native float DesiredFOV;
native float FOV;
native double viewz;
native double viewheight;
native double deltaviewheight;
native double bob;
native vector2 vel;
native bool centering;
native uint8 turnticks;
native bool attackdown;
native bool usedown;
native uint oldbuttons;
native int health;
native clearscope int inventorytics;
native uint8 CurrentPlayerClass;
native int frags[MAXPLAYERS];
native int fragcount;
native int lastkilltime;
native uint8 multicount;
native uint8 spreecount;
native uint16 WeaponState;
native Weapon ReadyWeapon;
native Weapon PendingWeapon;
native PSprite psprites;
native int cheats;
native int timefreezer;
native int16 refire;
native int16 inconsistent;
native bool waiting;
native int killcount;
native int itemcount;
native int secretcount;
native int damagecount;
native int bonuscount;
native int hazardcount;
native int hazardinterval;
native Name hazardtype;
native int poisoncount;
native Name poisontype;
native Name poisonpaintype;
native Actor poisoner;
native Actor attacker;
native int extralight;
native int16 fixedcolormap;
native int16 fixedlightlevel;
native int morphtics;
native Class<PlayerPawn>MorphedPlayerClass;
native int MorphStyle;
native Class<Actor> MorphExitFlash;
native Weapon PremorphWeapon;
native int chickenPeck;
native int jumpTics;
native bool onground;
native int respawn_time;
native Actor camera;
native int air_finished;
native Name LastDamageType;
native Actor MUSINFOactor;
native int8 MUSINFOtics;
native bool settings_controller;
native int8 crouching;
native int8 crouchdir;
native Bot bot;
native float BlendR;
native float BlendG;
native float BlendB;
native float BlendA;
native String LogText;
native double MinPitch;
native double MaxPitch;
native double crouchfactor;
native double crouchoffset;
native double crouchviewdelta;
native Actor ConversationNPC;
native Actor ConversationPC;
native double ConversationNPCAngle;
native bool ConversationFaceTalker;
native @WeaponSlots weapons;
native @UserCmd cmd;
native readonly @UserCmd original_cmd;
native bool PoisonPlayer(Actor poisoner, Actor source, int poison);
native void PoisonDamage(Actor source, int damage, bool playPainSound);
native void SetPsprite(int id, State stat, bool pending = false);
native void SetSafeFlash(Weapon weap, State flashstate, int index);
native PSprite GetPSprite(int id) const;
native PSprite FindPSprite(int id) const;
native void SetLogNumber (int text);
native void SetLogText (String text);
native bool Resurrect();
native String GetUserName() const;
native Color GetColor() const;
native Color GetDisplayColor() const;
native int GetColorSet() const;
native int GetPlayerClassNum() const;
native int GetSkin() const;
native bool GetNeverSwitch() const;
native int GetGender() const;
native int GetTeam() const;
native float GetAutoaim() const;
native bool GetNoAutostartMap() const;
native double GetWBobSpeed() const;
native void SetFOV(float fov);
native bool GetClassicFlight() const;
native clearscope bool HasWeaponsInSlot(int slot) const;
// The actual implementation is on PlayerPawn where it can be overridden. Use that directly in the future.
deprecated("3.7") bool MorphPlayer(playerinfo p, Class<PlayerPawn> spawntype, int duration, int style, Class<Actor> enter_flash = null, Class<Actor> exit_flash = null)
if (mo != null)
return mo.MorphPlayer(p, spawntype, duration, style, enter_flash, exit_flash);
return false;
// This somehow got its arguments mixed up. 'self' should have been the player to be unmorphed, not the activator
deprecated("3.7") bool UndoPlayerMorph(playerinfo player, int unmorphflag = 0, bool force = false)
if (player.mo != null)
return player.mo.UndoPlayerMorph(self, unmorphflag, force);
return false;
deprecated("3.7") void DropWeapon()
if (mo != null)
deprecated("3.7") void BringUpWeapon()
if (mo) mo.BringUpWeapon();
bool IsTotallyFrozen()
gamestate == GS_TITLELEVEL ||
(cheats & CF_TOTALLYFROZEN) ||
(level.frozen && timefreezer == 0);
void Uncrouch()
if (crouchfactor != 1)
crouchfactor = 1;
crouchoffset = 0;
crouchdir = 0;
crouching = 0;
crouchviewdelta = 0;
viewheight = mo.ViewHeight;
clearscope int fragSum () const
int i;
int allfrags = 0;
int playernum = mo.PlayerNumber();
for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++)
if (playeringame[i]
&& i!=playernum)
allfrags += frags[i];
// JDC hack - negative frags.
allfrags -= frags[playernum];
return allfrags;
double GetDeltaViewHeight()
return (mo.ViewHeight + crouchviewdelta - viewheight) / 8;
struct PlayerClass native
native class<Actor> Type;
native uint Flags;
native Array<int> Skins;
native bool CheckSkin(int skin);
native void EnumColorsets(out Array<int> data);
native Name GetColorsetName(int setnum);
struct PlayerSkin native
native readonly String SkinName;
native readonly String Face;
native readonly uint8 gender;
native readonly uint8 range0start;
native readonly uint8 range0end;
native readonly bool othergame;
native readonly Vector2 Scale;
native readonly int sprite;
native readonly int crouchsprite;
native readonly int namespc;
struct Team native
const NoTeam = 255;
const Max = 16;
native String mName;